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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Oct 1963, p. 1

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Civic Pride Can Swell Oshawa's Community Chest 'THOUGHT FOR TODAY A husband reports that his wife _ lost the last word only once last summer -- to an echo. Oshawa Gimes WEATHER REPORT Mostly sunny Wednesday. Cooler with frost tonight. VOL. 92 -- NO. 253 Bh OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, OCTO BER 29, 1963 Authorized os Ottawa and Seeond Clase spit Font Olas Dasernnee of for payment Cash. Postage in EIGHTEEN PAGES INJURED IN RACE _ RIOT, Philadelphia P o lice Patrol- man Frank Jackson, injured in race riot which erupted last night in a North Phila- delphia neighborhood, tells his sergeant, Robert Miller, de- tails of being slugged with a milk bottle and knocked un- conscious. Jackson was one of more than 60 police who tried to quell the riot which follow- ed tense conditions that per- sisted since Saturday's fatal 23 Charged After Philadelphia Riot PHILADELPHIA (AP)--Hun-)told authorities he was arrest- dreds of Negroes: surged|ing Philyaw for shoplifting. through a north Philadelphia} Speakers at a sidewalk meet- neighborhood Monday nigh tiing branded the police account protesting the slaying of a Ne-jof the shooting a distortion them broke windows, 1ooted/eye, a tooth for a tooth." stores or menaced white driv-; ers, authorities said. avout Rescue ' Policemen estimated shooting. of a Negro by a] Miners Caught Policeman in centre -is |Shattered glass littered the| Anthony -Fanburro. |streets until garbage trucks and e | ? : them minors, were arrested on| The men had been imprisoned Tee in @ | e ners |charges of malicious mischief, |in two elevator cages. | : | Ambulances stood by as the BROISTEDT, West Germany|down to them 259 feet below the;crophone and loudspeaker low-) (AP) -- Three high - spirited| surface. men trapped in an iron mine since Thursday continued cracking jokes with their res- cuers asa shaft passed the halfway mark. "Don't send. down too much atuff--we'll only have to bring Hot food, warm clothing and the sports sections of newspa- pers go down to the three rescue 'the six-inch tub If boring operations continue at the present rate of five feet se an hour, the men could be res- it out of the shaft again," one|cyeg Wednesday. But Rudolf of the miners said over a sup-|Stein, the mine director, warned ply tube that has been bored/that geological variations in the e. via 15, minutes. earth could slow down the speed of the drilling. At 10 a.m. (4 a.m. EST), ions, Fritz Leder, 26 and Emiljby white patrolman John Tou- Pohlei, 34, are confident they|rigian after lunging with a knife will be rescued. and gro by a policeman. Many of|one called for 'an eye for an| an alleged shoplifter, attempt- |streets before they were dis-| ed to attack him with a knife. |persed by about 60 policemen.) The situation. was so tense JOHANNESBURG, that for a while policemen|rjica (Reuters) policeman who said the man, |9°0 Negroes rioted through the) (AP Wirephoto : | I El a wd | street cleaners moved in. | n evator | -- Sixty-three fearing flashbulbs might touch|Monday after spending more off more outbreaks. |than 12 hours deep in one of Twenty-three persons, 19 of|the world's richest gold mines. disorderly conduct on breach 00 sea pGind ta wittece. Frank Jackson, 38, a police- Wives and relatives, most_ of ered in the supply canister. To-|man, was struck on the headjttem sobbing with. relief, day there was some alarm|by a milk bottle while trying to| Sreeted them. when they did not answer for! break up one mob, He fell to| Earlier reports put the total the ground unconscious and was| number of trapped miners at 75 Where weses ment the sig-|taken. to a hospital. in two -- of 20 peg ala nal engineer asked. a mine spokesman said Monda nWee were just around the) SITUATION TENSE night 'ieee were only 13 pon corner," calmty replied Ger-| The neighborhood thas been) 50 in the two. cages. hard Hanusch, at 45 the oldest tense since Saturd4¥'s slaying! The spokqSman said the group of th+ trio. lof Willie Philyaw, Te. 24, a Ne-lof 50 was originally trapped He said he and his compan-|gro. The police said he was shot|1,000 feet down but had man- aged to reach safety in a cable pocket cut into the shaft until) | the peace. at the officer. The policeman after 46 hours of drilling, the| Suspect Shot . 'rescue shaft reached the half- During Quebec * "=" rescue was effected. | The group of 13 was 5,000 feet| down. | The only fatality in what had threatened to be a major dis-| aster was a white driver of hoist) gear at the surface. He died of, injuries received from the back-| Keeler Must Face South. Af-| | | | turned back photographers,/miners emerged unharmed) | | | | This is -Carole Tyler of sity, Tenn., former secretary.of Robert G, Baker, his post as sec- i the Senate Democra- | tie Majority on Oct. 7. Theo | activities of Baker formally come before the Senate Rules Committee tomorrow. Carole lived in the $28,000 towh house Carole posed for | this picture at the Capitol in" of Baker. 1969. (AP Wirephoto) Pressure U.S. SENATORS PROB 'INFLUENCE' PEDDLIN Tactics - Charge Studied ~ . WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sen- ators begin their investigation today of Robert G. Baker, the page boy they called Bobby who quickly grew up to wealth and power as secretary of the-Sen- ate's Democratic majority. The first witness in the rules committee's closed hearing was to be Senator John J. Williams, Delaware Republican who has conducted a one-man investiga- tion of the affairs of Baker, 35, who resigned his Senate job un- der fire Oct. 7. A specific point under the committee's scrutiny is an al- legation that Baker used pres- sure tactics to induce big de- fence contractors to install at their plants vending machines of various kinds leased from a firm in which he had a finan- cia] stake. Baker has denied any pressure tactics were involved. The case has been followed by disclosure that Baker was a moving spirit in the organiza- tion of an exclusive Capitol Hill group known as the Quorum Club Incorporated, at a hotel across the street from the Sen- ate office building. Its member- ship included Congress mem- bers, lobbyists and others. Representative H. R. Gross (Rep. Iowa) has asked that the affairs of Mrs. Elly Rometsch, attractive West German bru- nette who was shipped home after allegedly bragging of ami- orous adventures with Washing- ton figures. One of the unconfirmed rum- ors was some members of Ba- ker's circle were on good terms with Mrs. Rometsch, 27, and that she was often seen at the Quorum Club. Gross said he "certainty hopes" the Senate group will check into the matter, But today's session is sched- uled to be given over to Wil- liams' reported interviews with persons who might shed light on Baker's business activities, As for Mrs. Rometsch, Gross told the House of Representa- tives Monday: 'Members of Congress and the public are en- titled to know whether there was any element of security vi- olation concerned in this speedy and hitherto unpublicized de- portation." The West German defence ministry identified the statu- esque brunette as: Rometsch and said she and her sergeant hus+ band had been called home last August on the basis of intellig- ence reports about her - be- investigation also look into the German Ben Bella Meets With King Hassan BONN (Reuters) -- Ellen Ro- metsch, 27, a West German woman who was sent home ddenly from Washington last August, today denied being mixed up in a scandal with top havior. Denies Scandal The West German defence ministry said the couple were recalled in August after Amer- ican authorities said she was a ne risk for the sol- ier." lash of four 160 - ton elevator| BAMAKO, Mali (AP)--Presi-,and several of his ministers U.S. government figures. ;second rescue shaft. This rig 0 One suspect was shot and shaft. A more powerful drilling rig Bank Holdup jean drill at the rate of about 1 feet an, hour--twice as fast as wounded and two others cap- | tured unhurt Monday night 49 ARE MISSING |was put into action today on a ST. SEVERIN, Que. (CP) --/the rig on the first escape after the robbery of a Caisse) The three were trapped in an) Populaire near St. Severin,/air pocket in a gallery when a/5 some 90 miles northeast Of/nearby dam burst and flooded |4"4 Montreal. the mine. Eighty - six miners) The wounded man was trying|managed to escape, but 40 other| to flee across the Batiscan|still are unaccounteq for and River by rowboat and police ate believed to have drowned. the leg, he returned and sur-|¥Sual in his experience, He ex- rendered. |plained that the air pressure the Caisse Populaire (credit un-|ered the flood waters' will pour girl Christine Keeler and three} roommate, Paula. co-defendants were ordered to| accused of giving false testim-|the bail and were freed to await jony | dian : : three other defendants were ac-|the late osteopath Stephen Ward| opened fire when he refused: to| A Veteran engineer described! cysed of helping her pin charges|was convicted of living on come back. After being shot in the operation as the most un-|of assault on the man, singer| Christine Keeler's earnings as a Aloysius (Lucky) Gordon. ' : Christine Keeler were her room-|three year A trio of armed men wearing}#7ound the men is 2% times|mate Paula Hamilton-Marshall,|saulting the redhead, but was| overalls and silk hoods robbed|normal and that if this is low-|25, her housekeeper Mrs. Olive|released after a successful ap-| Brooker, 56, and Jamaican|peal. Perjury Charges and £1,500 ore-loaded carrier. for her; Another driver of gear con- LONDON (Reuters) -- Play-| ($9,000) | Fenton's bail was set ation the emergency brakes when perjury |£1,000 and Olive Brooker's at/he heard the cables snap in the £750. jadjoining shaft. This The four defendants posted) the two cages. tand trial today on conspiracy charges. | The 21-year-old redhead was! cables severed by a runaway|dent Ahmed Ben Bella of Al- wore jgeria and King Hassan II of |Morocco arrived in Bamako to- trolling the mine cages slammed|day to bring their border war lassie, who has been trying to to the conference table. Hassan, the first 'to arrive, '2pped|was smiling. Ben Bella arrived Tive later. about one-half. hour later. He to put a cast-off West In-|trial at the Old Bailey, London's| lover behind bars. The|central criminal court where} prostitute. | Gordon was first sentenced to; in prison for as- Ordered to stand trial with BROCKVILLE (CP)--An On- 'tario Supreme Court jury delib- Man Gets Life In Brockville Murder ;Geneva Parker, 75, at her Crys- tal Rock home, 18 miles north- battle. dress as they stepped from their plane. Ethiopian Emperor Haile Se- organize a peace conference for the last 10 days, was due to ar- Western diplomats hoped the meeting would produce a cease- | fire in the disputed border area between Morocco and Algeria. But they doubted that any of the fundamental issues dividing the two North African neighbors | would be resolved. |. The summit talks are a ma- |jor test for the principle 'of Af- jrican unity, adopted last May 1 at the conference of African na- jtions in Haile Selassie's capital, Addis Ababa. been linked in Washington press reports with a former Senate staff member whose past was due to be probed today by ja congressional investi- |gating committee. ington scandal threatens to blow up into an affair as big as Lon- don's Profumo scandal. was divorced. by her husband, told the West German news agency DPA she did not have close or intimate relations with other men in Washington, alone or at small gatherings, Mrs. Remetsch's name has Reports have said the Wash- Mrs.' Rometsch, who recently DPA did not say, and refused A defence ministry spokes- men said West German ui- ties showed Mrs. Rometsch had no contacts with East Germany and her husband was a "'man of very high integrity." Mrs. Rometsch lives with her five-year-old son near Wupper- tal in the industrial Ruhr Val- ley. Her husband lives nearby in Siegburg. Rometsch told DPA' he ob- tained a-divorce from his wife in a Bonn court last September. He refused to state the grounds, Tories Pledge: jtruck driver. Rudolph Fenton,| Testimony during the prelim- erated three hours and 40 min-}east of here. [ d beating the manager and _ his : ' scr itt: inary hearing indicated Chris-|utes Monday night before re-| Mr. Justice S, H, Hughes, in) Failure of the meeting would wife with their guns. | The supply shaft is fitted with|" 7p. decision to call the trialltine Keeler was punched and|turning a guilty verdict on ajsentencing Pruner, told him he represent a serious blow to the itis ecahan Ur a cat Profan, air lock, and an air lock iS'was made by the magistrate| kicked by another man on the | non. - capital murder charge|was fortunate the jury had re-/Organization of African Unity, vincial. Police Gonstable Yyes|eo ne down 'with the rescue] after the fifth day of a pre-trialjnight of Gordon's alleged as-/@gainst Arnold Wayne Pruner, |turned a finding of guilty on the which was organized at the Ad- Waniaten cave hace ond thine shafts to control the pressure. |hearing held to determine/sault, a year ago last August.|32, of Spencerville, Ont. He was|lesser charge. : dis Ababa meeting, and would the car overturned in a ditch, The men are confined to a| whether there was sufficient ev-|Police said she blamed all her Sentenced to life imprisonment.| Pruner, who had denied all/be a bad omen for prospects Police searched the nearby|SPace about the size of a four-|idence against those accused. |bruises on Gordon because she} The 12-man jury found Pruner|knowledge of the slaying during|for peaceful settlement of fu- ; i "|room apartment and communi-| 'The court fixed bail for Missjhad grown tired of his persis-/not guilty of capital murder in|his week - long trial, shouted ture disputes between Africa's ion) of $1,400 Monday afternoon, |in on them. ie' Misclede Wink". weestiann where the interview with Mrs. Rometsch took place. Mrs. Rometsch told the agency suspicions about her may have been aroused by her friendship with a woman secre- tary employed in the Capitol Machinery To. Aid Loan Fund TORONTO (CP) ~ Legisla- tion to bring Ontario municipal- woods and two men surrendered after several shots were fired cate with the surface via a mi-/Keeler at a total of £3,000 tent attentions. LIBERALS UNABLE over their heads. Police said two of the cap-! tured men had recently been re-| leased from penitentiary after the March 28 slaying of Mrs. TO SIDETRACK MOTION serving holdup terms. }from the box: -|you know what you're talking about." A guard told him to sit down and be quiet. A total of 45 witnesses gave evidence during the trial, which started last Tuesday. "T don't think "¢w nations. To strengthen the Moroccan|t position at the talks, Hassan's government announced its troops were eight miles from |Tindouf, well inside the terri- |bory claimed by Algeria. Infor- secretary and her employer. HAS LONG BLACK HAIR woman with a slim face and Building. She said she main- ained social contacts with this Mrs. Rometsch, a slender 'A pallolbyia's re-|mation Minister Abdel Hadi|!ong black hair, said she was ities in line for assistance under the federal government's $400,- 000,000 municipal loan fund forecast today in the spee from the throne opening the Legislature's special session... The speech also informed the HELP The Chest CLIMB 261,800 250,000 ernment EST tonight will the|five Social Crediters and onejcized the government for mak- 225,000 200,000 '175,000 150,000 125,000 100,000 75,000 50,000 _| 25,000 Start former. Progressive panepichbel tive government was toppled in a Commons vote last Feb. 5. Creditiste Leader Real Caou-|! eite set the stage Monday. by presenting a non-confidence mo-'i for municipal authorities. j | motion attacking other defence! |verse the Speaker's ruling and tion attacking the government|House were 47 of the 129 Lib-|both fronts. "servilely' accepting nu-jerals, 28 of the 95 Conserva-) clear arrms storage "on tle ter-| tives, five of the 17 NDP mem- ritory of the state of Quebec" |bers, four of the 13 Creditistes despite the protests of civil and|and six of the Social Crediters. Three Liberals and two Con- His motion--an amendment to|servatives were paired with ab-/ NOT SERVILE a Conservative non-confidence|sent MPs and did not vote. measures by the government--|dence motion presente was ruled out of order by Dep- don uty Speaker Lucien Lamoureux. | widespread But on a challenge of the|and damage had resulted from'heads at the two Bomare anti-| ing to question him on it. Warhead Issue Ignited OTTAWA (CP)--The politic-)chair's ally explosive issue of nuclear|forces of Conservatives, warheads has been injected into a Commons defence debate be- cause the minority Liberal gov- couldn't muster Commons votes to sidetrack it. | A showdown vote' at 8:15 p.m. determine | 2 I 0 t : lg whether the Pearson govern-|Diefenbaker government Feb. 3) Mr. Churchill, who succeeded | the combined|"piecemeal" government an-,aircraft missile bases at North New/nouncements on abandonment of|Bay, Ont., and La Macaza, Que. Democrats and Creditistes pre-|defence projects, notably the} Unless the United. States was vailed. They outvoted the Lib-/navy's $452,000,000 general pur- willing to contract out of the erals who were supported by|pose frigate program. It criti-|plan by negotiation--'"which in this case I am sure it is not'-- then Canada was duty bound to carry out its part of the bar- ain, |] Opposition Leader. Diefen- ruling, lone Conservative--former de-|ing the decisions without con- fence minister Douglas Hark-/sulting the special Commons de- ness who resigned from the| fence committee. ment can survive a non-confi-|in protest against its nuclear|/Mr. Harkness as Conservativelnaier asked whether he was dence motion on the nuclear is-|Policy. sue--the same one on which the voTE TO REVERSE | |defence minister last February, said the cancellation of the fri- jgate program "'scuttled" the The vote was 85 to 83 to re-|navy without suggesting an al- e Spe " ternative. et the Creditiste motion stand.! Defence Minister Hellyer en- Absenteeism played a determ-|tered the debate in the eve ning factor. Absent from the|to defend the government sure the U.S. would be unwilling to release Canada from the agreement. Mr, Hellyer said he based his jfeeling on the importance the U.S. attaches to the nuclear say weapons systems. motion, he said: "I think the|/that the multi-purpose ships state of Quebec is still part of] were planned for several roles Canada. land none of them effectively enough. There was no question of ser-| He said he had given the de- The Conservative non-confi-|vility, Mr. Hellyer said, in the|fence committee a clear indica- confusion, unrest|States to install nuclear war- report vealed Mrs. Parker, a widow for 41 years, died as a result of manual strangulation following Boutaleb said Morocco would not take Tindouf "by arms but by negotiations." : a severe beating in which sev-| eral of her ribs were broken, and a sexual attack, Gerald Shanahan, a Crystal Rock farmer, told court he found Mrs,. Parker's body on the kitchen floor of the home. She) was 'ying on her back and the} jlower part of her body was un-| | clothed. | | from the women's home and a| pouch containing $275, which was sewn into Mrs. Parker's dress, was uatoyched, Pruner, who was arrested by jpolice at his home 2% miles jfrom Mrs, Parker's farm, testi- Turning to the cancellation of|fied he had been home on the|been sold to doctors in Canada Firing back at the Creritiste|the frigate program, he argued|evening Mrs, Parker was mur-|with the approval of the Cana- \dered, | The unemployed handyman testified that he had once done \odd jobs for Mrs, Parker but |had not done so for the last two years. | Pruner said he had no idea d by Gor-|government's decision to honor|tion that a decision on the ships| how a finger print, identified as ufacturer a letter of compliance Churchill charged thatlits commitment to the United|was shaping up, yet it hadn't|that of his right index finger,|certifying that the drug has taken the opportunity of seek-/got on a coal-oil lamp in Mrs.|met standards set by the health \Parker's home. Ottawa Claims Cancer Drug Not On Sale the : OTTAWA (CP) -- A federal) Evidence established that rob- health department official said h ery was not a motive for the|today that the cancer drug kre-| Mere: murder since nothing was stolen|biozn is not on sale in Canada, Dr, C, A. Morril, head of we | food and drug _ directorate, }was commenting on statements made last' week in Chicago by Dr, Stevan Durovic, developer of the controversial drug, Dr. Durovic said that krebiozen has | |dian government. | "If it is on sale here, it is \being sold illegally," said -Dr. |Morrell. | Dr. Morrell added that the government never 'approves' a drug. It only gives the man- jdepartment. Ginny, somewhat weakened but still carrying heavy rain and winds up to 75 miles an hour, was forecast to hit Nova Scotia tonight. was 350 miles southwest of Yar- mouth, N:S., and moving at_18 miles an hour. northern New Brunswick are expected to feel the storm's ef-) fects. Nova Scotia will be hard-| est hit, | also friendly with another young woman who was said to have numerous contacts with influ- ential American personalities. She told DPA she had never met any of these people, not even at cocktail parties to which she was invited while working as a model. Mrs, Rometsch spent two years in Washington with her husband, Rolf, a West German army sergeant who. was at- tached to the military mission Hurricane Aims For N.S. Coast HALIFAX (CP) --Hurricane The weather office said Ginny new legislature that it will be asked to set up again two select committees -- on consumer credit and municipal law -- which operated at the last ses- sion but expired with proroga- tion that preceded the Sept. 26 general election. Both proposals had been an- nounced by Premier Robarts during the general election cam- paign, and the speech contained, no surprises. It gave no details of the loan legislation to be in- troduced by Municipa] Affairs Minister Spooner. ' - The speech, read by Lieuten ant-Governor W, Earl Rowe in his first appearance at an open- ing, was a bare 150 words open- ing a session which the govern- ment hoped would not last be> yond -today. GET NEW SPEAKER The other major business for the day was the election of Don ald H. Morrow, member for Ot- tawa West, as speaker, and Premier Robarts has indicated All Maritime regions except | | | the whole program can be dealt with in a few hours, The opposition, however, may mg the session into a second y,

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