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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Oct 1963, p. 8

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuosdoy, October 29, 1963 | STOP AT Ansus-GRravpon ANY 728-9581 CARPET 282 King W. BROADLOOM TILE ss . father any more, My mother|thing without ripping it and | says I should play with him but/causing runs, So that, slob must) ef that I ought to let him win, so|be pinning her garter to her) S HAWA OF THE FUTURE we can have peace in the house, girdle, Even so, how does she MIS 0S Do you agree? -- SIXTEEN cross her legs and reveal the} ; ; PIECES OF TROUBLE |pin job without hiking her dress This charming young miss and of Mr. Earl Lloyd, Peter- | Dear Sixteen: I do not agree.|way up? Please clarify this one| could well become Miss porough, and of Mr. and Mrs. | rae Oshawa in a few years time. John Preston, Lakefield. Her | She is Debra Lynn Preston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. greatgrandmothers are Mrs. Alexander Preston, Mary Archie Tedford, and Mrs. street, and is four years old. Gordon Lloyd, both of Peter- 8 She is the granddaughter of borough. Mrs. Pearl Lloyd, Oshawa, --Photo by Hornsby | ame t in the paper. -- NON-BELIEY-|We. menage to see each other|writes once a week and tele-, ANN L ANDERS : ERS joes eee a year. ' Hp nd a oe * i Mert ha an unsuccssful|he can, Please help me see this ee = ---- large|marriage 10 years ago andjsituation clearly. -- VISION safety. pin, and a sloppy girl claims. the marriage failed be-/ BLURRED Dad's Double Loser who doesn't care how she aits, cause he had to be away from) Dear Vision: I believe your ' Your letter was a challenge|"0me 8 =, He says he lovesiseq Bee's judgment is securely . so I did some experimenting) oe ta co oie using aren (anchored to reality. | ' thyseif--at home, not at the of \UN Me Telres rom the Sea Sinden 'vbis've wirehae Wceeinl Game And emper 4 |fice--and it can be done. Inci-| Bees, which will be in 14) pc, até ee oe ! dentally, girls, the dress needn't| months. : four years in Mert and he is : ally, girls, " With the Does. this reason sound like a thinking in terms of marriage, Dear. Ann Landers: I am a|What your mother calls peace|>¢ hiked "way up." Wa dy good one--or do you think he|be patient and go along with chess maniac, Not a very ac-jis really appeasement, She jsicurrent hemlines, it's already), stringin gme along? Mert'him, complished one, but I enjoy the asking you 4 Sore --_ to agate dus tides Can a0) Soe game and I'm trying out for)escape your fa er's wrath, : " membership in our chess club) A person of integrity does not/and still single. My fiance is 45) ae HELP YOURSELF T0 at school, take a dive for any reason|and a Sea Bee. Mert and I have) Now that I've improved I can/whatever. Do your home work|been going together four years.| ' wr FA ST RELIEF check-mate my father's king/during the evening and play; Because of his career we are] . about 50 per cent of the 'ime.|chess with your friends. lseparated a great deal of the, This seems to be causing a lot) Dear Ann Landers; Will you\time. Mert has to travel 500 FROM if of trouble between us, If I put|please clarify something for a/miles to visit me when he is on 7) him in check with a piece helgroup of south side commu-|shore and able to leave the port. ; will make some snide remarki{ers? In a recent column a VIAL, like, "Where did that come/woman said of her sloppy office from--" as if I had cheated. |colleague, "If her garter breaks When he 'finds he's beaten, he/she doesn't bother to sew it on. HASE'S makes up an excuse to quit or|She just pins the stocking to her) WITH DR. ¢ ' \"accidentally" tips over * the|girdle, When she crosses her) / \poard. Yesterday I beat him)legs the pin and dirty slip show. NERVE FOOD twice and he got so mad helit is revolting." i "| feel free as the breeze--at last I've found quick : |almost hit me. | We girls have been experi- raliot from tension ridden days and restless wakeful 1 | To be honest with you, I don't/ menting and we find it impos- Pry Be more people are discovering Dr. Chase's want to play chess with my sible to 'pin a stocking to any Nerve Food. They've found relief from suck, feelings You too can help your nerves fast. Dr. Chase's Nerve WL I N EE Ss Food starts right in to help settle your nerves and help build up your general health, Get Dr. Chase's Nerve Food--help yourself to fast relief from Nerve Fatique. - 5 IADA'S WINES YF fC BBW) DR. CHASE Nerve Food--FIGHTS Nerve Fatigue HEVROLET UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES OGH WOMEN'S AUX ._ )by Mrs. J. E. Mann, six gowns Mrs. A. W. Armstrong, presi-|and six spreads received; 12 dent, presided at the October) gowns and four spreads given meeting of the Women's Aux- out. itiary of the Oshawa General) Mrs. P. D. Thompson's resig- Hospital. Three new members| nation as treasurer of the "Gift were introduced: Mrs. G. D./Shop" was regretfully accepted PUMA RAG LT NE a AtY ty Langmaid, Mrs. C. W. Band/pecause of ill health, Mrs and Mrs. W. J. Scarlett . he minutes were read by Mrs, Neil Felt and the treasur- er's report given by Mrs. W. F. Marshall. Mrs. A. W. Armstrong report- Thompson is unable to continue in this office. Mrs, D. E. Jack- son has graciously assumed the, duties of treasurer of the 'Gift Shop". Mrs. J. G. Carter reported! ed that she had attended the/that Gift Cart service had been} Regional Conference held in|extended to cover all the hospi-| Peterborough the evening ofital, twice a week, thanks to the/ September 25, and had been ac-jresponse of members who so| companied by Mrs. R. W. Bas-|willingly: volunteer their time.) sett and Mrs. S. A. Heney. |The Gift Shop, too, continues to) Mrs, C. D. Russell, convener] fill a very real need in the hos-) of the 'Festival of Gifts" to be/pital, a convenience for. both held November 22, reported that|staff and patients. all plans had been finalized. On| Mrs. J. L. Beaton will con-| display was a beautiful oil/vene the nominating committee. | painting donated by Mr. F. T.| As in the past, it was agreed,| Lamble and two growth charts, | Christmas gifts will be present-| hand-made by a member, Mrs./ed to each patient in hospital. at) Joseph Dominik. These are to} be sold at the bazaar. Mrs, J. G. Dancey and Mrs. E. F. Cuthbertson wili be in| charge of the tea-room; Mrs. 3 R. Walker, treasure table; Mrs.| D. 8. Jamieson, aprons; Mrs. J, G. Carter, dolls; Mrs. C. C. Robson, dolls of all nations;| Mrs. H. B. James, knitted! wear; Mrs, H. H. Tonkin and| Mrs. S. J. Nobbin, Christmas| novelties; _ and Mrs. aul] Swartz, baking. Mrs. H. B. James reported) _ that the furnishing of the| + nurses' residence and the day) room for chronic patients, was} almost complete. It was also} _ agreed to furnish another lounge) for the use of the nurses of Mc-| Laughlin Hall. Mrs. W. J. Langmaid reported that the library cart had made) three visits, distributing 170) books 'and 119 periodica!s, The nursery report was given | | Christmas time. Following the business meet-| ing, Mrs. T. W. Tite, Director of Social Services for the hos- pital, addressed the members. An outline was given, of the ser- vice rendered by this depart- ment in co-operation with other organizations devoted to the care of chronic patients. A real effort is made to rehabilitate the chronically ill by improving their. condition through therapy. Mrs. S. J. Phillips presided at the tea table for the social hour, SEWING MACHINE Tune-up Special 3.99 FAST SERVICE Oshawa Sewing Centre 329 SIMCOE ST. S. 728-2391 BAKER CLEANED rug Reversibles, Orientals, ING... they'll doa woe JUST ONE CALL "Over 75 Years' Experience" Your local Agent ... ROSS E mee BQ SIMCOE NORTH You 'just wouldn't believe what a difference a Our whole living room took on a brighter, fresher and lovelier look. And BAKER'S can clean any rug including Wilton's, Axminster's, proofed too! You should try BAKER CLEAN- Contact Ross Mills (local agents), they'll see that you get really prompt service. "Free Pick-Up & Delivery" can moke in your home! Indians, etc, etc. Moth- job you'll be proud of! DOES THEM ALL" BAKER Cleaning *™o. . MILLS Co. -LTD. PHONE 728-6218 A General Motors Value 64 Chevrolet Impala Sport Sedan Besides looks, ride and power-what's so special about it? (it's so reasonably priced) Kind of leaves the high-priced cars some explaining to do, wouldn't you say? 'Long and luxurious -- with a clean fresh-christened look that almost makes you feel somebody should be breaking a champagne bottle on its prow. Richer roomy interiors with subtle new blendings of colors and fabrics. Like the ultra-soft vinyl upholstery in the new Impala Super Sport Series. And the foam-cushioned front and rear seats and door-to-door carpeting, now standard in all models including the modest- priced Biscaynes. A choice of seven engines, no less, with output all the way up (say when!) to 425 hp.* And a choice of three smoother working transmissions -- from auto- matic* to 4-speed Synchro-Mesh* -- to go with them. And underlying it, all, the opulent feel of Chevrolet's Jet-smooth ride -- something some of the expensive makes would dearly love to claim for themselves. Matter of fact, the most important and noticeable differ- ence between this beautiful new 1964 Chevrolet and the high- priced cars is the price itself. Let your Chevrolet dealer show you how much luxury that reasonable Chevrolet price now buys. *optional at extra cost See five entirely different lines of cars at your Chevrolet Showroom--CHEVROLET, CHEVELLE! CHEVY II, CORVAIR AND CORVETTE Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel-and time, ce ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LID. 140 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO PHONE: 725-6501 HARRY DONALD LIMITED 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONTARIO PHONE: 668-3304, 668-3305, 668-3306

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