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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Oct 1963, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 22, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 a cra a TS er 'BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY. SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK 60, 0, By R. J. SCOTT EASY TO MAKE extra money by ing orders for our 250 products including daily necessities such as: 17--Male Help Wanted TRACTOR TRAILER driver required. Must be experienced. port Limited. Apply 372 Centr. S$! Apply Smith Trans- treet. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday fo Friday. Saturday 8 to 17--Male Help Wanted 21--Room & 7 Wonted QUIET y Sone oe WANTED -- Reliable man as dealer in yore ies board with a Christan Fie Ex h 725. peje and pone County. perience opportunity . step tak- tonics, season- into old proiiabie" business bigot Raw- leigh products have been sold for years.|22--Oftices, Stores, Storage years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. WANTED 10 RENT -- garage, Oshawa Garage, Oshawa | ARS AGO r SiX-KORNES UINTATHERES Uae, ete. Ineresting commission" FAMI-| Richelieu, "Montreal. "6 °5|area, to store race cor for winter months | WYOMINGS coumty, LEX, Dept. 0-4, 1600, Delorimier, "Ron DRIVER for retail delivery, full time reseed nebo ie Cae re ° job. Apply R. B. Reid and Sons, Bloor|7790. Hie es Accountants |Gardening _ eee aie _|Mortgages [Ree Uphe mefery Terciap factory Sree) ere NEW DOUBLE garage with 500 sq. th | r ele- bir on Sire Wn can Toe! pone, een ad 12 YEAR MORTGAGE lEveninoe, Pie: Fon Kennedy Uoholsiering 1250 MULTILITH T AX| DRIVERS een YER AREY AR: PO'. nee preg ay al : |TREES REMOVED, trimmed, building] No Bonus or Hidden Cost. | Limited. OPERATOR : WAREHOUSE 'space for rent, TEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered [ots cleared. Power equipment. Free esti-/ No Prepayment Penalty. No 4 : Preferably between 25-40 two floors, truck level loading, we TEONARD JAMES 8 i mates. Call Ajax 942-1824, Oshawa 725 " Sales and Service nara Accountant, Suite 205, Oshawa Shopping sage sl s Fee, alae Required, permanent position Top earnings. Apply Apert dl Naser Ve an eee Centre, 7: E o obtain your free brochure REPAIRS fo washing machines, wring- 5d a k of fri bene- oT Service. | lnawome $3, per yard. Top soil, $2. per d identiol t- |ers, ranges' and all small household ) doy week, tinge - bos grt Ni grvmiled ied Bond yard. Delivered. Telephone 725-06 | ean yl 0% Sian ae lesen "ae RE: fits. Telephone for oppoint- MERCURY TAXI FOR RENT fires! West, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. |SHEEP or COW MANURE, well cee! of value 6409. ment. 725-4771 AND < har- ed by bushel or pick uy 'u! wae HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Char-) thet T M | | of Street|Call 725-7700. CALL OR WRITE ME NO WORRY MR, G. DOWLING edical_ or Dental office, tered Accountants. 187 King Stre ART' S GUN REPAIR 'ABOUT HARDWARE CLERK Approximately 700 square CAC. REALTY LTD, Oshawa Shopping Centre East, Oshawa, Onter's, 725-35 725-3509. vaca FRIEDLANDER t and Co., .Char- 723-2233 feet. Close to downtown area, Parking available. Electric GUNSMITH 18 BOND ST. W. ey SOD Age 45-55. Experience es- Accountants. Licensed Trustees : n career wheat aca Fertilized, Cultivated, Field Sod, Oshawa Heorenhd 4 Guns bought, sold, . traded. GENERAL PRINTERS oan men be nets heated. For information call ONT: MONTEITH, RIEHL, iL, and e 'Field loaded. : aa ie g Ammo, ee MA r} VAs roan Ohta 725-5132 Co., Chartered Accountants, 728-7527, 135 . Eom = ; ee ga Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax 942-0890, Whitby 668-4131. | NEWCASTLE 987-4255 WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Mog 23--Wanted To Rent WANTED--four- or five-room bungalow. INDIANS ESCAPE Ist and 2nd After hours Whitby 668-2497 72 ANKE HEART DISEASE, Mortgage Loans 8-973] BOX 245, OSHAWA TIMES STORE , 114 King Street East, Oshawa; FAST SERVICE CORONARY Tas MONA! ann Ges i Ronald. FD. Wien CA; G, Edmond laos eae Ga Surveyors me Laces berry : REQUIRES LICENSED phone 723-7702. cocaine Burrows, * 4 eet R " = EIR, LEG CEDARS CALL MR. JAMES paca pe hirvevors catvmecial bos YES. 1H A PEXDULUMLIKE MOTION PERSONABLE par io rent & Garage "approximaie- Auto Parts Pr go Day or we prints, 11 Ontario. Street, 725-5632. "fe KEEP THE ANIHAL 1K YOUNG MAN MECHANIC 723-7966 pr agnsnad a my the Classified] For hedges, all sizes. Orna- \H. F ND TROLLOPE, Ontarl NON : Leta WANT i 4 plebiig Stee plas Ge $a alec mental evergreens. For front Telephone 728-2868 is sage 11 Elgin street 'ast | ng Na tn Od i me OUN Steady employment South 0 io (i li ae ie thee tise if you fix cars- =| planting. Shrubs, Perennials. Mortgage Funding Phone 725-608), - For Full Time Position MEADES SUNOCO: Se 4 28. Bee i WANTED _ three-room apartment, by young couple with twa children. . South west area preferred. Telephone 728-9594, BARN fo rent by month or year In Osh- awa or district. Apply Box 406 Oshawa 167 Rosehill Boulevard Oshawa, Ontario. MORTGAGE 588 KING ST, EAST PHONE 725-8161 LICENSED SHOP the "variety store" of the Class- y ified Section--'Miscellaueous for Sale"|3----Pets & Livestock | soday. It's loaded with wonderful offers.) PEKINGESE puppies. Also grown stock. |Call Pickering, TE 9-2537 evenings. | Orchard Nurseries South Side No. 7 Highway 2 Miles West of Brooklin SAVE AT WESTERN SERVICE CENTRE Write stating age, education end phone number to |11--Articles For Rent Repairs to All Makes | PULVERIZED |TV--Radio Repairs. |PUREBRED German Sr is WHEEL ile ' BOX 209 Times. k df fr th: id. hone} COUPLE DESIR' LICENSED MECHAM" | Top soil feriized with. or LOANS Car a A. | leaded | Mepess Saie ' | OSHAWA TIMES MECHANIC [fie Fcteraur notte? ig, oat 145 King West -- 728-1607 without inure. Manure, Moiieys -for it: mortganes tronics, 157 Elliott, 723-9792, Fred. |GERMAN Shepherds, _ puppies, 5 wearer | Hospital beds, walkers, bed-§°|-------- For, General Auto Repairs. Simcoe. Telephone 728-3235 after 4.30. "FIVE BAYS TO SE«xVE YOU gravel washed sand, and Interest at 7% ad WHITBY TV, aeriat and tower service, |ROrses: SN Reh heeding atid serv-| side commodes, crutches, Good Working Conditions, sds id Be baer vines a Sasiers | stone sand ill, Open Mortgoges Dial 668-8344, lices. Ashburn, Brooklin 655-4662. Save} canes, slenderizing machines WANTED 5 Day Week Phone 723-4922, or Bowmanville 623-5912. WHITBY 668-3906 No Genie city Te towers, 7a "SIT Dean Av-|number. and roll-away. beds, WRITE BOX 204 2. LY, Barristers, 'Solici-| . 5 enue, alephone ail GRE i AND et Porat ees : Dial| OR 668-3981 Ne spare i vauations ; |- --_-- --_------ |5--Farmer's Column | 725-1644 FOR AN ELECTRONIC OSHAWA TIMES Saye he Mit roel iston, Phi : reer, si AEN _ r is vision, Ge, fussed Terence We Kelly, BA, BCL, ple ts ora dae alt OSHAWA ELECTRONICS FARMERS! Need tires! call "Bir" your! 12-- Articles Wanted three-bedroom 'bungalow, with two. bath- ac p d FIRM IN AJAX, AN M minion Tire representative, 723-6511 or| _ mem chenptataianien , GRAPHIC ARTS rooms, in excellent condition, Available SeamPH ,¢. VICTOR, BA, LLB., a Barris Oshawa table for second mortgages Guaranteed Parts and Service evenings after 6 725-7263, WANTED TO BUY @ twin stroller with ERIENCE 1, For Whitby ter, Slictor and Notary Publi $ im) =) Garden Centre * MF. SWARTZ TV REPAIRS "|for'deat' ana cobied taser Socks fete Please' phone fas. niese on Neasonanle ocniegehend VACANCY EXISTS |---- | . f di r farm stock. Te gee eee Sod: Field, Kentucky Blue, te es phone collect 'Hampton 2632721. Marg-| WANTED TO BUY one" = STOCK KEEPER 25--Apartments LOUIS $. HYMAN, @C, 'Barrister, Sol 26V King St, East DAY OR EVENINGS is Fur. Farm, Licence 245-C-63, UY. = one 'blonde Sayde por citor, Notary. Alger Building, 37 King| peace Blue, Top Soil, Sandy Oshawa, Ontario | feeb ine ee ea eal ord 'teble. _Ehone 'Bowmanville. Sta: Nieh For applicant with Grode COLBORNE STREET EAST, Te -- Apart Street East, 723-4943, Mortgage monies) Fill. 728-5286 ane buy ue fe oles ot WANTED: Apartment-sized XI! or XII education to learn ment, one- or two-bedroom as desired, . - straw. Contact. Clair McCullough | 728- p FOR APPOINTMENT Partly furnished, $60. monthly or $15, eae BOYCHYN and | HILLMAN,| 1259 Simcoe North ee _723- 4697 ~nem = ss ----~ | 4688. jena 868-8206 Whitby, T AJAX printing plant operations, on weekly, Apply above address. , Solicitors, 3642 King Street} . S . enticeship basis. Pleas- FURNISHED apartment, heated, sult bus- eae Dchbee Bb. Hommivery aC! 723-3222 Need A Service Calls 6--Auction SHAW ELEPHONE pe ap c conditions, All :|ine8S couple, downtown 'location, immedi- G. $. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, LLB. | . ant working concitions. ate possession. Apply Black's Men's Ottice 725.1177. Residence 726. 4326,| Mortgage Loan ?) $2.50 AUTO WRECKING CO, 942-2120 compony benefits and prom- |Wear between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Whitby 668-2761, 725-4604. NHA and o! Loam and Gravel ' AUCTION SALE Wants Cars for Wrecking. ising future. mortgage funds available. MANNING F SWARTZ AND RONALD c| Governor Mansions 9 am.--9 p.m. Daily Parts for sale, also scrap iron New 21" Picture Tubes and metals, etc., bought, Washed Stone, Fill | private PARTY To INVEST | VACANCY FOR POR APPOINTMENT of farm stock and implements SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. | | APARTMENTS Block, 26" King Excavating, lots leveled. IN Ist and 2nd MORTGAGES | li . Pyeveds Bost. ser Residence, dial Loaders, Trucks for hire. | As Low As $ 1 9.66 No. 30 Cockshut tractor, ve Open Sautrday all day. Phone eEffice and CALL 723-2233 2 ' ilabl oa | All Work Guaranteed power take off with full line 1 bedroom suite available 723-4029 ponte vernal] BEATTY HAULAGE Agreements for sale and D Sob T habe of good machinery. 35 head 725-231 1--89 BLOOR E. - November Ist. BoDos 1 AND DO! King Street East. mortgages purchased. Low ominion Television Hereford cattle, Reg. bull, 4 Credit Mana Cr /18--Male or Female cl Solicitors, ete. 725- 2156 '| Sleek, yak hones nas 20 BOND ST. W young Brood sows, 1 boor, *|!3--Business Opportunities pie : els 'Wanted elephone Days ' Sed eke " " we ID - C "3 4 cellent opportunitie: 'or : JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, <="! foms gladly. discussed. No. | Call Now --= 728-5154 hay and some furniture. The /CORNER STORE, equipped, six-room right ean hoe 1 35 scscatere ho Evenings 728-6922 Barristor and. Solicitor and Notary Pub-/ Top Cis : : is -- -- property of William Cunning- _ |/iving quarters. Roly price $ - 500. ees 2 ' - |FULL- and PA a ' A at Mad lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King) fees. No waiting. Immediate ton, south 1% of ot 6, con. bee as ness forces sale. Wilson) Full company benefits, and fodfivtedl Ses gibalad ince ghost THE DIPLOMAT Walavee means of Ha paren H lla d Bulbs service for quick results, TV TOWERS 10, Mariposa Township, one | sgaury SALON with apartment --tor| oe. scheme, Apply Mon- jean, "One, mie. norin of Newcastle on McOIBBON ond BASTEDO, Barristers, 0 n Sg Coll Ed Wilson AND mile north 01 46 Highway on |sale. Selling because of sickness. Make 9 AAR G. "MIDDLETON Highway 115. New luxurious apartments. ae mace teow Geet he| Tulips 725-2539 ir | cash NG reserve. Sale 1:30 |RBvIRINBE Tonia \- meiose Tees por seenceomaee|. (obi. A committal tae i. imeoe Str . i 5 : ETIRING? i ted i products. Two ir conditi [) Ske en" ecco, Ee) RUS ----_----| Antenna 'Repair, | coh 0 Tie toe (need Sime cs ees! GOODVEAR 'arcterneerate amas] at, comprare nee Edgar F. Bastedo, + : Sabha good profits and is ablé to prove good or further PS lg agg Maggie 2 la el Mortgage Money TRIO ~ nd" tvereiy noun' son Wate Seats) © DERWICE STORE jun Zee Morlnd Apartment 11. 0 to | , j 4 r : * King 'street fest; Oshaws." on Hyacinth Available TELEVISION 7--Trailers _|to Box 205 Oshawa Times. 162 KING ST. EAST 20--Room and Board Phone 728-4283. PRIVATE and corporation monies to| Crocus is | 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA TRAILER (iravel) 16 ff. "Shasta" Air-| OSHAWA 725-5512 ROOM AND BOARD for respectable loan on all: types of mortgages; mort- Scilla ow Interest ST. E., O flyte, sleeps six, includes gas light, gas| R young men, good home. Central to north] -- > SF rn gages and agreements of sale purchased Snowdrops jrange and oven, 110V lights, battery| VARIETY STORE \W t d T M General Motors. Apply 51 Colborne East, egency towers Creighton, Drynan and Murdoch. (See nowdrop: Valdotions Atrchged 728- 678] light, 16 gallon 'water, tank with, pump iVWVanTe WOMEN [Fen : lectric brakes, efrigerator, two gas| pos lace ister, POTTING SOIL ™ =| bottles, swning. rail. Practically. pew. in FOR RENT Interested in making a |ROOM AND BOARD for two quiet men.| One -- two bedroom apart. saichot Madtary peste Meripegs FLOWER POTS RESIDENTIAL jexcellent condition, Owned by adults. better than average in- gon eee | ance Lai > gree yy ment, stove, refrigerator, funds available. 36' King Street East, Liquid Fertilizer CITY AND DISTRICT TV TOWERS. |Télephone 725-5676. Busy corner location. come 9g ya lh General Motors, ari re drapes. Laundry facilities, ete. 723-1107. Res. 985-7163. SUMMER PROPERTIES PROMISE your nildren a pat? Well Fixtures and stock available, Ants : 30, |CHURCH STREET, 118 -- Room and THOMAS H. GREER, BA, Barrister, ,f p ust have a car, be over 30, diay' i} ek. ced anal i sole bgp ye iid Ag he BL COOPER VACANT LAND Economy and does ae Sern. fe Saeeeiet Across from Power Store, free to stay away from home Lemans pecked, 'Shirt workers welcome. Call 728 1544 " my ree' ' t) Morven funds "avalabe. SMITH CO. ee ae Deluxe 9--Summer. Properties Apply at enti, caaaal Petar tg Bog a REIGHTON, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, : Mortgage Broker's Association sie, : * c 1 pa. ingl Borristers:Soliciiora, | Notary padi 16 Celina St. Priced to suit your budget | For Sale or Rent 55 KING ST. E. you. Good income plus very |board, near north General otors. single FOR RENT Sreet N rn Oshawa, Onarig, 72.3 723-2312 SUMMERLAND TERMS ARRANGED | KASSHABOG LAKE, "cottage "for sale; ay la ayo pew hed ROOM and board for gentleman; single Residences: 1. K. Creighton, Qc; G. three bedrooms, furnished, pager good 14 Employment Wanted 7 40.9 only, ot Bovol Hotel bed or share; close to south plant. Ped- FOUR-ROOM sot QC, 728-8554; ge 1, turioen | Instruction - sane re bien BL iearierane. |WILL MIND children by day o gg og Whitby, lar's and Duplate, Call 723-2625. Mortgages and agreements RSH, D.E.A., Dancing Shots ida | hi Big pi » child : ROOM AND BOARD for labor meu, .wo sh teveet ea 30ld, LILLIAN MAE MARSH. 0.8 fe Coe SECURITIES OSH AWA TV NEW cottage on, cittie "Lake melborne|panion. Best of leare, "Telephone 728-133. Interviews in person only: double rooms, parking. 260 Athol Street APARTMENT Pre-Sety 1, Kinderd: Fridays, Satur- 'ar below cost. Must sold immediate- 7 East. : Building Trades Idays. Masonic. Temple, 723-7253. chireb SUPPLY LIMITED i. 'Telephone F2i%005 ater Spm. er on/WORKING MOTHERS, cused we EXPERIEN ROOM AND BOARD Tor-Wwo-gentiemen,| Heat and water supplied CHIMNEYS built, sidewalks and stoops. BURNS SCHOOL of Dancing, CDTA, scbiiia lery, 581 Simcoe Norsh. Cail 7ed-cvcs. | CED to share, close to south General Motors Range ond Refrigerator Also Brickwork, F, McCann, Brooklin.| |Kights of Columbus Hall Ballet pis 112 Simcoe St. North 728 8180 LADY wants housework trem" Mona *\ VOODWORKING Blan Good bus service. Telephone 725- Ariens pik jazz, Acrobatic. Ladi - to Frid Telephi 725-1656 hig el! zs oe ALL TPE of ballding repair', Tooting, |ing. 728-7902. Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 AUCTION SALE cae o "|ROOM AND BOARD for. quiet gentarnae, H 23-4523 stoops.| HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, ' TE haat - Willing to share room. Home privileges, mi Gordon' May. 726-994 \Tap, RAD. Ballet, Highland. Register| Musical Services |Well Drilling--Digging d MACHINE five-day week. Telephone 728-3466. PHONE 7 3-452 now. 424 King Street West, 725-6122. wei DIGGING : rail of new summer cottage on emale Melp Wante ROOFING, corcrete floors, flat roofing | PIANO, reed pipe and electre y machine, specializ- lots will Id individuall "y " specialty. New work and repairs. tuning" ing _Fepairs. insane ing in 30-inch tile. W. Ward,. 204 Chest- 7 lots will be ace < iA RELIABLE woman to care 'for two ) R T Pesci eas eel EZE METHOD -- [ore Somalis hur notoce"_ "(Ch Soe a8 Sm. wine) suber a, rear Be lot (te Chane te pa ec barre Se ee eas - think Alen NN | as 0 x 200" . a 'OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS TYP , phone 728-3039, YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chimneys| DRIVING SCHOOL ALL TYPES of repairs ana remodelling. Wittiam --KROONTJE, well diaging,| Pigeon Lake, Nogey's Creek GANRGGS WAWFEGS FO ue REQUIRED built and repaired, gas linings Installed, Newest Oshawa . Branch rates. Estimates free, Dial 723-1193. Falla ig work, Clean-out and deepen- miles north-east of Bob- 1' full or part-time. furnaces vacuumed. Free estimates. 7 0881 J. Foley i g. 468 Park Road South. 728-3864, caygeon on Highway No. 36. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel. | Sioa ts d ' 723-2997. " Sale at 2.00 p.m. Sat., Oct. EXPERIENCED waitresses. Apply Coach Excelien arnings an CUPBOARDS a speciaity. New building) -- ict rel duo) |Nursing Homes 1--Women's Column | 19th. Terms. 25% down, Whitby. Restaurant, 929 Dundas West' working conditions for Wardrobe 'or teen itions, irs. Call willl Vroom. | utomatic, standard, iP ir- abe eisai i ASH! DOL Prone 708-0256. 4 as a controls. Fully insured. jORONO » NURSING HOME hes 'accommo. a nal *Pelephone| aan somite for infos: NOW OPEN | Jn ila ares a valuable! capable men. F ION MODEL L A-) CARPENTRY, cabinets, recreation FREE HOME SERVICE month and up. Telephone Orono 1308. 725-5363. ation phone the guetionesr wailite for ea ker on. Wanres APPLY rooms, ceiling, wall, floor tiles, arbor- | 2--P, I Orval McLean 4. ; Box 512 Oshawa. H WESTERINK ite, Repairs. 728-3836. |Optometrist ----rersona Lindsay, Ont EXPERIENCED hairdresser for long ' F . 9 cuvron wiasrne. sin waa) | LEARN C6, TUCK. RO, Oper, Pave DANCE, CLUB -- en a ih) Sa a gt es SKLAR Seat can sasaTh cut tal aati MEAT CUTTING 'pe seenan, deat Dial taster club activitiés, $2. per week. Arthur 11--Articles For Rent Shop. Phone - for naive, ws sree Hveonitit sy no PB eth dod BRAS Murray Studios, 728-1681. 623-3801. " i jodeling, . nnn nnn | CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church) PLAST ERIE colcnien end remaceina| 20. men needed. for closs; Personai Service WISH TO CONTACT people over 30 for| aisle runners. For "entals, 412\ Simcoe| RELIABLE elderly lady to live inv care FU RNITURE porter cacthake) nate | from Oshawa and surround- select Social Group. Telephone 728-1682. | North. for two young school children while | rg alge gel Gable} ing District day or evening, 2 \iF YOU have a » a drinking problem, write |widowe mother works, After 4 telephone 617 VICTORIA ST. E: ations. Worwmanship, materials guaran-| being formed, offering prac- MODERN GRILL |Box 333, Whitby, or call 668-3034, Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses poste teed. H. Tucker, 728-0826. tical pons, in the highly ae @ enc wi |RE-OPENING of classes in oll, paling. Bunch Bowls peprageead parttime | experienced Bl WHITBY See id ° t cutting, -B- i if Learn to paint your own pictures. In - HOME fharchondibing ond isis eitingg ag hie ae Hone groups or individually, "Reasonable rates. Coffee Urns pearance, pleasing personality. Must have 4 For information, phone 728-2434, : ; references. Apply in person. Seigneur's i IMPROVEMENTS ACT New Made Pies and Desserts, FE ae oes ne Silver Tea Service Sports Wear, Oshawa Shopoing Centre, A POSITION 1 Roofing, eavestroughing 345 fT oak Go Removal of superfluous hair, Silver Candelabra ied ong age Ag g Pa 00 A : ' : . n . ferences | painting, cupboards, floor, PRACTICAL 525-3887 Marie Murduff mall be "0 BARGEANT/S- RENTALS rewired. Gost salary pk micas : . j "bdr gr Mllgeaag ag MEAT CUTTING and | oer gia Pew cine 725-3338 ment Services 314° Blmces bem, eee \ inds. N to big o |Painei : | and 23rd. ne bs ervice, imcoe South. i er Al. it guaranteed. RETAIL SCHOOL |Painting and Decorating | Hotel on these dates) for ap- | EEPER or widow to live ive " i Finoncing at bank rates. Call Banta write | | pointment. | page be via ee children, two si This is a permanent position { A | and two at ie. No objecti i rr 1425 DANFORTH AVE. | palNIne ANG SouarNG | ELECTROLYSIS | RENTALS limotn' ni tren sl] and ater one of th hed 4 é - LADIES -- How } j Telephone: 728-2061 TORONTO, ONTARIO CONTRACTORS | 723-464] | OF ALL KI NDS your ES -- Hw would ee poe desetlpylun bg es | TELEPHONE HO 1-7545 Painting, Paperhanging, | Part-time or full work showing Studio yaad las no ic asta 4 Gypt I Wall | Girl Cosmetics to your friends. Ni . Wea ni oe Mortgages eaRey Being | LEN PULLAN | Seotngacnseat dS soca [sting aeTotme "nat rooniztion"apciiing i i y . 4718. : ° * Jon's We hacen Gene FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. sale 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY | Tee Galt eondans, Heer sand. APPRENTICE "wekiGd Fogo ri al and investment equipped nd insured. 728-3661. earonee lay ae mae pen DAYS 668-5862 | ENGLISH TAILOR 5 nie, : \dressing. Téleohons rani, met ale " ~ ie hal Chee ie NIGHTS 725-7426 | Specialist in garment altera- q -- | Previous investment or soles Gardening and Supplies A VACANT apartabat cone p00 Plomblan oad Heotin | tions, etc, Invisible mending, PLUMBERS TOOLS -- pipe EXPERIENCED experience not necessary as TREES REMOVED, trimmed, bullding:money! Fill that vacancy quickly with E] 9 | _ dress alterations. cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- HAIR STYLIST complete. training with con- oe Cece Ge ne ree 2 er rea? an a nee oe Ad. ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, | PRINCE ST. pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- tinued assistance is provided. ; 3. jax , Oshawa ust dia ay reac je re- a ti Is R ib} i i i : - { 9450. liable tenants you want, rales. Retwals free, bial Tae rive 728-5311 ters, pipe threading dies, required for well establsihed Managerial ability recogniz ' J. Foley, toilet auger. wntown Beauty Salon. " by early advancement. 722 Hf as R ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. 3---Pets & Livestock | PAINTERS EQUIPMENT -- Ton wages, For information or. confidential interview DOLL DRESS-UP i Classified Ad Rates Telephone 725-3521 Harold H. Stark, Ltd..| ByppPIES reirlever, six weeks old, three = ' TELEPHONE ry | WORDS ESS Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255\semaies, one male. Can be rectitered: stepladders, aluminum exten- WRITE BOX 407 / wile col Sar = : ic Simcoe Street South. |si0. 7 728-1923. sion ladders, ladder jacks, OSHAWA TIMES MR. CALDER By ALICE BROOKS : ; etter cescribed otters get taster results, \aeaaie aaa mY stec! 'scoffolding,.. cotmpress- © j----_-_____ , Knit this glamor wardrobe of f H BEAGLE wrebred, born June 14. if & _ f Cash Charge Rug-Upholstery Service bel hunting. stock. Telephone 7289263.| ers, spray guns, wallpaper STENOGRAPHER Toronto--924-629] baby yarn to give a child hours A Consecutive dayS...seeesesesserers 3. f |CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re-GoLDEN LABRADOR pups, ~purebred,| steamers, tarpaulins, blow of "'let's pretend" fun. { 3 consecutive doys.... 2.25 2.48 [covered like new. Get the best for 'less'males and females. Telephone Hampton| torches, propane torches. REQUIRED ' Fashion's hit knits for 11%- Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation as one word. | South. Call' 720-6431, Free estimates 2022604. fan| WELDING EQUIPMENT -- Life Insurance ' inch teen dolls. Pattern 7228: di- H Bex number Na Gi accom aa Aus ni aly vives 15¢ | youroceyorninee rn recover POODLES. teyk,_ miniatures ; and stan- 'Acitvlera Welding' cultits, Preferably with transport ex- DOLL S WARDROBE rections walking suit, scarf, | It not paid within aT days, nares rate epoliea, restyled. Largest fabric "selection, In- ==! 900 amp. electric welder perience, but not. essential: glitter-trip gown, jumper, Prof | 3 th ' 8 50 babe es filed ae free. Custom- Hafehlachle gal gag afd amp, . ian , hodavent ; Manager By ANNE ADAMS sweater, slacks. t 8 iture, 728-7271. raining, i . employment. i ' Goch adarccn! tine par an eeu . 120 |gu6s-- cuesveeriecog-- "Gieaned in| BTO8d 114 Elgin Street East. BUILDERS EQUIPMENT -- . : Sew this exciting wardrobe| Thirty - five cents (coins) own home. Free estimates. Telephone GERMAN SHEPHERDS, puppies, quar-| cement mixer, finishing tro- For appointment: Telephone Are you a Life Manager now |f0r a child's teen-age model/for this pattern (no stamps, (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements.) 728-7057. fer horses, colts, registered. Cozy-J wels, whee: barrows, electric Mrs. Li 2 ; ig doll. U: lamorous scraps in|please) to Alice Brooks, car Kennels. Ch bloodlines, : s. Lindsay 728-7539. or an Assistant Manager or 4 se giamorous' scrap! e DEADLINES |CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and sug' servicing. Ashburn, Brookiin. 6ss.| vibrator, air compressor, Gh Abert Weed 46 fe your sewing basket. Costs pen-|of The Oshawa Times, Needle- Iti tee: Free, estimates. See our mate-|4662,. Brooklin. Save number | Jack hammers, hand trewsls, Smith Tr t Guild o-big succecse {nies 'to make -- give endless|craft Dept., Oshawa, ' Ontario. Word ads 5 p.m. day previous rial for recovering, Dalton Upholster- ----| water pumps, portoble heat- anspor and build a big successful |! Ontari 4 Classified Display.......,.:..... 2:30 p.m. day previous ing, 75 Charles Street. 723-7212. Two ear ee ary black and tan, ais ateal scaffclding genic [oS a : agency? joy! Send now. ntario residents add 1 cent Births, memoriams, cards of thanks -- 9 a.m. day of publication. |CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered 'ee Years old a enerator, 'ramset, power ' Printed Pattern 4891: For|Sales tax. Print plainly Pattern lestend Found --.. 0. 5... 8:30 a.m. doy of publication, like new. Why pay more? Our rates are| PONY, _sibotied | mare, three a oid. gers t ctie hone WAITRESSES TOP SALARY 11%-inch teen fashion model/Number, Name, Address, i Cancellations ond Corréctions--8:30 a.m. day ot publicotion, i reaeee' reGUIt. Cones Seenolstery 15. and harness. Ressoneble, Brooklin . 655- masonry saw, building jacks, , doll. Use scraps. : je 206 Handicraft Hits in our big, oy REGULATIONS »_ |10 Bond West. 'Dial 725-0311. 463) mortar mixers, mortar boxes, No limit on our deal. High- FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins|new 1964 Needlecraft Ca:alog, : ' ; : KL ---------------- |AIRDALE puppies, 6 weeks old, for] chain hoist. miter saw, elec- Must Be. Experienced est commissions and override |(no stamps, please) for this|OUt now! See toys/ fashions, The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- |sale. Reasonable. Claremont 649-2043. tHe: plone: taraauling, Va! FULL ond PART TIME paid to our agents. pattern, Ontario residents add|crewelwork, heirlooms, gifts, ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than Reta: |PUREBRED Pekingese 40g, $40. Tele- bandsaa Tomek kand 2 cents sales tax. Print plainly|bazaar hits--everything to cro- one incorrect Insertion oF any advertisement, nor beyond the bles H pee blaster, power tamper, power For appointment We have over 5,000 clients |sizm, NAME, ADDRESS,|chet, knit, sew, weave, embroi- ice chargé for a single insertion of the advertisement in wh ch a 2 os ' , 4 to interview 11 addition- ? : s 4 peed ct sh cian ates ei ale eritage OuSe pom Dgen amg post hole auger. Dial al Life oe sii pyran bag gE s, der, quilt, smock. sen 25 cents Custom re-upholst: d Whitby 668-4171. i a Send order to A E ADAMS, jright now. kan aalagg ee regretted co een Se: aety "oayartieing ; Se tia oe SMIMUARDAT She" Yair Skis TOlGDION STAN'S Bowmanville 623-3373 Tell us about yourself, All re- |care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- ' according to its proper classification. in the same high quality we [723-7485 or 176 Bruce Street, | : plies strictly confidential. All, {tern Dept:, Oshawa, Ontario Smart : sale ind + . r (i In the case of display advertisements, The Times will not be have always been known for. | MINIATURE POODLE, dark brawn, maie,Sharpening and Rental Ltd. FLYING letters will be answered. PATTERN FREE! Mail cou-| Business 5 held responsible for more space than that in which the actual Showroom 216 Mary St. East three years old. Had all needies, papers pon inside new Fall-Winter Pat- Peorle error occupies, The publishers endeavour to reproduce all adver- : |$125. Telephone 728-1461. ei 223 King St. W., Oshowo DUTE HMAN ti Cc tal d 10 Sing the Praises tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement Whitby 668-3483. |scorrish TERRIER puppy, sig cide BOX 125 300 design iéeas, ait pieh Send gt Oshawa % month, all needies, trained. Reasonable. a ° ve» lassifi mM it any inaccuracies in ony form are contained therein, | Rylan an Pree. ta sae Phone 723-3224 MOTOR HOTEL OSHAWA TIMES 6 cents for Cathlog. ae qi ' ' ae > ' it . i { '

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