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Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Nov 1963, p. 13

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la DISTRICT RESIDENTS DISCUSS REGIONAL PLANNING Township; Lloyd Bolahood, chairman of the committee who conducted the meeting; Gordon Richardson, Whitby; George Lofthouse, Whitby to discuss regional planning. Caught by the camera at the meeting, from left, are Wil- liam Lycett, Bowmanville; Sponsored by the commer- cial affairs committee of the Oshawa Chamber of Com- merce, a meeting was heid Township and Douglas Fish- er, general manager of the Oshawa Chamber of merce, --Oshawa Times Photo. Wednesday, in Hotel Genosha, Morley Wyman, Darlington Horticultural Society | Reviews Successful Year * A very large gathering ofjcompetition a diploma and ajreached in members members and friends of the silver coffee spoon was presen-|Society. Oshawa Horticultural Society|ted by. President William L.| During the ening colored met in the main auditorium of|Frost assisted by the Secretary. |slides were shown of member's E. A. Lovell School for the so-| TO Mr. and Mrs. Anthony |arden's, exhibits at shows, and Ciety's annual meeting. \Gwodz the D.M. Todd Cup for | Places visited while enjoying * The activities of the Junior | ithe best landscaped frontage,|the bus trips. Garden Club during the past|/36 Rosehill Blvd. lOFFICERS ELECTED year, were received by its lead- To Mr. and Mrs, Joe Dominik! The election of officers and er and instructor, Mrs. Earle,319 Ritson Rd. S., who received|directors for the coming year Sandford, as she brought to/the Oshawa Horticultural Soc-|was conducted by Past Presi- mind the exhibitions which werelinty Cup for the large flowers!dent Lloyd Johnston. Those el- held for the spring show, an-jand vegetable garden. petinguesate nual show and the Christmas) wr and Mrs. Leo Karnath,| Presient, William L. Frost; Show of last December. Mention|14§ Centre St., who received the| MacMillan; second vice-pres- was made of the Garden ¢com-\Cooper Smith Challenge Bowllident, Jelle Bakker. ion in which most of 'the|for the small flower and vege-| Directors far two years are: members took part. jtable ganden. |L,onard Martin, Mrs. Reg --_ ; NIC Mr. and Mrs. Orlen Lint, 747|Robert Dove, Mrs. Robert Kir' Fie cad lnbercat the group was|Bessborough Dr., who received|and Leonard Weeks. Directors 'saken on a picnic to a location|the Hart Challenge Trophy for/fr one year are: Mrs. Harte 'of horticulturai interest. During|the large flower garden. |Sandford, Archi bshemomage nerd ast season the picnic was held! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weather-|{@r go Mrs. -- : 'et High Park in Toronto. Ajhead, 46 Arlington Ave., who} oe posi ge 'trip and picnic to a conservation|received the Mike's Place Tro-| Avditons are: Eanle Sandfa eee ee ewer for the GM SALES ARE OCTOBER RECORD General Motors dealers across Canada sold more new cars and trucks last month than in any previous October in history, General Motors of Canada reported today. Total vehicle sales for the month were 22,881 compared to the previous all-time record for October of 22,095 established last year. The company said its dealers had sold 19,291 North American passenger cars in October compared to 18,144 units in the same month a year ago. During the month truck sales climb- ed to 3,458 vehicles from 3,092 in October, 1962; GM's North American pas- senger car and truck sales from Jan. 1, to Oct. 31 this year were 241,228, up from 216,812 in the same record months of 1962. area was also enjoyed this fall|/phy for the small flower gar-|¢%4 Arthur Winter. | (when the group went by bus to/den. ISHOW RESULTS the Ganaraska istrict. Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Weeks,| In conjunction withthe meet- Colored slides complemented|9- Grenfell St., who received|ing, a photography contest was Mrs. Sandford's report showing|he C, Ewart McLaughlin Tro-|held. 'The 'prize winning slides tthe exhibits as they were enter-|,1,, for their rock garden. were shown to the gathering. ed for competition as well @5) Mrs Samuel Snowden, 104/The winners were: ' Taw Beano el go Arlington Ave., who received) Hoop hth of = mcm | Hearty applause indicated the 'ned oS oe. box. je Eat. contestant--Duncan MacMillan, py some ™ my pet 5 Thos. Collen, caretaker of|Mrs. Edward Kitchen and Mrs. ee conaiy she "nas given|Ritson Public School, the FI. |Barte Sesidteed, Es this young group. Get cn pene mene » taken in Onterio-William 'ACTIVITIES RECEIVED Sabyan Motors, 334 Ritson Rd,|Bradbury, Mrs. Edward Kitchen * Mrs. Charles Silver, secret-|S., The H. 0. Perry Challenge|amd William Axford. : 'ary of the horticultural Society|Trophy for the best kept small! Colored slide of Christmas 'reviewed the activities of the|repair and service station. \lights--Mrs. 'Society during the past year. Mrs. Clarence Tink, Taunton|Mrs. Earle Sandford and Ed- The many bus trips and in-|Rd. E., the Oshawa Horticul-| ward Kitchen. teresting get-togethers were a major factor in the large atten- | Edward Kitchen,|, tural Society Challenge Cup for| Colored slide of close-up of a 'dance at the meetings each points at the Annual Show. Mrs. securing the largest number of|flower, any variety - William month she felt. Bradbury, Duncan MacMillan Tink had 76 points and her clos-|@n Richard Branton, __ * Throughout the city the Soc-|est competitor had 42. Colore slide of an old pioneer jiety plants and maintains a| Robert Richards, 514 Eulalie|building, taken in Ontario-Mrs. number of plants which add/Ave., won the M. McIntyre Hood|Earle Sandford, Mrs. Edward) 'considerable beauty to the streets. A great deal of credit goes to the chairman and co- whairman of the Civic Beauti- fication committee, Lloyd Johnt-|won the Mark Atkins Trophy/|ford. 'son and Richard Branton res- pectively. DIPLOMAS PRESENTED » To each winner in the garden' Trophy for securing the jargest number of points in the novice} section at thé Annual Show. | "Yilliam Frost, 311 Celina St.,/ for securing the most new mem- bers in 1963. Mr. Frost brought in 13, which was partly res- ponsible for.a new record being ll Truck Firms Kitchen an William Axford. Cobored slide of winter scene- Mrs. Earle Sandford, Mrs, Ed- ward Kitchen and William Ax- Colored slide of animal or bird life - Mrs, Earle Sandford, Richard Branton and William Bradbury, IN CONTEST Jean Milburn, 19, of Ajax, "Miss Oshawa of 1963", who is competing with 21 other girls from across Canada in the Miss Canada Pageant in To- ronto this weekend. Jean is'a telephone service representa- tive, Cash Prizes Offered By Flashing Light Results In Alarm Oshawa fire fighters rushed Com- |' 10 Charges Admitted By The Oshawa Times Oshawa Man 3ECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1963 PAGE THIRTEEN TORONTO (CP) -- Two men pleaded guilty in magistrate's court here Wednesday to charges of theft, possession of stole property, fraud and con- spiracy in what police describe as a $150,000 car-theft They were remanded to Nov. 13 for sentence. Alex Zedic, 28, of Oshawa pleaded guilty to one charge of theft, eight charges of posses- sion of stolen property and one charge of conspiracy. Ronald Gray, 30, of Halifax pleaded guilty to two fraud charges and one of conspiracy and to six charges of possess- ing stolen property. Five other men facing simi- lar charges are Alex's father, William, 50, of Oshawa; Peter Cenbal, 52, Hamilton; Eugene Bartis, 48, Hamilton and form- erly of Port Coleborne; Wil- liam Rudyk, 28, Oshawa; and William Tesluk, 29, Hamilton. They were remanded te Nov. 26. No plea was taken. Police said the 65 late-model cars involved in the theft ring }were stolen from the area be- jtween Hamilton and Oshawa and sold in Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia. The cars were stripped of jtheir parts, then re-assembled ENGLISH CATHOLIC TEACHERS HOLD CONFERENCE The Ontario English Catho- lic Teachers' Association, Dis- trict 5, Unit 1, held its an- nual conference Wednesday in St. Gregory Auditorium. Shown in the photo, left to right, are Father Tom Davies, guest speaker; David Jack, vice-president; Sister Mary Rose, president; Jo-Anne Is- sel, treasurer; Sister Con- stance, secretary, and G. E. Goulah, counsellor. A mem- ber of the new executive not, shown is Joan Kroll, counsel- lor. More than 200 teachers attended the day's activities. --Oshawa Times Photo, at a car depot near Ottawa. They were taken mostly from dealers' storage depots, police said. Warn Farmer Keep Control Of Livestock | An Oshawa farmer, Phillip |Druz of Ritson road south, was jfined a total of $150 in magis- trate's court here Wednesday, jfor allowing horses and cattle |to run at large on city streets. | In fining Druz the maximum permissible amount on each of three counts, Magistrate Jer- jmyn reminded him that it was the second time he had been before the Oshawa court and bold him that he was 'wasting |the time of the court." In his defence, Druz blame children for damaging his fences and releasing his live- stock, He said they'd tom sec- tions down to build some sort of a shack. Chief Constable Herbert Flin- toff said he had visited the Druz farm "many times." At no near the i 5 that he tae of no official complaints that children were trespassing on the Druz prop- erty. BOOST REWARDS FOR SUGGESTIONS The General Motors Em- ployee Suggestion Plan has increased the maximum award for suggestions to $6,000, E. H. Walker, presi- dent of General Motors of Canada, said today. Previ- ously, the maximum awand was $5,000. Minimum awards have been increased from $10 to $15. The in- crease became effective Nov. 1. In announcing the in- creases, Mr. Walker said: "The suggestion plan has helped thousands of men and women at GM to develop their ingenuity and initiative. Their ideas have made an outstanding con- tribution toward improving tools, production methods and processess, equipment and office procedures." During the first 10 months of 1963, the company accepted 2,700 suggestions from GM people and paid them awards totalling near- ly $173,000, Since the' start of the plan more than 25,000 suggestions have been ac- cepted and awards paid totalling $887,000. So far this year, 30 GM people have received awards totalling more than $1,000. 'land assessments An appeal by the T. Eaton Co, Ltd against the assessment on land and buildings leased by the company in the Oshawa Shopping Centre and land out- side their lease was turned down at the Court of Revision in the Civic Administration: Building, Oshawa, on Wednes- day. Representing the T. Eaton Co., Mr. Beck appealed against a total increase in assessments of $77,510, comprising $6,350 in- crease in land assessments and $71,160 in building assessment. Assessors. explained that the had this year been based on the land extending as far as the Mall, instead of that only beneath the buildings, as in previous years. Regarding the building itself, the storage area outside, previ- ously a separate assessment, had been included with that of! the building. In addition tenants in the shopping centre were also being assessed for the fur- nace room. BOILER ROOMS claimed that the boiler nooms "I've constantly complained to him about his fences," said Chief Flintoff. Concerning alle- gations that children were buil- ding a shack, he said it would be difficult to tell if there even was one because there were In preceding testimony, |Oshawa -police constable told of la night-time encounter with Druz' bull on a city thorough- fare. At the time the beast was loose he said he found notes in the fence. Another officer told of find- ing three horses from the Druz|$ {farm trotting up a street. In the \third case, onehorse was found lat large. The defence "misses the tar- get," said Magistrate Jermyn. j '\piles of scrap lumber in parts > lof the field. $ an Stole Sweater Gets 10 Days A Whitby girl, who stole a 10 man's sweater for no rea- son at all,' was jailed 10 days by Oshawa Mazgistrate's court, Wednesday. Sharon Walsh, 20, Brock street, Whitby, voluntarily ad- mitted the theft when question- ed by Oshawa police.' She took the ganment from an Oshawa department. store. "Apparently this is not a new habit with you," said Magis- trate H. Jermyn, referring to the ginl's record, '"'Ten days in ail. I hope that will cure you," he concluded. "It's up to anyone who keeps) cattle in the city of Oshawa to! keep their fences. up." ERROR IN REPORT REPORT 'IN ERROR Describing the opening of the new library at Gertrude Colpus gory as the parking area, which jthe Supreme Court had ruled |should not be included in ten- ants' assessments, | The chairman of the court, however, Louis §. Hyman, QC, confirmed the assessment, leav- ing it to Eaton's to appeal fur- ther if they considered it neces- sary. Mr. Hyman said that the question of the furnace room assessment was a point of law, In reply to this, Mr. Beck |should fall into the same cate- beyond the control of the Court of Revision. UNABLE TO SELL Also confirmed was the assessment of the property 15B2 Pt. L12 and 13, Albion street, owned by Jacob Bizon. The agent, Henry Bizon, claiming over assessment, said that the land in question had been up for sale for almost two years, with all prospective. buyers dis- couraged by the assessment. He produced a letter from Guide Realty showing that an agreement had finally been reached to sell the land, origin- ally priced at $15,000, for $5,000. Mr. Bizon added that the clients might still withdraw, an opinion not accepted by Mr. Hyman, who said that if the forms had been signed, the sale had been made, The following assessments were also confirmed 172 Burk stree 123; P. 627 L 122; P. 627 li on Durham street a Construction Co. Ltd.); P. L 75 Pt. L 76, Cabot street (Winnebags Construction Co. Ltd.); P. 62%). 74, Cabot street; P. 627 L. 9; P. 627 L 8; P. 627 L7 Pt. L 6; P. 627 Pt. L 108; all Montcalm avenue; P. 627 L 103; R. 627 L 102; both Talon Court; Pt. 627 L 93; P. 627 L 91; both Talbot Court; P. 627 Pt. L 86; P. 627 L 126 Pt. L 127; both Cartier avenue (Ur- win Construction Co. Ltd.); 15B Pt. L 12, Fox street; 15B Pt. L 12 and 14, Fox street (Ruth Ann L 97; U t (Michael Ciampo); 108 Westmount ave- nue (Iiko Senkino); P. 627 L 125; P. 627 L 124; P. 627 Listree (Urwin 627 Eaton Assessment Appeal Is Dismissed Mosier); 392 Masson street (Ellen Cochrane); 55 Connaught street (John Beaton). APPEALS ALLOWED Appeals allowed came from? Loblaws Grocery Co. Ltd. and T. Eaton Co. Ltd. concerning the property Con. 1 Pt. L 14, Stevenson south; William Reid and Jess Hann, of 700 Bess- borough, concerning P. 789 Pt. L 8, Marland avenue; Harry Anderson, 23 Bond street east; Lawrence Evans, 21 Bond street east; William Tonno, of 254 Park road north, concern+ ing P. 755 Pt. L 18 and 19, Oshawa Blvd. north; George B. Shaw and Carrie M. Shaw, 633 Oshawa Blvd. north; Jan and Janina Ochonski, of 117 Arling- ton, concerning P. 755 L 5, Ross» land road east; William Tonno, P. 755 L 12, Rossland road east; Nick Maiborada, of 189 Ross- land road east, concerning P. 755 L 17, Rossland road east; and Max Wagner, of 875 Florell be concerning 115 Mary Assessments on the rt 241 Greenwood avenue (B, Borkowski), $750; 298 College avenue (Willeta Pierson), $375; 73 Grenfell street. (Ella Luckhurst), of 77 4 street), $70; and 8 King -street east (Jury, and Lovell Ltd), business assessment $325. An exemption of $1,025 was granted to the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of To» rento Diocese concerning a property on Cromwell avenue of which four acres was deeded to the Separate School Board. GM Is Awarded | Truck Contract OTTAWA (Special) Gen- eral Motors Products of Canada has been awarded a $48,955 con- tract for the supply of cargo trucks, it was announced here Tuesday by Hon, C. M. Drury, minister of industry. The contnact was awarded during the first half of October; Roman Catholic teachers from the Oshawa area were told Wednesday by F. S. Cooper, superintendent of Public Schools in Scarborough, that stirring poems and books could bring guidance to many 'bewildered' w Good Literature Guide To Student finger-tips so that by reading portions of them to his class he can interest. them to explore further this enchanted world,"' He said that one reason for teaching literature was that it appealed to the imagination and Assessed Fines by Defence Production Limited School, the Oshawa Times of U and is one of 112 unclassified Tuesday, Nov. 5, erroneously teen-agers. He was addressing the an- the beautiful in what otherwise i f Great 7 te is a "pretty drab and prosaic Wednesday night to the Bank of * Eleven trucking offences came;pany is licenced only to haul Nova Merchants before Oshawa Mazgistrate's|from Hamilton to Virginiatown! Court Wednesday, yielding 10jon the Quebec border. convictions and one dismissal. | A company official pleaded * The dismissal cleared North-|that as an emergency measure,|OShawa really turned into Boom! Scotia, Simcoe Street north, after reports of a flash- "Boom Daze" in downtown)ing light in the building. But Fire Chief Ray Hobbs said érn Quebec Transport, Rouyn, one of its transports had been|Days for three Oshawa women|today: "We found that a light Quebec, of a charge that it had|sent to Oshawa to pick up a\this past week when they were prizes will take place before *|the previous two months (Octo- $30; ber and November) will be in- $40; | cluded. Albion' On Wednesday, Nov. 13, the ., |downtown merchants will issue St.|another "Boom Daze" supple- ment and the stores participat- jing will be included in this jissue. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- 225.00 12.00 of Switch had The last of the draws for cash| John|Christmas and all' tickets from| shorted. The Oshawa Community Chest said | today an error in the prepara- 'tion of the list of contributions lresulted in Johnston's (Oshawa) |Limited being credited in Wed- begragl issue with a donation jof $5. The report should have light going on and off looked bad|said the donation' was from an| but there was no emergency."!employee of the firm. implied that the books had been supplied by the Home and School Association, Although the Association carded and cata- logued the books, and will also staff the library, the books were provided over a period of years by the Oshawa Board of |Education. defence contracts for $10,000 or more awarded by the depart- ment. Total value of the con- tracts is $7,929,910. An Ajax firm, Drew Chemical Ltd., was also awarded a con- tract by the department. Valued at $13,612, it is for the supply of chemicals. a nual convention of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association, District 5 -- Unit 1, held in St. Gregory's Auditor. ium, Oshawa. Mr. Cooper, in his speech entitled, "Why Teach Litera- ture,' said: "I think every child has the right to tremble with fear with Jim Hawkins in that barrel while he was wait- ing for John Silver to reach in for the apple, INCENTIVE TO EXPLORE "I don't want them to learn it from television. I want the teacher to have some of these really good books right at his Court Asks Proof Vehicle Wrecked Magistrate Harry Jermyn, reserved judgment, Wednesday in the case of a Toronto second- ary student who pleaded guilty to three offences against the highway traffic act and then told the court he was scrapping his car. Noting that 17-year-old David Sedman had no income, Magis- trate Jermyn said it was dif- ficult to find a' punishment for the youth. Sedman, accused of driving a car without a muffler, failing to notify the highways department he had purchased the vehicie, and not producing evidence of insurance coverage, then said he was wrecking the vehicle for, world." Teachers should start their own library, he said, And add- ed: "Don't tell me books are too expensive; they're not. Books are never expensive, "You must teach them that reading is fun because it really is -- far more fun than looking at old square-eyes during leis- ure hours." Mr. Cooper ended: "If you want to teach literature, start to make your own anthology of poetry so that you will have for every occasion, every season, every mood, something you can give to your class." The convention was: adjourn. ed at noon for. luncheon provid- ed by the ladies of St. Joseph's Parent - Teachers' Association. The Rev. T. Davies, St. John's Church, Toronto, was the lunch- time speaker and his remarks were concerned with religion in the classroom. EXECUTIVE ELECTED The executive elected 'for the coming year is as follows: Pres- ident, Sister Mary Rose; vice. president, Davi Jack; secre- tary, Sister Congtance; treasur- er, Joanne Issel; counsellors, Joan Kroll and Terry Toulak. The head table consisted of the following: Rev. T. Davies, guest speaker; Sister Agnes Theresa, representative from District Executive; Rt. Rey. Monsignor P. Dwyer, greet: ings; Rt. Rev. Monsignor P: Coffey; Rev. L.. McGough, who introduced Rev. Davis; Rev, F. Malone; Rev. M. Darby; Mr. R. C, Blackwell, E. Shaw, Rev. Berriault; Rev. A. Ques- nelle, Rev. J. Myers, F. §, Cooper, R. Belanger, represen- tative of Separate Schools; F. Shine, husiness administration, Oshawa: dent of Oshawa and district who is celebrating his birth- day todoy: Robert Rockbrune, Sr:, 86 William street west. Phone 723-3474. scrap. Magistrate Jermyn then told him to make an appearance at are Bob Bobig, Don pickering court," Nov. 14 with and Dave Gray. |written proof that the car had --Oshawa Times Photo. |been scrapped. rucked goods through Picker-/rush consignment of culvert pip-|the recipients of cash prizes do-| vommercial licence. "the com-) An associate company which ~~ Dogeigee rember f ee normally would have handled) 4" eaek aii te aioe the shipment, he said, was feet Cash prines will be disteib: able to do so. 'The 'moaterials|Uted to some lucky person who es 0 a able t0 do sO. nateriais)shops in downtown Oshawa. were due in Quebec the follow- Here's how it works : jing morning and had there been; 5 yan ; 213 of the Stores which displays . thrown out of work as the Py " é 875 Bee cis ie yellow. "Boom Daze" banners 4 freeze bas ehisssnepeaas _.. jin their windows, will be en- 'A total of $213,875.65 has been pany had ee, oy titled to a free draw ticket with) ' ? the Greater Osh- , ea .. |every . purchase entitling them| fontributed tp fence, but on previous similar|to participate in the cash prizes contributions, not previously highways had granted him | November. acknowledged, follows: CORRE PNM. The shopping public would be In view of the circumstances,|well advised to ask for their; Goodes Hardware 5.00 Magistrate Jermyn said he/FREE draw ticket witn every Emp. Goodes Hardware 20) would dismiss the case. purchase in case the store per- Parkwood Employees 234.00' In other cases involving viola-|sonnel should forget. A and W Drive-in of Canada | s 2.00 act, the following were fined for Jack's Barber Shop 2) overloading their trucks: Worth Simcoe Pharmacy 20.00/ Forget, Whitby, $50 or 15 days; Walker's Limited 1.00'Benito Catricala, -Toronto, Emp. Walker's Limited 3./Colombo Brothers, Toronto, Emp. Loblaw's (Shopping Centre) = 3.50, and Jeremiah Taylor The Oshawa Times : . Russell McColman iT el A if i. . recone ule Assurance Co, 40.09/Catharines and Roy Eldridge, Jamieson Drugs i ye RR 3, Bowmanville, were each rr | ¢ m4 rs mp. peated ne Hatt 100.00| fined $20 and costs for trucking Soodyear Tire and Rubber Co. Lid. 25.00 without Public and Commercial 2.00/ licences, jeg sod 'peut Market 700 5 re h baye's Shop 5.00jand Vascan Limited, of Toronto, Franklin's of Oshawa Lid. 50.00\ were each assessed $10 for not Eons 'Londen Lite insurance Co, . 41500|displaying PCV plates on their ae 35.00 vehicles. . H. A. Mel 'ans ving Stonage = aon' Hate Lisatied m4 Vans Moving and Storage, of imp. Edna Ann Hats Limited 1 1 Bond C 10.00\for not displaying the name of 1320 the company or the owner of the 15.00|\Vehicle.on the side of a truck 10.00'and George Duncan, Caledon, 49.00; Was fined $20 for trucking in| ing Township in violation of its/ing bound for Rouyn. nated by the downtown mer-| any delay, men would have been A customer patronizing one) gwa Community Chest. The list/occasions, the department of|tg be selected near the end of 25.0 tions of the commercial vehicles Rosebud Beauty Parlor mp. Algoma Manufacturing Co. Set ih Al lolous Coffee 200| Provost Cartage, of Montreal H. B. Armstrong 0.00|Toronto, was fined $4 and costs 5 4 ; $213,475.45' violation of his haulage licence.' EXECUTIVE president. Standing from left OSHAWA INSURANCE AGENTS INSTALL NEW was installed by Past Presi- tive, seated from left, are dent Harold Roughley at its L. M. McMurtry, secretary- Thursday meeting at Ade- treasurer; Don Ellison, presi- laide House. The new execu- dent, and Jack Moore, vice- Jothes Oshawa Camera Centre Jack Fraser Limited G. Tamblyn Ltd. Employees J, Orygale Statt of F. J. Donevan Collegia tute | The recently elected execu-. tive of the Oshawa District Holden | Insurance Agents' Association fe | insti Total te Date

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