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Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Nov 1963, p. 17

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Z¥--Automopiles ror Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 4, 1963 17 1955 CHEVROLET, best offer. Can be #" seen at 312 Annapolis Avenue. 32--Articles For Sale 1954 NASH A , cond : : . 'Ition, $175. Telephone 728-2297. HI-LO trailer at discount price; also 2 P ort P erry 1957 CHEVROLET deluxe four - door|prevelrite tent trailers at cosf price. | Installation 2/--Keal Estate For sale 25--Apartments 27--Real Estate for Sale {27----Reol Estate For Sale Z/--Keal Estate For sale baie eae DELUXE 2-bedroom unfurnished apert/BARGAINI A real family, . two-storey PORT PERRY, six-room brick oe fmt ggg a hare, eh) West tel Res we aes ares, Woe, senale ne oe E Biscayne sedan, Resesink: Core i geass gece cal ag a cdi oe hl "gin Sea ete carieer uk financed, $96/residential area, north-west Oshawa. frarne house, Large barn. Creek, near | washers, two-tone, twenty-four thousand = oe + a aa tae od centrally|monthly carries, including taxes. Wm. J.| mortgage, as<ing $17,000. Phone 726-6850/Saintfield. Port Perry 985-2985, miles, excellent condition. Phone APARTMENT in beautiful residential) jocated 12-9145 near St. Gregory's. Call Earle|Carnegie, - Realtor, Port Perry... Tel.jor apply 833 Glenbrae Street. a age area self-contained, heated, three and ¥ 985-2881. |KASSHABOG LAKE, 'furnished cotfage,/1949 CARAVELLE sports coupe, radio, 12| Allen 725-7782. : S. D. HYMAN hydro. Sand beach. Best offer over $3800./heater, 2 tops, winterized, Must be sold a Oe ree tamed EDIATE p< on, fiver BEAU VALLEY -- 2beédroom, L-shaped Telephone McKellar, Lakefield 652-7792. | within' ' offer, Telephone i , ilabie immed: | $9,900. IMM possessi BE: AL ~~ 3-bed y Ls pb en.shiaane des argent eee 72. pho a a ercne Beeman pA brick bungalow. North section, ex-|living - dining room, family sized kitchen, IMMEDIATE SES RASH f10r Foun Ineo COI ee PT rare wn 4 oes oe - 'cellent Call Douglas J. M.. Bullied, large: clothes closets, panelled recreation Insuf brick house on | 1960 VALIANT V-200 sedah with slant six bape ip --- ES pti ghee roy . 4 room with stone fireplace. Private sale. Hot water gel ig rd gen kitchen,| engine, ic tr f lent BUCKINGHAM Avenvo, three. rooms and) d : - it T-V7H, : , ian with Nets of: conpescde. Ene TE Genin: AR Oni . 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, original owner, new sun room, oil heated. Available Decem- COMMERCIAL fiveroom storey and @ Real Estate Limited PRIVATE SALE = shcroom house' low|mileage. Must be seen to be appreciated! 58, VOLKSWAGEN, original ow ree ites Pihe naa vide teil 500 WINTER WORKS - |halt.. oil heating, downtown area only, down payment; aie business property|at Northside Chrysler Dodge Whitby Ltd.s| (i999 49, cond FURNISHED apartment, heated, suit bys-| $ $5,600. W. McAuley, Realtor, 28 Prince, 323 KING ST. WEST with two small stores. Apply 184 Simicoe/916 Brock Street North, thy. ore. We catty Rereve Ga baw iness Couple, downtown location, Imm ie BONUS 793-2512 residence, Whitby ' 4 | 728-6286 show room, living quarters. Suitable for) 2 eis ia line of business. On i tate in vit} jlage with large lot, Priced to sell, Write) Box 324, Oshawa Times. | RAVINE LOTS ne Seven new homes presently under construction on servic- éd lots, some with a depth of over 200 feet, built in stoves and ovens along with many other extras included with re ---- | whi ones (nee |SHARP one-owner 1961 Plymouth Beive-/'955 FORD fair body, good mechanical mattress furniture lines. Your authorized! ate possession. Apply Black's en's every home. Don't delay. call sedan, radio, white walls. Must be seen VACUUM cleaner repairs, ali makes. Free Parts, By MRS. CHAS. H, REESOR 4 condition, $200 cash of best offer. Tele . f r ith slant-6 engine, standard trans- . GE desler, Contact Honest Cal's on 424 Wear between 9 a.m, and 6 p.m. é nission, finished In sky' blue and. white,|Phone 728-4826. King Street, West, dur new home formerly BLOOR EAST, 131 -- Two-bedroom fur- S D HY M AN TO ONE 6% Real Estate Limited DOWN 4% N.H.A. MTGE. today--S. D. Hyman Real Estate Limited. to be appreciated. Best offer. 728-7806. PORT PERRY -- The open To be seen at Northside Chryowr Dodge!1960 CHEVROLET, Biscayne, two-door,|Avalon wance Hall. T iephone 728-9191. nished apartment. Private bath and en- 323 KING ST, WEST NEW NHA_ Bungalows Trades Accepted. 1957 CHEVROLET Bel-Air four - door installation of Warriner Lodge, ie Street North,|with all jes, turquoise finish.|ss mmo 6 Ap WGeKe. aap Ecce (NO 75, Inde: + Ordae france. Apply above address. Whitey, Ltd ae Brock Scher Ver, merge Ser Males nie MR. 5. A. WEEKS, ao Fair pe et THREE-ROOM apartment with private i y 728-6286 Stone fronts, Clay brick (no semis) 'hood and. electric COMMERCIAL LAND Real Estate Limited hardtop,. V-8, automatic, radio. Best offer. T. 778-2260. Lc en TR ee ree nc Avenue, Oshawa Ontario, 1 you wit] Oddfellows, took place in tle 1955 PLYMOUTH two-door hard-top, 1952 CHEVROL! four-door, two new, Call a jassi Advertising bath, suitable for business or rc.ired and white, radio, in top condition. Bet fires. In very good condition. Pply 162 auditorium of the Port couple. Heat, hydro, TV outlet and park-| clock --- sodded front sr ie. eves i 9 rs Snag hk oF Vacant land located on King Street West zoned 323 KING ST, WEST partment of The Oshi Times, offer. Call Whitby 668-3163, Warren Avenue. will receive the final FREE pair of re|Public School, Over 200 ing supplied, $65, month. Phone 728-7871. | ; BUIEK automa i condition. 1962 CHEVY 11, convertible, while with bers and guests attended. THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, pre , monthly interest, principal and taxes. | Cl, having a. frontage of 60' by a depth of 250' FOUR BEDROOMS Newly built split-level lo-- P ns served tickets to the sensational BIG 1957 BUICK automatic, SHOW, the ice Capades, of 1964 at the Phone before 6 p.m. 728- \red interior, one owner, private sale, im- E H ' Gale Sih. trsnndiele possesticn. aeleeeieahanes |maculate. Call after six, 723-2747. The installing team of District monthly, Apply 7 Bond East, Apt. 7, $240 down -- 3 bedroom $13,290. For more particulars call S. D. Hyman Real Estate cated in Kingsmere Gard- ens, included in the pur- aa . - Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Novem-} 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, with radio, : 668-834 |196) AUSTIN Cambridge, radio. $900 or No. 41 under the direction of THREE-ROOM heated apartment, private $290 down--3 bedroom and Limited. | chase price of $15,700 is bys A ber 5. Please contact The Oshawa in irl ac no + offer. Owner déceased. Telephone ia gout pag Po oy ithe District Deputy Grand Ma$- bath, refrigerator, range and TV outlet,| a ' i mes re pm fay Depa the Dis Dep and i partis tir forth General Motors.| garage, $14,540. $792 down -- 4 bedroom, REALTOR 723-1133 | @ built in stove and oven. Hurry on this one by call- copie | 02S ment before 5 p.m. foday or Tuesday inch engine, four-speed 'transmission, Bowmanville 6239277, eaisatenpiamentien A m 1961 BEDFORD truck, good condition, S$, adders, sales, service, of Warriner Lodge) installéd i te cD ee eiStice' enchines guar ithe following officers-elect into Street orth, » _ five x split 12 baths, $14,940. Located in Whitby--aAll ser- WINDSOR' AVE.---Close to all schools, transportation and ina S. D. Hyman Real Estate Limited. |Telephone 725-2604 after 6 p.m. | ra pair of snow tires, $500, Tele-|re a including private bath, Pri- vices in and paid for by shopping, five room red brick | Trades accepted. ci Sa aeetafo week, Make brushes, hoses. Guaranteed rebuilt ma- chines. Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Service. Call anytime 591, ee HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appliances. Name brands at biggest discounts any- Street, or 668-5765. CEMENT BUILDING, 56 x 125 feet, mem- PRIVATE SALE Large lakefront, all gas heat- ing, 3 piece bath, 3 large bedrooms, open fireplace, sandy beach, 50 ft. frontage. Ideal for a large family. All cash required. Reasonable for quick sale, TYPEWRI \dition, 50 miles per gallon, good second jcar, Best offer 723-7381. 1962 CORVAIR Monza, equipped, Private. 942-3033. 1953 CADILLAC $395; $895, 369 Drew, 725-8132. SIMCOE apartment, vate eftrance, Hot wafer. address. : ' THREE-ROOM apartment furnished or un- furnished. Clean and warm. Parsing, heavy duly wire. Adults, abstainers. Available immediately, Telephone 728- 2798. | THREE-BEDROOM apartment, close to)- schools, churches and shopping 4rea./ One- or two children welcome. Telephone Port Perry 985-2336. . SIMCOE Street South, three-room vu" furnished, heated, apartment, private bath, parking space, business couple pre ferred, $85 month. Telephone 723-9363. THREE-ROOM apartment, street level, private entrance. Self-contained, central- ly located. Refrigerator, stove supplied Abstainers. After 6 p.m. or Saturdays 725-5676. e ARTHUR STREET -- Two-rooms, bath,| ground floor, private. Heated. Immediate possession. Telephone Whitby 668-2361 or 723-2925 RITSON ROAD SOUTH -- Centrally lo cated, three-room apartment. Private en- trance. Available now. Adults preferred Telephone 728-3898. tomatic, fully Telephone Ajax 1959 OL 1958 = Oldsmobile Also Smaller cottage, gas heated. Income home, rents for $55 monthly. All cash to a $1500 mortgage. TELEPHONE AJAX 942-0205 Manderhill Real Estate Ltd. BROTHERS ties = BOL AHOOD apartment with garage. Share bath. Tele- JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD tinal bani mh | LLOYD A. P, BOLAHOOD F.R.I. Regency Towers | LIST WITH US | THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 6 One -- two bedroom apért- Fernhill and. Bader with 3 ment, _ stove, refrigerator, $1 5,700 room basement apartment. drapes, Laundry facilities, etc, A GOOD ONE Separate entrance, 2 bath- ON THE SALESMAN'S CALL 728-1544 rooms, 2 kitchéns and priced STREET low is 0h a beautiful lot 56% GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 PRICE REDUCED -- Income Home in a Choice Location-- room brick bungalow, at For clean cars or trucks we deal HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION TEXACO Condition for $95. Telephone 723-1624. 'ture, including all channel antenna, in- 4 one owner, Beadle; Vice Grand, Ronal good used car. Telephone 725-5415. nabbed --|WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- dition; also 2 snow tires. 284 Oshawa i price $495. Bill Whittick Motors Ltd ob es Hodgins; treasurer, Fred Cray- |1957 CHEVROLET 'z-ton pick up truck,|4-door, automatic, good tires, very good| siracr, rniture of appli: lick: ances. peli-ilick; outside guard, Donafd radio. NO féasonable offer refused: 142/ condition, 35,000 miles. Used as second Call Gerry Hill AM 7-9712. |1963 CHEVROLET Impala convertible,| 1948 CHEVROLET, A-1 motor, good tires, grawors, nigh) tats t | rawers, nig able, Matched, natura' Samells; RSS, Clem Jeffrey; dition, clean inside and out, many extras.|mission. Reasonable. Telephone Whitby, ange cinemas 'BROWN mouton jacket, size 15-16. New .|mony of installation, the Noble cupboards, large living room, prince street, 'One stop auto cccessd-' 985-7185 after 6 p.m. os - price. After 6 p.m. telephone 726-0761 or thanked Jthe DDGM, Brother over-| 4651, 723-1133, evenings 728- 3 abs 2-door; ' ANE OE 9 tee. Price $560. Apply Zolton and Nick's|aooq condition. $500 or best offer. Tele CRIB, Gendron, and Kant-Wet mafiress:| out. ' GIRL'S* S. i nite ear ie ged condition ond priced eo te jamson | skates, white figure, confidence in him to represent up or down. Liens paid off. NEWCASTLE -- New home . wer n e phone Bowrhanville 623-5654. After 6 p.m, |anteed, Cook's Office Equipment, 10 623-2480. their respective chairs: Apply abc-e} --~--|stalled and guaranteed by experts with ood _Telephone 7 ¥ Wannamaker; recording secre- 1930 CHEVROLET, four door sedan, *-lture or anything you have, The City Bivd. South, telephone 725-9738. n Bond 7 |TV TOWERS special 40 ft. tower struc-/ford; warden, Charles Bourge- $600. After 6 p.m. telephone 726-0187. mechanically, newly painted, Best offer.| builder--Models for viewing Call Emer, Hampton 263-2294 or < 263-2695. ee Crosier; RSNG, Albert Harper; Albert Street affer 5. jGar. Telephone 725-3744. jwhite with red interior, standard trans-\gdod body, $85. Telephone 723-9919. 15 ginich, Whitby, 668-3769. eng is, Aylmer Ploughman; chap- bungalow on good lot 50 : hs PhS, deal dah be $250 or best offer. Apply 35 Hall Streef,| 668-5280. MIN mouton _ |1961 CORVAIR sedan in good condition, | Cmation. $45. Telephone 723-2438. skir i ess | a cians sicntngnenn oil heated, Asking price $13, ries, chrome goodies, speed équirment,| iggy BONTIAC, 6 cylinder, slandard, 00d Psa ager. Earl Geer and his staf of offi |hauled, new paint job. Will give guaran- 1957 PONTIAC station" wagon, 0581. |Fina Garage, 160 Simcoe South, 778-0051.| chone 775-4333, $20 complete; chrome high chair, $5; Key He also showed his appreci- size 3-4, AA fitting, boy's hockey skates Hight. korgelivingstoom ond 'lthe lodge for the co.ning- term --owner just purchased -- 5 |1961 PRINZ NSU, private sale, good con- Richmond Street East. 728-8300. . 1985 PLYMOUTH 4door automatic, in fair TELEVISION tower special 40-ff. struc) Junior Past Grand ,Lloyad cn ate Short; Noble Grand, Leona fe's Car, } af : 1|10 years experience, $50. Trio Television. few tires, reall telephone 728-6781. tary, Stanley Ploughman, z cellent mechanical condition, good body' trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe street} Financial secretar: Ter and tires, original 49,000 miles. Asking south and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. ba ed 1952 CHEVROLET. Best offer. Télephone| Whitby 668-5871, ; ; eRe spect ar ai 725-7819. x ; greece re ture Wi channel antenna instalied,|.:.. EXCEPTIONALLY good 1957 Chevrolet, ss" Oshewa TV Supply Lid. 361 Gibbons O18; Conductor, Rae Webster. ° Bs clad ORE Inside guard, Maurice Fra- 1958 PONTIAC Parisienne converfibie v6,/'"ancing can be arranged. 723-9591. | BUYING or sell in' West Hill. Only a few automatic, power steering and brakes,|1958 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, first class available at' the prices |OUR piéce crib set, good condition, in-\LSNG, Kenneth Sturman; RSVG, thing hentiaa -- --\¢luding crib, child's dresser, chest of| William Mark; LSVG, George jmission, Best offer. Telephone 725-1262. | sirbanks Street. Shae = teeny } set ie r ae a pe pee rifle, arian, |1956 OLDSMOBILE, automatic, good con-|1960 CHEVROLET, 2-door standard trans-| calibre. Call 725-9431, ain, Lawrence Nichells, x 136, three large bedrooms, 75384 Upon completion of the cere- large kitchen with loads of pth -------_-______| - ae |DOC'S AUTO SPEED and Custom, 24\with all the accessoriés. Phone Port Perry, RANGE and oven, builf-in unit, ie, | me UIO' hes a" one Por Perry never been used. Will sell for réasonabie|cr2d Brother Leonard Beadle 500. Enquire about this one, from Volkswagen to Cadillac. 728-7781. |eongition. After 6 p.m. call Brooklin 655- iii ed dae a by phoning Wes. Elliott at {1987 VOLKSWAGEN, completely PIANO, upright, in very good condition. cers for the excellent mannér i BF de ee Apply 362 Jarvis Street. in which the work was carriod | skh | | Shoo-Fly .focker, $2. Teléphone Whitby SCHOFIELD-AKER } HORTOP ST.--Three bed- | $ $ a7, ~ | 668- Fi room brick burigalow ih extra | ALL CASH |31 --Automobile Repair pecgenaed tion to the members for their | | | 723-2265 size 3, good condition, 725-4692. | kitchen, three good size bes |SIX-PIECE wainut \ dining room suite,|and reminded the brothers that rooms, We are asking $12,- r6om brick bungalow, electric heating, immaculate condi- |apartment sizé, good condition, $50. Téle-/they had before them a very Phone 72541657. busy year as construction has iu |GIRL'S blue Coat, several skirts, size 12. ; |Also beige coat, pile lining, 14 teen, CaliiJUSt started on the new lodge 146 BROCK ST. NORTH 900 with low down payment. Across from Royal Hotel Call Henry Stinson at 723- 725-0243. Sleshaiene deaniaeseeenes a -- at only $13,900. This bunga- _ -- This very choice 3 bedroom x 132 ft. A real buy, sée it THE DIPLOMAT New fuxurious apartments. Conrtolled: entrance, modern lobby. Air conditioned halls with broadioom. Laundry room on each floor. Apply 340 Marland Apartment 111. or Phone 728-4283. 26---Rooms For Rent MOUSEKEEPING room, built-in cup- boards. Close to North General Motors, bus stop at door, prefer gentleman. Parking. Telephone 728-6890. AJAX = warm, furnished bedroom near centre. Telephone Ajax 942-3404) | i. STREET EAST 177 -. Warm, comfortable room. Suit gentleman, Tele- phone 723-2172. | LARGE bright room, furnished. Suitable) for pensioner or business lady. Apply 674 e@ Avenue. T 728-9394, OLIVE AVENUE, 573 -- Smail bright) room. Day, worker preferred. Telephone! 723-1832. oa Ae? | FURNISHED room for gentleman, 217 Johnston avenue. 725-8417. MARY STREET -- North end, spacious well furnished bedroom, quiet home, two, bathrooms, parking, superior accommo-| dation for gentleman. 145. ¥ room In Bowmanville, i monthly with breakfast, Trefball, 3 Mearns Avefive, Telephone Bowman- 'vitt€ 623-2837, GIBBONS STREET = Two furnished rooms, sult gentiem@h. One light housé- kéépifig, one bedroém, in médern home, réfrigeérator, stove, parking. 725+5794. CLEAN housekeeping room, in homé. Céntral. Suit gentieman. phone 723-9225. FURNISHED: double room use of refrig- erator. Central location, suit two gentle- ment. Apply after 5 p.m. 25 Quebéc Street. ATTACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | 27--Real Estate For Sale CHOICE location in north west area, close to schools, bus and shopping centres. Colonial style, split level, feaivring. Large four-piece tiled bath finished recreation room and ber. Selling with living roorn, dining room, rec. room drapes included. 1200 sq. feet and asking reasonable price of $16,900. Phone 723-9102. SIMCOE STREET NORTH -- Seven- room brick, two ar one-half storey, all » Cofiveniences, Gak and tile floors, lot 76x 124 ft., zoned commercial, $15,000. terms Tindall Real Estate. quiet Tele- fléxible. 725-0429, INVESTOR'S opportunity, $9,900. full asking price for double dwelling, six rooms each, sel coméinéd with orivaic entrances and ruil basement, ciose 'o Jp town. Act. fast fot this ohe. Call Ossie Marti, 728-9714 or 728-7377, Joseph Bo-ct, Realtor. LARGE LOTS Rossland Manor $75. PER FOOT FRONTAGE) Serviced - including underground hydro and telephone. EXCELLENT TERMS For Information RALPH S. JONES | 130 KING ST. EAST 728-6246 WHITBY CLASSIFIED DRESSMAKING: Suits, Coats, alterations, slip covers, drapes spociaity. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372 PRIVATE tuition Sy yraddale of "He Uni-| véf-ily of Léndons Ffg'iand in betin, Ef-} glich, mathematics. Spec'al a:rangements for adults. Telgphone 062-3864 | BEDROOM set, biond: chest, dresser, night fable crib, continental bed, like new. 668-3495 between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chesnut Street West, Whitby. 668-2563. FOR RENT: Completely separate apart- ment, 3 bedrooms, dining room, large living room. Private driveway. Adults preferred. Available December 1. After 4 pum, telephone 668-5413 FOR RENT: Three-room apartment, heal- ed, central. Telephone Whitby 668-3715. FOR RENT -- Furnished room, clean and quiet. Private home, gentieman pré ferred.. Telephone 668-8649, Telephone BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED dresses, Fitting a RED & WHITE GROCERY BRAND NAME GAS STN. brick, has a double garage today. gleaming oak floors, plenty of room for a piano in the living foom. Situated on 4 beautiful landscaped 85 x 200 lot, Lot completely fenc- ed for the young one, Just imagine the schoo! is only a black away. Call Mr. "Bill Horner" at 728-5123. ~ LOT APPLE HILL $3,300 Suitoble for a walk-out base- ment. Sizé 52 x .117'6". Owner will accept $1,000 down, on terms to suit, Call Mr. Bill Horner ot 728-5123. LUNCH BAR Plus a potential variety store. Here is an opportunity of a lifetime. Excellently equip ped, good location, very low rental of only $75.00 month- ly, Heated. Price for fix- tures and lease only $3,800. Terms. Phone Mr. Charies Rankine 728-5123. SUBURBAN LIVING The trend fo-doy is to the outskirts of the city, Three ranch hommes within a few minutes of downtown Osh- awa in various . locations. Priced to sell from $14,900. to $16,500.00. All have at- tached garages. Call Mr. Chorles Rénkine at 728- 5123. DOWN $400 DOWN Large lakeshore lot in Osh- awa. 77' x 331'. City water and sewers at streét. Asking $1,800. with terms Mr. Irwin Cruikshanks at 728-5123. $12,900 3 BEDROOM Beoutiful brick bungalow situoted 2 short blocks from both public afd separate schodls. Only $94 per month including taxes: Hurry for this one. Call Bill John- ston oat 728-5:23 "BUSINESS" MOVE RIGHT IN--Nine room solid brick home in a good rental area closé to downtown with paved drive and garage. Oil heating. Full price $10,- 900 GENEVA PARK --Ideal amusement pork with 2 swim- ming pools, dance hall and all equipment including a 3 bed- room home with a'gorage on 35 acres of land. Let us show you this money maker soon, On an COMMERCIAL LOT Simcoe St. Suitable apartment building 5 ROOM BRICK AND STONE BUNGALOW with 22 ft. liv- ng room. featuring rédwood panelling. Large kitchen with built ih stove and oven. High walkout basement. Located just west of Oshawa on Eliza- beth Crescent, Full price $15,300, DOWNTOWN -->\On Ontario St. Large commercial lot 48 x 127 ft. with brick. building. NORTH EAST AREA--3 bed- room bungalow on a large lot with attached garage and paved drive. Large kitchén, 4 pe. tiled. bath. Also 3 room basement apartment with private 3 pc. bath rénting ot $70 per month. Owner anxi- ous to sell and has reduced the price to $14,900. APARTMENT BUILDING with 5 suites including refrigerator and stove in éach. Attractive brick building in an excellent residential are aclose: to all facilities. This. property is worth your. inspéction. FULL PRICE $12,900 -- 2 bedroom brick with attached garoge. Large bright kitchen with éating area, Lérge broadioomed living. room. Paved. drive. Home vacant, immediate possession, 4 BEDROOM HOME in North West Area situated .6n 4 beautiful lot. In excellent condition, only 5 years old, two bathrooms with ceramic tile. Large living room with dining area. 5%2% 'mort- gage. Asking $17,500. SUMMER COTTAGE--4 room winterized. cottage on Poud- ash Lake with 100 ft. lake frontage. Gwner dnxious to sell and wil] trade on a house in Oshawa. FARM--Full price $27,000 for 14] acres just 3/2 miles from Lindsay right on High- way No. 7. 1% acres of bush and the rest is all levél work-" vestment. Get all particulars able land. Good sized barn from Jimmy Love at 728- ahd 9 room brick home with 5123. 5 bedrooms. This is one of | éveral farms we have-in the WAIT d district. Until you have seen this love- ly 5 room brick ranch bunga- low with garage dnd breeze- way attached to house. King St. East area. Finished base- ment. Many extras. Only $16,500. with reasonable down payment. Call Mr, Jack Appleby at 72825123, for HARDWARE STORE BOOTH ALL PAVED PARKING Large grocery store and equipment. Service Station Garage. Hoist. Air Compres- sor. Hardware store, Booth 5 room house. Large 134 storey brick house. 2 separate houses in all, Double frame gorage. All buildings and businesses separate. May be leased out as sepatate going concerns Or oOpcrated all. in one parcél. For the party looking for a good solid in- For full particulars call 723-1121 Open daily Yo.m. f6 9 p.m. Steve Zurba Dick Young Tony Siblock Jeon Peacock Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacéck Leon Manitius Roy Flintoff Irene Brown GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 101 SIMCOE STREET NORTH 16 Simeoe St. S. OPEN EVERY EVENING Realtors, | Steve Englert i | | $900 DOWN 3% ACRES With plain two bedroom frame and.insul brick home Tile linoleum floors. Four piece bath, large kitchen and living room. Good garden soil. Several tit trees. House has full basement with floor furfiace, Taxes only $81. Full price $10,850 with payments of $70 monthly. Why pay rent when you can own a home and acreage for $850.00 down. GORDON OSBORNE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE DIAL 668-5081 668-543] tion inside and out. Listing price $13,500.00. Open to offers Immediate posses- sion. Call us to-day. 2 MODEL HOMES IN BEAU VALLEY TO INSPECT CALL 723-2265 COMPLETE PRIVACY will be yours in this lovély bunga- low lecated in the Ansley Development. Extras include 2 fireplaces broadloom throughout the 21 x 17 liy- ing room, large completed Recreation Room. with walk- out basement to a very pri- vate patio, Lot size 62 x 140. A real good buy in a well built home in a prestige orea. Give us 4 call to-day. FOR LUXURIOUS HOLIDAY LIVING, this split-level home, complete with 18 x 36 swim- ming pool, has a secluded setting in Oshawa's finest residential area. This is @ Creek fot with woods and trails. City and cottage home all in one. Avoid that week- end travel ond enjoy real living. The horie itself is modern in every = respéct, Lergée L shape living room, full size dining oreo, with doors to patio. Master bed- room plus three regular size. Three bathrooms.. Two cor garage, Owner leaving Osh- awa. Call to-day. Early pos- session. Open 9 to 9 -- Sat. 9 to 5. STEVE MACKO 728-5868 BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 PAULINE BEAL 725-0239 CHARLES CHAYTOR 723-7996 MARGARET HALL 723-1358 REG. AKER 725-0201 360 King St. W. Free Parking METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 MELROSE STREET $1,000 down -- possession on C.M.H.C, approval, large 6 toom bungalow, storms, scrééns, vanity in ceramic til- ed batroom, hooded exhaust fan in kitchen, sodded front lawn, éte. All this for $14,- 195, balance on 1 N.H.A, mortgage. QUEBEC STREET "CHOICE" is the word for this 5 room 2 bedroom bung- alow, large living room and family size dining room, rec- reation room, garage, paved drive, hot water wit il heating, well wraeepes close td Central Collegiate Gnd Holy Cross Schools, walking distance to déwn- town, Sée this one today. Asking only $12,900 with $3,600 down payment -- balance 6n 6he mortgage. DOWNSVIEW PARK Eléctrically héatéd homes by Blok Consttiiction, 10 homes now under construction 'with 7 models to choose from, completé with walk-out base- ments, attached garages, car- ports, lot completely sod« ded, eléctric lamp post, storms and = scfeéns, storm doors. N.H.A. mortgagés in the finest subdivision in Osh- awa. If you didn't get to see these models on the weékénd be suré to drop around some- time this weék LOTS 63' x 114' -- lot -- paved street, al] services prepaid, $4,000, choice J6ts in Downsview Park, 10 acre lots in suburbs, ord «many more to choose from. Open Evénings Till Nine Diol 728-4678 Dick Borriage Joe Maga Ken Hann Jack Osborris Bob Johnston 1133, evenings SOMERVILLE AVE.--Below Rossland, a real gem of 4 five rcom brick bungalow only 16 years old, contains living room'and dining room, good size kitchen, 4 piece bath and extra stool in basément. Hot water oil heated. This home is. for someone who appre- ciates a well-kept property. Call Wes. Elliott at, 723- 1133, evenings 728-0581, OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH -- Close to King St. Two: storey brick home containing three good size bedrooms, nice kit- chen, dining room and living room. Very. reasonable taxes. This home is listed at $11,- 900 with only $1,500 down. Phone Henry Stinson at 723- 1133, everinas 725-0243. 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 PAUL RISTOW REALTOR EXCEPTIONAL VALUE A three bedroom, full range clay brick bungalow with oversize kitchen needing 4 handyman's touch at the low price of $10,500 with $4,- 500 down and payments of $65 monthly, Immediate pos- session. TIRED OF COMMUTING says the owner. Reduce the price of our well kept--brick bungaJow to. $12,900 and 'let me move tv Toronto. Don't forget to mention three airy bedféoms, Sunset Heights [o- cation and large lot. Gall to- day, MORE FOR LESS $1,500 down. Storey and a half brick with largé gar- dge, new furnacé and néw wiring. Véry clean, Full price $8,500 with one low monthly payment ATHABASCA BEAUTY Watch your wife's eyes light up when sh2 sees this home with natural stone front and attached garage, Hollywood style kitchen, broadloomed living room, three extta large bedrooms and five piece bath. A prestige home at $19,800. WARREN AVE. Two and a half storey well kept brick home with double garage. Hard to beat at $3,000 down and one mort- gage at $80 monthly. Call Tom Huzar at 728-9474 or 728-5422 evenings. Financial Trade Bldg. 187 King St. E. /28--Real Estate Wanted |WANTED two or three-bedroom bunga- }low in the Cadillac-Highland-La Salle | Avenue area. All cash buyer. Phone Les Hall at S$. D. Hyman Real Estate Limited, 778-6286. 29--- Automobiles For Sale |1956 TRIUMPH motor eycle, 500 twin, good tires, $175 cash. Telephone 728-8364 or 733 Rowena Street. "BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA Oust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd.. S, "Oshawa 728-0921 | | | | | | Bie | | | | | NICOLS MOTORS LTD, | Whitby 668-3331 SPOT CASH _ | PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH Goreme EDS LEM ana ae GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and King _ 723-4733 and 723-7712 "KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-589) Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality. PRODUCTS jafter five. Whitby 668-2832. |SEVERAL hundred Christmas frees be 67. KING ST. WEST | tween Main and mill Street South, Orono. 723-7822 | Take all at 50 cents per tree. Mrs. A. T | lAllen, Box $4, Orono, Ont, Phone 214 |30---Automobiles Wanted 2"? 5 |CARESHORE Auto Wreckers want C2rs excellent "condition." S175. Apply. 274. Nas. Wentworth, ast; Jastion Pat: *0)sau Street, telephone 725-2306. WASHER wringer, biond room divider |OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers,!and swivel base chair. Apply 243 Wilson 1175 Néison Street, want cars for wreck-jRoad South. | ing. Telephone 725 62 or 723-4245. | 100 CARS WANTED |33--Market Basket Cor? COB CORN, loaded on truck, $30 per Buying a New Cor! es fon. Call 263-2060. Paul Vaneyk. Sell your used car to "'Ted WINTER 'cabbage, $1.25 per dozen. John Talk 'Cash' to the New Bodnar, first house east of Cherry Grove Car Dealer and "SAVE". |Motel, Courtice. Phone 725-5043, WINTER cabbage, $1.25 per dozen. A TED CAMPIN MOTORS |jiNtss oboe 4. x dee Sop first house south of Hydro sub-station, | ' west side. 32--Articles For Sale | soratoes --s1.30 per 75 1b baw Apply |FOR SALE: 1 pr. wall-to-wall drapes,|Allan Downes, ntypool, Ontario. jlight beige with pattern, 8 ft. high, 15 "|picK your own Spy apples, $1 681.30 jwide. Phone 728-202. =. bushel. Base fine from Whitby Hoéspifal GUNS! 32 special Winchester, 94 model,'2'2 miles west, Joe Makewchik on mail one-year-old, like new, $80, 12-gauge|box. Savage Fox double barrel, single trigger, LASALLE apples, right from the farm. 900d condition, $75. Telephone 725-5555.\The apple with the Cadillac flavor, for | SPACE heater Duo Therm with automatic|cooking or pies. Bushel $2.95; half bushel jfans. Héats five rooms. Excellent condi-\$1.50 Delivered anywhere CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 TILDEN 14 Albert St. tion. Also 200 ion oil tank, 725-6057, (Phone 725-3445. 166 Oshawa Bivd. North. jrange, 30 | Street. | 668-E os SPACE HEATER Duo Therm with aufo-|WINTER cabbage, few thousand heads, matic fan. Heats five rooms. t ble. Telep 723-9739 before 4 condition. Also 200 gallon oil: tank, 725-P-m. sous ee pe ESE Get a | SEBAGO potatoes, $1 per 75 Ib. bag, cash TWO single beds with mattress, $25 each.|and carry, from Allan Downs Farm, RR Téléphone 728-4779. il, Pontypool, Ontario. SKATES, few and used, sold and éx-| changed. Largest selection in town. Open 34---Lost and Found evenings. Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond/ Lost: Singlé strand pearls, October 2 %, dni PS |vicinity Shopping Centre and King East TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiérs, dupit |and Mary. Reward. Telephone before 9 Sites. chequewriters, cormptometers,| a.m. 728-8724. ree hundred new and used. We buy. (Ost: $9 in cash, vicinity Arnold's Gro sell, rént, service. Hamilton Office Equip- Be pos. Korth "last 'eieding. ¥inder ment, 137 Brock South' Whitby. please cali 688-2447, 3 GO HUNTING with hunting suppiie } Bee, vidi al Meagan daa | Dominion Tire! Gufs, ammunition, cloth- So tics leet taaliae than Comer Try Do-'male, answers to "Sandy", Child's pét. | Telephone 728-6959. oo A NEW CAR! BUY IT NOW wird A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED x x * » HO "x & x x ated 20} DOE KO < Ed MIO ing, é@f¢. Best prices in town. minion Tire Store, 48 Bond West. FRIGIDAIRE § cubic ff. refrigerator ~"Staffiese ¢ » sthall thode- Be '\LOST: Siamese cat, male, smafi ¢hoco- |75 1b freezer, $95, good condition, after fate point, blue cross eyes, crook in tail. |5_P.m. Telephone 725-1684, - | Epileptic and requires medication, North |14F%, ALUMINUM boat, 18 hp Evinrudeleast section. 725-4457. moter, héavy duty trailer; old. Call before six p.m. 723-7435 Ofleariy Saf f Speedy Auto Glass, 299 Simcoe South. |r 'dighway berween "akowe ahd" Bor BOY and sell, good used furniture ana|manville, Will finder ple contact Mr. appliances, One location ofily. Preétfy's|Murdock at 725-1123. Reward, Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. 'LOST: Part Terrier puppy, black afd |STEEL sash, used, various Sizes, some|whité, male, no collar. Vicinity Wayne x x MME MHKIKX: revenge | MK 38 » THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA De endable i éach. Telephone Whifby 668-8571. |Telephone 725-7809, BIANO, upright, in good condition. Apply . y Pp |246 Wilson Road South. |36--yLegal U e d | TYPEWRITERS, one portable, oné stan-\l, Marian Gora, of 222 Ritson Road South, S dard, also electric standard typewriter,|will not be responsible for any debts con- Electric adding machifie, scale, meat|tracted in my namé by anyoné, on CA RS |slicer, very reasonable. Terms. 723-4434,\aflér this date, November 1, 1963, without | | LADY'S black seal coat, perfect condi-|"Y Written consent. tion. Gentleman's navy blue overcoat,| __ two fall weight, men's fall coats,| | Hppeced, linings. Reasond@bie 723-9290. REFRIGERATOR Norge, rangette, both in good condifion. Apply 75 Ritson North. Telephone 723-2686, BRIVATE SALE: Complete furniture for two bedrooms, living 'room including fire- place, réfrigérator, table and chairs, cool- ing chest, 2 gal. Thermos, 1 gal. sizé, bridge table, four chaifs, dishes, pans, toys and mafiy other items. Any- thing you are wanting call and ask. Tele phone 725-3621. Marian Gora. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARGARET EVE- LYN THOMPSON, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA _ IN THE COUNTY OF 1963 DODGE FOUR DOOR 330 Automatic, power brakés, radio, padded dash, washers, white and féd interior, Sharp. 1960 PLYMOUTH FOUR, DOOR In. Oshawa, TIRES (two), 650 x 15, whitewall snow| WINTER pofdtoés for sale, store in your tires and wheels for a ford, $25. See atten rane or at mine. Telephone Whitby RANGE, Admiral, heavy duly eleciric|WINTER potatoes for salé, store in your ", four burner. Apply 253 Quebec pai ag or at mine. Telephone Whitby | $950. One year! ost: Cardboard carton of aulo parts| with glass and somé without glass, $5 fo|Sfréet and Simcoe North. Child's pet.| j hall. Brother Beadle asked for the co-operation of al) his ofti- cers and members to fulfill these 'obligations. p Several short addresses were given among which were the remarks of the District Deputy. Brother Geer pointed out the progressive nature of Oddfel- lowship, first as belief in "a supreme being which brings home the Fatherhood of Mart. Oddfellowship tends to bring out through the use of these principles -- Friendship, Love and Truth -- the fine things contained in the Brotherhood "of Man. The District Deputy Grand Warden, Brother Gil, Freeman, spoke on the impor- tance of using our time correet- ly and he made this point very clearly by the use of a poem entitled "My Calendar -of Time." ; All the lodges of the distrfct were well-tepresented. Among the honored guests were Dis- trict Deputy Grand Masfer Brother Friar, of Bowmanville, District No. 42; ten past dis. trict deputy grafid masters; . past noble grands; 18 25-year veterans; One 50-year veteran, Brother Gordon Bunker, _of Oshawa; 55 Rebekah mem- bers, including the District Dep- uty President Mrs. J. C. Love. One of the highlights of the evening was the presentation of a past noblé grand jewel to Brother Lloyd Short by his son Richard and daughter Deborah. He was introduced to the assémbly by his brothér, Past Grand Clifford Short. The Iarge crowd of distin- guished guests and friends én. joyed a buffet luncheon | pre- pared by thé committee in charge, bringing a finé clésé to a good night of Oddfellowship. NOTED BARBER HASTINGS, N.Z,; (CP)~ Easily thé 'best-known barber here, the aptly-named F. W. Whisker died at age 83 after running his sher more than 60 years. Few visitors to Hastings or|@eparted without a photograph of the shop of Mf. Whisker the barber. SUGGESTS CORPS LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) -- A uhiversiy student léadér here has suggestéd thé establishment of a Nigerian peare corps com- posed Of college graduates to help other African, nations in much the same way that 350 U.S. peace corpsmen are aid- ing Nigeria. RANGE, one year old, deluxe, 30%, ih good condition. Best offer. Telephone 728-9324, RANGE," Gurney Tappan, 1959 model, heavy duty, 6 cu. ff. refrigerator, De- frostomatic, 1959 model. Simplicity wash- ér With cloék. AlS6 girl's teénagé dresses, almost new. Telephone 725-8902. 8. F. GOODRICH STORES -- Tires, Bai- fériés, Kelvinator réfrigerators, téle- vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543, ANTIQUE GUN WANTED - Telephone Oshawa 725-6183. SECTIONAL kiichen cupboards, two tops, one bottom, also Kitchen set, four chairs, beige and brown. All in good condi- fidn. Reasonablé. Apply 107 Rrock Street East. VA FURNACES, Oil, gas, space heaters, three - piece baths, $45; sinks, $4; laun- dry tubs, Pressure systéms, boats, mio- fors, trailers, Christmas tréés. 4, Chinn, corner Park Road and Hillside. DINING room suite, mahogany, buffél, extension fable, Six-leather upholstered chairs, excellent condition, $150. Tele phone 728-5205. What's My Line? Buying or selling used fur- niture and appliances. For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store _______16Ya_Bond W. Winter Wreaths now available MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK 723-2633 V8, clean and real peppy. 1959 D-K-W STATION WAGON Low milédgé, 6né owner. ONLY $495 1959 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE TWO DOOR Clean car, ONLY $495 1958 DODGE FOUR DOOR V8. A real clean car. $695 1957 MONARCH TWO DOOR HARDTOP Sharp and look at the pricé. ONLY $695 SMITH SPORTS 353 King Street West | Telephone 728-7341 OPEN EVENINGS | ONTARIO, SECRE- TARY DECEASED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having e¢loitrs against the Estate of Marg- Gret Evelyn Thompson, léte of the City, of Oshawa, in thé County of Ontario, who died on or about the 27th day of ~* September, A.D. 1963, ate hereby notified to send full particulars to the undersign- éd on or before the 30th day of November, A.D. 1963, after which daté the Estate will be distributed with ré- gard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. DATED at Oshawa, this 24th day of October, A.D, 1963. DOROTHY MARGARET BUSCH Executrix By her solicitor Joseph P. .Mangan, 0.C. 14/2 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario. Smart Business People Sing the Praises ot Oshowa Times Classified Ads, on Of affer this date, 36--Legal 1, Carl H. Wallace, 505 Albért Street, Oshawa, Will not bé responsible for any debts confracted in my narné, by anyone, Ottober 29, 1963. --Carl H. Wallace, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ~ ESTATE OF GEORGE BITTMAN All persons having cldims against the Estate 6f George Bittman, late of the Cify of Oshawa in the Coufity 6f On- tario, deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of Sep- tember, 1963, are hereby notified to send in to the un= dérsigned on or before the 30th day of November, 1963 full particulars 'of _ their, claims, after which date the Estaté will be distributed hav- ing régard 6nly to the claims of which the undérsigned shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 31st day of Octobér, 1963. HUMPHREYS BOYCHYN & HILLMAN 362, King Street East Oshawa, Ontario. | Solicitors for the. Exécu- tor, Conrad Cser,

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