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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Nov 1963, p. 8

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aammmniebenaall oY Te Rg ng Hing i ena pe ye nig ig lag hy 1, 20 lO AE OE EE IT ED A EE I OEE, OS A A AA: t i oa ets 3 * ae RE eS oe Heather Murree | Barrie McKenna Take Nuptial Vows Heather Audrey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Murree (0) and Barrie Robert McKeuna, : a |son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Mc- Jo Aldwinckie, Women's. Editor Dial 723-3474 P Ss, Kenna, Pag of bean, we Street United Church, recently. AE ne Sur ey : 3 _|@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, November 2, 1963 | PERSONALS W. Bassett, immediate past president; Mrs, Elmer Dixon and Mrs. J. G. Carter. The Ev- ening Chapter was represented by Mrs,:H. A. Heney, chairman. Mrs. Ray Lunn, past chairman; Mrs, Eric Sutherland and Mrs. James Hepburn. Mrs, Ray Lunn,| 2 convener of the Candy Stripers, took part in a panel discussion! on volunteer teen-age help in Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a full- length gown of French taffeta,| ' fant style,@with a long-| Sleeved bodice. Rounded pan- niers, edged with deep Chantilly lace, met in an inverted V. in the front with a smail bow, The underskirt was trimmed with appliques of lace which was re- peated on the bodice, styled with a semi-bateau neckline and squared Dos yytieme: finished with sequined, scalloped Chan- tilly lace. A Juliette cap, stud- ded with seed pearis, held her} elbow-length, bouffant veil of; & French illusion and she carried) a bouquet of pink roses and) white chrysanthemums, a Spl yas ag and the brides" Santa off, will more than like- maids were Miss Carol Mc- ly be on a debating team a Kenna and Miss Betty Magill,| fW Years hence, He is David Catholic Church, with Mon- |They wore ballerina gowns of 7 iciati iFrench blue chiffon with bod- lthe school board members, was y ffici . | paOr Fae garbage. 41° of matching lace, scoop Conant H&S Holds |greatly appreciated. : be oo ee __|necklined and cap sleeved. | Mrs. Jack Shearer was nomi- Their matching pillbox head- | Curriculum Night inated as recording secretar ' dresses were crowned with flow-| nd ted. 2 Hallowe'en Dance Huge Success'ss'an0 sive veting They cer' The conant tome ana senool nee? ; ' 4 Mr. R. D. Peel annomnced. nied nosegays of blue-tinted, Association held its regular that the interm reports will be white chrysanthemums. jmeeting recently with Mrs. Wil-|sent home next week so the: The flower girl was Miss Sally liam Tymchuk presiding. jparents will be able to see how Murree wearing a white satin) Mrs. Tymchuk welcomed the|their child is progressing, and' 3 jattending the regional confer-| More than 250 local Foresters|Follest, Mr, and Mrs. Forbes/and nylon net dress with a blue parents and members. Mrs, El-|will state where help 's needed... James Prescott. allot Oshawa |e™ce at Barrie today. Also at- and friends attended the annual McLaughlin. sash, She carried a basket of wood Buckler gave the re-\Mr. Peel, stressed the impor-*', | ' ; |tending are Mrs. John Collins! Halloween dance, sponsored by| M ha ish, blue tinted chrysanthemums cording secretary's t fol-\tance of curriculum night ' 2 wil ke "plac ; Monti | pia aD) r. and Mrs, James Nemish, ys : g secretary's report fo c . UNITS GROUPS, AUXILIARIES'™ yee en Ona #30 (2nd Mrs. Melville C lidg ofthe combined efforts of Court) Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Mills, Mr.| Mr. Gary Collins was best|}owed by Mrs. Desmond The teachers explained the 7 11963 af 3.00 aa on Kin Strwel the ist Scout Group Auxiliary; |1443 Whitby, _and Court 1871 and Mrs. Erwin Meir, Mr. andjman and Robert Kemp and|Taylor-with the treasurer's re-|course of study being given in Helpers .and their mothers was|United Phen : - Mrs. Walter Atherfold, and Oshawa, held in the Recreation/Mrs. John Gagnon, Mr. and|Byron Robbins ushered. Master|Port. Mrs. Ronald Elliott gave|the classroom. ' sisen Soy the group, convened : [Mrs. pag cng ra i the) Hall at the Oshawa Airport, re-/Mrs. Ward Lee, Mr. and Mrs.|Danny Omelanchuk 'acted asthe corresponding secretary's) Refreshments were served by lby Mrs. Maurice Wood. ENGAGEMENT jth, Mrs. David St, Andrew S| cently, Roy Kehoe, Mr. and Mrs. Gor-|ring bearer, ee Among those who have been revelling in a sketching tour of the Muskoka district recently was an Oshawa artist in oil and water color, Mr.-F. T, Lamble. The 'guiding spirit' of the party was Mr. George Thomson OSA of Owen Sound, oldest brother of the late Tom Thom- son, one of bong Payor abe artists. The small party took ex- + |cursions: around Lake Rosséau,|hospitals. At the banquet Mon- visited Beaumaris and Port Car-/day evening, the Afternoon ling and found a composition|Chapter of the Auxiliary receiv- 'lat almost every turn. jed the Hospital Auxiliaries Association award for their Mrs. Harry Taylor and Mrs./public relations exhibit, repres- H. B.- James y on ba enting activities of the year. , |Auxiliary of the Oshawa Gener-| + \al Hospital, were delegates, to| The Reverend and Mrs. Au- the Ontario Hospital Auxiliaries|brey Small of Vancouver, who} Association Convention held in)celebrated their fiftieth wedding| a the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. anniversary in Montreal with| Also attending were Mrs. .A, W. ; od Armstrong, president; Mrs. R. their daughter, Mrs. Dorrien |Weaver and family, visited this SIGNING THE REGISTER SOCIAL NOTICES ttt ang Mos. Rice and Mrs. E,.'H, Anderson, | Oshawa. eee alg Bogor ped of np A see Harold | ENGAGEMENT '3 : ourtice, was sett 18 uir and the bridegroom is | yy, ang Mrs Samuel Jack.| Mrs. Gordon Varnum an cently, for the wedding of th..son of Mr. and Mrs, Paul ha Jr. announce the engage-|Mrs. Frank Gravelle of the} Seise Ezabeth Str, Gour- the 200 of Mr For Canadian Order Of Foresters ; ; District Committee of Scout} ; . ment of their daughter, Mari- : sie | pre a he igen i. --Mary's Studio |lyn Ruth, to Mr. James Dean|GToup Ladies Auxiliaries _are| he |Prescott, son of Mr. and Mrs. HOW MUCH AM I BID? This young lad, auctioning ITALIAN COUPLE WED Annette Catherine Alvaro, laughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Alvaro, Oshawa, be- came the bride of Dominic Calderone, Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Cal- Crocker, one-year-old son-of ~ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crocker, Simcoe street north. derone, San Luca, Italy, re- cently'in St. Gregory's Roman . PMA CLUB "The Pleasant Monday After- jreport next, | noon Club held its weekly meet- from the 8th; Mrs. G, | jthe grade one mothers. The ing in the Legion Hall with the' The annual bazaar will be i held' Friday and Saturday, No-/OShawa, wish to announce the president, Mrs. Elwood Bradley, held y Rngspemet el Waci? dencliet: vember 22 and 23. sung presiding. Favorite hymns r and readings were given by were Mrs. Robert G. Collison, Mrs.| Guild Anniversary stewart will Saturday, A. L. Morphy, Mrs. Joseph Tin-| ney and Mrs. William Reed. | [ ytheran Church It was decided 'to have elec-| ' | tion of officers on December 2) The members of Grace Lu-| United Church. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Johnson, Mary Margaret, to Roy Doug- take place November 30, on W. and the Christmas party on De-'theran Church Women's Guild),» cember 9. |will celebrate the 35th anniver Refreshments were served by/Sary of the founding of the Guild Mrs, |this Sunday, November 3. Mem-|: re reg <acaeammagan |bers and former members will lattend the 11.00 a.m. worship ST. MATTHEW'S WA iservice in a body, The Pastor, The vice-president, Mrs. W.G. the Reverend Philip L. Fiess, Glark, presided at the regular) will discuss the role of Chris-} meeting, which opened with|tian Women in a Living Church} prayer and the service from the in the morning sermon. | "Living Message." Members and their families The secretary gave a reportjand guests will attend an anni- on the Oshawa Deanery Con-\versary banquet and evening of|: ference, attended by three|fellowship in the church parlors) members. beginning at p.m. Thel: Mrs. Harold McCabe re-|celebration will close with a ceived the boxes for the united Vesper service after the even-| Thank Offering. After the treas-|!N& S program. The only char-|, urer's: report by Mrs. R. L,|ter..member, who_ has been); Gouldburn, it was decided to|With the Guild for 35 years is}: send a donation and pleige|Mrts. Ross Mackenzie, Burk): money to WA house. street. She will address the |2 Mrs. H. J. Bathe invited mem-|WO™e2, 9" her recollections of} hats to her home fora pot-inck| The Early Years". supper, December 10. : sats uittle|Grace Ladies Aid in 'October ee eee te the Rev, AC. Hake |The first meeting was held atl: the home of Mrs. F, Dahmer,|" 255 Athol street. Mrs. Dahmer). was elected as the group's first president. dent is Mrs, Robert Behm. REPRESENTATIVES' TEA Bronze and yellow chrysan- themums decorated the tea| table for the Room' Représen-|" tative's Tea héld recently in |the auditorium of the Gertrude Mr.s G. A. Wandless, presi- jdent, in her remarks said that she was very happy to welcome} the teachers and the Room Rep-) |resentatives. She went on to say| |that Home and School is a three way street, consisting of par- ents, teachers and the children, which are all necesary to make lup the Home and School, The Room Representatives are a source of personal contact be- tween the teachers and the! Association. | Thanks were extended to the ~ BRIDE-ELECT The engagement is announced today of Marilyn Ruth Jack- son, to Mr. James Dean Pres- cott, _ both of Oshawa. The | bride-to-be is the daughter | i s. Samuel Jack- | pfs appa ned cw 'ew |McClelland, Mrs. Robert. Flint- groom is the son of Mr. and |off and Mrs. Ernest Whitting, Mrs. James Prescott. The |also to the Executive who assis- marriage will take place on ted them. Saturday, November 30,1963, The Room _ Representatives at 3.00 pm. in King Street |then met the teachers of whose United Church. rooms they represented. - SPEAKING ABOUT TRAVEL Air Fares To All Of EUROPE At Savings Right Now! Contemplating @ trip to any piace in Europe? We suggest you con- sider such a trip now! At present, Air Fare rates to Europe ore ex- tremely reasonable with savings up to $150.00. Cell Mrs. Bronch todey at 725-1328 for full * details. of + « @ phone direct. 'WE ARE AGENTS FOR ANY AIRLINE IN THE WORLD! -- WALTER BRANCH ee Travel Consultent Ne Metter Where You Wont Te Go... or How... . Call DONALD iv seavice Brooklin " 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 e Present _ presi-| The Guild was organized as|" |Colpus Public School. le DRAMATIC BLOUSE The Oliver look with little boy collar and tie, is part of the great blouse re- vival fof fall. This one is silky dramatic print design. jconveniers of the tea, Mrs.' Hugh) Se ee ee 1963 Mrs. combines the G. Grant Vincent rich 17th; Bouma, and Mrs. Ross Spicer'; from | Goyne and Mrs. Clifford Ryan} of the 18th; Mrs. las Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs./Mrs_ Frank I A hot ' ' Tae I ewart Parker, Whitby, The James Webster of the 19th; Mrs.|40MS, suggestive of this Hallo-|Mrs. Paul Morrison, Mr. and from the 25th; aga # very danceable music, of Or-! at 7.00 p.m., in Northminster| Mrs. Ki aggart of 30th; ver. 4 shag! "| t Mrs Rind teen a ine ond |vel, Selleck and his orches-|Barker, Mr. and Mrs, B. Berry, Mrs. its( arnel surah by Lady Dundee, | colors James White, | zawrence and Mrs.! The social committees of the don Brown; Mr. and Mrs, Char- i G: +|two Courts had the hall approp-|les Kelly, Mr. and Mrs, Robert} > oe ver ae *arnet/iately decorated with pumpkins Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Bur- witches, owls, skeletons, corn-/tch, Miss Joyce Taylor, Mr. and stalks, and many other decora-|Mrs. Milton erry, Mr. anq|Picce double knit suit in ween atmosphere. Mrs, James Terry, Mr. and|@S and @ corsage of and| Those attending, enjoyed the\Mrs. Jack Kidd, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. ak 9 C Baker, Mr. and Mrs, R. with Black accessories corsage of pink roses, For their couple travelled to Yar --|tra, with Square Dance calling/Mr. and Mrs. Louis Seles, Mr. }by Earl Brown. io Mrs. Earl Brown, Mr. and | . Douglas Langley, Mr. and The larger percentage of those| "TS. Do gley, Mr. 4|present were in costume, and it|Mrs. Gerry Leslie, Mr. and was a very difficult task, for Mrs. John DeHart, Miss Marion r f bride was wearing a red the committee of judges, com-|Oliver, Mr. Roger Wilson, Mr, Harold Wilson, and Orville) Mrs. Clayton Rutt, Mr. and Mrs,| Chatterton to"pick two winners.|Howard Hall, Mr. and Mrs./ang Mrs. Ea 'Kowalski, Finally, the judges chose Mrs,|/ Cecil Hall. Mrs Vincent "/\David Simpson for the Comic! Mr. and Mrs. »|Costume winner; dressed asand Mrs. Earl Peter Cottontail; and Mrs. Dor-|and Mrs. is Yourth for the best original/Mrs. and Mrs. Paul Leddy, |Costume; dressed as an Indianjand Mrs, Ray Gay, Mr. Princess. Mrs, David Simpson, Mr. 4 A novel Elimination Apple/Mts. Jack Laverty, 4/\Dance was carried out, and the|Mrs. Gordon Hughes, Mr. lucky winners were Mr. Joe|Mrs. Pat Rush, Mr. and Cowie, and Mrs. Ralph Thomp-| ae v son. Spot dance prizes were won|"0ve, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Rush.|/Tom Gladman, Mr. _t\by Mrs. Milton Terry, and Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. John Cummins, | James Stainton. Zz Morley Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Robinson, | During intermission, the door) Mr. and Mrs. A. 4) prize was drawn, and the winner|and Mrs. S. 4 was Mr. David McTaggart. Also| Mrs. C. 4\a special 'attendance prize was|9. Yourth, Mr. /\drawn and the recipient of this|Dumand, Mr. and _ 4\was Mr, George Mathews. Schaefer, Mrs.|Mrs. Dorval Hircock, Mr.|Mr, and Mrs, and Mr.s 'T./and Mrs. Chas. was with the Len Barkers, and|and Mrs. N. Bennett, Mr. and| ------ is visiting here from England.|Mrs, B Houston, Mr. and Mrs. 4| Seen dancing were: Mr. and|Ronald Duffy, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Orville Chatterton, Mr.|Donald Wilcox, Mr, and Mrs.! aid Mrs. Doug Allen, Mr. Mrs. Alfred Jakeman, Mr. Mrs. Ross Broome, Mr. 4\Mrs. Mike Nemise, Mrs. Mrs. Ray Matthews, I'r. Mrs, W. Matthews, . Mr. and|McMullan. | this and) Mr. and Mrs. James English,| and pe and Mr. and Mrs. George Mathews,|their physique with gold and brown accessor- roses, The bridegroom's mother} wore a grey double-knit suit| honeymoon Nova Scotia. As they left, the to' assist. cloth suit, black accessories and/Mrs Jack Corry, prised of Brothers Len Barker,/2"d Mr. Ronald Davis, Mr. and|a corsage of white roses. Mr. andjthe senior public McGahey, Len Yuill, Mr.|and Mrs. Len Barker, Mr. | Mr.|Mrs, Joe Cowie; Mr. and Mrs.\ner. Both 'girls will be guest| George Williamson, |Ralph Thomson, Miss Ann Day-|speakers Mr.|idson, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Riley| meeting. sotimr. and Mrs. John Dewsbur; and|/Mr. and Mrs. Doug Oke, Mr.|afternoon te. ji ie Mr. and/and Mrs, Morley Abbott, Per per acrticdgygirty A and/and Mrs. M. Oakley, Mr. Clark, Mr. Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.|Mrs, Pat Riley,sMr. and and Mrs.) Mr. and Mrs. John Barlow, Doug Skinner, Hurlock, Mr. and|Mr. and Mrs. Doug Taylor, Miss Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. |L. Evans, Mr. T, Wilson, Mr. Waller, Mrs. J, Bent-|Cecil Lamb, Miss Betty Waller, A\ley. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hender-| Miss Ann Waller, Miss Shirley 7\very special visitor to the dance|son, Mr. and Mrs, J. Davidson,| Waller, Miss June Waller, Miss| 4\was Anne Davidson (Miss), who|Mr. and Mrs. E. Lockwood, Mr.|Mary Waller and many others. | ACQUIRED MUSCLES NEW MILTON, England (CP) {A men's. weight-lifting club in) and} Aylesworth, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hampshire | district closed down. An official said all] the members left as soon as in the! It was decided to send ten dol-|class banner was won by: Miss lchurch hall, where the bride's lars to the scholarship fund|McKillop's room. mother received in a three-/{T0m the association and to] |have the children take the |UNICEF boxes around to the doors instead of leaving the |boxes in the classrooms. brown POLAND AIDS CUBA WARSAW (AP)--Poland and |Hungary are coming to the aid' Mrs. Tymchuk asked for sug-lor Cuba, their Communist ally and a/¢stions to plan our fund rais-| iat was battered ny ted jing project for this year. A sug-| ris sicing eee iad |gestion was made to have a taffy/Flora. The Polish press agency the apple sale by Mrs. Lon Dunnisaid Warsaw has dispatched mouth,!and Mrs. Jack Shearer offered 6,600 pounds of drugs and medi- The chairman of the A poodle|fund raising. projects will pelt! supplies to Cubs, Oteer ap ports said Hungary will send It was announced that Mis s/|$1,000,000 worth of food and ~~ |Diane Kidd was the winner of drugs. speaking in ' Mr.|Conant school with Miss Vic-| and|toria Northey the junior win-/ yellow The Perfect Gift for CHRISTMAS Truly The Gift That Lasts Forever! MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW Groland. at the November] Mrs, Tymchuk reported the Mr./Conant held at her residence an for the teaching staff, executive and|and past presidents of the Con- Mrs. ant Home and School, and also Electrolysis | Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair. Mr. Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawe et the Genosha Hotel, Nov. 4, 3, 6 PHONE 723-4641 for appointment on these dates has} sturdy Mr. and Mrs. B.. Elliott, Mr.) enough to attract girl friends. Mrs. Harvey Balson, Mr. Mrs, Everett DeHart, Mr. Mrs, James Haire, Mr. Mrs. Norman Kennedy, Mr. | Mrs, R. W. Ball, Mr. and Mrs.} D. Kornyylo, Miss Jeannine) ¥iEmard, Mr. Ronald Romanuk,| "\Mr. and Mrs, Ted McLaughlin, | Mr. and Mrs, Jack Grahma,| 4|Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott, Mr. | 'land Mrs. Wm, McGhee, Mr. | '|Jack Bent, Miss Betty Storms, :|Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson, | Mr. and Mrs. Rae McMaster, | Miss Sandy ' Wilson, Mr. Willsher, My. and Mrs, McIntyre, Mr. 'and Mrs. "I love your hair color" "My dear... | had it done..." tat... THE MAYFAIR SALON 27 CELINA STREET 728-0662 -- 728-0662 in a EVERY 23 SECONDS of Every School Day Someone Enrolls for . . AND SHOP SAVE! GLECOFF' SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH Starting Mondiéw, Noy. 4th MARTEN'S FURS 2lst ANNIVERSARY IN': OSHAWA SAVE $125 to $375 OFF ORIGINAL PRICE OF ENTIRE STOCK OF FINE QUALITY FURS!! OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10.00 P.M. 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