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Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Nov 1963, p. 4

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REPORT TO DURHAM Seen At Maple Grove New Tests Face Pp earson Regime be" yeoy gorse gpg By RUSSELL C. HONEY _ |vative leader had a few caustic, @70ve Home and School Asso- *MP FOR DURHAM Warde tor the Speaker as he|clation, held a gg | in be OTTAWA (CP) --- As onejsaid, 'We are being denied, by Gms 5 pighre y. Ribs 0 jgovernment member left the\your action ioday, the right to! r 4 ef Pn ait in- House Tuesday evening hejexplain the vote we are making |(¢res ing and informa ms on 'made the half-jocular, but none this evening. I submit, sir, it is|"NO Comment", then the par- ltheless realistic comment that,!most improper, and with great|ents divided into discussion \"we are safe for another week".|respect I <av to you that you|stoups, after which they report- | Pupils' Skit | STILL UNBEATEN Red-hot Dunnies Return Take On Fliers Tonight By CLIFF GORDON - Whitby. Dunlops, who are ctir- rently setting a blistering pace in the Metro junior B league, will be hosts to the Markham Fliers tonight at Whitby Arena. This will be a rematch. of the game played in Markham Friday night when the teams _ There was more truth thanjhave denied us by your action|¢d back to the general meeting, fiction in the remark as the/|the right te have anyon: speak, D. Bowman conducted an en-| government had just survived|for the party and explain the na-|Joyable get-acquainted game, t' © more votes of confidence.|ture of our attitude respecting|The prize was won by Miss) The first vote on a Creditiste|the amendment to the amend-|Heather Thomas. -- motion that the government had|ment laid before the House." The room count winners were) llost the confidence of the House| Stanley Knowles. veteran D. Lewis' and Miss Loyst s| lby "'subserviently agreeing to|NDP parliamentary expert, chal-rooms. Mrs, McNeil aap a) ithe storing of nuclear arms on|lenged Mr. Diefenbaker's re-|Teading 'about school. The busi-| ithe territory of the State ofjmarks and said, 'I suggest that/ness part of the meeting was) /QuéBec," had been defeated 210|/his remarks were out of order;opened and conducted by the} \to-27, on two counts, In the first place|President, Mrs. D. Bowman, by The second test came on the/he.was reflecting on a vote that,all singing "'O Canada", follow. Conservative main motion of|this House has just taken, andjed by the President reading the non-confidence which said thatjin the second place he was|objects of Home and School. the "House regrets the wide-/blaming Your Honor for a de-| The minutes of the September spread confusion, unrest andjcision which was taken by vote!meeting were read by Mrs. damage caused by the govern-jof the House. He was out of Glenn Bamber and approved.) ment's piecemeal pronounce-jorder and he owes an apology |The treasurer's report was) ments concerning abandonment|to Your Honor." given by Mrs. M, Goodmurphy.| of certain defence projects such} Mr. Speaker MacNaughton The new bylaws were read) las the cancellation of the gen-| snuffed out the fire in his usualiand approved, the 1963-64 bud-! 'eral purpose frigate program"'.|diplomatic manner as he said, get was accepted. battled to a 2-all- standoff, The Dunnies, under coach Jim Cherry, have a win and a tie for three points in two starts this season. (Last year th. Dunnies were winless in their first 16 games.) Manager Ivan Davie confided that, despite the Dunnies' fine start, he was unhappy with the. play of a couple of the boys He added that. he may "'take a look at Bob Campbell and Terry Peters in tonight's tilt." Campbell has not seen action this season, Davie praised the perform- ances of two Whitby boys, Danny Sandford and Brian Fletcher. The popular Sand- ford is a grade nine student at Henry High School. He is in his first year of junior hockey, DANNY SANDFORD JUST TALKING: say .. 'team this year . ~ 'secretary } The 'fans : Dunnies have a top|was decided they should/plankets for A Thanksgiving Talk Is Given -- ~~ The general meeting of the UCW of the United Church was held in™ CE room with an attendance , recently. President Mrs, Neil Malcolm opened the worship by reading a- poem "The Little Things'. . The Anna Unit was in charge of the worship and m over which Mrs, Roy Taylor presided, For worship period a hymn was sung, and Psalm read by all. t Mrs. Kenneth Samelis led in prayer. Mrs, Russel Mountjoy gave a paper on Thanksgiving and offered prayer. Rev, P. Romeril gave a very interesting and helpful address on the chapter, "Man Before God" from "The Word and The Way." The president conducted the business period during which reports were heard from the secretary, treasurer, literature and Unit leaders. Mrs. Ralph Larmer reported the Christmas box is ready te |be mailed to.Mrs, Doreen Van «|Camp, India. After requests were read, it to purchase 10 frica, send $10.00 get plenty of support . .. team to the John Milton' Society and The government was support-|'I certainly do not wish to pour) Refreshments were served by) Fletcher, a long-time favorite spirit is high . . . that's what! seng $10.00 to Dr Mooney, To- ed by the three small opposi-|any more oil on the fire, but I\the mother's of Mr. Lewis's|cf local fans, has been a star|we want to see Owe aan tion groups as NDP, Socialibelieve that I have acted in/room, and a social time wasjin bantam, midget and juvenile expect the boys to win them a), acti on bale to be Credit and Creditistes joined/accordance with tradition and enjoyed by all. ranks for some time, and is but we want to see them try to| The ee with the Liberals to reject the/ precedent,' expected to play a big role in'win them all. , MRS. NHU FIGHTS BACK TEARS meeting at Mrs. Ngo Dinh Nhu puts Viet Nam after against the Ngo family can- they "were a handkerchief to her mouth during an emotional moment Saturday when she told a Bev- erly Hills news conference Return To Saigon 'Eleven People Plea Of Mrs. Nhu | LOS ANGELES (AP)--Mme. Ngo Dinh Nhu is reported to Secretary have asked State Dean Rusk to help her obtain safe-conduct to South Viet Nam in order that she may arrange her husband's funeral and re- move her three young children from the country. : The request was contained in @ telegram Mme. Nhu sent Sun- day, a source close to her said. She also is drafting a bele- gram to President Kennedy, the source said, but its message not be hidden under the label of a suicide'. She was re- ferring to reports that her husband and his brother had committed suicide in South it has been received. Mme. Nhu's husband, Ngo Dinh Nhu, secret police chief in the government, died along with his brother, President Ngo Dinh Diem, in a military coup Fri- day. Mme. Nhu has feared that her three children, ages 15, 11 and 4, had been killed in the bomb- ing and strafing of the presi- dential palace. She wept most was not discussed. Mme. Nhu Stewardship Discussed At UCW Meet By MRS. R. HOLMAN BROOKLIN The -- The general meeting of the Brooklin United Church Women was held in the Christian Education Building re- cently. The theme of the eve- ning was Christian Stewardship. Mrs. D. McIntyre arid Mrs, E. Acton, of the Sunshine Unit, led the worship service. The convener of the Christian Stewardship and Recruiting Committee, Mrs, R. Thompson, introduced the speaker of the evening, Mrs. G. Mundy, who teminded the ladies present that time, talents and money were hot the only things to consider when thinking of Stewardship. " These things we can give to @ny group that we care to join. "However, that which makes Christian Stewardship special above ail else," said Mrs. Mundy, "'is our witness to Jesus of Saturday night and early Sunday, an aide said. But later in the morning, she |received a telegram from the jstate department. It conveyed a jmessage from Gen. Tran Van [Don, one of the coup leaders Pa got in touch with the Amer- jican embassy in Saigon, saying jthat the three children were in Dalat, a resort north of Saigon, safe. The telegram said the dren now are in Pahn Rang, a {coastal town north of Saigon. Don told the embassy that the children would be turned over to Mme. Tran Trung Dung, a niece of Diem and Nhu. In Washington, the state de- tionary committee the deaths of Diem and Nhu while in its cus tody could not be condoned. Mme. Nhu said the deaths placed "'an indelible stigma" on the United States. But state de- partment officials said the United States could accept. none of the blame. THREE REDS LEAVE NEW YORK (AP) -- Three members of the Soviet Union's United Nations delegation ac- cused of spying against the Christ." Mrs. E. Kay thanked Mrs. Mundy on behalf of ail the ladies assembled. |Onited States left by plane Fri- ea night for Stockholm en |route to Russia. The three were jasked to leave the country by withheld the text of her tele- gram to the state department) new YORK (AP) -- Eleven afternoon as a struggle unfold- until later when she is assured) nombers of ci partment told the new revolu-| captured in a military coup. Mrs. Nhu's daughter, Le Thuy, 18, helps her hold a lengthy statement she read. (AP Wirephoto) | Conservative non-confidence mo-| In due course Mr. Harkness| PERSONALS tion 155 to 85. had the floor. Mr and \SUPPLY MOTIONS Mrs. Elwood) the club's success. Hawkins, Detroit, Michigan, Mr.| .) and Mrs, J. Cochrane, Neleval,ito be a real team leader. | The Pearson government will _|face similar no-confidence mo- In One Family Die In Mishap 'one big family' \drowned early Sunday in the Harlem River when the car in jwhich they were returning from a gay christening party) smashed through a dead - end jbarrier and plunged into the wa-| ter, | The dead included. four) |women, three men and four| jchildren, Police said a 12th oc-| jcupant of the crammed car es- jcaped in the accident which) jequalled the state's highest re- jcorded death toll for a single |traffic mishap. Eight bodies were recovered. One relative of the victims |said they were "all one big |family."' i "y begged them -- |too many people -- |second car which I s there were to go in a aid I could at the time of the coup and were} get for them," he said, "But they insisted manage it." He recalled "we had such a wonderful time. The children enjoyed themselves. What could I have done to prevent it?" The crash almost wiped out |three inter - related Brooklyn |families, ythat they could /EQUALS TRAGIC MARK | The record single traffic ac- cident death toll for the state |was believed set when 11 per- jsons lost their lives in a bus-| tractor trailer crash near| |Painted Post on Dec. 14, 1943.! | Police said the group was en jroute home from a Bronx chris-| tening when the driver turned| into Lincoln Ave., which ends at the Harlem River. The car| \leaped a dead-end barrier. and| into the water. There was no} fence at the. end of the street] and police. said twin hs it warning lights had been put out jof commission by vandals who | 'tore out the wiring. "| Mrs. K. Holliday presided|the state department after they| City Highways Commissioner| 'Over the business and refresh-|Were accused of having engag-|John T. Carroll ordered an im-| ments were served by the Re- Yable Unit. NITS jed in a spy plot. TRICK OR TREAT ST. CESAIRE, Que. (CP) -- |mediate survey of all streets! |with dead-ends on rivers and) said action would be taken to} lend any hazardous conditions. |tions in each of the next two weeks as it brings its motions Panel Discussion Sask., were recent visitors with Mrs. Bob Preston. | Mrs. Joe Jewell, Cannington, jfeared that Mr. Harkness might| After extending a welcome to j | At Blackstock \Mrs. C, White, Oshawa, were [Pe Sapeee cover hoe pra recent visitors with the latter's tion was the basis for another; _ BY MRS. OLGA HILL prother and wite, Mr. and Mrs. : , | BLACKSTOCK -- The Gener-|F. R. Stevens, debate on the government's de, UCW meeting held in the| sie. 1. © teens ane ee fence policy. nov' ' , tion Centre re-| § The votes were scheduled for Conmatian Eouceton Centre Bob Snowden were Sunday sup- 8.15 Tuesday evening and ten-| sion built up in the House al | es ane Hiree men. | The president, Mrs. Neil former Defence! Malcolm, opened the meeting Minister Douglas Harkness and|With a poem. jsister, Mrs, Eric Freeborn, the Conservative Whip over Mr,| Mrs. Ralph Larmer gave an| Lindsay. Harkness' desire to participatejexcelient worship on Citizen-| Mr. 'Bert Snowden, President in the debate. It was obviously/ship. of the Bowmanville Kinsmen, attended the Fall Council at Sudbury recently. Misses Barbara and Joyce liams, Bowmanville. jed between and family recently visited her | turn on his former colleagues |the several visitors, the presi- and Mr. Diefenbaker. dent conducted the business. Throughout the afternoon Mr.|Brief reports were heard from|Mills, were visitors recently Harkness rose on two or three/all departments, with their aunt and uncle, Mr. occasions to speak but was not! The literature secretary wasjand Mrs, Gordon Shunk, Port able to catch the eye of Mr./authorized toorder the book|Perry. Speaker. Finally, at 5.20 the/shelf and packets for the Ex- Speaker called on the former plorers and Messengers. Tefence Minister. Conservative The Over and Above Gitts WOUND CASASNOVAS SANTO DOMINGO, Domini- cently was attended by 41 la-/per guests with Mrs, L, B. Wil-| Mr. and Mrs. Cedric -Russell| im Whip, Eric A. Winkler immed- i..tely moved that "the Honor- able Member for Three Rivers \(Mr. Balcer) be now heard" and divided the House in a last ditch attempt to have the former |Transpot Minister, who re- jtains his loyalty for Mr. Die- \fenbaker, speak in place of Mr,; |Harkness. | On the division, the Liberal,| NDP, Social Credit and Credit-| iste members joined to support) jthe Speaker by defeating the| |Conservative Whip's motion by! a vote of 139 to 72. |CRISICAL ANALYSIS | Those supporting the Speaker ere obviously anxious to hear Mr. Harkness. ,If they expected \fireworks they were disappoint- ed as the former Cabinet Minis- ter, in his usual clipped and were brought to the attention of the ladies, also the Bible Workshops at Five Oaks on Nov. 19-21. Mrs, Romeril presided 'for the program and invited the panel to chairs at tables in the front of the room. Rev. Romeril as chairman intro. duced the panel: Mrs. Barbara Pollock of Oshawa Radio Sta tion CKLB, Warren Barton, Oshawa Times, Mrs, H. E, Ash- more of Blackstock Anglican Church, and Miss. Beryl Hibbs, ja teacher of Cartwright High)eq the appreciation of all pres-| School. A discussion on "Censor- ship" was presented by the panel with Mr. Romeril asking the questions, What is Censor- can Republic (AP) -- Dr. Juan \Casasnovas Garrido, Senate president under the regime of| lousted President Juan Bosch jand claimant to the Dominican} ipresidency, was seized Friday| |while attempting to escape ar-! jrest, police reported. They said| |Casasnovas, 42, was wounded in the left arm as he tried to filee. He had been in hiding. |ship? Is there need of censur-| |ship? If so, in what realms? | | Mrs. Dalton Dorrell express-) ent to the panel. Rev. Romeril ewer the meeting with a brief scripture passage and prayer. jafter which lunch was served iby the Anna Unit. He is big and rangy, and the YF gage ot a eee ub feels he has the potential e a real dandy ... the Fliers! are scrappy and are fired upjan article on Friendship and Prince Albert, October 31, was to, announced, Mrs. Ivan Thompsen read .» » both teams will be out to| Visiting. Benediction was pro- jprove that junior B hockey isinounced by Mrs. R. Taylor. in the higher classification. as good to watch as that played Lunch was served by the Dorcas Unit. BAD BOY. Goes Berserk! BRIAN FLETCHER Now's the Time te Beautify Your Home with CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 | KING ST. E. Prices to Smithereens! It You Don't Buy lt At Bad Boy's YOU PAY TOO MUCHI!! BAD BO Open Nightly (Exe T TOWN He's Blowing High --ONnN -- @ Furniture @ Appliances \@ Hi-Fi @ TV @ Radios Ete. FURNITURE APPLIANCES ept Saturday) 'Til 9:30 LINE ious 728-465 ---- businesslike manner, made a critical analysis of certain as- pects of Libera) defence policy, with no side trips for the pur- pose of opening up old feuds with Mr. Diefenbaker, At the conclusion of the vote establishing the right of Mr Harkness to speak, the Conser- "HELP YOURSELF TO | FAST RELIEF "" WERVE FATIGN wm DR. CHASE'S. NERVE FOOD "1 feel free as the breeze--at last I've found quick relief mm tension ridden days and restiess. wakefui ni 1" re di ind more peopie a iscovering Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. They've found relief from such feelings 4 yi as "restiess", "irritable", "jumpy", "'tense". | 14 You too can hel r nerves fast. Dr. Chase's Nerve I R food Reed Tighe In to Line gl elp bu ea| Nerve Food-Help yourself ABC Unit met at the home of|7 Mrs. C. S. Thompson. Mrs. V./ , sah Sorkin and Mrs, Ri. Pilkey wers| allowe'en masks escaped with) PLAYED ROLE an estimated $20,000 Friday) The dance played an impor-' Pre -- of bel wee tight from a branch of the/|tant role in the development of} i bd ra as of the mission(22%* of Montreal in this town|drama in Greece, India and) Roky or 20 miles south of Montreal. | 'Japan in ancient' times. | Lend-a-Hand Unit held their eeting at the home of Mrs, A . McBrien, Mrs. L. Bradley and Mrs. H. Grills presented the Whanksgiving worship service. The Bible study was given by 'Miss Chrissie Simpson. Mrs. J, Batty reviewed the mission Study » Faithful Workers Unit met at the home of Mrs. L. Beath. The Thanksgiving worship service was conducted by Mrs. B. Han- fam and Mrs. R. Ingleton. The etudy of the Women of India 'was taken by Mrs. Ingleton. ~ Reliable Unit was entertained) fat the home of Mrs. R. Steven- 'son, of Oshawa, who is a former member of the Unit. Mrs. H. Dennis and Mrs. L. Stanley were the committee in charge. » Friendship Unit met at the home of Mrs. A. Reynolds. Mrs. ®. Hodson and Mrs. L. Mathews Gonducted the Thanksgiving worship service, Mrs. J. H. Mc- inney introduced Chapter 9, Tne Incarnate God, from The! Word and The Way. Mrs. Hod. son explained the first story of the new mission study. © Sanshine Unit held their meet- ing at the home of Mrs. K. Hol- y. Mrs. E. Brown and Mrs. i Mathison conducted the wor- ship service with the theme -- Thanksgiving. « Mrs. W. Routley gave an in- feres' review on the Church 'qn India and read excerpts from a letter received from Miss a letter received from Miss Doreen VanCamp who was a teacher in the Brooklin school a w years ago. Miss VanCamp 4 now teaching at Ilniore, India, hree armed bandits wearing| in ip yourself to fast relief from Nerve Fatique. DR. CHASE Nerve Food--FIGHTS Nerve Fatigue It depends entirely on the pre-purchase planning that went into the development of your insurance program. Insurance becomes an expenditure when it no longer fulfills the function for which it was intended. It is an investment so long as it is matched to your individuai circumstances and requirements. Finance your car in advance with a low-cost termDlan loan Put yourself in the strongest bargaining position for a new car. Come into the Royal first before you shop and arrange for the cash you'll need. Then shop at leisure and buy only when you're good and ready. A Royal Bank termPlan loan offers attractive low rates, fast service (often less than 24 hours) and 36-month repayment. No extras or hidden charges. And it's life-insured. So--before you shop, see any Royal branch first about a termPlan loan for a car, appliance or any other reasonable need. Today! & These circumstances and requirements are constantly changing. That's why it is essen- tial to periodically review your insurance program. Ask your Sovereign Representative. SOVEREIGN THE io i LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA G. SCHILLING, Branch Manager Ste.. 206 East, Oshawa Shopping Centre ROYAL BANK 5. F. DONNELLY, Manager J, M. WADDELL, Manager | Oshawa Branch ; Oshawa, King and Wilson Branch OSHAWA, Ontario --_--Tel: 728-7501

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