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Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Nov 1963, p. 22

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Viet Nam Coup Orders Here is a comprehensive 'summary of behind - the- scenes events leading up to last week's military coup in South Viet Nam. It is told by Reuters correspondent Nicholas Turner who cov- ered the political and mili- tary scene in South Viet Nam during the critical months before the coup, A number of officers wonalé-jman Catholic church jn Cholon, ered loyal .to the regime were!Saigon's sister city. invited to a lunch Nov. 1 during) Armored personnel carriers which Maj:-Gen. Duong Van found not only Diem, but his Minh, military assistant to the/brother and ,close members of presidency, announced that a/their staff as well. coup against Diem had been! Both resisted as they were Jaunched, put into one of the carriers to He asked which of those pres-|be taken back to general staff ent refused to join it. The only/headquarters. Diem claimed he one to 'refuse was executed on|was still head of state and en- the spot. \titled to a car, By NICHOLAS TURNER Minh later emerged as head| At some point during the ride / WASHING. JN (CP) -- An crime investigation team fired questions at mobster informant Joseph Valachi for more than two hours Wednes- day, but declined to disclose de- tails of the questioning, saying it wants to explore possible leads Valachi has provided be- fore reaching any conclusions, Judge Bruce Macdonald, chairman of the Ontario Police Commission, and his group of seven officials also conferred briefly with Attorney - General Robert Kennedy, who expressed a desire to do everything he can Ontario Crime Probers : 3 : . ery Valachi 2 Hours Approved By Diem Kine : "That's part of the reason we're here--to help make infor- mation about crime a two-way 4i who included jadded as he indicated the ques- tioning of Valachi may be re-| sumed Thursday. "We can take hearsay evidence and try to de- velop it on a sounder basis." He made clear that he has no intention of trying to use Valachi's information as court evidence which could be the ba- 'sis of charges against known criminal suspects. This could be done if the police authorities The q ' Magistrate Charles Bick, chair- man of the Metropolitan Toronto police commission, found Vala- chi, former Cosa Nostra hench- man, co-operative and sincere in his response to questions. But Judge Macdonald said it had to be borne in mind that Valachi's opportunity's for direct know- ledge about crime in Canada is limited, so desired, but there is no in- ledge except as the basis of de- veloping leads which could be confirmed by other sources, Judge Macdonald said. The Ontario group also will confer with U.S, narcotics en- forcement officers Thursday SAIGON, South Viet Nam (Reuters). -- The military oper- ation which overthrew Presi- dent Ngo denh Diem and his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu was iron- ically based on orders fully ap- proved by the two men them- selves to thwart an officers' coup. The orders, called Operation) Bravo Two, were masterminded by Brig..Gen. Ton That Dinh, now promoted to major-general, who was called in by Diem and} of the military revolution com-|to headquarters Diem and Nhu mittee and e'fective head of|were shot inside the carrier. state. Nhu, who resisted violently, also An attack on the garrison of\was stabbed. Their bodies were the presidential guards shook/later seen with neck and head the city and the garrison was|wounds. subdued in the late evening by) The killings were believed to a tremendous barrage involv-|have been against the wishes of ing tanks and artillery. |some of the leaders of the coup. Diem, still refusing to, surren-|' Top American officials in Sai- der, broadcast in vain appeals|}gon knew of -the coup in ad- via a special transmitter in the|}vance but were not instrumen- palace for units to come inital in bringing it about. from the provinces and for par-| Fighting among the members to co-operate with Canadian|INTERESTED IN HEARSAY police authorities. '| "We are interested not only "We also expressed a desire|in his direct knowledge but to co-operate,"" Judge Macdon-|what he may have heard from aid told reporters. jothers," Judge Macdonald and then possibly fly to New |York to confer with the New |York crime commission, Judge Macdonald said Vaia- chi, who fingered the Cos Nos- tra after allegedly receiving the 'kiss of death" from a reported lunderworld boss in a prison cell, tention of using Valachi's know-| lappeared to have information only about. Ontario crime oper- ations and virtually no informa- tion about crime in Quebec or other parts of Canada. WILL BE REPORTED Whatever leads are developed as a result of this questioning which took place in Valachi's jarge cell in the maximum-se curity district of Columbia Jail 'will be reported in the commis- sion's recommendations, likely 'to be completed by the end of December. "We put to him every name we are interested in," Judge Macdonald said, "Some he knows. Others he did not know. We were careful not to put any ideas in his head." A convicted narcotics pediar and murderer, Valachi told his questioners. why he jumped bai on a 1960 narcotics charge and fled to Toronto, He aiso told them why he later decided to give himself up. But all this a eee ee bP. Geman peeneneme seer Oa NR RE A EN ES THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 7, 1963 2). the commission's report is com- pleted, "He was not a big shot in the sions about this information yet," Judge Macdonald said it would have been extremely neg- ligent on his commission's part if it had not seized the oppor- \tunity to question Valachi. The commission would have 'looked foolish" if it did not exhaust ev- ery channel of information. Vailachi named Vito Agueci of Toronto as having major influ- ence in that Buffalo - Toronto Cosa Nostra '"'family."' SHOWED EMOTION - -- eces or masks worn in early Greek plays were used to project and actor's emotion--joy, love, anger or hate. - '" 4 SMART WOMEN ,.. have their corpets ond uphol- stery cleaned The Safe ret. : DURACLEAN 728-8518 =. " ° New grille design, over and under headlights combine for superb appearance, 4 Nhu to draw up plans for crush./@military units and local de-iof the military revolutionary ing the coup. fence forces outside the city t0|committee has barely begun. Dinh was regarded as one of/™°Y® | It is widely expected that | Luxurious, elegant Dinh may gradually find him-} " A" interiors are tasteful, the two most loyal generals and) TANKS MOVE IN ? f : | ° Diem and Nhu gave him full| At 4 a.m. on Nov. 2, tanks|Self eased out of his position of *7-Position Tilt Steering Wheel adjusts pee hy Fw a to your driving position, eases entry. 9 af . powers to move military forces,|moved in for the final assault;POwer because he, alone among) discovering too 'ate they had|on the palace, supported by|the leading generals, is a cen-| thereby sealed their own fate. [mortar and artillery tral Vietnamese as were Diem| The switching of sides by; After three hours a hole was|and Nhu. Dinh, who as commander of the blown in the walls surrounding) Minh, who has emerged as) 3rd army corps with headquar.|the palace and the defenders|the strong man, appears deter-| ters in Saigon controlled vital|/stopped firing, Marines, behind|mined to give preference to anits which could be movedjtanks and armored cars,|southerners, quickly to support either. side|stormed the palace grounds and) The U.S. is likely to find the in a coup, was an important|the battered buildings. new regime no more pro-Amer- factor in bringing about the| Troops combed the palace forjican than the Diem government coup. Diem and Nhu, believed to olan much more oriented 'to- Before the start of the coup/hiding in tunnels beneath the|wards France. unit commanders likely to op-|palace grounds. Then came a The generals are anxious to pose it were removed. tip that Diem had fled to a Ro-jcrush the Communist Viet Cong -------|and believe they can do so, but} hey are likely to make cle BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT ey arena simply the se . lege of American foreign' pol Que. Engineers Take On World MONTREAL (CP) -- French-|power, and we speak their lan- | engineers are start-| guage." | q You can pay more or settle for less, but." NO GAR GAN EQUAL '64 PONTIAG '64 Pontiac's wide selec- tion of engines features a thrifty 6, powerful V8"s. 'Heavy Trading 'In Mines Ups ing to think in global terms,| says a partner in a large French-Canadian firm of con- sulting engineers. "Nothing can stop us expand-| ing here and abroad now that the pool of competent and ex- perienced engineers in Quebec is growing rapidly," said An- dre Ducharme, member of the) firm of Asselin, Benoit, Bou- cher, Ducharme et Lapointe. now has two large contracts in Pakistan and is seeking @ third in Cambodia. In the province of Quebec, the firm's contracts range from designing the powerhouse for the giant Manic 5 hydro-elec- tric project on the Manicoua- an River to working with rench and Belgian engineers on a feasability study for a pro- posed Quebec steel complex. "If we thought conserva- tively," Mr. Ducharme said, "we would think in terms of Quebec only and use our capi- tal here. 'BIG POSSIBILITIES' | "But there are. big possibili- ties abroad, especially if we go to the French African and Asian countries. Canada has a good name in these countries, never having been a colonial fi Mr. Ducharme also thinks it! Market- Volume big engineering organization) = must have other out-! jlieves in '"'calculated risks." } get the Pakistan contracts,"!dustrial section. r. Ducharme said. "It took} ; tals softened, Inter- The firm's two-year-old inter-jus a year of i ong ow well sc yp Tecsult Inter. ahd some $50, Pakistan and we now feel we're|among speculative mines, up getting to know and have con-|3!4. cents to 24 cents on 548,700 bright." wolves building a water supply |toba. Consolidated Mogul rose and filtration system for the|19 cents to $2.30 after reaching "good bi SS Bcc nfl Panty tl, ee en 1 «,itrading in speculative mines aoe Hew wp in. Quebec, "e boosted the volume but prices were generally lower on the stock market Wednesday. Aluminium and Harding Car- pets both fell %, Alberta Gas . % and Dominion Foundries and "We took a calculated risk to|Steel and Abitibi % in the in- The 125-man firm strongly be-| papenationss work /national Nickel dipping 1% and . Noranda % while Falconbridge "We knocked on the doors of|/gained %. lot of government. offices in| Croinor led the active list idence iri us. The future looks|shares following rumors of fa- vorable drill results from the in-;Ccompany's property in Mani- One Pakistan contract e matic. Pick yo transmission from 3-Speed Synchro- Mesh with column- mounted shift lever, 4- Speed Synchro-Mesh with floor-mounted shift oor. lever or Powerglide auto- when it comes to all-round value! new capital of Islamabad and| $2.42 during the day on 530,063 in the Isle of Man. the other constructing port fa-|Shares. The company is drilling cilities on some 15 islands in the/0" lead-zinc properties in Ire- Bay of Bengal. The contracts |!and. : eventually will be worth about gto pag groin gfarond jucha: j "3 4 x asa adeno tials and Buffalo Ankerite jumped 40 cents to $2.50. WANT INDEPENDENCE |" On index, western oils fell .78 ROTHESAY, Scotland (CP)-- to 82.79, industrials .74 to 133.45, The island of Bute in the Firth| golds .87 to 129.18 and base met- of Clyde is demanding indepen-jals .31 to 59.43 The exchange dence from the United King-jindex was down .70 to 125.12. dom, Councillors want their own|Volume for the day was 3,807,- parliament and tax systems as'000 compared with 4,255,000 (Tuesday. ina moment... Paarl hospitality Laurentian 4-Door, 9-Passenger Sefari Water-washed, alr-dried rocker panels protect areas under door, help teduce corrosion. are aluminized to res rust, give longer life. All '64 Pontiac mufflers ist Success car--'64 edition! That's Pontiac. There's even more in '64 to make it once again, Canada's most wanted car. 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W., OSHAWA, ONTARIO PHONE 723-4364 -- Be sure to watch "Telescope" on CBLT and "'Zero One" on CFTO-TV. Check your local listings for H. DICK PONTIAC-BUICK LTD. 103 DUNDAS EAST, WHITBY, ONTARIO PHONE 668-5846 time and channel;

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