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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Oct 1963, p. 12

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-- ee | Oshawa Junior Retain Championship PWSU Ontario Ranks 5 [2 THE OSHAWA THMES, Tussday, Gevoter 13; 73 Oshawa Scugog Cleaners Jun- ior Girls' Softball Club success- fully defended their Provincial Women's Softball Union All- areas hace en, Sunday ater laurels, here on Sunday after- noon at Alexandra Park, when they St. Catharines Grantham Lions 12-8. The victory gave the Oshawa girls this year's All-Ontario' PWSU championship final se- ries in two-straight games and enabled the mto retain the same trophy and title, which they had won the season before, MAKE HITS COUNT ' Ability to make their hits count and get them when they did the most , was the deciding factor in this title tilt as the visiting gals from St. Kitts actually outhit the home- sters by 11-to-8, but they failed to match Scugog Cleaners the important: matter of defen- sive play. Marilyn Schultz pitched -the win for' Oshawa and went the distance, striking out only four batters gut she didn't issue a single walk, Her opponent, Lil Long of St. Catharines, fanned irls |. SPORTS -- CALENDAR TODAY SOFTBALL Oshawa City and _ Districi Assoc. (City Championship Finals) -- Heffering's Imperials vs Bad Boy Appliance, at Aiex- andra Park, 7.30 p.m.; game of 3-out-of-5 title series. HOCKEY OHA Junior 'A' -- Montreai Jr. Canadiens vs Oshawa Gen- erals, at Bowmanville Commun- In 2nd five batters but she also issued nine walks and they proved very costly, in the final tally. Scugogs scored first, a single run in the second inning when Sandra Paradise walked after two out, then Mary Clough and Linda Vandewalker both drew walks, to fill the bases and Chery! Pelow singled, to score Paradise. The visitors came back with their big rally of the day, a four-run splurge in the third inning, England singled with one out and then after Clever- ley had sacrificed, Vandenbraak singled, so did Cowan, Mocha produce the four runs, for a 4-1 lead. Oshawa came back with one, an opening single by Schultz, \followed by a wild pitch and ifly to centre, by Connie Lucas. put on a four-run their own, Paradise started it off with a walk and Clough Iwas safe on an infield error, Vandewalker lat third base but Pelow was . AGAINST JR. HABS and Long, all in succession, to| St. safe on an error the score 6-4, In the fifth, Bev March was along on a_ wild centre-field,. was fumbled. In the 6th, Scugogs added three more runs to their total. Boddy got her second homer, with one out and then with two out, Carol Germond drew a_ walk, Lucas and March both hit singles and walks to Paradise and Clough, plus a wild pitch, scored both Germond and Lucas, for a 10-5 lead. Catharines had scored one in the top of the sixth when Alexander singled with one out. She was forced by Brunton but ja single by MacDonald and an} error by the catcher, let Brun- in|passed bali and then a sacrifice|ton scor. Both teams concluded their In- the fourth inning, Scugogs|scoring in the 8th inning. The|Pelow, c; Boddy parade of/visitors got three on Long be-'p; jing safe on an in'ield error at shortstop, a double by Alexan- der, sing] by Brunton and then forced Paradisela couple of infield outs plus a|-- wild pitch. This made it 10-8. Oshawa's Generals Open Season Tonight Tonight, shortly before eight o'clock, vice-president of the Jr..OHA, Matt Leyden of Osh- awa, former Generals Managr, § will drop the puck between Mayor Lyman Gifford of Osh- @ awa and Ivan Hobbs of Bow- j manville. This brief but impor- § tant ceremony will herald the ; arrival of Junior A Hockey for ;7 Oshawa again following a 12- year absence. The Generals last year played in the now defunct Metro Junior A circuit. Dunnell and Cashman will. not play in Montreal on Fri day night however. Ian Young will be in goal to- night. for the Generals, accord- ing to Blair, although both he and Dennis Gibson showed well in the exhibition contests. and then Linda Boddy homered, to make safe on an infield error, moved pitch and scored when Clough's drive to Scugog Cleaners got two runs in their 8th, to complete the 12- 8 total. Germond opened with a single, then Lucas and March drew walks in succession, Para- dise singled, scoring Germond and Lucas but March was tagged, going to 3rd base, Cowan, Alexander and Brun- ton each had two hits for the losers while Linda Boddy, with two homers, was Oshawa's top hitter. Most of the: other girls had one safety and an interest- ing note of the final game is that every one of the nine play- ers in the Oshawa line-up, cross- ed the plate at least once. jity Arena, 8.00 p.m, | WEDNESDAY \SOFTBALL -- | Oshawa City and District /Assoc. (City Championship |Finals) -- Bad Boy Appliance ivs Heffering's Imperials, at |Alexandra Park, 7.30 p.m.; 3rd |game of 3-out-of-5 title series. | | [Lady Lawn Bowlers Annual Event Wed. Plans for their annual dinner jand presentation of prizes won iduring the past season, were \completed by the Ladies' Sec- 'Sault Sparked by the sensational pitching - performance of Bob Pettenuzzo, who pitched a total of 26 innings and struck out a total of 42 batters, to win a 4-1 decision in the first game, a tor- rid 17-inning struggle, then v=me right back to win the sec- ond game 7-5, Sault Ste. Marie "Carlings" captured the All-On- tario Senior "B" 'Ontario Ama- teur Softball Association cham- pionship, here at Alexandra Park on Saturday, over Heffer- ing's Imperials. GPENER A MARATHON | First game of the scheduled 2-out-of-3 title series, played on Saturday afternoon, proved a veritable marathon as the visit- ing "Soo" squad pushed over a run in their half of the 9th in- ning, to tie the score at 1-1 and Ste. held them off until \:clory was almost in his grasp. With. one out in the 9th, Bruncha single' to right. He moved to third when Offadani was safe on an error at second base and Peltola's sacrifice fly to right field enabled Bruncha to score the tying run. EXPLOSIVE FINISH The nip-arld-tuck struggle con- tinued for eight more innings, with victory hinging on practi- cally every play ad pitch, Sault Ste. Marie clinched it vith an outburst of base-hits in the 17th inning. Pettenuzzo him- self started it off with a single and Smith also hit safely. Ruicci grounded to the infield and Pettenuzzo was thrown out at the plate, as Cole threw to Lurke and the latter made the |hit batter, two wild pitches and jan error but in the sixth and ST. CATHARINES Grantham|tion of the Oshawa Lawn Bowl- Lions--Vanderbraak, 2b; Cowan|ing Club, at their meeting last 1b; Mocha, If; Long, p; Alexan-| week. der, ss; Brunton, cf; MacDon-| The ladies will hold their. din- ald, rf; England, 3b; Cleverley, ner, this Wednesday evening, CG. six-thirty o'clock, at the Cfub | OSHAWA Scugog Cleaners -- House, MacMillan drive. On the ss; Schultz,\'ollowing evening, the male lb; Lucas, If;;members of OLBC will hold Paradise, 2b;|their annual dinner and trophy Vandewalker, | presentations, also in the Club House, Germond, |March, rf; \Clough, ci; /3b. L. Acadian Bowlers Edge Aurora Bowl missed a\games were, 301, 283, 281, 329 jand 211 for 1405. Dutch Lugten- burg was next with another fine effort, 247, 300, 307, 208 and 328 for 1390; Gerry Bennett 1139 fo 46 frames; Ozzie Keeler 855 for | Acadian Cleaners ; golden opportunity to move in on the leaders in the Toronto} |City Major five-pin loop, when| jthe Oshawa club just managed) fa three-to-two win over Aurora Bowl. 37; | But for a few rather loose|/Ron Jay 442 for 25. shots in the first and fourth} Dick Adams was absent from games, it could have been a/the Acadian Cleaner line-up, due shut-out for Acadians. to sickness and the popular | The first game went to Au-|Whitby trundler will be missed lrora, 1158 to 1127. Acadians|by his teammates on both the ltook the second with 1276 to|Acadian Cleaner and Heffering 1029. The third game also wenticlubs. It is to be hoped that Danny O'Shea was the Gen-|to the Oshawans with 1199 to/Dick will be back before too erals' high-scorer during their| | five exhibition games, with the # line of Bill Little, Ron Buchan} ® an and George Vail impressive. Following the ceremony which | will include other dignitaries, such as newly elected MPP "Ab" Walker of Oshawa, club president Russell Humphries With the absence on defence tonight of Chris Roberts and Bill Dunnell, Muni Hoffman and Bob Kilgour-will be in action.} Hoffman last year played with) Whitby while Kilgour was with) Knob Hill Juniors, in the Metro) QC and club secretary Bruce Affleck, the Generals will meet the Montreal Junior Habs in the Bowmanville Memorial Arena. While the Generals physically / are in next to perfect shape for | couseoin Geantel Me sa it anagr Wren YOUN! Blair. Chris Roberts and Pill AN TOUNS Dunnell will not be in harness} on the Generals' defence to-)has formed. Doctors fear an op- night, due to a snarl in obtain-jeration may be necessary to ing last season's releases, |correct this condition. Jr. A loop. Want Toronto Headquarters MONTREAL (CP)--The Ga- zette says executives of the nine 'ayne Cashman, Oshawa's| Manager Wren Blair said that| 17-year-old right winger willla meeting on Saturday of the| Canadian Football League clubs miss tonight's game because|\OHA Subcommittee should iron) will be asked this winter to shift of en ailing shoulder. Wayne,|out the problem of the player's|thes league's headquarters to who played last year with King-| release. Roberts played last)Toronto from Winnipeg. ston Junior B's, injured the|season with Kingston Junior; The newspaper says in a story shoulder during last Spring's|B's while Dunnell was with St.| by sports director Vern DeGeer 1129. The fourth game which/ long. appeared to be "'in the bag') A. very important _ series for Acadians, went to Aurora,|comes up this Saturday with 1220 to 1208. The iffth and final|Acadian Cleaners and L. J. Mc- game was taken by Acadians|Guinness meeting at Aprile 1260 to 1102. Total pinfall for! Lanes. five games, Acadian Cleariers) The standing -- Stan Jarvis 6070, Aurora 5638. |Ins. 16 pts., L. J. McGuinness The leading Stan Jarvis Ins.|15, Acadian Cleaners. 13, Ace club was soundly beaten by|Bowling 13, Man. Life Ins. 12, L. J. McGuinness, four games|Knob Hill Bow! 11, Aurora Bow! |to one and this really tightened/10 and Albion Bowl 10. _|\up the standing. Reg Hickey, whe has been Bob Gallagher was in mid-jabsent due to softball activity, season form for Acadians andjwill likely be available for this |came up with his best day so|Saturday and no club is com- jfar this =| For Football season. Gallagher's|plete without a southpaw, Heffering's Beat Willow Bowl To Take Third Spot then battled on grimly to finally win out 4-1, when Heffering's de- 'fensi 5 » i i gta cia cracked.in thelsy Biontek at Ist base and the 8. as latter couldn't beat MacDonald Pettenuzzo, who hadn't pitch-|{o the bag -- as Smith crossed ed for three weeks, due to an ac-|the plate. Mandolisi followed cident in which he suffered torn|with a double to score Ruicci |t-b muscles, was strapped and|and Bruncha's third hit scored jtaped in a tight corset but as it) McDonald with the third run of jturned out -- he improved as! the inning, jthe day went along. He fanned) ven retin ine's| |17 batters in the regulation nine| Feticourse retired Rewereng's frames and added 1% more vie-| it i ere Poy bottom of \tims in the next eight innings.) © Jevhoags car ae \Over the entire distance, he) _SAULT STE. MARIE--Smith, issued only four walks and gave\¢: Ruicci, ss; | McDonald, cf; up a total of 10 hits -- seven in| Mandolisi, 1b; Bruncha, 3b; Af- lthe first nine innings, fadani, If; Peltola, rf; Piromoli ; Sg 2b; 22 | Reg White, pitching for Hef- Petteuzzo, p. tag-out. But then MacDonald grounded O'Reilly, 2nd and 3rd with only one out -- farie Wins OASA All-Ontario Sr. © In Thrill-Packed Series but they couldn't score again. | The Carlings team could do very little with Reg. Hickey's good pitching, for the first half of the game. He struck out six batters in the first five frames and yielded only two hits. The "Soo" got a run in the fifth on a seventh frames, they unleashed a splurge of batting power that swept them to victory. Ruicci opened the sixth with a single and then with one out, Mandolisi hit a homer and Bruncha followed immediately hing another to make the score Inspired by this sudden suc-| cess, Sault Ste. Marie continued their assault on Hickey in the 7th inning and on Reg White, when he came in to relieve -- to collect three more runs, on a total of four hits and two walks. | Piromoli started it off with a} two-bagger and Pettenuzzo drove him in with the tying run, | on a single. Smith then drew a walk. White took over but he walked Ruicci to fill the bases then McDonald singled through the centre, to score two of his mates, for the 7-5 lead. White struck out the next two batters but the damage had been done. Pettenuzzo paced his own vic-! tory with three hits in this game! while Ruicci and Piromoli had two apiece. In all, they had eleven hits Your Is your name in Today's Want Ad Section? Turn now to The Times Classified Advertising tcring's, was a great match trur| OSHAWA his rival. He struck out a total| of' 20 batters, 11 of these in reg-| 2b; | Shearer, cf; Piontek, lf and 1b; | Hickey, rf; Simcoe, 3b; Carn- with, 1b; Burme, c; Cole, ss; while Heffering's had an even dozen, O'Reilly, Shearer, Piontek, Simcoe and ges, and you ma PeIND YOUR NAME" Jim Cassells 839 for 42;! julation time and he fanned nine} jin the last eight innigs while all White, p; Jordan, batted in 11th; Batherson, If, in 12th. TWO-STRAIGHT FOR. "SOO" Oshawa Heffering's had an even better chance to force the Series to a third game, when they took a 5-0 lead early in igivig up only | told. | The only major difference was in the hitting and in this depart-| ment, the Sault Ste. Marie| team, with a complete roster of| only nine players and one extra/ Saturday night's game but Pet- |-- their coz' collected 18 hits) tenuzzo, who seemed to have jand the best Heffering's could} jost his "zip" at the start and jget off Pettenuzzo was a total of gave up 10 hits in the first four 10. Each team had seven hits in} frames, hit his stride again and jthe first nine innings, two walks, | | | : finished in a bla | Heffering's got their lone run/allowing only two ght Rng of the contest in the sixth when!th> last six innings, with a total Joe Piontek was safe on anjof 15 strikeouts. ' | error at first base. Then with} Opening hits by Ralph} two out, followed by a passed|O'Reilly and Jack Shearer's| ball, Ron Simcoe singled, scor-|safe bunt, put two on with none ing Piontek, with two out at the/out but Pettenuzzo fanned Pion- time. jtek and Hickey, walked Simcoe Simcoe had three of Oshawa's|deliberately, to fill the bases, \c; White, p in 7th. Cole each having a pair. | TROPHIES PRESENTED At the conclusion of the game, ASA convener and past-presi- dent John Brady, presented Sud- tury McLeod Motors Trophy to) the All-Ontario champions while Oshawa Heffering's received The McArthur Trophy, emblem- atic of the Southern Ontario honors. OSHAWA Heffering's Im- perials -- O'Reilly, 2b; Shearer, rf; Simcoe, 3b; Carnwith, 1b; Cole, ss; Batherson, rf; Cirka, SAULT STE, MARIE Carlings ef; Piontek, If; Hickey, p andj}- -- Smith, 2b; Ruicci, ss; Mc- Donald, cf; Mandolisi, 1b; Brun-| cha, 3b; Offandani, If; Peltola,) rf; Piromoli, 2b; Pettenuzzo, p.| 10 runs while Piontek and Reg|the struck out Carnwith to end yourself a pair of | listed there, winning for FREE tickets to the BIG SHOW the all NEW Ice Capades. of 1964 : at the Hickey had two apiece. Heffer- ing's had about three other scor- jing opportunities, their best in the 11th, with the bases loaded on Hickey's hit and deliberate walks to Simcoe and_ then Burke, but there were two out and they didn't clock, They had another chance in the 15th, but as usual, Pettenuzzo was at his best in the tight spots. He didn't allow a hit in the last. three frames. The 'Soo', with some good} hitting by MacDonald and} that inning. | |Simcoe to leave the other two In the third, with one out, Joe Piontek doubled, so did Reg Hickey and Ron Simcoe follow- ed with a single. Carnwith flied to deep centre, scoring Hickey and Doug Cole's home-run blow past centre, made it 4-0. | In the fourth, O'Reilly, Shear-| er and Piontek all clicked, with O'Reilly scoring -- then the **Soo" ace fanned Hickey and stranded. That made the score 5-0 but | NHL LEADERS By THE, CANADIAN PRESS Standings: Detroit, won 2, lost 0, tied 0, Chicago, won 2,| lost 1, tied 0, points 4. | Points: Geoffrion, Montreal,| Mikita, Chicago, 6. Goals: Geoffrion, Ferguson, Montreal, Howe, Detroit, 3. Assists: Beliveau, Montreal, Mikita, 4. | Penalties: Bucyk, Boston, Duff, Toronto, 12 minutes. MAPLE LEAF GARDENS TORONTO November 5th... through jee November 12th Bruncha, each of whom hadifrom that point on, Pettenuzzo three safeties, plus two apiece/was in charge. Heffering's got Shutouts: Sawchuk, Detroit, 1. by Smith and Ruicci, also hadja couple on in the fifth, with their chances but Reg White|two out and two in the 7th, to! "LET'S TRADE GUNS! Top Trade-In Allowances Bring In Your Gun For FREE APPRAISAL ATTENTION MOOSE HUNTERS ----|made when the CFL executive|continued its victory march withjing boys are also very much in LOSE LAST TWO 'meets in Toronto next Febru-|an important- win bck oe the limelight "Ai Dave e lary. -- \Bowl in the Willowdale Men's|Reynolds hitting a 270 average, entral Seniors Blank s |dation was given. ltied in the standing prior to this/261. ? | But the story says the move/series and the win for Heffer-| The big guns in the win over aw eys us nvic us \is said to have the support ofjing's entry gave the Imps sole| Willow Bowl were: Dave Rey- 'all nine clubs" and if CFL com-|possession of third spot in the|nolds 302, 211 and 328 for 841; F clines to make the transfer "'it} The Heffering squad start-|for 811; Bob Gallagher 262, 280! Central Collegiate Seniors off four interceptions to Done- iu 00 e€aly or ams would mean the appointment ofied off well in the first game,| and 244 for 786; Ron Jay 260, 227;\came up with a strong effort van's one. Larry Bobac was like : a new. CFL head." which was won very handily|and 277 for 764; Edd Moody 185,}on Friday night at Oshawa's|a second skin for the Donevan ' playoffs and a calcium deposit|Mary's Junior B's Roberts,|that the recommendation will be} Al Heffering's five-pin club|mark. Individually the Heffer- | No source for the recommen-|Major loop. The teams were/Gerry Bennett 270 and Ron Jay | Their Do Rivals missioner Sydney Halter de-|16-team league, Jim Cassells 343, 230 and 238 by Halter conducts a legal prac-| with a 1390 team total to 1102/308 and 185 for 678; Genry Ben-|Kinsmen's Civic Stadium as|pass receivers, as he picked up Oshawa Hawkeyes' defensive;for two majors, one Lou they defeated Donevan Col-|three of the four interceptions wall crumbled quarter on Saturday as the|the other by Mike Escot from powerful Invictus Redmen/the Oshawa one. Burke of Osh- swept to a 22-1 victory at St.|awa conceded a safety touch Michael's College Stadium. _following the kickoff after the After being held to an 8-1\first Invictus TD, lead for three quarters, Ihvictus!) 95 hawa Hawkeyes powered their way for two|rrom four games in the TD's and a safety touch in the\qays were crushed 39-7 on final quarter. Thanksgiving Monday by Scar- Early in the opening quarter|porough Rams, in Scarborough. an Oshawa snap took off wildly! After building up a 33-0 lead and Jim Burke flopped on it in| quring the first. half, Scarbor- the end zone, conceding a safety! ough held off a gallant effort by touch, Dave Church of Invi-tus|the Hawkeyes, During the sec- grabbed an intended pass by ond half, Oshawa kept the play Oshawa quarterback' Don Barn-|in the winners' end for a large oski and scampered for the| portion, but coulda't- whittle first major~scorifg play of the Gown the huge lead built sas. ithe Rams, _ Barnoski and Ed° Aru of the) Gnawarg Hawkeyes. teamed u pio move hi Oshawa to the winner's three! yard line, but the Hawkeyes| stalled there as three passes went incomplete. The lone scoring in the sec- ond quarter came when Osh- awa's John Zedic booted a single point. Oshawa dominated the offensive action in this quar- ter, but were not able to solve the Invictus' defence Hillman of the winners gave, the Oshawa "defence some breathless moments as he roam-| ed about, but no scoring mate-| rialized in the third quarter. weary past 12 two scoring plays by Burke, which John converted. With only 10 seconds to play in the game, the Scarborough team collected their final touch- |down of the afternoon. Kirk the way. For Scarborough, Kirk picked up a pair of T.D.'s,, with. Mc- Arthur also scoring twice. Spencer and Flood also had In their bow out this season, Trailing $1 heading - into the|the Hawkeyes were paced by|with Winnipeg Blue Bombers Q i |Ed Aru, Jim Burke, Stew Crai final quarter, Oshawa ran into a) eA i toy, iw 8 stream of costly penalties and) in the fourth|Martin from the Oshawa nine,| T.D.'s for the winners. jtice in Winnipeg. The Gazette says the move is designed to provide a more cen- \tral office for the league for |dealing with radio, television 'and advertising clients as well as conducting business with the National and American Football | Leagues. | An unidentified Eastern Foot- |ball Conference executive is }quoted as saying the shift '"'is jin no way to be construed as icensorship of commissioner Hal-| \ter." ' "It's simply a matter of con- venience and easier direction of |CFL business. He (Halter) has \been informed of the situation. up by|There have been several in-| formal talks, "Naturally he is hesitant to 'quarters move is in the best in- terest of the league." | DAY TAKES AWARD CALGARY (CP) -- Quarter- |snared a 50-yard heave to go all back Eagle Day of Calgary 'Stampeders was presented the |Jeff Nicklin Memorial Trophy Monday as the Western Foot- |ball Conference's most valuable player of 1962. The trophy is awarded annually in memory of Col. Jeff Nicklin, a star player |prior to the Second World War, 'Col, Nicklin was killed in action. for the losing Willow Bow! club, |nett 223, 217 and 265 for 705, Jim Casselis with 343 and| Heffering's were without the |Wimpy Reynolds 302, were the|Services of Dick Adams who is \big guns for Hefferings. presently unable to participate | Willow Bowl Wouticed back!" the five-pin game due to sick- | ness. strong to take the second game) with a nice 1311 score to 1262 The Heffering club will be .|without another star this week and it was a couple of head pin) Hitt Ron Jay on night shift picks by the Heffering boys that! : marle the difference. Edd Moody] work. ae bh geal nd a was best for Heffering in this Whoop a Doop" game, with a, 308 score. i ' | The Heffering opposition for The third game saw the Hef- this week will 'be the powerful fering boys at their best with a Bad Boy Appliances club. brilliant effort, led by Reynolds; Standing: Ron Jackson Shirts with 328, Ron Jay 277, Gerry|99 pts., Galeo Sheet Metal 25, Bennett 265 and Bob Gallagher) Heffering's Imperials 23, Aimco 244 for a nice team total of 1352| Auto Parts 20, Willow Bowl 20, against 1239. |The 300 Club 20, Bad Boy Appli- | The 5 point pick-up by Hef-jances 19, All Canadian Mutual |fering's Imps makes the club a/19, 'Bill. Thompson 19; Aprile came in the third quarter. Jim|Sever his law connections andj Strong threat for a play-off posi-|Lanes 17, Brrington Paints 16, Lang hauled in a 30-yard fling/Other Winnipeg ties, But I be-|tion, especially with the club|El Macombo Tavern 16, Man- Zedic|lieve all the clubs feel the head-|hitting at such a torrid pace.|/hatten Trophies | 15, Lansing |The Heffering three-game total|Sunoco 14, British Canadian of 4004 is their second success-| Construction 4 and Flemington jive team score over the 4000'Park 4, legiate Seniors 13-0. Central opened the scoring i/ the game when Joe Kiwior| spurted over and quarterback) Ted Marchut converted. Ki- wior's TD polished off a Central offensive trek from their own 35-yard line. In crisp, ideal football weath- er decorated by the colorful cheerleaders for both squads, both clubs were held scoreless until the third quarter. Dan Calder connected for the final score of the game in the third quarter for the wirners, but the convert went astray and} Central led 13-0. Donevan gave it a good shot and despite the efforts of Alex Chazezewski, who ground out) 101 yards, couldn't overtake the! Central squad. The final quarter was score-) less, zs : | Central took advantage of} miscues by the losers, plucking! <a you have peace of mi couldn't get an offence brewing. The Invictus squad meanwhile began to mesh and they rolled LISTON WANTS FIGHT DENVER (AP)--World heavy- weight boxing champion Sonny | Liston wants to have a cham-| p fight late this year in| meee with either Henry Cooper or Brian London, his ess secretary said Saturday. Mit Willner, Denver promoter, said the champion urged him to) arrange the match, He said Lis- ton told him he was going to start training Thursday. | For personal use or for @ Company use there are & definite advantages when you lease o new... No insurance costs... for full detelts, PHONE 723-4634 LTD. There Are Special Benefits For All BUSINESS EXECUTIVES AND SALESMEN No maintenance costs . . . One rate sovers a on one oF two year lease items . MILLS AUTO LEASE Other Models On ACADIAN PONTIAC BUICK Request - Phone or come in . 266 KING ST. WEST INSURANCE COMPANY OF C HEAD OFFICE: WATERLOO, OF When you have insurance protection your family has an income guarantee and nd, The Equitable representative will help you choose the right plan for your requirements. ee TABLE LIFE ANADA H. JAMES ROSE, Branch Manager, Suite 308, Times Bldg., King St., Oshawa ithe night. for the winners,. Bill Pakosta snared the other. Don Calder for the Central Seniors collected 17 yards run- ning, while Joe Kiwior spear- headed the ground attack with 69 yards. Quarterback Ted Mar- chut of Central was two-for-five on the dight in passes com- pleted. | Reg Webster and Peter Vasko were standouts defensively for Donevan with solid tackling throughout the game. Chazczewski paced the losers, rambling for 101 yards on the ground, while Dave Muir picked up 26 yards running. Donevan's twin quarterbacks, Glen Elliott and Ralph Laxton combined to complete seven of 14 passes. The highlight of the finely contest was when Central half- back Bob Calder pitched to Jim Nawrot for 55 yards, This play, a spectacular one, set up the second and final touchdown of SPECIAL ! Model 742A Automatic Rifle. Colibre 30-06 -- or ~~ 308. REG. 169.95 136.00 No Outside Financing ! Budget Terms. 48 BOND WEST (Corner of Church) TOS ARVI Good selection of new and used guns - «. All: makes... All Calibres. Make your selection to-day FY DOMINION TIRE STORES DOMINION TIRE STORES LIMITED be 7 se FLECTO VARATHANE FRONT DOOR and SIDING ny Varathene . . . Varathene at Millwork Now! the amazing new clear liquid plastic brushes easily on any wood surafce, needs no sealer, dries quickly to a beautiful, glass-like finish. that outlasts vornish 2 to 1, resists boiling water and food acids, never peels or cracks! In gloss or satin finish. 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