' ---- eae on anaes T--Reu! terate for Sele VACANT -- feorsonen Insubbr tk house. central, new of! furnace, garage, clean, 27--Real Estate For Sele no--taomebion © Fer Sele 30--Automobiles Wanted Centre. Telephone r Seepine PRIVATE SALE -- 2storey, 3 bedrooms,) vacant, $900 down or offer, Telephone 72511, evenings 728-7162. KEITH PETERS Realtor 728-7328 103 King Street East CHARMING, DELIGHTFUL | CHEVROLET ST. -- 6 rooms in this oy ranch bungalow HELP! HELP! Our volume of recent sales has created on urgent need for new listings. For fast efficient 'service, qualified evoluation by ex- perlenced personnel in selling your property, CALL R. VICKERY REALTOR 728-9571 46 KING WEST For service that satisfies 196 CHEVROLET, sunvisor, radios goed condition. fhe or beat offer, 1958 CHEVROLET Biscayne, two-door sédan, 6 tylinder, agar = er Must fr wreaking. Aue Wreckers want po Age sworn Gast saeueh eae a shoal te a pociecd 6s V-4) automatic, Mus In pel ion, Private deal preferred. Call 152998. sell this week, Mak 723-7688. 1955 PONTIAC, 2-door sedan, new bat- tery; radio, $225. Apply 497 Ortone Ave- nue. THREE-TON 1955 Chevrolet stake truck, , tres and iol 1956 a ne condition throughout, fa Apply after 6 p.m. 4a Pere R Reed 1956 BUICK, Special sedan, automatic, bleck and white, filly , ee A.) Ressonabie. After 3 p. S1--Automobile Repel HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION TEXACO PRODUCTS | 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 bye CHEVROLET 1-ton ick up, deluxe jeetside. Low mileage. 71% ike new. 1962 GORVAIR, two-door, door, standard fandard trens- with over 1200 square feet of tomfortoble living space, 4 pce, tiled bath. net is transferred ond will accept @ reasonable price of $15,- $00.00 with trems FREDERICK ST BOWMANVILLE IMMACULATE brick bungo- tow about 7 years old, beauti- fully decorated, nicely. lond- stoped lot 60 x 175 ft. ot $500 WINTER WORKS BONUS $240 DOWN TO ONE 6%% N.H.A. MTGE. « NEW NHA Bungolows -- stone fronts, clay brick (no private $1650. Phone 725-1566 after. 5 o'tiock. Wed PONTIAC V vei Tourdioor hardtop, teering, power brakes, poatireations safety belts, radio, white [de or price $3,200. PO Box 477, Port of phone evenings 985-2235, \sa--Areletea for Sale CHRISTMAS trees, Scotch Fk rae, approximately 3,000, all ady fo 90. Apply Tim's gage ty i dar Mosport, Orono 12} 12 R 6 DRUMS, Coronet, black on four drums ahd 3 cymbals, $200. Telephone 728-9896. COLEMAN oil Space heater, apartment Hang with pipes, ved oy 5 months. Like i ine CHEVROLET sedan, good shape, 6 HF aaa standard, $325. Telephone 725- 8538, 195) CHEVROLET Biscayne, two-door, 6 cylinder, standard, radio, Good mechan- lcally. $995 or best offer. Whitby 666-8588, + aanee, electric, i, Sita fuirsized steel bed with mattress. $10 for each, Call 725-5784, SECTIONAL chesterfield, b black. Stonde 243 Wilson Road South, 723-3997. CADILLAC, 1959, four door hardtop 62 series. Guaranteed good condition throughout. Private. Telephone evenings 725-5555. STAINLESS steel knives, forks, fem spoons, tablespoons, $1 per doren. Buy any quantity. Bone china cups ond saucers $1. 1. Telephone 7 75-2328. room divider, swivel base chair. Apply a =| Charge Shocks =| Néld. Premier ST. JOHN'S, Nfld, (CP)Pre- mmaliwood of Newfound- he visited United turn from a month-long tour r, Europe, said the agreement was made with Edward J. a representative of the Church Debate On Structure Oi Government VATICAN CITY (AP) -- A great debate is developing TORONTO 11:00 A.M. Fl cpa iy The Canadian Pi Toronto " stock Exchange -- ayy i) Quotations in cents unless marked $. I--Odd lot, Xd -- Ex-dividend, xt -- Ex- Solina Group Card Party Held By GLADYS YELLOWLEES SOLINA Fifteen Merry) Milkmaids met in the hall for their fifth meeting on Saturday' The president conduc! The Lois Ashton, bed ig exercises, lg answered the roll call by an individually baked © ustard. In the kitchen, Doris Beau- champ and and Gledys Yellowlees| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 11, 1963 13 rights, xw--Ex-warrents. Net change is from previous boerd-lot closing s6l@,, INDUSTRIALS Tie Net Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge Abifib! Alfe Die vt Alte Gas Alte Nat Algoma Alumini Alum 44 Alum 2 " Argus cP A Atl Sugar Bank Mont 6 66 i 0 45 246 OE 45 $276 7 a A) 2s . = yv + 58Ya-- Va) #F°*535 + = = 6 eS Oa 3 #82 - Ss FF © s at 2 8 " 28 iit Ses FS aggdyeselgze=255%5 93 +h+ 3335"3 = = Today's Stock Market : 3 § FH i Stock Marcon - +o - + - 3 8ne8 2st =* 3* = S8ar = Bez "3"3* = ge82828, seord = pile! gH | Orchan Paramag | Pax int Purdex QMi Radiore Rio Algom Rio Rup Rockwin Salem Satellite goS8SeyScencr®-g23rs epoSseySccucss = = = ' + ' teched gorage AJAX $9,500.00 6 room house, 3 pce 38s Fe s3 Bos 3 Bo 288 semis) hood and ' electric clock sodded front and tear large jots -- carries $99 monthly . interest, principal made white sauces in two dif- fetent ways, These were later combined to-make chicken-a-la- S832, Sue z se 3 sé JAGEN deluxe, first clats|FOR GALE oF trade, best car offer, 1963 000: miles, used as second |inglis gas dryer, two aluminum storm. ldoors. Apply 114 St. Lawrence Street, |Whitby. i9ss VOLK! condition, 3: cer, Phone 725-3744, ss & * = = 2... = 3 - when nearly four years later the U.S. ent had filed an s both, SA ON a pense ' gorage, $1,000 down. WOW! WHAT A VALUE $5,975.00 -- 7 rooms, 3 pte. bath, gorage, large lot tow down payment. Inspect this one tonight 8 BEDROOMS Neor north G.M. brick horne in good condition, 15 board ers ot present. This is a mon ey moker. Low down payment considered. 728-7328 GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 JUST LISTED -- You will feel at home immediately in this 2a year old 3 bedroom brick bungalow with partial stone front and attached garage. Mahogany ond poneiled dining area. In a select neighborhood in Whitby. $3,800. down pay- ment required. NORTH WEST AREA 5 room brick bungalow with Hollywood ktichen and 3 good sized bedrooms. This home is just one yeor old ee hos recently come on frarket ot a price of 312,900. JANE STREET--+7 room split level home with 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, family room and Hollywood kitchen with built-in stove ond 2 ovens Attached garage. 'Many ext tos included in the price of $19,500. NORTH EAST AREA ° spotless 5 room 1% storey home with mew F.H.A. fur- noce. Attractive: living room and modern kitchen. 4 pe. bethroom, Toxes only $123 For good inexpensive living see this one. FULL PRICE $3,150 Building lot on Elizabeth Cress. 75 x 244 ft. with 20 ft, well with lots of woter. Lot hes been roved by N.H.A. for $12,300 mort- kitchen ond taxes $240 down $13,290. $290 down---3 bedroom and garage, $14,540 $792 down -- 4 bedroom, split 1¥ baths. $14,940 Located in Whitby--All ser- vices in and poid 'for by builder----Models for viewing in West Hill, Only o few available at the prices Call Gerry Hill AM 7-9712 Mandérhill Real Estote Ltd METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. E Dial 728-4678 BLOOR STREET EAST immaculate 6 room 1% storéy on extra landscaped fot with fruit trees. Two room apartment rented ot $50.00 per month with 4 rooms for owner, Asking $11,900.00 with reasonable poy ment CONANT STREET $11,000.00 with 1,500.00 down belance on one open mortgage, large lot, double garage, lot zoned C. 2. Close to oll services NORTH-WEST AREA Extra forge 5 room 1¥2 stor ey, garage, paved drive, walkout basement, large land- scaped lot. This home is co real buy ond close to sep- arate and public schools. Try us with an offer Coll this office for apert- ments, lots, commercial, ond suburbon properties, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Joe Mage Ken Henn Jack Osborne Bob Johnston Dick Borriage 3 bedroom down iss CHEVROLET impale super sport, V-8, automatic, power equipped, extras. Teléphone after 5 > p.m. 725-039" 1943 RAMBLER, two-door classi¢, auto matic, radio, whitewalls, 9000 miles. Like new, Must seil. 723-7970. ie "VAUXHALL super, real cellent Condition: Can Dennis, Bowmanville 623- 3619, {vat METEOR Niagara, V3, automaile, radio, good body. Good running condl- j tion, $250 or best offer. 728-0286. 1983 BUICK Le Sabre, two-door hardtop. | completely equipped, plus extras, Tele |phone' 728-9296 11957 "VOLKSWAGEN, jhauied, new paint fob. gu |tee. Price $560. Apply Zolton and N es Fina Garage, 160 Simcoe Sou th, 728-005). plus many ox sel! or trade. bal CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan, 70,000 ies, Immaculate, mechanically perfect, \After 6 p.m. dial Whitby, 668-606 | 19a CHEVROLET, A-i motor, good "tires, good body, $85, Telephone 723-9919, 15 | Pairbenks Street |i962 CORVAIR Monae, jequipped. Private. | ¥42- 3033 | 1959 "HILLMAN jtires. Excellent | 728-1462 11962 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4-door sedan,| }V-8 automatic, A-1 condition. No trade! jin, Between Vall pm, call 725-1570, |i958 CONSUL station wagon, rebuilt |motor, two new snow tirés. Will make {good second car. Call 725-5079 \5e "FORD station wagon, needs "body | lwork. $175 cash. Telephone 7 2675. 142 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, automate, radio, 25,000 miles. $2,200. Call 725-2393. 3933 FORD Fairlane, needs some repeirs, $195 cash. Telephone 728-9537. 1943 PONTIAC Parisienne V-8 four door hafdtop. Automatic, etc. 8,000 miles. Tele phone 725-2069 1983 FORD sedan, séll for best offer, | be seen at 254 Stevenson's Road North 1962 BUICK Le Sabre sedan, fully equip Ped, 20,000 miles, excellent condition. $2, 550. Telephone 723-3390. 1959 RENAULT. Dauphine sedan, perfect runtiing order. as and out, 166 Cehtral Park North after 5 p.m. 1981 PONTIAC, excellent condiflon, extras inglude power glide, positraction, deluxe radio, back speaker, seat belts, tinted giess, snow tires. Must be seen fo be appreciated. Must sell $1,900 or elose offer, Phone 725-2987, 1942 BEL AIR Adoor sedan, T cylinder, automatic, power steering, etc, After 5 p.m. call 723-4343, i958 STUDEBAKER Champion, good con- dition, Reasonable for cash, Call 725-8020, "automatic, Telephone folly Alex station wagon, new snow gondition. Telephone Can $600. After 6 p.m. 'dlephone 726-0187. gage. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- S' room brick end stone bun- golow with privote paved drive, Extra farge living room and roomy kitchen. 'Finished room in basement. Full price $12,900 GLIDDON AVENUE -- 2% storey brick with 3 bedrooms ond ldrge kitchen. Separate dining room. Garage and pri- 2 Two CLIENTS ~ gesire homes ov help Mr, Yeo, 728-8123. Bolahood Brothers Ltd., Realtor. | LISTINGS URGENTLY 99000. Can y 28--Real Estate Wanted "around excellent tion. Radio, 40,000 miles. Must sell, Best offer accepted. 723-4312 after 5 725-4509, 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2door, hard- top, V-8 automatic, power equipped, 1960 VOLKESWAGEN, ¢ "eondl- REQUIRED CALL Wilson Realtor 26% King St. E. 725-6588 radio, white walls, padded dash, Immea- Culate condition, 7,000 miles. Apply 238 Kaiser Crescent, 1963 PONTIAC Strato Chief, four-d sedan, many extras, $2400. Call 728-9310. nit rading Antifreeze, radio. Clean In ta 1957 CHEVROLET Vaton pick up trude| | --doorjage dresses, almost few. T |217 ADMIRAL console, good eondifion, $85. Telephone 725-9145. _ tievo "Carriage, ; light grey, "jn good dition, complete with mattress. Phone 655 3026, " sae cegteints TTE suite, natural finish, 6- piece, condition, $50. Telephone Bowman- | ville 623-3601 TELEVISION jower special 40-4. struc |ture, Incivding all channel antenne, fn- stalled and guaranteed by experts with 110:years experience, $50, Trio Television, Telephone -- 728-6781 \WE buy, sell and exchan we "Used turn ture or anything you have. The City Post Stores, 446 Simcoe. Stree? South « and 31 Bond Street fas!. 723-1671, |¥V TOWERS special 40 ft. tower struc re with all channel antenna installed, ur | Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 961 Gibbons | Street, 728-8180 TYPEWRITERS, one portable, one sten- dard, also electric standard typewriter, Electric adding machine, scale, mea! cer, very reasonable. Terms. 723-4434, SEWING machines for Sale, We repalr ail| makes. Apply $5 Bruce Street. Telephone! 28-1070. LOWREY organs, new and used. dday ee trial, Alt ° Music Supplies, 453 Simcoe South, 72515 |PIANO, u Sight model, 42-inch height with stool, Pfexcollent condition, ideal for |club of recreation room, $250. Sebastian |Honmann, telephone 725-7001. |$TOVE, Gurney 30 Inth, refrigerator, jFrigideire, small size, Thor washer and lkitchen sulte, Telephone after 5 Whitby | 668-5207 both __ |$250, New condition, Telephone governm: indictment 'against the princi- pal officer of the company con-| based exclusively upon the very matters about which this gd interview had taken place be- tween the U.S. government's agents" | and Newfoundland. 32--Articles For Sale |BUY and sell, good used furniture and appliances, One location. only. Pretty's }Furhiture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, SPACE HEATER Duo Therm with avto- matic fan. Heats five tooms. Excellent Condition. Also 200 gallon oll tank. 725 6057 |SKATES, changed. evenings. Gast. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupil- cators, chequewriters, comptometers, three hundred new and used, We buy, sell, rent, service, Hamilton Office Equip }ment, 137 Brock South' Whitby. 60 HUNTING with "hunting supplies rom Dominion Tire! Guns, ammunition, cloth- Ing, etc. Best prices In town, Try Oo fminion Tire-Store, 48 Bond st 8. F. GOODRICH STORES -- Tires, Bat- terles, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele vision, Thrifty | Budget Pian, 725-4543, "ANTIQUE GUN" WANTED Telephone Oshawa 725-0183 BELWOOD 2i cubic ft. chest styie freezer 78-2048, ew and used, sold and ex Largest selection in town, Open Oreyton's Cycle, 204 Bond |PIANOS Williams, also jupright. Ideal for recrbation clubhouse. 728-0215, CORFEE fabies, field and chalr. | Telephone 668-2875. 21 eu. ff. Blue Ribbon dreezer, 6195, Must be seen to be appreciated. Apply 229 Rosedale Drive, Whitby. | MAN'S used top coat, two suits, three sportiackets, size 38 fo 39. A-1 condi ton GUNS! 22 special Winchester, 94 model, one-year-old, like new, 12-gauge Savage Fox double barrel, single triggers good comdition, $75, Telephone 725-5555. ViP miniature racing set, four cars and jap counter, extta fence and tracks. Wil! sell for $50. Whitby 668-5220. room or "end fables, chester- All if good condition. GURNEY automatic range, like new, $90 Frigidaire refrigerator, $40; electric oven, 5; Fender Stratocaster guitar with ease, $175. Telephone 728-3605. BUYING oF selling furniture or appil antes, Call Emer, Hampton 263-2294 of 263-2695. LABY'S Black seal coat, perfect condi tion, Gentleran's navy bive evercoat, Two men's fall. costs, zippered linings. Reasonable. 723-9290. VACUUM. cleaner and d alfachments and * for $50. Excelient condition, 7 ny VACUUM cleener repairs, ail Free estimates. Parts, attachments, brushes, fioses. Guaranteed rebuilt ma- chines. Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Service. Call ahytime 728-0591, RANGE Gurney Tappan, 195) model, $95; heavy out § cubic ft, refrigerator, defrostomatic, 1959 model, $85, Simpiicity washer with clock, $4. Also girl's teen- makes. 33----Market Basket WINTER cabbage, $1.25 per dozen. John Bodnar, first house east of Cherry Grove Motel, Courtice, Phone 725-8043. PICK your own Spy apples, $1 to 41. bushel, Base line frorn Whitby Hospital! 22 miles west. Joe Makowchik on moll box. APPLES, Mcintosh, $2 per bushel and down, In your own containers. Nick ag dyke; 401 Mighway end Thicksen LASALLE appies, right from the farm The apple with the Cediliec flever, "he cooking or pies. Bushel $2.95; half bushe! $1.50 Delivered anywhere tn Oshawa. Phone 725-3445. WINTER potatoes "for sale, store In own home or af. mine. Telephone. Whitby 668-8050. WINTER potatoes for sale, store in your own home or at mine. Telephone Whitby 668-8050. SEBAGO pottioes, Si per 18 1b. bag, cash and carry, from Allen Downs Ferm, RR 1, Pontypool, Ontario. 34--Lost and Found (OST -- White kitten; three months, te male, vicinity Colborne - Centre, Whitby. Light grey spot: between @ars, child's Pet. 668-4343, 666, Miniature Poodle, blak, "Cleo", Ajax - 401 area, Reward $50. Call Ajax 942-6063 anytime. Toronto HUdson 1-166) evenings; 421-1500 Local 55 days. COST: Cardboard carton of auto parts early Saturday morning, on. east lane of 41 Highway between Oshawe end Bow- menvilie, Will finder please contect Mr. Murdock at 725-1123. Reward, 725- 6902 i063 2-DOOR, white Pontiac Laurentian, automatic transmission, radio, 6000 Miles. $2,500. plus tax. Phone 723-9266. 1962 MERCURY Monterey V-8, automatic, power equipped, push button radio, white walls, Gises, 17,000 miles, like new. Ask- vate drive. Full price $11,- 00. BUSINESS @PPORTUNITY |2 9--Automobiles For Sale ing $2,400 or nearest offer. Terms avail @bie. Owner forced to sell, trade accept- -- 4 double cabins ond 3 singles at. Oshawa on the Lake. Very comfortable 5 room insulated cottage for owner, also tool shed and work shop, Inspect todoy SOUTH EAST AREA--Right on the bus line, 6 room brick bungolow with private drive. 3 bedrooms ond 4 pe both with colored fixtures Large living room and sep orate dining room, 2 finish« ¢d rooms in basement. Full price $13,500. FULL PRICE $8,900. 6 roorn bungalow on 2 acre lot just north of Oshawa. All good sized and a lovel view of the' whole side WALK DOWNTOWN from this 2 storey brick home lo« cated on a 37 x 105 ft fot with taxes less than $200 3 bedroom upstairs with lots of closet space: Modern kit chen, separate dining room and the full price is $10,500 HEATHER COURT--Custor built 4 year old split level living room with fireplace, dining room ond ultra mo- dern kitchen. Family room Opens to outside patio. Nice- ly furnished recreation room 3 bedrooms, 4 pc. tiled both and 2 pc. powder room. At- tached garage ond paved rebtis on 0 lovely ravine ot. rooms Fer full particulars edll 723-112 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m Steve Zurbo = Steve Englert Dick Young Lucas Peacock | Tony Siblock Leon Manitius | Jeon Peacock Roy Flintoff. | Lloyd Corson Irene Brown' | GUIDE REALTY LIMITEO -- | Realtors, 16 Simece St. 3. | WHITBY CLASSIFIED | ORESSMAKING: Suits, cdats, dresses, siferations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a specialty. Mrs. Tors, 668-2372. | PRIVA ATE tuition by yraduate of *he Uni versity of London, Engiafd i Latin, En. figh, mathematics. Special Arrangements ee adults. Télephone 068-3864 seer Yanks cleaned, promp! servi Walter' Werd, 4 'Chesnut ieee 6468-2363, West, Whitby. 1934 CHEVROLET, body A-1, good motor, jfires, clean interior "GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and King 23-4733 ond 723-7712 Jone Teen @d. Call 725-9940, Apply 1036 | Cedar Street, - 162 PONTIAC Laurentien 4door, auto Matic, power steering, radio, wheel discs, ~|back-up lights, perfect condition, !ow mileage. Telephone 728-4 $348. VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE ' GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC. SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. (1957 CHEVROLET | COACH $350 or Best Ofter olso V2 Ton Trailer teel Box, Steel Frame 70 GLOVERS ROAD _ USED CAR BARGAINS 1959 CHEVROLET tow truck me tor 1955 NASH METROPOLITAN ° 1956 FORD, two door Set of 2 banks Devileiss Intra- Red lights, good condition ICannon' Auto Body | 335 BLOOR STREET TELEPHONE 725-2973 M ee WANT TO BEA HAPPIER DRIVER? BUY A NEW GAR NOW WIth A LOW.COST LIFE-INSURED a Bxr & EX RARK ies Lid LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA % x ® FA Oshawa 728-0921 jon | KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY = 668-589) Bats bought ond sold Leins paid off Trade up of down Always top quality ~ SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade/up or down, Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723. 9421 ~ BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA yee East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-6 5574 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes @fd Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St |30--Automobiles Wanted OSHAWA Auto Paris and Auto Wreckers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wreck Ing. Telephone 725-2162 or 74 723-4245. "700 CARS WANTED Buying,e New Cor? Sell your used tat to "Ted" Talk "Cash" ta the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars Or trucks we deal up or down. Liens pald off NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. NORTH "| Whitby 668-3331 *| 6 engine rocking herse, other items. Across from vi ke Hote} | HONEST Cai's Furniture and Appliances. Name brands at biggest discounts any- where. We Carry Restoni¢ ahd Beverly |mattress furniture lines. Your authorized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on 424 King Street, West, »ur new home formerly Avalon wence Hall. T lephone 728-9191. TYPEWRITERS, adders, saies, service, fentais and supplies. All machines guar- anteed. Cook's Office Equipment, Richmond Street East. 728-8300. FHREE-plece wainut bedroom sulle and fhatiress, oak dresser, chesterfield and chair. Suitable for cottage. Best offer. Telephone Whitby 668-8588. ELECTRIC mdtor, vA hp, condition, best offer. Telephone 728-1 WALLPAPER at Vo price, hundreds oF patierns in ready-pested end regvier, Buy one roll, get one roil free. Edgar's Palit and Wallpaper, 34 King West, Osh- lawa, STROLLER, | safety gate, bottle warmer, car seat, fire Tele- Gendron, co commode chair, phone 725-7137. CHRISTMAS frees, 7, 2600 Scoteh pine Christmas trees, pruned. Must go Will sell cheep. Fratk Harvey, Blackwater, Onterio. BOAT, sluminum, 14 ff, 18 hp Bvintude motor, y duty trailer, one year old. $950 or make offer, Aftef 6 p.m., Speedy Auto Glass, 299 Simeoe South, 7237495. |1961 KELVINATOR jfelrigerator, white, overtop freezer, condition, To view call 1668-4043, GAS dryer, one year old, new condition, $125. Telephone Bowmanville 623-2826, MOFFAT range, General Electric. 7¥2 cubic ft. refrigerator, rug 15' x 9% broadioom, brown and beige, washing ma- chine suitable for cottage. Telephone 725-9431 RANGE, 6 months oid; relrigerator in Good condition. Must be sold before No- vember a Call 728-2503, SALE of books, from private library, some technical, novels, old school books, Paper backs, Penguins, maps, National Geographics. Telephone 728-5707. CHRISTMAS frees, approximately 9,000 jbeaufifully Prunéd and shaped Scotch |Pine, Now feady for market. Grower, iMrs. Sadié Hamilton, Orono, Ontario. [Phone Ofono 1 R 16. |GOMMARCIAL '¢ deep freeze for sale, in joo") tion, Telephone 728-2013 or | apply 3° Elmprove Avenue. What's My Line? Buying or selling used fur- niture afd appliances. For your neéds phone after 6 p.m. Valley Creek Furniture} 728-4401 or call at the store 16Va_ Bond ~~ Join The Line-Up For The Best. Used Appliances WAYNE'S Used Televisions Used Washers Used Refrigerators Used Ranges | } Wa y 78 SIMCOE ST. NORTH TELEPHONE 723-1411 10! magheti¢ door, Exéelient| ne. Appliances | |36----Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF GEORGE BITTMAN Ail persons having claims against the Estate of George Bittman, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of On- tario, deceased, who died on or about the 9th doy of Sep- tember, 1963, are. hereby notified to send in to the un- dersigned on oF before the 30th day of November, 1963 full particulars of their claims, after which date the Estate will be distributed hav- ing regard only to the ¢laims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 3ist day of October, 1963. gered ie BOYCHYN & HILLMAN 36¥a King Street East Oshawa, Ontario, Solieitors for the Execu- tor, Conrad Cser, IN THE MATTER OF THE GOtATE OF MARGARET EVE - LYN THOMPSON, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA IN dine. COUNTY. OF ONTARIO, SECRE- TARY DECEASED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claire against the Estate of Marg- aret Evelyn Thompson, late of the City, of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 27th day of Septernber, A.D. 1963, ate hereby notified to send full particulats to the undersign- et! On Or befére the 30th doy of November, A.D. after which date the Estote will be distributed with re- gard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have hod notice DATED ot Oshawa, tad 24th day of October, A.D. 1963. DOROTHY MARGARET BUSCH Executrix By her solicito Joseph P. Mangon, 0.¢. 14V2 King Street East Oshewe, Onterio. your)ment with Mrs. One cardinal denounced the Holy Office, the centuries'old' guardian of Rotman Catholic doctrine, as unfair and @ scan- de'. Another catdina' suggested a fellow prince of the church was speaking out of ignorance. An archbishop claimed a coun- cil minority is trying to frus- trate reforms. For centuries the Curia has built up Ms power as. the cen- tral administration assisting the Pope. Bishops outside of Rome have had to deal with the Pon- tiff through the Curia Non-Catholics often have criti- cized the Curia as an example of over-concentrateg authority. In recent years, many Catho- lics likewise have called for Cumia reforms. There have been suggestions such reforms were needed to aid contacts between Catholics and other Chtistians, Paper On Korea " Heard By Solina Group By GLADYS YELLOWLEES SOLINA -- The United Church Women met In the church base- E. R, Taylor, presidnet, in the chair Roll call was answered with the name of a mountain that ap- 2ars in the Bible, Mrs. Harry nox led the devotional period wilh Mrs. Lloyd Broome assist- ing. Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees read the paper on the topic "Korea" as prepared by Mrs. Wes Yel- lowlees. Several United Church Women from Solina, along with others from Enfield and Hampton were guests of Zion UCW recently. Mrs. F, J. Reed of Sunder- land was the speaker. Her te- marks were based on the book "And Their, Work Continues"'. Enfield UCW had charge of the worship service and Hamp- ton ladies gave a vocal selec- tion. Mrs, M. Vice and Mrs. Hi. Yellowlees sang a duet. Zion ladies served refteshmente after the meeting. MILKMAIDS Fifteen "Merry Milkinaids" met in the hall recently. Lois Ashton, the president, opened the meeting in the usual man- ner. The assistant leader, Gladys Yeliowlees, gave a simple dem-|their onstration of curds and whey 2 illustrate a basic principle in cheese making. Lois Ashton, Jean Hancock and Doris Beauchamp made Cheese toastwiches. | guest of the a0 grou in the e was an eniopatle event. PERSONALS Mr. and Mis. Wes Yellowlees were weekend guests ag and was speaker at the Durham County Junior Farmers' chureh service held in Eldad Church on Sunday ht, he Junior Farmers' Quartet favored with two pleasing selec- tions. Harold Yellowlees, president of the Junior Farmers' group, conducted the service Pat Knox was at.the organ. Home & School Talk Is Given At Brooklin By MRS, R. HOLMAN BROOKLIN + Mis. A. Bo librarian of the Brooklin Pub- lic Library, introduced the speaker, Louvella B, Creighton, to the parents and friends at the October meeting' of the Brooklin Home and School Association. Mrs. Creighton spoke on "The Gifts We Give Our Children." A hew-born baby received the the instinctive gifts of love, food, warmth and for a while this suffices his needs. How- ever, the speaker pointed out, as they grow, children #0on need training and learn first by their sense of touch afd sight. When our children enter school they are given the gift to create and then the gift of the power to read. "Never in history,"' said Mrs. Creighton, "has there been such a need for good books." A good book is remembered by a een all through his life and every child should own at least one good book -- some- thing of his own that he can lead through, look at, read end en- joy. There are some people and children who are compulsive readers. They read anytime, anywhere, and anything, and just as the lamb in the pasture disregards the thistles so these; people sort out the thistles in books. The less co) ve readers have to be led to books and en- couraged to read. These people should be given books that will -- their interest, stimulate imaginations and develop their curiosity. Mrs. Creighton pointed out thatthe mark of an eduéated person is not that he knows it roa but that he khows where to find out. Mts. D. Andrews thanked Program On Stewardship Conducted By MRS, FRED PUCKRIN AUDLEY -- Ten ladies met in the chureh for the October UCW meeting. Mrs, G, Astley conducted the Dusiness and the roll call was "Give". Mrs, A. W. Betson read the| >! scripture on the Good Samari- tan and gave the prayer, Mrs. Bert Guthrie read the medita- tion. Mrs. George Squire conducted a program on rearing se pre- senting a skit, "Al Our Living", assisted by Mrs, C, Clemence, Mrs, A. Bell and Mrs, Fred Puckrin. Refreshments were' served, PERSONALS Brian Rapsey, son of Mr. afd Mrs. James Rapsey, was maf- ried on Friday evening, October 4,-in St, Paul's United Church, tested to act at convener of the ONCEE collection of penties by the children, Affangements for the Fun Fate to be held in February Were begun. Ph Walker, principal, -- iefly on the Safeiy P being conducted at poe and asked for the of the parents in ereating co need for the observance of the safety tules by the children. The attendance plaque was won by Mrs. Wilson's eer ten room. The hext meeting will be held November 19. A movie on the te mt of the north and the "Dew Line" will be shown. This should be 6f particular' intefest to the men of the asso- ciation, Parerite will also be able to order books recommend: ed for children's tedding. Dundas, to Mize Grace Dyment, daughter of Mr. and Mts. Bruce Dyment. They ate residing in Norwich, where Brian is on the teaching staff of the Norwich District High School, His bride ig in her fourth year of a Home Economics Honor Cutirsé, at Guelph. Mr, and Mfs. Fred Pucktin| sug and the girls had dinner on Bun. | peu day at the home of Mr and" Mrs, Jack Gale, Alderwood, Mr. and Mrs. C Clemence, and Mr. and Mrs, -B'l! Lawson, jand Linda, visited with Miss ao Puckrin, Oshawa, on WILL MAKE STUDY VANCOUVER Med) =A Uni. versity of British Columbia fessor said Tuesday he will @ teat of researchefs across Canada, studying how to inte- grate Indians in Canadian £0. ciety. Dr. Pg | B. teh me of of the cian Sekai be eed shortly federal government. FIGHT AUTHORITY Berber tribesmen rebelling against Algerian President Ahmed Ben Bella have fought Onjoutside Authority for 2,000 unday, years. irtone Claitton w Chemcell Col Con Bake Con Gon M Con Papet Con Ges f Dist Seno Dom Elect Dom. Stores Dom Tar Dom Ter Dom Text Eddy Mitch Faleon Fed Grain Ford Cde Fruehaut 3 Wares lobe A GL Paper G L Power GN Cep pr Greyhnd Husky_W imp Ol tenp Tob imp Tob an ous al Rothmeh pr 100 $22 300 320 315 8 2070 $13Ye gd 3 1800 $5 538s8, 888 nacsZe p28 soa g233s Sq _g858sbo, Nseg~30% 1000 v Sales to 1) a@.m.; 200 $7! COMING EVENTS 600 $16% 470 $17 2 1 $21% 2" 200. $37 37 me 955 85 2S S71% 71% Tie 405 $174Vn 174 174 10 96% 4 6% 5 $124 13% 13% 2) $10% 10% love 0 $274 2% 2% $240 Be 24m $5 SS HM 1% 1% 7s 25 25 +5 n= $2456 peas 24% 03 nto 2110 $43 nn of the P BAZAAR, tea and home beking, Ukreln ion Presbyterien Church Ladies" Ald. Simooe South. Wednesday, November 1 at 2 p.m, BINGO, Eastview Loe 'Tuesday, 2 pm. Evenre Wednesday, 8.15. ft Pare "eur Prison' terrechinenes: Maa tion $0 cents, Ly) RUMas i bale -- Simooe Street Choreh Hell, November 12, 1.90 p.m. RUMMAGE Sele, West Hall, Sirest Vaie,_¢ Church, ees Neertber 2 p.m RUMMAGE Sale to be ald Tn Bh Stevenson nt Tuesday, Ne Sponsored w North, vernber 12, at 1.30 Bm. cw. ~KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK FREE ADMISSION EXTRA. BUSES ] Nos, 56, 54 BAREY BIRD GAMES KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST, W. 540 $20% ® A WM $B 3 B #10 $256 2 Ba ~ 445 616%. " mt " 2 3% Ne i at THE REGULAR Monthly Meeting Of EASTVIEW PARK "will teke plese on November 12th ot wr: noon in the Clubhouse. All mem- bers ere urged to on 22 102 we HH Sitke tea iat Me 100 7 Wh 250 $240 246 B4Va 260 $37¥2 372 iam Ve a5 814 4h 14 a2 om 2% Py) a7 sm sii 11 1 ¥ wo 8 7% 7% 65 $103Va 103¥s 103% 5872 73) = 73 Rockwelle 200 945% 45% 45% StL Cp A pr 208103 103 103 Selede Selleace Shell Cen spel 1 wh impsons Sleter si Siat St! pr Steel Can $ Prop pr Trans PPL Turnbull Un Atc 2 pr x90 U Cotp A Vendomat vie @ Tr Camfio ee Chi C Astoria Can Bley Chester Chib Kay chime 200 $11 11% 1% oO 19 1 1 310 $16%e a U ssa 100 570 a0 25 Sar ay WS $1036 1098 10% a $20% 19% i WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO Nos, 51, 5: TONIGHT 8. BLM. RED BARN EXTRA BUSES FERNHILL PARK BINGO ot.our perk clubhouse Fernhill Blvd. west of Gibbons 20 GAMES $6 ond i snare 900 ea "TUESDAY, AY. NOV. "2 P.M, "a 7% a ne -~% + 8% nw+ n u" 8% ny n sis gil 10 20 5 375 a Ho 1% is om 8 'fh we , - we oe oe --s5 a4? aay ay mH +3 = fy 90 id "a 165 +1 +4 +2 BAZAAR NOVEMBER 13th 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. end 7 p.m, to 9 pm. BAKE SALE FANCY WORK, CANDY, TEAR HOLY CROSS HALL SIMCOE 5. SLEIGH BELL BAZAAR Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2:30 - 5 p.m. in Knox Presbyterian Church Under the Auspices of the W.A, Tea Room, Home Boki White Elephant, Sale 8. 7 53 $2Ye 22 28Ve + Ve 10¥2 10ve 10 @ Pd #3 145 1° 1S -5 5 1H 14 1 BINGO St. Gertrude's Auditorium AT 8 P.M. 690 KING ST. E. AT FAREWELL FREE ADMISSION Snowball Jackpot $100.«56 Nes. $50 Consolation Reg. Jackpot 55 Nos. $100 $20 Consolation Good Prizes Ly it, ons to, tae " ae " a Pg 000 22 7 BINGO TUESDAY NOV. 12th 7:30 P.M. 20 regular garnes $8 and $10 Shore The Wealth $100 Jockpot 30 nos, $20 Consolation Snowball game $100. 56 Nos, $20 consolation FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL Corner Bloor Street and Edith 580 noe no 20 + 12000 180 179 ne +1 500 Tv s 735 ns" +1 F § 7000 Sie 13% 13-18) ' WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO Wed: Nov. 11th CLUB: BAYVIEW BYRON STREET S., WHITBY Free Admission Jockpot Nos. 58, 81 WATCH WEDNESDAY"S PAPER