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Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Oct 1963, p. 5

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Penalties -- Moore 2.55, T.) Peters, minor and misc., 2.55; mea oe MERENIEY iene of year, Tural wells are; Uniario ee 'aise running dry. { said the over-all Third Period Only one inch of rain hasjof the drought will not be 8. Marlies: Smith ........ 8.53) fallen during the last month andjuntil next spring, but | 9, Marlies: Walton, \farmers are concerned over the|termed the Foss gorge s Dunnies 8-2 Defeat : | c veeee 11.29 Prospects of winter wheat. Lis-|One official By CLIFF GORDON , ICE CHIPS... Manager) cKenney .... I ; : '10. Whitby: Dionne. towel area farmers are getting)now would wipe out the Playing before a very sparce|jyan Davie has shown no mercy) y 1o.as\water by tanker to feed stock. wheat crop. crowd last ae at the Whitby|on the Whitby team as he has| Leach, Gay IN THE COUNTY COURT Arena the 'oronto§ Marlies pf Penalties -- Harbaruk 5.28, whipped the hard fighting|™4tched his charges with some praqiey 5.28, Cheesman 14.13. | OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO IN THE MATTER of the change of name of the Third Con- |Whitby Dunlops 8-2 in an exhi-jof the best in the country. This} bition encounter. is a8 far as some of the 'pro| i | || The Marlies, rated as one of|boys' are concerned. He pitted S W Ontario a4 2 thei | cession Road lying within the croporate limits of the Tewn 5 of Whitby Heading For ate sy al g IN THE MATTER of the applicetion of the Council of the i Ithough out-/One thing that bugs this writer) and D h Pics AN pe up = heart is the poor support that the Dun. roug t DATED at Whitby, this 6th dey of September, 1963, DATED at Whitby, ot September, 1963. lthe thing that broke the spiritiand give the fans the type of/Grand Valley conservation au- 'lof many of the young Dunnies|hockey we feel they can give|thorities report streams run- was, Nick Harbaruk, Rayjown rink, would you expect to) as Dupont, Paul Meeker, Rayjhear the crowd cheer louder for burn, my wife and I will be happy to have you join us at a chicken buffet. Please come and bring with you your young folks over en 'THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Pridey, Cctober 11,1963 § = ae See ot : = WH Manager: Rae Hopkins ©: Tel. 668-3703 Powerful Marlies Hand -- 1 f = 1 TBY and DISTRI Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West. | oo. ose bracket and one that should go|which is rated as a hot Jr. 'A" | No. 2455, TAKE NOTICE thot |! hove = Friday, the 18th of 'l October, 1963, at 10.30 o'e in the forenoon in my. |right to the final whistle. Except) They have had two home)western Ontario is heading for Clerk of The Corporetion Judge we all the way in their quest of'eam and then against the the Memorial Cup; showed they Power packed Marlies. Chambers at the Court House, Whitby, for considering _ Ne. 2455 end for hearing advocating and 'or a slight second period Japse|games, and in each case the its second drought in six jthe Dunnies would have made it| visiting crowd was greater than|months, reports from the area of the Town of Whitby. bid for the local club, show more support at the box' ©) In the game last night there|Office. . . | AT THE POLLS! have the class of the Queen| This will give the local crew a' City. : |vast amount of experience... . | change of name of the Third Concession the corporate limits of the Town of Whitby te the name ef a much closer contest than they/the home fans, . , . We feel that Thursday indicate. © did. A penalty once again was/if the Dunnies are to carry on The Thames Valley and was narry a repeat scorer for} Let's put in this way, if you) either team. For the winners it}were a player, playing in your] My thanks to everyone who voted for me on September 25. On Friday, October 18, 1963, at 8:30 p.m., at our home in Ash- S'the best clubs in the Jr, "A'|the loca! crew against Oshawa, Corporation of the Town of Whitby for approval of its By-lew as they battled the Marlies|Mies have had of late. , KITCHENER (CP) -- South-| JOHN R, Fi "MH. E, Richerdson" who are making a determined|them, the fans will have to|ing far below normal for this |Winterstein, Peter Stankowski, an opposing goal than a home| |Rick 'Selby, Bill Smith andjone. 'Let's face it, fans, if Jr., Mike Walton each with a single|hockey is to survive in Whitby | & ) For the hard lucked/we have got to have plenty of we team it Pt gee 4 support at the box office. . O'Shea and Jerry Dionne with! REWARDED AT LEGION BANQUET --_ tm» master cscr SUMMARY Marlies led 1-4 at the end of First Period Van Doleweerd. Back row, the first period and 6-1 at the) ; Marlies: Harbaruk looking on at the presentation ,end of the second stanza, as ' J are Harvey Ross, captain of |the roof fell in on the less ex- winning Pee Wee team, left, perienced Whitby team. How-| Bill Preston, most valuable jever in the final period the ce enne, dig Stenkowski| player, on Bantam team, and |Dunnies showed very well once|,9'59' nterstein 20.00, O'Shea George Town, most valuable 'again as they did their best to/"":""- player on the peewee Legion /hold the stronger Toronto team house league, right. in check. It was Marlies two) {counters and Whitby one in the {final stanza. YOUTHFUL SPORTSMEN The annual Whitby Royal Canadian Legion Baseball banquet was declared a tre- mendous success by all the amailfry involved last night. Whe baseball banquet saw Many young sports play 'eat the hot dog' and have a ge- eral good time with hockey movies and a trophy presen- tation. At the end of this base- every season all the youth'ul players are treated to a dan- quet -- boy style -- hot dogs and ice cream. Four members of the ball teams "eceived special trophies at the ban- quet. They were: Front row, Alex Brown, chairman of the Legion Minor Sports presents the George Brown Trophy to winning team captain Willy ball season as at the end of others in the past, the mem- bers of the Whitby Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion presented trophies and awards to the best teams and players in the leagues the organiza- tion sponsors. Much of the minor hockey in town is fi- nanced and coached by Legion members and at the end of Penalties -- Winterstein 2.13, | Second Period seventeen, Whitby: O'Shea, Fletcher, Cheesman 1,18) Marlies: Dupont, Selby 4.20! Marlies: Meeker, Laurent, Harbaruk .... 5.19 Marlies: Winterstein, | Ellis 2. --Oshawa Times Photo $; Thank you again. 4, | Double Ring Ceremony | 5. SAM HOLLINGSWORTH LIBERAL CANDIDATE ONTARIO RIDING SEPT. 25/63 6. Marlies: Stemkowski, McKenney . Marlies: Selbey, corones of pearls. She carried a cascade bouquet of white) jfeathered carnations, stephano-| T t Dont Favor Unites Bray-C School Board Payment Utes Sray-Looper In a double ring ceremony in, bride chose a pale pink ensem-, Heather Anne, daughter of Mr.) lic Schoo] Boards be paid a school trustees should be paid. reflect any judgment on any|and Mrs. Albert Conper, Brook-|amonton, Toronto, agincwurt, wage for their service to the The Department of Education|practices of payment for set-|jin, became the bride of Ken-,Port Hope, Alliston, Guelph, by secret ballot at the opinion of trustees on this mat-|designed purely to provide de-/Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bray, of : etic of the Whitby Public| ter of payment of school trus-|finite information with respect) Raglan. jlan and Brooklin. School Board this week. tees and in order to establish] to trustee opinion upon the prin- : | Rev. G. A. Mundy officiated, & Y ing question in the form of a/trustee opinion, the Ontario which can be presented to the and the gg "sp 'oo Shel Lady Curlers Ss e me oO r er our ballot were circulated to mem-| School Trustees' Council is tak-| Department of Education. marriage by her 'y er, e bers of school boards all over|ing this poll. It is expected that the re-/Wore a street-length dress of 0 S "Are you in favor of Provin- RI C RI A ' 10 N RO oM : cial legislation which will per- mit the payment of members) WH | | f |. Gloria Jean was her sister's| The executive of the Whitby for mother, Mrs. George Munns Sr.,)maid of honor, with Patricia/Curling Club Ladies' Section Henry street and attended the|Bray, sister of the bridegroom, |neig its first fall meeting in the C Hi R i S T M A S A Brooklin United Church,|ble with white accessories. Should members of local Pub-, basic principle of whether or not|derstood tha this ballot does not | & question was asked and voted is interested in discovering the|vices presently in effect. It isineth Roy Leslie Bray, son of| Hampton, Oshawa, Whitby, Rag: ie? Just Wanted To Say one wow Printed forms with the follow-| authoritatively the mee of payment for services Ontario by the Ontario Schoo|) The Ontario School Trustees') sults of the poll will be known White peau de soie and her On November 4 ovember 4, of any school board for ser-| Munns - Wick marriage which|@S bridesmaid. They were gown-), 4... lounge of the club, Mon-| DON'T. WAIT AND BE DISAPPOINTED! Trustees' Council Council wishes it clearly un-'early in December, 1963. fingertip veil was held by a | tis and pink sweetheart roses. vices rendered as school trus- tees within limits stipulated by) Mr. and Mrs. pte i ae legislation." enya Abs ae eae ck Most members of the board|2@ Celebrating took place in Whitby Baptist/€d alike in sapphire blue peau Church. \de 'soie. Their matching head- day evening, October 7. | : |dresses completed their ensem-| President Mrs. Donald Wilson Tuesday, October 8, Mrs. V.|ble and they carrie cascades of} was in the chair. Plans for the year were discussed and it was expressed their opinions on the ding anniversary, December 24. D. Richardson and Mrs. Vera|white shasta chrysanthemums decided to have visitors' days controversial question in a free|S*uniay, October 5, members R. P. Matthews explained pre-anniversary celebration he!d Shuttleworth held a surprise din-| and yellow roses. during the first week of curl- Ontario Government Legislation|** Hampton Hall. strictly 'forbids payment of| | discussion preceding the ballot. of their family entertained at a members of any school board.) APProximately 60 immediate|?er party at the Royal Hotel in) The bridegroom was attended | { athews members of their family were Ply ib sabe on co Pro present and also close friends. but felt the expenses incurred|!be grandchildren presented the in office should be met by the|e/ebrants with a huge bouquet government and not the indiv-|% chrysanthemums and the idual who at times could not af-/{4mily made a presentation of a ford them. gold purse containing money. A Trustee Thomas Edwards saiq|four-tiered wedding cake cen- he did not start the school board/tered the table and a hot dinner with the idea of making an/Was served. extra dollar. Mr. Edwards added that as| Out of town members of the an hourly rated employee he|family present were from Peter- at times lost money to attend|borough, Kinsale, Enfield and = meetings. -- Oshawa. e sai ; 4 cele: hogy po ag Reale Mrs. Sharon Stephenson, 112 ations but was definitely against|>'@r avenue, is celebrating her payment of a fixed wage. birthday, today. Her friends Trustee H. Perry said he felt|Wish her many happy returns bad $30 to $50 doliars spent by °f the day. cots ones nan ae Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gordon should be returned but he was/"2¥e Teturned to their home in against wages |Glasgow, Scotland after spend- "Tm afraid that if the job 28 six months visiting their was a paid position you might| (uehter coe atari hy get people in office who were|and Mrs. Jim McQuay of RR 1, more interested in making a| Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Walker dollar than in the welfare of; said Trus-/and three children of Fort Erie the school children,' spent a few days at the home of tee J. Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell added he had|her sister and brother-in-law Mr. Harley Durkee, 216 jem sag board because he en-' joy e task but he felt ex- pense that at times were heavy Centre atrent south. on the individual should be paid. L. MacFarlane said he was |. Donald Down, Oshawa and {Chuck Kemp, Whitby, flew to ! was|Oswego, New York recently in completely against the princi-|Mr. Kemp's private aircraft to| pal of any elected body beinglattend the races at Oswego! able to set their own wages. | Raceway. honor of Mrs. R, A. Rousseau on the occasion of her 80th birth-} day. Her guests were: Mr. and Mrs, Aime Rousseau, Mrs. Fred Mitchell and daughter - in - law Mrs. Fred Mitchell Jr., Brechin, Mr, and Mrs. Paul Rousseau, Aime Rousseau Jr., and friend Miss Beverley Thomas. Mrs. | Rousseau was presented' with by his cousin, Ronald Bray. A reception was held in the Christian Education Building where the bride's mother ceived in willow green sil shantung, beige accessories and a corsage of orange delight roses. The bridegroom's mother chose Dior blue crepe with white accessories and were a jflowers, numerous. cards and | gifts. pink sweetheart roses corsage. | For the wedding trip the ing. | Ladies interested in seeing the Curling Club and watching r trying out curling, will be made welcome on November 4) and 5 from 1.30 to 3.30 p.m, | Details of club membership can) be obtained at that time, | scucoa§ | | CLEANERS | Mrs. Graham Taylor and son} |John spent a day visiting her| parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold' |Goodwin of West Hill. Kinette Club of Ajax held an| executive meeting Tuesday eve-| ning at the home of President ALUMINUM © AWNINGS © WINDOWS © DOORS _e RAILINGS © SHOWER ENCLOSURES -- | & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery Deily | PHONE 668-434) el we a copie all anytime 668.8606 Mary Hearn. After a lively busi {ness meeting refresh ts were \served. The October genera! meeting will be held Tuesday, October 15 at Spruce Villa Hotel. Dinner at 7.30 p.m, | | 'Abitibi Rise Gives Boost One-Sto DECORATING Wallpeper end Murels © Custom Droperies © Brosdicom end Rugs To Market | TORONTO (CP) Abitibi |Power and Paper added some excitement to a generally dull market Thursday. Abitibi opened quietly, but} © C.LL. Paints end Varnishes Flo-Gleze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER | Decor Centre 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Phone 668-5862 | cou WANTED BOWLERS for Mixed League Fridays AT 7:00 P.M. Apply At NTY BOWL or Phone ROSS SPENCER 668-2230 After 6:00 P.M. We Know You're Busy ... 80... LET US INSTALL IT FOR YOU!! FULL 12'x 20' RECREATION ROOM COMPLETELY INSTALLED HOLIDAY SPECIAL... Here Is What You Get! $695 FREE PLANNING SERVICE Oshawa Wood Products' Home Mod: of your family. FREE ESTIMATE SERVICE 448 Sq. Ft. of Lauan V-Grooved Mahogany Plywood help you plen your Recreation Room te best ion C will fit the requirements The results of th i | ADS Ted fogs 240 Sq. Ft. of Vinyl Asbestos Tile, color of your choice. 240 Sq. Ft. of White Acoustical Tile One Interior Door, complete, in mahogany. A complete Cost-Estimate will be furnished ... you pey only the i wide poll are expected to be| Eleanor and Chuck Kemp, 316/¥mped to prominence in the| | " | contract price , .. no "Hidden Extra'! made public by early Decem-|Colborne street west, flew to|°@tly afternoon following an an-| ber. |Bancro't Sunday on a Breakfas{|20uncement that the company, Following is- an explanation| Flight arranged by the Oshawa by the Ontario School Geese rises Club, Some 25 aircraft, of the question voted on " school board. During recent years the ques- tion of school trustees has be- Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wight- come of increasing interest. Itjman and children, Sharon and, is apparent that strong opinions|Sheilah, of Niagara Falls, were are held with respect to the'last weekend guests of her Tived for the event. BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. |} WHITBY Saturday Matinee at 1:30 ! COLOR GA/Go, Este, See, | | <n RS STPOUSE LEE ADAMS < (NMA WHEE ri ai iis BREGHER- BEB BRD Maes Tene Ga by the! both private and Club-owned, ar| |plans to split the common) jshares on a four-for-one basis. The issue reached a new high) pa wm but closed ahead 1% at) 15014 Other paper issues followed) Abitibi's lead upwards, Consoli-) dated Paper rising 1% to 39%) and Great Lakes Paper % to! Another big industrial gainer| was Dominion Steel .and Coal, ahead 1% to 17. Dominion Foundries and Steel gained 14. Banks were mixed to higher, Nova Scotia rising % and Royal TOWN OF WHITBY HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION There will be no garbage collection on Monday, October 14th. Garbage nermally collected on this day will be picked up on Tuesday, October 15th. W. ©. McBRIDE,P. Eng., Town Engineer. SAREE %. Imperial Bank of Commerce was down % and Montreal \%. Distillers and pipelines were} weaker, Base metals softened, Nor- anda slipping %, and Falcon- bridge and Labrador Mining Y% each. Giant Yellowknife was up % among golds. In _ speculative mines, Leitch) |fell 13 cents to $2.01 on reports of disap pointing exploratory i Newfoundland. Newnorth traded extremely heavily for the second day, ahead 1% cents to 28 cents on nearly 700,000 shares. The stock started to move following -re- ports Wednesday of favorable TOWN OF WHITBY REQUESTS FOR TREES of the Town =f Whitby te plent « The, Depertment proposes nu of shede trees on various streets in the Town in co-operstion witft the residents of the Town. if you are interested in hevin property, kindly contact the Werks % or telephone 668-3437, and « @ tree planted adjoining your lepartment, Victoria Street East, will call end check your The following veriety of tree= wit be evellebie: Crimson King Meple, Suger Meple, Moreine Lecust, Mounteln Ash. Please stete your first and second choice. W. ©. McBRIDE, P. Eng. Town Engineer drill results from the company's holdings in Ireland. Complete Installation by Skilled Craftsmen . aon FULLY GUARANTEED BY OSHAWA WOOD PRO- Base, Querter-Round and Ceiling Mould in Mehogeny Three Recessed Lights Four Receptacles One Switch "s 18.00 AS e . » all lebor end NO PAYMENT Until Ist May, 1964 UNDER OUR DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN PER MONTH During Our Recreation Room Special You Will Recieve ABSOLUTELY FREE! ... ONE 5' BAR PRE-FINISHED WITH ATTRACTIVE FORMICA TOP THIS OFFER EXPIRES NOV. 8th, 1963 . It's Hard to Believe But There Are Only 75 Days 'Till Christmas "Deal With The Best And Get The Best" SHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS HEAD OFFICE AND SHOWROOM COURTICE: -- PHONE 728-1611 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE: -- 728-1617 .

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