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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Nov 1963, p. 14

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e Dazzling Bobby Hull |S Herel! Sparks Flying Hawks Slim Again To Win Over Ranger 'Blue Bombers, Tuesday looked jback on a disastrous 1963 West- ,ern Football Conference season jand found hope for the future. The | The Bombers missed the west- By THE CANADIAN PRESS jsigns of premature fatigue this vistory was: Chicago's keeps backing up his state- ments the Chicago Black Hawks may win their first National Hockey League championship. Hull--and a few other Hawks --blamed coach Rudy Pilous for their collapse. late last season. Bobby Hull put himself on the|season. They currently hold a {spot last summer, but if helsia-point lead atop the ,NHL standi ngs. The flying start--eight wins, two ties, only one loss--has been due mostly to Hull and Mikita, who have been enjoy- ing equal individual success. Mikita engineered Chicago's fourth straight and extended their unbeaten streak to nine games, longest since 1939-40. It gave them 18 points, six more thahk Montreal and eight more than Toronto. Bill Hay gave the Hawks a 1-0 lead 27 seconds after the opening whistle and Mikita added another in the second fern playoffs for the first time |since he took over as coach in |1957, but Grant said he is confi- dent his team "'is capable of get- ting back on top next year." The last time Bombers missed the playoffs was in 1949 and un- der Grant they won the western bie six times and the Grey Cup five times. They said they practised too hard and the pre-season exhibi- tion schedule wore them out be- fore the regular campaign even started. Owner James D. Norris and general manager Tommy Ivan gave the players the benefit of the doubt and fired Pilous, re- placing him with Billy Reay. Then it was up to Hull, Stan early spurt and lately Hull has been the sparkplug. Tuesday night, the blond whirlwind helped set up two Chicago goals and scored the winner with 20 seconds remain- ir' in the game as the Hawks dumped New York 3-2 in the| during a gealmouth scramble only NHL game played. and whipped it by Jacques It was Hull's 7th goal of the|Plante to give the Hawks a season and the two assists)squeaker before 12,642 Hawks Mikita and the other outspoken|drew him e¥en with Mikita in/fans. Hawks to prove Chicago mis-|the individual point standings) The league is idle tonight but fortune was caused by the|with seven goals and nine as- la full slate is scheduled Thurs- coach and not the players them-/sists each. At the same point|day with the Hawks at Mont- Voss Backed iselves. \jast season, Mikita had 10 points|real, Toronto at Boston and By Campbell The Hawks have shown nojand Hull just two goals. 'New York at Detroit. MONTREAL (CP)--Clarence Campbell, president of the Na- tional Hockey League, rejected Tuesday a request that Carl Voss be removed as referee-in- chief. This from Grey Cup champions to fourth place in the Western Con- ference. Grant said they never recov- ered after getting in~ hole at the start of the seasort by losing end Ernie Pitts, defensive half Ron Latourelle and linebarkers Dave Burkholder and Jack Del- veaux in the first two games, before Dick Meissner scored for the Rangers late in the mid- die frame. Vic Hadfield tied it up at 14:28 of the final period, but at 19:40 Hull grabbed the puck _NHL BIG SEVEN Olympics Siart | By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Chicago's Bobby Hull scored @\once and earned two assists in year Bombers slipped/oo DENVER (AP)--Mid - Febru-, ary is the time and Los An- geles is probably the site. for Sonny Liston's defence of his world heavyweight boxing championship against Cassius Clay. In a zany setting Tuesday, they signed contracts for a 15- round title fight expected to gross a record $6,000,000-$8,000,- Two separate Los Angeles groups, one headed by former champion Joe Louis, offered guarantees of more than §$1,000.- 000 for the right to stage the battle. Jack Nilon, Liston's adviser, said other bids have. been re- ceived from Minneapolis, Chi- cago, Miami and Las Vegas. He said the site will be announced within two weeks, Clay, unbeaten since turning pro in 1960, will get 22% per cent of the receipts--described jas a record for a challenger. Liston, who received 12% per cent in his challenge fight |against Floyd Patterson in Chi- \cago, will get 40 per cent. |~ Stunts and a few bits of spon- |taneous comedy spiced the con- Vaudeville's Not Dead Yet; Cassius Signs the champion to wear those for Clay's safety. i Clay seemed at a loss for words be'ore' waving off the of- fer with his oft-repeated: "I'm the greatest, I ain't seared of nobody." & Liston's aides then produced @ near life-sized photograph of the champion, which he pre- sented to Clay. Inscribed acrass the photo was this message from Liston: "Well, Cassius--now that we have signed I don't want noth- ing to happen to you. I am send- ing my picture along to guard you." PUNCH FAILS Clay responded with a_ right swing at the photo, but his fist didn't bust the cardboatd. "Watch out you don't hurt your hand," Liston jeered. Clay's clowning amused Lis ton most of the time but. the champion reminded everyone of what lies in the future when he told the Louisville Ky., Lip "I hope you look the same when - I get done with you." Liston scored one - round knockouts over Flyd Patterson wa iTuesday night's 3-2 win over The situation arose over pee ENE in winning the title at Chicago |New York to move into a sec- jond-place 'tie among the Na-| \tional Hockey League's leading |scorers. | Hull's output drew him even e e * Exhibition Tour | telegram sent Campbell Sunday 'I'M THE GREATEST' and in their return match at EDMONTON owaegrpeas See te of the Saskatchewan night by William Jennings, pres-| Shouting, "I'm the greatest,|Las Vegas last July. The second Olympic: hockey team. launches Senior ockey League. lident of New York Rangers. |here comes the next cham-|victory over Patterson was his a seven-game exhibition serles| i~pERNATIONAL RULES | Jennings complained about|pion," Clay swaggered in the,28th straight and his 35th in 36 Friday in Saskatoon om . _ All games will be played un-|the refereeing that has been ex-|room. : |bouts. He has knocked out 25 |with teammate Stan Mikita, |B" the club a i ygrocod nr a der international rules used injperienced and specifically, He first refused to sit beside|opponents. |who picked up an assist, Both|"8 t, compressed fe Lad |world and Olympic competition.|sought the firing of Voss. - Nilon, who was seated beside| Clay has recorded J9~vic- have seven goals and nine ag. can expect overseas this winter. many Saskatoon, Winnipeg and! Campbell said Jennings can|Liston, 'I don't want to be.nearitories since turning pro after sists for 16 points, four less than) The Olympics, organized after|Lakehead players participating|request a meeting of the gov-\him," Clay said. winning the light-heavyweight leading Jean Beliveau of Mont-|@ training camp in Edmonton jin the exhibition games havejernors if he wishes. | Liston, who alternatelty|crown in the 1960 Olympics. In lreal, in August, will play seven|seen previous international) Campbell talked by telephone frowned and smiled, got into thejhis last appearance he stopped |Tuesday with Jennings and gub-\act by pulling out a pair of|Henry Cooper, British heavy- A ARE BT "CASSIUS PUTS ON AN ACT ble Clay. In the centre shield- ver Hilton Hotel. The cities ing himself from the battle is .in the running fo. the site of Gordon MYavidson, attorney the .February championship for Clay. The signing took fight are Los Angeles, Los place in Denver at the Den-. Vegas and Chicago. arg a pean ag Cassius Clay is restrained * by handlers as he attempts » to get off a punch. Sonny = Liston at the right seemed to enjoy the antics of the volu- Racine Ready Bulldogs Drop | First Game To | To Kick Goals Toledo Blades the lineup last Saturday when| By THE CANADIAN PRESS will be available for field goal|Riders concluded their regular) Windsor Bulldogs lost their attempts Saturday when Ottawa|schedule with an easy win over|first game of the International Rough Riders face Montreal Al-|Toronto Argonauts, A week ear-|Hockey League season Tuesday ouettes in their sudden - deathjlier he played on the line but\)iont Gropping a tight 4-2 de-|Beliveau, Mtl Eastern Football Conference| was not available for place-kick-, ° * IMikita, Chi semi-final game,' ling because of the injury. cision to the undefeated Toledo Hull Chi Coach Frank Clair made the picuen FOURTH Blades in Windsor. Goyette, NY announcement "Tuesday night Racine tintshed' touhh ih the In the only other game of the Geoffrion, Mtl after putting Riders through ®/pig Four's individual scoring)/™/8ht, Port Huron Flags re-|Bathgate, NY oe workout, their first of ce this season by booting nine; mained in a first-place tie with Wharram, Chi Clair said Racine kicked well field goals, six singles and 24/the Plades, winning their fourth) _ during the practice and that the|"Ciair also said that news of sy ni ee sala the) C swelling in Racine's knee has | ther 'niifed Otuwa players| O2* Leafs at Des Moines, Both gone down | i saint teans have eight int d ¢ ; : ntinues to be en ging. | a POMS ana) Racine, 26, playing his fifth "attack Ernie White, who Windsor has six, 1s * § Cal . season with Ottawa, injured his) oes is ready to go. The out-| The Bulldogs rallied late 'in| setae. Seuwnune OTTAWA (CP)--Moe Racine sare The league - leading Toronto|the Hawks with two goals and Marlboros were defeated andja pair of assists. Brian McDon- last-place Hamilton Red Wingsjald, Dennis Hull and Doug Jar- missed their first win of the/rett scored the other goals, season when early leads failed| The Toronto goals were scored to hold up in Ontario Hockey|by Wayne Carleton, Nick Har- Association Junior A action baruck and Grant Moore. Tuesday night. | Bobby Orr ied the Oshawa The Marlboros lost 5-3. to the)scoring with two goals and Ed- Black Hawks in St. Catharines|die O'Shea scored one goal and after holding a 3-1 lead and thejadded three assists, Bill Little, Red Wings blew an early 3-0/Bill Smith and George Vail lead and lost 6-5 to Oshawa Gen-|scored the other goals. erals in Bowmanville. Peter Mahovlich, with two, St. Catharines took over sole|John Gofton, Jim Peters and possession of fourth place, one|Brian Campbell scored the Red point behind Montreal Cana- Wing goals. Hamilton is winless diens, with a three-goal rally injin 40 games. peers the third period. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Sacramento, Calif, -- Eddie Machen, 197, Berkeley, Calif., knocked out Bull McMurray, 208, Sacramento, 7. ee a Bem re APawagaw7? 9 9 cf 9 7 | | ! « . " ) « * « * + 7 * « ~ « « 1 « " « * . . . a . New York's Phil Goyette, injgames in nine days. The action| hockey fourth place with 14 points, wasjand between-game travel will) The decision to establish the|sequently said in a statement: [rabbit fur-coated boxing glovesjweight champion, in the fifth blanked but teammate Andy|test to the limit the endurance|team was made at the Canadian| 'Mr. Voss is the league's ref-|and asking Clay if he wanted| round last June 18 in London. assist to tie. with Montreal's|represent Canada a' the 1964/semi-annual meeting in . May,|t0 exercise his full authority and i Bernie Geoffrion at 13 points.,winter Olympic Games. /1962 at Ottawa. It is an experi-|Powers in that capacity with the The jast position in the top! The tour is part of a stiff, 40-\ment designed to improve the,Complete backing of this office." ar Oros ose \Kenny Wharram at 12 poin:s.jranged for the Olympics by the|Canada in international compe- |He failed to earn a point in Chi-|Canadian Amateur Hockey As-|tition. Previously club. teams,| Archer Moves leago's win, sociation and coach Rev. Davidistrengthened by players trom| A Pts. The Olympics so far have won| ada in international champion-| To 2nd Place By THE CANADIAN PRESS Rightwinger Ken Hodge ted 15 20 jeight of 10 starts against ama-|ships. NEW YORK 9 16 \teur teams and two of five} Art Potter, CAHA president,| z (AP) -- Three ' h toh : ; not defend their titles~Emil 14 |fessional Western Hockeylis successful I think we can looki griggi : mile y " oT th, Carlos Ontiz and Sugar = ae forward to future national teams Ramos--wee named fighters of arr ee a swing Friday against Saskatoon |hockey championships." _ ___ |day for their performances in {non-title bouts. APSULE SPORT | Trophy Taken Griffith, welterweight cham- tiz, lightweight titleholder, out- pointed Maurice Cullen. Ra mos, featherweight kingpin, leg last month. He was out Mt liook also is bright for halfback the rig Ape and closed the NEW YORK (AP)--Gail Ross, |. The biggest move in the rat- Ron Stewart, who watched Sat-|s@p be A --- Gordie Cowan ; 21-year-old from Edmonton, who|i"8s was by Joey Archer of New Top Toggery urday's game from- the bench|scored the clincher in an empty an our ere spent last summer sharpening|¥°rk who jumped from fourth h But the final word on Stewart/Windsor had played without! |Frederick D, MacKay Challenge|@"kings after outpointing Ru- Purse Winner won't be known until later in the|#0altender Wayne Rutledge for! TORONTO (CP)--A battle of| HILL WILL START Trophy--opening event of the in-/ben Carter. : week. | ina: two minutes, the Glasgow soccer Titans may; BALTIMORE (AP) -- Jerry,ternational jumping series--in| 1" the heavyweight division, ¥ Joe Williams will get the cal].|scoring with a pair of goals and|Canada next year, Negotiations|fullback for Baltimore Colts, He day at Maison Squ G ante pollen met igo Saturday's game starts at 1|Walt Bradley added the other. (for the two el Scottish|started this season as a back-) A crowd of ney t 5.000 re shay d of Chandler, Ariz. 7 . : ip.m. EST and will be carried) Bob Brown and Jack Costello|clubs, Rangers and Celtics, to|field sub, mostly for J. W. Lock- m : in tha/covanced from sixth to fifth. S ll I D b show his return to early season|? $ | su y watched Miss. Ross win the) Former champion Floyd Pat-| ti n ou. * four rivals in the Grand Ace shes -lada are now under way, and| : the five riders who had gone . MONTREAL (CP) -- Coach - Purse at Greenwood Race officials of both teams are re-| womony 108) = Hut, |c!ean in the first round: The ath. : |sim Trimble said Tuesday night Bathgate was credited with anjof the hockey players who will|Amateur Hockey Association's|eree-in-chief and will t seven belongs to Chicago's|\game pre-Olympic schedule ar-|calibre of teams representing) The leaders: Bauer. jother teams, represented Can- To Blac =) 16 |games against clubs in the pro-|said Tuesday night "if the team| World boxing champions who-did open their exhibition|for both Olympic and _ world the month by Ring Magazine to- ipion, defeated Joe Gonzalez, Or- S ish Cl By Gail Ross cottish Clubs y | SS petenn eae because of a leg injury net with 11 seconds remaining. her riding in England, won tne|'® Second in the middleweight wnt 4 | ' | If Stewart doesn't play, then| Don Westbrook led the Toledo|be in store for soccer fans in|Hill has become the starting|the National Horse § 'ues-|Cleveland Williams of Houston} Cl k S TORONTO (CP) --Mrs.| 4 rse Show Tue#| moved from fifth to fourth end| WEGkm © tart form when he easily outfooted on the CBC television network.'were the Windsor marksmen. j|play a four-game series in Can-jett at fullback. trophy after a jump-off rasta ht i : ; s 4aMONZ terson, who has been inactive,| 'he won't know until today * Track Tuesday. Top Toggery reached the fin- ish in the seven-furlong| event more than six lengths in front of Edward Pasquale's Bridal Music with Farmer Jack third Jackson Shoots For Two Honors orted t n favor of the idea | : Horses 10 Oe 18 Tyan et ie president of the Toronto Hockey |°"S Were Tom Gayford of Tor- PHILLIES SELL 7 League, said Tuesday that two/0M®, Bill Robertson of Darien, PHILADELPHIA (AP)--Phil-|teams from the THL minor se- aie PAS eae Chapot of Wail-| adelphia Phillies sold seveniries will make a tour. of Cali- 22° J, and Hermann) players Tuesday, including Na-|fornia during the Christmas hol-/S°MTdde of West Germany. | iday season, Hull announced) Miss Ross hustled her mount, tional League veteran Frank | : | that George Bell Minor-Ban-|Thunderbird, around the eight Punch Changes His Prophecy TORONTO (CP)--Punch Im- Torre, to their Little Rock team) !whether halfback Don Clark will be fit for duty when Montreal Alouettes play in Ottawa Satur- day against the Rough Riders in the Eastern Football Confer- ence semi-final playoff. Clark, out of action for six San Antonio, Tex.--Jose Mor- eno, 125, Mexico, outpointed "ad Freeman, 126, Houston, New York--Tommy Garrisos 138%, New York, stopped Candy Parilia, 135%, Puerto Rico, 5. Ridden by apprentice jockey a acagge Boy ae sg the back Russ Jackson of Ottawa Lin' favorts with 6,165 rain-|Rough Riders is shooting for spattered fans. The second |two national professional foot- choice was Conn Smythe's War-|ball honors this year. rior's Day, third-place finisher; The 25-year-old Canadian to- to Canebora in this year's plate. day was named the outstanding ------~|player ane outstanding Cana-) . : dian in the Eastern Football! Winner of the outstanding Conference in a ballot of foot-|Player tag will receive the \ball writers and broadcasters in|Schenley Award and s $2,000 lthe conference cities of Hamil-/Canada Savings Bond. Winners TORONTO (CP) -- Quarter-|dian Football League cities to name the winner in each cate- gory from among the five named today. Results will be known a couple of days before the Nov. 30 Grey "up final at Vancouver. GETS. $2,000 BOND Tijuana, Mexico--Raul Sori- ano,' 134, Los Angeles, knocked out Pulga Serrano, 135, Tijuana, 10. Mighty Lady Disappoints | LONDON, Ont. (CP)--There jwas an upset in the. top-prize ninth race at the Western Fair Raceway here when the 3-5 hoice, Mighty Lady, made two breaks coming out of the gate 32 nd never reached contention. ° 40 7| Crystal Hal, owned and 46 4jdriven by Stan Hughes of In- 55 2/gersoll, won 'he $500 event by a length from Mighty Mid- night, pacing the mile in 2:11-- Canadian Rinks 28 11 40 10) ™" | Welland 21 22 11 Hershey 1 2 Providence penne iQuebec 'Baltimore Western | Pittsburgh Rochester |Cleveland 5 4 0.35 Buffalo 451 3 Tuesday's Result Springfiel 5 Quebec 2 Tonight's Games Rochester at Buffalo |Hershey at Pittsburgh Internation." League WLT F APt 4 24:15 8 4 17:38 3 13 9 6 0 1 2:0 0 0 0 5 4 5 5 SRRRORRORARETAE ETA AREEAADED TATED ADE C ed eee eee eae teaeesae a manager since Billy Hitchcock was dismissed at the end of last/20 season and kicked upstairs to} Goals: Hut, Chicago, Mikita, an executive post. Chicago, 7 IS DIRECTOR | Assists: Stanky, who managed the|15 Cards from 1952 until the mid-| dle of 195, now is their director|2 of player personnel, Reached 'in| Penalties: Harper, Montreal, St. Petersburg, Fla., Stanky|41 minutes said he had turned down what)" he called a "very attractive of- fer' to manage the Orioles. "I've had four offers to man- age since I've been with the) Cards and this is the one I give Beliveau, Montreal, Shutouts; Plante, New York, Port Huron - |Toledo | Windsor |Chatham |Fort Wayne Remember When? . « . 138 road, that at: Dallas Dec. 1.1No. 3 quarterback--"'just in case the world, almost 100 per cen',jever, that he had not officia!'y,man wh has béen a maior Cleveland has four of its sixjof an_emergency --behind Hill'are found in western and cen-\offered the managing job tojleague manager who can hon- and Ralph Guglielmi, the ex-jtral Europe, northern America,/Stanky nor to anybody else. jestly say 'I'll never manage away from home, ; n The battered Philadelphia/Giant. Oceania and the U.S.S.R. ' The Orioles have been without'again,"' he said. in the International League. The/tams and Humber Valley Pee-|testing jumps 'in 39.8 seconds, lach, coach of the Stanley Cup ; : Phillies also sent down catcher! wees will leave Dec, 26 yi an|Gayford, up on Blue Beau, ais | champion Tonete staple, Leste ag hye or as Oe Earl Averill, first baseman Calleight-day hockey tour of the) W@S clean and he took second|2"4_ National Hockey League|age tha gy cng ti be Emery eit Wiiaes Melby acet Genel Geka, place with 40.9. prognosticator, has changed his full part os maak Locke, Marcelino Lopez, Bill lgremertne: -- __.|mind about the eventual league| practice w e team - y |wilson-and Larry Cutright. 1S FIRST NEGRO Winer. : night but afterwards complained " ' | MIAMI (AP)--A_ 20-year-old H d ew d Imlach, who predicted before|of stiffness in the kriee. LIONS ADD SEATS Isprinter from the Virgin' Islands) an este the season began that his Leafs} Nat Craddock, a 228-pound VANCOUVER (CP)--Seats at|wili become the University of! would repeat last year's pennant) rookie cut from the Baltimore Empire Stadium will be in-|Miami's first Negro varsity ath- B B rt St victory, said Tuesday he now|Colts, worked out with enthus- creased to 36,560 from 32,500 for|jete, Ray Barry, a junior major-| y a arr feels Chicago Black Hawks willliasm and will play if Clark isn't Win At Chicago both ag epee bap ose oe ing in economics, worked out) Gppmy DAY. Wi. Ue) finish first. ready. _ Toronto, Ottawa and Mont-|in thc: other two categories wil! ference final an esd Alp with the track squad Monday) « r a sda roa | "HICAG 7 > ' on peers "spa two-way! receive $1,500 bonds. Noy, Agee hifoss sanounced for the. first time. dare Gee Os perhoharsd ron HOCKEY SCORES STANDINGS ont Gale tok fined tackle with Hamilton Tiger-Cats,| No player has been a double ae Colburr ae Be KIDD INVITED | with a few short tio #) MASS aug SKI pala wate oe is Sia y Sas ° a | Satis Ss 'a by Ulfe Blok-Anderson defeated| Was named lineman of the year Pitt on Tey et started mel chewan semi-final, . WELLINGTON (Reuters) --\day as the Packers prepared| By THE CANADIAN PRESS (Montreal a Skokie, Tll., rink 7-6 and alin the East ; 1955 pe \Bruce Kidd and Bill Crothers|for Sunday's National Football National League St. Catharines Scarborough rink skipped by| In th West, the honors went) yo 2 teaduct of McMas-| prs ey e LINEMEN of Toronto have been invited to|League meeting with the Min- WLT F APt/Niagara Fails Andrew Baile defeated the Chi-|to Joe Kapp, British Columbia). Univerate nh Paani: andl REGINA (CP)--Saskatchewan/ryn against New Zealand's top|nesota Vikings. |Chicago 37 20 18|Oshawa cago Cyc'e and Saddle Club 15-8)Lions quarterback as the Ot | Oe cidered ih eames alfolas 'as| Roughriders of the Western|gistance runners in a track) Starr, who 'suffered a frac-| Montreal 37. 30 12|Kitchener in the international mixed bon-|standing player; Dale West. ot bly the greatest Canadian-\/Ootball Conference have 0b-/meet here early next year, the|tured bone in his hand against 'Toronto 27 22 10/Hamilton spiel here Tuesday. Saskatch-wah halfback, as the), quarterback in pro foot.|(aimed two new defensive line-/New Zealdnd Amateur Athletics St. Louis Cardinals Oct. 20, had! Detroit 25 33 9! Tuesday's Results - The Kitchener rink of Wen-|outstanding Canadian, and) oo cd the outstanding men in the last three days to/association announced Tuesday 'Touble. rgipping the ball. He/New York 28 35 8!Toronto 3 St. Catharines 5 dell Finlay was defeated 10-7 by|'ackle Tom Brown of the Lions (7 ii it r959° Last "vear he(fill, holes caused by injuries.|night. \continued to wear a splint. |Boston 17 31 5/Hamilton 5 Oshawa 6 the fastest time of. the night, the Chicago Curling Club. lineman of the year in the Won the POs alkstar quarter-|2ne latest acquisition is Nick one | Starr, the leag':e $ top passer} Tuesday's Result Tonight's Gam Crystal Hal returned $25.10. Skip Fin'ay of the Kitchener Western Conference. They were on and the. season led the Mumley, who has played three RESIGNS TITLE --_in 1962, will have his hand ex-iNew York :2 Chicago 3 \Nincame 'Fallo ot Kiohe Doris Adios did the mile in club was backed up by Verylinamed by voters in Winnipes. pian ty a second-place finish Seasons in the American Foot-| LONDON (AP)--Freddie Gil- amined later this week. Games Thursday eee ene a eek] 4S over the. Muddy. Oval Fin'ay end Fran and Ann Nei- Regina, Calgary, Edmonton and): foagie Place Minis) yall League. He last playedjroy of Belfast, British Empire The veteran quarterback re-|Chicago at Montreal Ontario Senior returning $5.50 in the second bert. Vancouver. mee with Denver Broncos, Joe Lewis|bantamweight boxing champion, turned to uniform last Sunday|Toronto at Boston WLT. F APtirace and helped manufacture a The bonspiel began Tuesday A further ballot will be held checked in from Philadelphia|resigned his title Tuesday night|and held the ball for four field|New York at Detroit 3 1 0 23 12 6/daily double of $43.00 after Suc- and ends Saturday. among voters in the nine Cana- Fi P Eagles of the National Football/because of illness and a series goals and three conversions by American League | Woodstock 4\cess Gordon captured the open- a - | FIQUIES FTOVE teazue. lof injuries. Jerry Kramer in the Packers' LT F APt Oakville 4\ing dash and paid $17.10. H . | B A ' cae soees - : pen! victory over . Pittsburgh) Eastern Division Kove ' 3 Steelers. 5 1.39 41 11/Guelp' 3 Sherman Hoping Brown's Grea Gee ee 134 BT Matha aad 53 | er NEW YORK (AP) -- Jimmy Ed Stanky Cool NHL 5 0 33 42 10, Tuesday's Result | elg Or, Brown's statistics become more LEADERS 7 0 39 3920/Guelph 2 Port Colborne 4 t bl awesome every Sunday, e 48 1 28 42 9 Friday's Games D t L rowns um e The Cleveland Browns' full- ff By THE CANADIANPRESS Division |Welland at Guelph ar eague oe : : : ' back, playing his seventh year @) T10 Ee er Standings: Chicago, won. 8, : i : ve S 1) Oakville at Woodstock NEW YORK (AP) -- "We re|Eagles come to New York Sun-/of rofessional bail, soon will lost 1, tied 2, points 18 4 2 26 10 Western League Weekl Pla still playing follow the leader.|day with seven regular starters become the greatest ball carrier' NEW YORK (AP)--Lee Mac- Points: Belliveau, Montreal, Portland 5 Los Angeles 4 y y We can't look right or left, backjout of action, including the en- in National Football League his-|phail, president of Baltimore 38 9 Ranerd traave : or ahead, We have to stay injtire defensive line. Ory. 'Orioles, acknowledged Tuesday [Nashville 3 Charlotte 2 || 'The following are the results there, so it matters what Cleve-| '"'We had to build a whole new) Counting all ball carrying|he had a pproached Eddie ; S ; of games played on October 31: land does." line," said Eddie Hogan, the;means--rushing, pass catching! stanky to manage the American ttawa-Hull and District Jun OF No. 2, 1; Southmead 3, Wood- "Coach Allie Sherman of New\Eagles' publicity man. 'They|and returns of interception. Teague baseball club, but found Cleat fue eee N68, gy See York Giants was preaching his|did a good job against Cleve./Brown has gained 11.086 yards the former St. Louis Cardinal Obewa ¢ Femareky: § Fernhill 2. usual gospel of caution Tuesday|land last week. Even -though/for the Browns. That leaves him manager and infielder unrecep- St, Lawrence-Ottawa Senior | Doubles: G, Parker 2, F. at Yankee Stadium. Thumping, iting Hil] missed some open re-jOnly 231 short of the record of| tive, Hull 2 Ottawa 5 Parsons 2, D. Crawford, A. Bry- victories over Cleveland Browns|ceivers we should have beaten|11,317 held by Ollie Matson, now) MacPhail said Stanky told Ontario Junior B jant 2, R, Shobbrook, L. Shob- and St. Louis Cardinals have not|them. If we had a healthy|of Detroit Lions. him he had decided: to remain Ingersoll 1 London 11 (COOK, Vs. BOB, Bees, E changed his outlook on life in)Sonny Jurgensén we would have| Brown remains way out frorit|in the St, Louis organization. Aurora 7 Stouffville 2 Penge M. " % gad the National Football League. [beaten the Chicago P"rs thejin the 1963 rushing race with "1 respect his 'decision but Weston 11 Dixie 2 :, a ye a's Oo tare The Giants still trail the|week previous.-Hill is a better 1,194 yards, his fifta season of|ree] I did not get his final an- By THE CANADIAN PRESS Muskegon 10 17 0 Etobicoke 5 Kingston 3 hei ae oY Pde . Browns by one game with six/ball hander than Soiny peal ge yards or more. Jim Taylor|swer,'" MacPhail told The Asso- Sam Etcheverry, great |Des Moines 12 20 9 Waterton 6 Owen Sound 1 Ciacaaed M. Wilson, L to go. No matter what they dojruns the club better: on the of Green Bay Packers is next ciated Press by telephone from passing quarterback of | Tuesday's Results | Wova Scotia Senior Cole 3, B, Cole, A, Cole. they can't catch up unless some-|ground, But he doesn't pass like with 639 yards. |Olearwater, Fla. "I feel Stanky|the most consideration." | Monireal Alouettes of the |Toledo 4 Windsor 2 |Halifax 4 New Glasgow 5 High 3 darts -- B. Crawford body knocks off the Browns. |Sonny. : lleft the door open--even if only| Stinky did not close the man-| Big Four Football Union, |Port Huron 4 Des Moines 2 |Moncton 2 Windsor 12 100, 140; B. Ross 100. The Giants have five home| Hogan said Jurgensen would) LITERACY HIGH \a.little."" jagerial door forever. was awarded the Jeff Rus- Tonight's Game | Saskatchewan Junior Baseball 1 inning Vv. games left and only one on the|be in uniform Sunday as the The highest literacy levels in| MacPhail emphasized, how-| "I don't believe there is oné sel memorial trophy five 'Muskegen at Fort Wayne ag ae : : Crawford 5 (2). yeats ago today. and be- Ontario Junior A 'kn Fon 0 Moose Jaw Sanding tundie No. 2 came the first player to WL,T F APt Central Alberta 20: Fernhill 15, Southmead 13" win the trophy twice in a 7.2 1:64 33 15| Olds 2 Drumheller 3 Woodview No. 1, 10; Rundle row. 6 2 1 32 28 13'Edmonton 10 Calgary 2 No. 1, 10; Woodview No. 2, 7, Toronto Peterboro SSRRERESTEPREERER RARE HEE REHELE TERE Ree

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