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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Nov 1963, p. 7

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= 9 --_ y ili WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES efia? Mibogs i (From Supplement) , « > | A highly progressive year has been enjoyed by Dr. 8. J. Phil- lips Home and School Associa- tion under the leadership of president Mrs, Malcolm Adam. At our regular meetings em- phasis has been on education Women's Welfare League Soon To Open - New Simcoe Hall Clubhouse And Gym. Phe bas een e Women's} In 1960, through the generosity|agsisting the. trained staff in the) We haye had outstanding Pir Reg ook gle interest-lof many Oshawa organizations|many activities of a Boys' Club.|speakers including go rest ing and inspring story. In the)and individuals, another small) Jy 1963, the Oshawa Board of|ney, a cn ake eng difficult times of 1929 a group|building was erected on the/fducation and Oshawa City |prominet A ig Hoge 4 of women organized the Wom-|Simcoe street south property|Council made available to gp sict pn ' jth nee: Ve en's Wel'are League of Oshawa,to provide additional space for'Women's. Welfare League the a, a a apa: Riyerd to help citizens who had been'the' League's welfare work. former: Bloor Street School cal erpaphiese Lad jedan ond caught in the economic depres-- In 1962 over 3,600 children the use of the Crippled Chil-|tario - J van Albans < sion and adults were assisted in var-|dren's School and Clinic, To aly r, : vs agai peg Mr. A. R. Alloway placed the|ious ways by the Welfare Com-jhave a home of their own cod in er 9 Md 4 = lhe top floor of the old Times Build-| mittee at Simcoe Hall -- Coun-'a jong felt. need, and it has pro- al Hea nic, Cie ing (now Oshawa Times) at the)selling, family budgeting as well vided great stimulation to disposal of the league for head-'as direct material aid. : ! ! quarters for storage and distri- As far back as 1959 it be-jis now staffed by two teachers|form of Curriculum Night, with bution of clothing, etc. Friends!came apparent that Simcoe Hall)and a physical and occupational! | rents visiting their children's were canvassed for food, cloth-\was crowded beyond the capa-|therapist, assisted by members) 1). ooms , ing and money, Local mer-|city of building and staff. It! of the Parent Council and other|*'*™ pee os chants co-operated in many was decided to make a detailed volunteers. : | Fathers Night was a 7 ways. survey of Oshawa to find out) The Greater Oshawa Commun- handled by the Fathers of ti In 1930 it was necessary to, where further services for boysity Chest supplies the major school at our January meeting. velfe n-'and girls were required and of the operating funds for/The association again provided amalgamate all welfare agen- and g e part p "one i League |for the classroom librarjes and over the major part of welfare/conducted with full co-opera-\Women's Welfare this| Jackson. iMrs. G. W. Riehl, Mrs. Peter iwork. The Centre on Bloor street| Our opening meeting took the Willsor. aE ene ee Se cies in the city, The City rare|con of building. Survey was|the -projects operated by the supplementary services, which left the League|tion of Protestant, Catholic and|Money for capital expense is time for other projects, in work| Jewish faiths, schools, police!cupplied by private donations. with boys and girls. and health departments. As @ me officers of the Women's As the years passed the workjresult of the survey; and with) wertore League are: Past presi- grew. The necessary funds) the co-operation of Oshawa City: gent, Mrs. K. H. Braithwaite; came from donations and from|Council, who arranged for this) president, Mrs. A. P. Fulton; the associated welfare socities|site -- it was decided to loca'e|s + vice-president, Mrs. H. P lundertook the mending of li- \brary and textbooks, We entertained our kindergar- {ten mothers and teacher, Miss |Edna Greenfield at our annual jtea, H&S Enjoys | Year Of Successful Activities This year. our safety patrol were honored at the March meeting.) As a Parents Organization! we are looking forward to an- other fine year of helping the| parents of the children of Dr.| S. J. Phillips School. Working to tive for 1963-64: | President, Mrs. R. F. Rich- ardson, Ist vice-president, Mrs, M, A. Hoggard, 2nd. vice-presi- dent, Mrs. W. C. Hungerford, recording secretary, Mrs. W. S. Bowes, corresponding secretary, | Mrs, P. A. Tresise, treasurer,! Mrs. 1. D. R. Galbraith. Executive members: Mrs. Earl Dingman, Mrs. R. F. Kelly, | Barney Lewis; Family Mrs. Mervin Cryderman; ligious Education, Mrs. R, J. |Glover; health and safety, Mrs.| Bruce Affleck; Citizenship, | 'Malcolm Adam; Mrs. T, Howerlander; publica-| tions, Mrs. J. R. Murdoch; children's reading, Mrs. L. R. Skelton, Jr.; Parent education,| Mrs. D. §. Cooper; book re-| ipairs, Mrs, Geoffrey Andrews; | press and hospitality, Mrs. Wal-| ter Alexander; assistant mem-! We became acquainted with bership, Mrs. K. C. Purdy; social assistant, Principal, annual campaign, the forerun-|the new club on the north-Wes* vritien; Qnd vice-president, Mrs./our teaching staff with a buffet/Laurence Savery, staff repre-| ner of our present: Community|corner of Eastview Park "°C. Murty: Chest. In 1962, after many months ofl ary ' Misa Grace Burns; corre- In 1935, a-member of one of planning, a campaign commit: conding achetace, Mite. Yeu: Oshawa's pioneer families and tee, under the chairmaship of nard Wakeford hs a very public spirited. citizen, Mr. Stewart Alger, a 'ong time Ww. ie 't. the late Mr, Charles Robson do-|friend of Simcoe Hall and a ne eee nated his former residence to member of the National Exec-|tee, Mrs. J. G. Dancey; prop- the League to be operated as a Utive of the Boys' Clubs of Can-jerty and maintenance, Mrs H Settlement House. In the same,ada, announced the finalizing|P. Millen; . clubs and program Conveners: year the League became char-| Mrs. W. M. Shaw; terd-as a charitable organiza-| of plans fot the $400,000 build-/committee, ing; contaiing a large heated|volunteer worker's committee, tion swimming pool, regulation size/Mrs. C..C. McGibbon; building same with them. Our "Family Dollar Donation" held as a blitz had 90 per cent participation. Hallowe'en and skating parties were arranged for the children of the school. In June the students of Grade |8 enjoyed a trip and an evening jof fun, which is looked after by recording secre-|supper in the fall and enjoyed sentatives, Mr. Jack Swain and Miss Marilyn Quantrill, MAPLE CLEANERS 504 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Cash & Corry -- 4 Hr. Service 8 Hour Service Free Pick-Up and Delivery "Your Family's Friend" accomplish this are the execu-| De _f Preshyterial UCW | Forms Parent Body; the Oshawa Presbyterial UCW| have been held, The first was) at Bowmanville, in the Trinity! United Church, when the Rev. W. Tonge, United Church mis- For 158 Churches isionary on furlough from Hong The Oshawa. Presbyterial United Church Women was in- augurated January 17, 1962 at King Street United Church, Osh- awa, Prioe to this time there had en two organizations, the 'oman's Missionary Society and the' Woman's Association. After ten years of planning, these two were disbanded and the new organization, The Unit- ed Church Women, was formed, "to unite all women of the Church in the total mission of the Church", A presbyterial may seem to have very little activity but its officers are constantly at work. Each local organizational officer has a counterpart at the pres- Chairman of program, Mrs.\pyterial and conference level. It! Life,'ig the duty of each presbyterial | Re- officer to keep each local officer | | See How You SAVE 0 informed of the activities of con- ference and Dominion Board. In Mrs.\the Oshawa Presbyterial UCW]| visiul aids, there are 158 locals seeking; a4 "i g and assi rom the various presbyterial execu- tive members, During 1963, two meetings kl ong, was the guest speaker. |During the business session of this meeting, it was learned that the presbyterial allocation of $27,600 -had been met . ith an |additional amount of $709 raised |for the UCW 'over and above' |projects, An allocation of $28,900 |\was accepted for 1963. The second meeting was ac- tually held in two sections, one for the north and one for the south sector of the presbytery. These meetings took the form of workshops where various de- partment heads met to discuss common problems and to work toward solutions of these prob- lems. Methods of program plan- ning,. which has been a great se) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 6, 1963 7 problem to many of the new locals, were outlined and. dis- cussed and a demonstration mis- sion study was presented. Officers for a two-year period; ending January 1, 1964, include Tvrs. L. F. Richardson of Whit- by, president; Mrs, H. M. Kyte, Blackstock, Mrs. Ivison Mundy, Bowmanville; Mrs. Lloyd Pegg, Oshawa, vice-presidents; Mrs. Miles Chapman, Pickering, re- cording secretary; Mrs, R. B. Galbraith, Oshawa, correspond- ing secretary; and Mrs. Roy Cornish, Port Perry, treasurer. EARNED NICKNAME Kitchen cabinet was the pop- ular mame for a group of inti- mate, unofficial advisers of An- drew Jackson, U.S. president 1829-37 _---- ONT. REGT, AUXILIARY Officers of the Ladies' Auxil- iiary Ontario Regiment Associ- ation, for 1963 are as follows: President, Mrs. Clifford Bould;* vice-pres., Mrs. Harry Wood; secretary, Mrs. R. J. Andrews; treasurer, Mrs. Mabel MeNeili;: Ways and Means, Mrs. Wilk liam Lovelock, Mrs. Bert Anderson; 'sick. list convener, Mrs. Frank Roche; press rep. resentative, Mrs. Grace Mac¢ Donald. , ; We help the Men's Associa- | tion, and donate to various charities, Civic Auditorium party, children's picnic, als@ our Auxiliary helps at Hills- dale Manor. ~ i ee SAVE 14c LIBBY'S FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE 20-02, TINS 79° SAVE 4c n |} REDsWHITE 2e OFF PACK -- QUARTERS Best Buys BLUE BONNE and Features diieamair a> iam PKG, SAVE 6c CLOVER LEAF -- FANCY QUALITY PINK SALMON TAU 57* ITH PORK - IN CHILI SAUCE CLARK'S BEANS 20-0Z. 3 7* TINS TINS PHONE 725-0643 the Home and School executive. | SAVE Se PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT DRINK eer ete 'most of the Boys' Clubs, inciud-|women. This world wide asso-| (Stella) In 1951, after a successfullgymnasium, woodworking shop,|committee, Mrs. John Harris; campaign for funds by mem.-|craft and games rooms, |personnel committee, Mrs. fl bers of the Welfare League, a The first sod was turned by|P. Hart; ways and means com new building was added to the|Col. R. S. McLaughlin on No-|/mittee, Mrs. Reginald Lancas premises. It provided additional vember 30, 1962, and the offi- ter; -nomiMating and member- space for several activities, but!cial opening is planned for No-|ship committee, Mrs. R, G its main feature is a large gym-| vember 20, 1963. Oshawa archi-|Mills; public relations, Mrs. W. nasium which allows for many|tect Herbert G, Cole and the|H. Morehouse. sports activities formerly im-/Toronto firm of consulting archi-- Adyisory Board: Messrs S$ possible. This building gave|tects, Pentland and Baker are R Alger, E. F Bastedo, J H great impetus to the work with|the designers, The builder is)Beaton, W. B. Bernett, M G boys and girls, and this contin-|H. M. Brooks Ltd. Coates, G. Coulter, K. D. Crone, ues to be the major service of} Within one mile of the club\J. E. Harris, W. A. Hillman, the league. At this time Simcoe/there are 15 schools witn over'S. T. Hopkins, F. N. McCal Hall became a member club of|7,000 students; largest boys and)lum, G. Miles, M_ Smith, W the Boys' Clubs of Canada |girls group in Oshawa. In this Smith, A. G. Storie T. D. Thom- The Boys' Clubs of Canada is|area with its energetic Park As- as T. L. Wilson, J. Henderson, affiliated with the Boys' Clubs| sociation, there are many volun-/Mayor Lyman Gifford, Chief of America and the Boys' Clubs|teer workers who are willing to|\Constable H. Flintoff, Dr. A of the United Kingdom. For a give thousands of hours time,'P. Fulton club to be a member. of _ Buys') -- ee character development of boys, with membership open to any five days a week; and follow)Association, of which the Osh-|Mackie, Mrs. Olive Petley. a program with safety mea-j;awa and District Club is a Gouldburn; t ing Simcoe Hall, have a very ac-|ciation is pledged to promote|!GU, Mrs. R. (Helen) Mackie; Clubs of Canada, it must have " - ; ors parpose, the tealtn- so: Soroptimists Pledge To Promote Woy" regardess or'vace aor, International Understanding or creed; have a qualified sures as required by the. na-member, is an association of CHAIRMEN, COMMITTEES tional office. Although the club) Soroptimist Federations of! tir inle'..program uni I spirit of friendship, Constitution and Bylaws, Miss The vortsingl house now pa 4p cooperate with ot ber tary Lee; flowers, Mrs. Bes- cial, educational, vocational and staff; be open a minimum of; The Soroptimist International! Two years, Mrs. R. J. (Helen) is known as a Boys' Club,{classified service clubs for|Sie Locke; finance, Locke; Miss Ida tains the administration office,|organizations for the advance-|S!€ under- the Nursery School and the Ju- venile and Family Court Of. fice, and many of the girls' ac-| tivities are carried on in this building. The gymnasium building} houses many groups and activi-| ties including: Speech correc- tion classs for children; piano} lessons; children's library, Osh- awa Police Association Boys' Club; Girls' and Boys' Craft clubs; junior _ basketball leagues, teen-age international and goodwil!. ment of standing Support this To pledge Soroptim-|W».H. (Ruth) Bestwick; social, Arnott; program, Miss lyn Moore; education, Eve Mrs. classi- ists in all countries have studied|fication and membership, Mrs taken -a deep _ interest in UNICEF and UNESCO and the Association has non-government status at UN headquarters in|lyn Perrault; New York. Through the Sorop-| substantial|W. H. ifellowships. have been granted|William (Thelma) Taylor.' which have enabled many wom-|------ -- ; nationalities to Badminton |further their education and re- timist Foundation en of different club; Intermedate Girls' Club; |ceive training in a great vari- Teen Age Girls' Club; and Girls' Archery Club; Boys' and Girls' Stamp Club; Boys' Chess Club; Clubs; Junior Fish and Game Club; Golden Age Club. Sions. The Oshawa Club Tuesday evening a dinner meeting on the Boys' ety of occupations and profes- ; meets Junior Gym twice each month, on the first business|Club is marking its 5th Ann {meeting is held, and there is ajversary. Though an auxiliary third |international affairs: and have) William (Thelma) Taylor. | Ways and Means, Mrs. 0 |(Phyllis): Souch; public affairs land public relations, Mrs. Eve- Regional (Ruth) Bestwick, Ladies' Civitan Club Marking Sth Year This active working Servig of the Men's Civitan Club, Delegates -- Mrs.| Mrs Service Objectives, Mrs. Bes-| > ced QUICK TWIST! 2 + STRAINED | SWEET POTATOES SAVE 17c! FANCY QUALITY STOKELY PING DEL MONTE PEAS . 6 15-0Z. $] , 48-02. 77* TINS SAVE 19c SAVE 15c! TINS THE ECONOMY TOILET TISSUE RED & WHITE BRAND : VOGUE TISSUE ¢ INSTANT COFFE 8 uu: 59 an OOF SAVE 14c! TISSUE -- ROYALE REGUAR 333s FACELLE S cs. 79° SAVE 8c! CLUBHOUSE STUFFED MANZ ANILLA OLIVES LOOSE PACK 8-0Z. 3 1? JAR SAVE 10c! | FANCY QUALITY LIBBY's TOMATO JUICE 3 'ms: 89° SAVE 4c! REGULAR SIZE DOVE BEAUTY BAR 48-02, TINS SAVE 4c DUNCAN HINES DeLUXE CAKE MIXES xe. 43° See How You SAVE Value lech Moat WELL STREAKED RINDLESS TREND BACON GROUND BEEF 2 ,,, 85¢ SPECIAL BRANDE "ig SELECTED - VALUE CHECK'D - e@ ROUND e SIRLOIN e@ T-BONE STEAKS os |Thursday at the Genosha Hotel.!membership is not restricted to Dances And Trips The Soroptimist Club of Osh-|wives of Civitan members. The .. \awa received its charter in/club. is open to interested and Church Fellowship 1955 and in keeping with Sorop-|active persons. The group holds timist tradition has kept itself/a qinner meeting at Sandal- For Come-Doubles informed of public affairs; has! wood Restaurant each month contributed to International and Our main activities and f Ad The Come Double Club cf Federal projects and has sup- oa a 4 Neriininidee Guasch was torn: ported many local charities. raising are made up of a ed in 1947 to fulfill a-need for) /M¢. club has undertaken as a MILD SEASONED PURE PORK TREND SAUSAGE | | FOR MEAT LOAVES OR BURGERS | ur, 55¢ lh. : The Finest of All! CHIQUITA BANANAS 2 lbs. 29: No. 1 Pkg. of 2-- EACH 29° Hallowe'en Candy Shell-Out : If major area of local service, to| Blitz, now in progress, a Fall ---- fellowship amongst). cist with the higher education Rummage Sale, _ Christmas the married couples of the of a ward of the Children's Aid/Candy and Card Sale, our popu- church. From its original few Society and has taken a keen|/ar Valentine Night of Cards, a "Custom-cooked' for good nutrition... char ram ie bral ow Soy and nas kets renin Nigh Cu _ glass-packed for extra convenience grown to its present member-'dren. To help the Ontario Coun-| In April, the group hosted an The preparation of any Gerber Baby Food is determined by the nature of the ship of 55 couples. Meetings now ty Tuberculosis and Health Inter-Club Night. with Civi A i ' : take place in the church hall en|Association the members have groups attending heigl Wow; Product. Some foods require longer cooking time than others . . . some higher SAVILLS 7 > Pree How You SAVE ON ri : sed Frui les et DIRECT FROM SPAIN -- GENUINE SPANISH ONIONS CRISPY FRESH CELERY GARDEN FRESH CABBAGE PURPLE TOP WAX TURNIPS OPENING TODAY 3 NEW RED & WHITE FOODMASTERS IN KAPUSKASING AND BRUNETVILLE, ONT., AND A 279 CHATHAM STREET EAST IN WINDSOR ; SAVE 20c! -- 10c OFF PACK ak LESTOIL "> size, O9° CLEANER SELECT BRAND FEATURE! --DESSICATED, 8-0Z. 25c COCOANUT "PP Gze 23° 39° FEATURE! -- PRIDE OF NEW ORLEANS SMALL 25° No. 1 Jumbo Size Stock 19¢ No, 1 Large Size -- Le. 7 7c No, 1 -- LB, Frozen Foods SAVE 6c! HIGHLINER HADDOCK FISH & CHIPS 24-0z. pkg. 89: SUPREME 2-LB. ECONOMY PEAS bag 49c pode Wednesday of each nse gal aie '. the 90,000) Torento, Don Mills and st.) temperatures. Fruits, for example, are flash-cooked ... sweet potatoes | ; s § ines. i er . The paetviies purine the out by that organization Te slow-cooked (to assure digestibility). Egg Yolks are treated differently from | years have been both interest-/Christmas time each year. ae ace , { it i ientifi gal co yy heigl binnage poh monger it past|DeTs assist in ithe Tuck Shop at Meats. Whatever the method, cook ing times and temperatures are scientifically club organized dances in the|president, Miss Evelyn Moore;) Our main annual projects are| CONtrolled to preserve the utmost in food values. fall, New ene and a the | president, Miss Ma delineto aid the Cystic Fibrosis Foun- : . ' : | spring and a sity as ma ie tolKelly: viee president, Mrs. dation, the adoption of an FOr your convenience, Gerber Strained and Junior Foods come in Wide-Top | . |W. PStWICK; Vvice- j a ; oi + 'wist caps freshness refri erated interesting speakers were|president, Mrs. William .(Thel- er te ee sare with re-usable Quick-T to help preserve of 9 heard through the year inc'ud-'ma) Taylor; cor. secretary, : ¥ even "leftovers"... thus reducing waste -fitti protect food ues ing a talk by Mr. A. W. Rundle|Miss Jesamine Payne; rec.' acid Oe ci ee f ed A 9 'gS Tight ie cape a0 4g on "Spring Flowers that Grow secretary, Miss Grace Winnell; to 'Oitatlo. "Mentally" Retacana of unus portions from excessive exposure to air. from Bulbs. Recreation and ey ine Matthew (Stel- ttome for Infants, at Piains-| h d ' i : bowling evenings were also\la) Gouldburn. ville, and'to Simcoe Hall's Hard, Ot er Advantages: you can-see what you buy. Wide-Top jars make it easy held throughout i season, DIRECTORS jof Hearing School of Children. to spoon out food. The large-size jars of Junior Foods are just right The executive for idente |, O0¢ year, Mrs. Orville (Phyl-|_ Keeping in mind our creed of for ing toddler' : : as follows: Honorary presidents, |i.) Souch, Mrs, Bessie Locke' (Fellowship, Knowledge and a growing $ appetite. ---- --$-------- Service we are looking forward ' to another successful year Bt. DAVID S$ AUX. junder the guidance of our pres. presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ent .executive: President, Mrs ald Siblock; vice presidents,' Officers of the Ladies' Auxil-'G Ww. Bayliss; past president Mr. and Mrs, Swain Vaniiary St. David's Welsh Society,Mrs. Robert Malcolmson:| Camp; secretaries and press,/for 1963: President, Mrs. Jack vice - president and corrspond. Dr. and Mrs. Roy Beckett;|Russell; vice-president, Mrs.|ing secretary, Mrs. A Thomp treasurers, Dr. and Mrs. Harry/Ted Williams; secretary, Mrs. con: recording secretary. Mrs Sanderson; group leaders, Mr.| Robert Andrews; treasurer Mrs.\¢. 4. Harper; treasurer, Mrs and Mrs. Roy Bartley, Mr. and'Grove Sutton; sick list conven- R Whittaker. pore Mrs. Samuel Keane, Mr. anders, Mrs. Pat Chappell; press) May we express the club's Mrs. Edward Houck, Mr. and)reporter, Mrs. Isaac Hughes. appreciation to the many Osh- Mrs. ese ard -- oe We have donated to Hillsdale|awa citizens who have assisted Mrs. Ro araing, ™t- 8M) Manor, patients at Whitby Hos-\and made possible our success Mrs, Jack Allin. : | Racstolenndt The executive and members|Pital, a doll dressed in Welsh) Gahawa Ganeral| HOUSEHOLD HINT are planning varied apes sagan of Bs Me af a + oh : 'Babies are our business..,our only business! jHospital Auxiliary, children's; +9 Store Nats out of the way ee for this year. Amongst these will be the Annua! Fall Dance ,, c a ia...*, when travelling by auto, fasten EY the Aleport on Friday, No-(" hristmas party also children's | sturdy cord across the hack Gerber Baby Foods NiaGarA FALLS, CANADA vember 22. Preparations ate|Picnic. A donation to the Welshiof the car's front seat, then at- in full swing. Church in Toronto, ltach hats with clothespins. | The Reverend and Mrs. H. A.|-- Mellow; past presidents, Mr.| and Mrs. Mervin Perkin; dy er 2 Gerber Baby Foods are prepared by Specialists who work solely in the interest of better infant nutrition. The exceptionally fine flavours, true-to-nature : | SHRIMP oN TIN BAKED FRESH!--WESTON OR SUNBEAM Regular 29c CRISP 'N' SERVE ROLLS °*",* SUPREME FRESH DONUTS colours and unusual smoothness of Gerber Baby Foods are the result of extra-special care in selection of ingredients and in preparation. SPROULE'S CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL BROWN'S MARKETERIA BROOKLIN, ONTARIO DUFFY'S MARKET 948 SIMCOE STREET NORTH MAPLE GROVE MARKET MAPLE GROVE, ONTARIO

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