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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Nov 1963, p. 5

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- WHITBY And CISTRICT Whitby 'Bureau Office 11] Dundas St. W Manager: John Gault West 'Tel, 668-3703 Testimonies Charges Are Conflicting testimonies Court charged with al of all three charges Magistrate Harry W. Jermyn. poo] road, Pickering Township, pleaded not guilty to charges place other than his residence. Constable James in a lane off Liverpool north. front seat," he said. not have any beer at the time of the incident. "T put my head through the some ducks," the officer in- sisted. 4 |his dogs home I gave him per- BARBER'S FIRST CUSTOMER IS VIP AT NEW SHOP Thirty-six years ago Herb Neal cut his first head of hair in Whitby. The rookie barber's first customer was Bernie Martin. Yesterday Herb. Neal opened his new shop on Brock north. His first customer? Bernie Martin again. Mr. Mar- tin was treated to a free hair- cut this time and was award- ed a '"'book of eheer'"' as Mr. Neal's most regular, as well as first, customer. "I should have gotten the free haircut 36 years ago," Mr. Martin quipped. "I had so much hair then I couldn't get through the door." mission. "He drove away at a high rate of speed and I observed him drive through the stop}|« street at Concession-2." be- tween a police officer and a i man who aj red in Whitbyjon the road to pick up my wife ee ee theese who had been up on a hill chas- offences resulted in the ge ing a hound-dog: iy John E, Bellerby, 44, Liver-|the officer's -- and then the Pickering Township Police Force told the court he hadjserved Bellerby carry a box of noticed a panel truck parked|beer into the house. "A 13-year-old boy and sev- He said it was a box of decoy eral bottles of beer were in the Bellerby told the court he didjand he just laughed at me," window in the back of the truck|Started acting like a wild man and saw a partly filled case of/Saying he wasn't doing any- beer, a number of dogs andj|thing. : "After he got into the cruiser); # he reached over the front seat) | "Bellerby was told he wouldjand poured a bottle, which was be taken to the station and|being held as evidence, on to the when he asked if he could drive|floor. i OE a ESS Shon she Conflicting Dismissed Bellerby said he did not "speed away" but had "stopped "I did not go through the stop street but waited till I saw proceeded on home. "He did not tell me to go to of: obstructing police, careless|the station but said to go to driving, and having liquor in a/my home where he would meet me and talk the matter over," Watson of|Bellerby testified. Constable Watson said he ob- Bellerby denied it was beer. ducks, "I. told the accused to stop on officer said. told him he would have to ame to the station and he "I tried to stop him, but when I reached out an arm knocked mine away. "Bellerby laughed and said, you haven't any beer now'," Constable Watson concluded. HOCKEY NEWS Mrs, Edna Bellerby gave evi- dence supporting her husband and Magistrate Jermyn dis- WHITBY INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY LEAGUE By DAVID FOSTER Robson Leather squeaked by Ace's Electronics 2-1 in a rough- tough game. Miller and White MOVE INTO COSSA FINALS Ing, Defence Lead Henry Wallop Marmora 28-0 By KEN ZAYETTE Henry High School continued their dominance of the senior football wars Tuesday with a resounding. 28-0 :victory over Marmora High, COSSA champs in the Quinte division at Mar- year) recovered a Marmora fumble on the home team's 35- yard-line to set up the second touchdown. Zayette made a diving grab of a partially-deflected pass to make the score 13-0. Ing con- verted. tice Twelve turned the tables, second half on the long end of a 14-7 score, over in the second half. McGrath rambled for a long tali'ed for the leathermen while Coox netted the single Aces goal. two points. game. ever. It was the penalties: conducts and Janveaux, {minor and one misconduct. {son scored, missed missed all thr three charges. 5 tia 5 : STILL 'PLAYS "One more and I'll have a hundred of them to my credit," says Mrs. Frances Jackson, who celebrated her ninety-ninth birthday Thurs- day at Fairview Lodge in Whitby. Mrs, Jackson beam- ed her appreciation through the singing of "Happy Birth- No More Mud, Flocds White added an assist for There were three minor an two misconduct penaities in the whiby 'unl ek oa tae: Vista subdivision should be a 3-0. The score was not the most|8Tim memory. exciting part f the game, how- McGrath and Johnson took| Pinch, Janveaux and Bather- Sometime this fall or ear'y winter the seas of mud on the streets and the flooded base- ments of the homes of Lake When you want something done, you do it yourself. They Don Tran picked up two minor|did, at Lake Vista. They agreed jand three misconduct penalties. é however, and they went into the|Al Crawley received two mis-|take the installation of storm one almost five years ago to under- sewers, curbs, gutters and boulevards on their own, This was a first for Whitby, this "local improvement"? meth- In the third game it appear-|oq of attaining installations, and For Lake Vista Group that we approached Council with improvement plan. our local They were very receptive. of the services, also helpful. from the struction, concluded. "We "We received a great deal of advice and help from town en- gineer Bill McBride both in the planning and the achievement "Town clerk Jack Frost was "They helped us get approval Ontario Municipal Board to go ahead with con- "This wsa a precedent," he|& were doing pa gE a aes Geer pagal, ACCORDIAN day" at lunch in the Lodge. Members of the staff say Mrs. Jackson is "extremely pleas- ant and active" and plays the 'accordion much to the delight of the other residents of the Lodge. --Oshawa Times Photo CITIZENS. REGISTER government reported 5,650,000 citizens registered to vote in 10,162 precincts in the Nov. 3 national elections. ATHENS (AP) -- The Greek THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 8,1963 5 St. Andrew's ge was host to the regu- lar monthly meeting Presbytery of East Toronto. the Synod of Toronto-Kingston. After the 70 delegates had en- Kerrisdale Presbyterian Church, Vancouver, recounted some of the highlights of his year's tour, He said he had just returned from the Maritime Provinces spiring experiences, and that it was a special joy to find many young men in those provinces, in the process of training for the Christian ministry. Dr. Len- nox graphically described weekend of the life which included radio and TV appointments, church serv- ices, Ministerial Association meetings, social functions, travelling by. means of all types SCUGOG CLEANERS of the Bee oe -- iG Be il Me alt where he had many happy in-| Moderator Entertains, Informs Church Group Presbyterianof transportation and adhering to a tight The natural natural good humor the Moderator was evident Saat Seok plan 'oun he veshat 2 Hf itn uF : 3 i é E i ; E f s tL i 2 g H i i i i. bn | i : i i i | 25 z BY e i s 3 as i i 1; One-Sto DECORATING © CLL. Paints end Varnishes ©@ Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paints DODD & SOUTER Centre Decor 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Phone 668-5862 & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery PHONE 668-4341. New Location of . . . NEAL'S BARBER SHOP 123 BROCK ST. NORTH td to close the gap to 14-13.\ed as if Maritime Express was Minutes later he broke through|going to romp as they scored to deflect a Courtice punt. John-|two goals against Hoo-Dye in mora, Paced by quarterback Doug Ing and a rock-hard defence, as yet it is the only one : The ratepayers association something that had never been chose C, G. "Mal" Femia, Mr.|done here before. The council, The recovered fumble blew the game wide open. The fierce ( with-an arm injury after sweep-| the Henry crew turned a first- half standoff into a second half route. Ing fired three long touch- down passes and kicked three converts to lead the offence. Barry Goode, the starry full- back and mainstay of the Henry attack all season, was sidelined/ ;Play along the line ceased on |the part of the host squad, as the Henry backs battered for big gains. Marmora, seeking to get back to the air. Once again the alert "Purple and Gold" defence gave the ball over to Ing and company as Mick Tavener took the ball out of 'the hands of the ing 40- yards around right end for Henry's only major of the first half. Ken Zayette, Jim Christie and an interception. Ing capitalized on the play when, 'seconds later, he faked intended Marmora receiver for! son grabbed a loose ball and went in for paydirt. Johnson scored his third six- pointer in the dying minutes of the game to give Henry the game and championship. Henry Juniors meet Tweed in the Central Ontario finals this afternoon at the Henry street school. Guild Plans the first minutes of play. But Hoo-Dye came back markers to win it 6-3. Scoring for arth boys Maine Maritime goals, i rank getting two of them, 'WHITBY MERCANTILE HOCKEY LEAGUE By DON TEBBLE Arena Sunoco movec into first "Whitby's Finest" with six Hoo-Dye were Trousse, Brown (2), Campbell, Carey and Thompson, The How- with place Sunday afternoon at the and Mrs: Gordon Kyle, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray MaclIntosh as mittee. The five-man group rep- 20-year period. The Council fur- cent of the costs, The actual paving of the the clerk and the engineer were understanding enough to give it thir Local Improvement Com-|a try." Tripp Construction was con- resented more than 180 bome-|jtracted to install the services A three|OWners in the association. picked | tite The plan was presented to Town Council. It was agreed that the services wou'd be paid for by. the ratepayers adh | Would be completed before win- ' the oceans of/f ther agreed to take on 17 per|SPring mud and rainwater would) outlined. that the drainage ter and' that be long forgotten by spring. Mr. Femia said he expected]; # facilities | § Featuring FOUR EXPERT BARBERS MODERN EQUIPMENT T.V. LOUNGE Bobby Basset hauled in Ing's|Mackey into the line and fired ee for the other three touch-|, strike to Christie in the end lowns The teams "felt one another Whitby Arena. Their 10-8 win/streets would be paid under the POPULAR PRICES over Fleming's Shell dropped! genera] tax levy, as the paving as a y Ps Brigg Bonin 'oo Place|of any other street in town, they gut" in the early stages of the) Bassett and Ing combined in . os i were told. game. the fourtt quarter to round out) Co-op Guild held its monthly ave ated ont at's on Paul gD Ag explained me ot Goode opened the scoring for|the scoring. Faking the draw|meeting Wednesday evening at/Rsusseau's three markers and gin Pl the sod the winners late in the first play, Ing stepped back into the the home of Mrs. Florie Adams,|pij]_ Lundmark's pair. Bob ela out ties _years ago the quarter when he punted for a pocket and flipped to Bassett,/King street. Cherry and Lynn Middieton| e subc eige was a bog. single point. After a series of|who was all alone in the enemy) President, Georg e\counted for Sunoco. : and -- e roads wete line-thumping with twin full-| end zone. Ing converted. Munns, opened the meeting with} Gord Luke, with a one-period ee Bice many, but not all, back Rollie Mackey, he skirted) Henry now takes on Lake-ja prayer. All reports were read|not trick and Dave Harrison|° red cellars were flooded -- the end for his major. field to decide the Central On-iend approved. and Cherry accounted for allllin it ad over. three feet of water He was injured on the rompjtario Senior B Championship.) During the business meeting a|the scoring in the second period Hie, and did not see further action./They lock horns Then we got together ana de- Saturday atidonation was voted to be sent 7 7.51, Rough, tough line play fea-|1.30 p.m. at the Henry High|to the British Seamen. Tenta- Aen 8 en eae fan (cided to try to do something field here in Whitby. tive plans wére made for the NOTICE Business and Professional Girls If you are interested in form- ing a curling league please phone... MRS, N. SHORTREED 668-2588 before Nov. 15th zone. The convert made the score 21-0. Adults 1.25 -- Children .75 OPEN WEDNESDAY ALL DAY Closed Mondays Mrs. Each team counted three tal-/apout it, but it wasn': unt! 1961 Pees sata wat a tured the second quarter as nei- ther team aws able to move the ball. The. Henry defence, that has yielded only one touchdown ail season (and not a point last THIEVES GRAB RECORDERS, RADIOS, DISCS Whitby Police are investi- gating a break, enter and theft, discovered by a patrolling officer early yes- terday morning, at Patter- son Electronics, 107 Col- borne street west. Sgt. Gerry Robinson, who is presently investigating the matter listed the mer- chandise stolen as: three tape-recorders, two clock- radios, five radios, and a large quantity of records. Constable Donald Wil- liams, who discovered the break-in, said the window on the south side of the building had been forced open. The discovery was made during the course of the Officer's regular walking checks Henry won the crown last year, YARD MARKERS .. . The Henry squad almost didn't get to Marmora for the game. . their bus broke down near Orono on Highway 115 A while the boys awaited another bus they played a slow-motion game on the edge of the road .. . the players felt their effort Tuesday was their strong- est of the year .. . Henry has lost only one game in three years of activity in the loop... they have only been scored on twice. HENRY JUNIORS DUMP COURTICE -- WIN LAKE ONT. CHAMPIONSHIP A two-man, two-way perform- Doug McGrath gave the Henry Junior B squad their LOSSA championship. Johnson scored three majors, and kicked a convert to account for 19 points. McGrath scored one td, blocked a punt to set up another and pulled down passes throughout the game. An end run by Dunc Wilson gave Johnson the chance to bull over for his first touchdown in the initial quarter and give Henry a momentary lead. Two quick scores by the Cour- Christmas party. The date will appear in the Times. Members are wishing a ---- recovery to one of their Guild members, Mrs. George -|Burgess, who is in the Oshawa General Hospital, and also to Mrs, Joseph Cowx, who is ill. The meeting adjourned and social games were enjoyed. Lunch was provided by Mrs. James Smyth and served by the hostess and Mrs. George Munns, lies in the third stanza, Lun- mark scored his second, and Ken Harris and Harvey Rob- erts their first of the night for Flemings. Gord Luke blasted home two goals to run his total to five for the night. The fifth one proved tu be the winner. Bob Cherry completed his hat trick in the final minutes of the game. DURNO'S WIN 11-4 Durno's Garage completely dominated the second game of the doubleheader as they wai- WHITBY PERSONALS loped Ottenbrite Men's Wear 11-4, Leonard Bobbie and Elmer Tran, with a pair, gave the win- ners a 3-0 first period lead. Tran Mrs. Douglas Howard Law, the former Carol Leona Read ance by Bruce Johnston andiprevious to her marriage, was entertained at several pre-nup- tial events including a pantry shower held at the home of the bridegroom's mother, Mrs. T. Howard Law, Dunlop street west, with Mrs. Gordon Found and Mrs. A, Myers as co- hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. John St. John, 335 Rosedale drive are enter- taining at their home this com- ing Saturday evening. Guests will be: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hil- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Snoddon; Mr. and Mrs. James Doble, LITTLE AIRLINE BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 9 P.M. Saturday Matinee at 1:30 THE WILE HI- LARIOUS STORY OF THREE WITH THEY MOSTESS' OF Fun muno! ant in ca if CB RN TN WADE Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hef- fer, Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. William Black, Ajax; Mr. and Mrs. Don Clearwater, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gedney, Toronto; and Mr. and Mrs. Bill St. John, West Hill. The hostess will be serving a buffet lunch, Lois Ann Cassady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cassady, 911 Athol street is celebrating her fourth birthday today, Fri- day, Nov. 8. A birthday party date. Friends of the family wish Lois Ann mahy happy returns of the day. has been arranged for a later|Sai scored another in the second frame, while Mike Gray potted a pair and Jack Germond got one. Art Rennick and Bob Moffat tellied for Ottenbrite. In the third period Tran got his fourth, Gray got his third, Germond his second and Ted Mendyk his first for the victors. Rennick and Aime Rousseau rounded out the scoring for Ot- tenLrite's. iels and his family have re- year stay in West Germany where he was stationed with the Canadian Army. tarded Children Association's dance is being held Saturday, Nov..9 at Ajax Community Cen- tre at 8.30 p.m. with Mrs, Sam- uel Fallon, Mrs. Dereck Hick- man and Mrs, Bernie Cain in charge. Mrs, William Mullen, 304 Dun- lop street east, celebrated her birthday Thursday, Nov. 7. A Friends tives wish Mrs, Mullen many happy returns of the day. Benevolent Rebekah Lodge is holding its euchre party. Fri- day,\ Nov. 8 in the IOOF Hall with Sister Isabel Meier as con- vener. There will be prizes and refreshments. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sandford Old English Style FISH and CHIPS HOME DELIVERY Southern Fried Chicken Terrace Restaurant 300 High street were Sergeant Phillip Daniels and Mrs. Dan-| ten annua iels of Petawawa. Sergeant Dan-! . 120 Brock St. N > Vhitby PHONE 66 056 © | cently returned from a three-|/ Ajax, Pickering, Whitby Re-|§ We at Dodd and Souter Cordially Invite You To Attend A Demonstration Of OLD MASTERS ANTIQUE . . . WOODGRAIN ... MARBLE EFFECT THAT YOU CAN DO YOURSELF OVER ANY SURFACE WITHOUT REMOVING THE OLD FINISH ON FURNITURE, COUNTERS, WALLS, OR WOODWORK Saturday, November 9th From 10 A.M. To 3 P.M. - DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 BYRON ST. S. -- WHITBY -- 1 Block West of 4 Corners, Turn South -- PHONE 668-5862 Open Friday Till 9 P.M.

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