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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Oct 1963, p. 11

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,. Inter-County Leagues, and also} + sary of his ordination ; eetrrgre Macdonald, men's doubles handicap; Bill Girling, sports- manship; Craig Pike, mixed doubles; Sam Venn and Ron Cox, men's doubles. --Oshawa Times Photo kins, ladies' singles; Janette Zambonelli; ladies' mixed dou- bles; Graham Crerar, men's singles, Back row are: Bob Saturday night. Seated, left to right, are some of the win- ners: June MacGregor, ladies' handicap; Kay Hop- of the Oshawa Tennis Club attended the banquet and presentation of trophies held Oshawa Tennis Club. Trophies Presented A record attendance of ap-| 'The real strength of the clubjdrew attention to the fact that aes proximately 100 members andjlies in the spirit and enthusiasm|Miss Hopkins had now won this guests attended the banquetjof the ordinary member," he|trophy on nine consecutive oc- and presentation of 1963|said. "Keep that, and the club) casions. trophies at the Oshawa Tennis| will flourish. Lose it, and you're! "In view of this remarkable Club Saturday night. in trouble." achievement," she said, . " Members gathered for cock-| Mrs, G. D. Conant, a founder|Would think it most appropria ; tails at 6 p.m. and moved into|/member of the club, gave the|for me to present this trophy the main hall of the club at) present membership ¢ome inter-|outright tonight, and provide a A large onatingellt- ot cusses 7 p.m. for the dinner, whenjesting recollections of highlights|2€W one for future competition." war i "att dane Of gues Master of Ceremonies Arthur|of the club during the years,| The standing ovation given by |, bi Pip onsale eed Hurn called upon Bob MacDon-land concluded with a call for|members to this generous ges- ie ae ene ald to say grace. Oshawa to produce the calibre|ture by Mrs. Conant was a). 0 ' ste fable consisted ot The toast to the Queen waslof tennis player to match the|tribute not only to their appre- Me president of the Polish Vet- proposed by Keith Alderton, and|standard set by such other not-|iation 'of the action but also to,C°ans, Olgierd Cichowski and ; | iv, ity iss| Mrs. Cichowski; Rev. Father A * on completion of : .|the universal popularity of Miss "TS DWSKI; REV, Ja : mp the meal,/able local athletes as Don Jack pl pop y Bagsik, Albert Walker, MPP the head table, consisting of the}; : club directors and hs gear 7 ea The presentations concluded|and Mrs. Walker, Ald. Cecil > honor, Mrs. G. D. Conant, were TROPHIES PRESENTED with the award of the new Gwen|Bint and Mrs. Bint, and mas- introduced. The trophies were presented|Roberts Memorial Trophy, pre-|ter of ceremonies, Jan Drygala In his annual address, Club|by their donors, and club mem-|sented by members this year inand Mrs. Drygala. President Harry Mitchell re-|bers, during which there was ajmemory of the club's late sec-| Other guests were: Mr, and viewed the achievements of the/great deal of comment injretary, This trophy is for an-|Mrs, James Smart, president of club over the year, and con-jhumorous vein on the winners,|nual award to the person show-|United Council of Veterans' As- gratulated the members on win-| who were not slow to retaliate|ing the best traditions of sports-|sociations, Oshawa and District; ming both the Kawartha and on their victims. manship, and was a most diffi-/Mr. and Mrs. Zygmunt Florek, One of the highlights of the|Cult choice. This first presenta-|president of United Council of the evening occurred during the pre-|0" was made by Janette Zam-|Veterans' Associations, Hamil- the Toronto Men's League.|sentation of the ladies' singles|>onelli to Bill Girling. jton and District; Walter Ban- Hold Dinner Saturday, Oct. 19, The al W. Sikorski Polisa Vet- erans Association held its third annual charter night banquet and dance in the Polish Alli- ance Hall, Olive avenue. All re- te| Ports indicate that this was a {most successful evenin& the |hall being filled to capacity. good performance put Priest Observes Silver Jubilee To celebrate the 25th anniver-|Polish refugees in the German Ss good! and Mrs. T. Wilson,|€ the dance which) Nnarteman wiews Svaastene Take Service It was almost standing room only on Sunday, as packed to capacity Westminster United Church observed its first annual Sportsman Service. Some of Canada's leading athetic stars were seen in new roles as they shared in leading the congre- gation in worship. Bill Crothers, ranked No. 1 among the world's half-milers, and one of the nation's hope for a gold medal at the Olympic Games next year read the first Scripture lesson. While Dave McClure, one of She Oshawa Sines SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1963 Ontario's most promising younger runners, read the sec- ond lesson. The sermon was preached by Fred Foot, the coach and train- er of both Bill Crothers and) champion Bruce kidd, and also! coach and manager of the Ca-! nadian international track' team. | It was an illuminating exper- ience for the congregation to have these _ internationally known sportsmen lead them in ments were heard expressing deep satisfaction that Canada's representation im International outstanding character. Will Explain Retarded Work The Oshawa Anglens and Hunters Conservation Club has) extended an invitation to any-| one wishing to lear more about/ retarded children and the work carried on by the local branch} of the Retarded Children's As- sociation to come out this even- ing and hear George Wilson, a| well known authority on. Re-! tarded Children. | Mr. ilson will be the speak-| er at the monthly entertainment) lof the Anglers and Hunters club, | to be held in the Corvai> Room) jof Hotel Genosha Hotel com- jmencing at 8 p.m. | | The club has a fund raising }campaign underway to raise mon for t Retarded Children's tion. One dollar from each clu membership is devoted to this) cause, and also this Saturday) | | the club is holding a turkey|Mr. Jackson called for a min-|deal with 10 years ago." in Courtice to raise) |shoot jmoney. There will also be an excellent |outdoor film shown this evening followed by refreshments. | sports competition is of such)' worship. Afterwards many com-|- A LARGE NUMBER of the | members of the Oshawa Coun- cil of the Knights of Colum- | bus paid tribute Saturday | night to Rev. Felix Kwiatkow- ski, a former pastor of St. Hedwig's Roman _ Catholic Church, who was guest of honor at the Columbus Day Dinner. Left to right: Rev. Kwiatkowski, Anthony Mar- inger, grand knight; Vincent Kelly, state deputy and Mr. Prazmowski. --Oshawa Times Photo Anglican Men K Of C Officer Attacks Obscene Literature Hold Reunion | About 20 members of the original Anglican Young Men's Club met at Hotel Gen-| osha Saturday night for their} 16th annual reunion. Chairman of the meeting, Sam Jackson, was elected pres- ident of the group for the com-) ing year. Last, year's presi-| dent, Olley Miller, tendered his resignation from the post. During the 1920's the AYMC| members were well-known in} Oshawa for their minstrel per-| formances. Some of the old hits| were recalled by Hayden Mac-| scngs. : | During the business meeting,| ute's silence for deceased mem- bers. Bert Cornwall, from Oak-| ville and) Max King, from) Peterborough, were present at} the meeting. | Life in Malaya was described by Dr. Claude Vipond to 100) members of 420 (Oshawa) Wing RCAF Association at their an- nual mess dinner at the Osh-| awa Municipal Airport Saturday vening, Head table guests were piped) in at 7 p.m. by Pipe Major Neil| McRae, President Nelson Johnstone) called the meeting to order and asked Sergeant at Arms Tom Murphy to have the color party advance the colors. The colors advanced, President Johnston called for a two minute silence in memory of our departed comrades, The colors were de- posited and Wing Padre Right| Reverend Monsignor Paul! Dwyer asked the blessing. | A toast to Her Majesty Queen} Elizabeth was proposed by Don Brown. | Heaping platters of sliced tur-) creamed potatoes, mixed] vegetables, poultry desing, cranberry sauce and buttered crusty rolls were placed on the} tables by members of oun, la-| ! | | | | dies' auxiliary. TOAST TO LADIES After dinner, a toast to our ladies was proposed by vice- president Art Elliott. The mem- bers r ded with a standing for He mt on to report an in-\championship tpophy, dcnated| In accepting Mr. Girling sum-|drowski, president, Polish Com- creased membership in 1963, but/by Mrs. Conant some 30 years|™éd up the feeling of all present batants' Assoc.; Mr. and Mrs. added that these successes were|previously. When making this\>y stating he felt the trophy/K. Macugajlo, _past-president, only the outward signs' of the|award to this year's winner, | Would become the most prized|/Polish Combatants' Assoc.; club's strength. 'Miss Kay Hopkins, Mrs. Conant/|°f,all those awarded. President of Ladies' Aux. Polish The banquet was followed by|Combatants' Assoc. Mrs. Kap- dancing for the balance of thejtur and Mr. Kaptur, standard evening. ' [beaver of the same branch; Mr. Other trophies presented in-|Petrowicz, and Mrs. Petrowicz cluded the Col. R. S. McLaugh-|Boleslaw Chelchowski, treasur- lin Trophy for men's singles to|er; Peter Pawlowski, Auditor, Graham Crerar. all from Branch No. 2, London, [Roy og and Mrs. Harry Brown, | s oyal Canadian Legion, Branch Touches Wire |%:."sn il in the/concentration camp in which! foowrrg gg od go esthood, the Rev. Anthony|I'r, Bagsik was their padre;| Boy Loses Bradbury, Naval Veterans ed Jf agsik was honored at a ban-/also from Branch No. 1, Polish| jsociation; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon # quet following High Mass in St.'National Union, Toronto. 4 |Channing, Royal Canadian Air Hedwig's Roman Catholic! The Very Rev. Michaell L WO Fingers Force Assoc., Wing 420; Mr. Church at 4 p.m. Sunday. Smith, provincial representative| jand Mrs. Cliff Bould Ontario St. Hedwig's choir sang the|of the Oblate Fathers of On-| Kyle Parfitt, 11, of 945 Mary|Regt., Assoc.; WO2 J Newell latin mass which was celebrated |tario, spoke on behalf of the)Street, had two fingers on hisjand Mrs. Newell, * Sergeants' by Father Felix Kwiatkowskijorder and congratulations and|right hand amputated at Osh-|Mess, Ontario Regt,; Mrs, J and Father Peter Klita, Father|gifts were tendered from all the|awa General Hospitai Sunday|Aldwinckle, Oshawa Times; Anthony Rabiega of Toronto! Polish organizations in Oshawa.|night after recciving severe|Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wardach, Po- gave the sermon. | Born in Upper Silesia, then|burns on the hand while playing|lish Union of Canada Branch 'fs Prior to the banquet in the|German territory, Father Bag-|on a transformer p.atform be-|Mr. and Mrs, Moskalewicz Po- church auditorium, a program |sik was ordained in the district'hind an A and P supermarket lish Alliance, Branch 21; Mr. pln music, ---- ~ 7! deg and in -- he wasion Simcoe street north, and Mrs. Szczeapnski, Polish ncing was given by the chil-|forced to serve in the German} {Canadian Yo : dren of the Polish school; Polish|Armed Forces in the medically qo) one ncn neo on Mrs. Rajca, "hindi te scouts and the dancing groupjcorps. |conditio tod EVE THO POY 5 dian? Society; Mr. and Mrs, K from Branch 7 Polish National| From 1945 to 1951 he minister-|pana st) 8S 1A Sekalski, Sports Club Polonia. Union and from St. Stanisiausjed in a displaced persons'|S "Pe Music' for , parish, Toronto. Mimi Wiatrzyk'camp, coming to the United! The mishap occurred about 8 followed was provided by Stan and Eddie Kolodziejczak, a tal-|States in January. Later the|P-m. Passersby heard the boy;Klicha and his orchestra ented a and piano duo, also|same year he was appointed bod bg yen and phoned police. | ----_____ entertained. |St. Stanislaus parish in Toronto otorcycle Patrolman R. H. TOAST PROPOSE |where he served for se ven|Cramp found the boy "scream- NAMED. NOPE. FURAG The banquet was prepared years. ling and hysterical" on a wooden|_ Notice of the appointment of and served by St. Hedwig's| He served in Melville, Sas-|Platform about 15 fee: from the Jseph C. Victor, of Oshawa, as Ladies' Society and the toast to|\katchewan, and Elphinstone,!ground. a notary public is contained in the jubilarian was proposed by Manitoba, before coming to Osh-| Following PC Cramp': in-|the current issue of The On'ario Monsignor Paul Dwyer. Vincent awa in April this year. structions, the boy took his @azette. Kolodziej addressed Father Bag-| Some 400 attended the ban-|hand off the transformer and) ~~ Rete Lg os of the parish of/quet and guests included Very|leaned back against a wooden NAMED TO COUNCIL . Hedwig, {Reverend Michael Smith; .Very|support pole. " alke: side Doctor of Civil Law John Bag-|Rev. J. Sajewicz; Rev. Felix| Firefighters, working with in- ating pas Bad ye sik, of Detroit, a cousin of the|/Kwiatkowski; Rev. Peter Klita;!sulated gloves, carried Parfitt|\ Motors of Canada Limited, was guest of honor, brought greet-/Rev. J. B, Myers of St. Ger-ito the ground. He was taken to dlected a member of the council ings and congratulations for the trude's parish and many priests|hospital by ambulance at the ninth annual meeting of family. ee : ., from Toronto and the Oblate) The lad attends Queen Eliza-|the Canadian Council of the Na- Joseph Gesicki and his chil- Fathers; representatives of the|pheth Public School and has altional Industrial Conference dren, Basia and Eddie, present- Polish Press and friends from prother and a sister. Board ' ed flowers on behalf of former previous parishes, Pee ae socio eas , |Polish Veterans' Association. A LARGE NUMBER of the. members were in atteridance during the Sunday morning service in St. Hedwig's until. recently served as the parish priest and Les Praz- mowski, who was chairman at the dinner marking the event. | --Oshawa Times Photo | lowing the service, are Rev. P. J. Klita; of Welland, the first priest when the parish was founded; Father Bagsik; Rev. Felix Kwiatkowski, who Roman Catholic Church when Rev. A. Bagsik, the present incumbent, celebrated the 25th anniversary of his ordina- tion, Seen here, from left, fol- 135%; Mrs. E. Stewart ana Mrs. |H. Cruwys, 34%4.: i ovation. President Johnston introduced head table guests who were from the Canadian Corps Asso- ciation; George Patterson Darcy Bell, president of the Oshawa Flying Club; Lt. Col. James Warnica, commanding) officer of the Ontario Regi- ment; Ald. Hayward Murdoch; Dr. Claude Vipond, the guest speaker; Leon Schedlin, Presi- dent of the Ontario Group of the) RCAF Association; Wing Padre Right Reverend Monsgnor Paul Dwyer; Morris Proctor, vice- president Branch 43, Royal Ca- nadian Legion; Charles Bolton, immediate past president 420 Wing; Edward Pollard, of the; Oshawa Naval Veterans Asso-| ciation and Joseph Misztak, of The guest speaker, Dr. Fernhill Bridge Club Scores high scores of the games played at the Oshawa Tennis Club last week by the membcrs of the Fernhill Duplicate Bridge Club: D. McCuaig and J. Cores, 45; Mr, and Mrs. J. Patterson, 3814; Dr. Ferrier and L. Peel, 37, Mr. and Mrs. R. Morris, 3614; P. Versiluis and B. VanNoord, A master-point {night is being) held by the club tonight. "| Doctor Describes Life In Malaya ;members Following are the winners and Claude Vipond, was introduced) by dinner committee chairman Ralph Laing, VISITED HINTERLAND | Dr. Vipond told of his tour of} he and his family lived for two) years helping Canada fulfill her| medical commitments to the) Penang, | through his family lived in Malaya but travelled much of the hinterland. | Dr. Vipond showed a great) insight of the Malayan situation) and by means of extremely; The. press is the greatest in- strument of the distribution of filth in the world today, claims Vincent Kelly, Knights of Col- umbus State Deputy of Ontario. Speaking at the Columbus Day. dinner Saturday night in the Bond street west K of C Hall, Mr. Kelly urged the Knights to "make our strength known and let our leaders know that we will not stand for the detriment of our morals." 99 available today is '100 per cent' worse than what we had to MUST FIGHT He said: "Little men with} dirty minds are trying to foist filthy literature on young minds. The Knights must be ready to fight these evils." Police Probe 2 Accidents A two-car collision Sunday night at Gaspe avenue and Lakefield street sent one driver, Dorothy R. Brown, to Oshawa General Hospital with bruises and abrasions. She was treated Mr. Kelly said Ottawa has been fairly free of obscene lit- erature since the Knights took action a decade ago. But, he said, a Toronto distributor is now fighting to get such books and magazines back into that city's stores. "That man in Maclean's (magazine) was fired from his $26,000 a year job two weeks after trying to promote premari- | 'tal sex relations in an article ey to purchase equipment|donald, Bill Gib'ie and Clar-| The Ottawa high school teach-| he pre-school classes of the/ence Cox on their banjos andjer told about 80 members and Associa-|the group spent part of the eve-| wives of the St. Gregory's Coun- bining singing the old miunstreljcil that "salacious literature he wrote," said Mr. Kelly. "The Knights, and other or- ganizations, had a hand in it. This is one example of where we have power." COULD HAPPEN HERE School pupils in the United States are not allowed to use prayer in school, reminded Mr. Kelly. "This could happen here," he warned. "We must be on the watch. "We are living in an era of material ease, independent of God and relying too much on ourselves. to take pride in professing no believe this but I don't know why they say it. "Last year more persons fell "High school kids today seem belief in God. I doubt they really away from the church than joined it." Mr. Kelly appealed for a vig- orous re-instatement campaign to get former Knights back into my organization in an active role. Driver Sustains Serious Injuries WHITBY (Staff) -- John Sell men, RR 2, Wheatley, is if "very serious" condition in the Oshawa General Hospital with injuries suffered Sunday aftere noon when his sports car crash- ed on Highway 401, east of the Whitby underpass. Also injured in the one-vehicle accident was Mr. Sellmen's passengers, Miss Marjorie Kenyon, 724 Churchill avenue, Ottawa. Miss Kenyon's condi- tion is not believed to be seri- jous but official word was not javailable at the Oshawa Gen- eral 'Hospital. sini An employee at B' and N Motors, Whitby, said of the sports car: - 'Everything is smashed." Damage was esti- mated at $700. | and released, Driver of the of Gaspe avenue. Total esti- mated damage was $800. Sunday morning a rear-end Frontenac street did an_ esti- mated $245 damage to cars driven by Robert C. Muir, Francis street, Port Hope, and Edward T. Edwards, Mill street, Oshawa, beautiful colored slides cover- ed every facet of life in Malaya. By means of fine photography and excellent commentary he explained Malaya's education systems, religions, agriculture, manufacturing, recreation and transportation systems. | The Doctor laced his commen-| tary with well timed humor and was very adept with the verba, dart when his well known poli- tical affiliations were jokingly referred to from the floor. Past President "Pat" Pater- son, on behalf of the members thanked Dr, Vipond and the} responded with a most enthusiastic standing ova- tion. During the evening President Johnston made some very im- portant announcemets namely that the Hallowe'en dance is on Saturday, November 2, the members of the wing have been invited to parade in Richmond Hill on Sunday, Nov. 10, and! fall in for the Oshawa Remem- brance Day parade will be at the Armories at 10.15 a.m. Mon- day, Nov. 11. Police Recover Money In Tree More than $300 in cash be- longing to Jane Wozny, 552 Front street, was recovered Saturday morning by Oshawa Detective Sergeant John Poweil in a tree down by Oshawa Creek. The money is believed to have been taken Friday night from Miss Wozny's purse, which had been left in a car parked in front of her home, William Fedorczenko, 17, of 580 Front street, has been charged with theft. BANK DEBTS The Canadian Bankers' Asso- ciation reports debits to in- dividual bank accounts in Osh- awa during September -totalled $190,400,000. This compares with $294,900,000 in August of this year and $144,600,000 in Septem- \duty in South East Africa where|other car was Monte C. Myers| The award winning pupils of the Oshawa and District Branch of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association perform- ed for a large audience Satur- day night in the auditorium of the McLaughlin Public Library. The program of piano and vocal selections was presented with the skill and artistry that place the pupils at the top of their grades in the examinations of the Royal Conservatory of Music. Miss Helen Willard wel- comed the parents and friends of the pupils. She announced the young artists' recital will be presented in the Kingsway College auditorium Nov. 2. She introduced Mr.. Taylor; of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club who presented the awards and Mrs. Leo Gray who represent- ed the Lyceum and Women's Art Club and presented the gold medal to the ARCT award winner, Mrs, Gray and Mr. Taylor both spoke briefly. The evening's program fol- lows: Marche Slay -- Christopher Newell, Grade 1, pupil of Mrs. Dudley, Courtice; Minuet in C, Joanne Gilewski, Grade. II, Awards Presented To Music Pupils Colombo Plan. The doctor and/collision on Park road south at| pupil of Miss Arnott; Italian March, Robert Broadbent, Grade II, pupil of Mrs. J. A, Kerr; Sonatina, Catherine Den- nis, Grade III, pupil of Mrs. H, E. Kerr, Port Perry; Allegro Vivace, Suzanne Brown. pupil of Mrs. Ferguson. Monkeys in the Tree -- Val- erie Lapp, Grade IV, pupil of Mrs. Spratt, Whitby; Sonatina, Susan Entwistle, Grade V, pupil of Mrs. Parrott; Rondo in C, Margaret Squires, Grate VI, pupil. of Mrs, Spratt, Whitby; Nymphs and Shepherds Eve- ning, Linda Squires, Grade I singing, pupil of Mrs. Dryga'a; Sonatina, OP. 20 No, 1, Jean- ette Taves, Grade VI, vupil of Mrs, Parrott; Sonatina, John Bell, Grade VII, pupil of Mrs, Broughton, Whitby. Minute Waltz -- Viki Rvwe, Grade VIII, pupil of Mrs. Beaton, Whitby; Minuet and Trio, (French Suite 3), Vicki Gerrow, Grade VIII, pupil of Mrs, Parrott; Organ Award, Fred Graham, Grade IC, pupil of Mr. Geen; Fantasia in D Minor, Geoffrey Woods, Grade IX, pupil of Miss Arnott; Noc- turne, Op. 15, No. 2, Theresa Cole, Grade X, pupil of Mrs. Parrott; Rhapsody, Op. 79, No. pupil of Mrs. Garry Booth; ber of last year. Jig, Dawn Love, Grade I], 2, Glenda Varty, ARCT, pupil of Mrs. Parrott. 420 WING MEMBERS HOLD MESS DINNER The 15th annual mess din- ner of the 420 Wing, Royal: Canadian Air Force Associa- tion, was held Saturday night at the Oshawa Airport with more than 100 members in attendance. Shown, left to tight, are some of the mem- bers and guests who attended the dinner, Lt.-Col. J. R, Warnica, CD, Ontario Regi- ment; John Johnston, presi- Gent of the association; Ald. Hayward Murdoch, *Darcy Bell, Oshawa Flying Club; Charles Bolton, past presi- dent of the association; Maure ice Proctor, first vice-presi+ dent, Canadian Legion and Ed Pollard, Oshawa Naval Veterans' Associaticn. --Oshawa Times Photo,

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