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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Oct 1963, p. 14

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°14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 22, 1963 Montreal Faces Priest Shortage «MONTREAL (CP)--The Ro- 'man Catholic archdiocese of 'Montreal is faced with a serious shortage of priests. Although it is a universal problem, Montreal's shortage is »athe worst in North America. "It is our No. 1 problem," says Very Rev. Roger Marien, "director of |'Oeuvre des Voca- tions. "'We have 860 priests for the diocese's 204 French-speak- as parishes, If we had twice . t number we would just berely have enough." The ideal priest - parishioner ratio is 1 to 800. In Montreal the ratio for French-speaking Catholics is one priest for every 2,051 and for the English-speak- ing community one for every 1,500. *' The seminary situation is «even graver, with one student * of theology to every 11,416 Cath- olics. Boston, with roughly the same Catholic population as Montreal, ordains an average of 60:priests a year. In Montreal the average for both French and English is slightly more than 20, HANDLE EXTRA WORK The result of the shortage is *"that Montreal parishes are un- derstaffed and priests over- worked. Many double as preachers and teachers. The situation is bad for the 1,156,641 French-speaking Cath- olics and not much better for the diocese's 120,000 English- speaking Catholics. There are 80 diocesan priests for the 32 English-speaking par- ishes and the four missions at- "tached to these parishes. "We should have at least twice the number of priests we have now," says. Rev. Dominic McCormack, director of the Di- ocesan Priesthood Guilds of Montreal. The over-all Canadian aver- age is one priest for every 516 Catholics. Older Women Like Exercise VANCOUVER (CP) -- With hardly a grunt, 12 women aged 55 or over are doing knee bends, arms stretch and toe- touching at a weekly class. The oldest member of the group is a spry 78. The women are members of a@ YWCA physical fitness class now in its second year, Six women attended last year. Saija Sarkinen, their instruc- tor, says the exercises are de- signed to help relaxation, to in- crease mobility and flexibility of joints and to improve cir- culation. "These classes are extremely beneficial to women in this age group," he says, "not only be- cause they improve their health, but because they pro- vide them with an outside in- terest and an .opportunity to make friends." : The women agree, saying . they feel on top of the world because of the classes. Half the hour-long classes are pent in a gymnasium. The other half is spent doing exer- cises in a pool. Mr. Sarkinen says the buoy- =ency of the body makes doing =» exercises in water easier. + 'It makes them feel they are ""not working so hard." "This is one of the best ratios in the world," says Father Mc- C rmack, 'although it is pretty hard to best Ireland." GETTING WORSE Msgr. Marien says the situa-| t@ tion is becoming worse. "Fewer priests are ordained each year than die or retire. At the same time Montreal's pov- ulation continues to increase and the priest-parishioner rat:o deteriorates continually." The root of. the problem lies in the shortage of candidates forthe priesthool, The two priests say there are a variety of reasons for this. "A search for pleasure, love of an easy life, the many temp- tations offered in a fast-expend- ing and increasingly materiatist society, the habit of going steady at a young age, the urge to make money, are all con- tributing factors," says Msgr. Marien. Father McCormack says '"'the social pressures of our time and of a big city make it difficult for a young man to decide in LATER SHE'LL CHEW HIM OUT AZUSA, Calif. (AP)--Com- ing of age in Azusa is high- lighted nowadays by a new- teen-age ritual that should bring joy to the hearts of anthropologists everywhere. In this fast-spreading mys- tic rite, a girl who wants to show her love for a boy does so by weaving a garland that is as long as her beloved is Il. She then offers the fruit of her labors to the boy, who burns the garland to signify his acceptance of the love token, Observers and participants feel it is a touching, beautiful ceremony. But one is most touched when one notes that the gar- lands are woven of old gum wrappers, that the girl has to chew all that gum by herself --144 pieces for a six-foot boy friend, for instance. If he rejects the token, all that wear and tear on the mouth was for naught and the girl must wait for love to bloom anew. 'f the new boy is shorter than the last, she can lop a few links off the garland. If he's taller? An- other chew or two. Thatch Theft ee ee ines to send for a man in Fife. ore than 100 miles away, to make repairs. grated from Glasgow to Toronto seven years ago, was visiting scnevapoint Chrrlie at the Berlin Angers Court GLASGOW, Scotland (CP) -- A man who took two reeds from the thatch roof of Bobby Burns's cottage as souvenirs for relatives visiting from Vancou- ver got off with a tongue-lash- ing from the magistrate. James' Nicol, 62-year-old man- er of a steel plant, was charged with 'wilfully and ma- liciously" removing the reeds. Berlin Border Romantic Spot LONDON (CP)--A romance Scottish Highlands for two young Canadians. Shannen Berry, who emi- He declined to identify the Ca- nadian visitors but claimed they were distant relatives of Scot- land's bard. The prosecutor said that usu- ally a reprimand from the cot- tage curater, Thomas McMynn, was enough but that Nicol was "extremely arrogant." Nicol told the magistrate that he felt "it was the type of thing the bard would have looked on leniently." McMynn later appealed to SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, relichle Ges Deoler in your ree. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) wall with two other Canadian girls when they lost their way| and were close to crossing into the Soviet zone. Three soldiers of 'the US. tourists and visitors to "'be sen- sible' and said that because thatching was a dying art he 728-9441 Army came to the rescue andjmoon they go to Metz, France, later Shannon discovered cne yf|where Gordon is stationed. them was also a Canadian. L. Sarjeant of South Burnaby, B.C. Later Gordon visited her at|in 1703, Canada has become the her parents' home in Glasgow]world's sixth greatest manufac- and proposed. After the honey-ituring country. STAFFORD SMYTHE Says... "Toronto Marlboro's are a cinch INDUSTRIAL GROWTH From a single cloth factory for this year's Memorial Cup" Is This True! See For Yourself!! TONIGHT -- 8 P.M. TORONTO MARLBOROS OSHAWA GENERALS Bowmanville Community Arena Now Available At Tickets These Locations @ JIM BISHOP SPORTING GOODS--151 King East Oshawa © BOLAHOOD'S SPORTSHAVEN--61 King East, Oshawe @ BOWMANVILLE ARENA BOX OFFICE favor of the priesthood." Another reason was parental objection, '"'This is usually aot direct," says Father McCor-| mack, "The parents will point out to their son all the chances he may 'miss in the secular world by becoming a priest." FoR PREFERRED ATTENTION PAUL 728.9474 Retkctor < q THAT'S WHY WE INVITE YOU TO PUT SEAGRAMWM'S '83' TO THE WATER TEST It's clear and simple. Pour 114 oz. of Seagram's '83' into an 8 or 10 ounce glass. Add 2 ice cubes, Pour in 3 ounces of clear, cold water. Now, breathe in that clean, fresh fragrance; this is '83' as Seagram's and Nature made it, with nothing added but all-revealing water. And if it tastes better than any other whisky with water, then you'll be sure to like it as well with any other mixer. Reflect. Try Seagram's '83', Here's how three more BELL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES OLVE MODERN BUSINESS PROBLEMS Ever wanted to design your own completely efficient, integrated intercom telephone set-up? BUSINESS INTERPHONE Is so versatile, flexible, sensible, that it will fit the precise needs of any business. Instantaneous, hands-free, push-button inter- com--combined with t lines--hi-fi microphones and speakers: all in one money- saving, highly adaptable system that not only saves time and effort, but increases your effi- ciency In administration, sales, service, productivity-and profits! "Bome of your business problems may well be communications problems. Bell has the equipment, the experience and the ideas to help you find the solution. Why not call us today! Time-consuming search for phone numbers? Have to call regularly or frequently to the same customers? RAPIDIAL Combines the efficiency of auto- mation with the effectiveness of your telephone. Stores up to 290 phone numbers, both local and Long Distance. Simply set the fame you want to reach, push the start bar--Rapidial does the rest. Wholesalers, brokers, travel agents...and many others...save searching and dialing time--in Crease efficiency, ¢ "can't get throug to you?" Losing business because you can't be reached~ can't get e line yourself? ENOUGH LINES to your business are vital: Your phone ts like your front door-- if It's jammed with people going in and out, customers and clients may go somewhere else! Make sure your telephone door is wide enough--with enough lines for extra business, extra profits! fmation for every man who ( within-the-next-12-months withit New Chevrolets are a lot more truck than your money bought the last time. Here are some Double-wall construction. This feature of Chevrolet cabs and the Fleetside pickup body has many advantages -- here are two. Insulation and sound-deadening material is sandwiched between the two layers of steel in the cab roof to give you more comfort; in the body, the inner wall acts as a buf- fer against load damage, preserv- ing the outer ap- pearance of the truck, Other insulation includes full under- coating of the cab floor, and a thick woven cotton fibre pad for the underside of the cowl chamber, In addition to double-wall construction, cab door openings are larger now. Getting in and out is much easier. Suspension fo fit the truck. You get a much better ride in every size Chevrolet truck today than you used to. Instead of making one type of suspension system do for the whole truck line, we now have dif- ferent types and combinations of spring- ing designed for your particular needs. Conventional half- and three-quarter ton models have independent front sus- pension with variable pitch coils in the rear, Variable pitch coils do not "bottom- out" as readily. se Mediums and heavies have I-beam front suspension with variable-rate leaf springs. This variable-rate leaf-type suspension automatically stiffens as the load increases --and vice versa. It means a smoother, flatter ride regardless of load, and a better handling truck. The right engine. Chevrolet has been building truck engines since 1918 but never has it been in a better position to give you the type and size you need for maximum efficiency. Today there are many different capacities of gasoline and diesel Chevrolet truck engines -- fours, sixes, V8s. Stronger frames. Every conventional 1964 Chevrolet truck has a ladder-type frame. Formerly used on heavier trucks only, this type is more resilient, better able to give with the load and terrain, to stand up under stress. Its simple design also Quality trucks always cost less! of the things that have been done to give you more value for practically the same investment. makes it easier to mount special bodies on the truck. Its riveted side rails are stronger. Greater model selection. This time you're going to find it a simple matter to pick the exact type of Chevrolet truck for the kind of work you do. In delivery trucks, for instance, in addition to regular panels and pickups, there are eleven different sizes of ready-made walk-in vans, All have full- width rear doors as an option. There are also the Corvair 95 vans with the air-cooled engine in the rear, And the Corvair 95 Rampside with its exclusive side-loading feature. These trucks have more power this year. Have you seen the '64 El] Camino deluxe pickup yet? We think it's the best looking commercial vehicle ever built. In the medium- and heavy-duty area there are tilt cabs, low-cab-forward and conventional cab units to suit almost any requirement--including school bus bodies of up to 66 passenger capacity. Dump truck operators now can order 4 Chevrolet tandem with either gasoline or diesel power. Quality and valve. Chevrolets today are a lot more truck than your money bought the last time. Call your Chevrolet dealer today for information and a demonstra- tion. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUB 1964 CHEVROLET TRUCKS Telephone your Chevrolet dealer about any type of truck Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV:network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and time, F-20466 Beit ®) 4s our busin a PHONE: 725-650] ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 140 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO HARRY DONALD LIMITED 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONTARIO PHONE: 668-3304, 668-3305, 668-3306 Live the gay life of SOUTHERN EUROPE CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESS TOURS 2i carefree days as little as ee Right eup to with Canadian Pacific's 21-day economy fares, Look at these sample tours, Cost includes hotels, sightseeing, some meals. #@+EUROPE'S FOUR SEASONS. An adventurous air tour in the sunny lands of Southern Eure ope. Visit Lisbon, Seville, Mad- rid, Barcelona, Nice, kome, Athens -- see everything lively Latin night fife to the majestic Acropolis. 21 only $211 plus air fare, {@} MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE.An exciting air-land-sea tour that includes Lisbon, Madrid, Rome, - Venice, then a leisurely sea voye .age to fabled ports of call -- Piraeus, Limassol, Haifa, Larne aca. 21 fascinating days, only $486.50 plus air fare. Jet away on a Super DC-8 Empress, the fastest, only direct service from Canada's major cities to Lisbon, Madrid, Rome, For tour folders featuring these and other Empress tours, see your Travel Agent or any Canae dian Pacific office. FLY . age ae J wmes 7 munes 7 wore / WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SvSTEM

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