=f Pa @ JOIN OUR GIGANTIC BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION! THANKS TO YOU ... WE'RE 361 SAVE THROUGHOUT THE WEEK -- THROUGHOUT THE STORE! As another great big birthday rolls around, A&P feels more ind bts d to the th n of loyal customers who helped make it possible, And we're expressing our appreciation with an extra-special storewide celebration. We're showing our thanks with a great offering of items you like best of all... shelves and shelves fully-stocked with famouse brand foods at low, low, sale-prices that will save you plenty of extra cash! We're showing our appreciation, tee, by renewing our pledge of service to the public, You'll see it in the fresh, new look of the store... in the eourteous and helpful service... you'll know that we're out te make your shopping as nice as can be! Again we extend sincere thanks to all of eur customers. And we eordially invite everybody to join in the Happy Anniversary Celebration. Come Celebrate and see! VELVEETA CHEESE" =5Q: "SEAUNGE = BEEKIST HONEY CASH Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Kenya cabloet minisers. 'Toes. day called on Prime Minister g a Kenyatta Fo hag | con- ' stitutional talks jolding in Ontario Grown, Cold Storage, Fancy Grade London and declare thie British QUICK colony independent Oct. 20. : * : A cable to Kenyatta said: ac "The Kenya nation wishes : f Oct, 20 to become the day of Kenyan independence. j ' " "Come back in time for full RED ROSE APPLES Yam | ees n' ORANGE PEKOE akin te Cann a Mena might break off the discussions and declare independence with- out the formality of British leg- ! islation, Britain has already PURE named Dec, 12 as the date for : psy i of the East Afri- can colony. ° q CORN OIL Kenya government and oppo- sition party delegations in Lon- Ce . on are locked in conflict over Valencia, Sweet, Full of Juice, No. 1 Grade the division of powers between the central and regional govern- -- LIQUID ' OR NGES oa in the independent na-.. Kenyatta wants certain re- SUNLIG H- DETERGENT ie gonal pace andar de bal es, w = e 8 lt Hal opposition, which fears the con- sequences of any reduction in regional safeguards. FLUFFO , > ? Wives Bocce § SHORTENING °2 42 69.| == i" Congo (Reuters)--Wives of Negro university students TOOTH PASTE 1 080-0 = Sara ing about students who : itis : - | wrk eeatien tat War ae longer want to associate with an uneducated woman once they have graduated. | | INSTANT CHOCOLATE- vans ate aan ae FLAVOURED DRINK 2: °: fav ong ura ven (20 Off Deal) 2 | = "a not marriage. 10-oz cello bags MIXED, OATMEAL ) a allay Shippers To PABLUM or RICE 43 29: arn Ss _ | Load Wheat s Brantford Grown, Pascal, Crisp & Tender, No. 1 Grade For Russia | MONARCH NEW YORK (AP)--The In- MARGARINE Ge=crs. 24)Q« | GER 9.19.) Ses ST ALKS President Kennedy's request to load wheat for Russia," the union's president said Tues- a ' day. f re ' . ided by' ROSBY Ss California, Large Original Bunches, No. 1 Grade theta memati p Be A dd p ident Thomas W. Gleason an- ure Barbados é bunch 5. nounced. He credited an ap- j pearance by assistant labor Cut Leaf, Extra Large Tropical Plant, No. 1 Grade secretary James J. Reynolds with having a "great effect" on the council's vote. WHITE SWAN P HILODENDRON woe 3.95 acti oer cen . thet be sctad leek" ae e e e pk ee ee eT ; i i to R fl ." Glea- Linen Finish made j "'We have never in our history POPULAR BRANDS and sickle tiving on them. and : , |we don't intend to do it now," : he continued. A group of war veteran dock _ ' 11-fl-oz : workers had strongly opposed E. D SMITH S ais any move which would permit a longshoremen to load grain on ships bound for Communist na- etn of 200 | pkgof20 | - pkg of 25 tions. OFFERS TO BUY LIONS ; DETROIT (AP) -- William Clay Ford, president of Detroit EN ER Lions, offered to buy full con- trol of the National Football SOF i , bel League club for $6,000,000 Tues- y. Ford, a member of the family that controls Ford Motor 'THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY LTD. Company, made the surprise of- : fer at a Lions board of directors Fac ell e R oy al e meeting. There had been no pre- Whi Pi k RES vious hint of his intentions. Ford ite or in Cc asked for a decision by Oct. 29, . AsP MEANS DEPENDABILITY MONEY FROM MILK All Prices In This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, October 19th, 1908." baie. coms a Mak weer nes . . vl which accounts for 80 per poe) of its agricultural revenue,