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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Nov 1963, p. 30

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WE'RE DOWN TO 29,000 FEET, JENSEN, TM GOING TO START DUMPING FUEL. TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6---Toronto WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale WBEN-S'V Channel 4---Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7--~Buffalo WROUC-TV Channel 8--Rochester » CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto CKVR-TV Charnel 3--Barrie California Couple Visits ; Maple Grove HARRY FREEMAN WEDNESDAY EVE. 6:00 A.M, 7--Trailmaster 5:00 P.M. W--Captain Andy 63--Mr, Piper N--Famity' Theatre 9--Kiddo 8-2 - Superman 7--The Early Show 63---Razzie Dazzle 4--Five' O'clock Show 5:30 PLM. 1--Romper Room 9--Homemakers Health Club 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2--Mike Douglas Show 9:15 AM. 4--Captain Kangaroo 4--Secret Storm 200 A.M, 2--Captain Bob 4:30 P.M. 9--~Mickey Mouse Club 6--Father Knows Best 4---Leave It To Beaver 'opeye THURSDAY EVE, 9---Sea Hunt 9--Miss Helen 63--Woody Woodpecker vo remem 2--Riflernan : Mm, ~Family Theatre 9--Playtime With Bobby! 9~Kiddo 6:00 P.M 7--Jack LaLanne Show | &--Superman 9--Bilko | 7--The Early Show 10:00 A.M, 63--Rarzie Dazzle -6~Live and Learn 4 3---Nation's Business |11--Eddie Allen Show 4-Five O'clock Show 2~--Today, 1963 7--Girl Talk 2--Huckleberry Hound 4--Calendar ' 6:15 PM. | ect Wien oe ae * -Headline News -3-- Pag oe 10:30 A.M, 6--Music Hop 11--Super Bingo 2--Rifleman 6:30 P.M. §-2--Word For Word i | 6:00 P.M, 11-9-8-3-2--News; Weather, 7--General Hospital Barer ysl | ph ig 4 é--The Observer ----o. ae, ical | waged: 3--Tombstone Territory rs ecobi tes omar tat em. 2--Today, 1963 45 PM. iorning Magazine sh 8-2---Concentration 6:15 PLM. U--Femiy Theatre 7--Price 1s Right 4-Headline News Paruniiay Benny 6--Loretta Young 4--News, Sports 7:00 P.M, 4--The McCoys © Kung Footures Symdvonte, Inc. 1968, World me hts reserved. 6:30 P.M, 9---Best of Groucho } 0.) 99:30 ALM, 1)-9-8-4-3-2--News: Weather #--Pete Gunn N--Albert J. Steed Show §n¢ beget? ee 7-6--News, Weather, 8-2--Missing Links 8 Sports 7--Seven Keys 6:45 PLM, se etegpeeR2t 5 AN CN aT asonetle 4--Zane Grey Theatre 3--Candid Camera 2--Death Valley Days 7:30 P.M, 9--Dick Van Dyk 6-2--The Virginian 7--Ozzie and Harriet 6--Provincial Affairs 4--Chronicle 3--Phil Silvers Show | 6-Girl Talk 4--Pete and Gladys | 12:00 NOON 9--Noonday Report 8-2--Your First impression 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford 6--Elwood Glover 4--News 12:15 P.M. li--Family Theatre §-2--Huntiey Brinkley 7:00 P.M, 9--Sports Hot Seat 7-6--News, Weather | ports 4--Bal Masterson 3--Dr. Kildare 2--Bishop Sheen 7:30 P.M, 9--Outer Limits CROSSWORD ACROSS 62. Observed 1. Be off! 5. Catch DOWN 9. Carry 1, Artist's 10. Hillside workroom AIP] LT IOINT | TAIN Li HERE YOU ARE, CHIEF / AFTER THE TAPE W MEANWHILE, AT WS. ARMY ee aire HR. SAIGON, SOUTH VIET on YOLI MEAN WE'RE GOING HAVE A IDENT OUR HANDS ¢ *, 5 APLE GROVE -- Second Lieutenant David Stares, Camp Borden, who has been visiting {with Mr. and Mrs, Dawsun Beckett, returned at Petewawa pay en Mr, and Mrs. F. R. Stevens were recent ~ Sunda guests with their cousins, Mr. | pg Mark Gardener, Gar. n . Mr, and Mrs,' John Me. Farland, Hamilton, spent Be | cent weekend with their ister. in-law, Mrs, Robt. Jarvie. j Mr. and Mrs, a Mr, and Mrs, W: Po gp family were recent Saturday visitors with her paremts, Mr. 4 Mrs. Sim Michael, Picker- Mr. and Mrs, Dawson Beckett and family, spent a recent week- end with her sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Vern Faw- cett and family, St. Catharines and attended the funeraj of ee -- ---- rs. L. C, wden and Mrs. H. R. Foley attended the birth- day party recently for Mrs. Carl Wilbur, Oshawa, held at the home of her daughter-in-law, 7:45 PM, 4--Speaker of the House | 7_The Flintstones dugout 2. Pigeon 6--Mr. Fixit 12:30 P.M. 6--Candid Camera 11, Droplike enclosure 8:00 P.M. 9--Kiddo Cartoons 4--PassWord marking 3. Sweetsop \~Michael Shayne +2---Truth oF Fone Erector 12. Country: 4. River ducks _ iT +1 Consequences . y Ty one, TT" | 7_kather Knows Best 8:00 P.M. SE, Asia 5. Owns j b 6--Movie Matinee 1I--OHA Junior "A" ( .) 6, Sashes: +h ce Jamboree) Search for Tomorrow Filo 14, Standards Jap. 30. Fellow Yesterday's Answer sabe gh 12:45 P.M, | FcBene aes of per- 7. Spoken 31, Venti- sat Ala ial 4--Guiding Light 63--The 'Lucy Show fection 8. Japanese lating 42, Conrad's 7--Price is Right pemevis 4--Rawhide 16. Spill garment 32, Performed "Victory" ya Ao pj nny HO oe 1:00 P.M, 8:30 P.M. 17, Chinese 11,.A measure 34. Capital: heroine lynis, omedy Medic jaa | 9--December Bride N--Desilu Playhquse | measure 13, Make, as - eye 44, ST, ee | 8--Matinee veil Fo Be 18, ----- total thread , An ore masg of ice 11--Naked City 7--Atternoon Show <30The Aloo 20. Nickel: 15. Underwater deposit 45, Ireland sober Con Mats! agonal 7--My Three Sons sym. craft: abbr. 38, Abounds 47. Varying ---- --Divor vei . 4--The Beverly Hillbillies si 9:00 PAM 21.Upperroom 19.Wetearth 41,Genusof weight: 1:30 P.M, 22. Distant lily Ind, 0:30 PLM. Ni--Mid-day Matinee periet one YG Y 63--Festival 9--Our House --Jimmy Dean '4 7 2 4 5 8 | 4--As The World Turns | 6-3--Grindle 4--The Dick Van Dyke | 'Bing Crosby Fane (4 230 P.M, Mrs. Allan Wilber, Mr, and Mrs. Don Stalker, California, are visiting her sis- ter and brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. W. Hogg and family. Mrs. Fred Ashton, who has spent the summer with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow, has returned to her daughter's, Mr. and Mrs, M. A, Densem, To- ronto, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Mills, ac- companied by Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Bush visited Mr, and Mrs, Byron Jennson, Beaverton recently; also Mr. and Mry.. Ed we 00 P | isi tole a 2 GG Y day, Mr and Mrs, Bash remai 'im rne | $-Home Cooking | Seoaee Paar ' ' Z 13 t ed for a visit. 6-2--The Eleventh Hour | 443 password 63--Perade LES HOTAGES INDIENS LE NOUVEAU CHEF INDIEN A Mr. and Mrs, C, P, Swallow iZThe Danny Kaye Show) People Will Talk 10:00 P.M. AMENES EN FRANCE DE BONNES DISPOSITIONS mais | |artended the Gibson-Hawes wed. SONT MORTS...\ agli Bhar nes nies en me SS senagten se MICKEY MOUSE | | 2:30 P.M. | 8-2--Kraft Theatre | q ' p_the 'Twttght Zone. | 2-The Millionaire | sia Cesar show | JE REDOUTE L OPPOSITION Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech, 11:00 P.M | Faoey in. Court | the Nurs | 96, DES INDIGENES." Misses Diane and Lee Ann Hoar 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--New | &3--Scarlett Hill a Thriller 4 Beech, visited Mr, and Mrs. Weather, Sports | House: Party 10:20 PM. 37. Fred Billet at their cottage on 11:5 P.M. | 1--This Week In. Football F Lake Chandes recently, 9--Metro Final | a0 PM. | 9--Redigo 39. Hawaiian Mrs. S. S. Morton, Mrs, Jack 6--Viewpoint | 9--Here's Looking At You; 7--Buffalo Bilis Football bird ~'2 , & ef P a au i > Morton attended a bridal " 4 4 - -W . bales \@ LAasd 7 y's iy : va a a el c =4 Ss er at the home of Mr. and Mrs, : 8-2----Loretta Young | 11:00 PLM, 40, Inland sea: 11:20 P.M, 7--Queen For A Day | og 643.2 ' es cI $ 7-4--Late Show [i Take Thirty | 1190-1-6-49-2--News, yal "LES ETRANGERS 2 MAIS~ -- -- Low in Port Hope re- SONT REVENUS. ALLONS ICARTIER.DIT:"VOS FRERES | | CETTE NOUVELLE . "Mr, and Mrs. C, P. Swallow 9--Plerre Berton Hour |'s---People in Conflict | iis Bab ase AU DEVANT DIEUX," | VIVENT HEUREUX CHEZ NOUS.| | FAIT L'AFFAIRE DE CELut D ITS} |recently visited with friends at 8-2--Tonight Show 8-2--You Don't Say, | _-Sport of Kings syllable S'ECRIENT LES INDIGENES. | | SEUL,VOTRE CHEF EST MORT,"| | QUI REMPLACE LE CHEF ~ A CHARLESBOURG ROVAL, | | West Hill. Scene 7 Whe Do Vou Trust | i-4--Late Show 49, Not any : " | Mr, and Mrs. Ted Hoar --Friendly Gian 11:30 P.M. Mind ss Di 1 e 4--Edge of Night me a 50. ' GV30 $I d31HD BNOA '#BIHD BML SBOVIGIY .'SBAILYN JH1 JO NOILISOddO HL =| Misses Dian and Lee Ann Hoar bore 4:00 PLM. paabhltee eases »'WaHL OL Soin in "wove Ame ase vardp lca tenes, Sree Vane, eats MAIN aHue visited "the former's mother, J--Rocket Ship 9--Hideaway-Funtime 9--Pierre Berton Hour 51. Equip 3WOD JAVH SUFONVELS SHin 1na--avia i Mrs, Hoar, Newcastle. 4--Big Mac Show 8--The Match Game ~~ | 3--~Suspicion LHONOUG SIOVLSOH NVIGNI HL Mr. and Mrs. &. S. Morton _|were recent Sunday supper and LUES ey Excellent Value "Goodwill" Trade-in Used Cars Now Being |™;s, "are Aitin, Erovidence. Offered . . . Winterized, Ready-To-Go! eal ak ie Soe es. tee YOU CANT BEAT THESE ae N--Sport of Kings | 4--To Tell The Truth eae 43, To protect | 115 PLM, 11:30 P.M, 3:30 P.M, | -ocdhpire Binet my Heaps es N--TV Open Line 11--Randy Dandy &Viewpoint . Leave off, LES CANADIENS native Cinnamon, Kenmore, and with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Barry Bleeks, Ot- € i . tawa, recently. e Mr. Ken Brooks spent a re 266 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA tell poor py all PHONE 723-4634 |iwhere he acted as an usher at the wedding of John Mason, school pare f " *f serv' om aeons Y |SALLY'S SALLIES OH, SALOMEN I/--AH, DIDN'T REELIZE GUPI~IT'S NO USE f%~ \ 'LOVE IS STRONGER'N ANYTHING J @ FALLEN OUTLAWS TRY TO REACH FIGURES HURTLE AT THEM: « « LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER > UO omen ote OT ind "T have so much to say, mind if I write it in short hand?" SRS ER TOE TEI STE! RESULTS COUNT! one MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Consult @ Member of the Oshawa & District | Real Estate Board camniaimmaamall DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER SEE PAGE 17 JULIET JONES I WANT MELON, A BREAKFAST LIKE THIS P WITH ABREAKFAST )iI! f CEREAL, HAM, EGGS, SHOOTS AMAN LIKE THAT, You'LL ALL My. DISH SAUSAGE AND "if | INTO ORBIT FOR NEVER GET OFF YOUR TOWELS ARE HOT. CAKES, 3 AND A SIDE ORDER OF FRENCH CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS OSHAWA « PORT HOPE SOWMANVILLE - so Curtains, Drapes, Blankets, Ruge OSHAWA"S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 50 MILL

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