14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 11, 1963 BIRTHS BAILEY -- Allan and Marilyn (nee )} announce the arrival of a daugh- Laurie Anne, 6 Ibs. 11 ozs., on Sat- 9, 1963, at the Osh- |. A sister for Shar- on Lea and @ birthday present for mo- ther. BLAIR--Boyce and Jackie (nee Webster) the arrival of their son, Todd Cubs Promoted To Scout Pack At Kedron DAY NOVEMBER 11, 1 By MRS. R. S. BISHOP KEDRON -- In an impressive vember 10, 1963, at going-up ceremony, eight boys REMEMBRANCE t 963 | Brooklin Rebekah Installation Held BROOKLIN -- The regular' meeting of Kinoven Rebekah Lodge No. 353 Brooklin, was held recently in the IOOF Hall, Bagot street, when the installa- ation of officers for 1963-64 were lain, Sister Gloria Bailey; In- side guard, Sister Aino Dejong; outside guard, Sister Dorothy Miner; RSNG, Sister Ileen Thompson, LSNG, Sister Kate Brown; RSVG, Sister Velma eral pieces of embroidery which her son collected in Europe. |DEMONSTRATION The demonstration of 'Qui |tricks in Cooking" put on by the Hydro Commission and sponsored by the Scugog Chap- ter, IODE was successful, Mr. May, hydro manager of Ux- bridge was the master of cere- monies and Miss Elizabeth: Wil- son was the home economic demonstrator. Scugog IODE Meets At Port Perry. BY MRS. CHAS, H. REESOR Port Perry -- At the Novem- ber meeting of Scugog Chapter Independent' Order Daughters of the Empire held recently an installed, Ross; LSVG, Sister. Ethel Or-'¢75.99 donation was made to Door prizes were awarded to Hospital. Special thanks to Dr, Morris) oo' nromoted from the 2lst miston; musician, Sister Guy the following: Mrs, Alfred Pren- and staff on 4th floor. HOWE --- Richard and Doreen (nee Danks) are pleased to announce the birth of @ son, Allan Richard, November 9, 1963, at Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for Beverley. ' HOWSAM -- Harold and Joyce (nee Clements) wish to announce the arrival of their son, Bradley Grant, on Satur- day, November 9, 1963, at Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. A brother for Heather and Lindsay. STELL -- Howard and Evelyn (nee Harris) wish to announce the arrival of their son, Glen Joseph, at awa Gen- eral Hospital, November 8, 1963. A brother for Bruce, Marilyn and Douglas. INTRODUCE your son or daughter with. an Oshawa Times birth notice. The rate is $1.50. Phone 723-3492 and our staff will assist you in writing a notice. c G Troop at the Scout meeting in Kedron Community Hall. Barnett, Harley Davis, Rose the last of the boys who made up the pack when it was origin- ally formed three years ago. iwere George Taylor, Doug McLeese, Brian Jamieson and enjoyed several games, and the Mothers' lunch, ub Pack to the 2ist Scout Ralph Pat! Four of these boys, and Larry Hopkins, were The four other new Scouts} ary Grant. After the ceremony the boys Auxiliary served a UB PACK Cc At a recent meeting of the |2ist Cub Pack Athletes' badges were presented to Paul Walker, Andy Taylor. and Pat Wood- cock, A Swimmer's badge was Id. DEATHS BOX, Harold Percy V. in Oshawa General Hospital on Sener day, November 9, 1963, Harold Percy al beloved son of the late Leonard C. ai jov.| won by Bruce MacD, Gertrude ig icra ear | mip - he brewne nis R Saskatoon, Brian Stark, Pat Woodcock Sask., Sel C. and Douglas *S. Box, . ' * both of Dreceticien Patsy "Grd year.|Andy Taylor, Paul\ Walker, Bruce MacDonald and Allan Bathe were promoted to Sixers Resting a! Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral Home. Service in the chapel on Tues- day, November 12 at 2 p.m. interment Union Cemetery. Corinthian Lodge !OOF | an service on Monday evening at 7.30 p.m. DOWN, Baby In the Oshawa General Hospital on Fri- day, November 8, 1963, Baby Down, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Down! Sta Interment Ebenezer Ceme-|ert MacDonald, (still, birth), fery. FROUD, George Entered into rest in the family residence, 224 Nassau Street, Oshawa, on Saturday, November 9, 1963, George Froud, beloved husband of Mabel Maud Francis and father of Mrs, 0. E. Cole (Lorraifie) and George £. Froud, Oshawa, in his 74th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral |P' just joined the pack are Allan | Walker, dd Seconders, Five new chums who have Richard Fraser, Pat rr, Dale Maschke and Rob- RIZES WON Mr. Percy Mountjoy has en- |\joyed outstanding success this season in showing his horses at the fair. At the last fair of the eason at Norwood, he won four; We pause today, November 11, 1963, in remembrance of all The guests of honor wer es- corted through a bower of car- nations carried by a guard of honor in pink and white for- mals, The Noble Grand, Sister Rilda Ross, welcomed Sister Elspah Dolmage, district deputy presi- dent, of District No, 7, Oshawa West, who was introduced by Sister Ileen Thompson PNG, Brother Earl Geer DDGM, of District No. 41 and Brother Harvey Attwood, Grand Guar- hoor 'of the gg? -- sad her term of office astNG. ntario, were introduced by! sister Dolmage addressed the Brother Russe! Batten, PDDGM) ; fpr f of District No. 41. lodge briefly bringing a mes | : The Honors of the order were|s 5. Edegat beitd a vagrr gis ose ng Arksey; JPNG, Sister Rilda Ross; color bearer, Sister Rob- ena Nesbitt; assistant pianist, Sister Evelyn Croxall; soloist, Sister Norrine Cooper. Sister Dolmage DDP, was es- corted to the centre of the floor and presented with a gift of ap- preciation by Sister Rilda Ross. Sister Rilda Ross JPNG was presented with a gift by Sister Ieeln Thompson, from the o'- ficers serving with her during the Hospital Women's Auxiliary for the Oxygen and Suction Equipment project. The quote of 100 articles of children's clothing for Services at Home and Abroad, was al- most completed. Plans are arranged Marathon Party to be the Municipal Building ember 27th. Mrs, M. B, Dymond gave a report on the semi-annual con- vention held in Sarnia, Ontario which she and the Regent, Mrs. George Rennie, attended. In the past year $1,000,000 was raised by the Order, a good tice was the winner of an elec- tric mixette; Mrs, Melinouski, electric can opener; Mrs, Hugh Espie and Mrs. MacFarlane, hosiery, Mrs, Albert Allen, Mrs. Bernard Koch; Mrs. E, 8. Lin- stead and Mrs. Hill, hairdres- sing preparations from Jessie's Hairdressing; Mrs. Leonard Beadle, a cherry pie and Mrs. Jack Dowson, a chicken casse- role, Preceding the demonstra- tion was a most interesting film, showing the Hydro development of the Niagara area from the pre-power days to the present giganite set-up. for the held in on Nov- extended to Sister Dolmag:>, dis- trict deputy president. Invitations to attend instala- tion of officers were received from Easter Rebekah Lodge, Pickering, Joy Rebekah Lodge, Brougham, Maybelle Rebekah Lodge, Port Perry, Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, Oshawa, Ben- evolent Rebekah Lodge, Whitby, |Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, portion of which was used' Tor Sister Matilda McDonald. Brothers Earl Geer, Harvey Attwood and Russel Batten each brought a message of con- gratulations to Sister Dolmage and her staff and to the new educational purposes and_ soc- ial service. An invitation was received from Viscount Green- wood Chapter, in Whitby to at- tend their 25th Birthday Bridge. WAGES FACTOR Wages and salaries constitute at least 75 per cent of the cost of producing and distributing steel products, o'ficers of Kinoven Lodge, also|\ VILLAGE HISTORY <sorenammt, Mrs. Harold Smeltzer, cura- tor of "Tweedsmuir Village adding an interesting note to the |great work of Rebekah -- Odd- |fellowship. 4 and Welcome Rebekah Lodge, Stouffville, | Following closing of the lodge Sister Nora Maynard, treasur-| approximately 150 members and er, gave the semi-annual report|Visitors adjourned to the banquet and vice-grand Sister Hilda Hun|hall to enjoy a social hour, con- ter, gave her report for hker|vened by Sisters Muriel Fisher' term of office. jand Ileen Thompson. Visitors Following the reguiar busi-\were present from Sunshine History", gave a brief talk on the contents which she is com- piling. There were two volumes from which she read excerpts- notes on the past history of Port Perry. Mrs. Smeltzer made an appeal to the members for any stories she might add to the col- lection. Appointment Only who gave their lives in the service of our country . . . Special tributes. are made for those from Oshawa and District who made ness of the lodge, the insta!la-| Lodge, Oshawa; Pickering tion ceremony was p?rformed| Ajax, in a creditable manner by aPort Perry and Parry Sound. staf' of 24 Sisters from Easter Rebekah Lodge, Pickering, Miss M. Harris thanked the speaker on behalf of the mem- bers. Mrs. Arthur Brock had a display of articles, among which Whitby, Bowmanville, K & R T i ® G Bring the family Pienic Greasée, Canteen "AMILY KARTWAY LTD the Supreme Sacrifice for freedom and peace for all the 'World -- These Sacrifices shall not have been in vain. Pye eel grit il sve in _ mn wot wage Belay gn ce dressed alike in white formals. LONDON, sr a OE were toys, a jewel case and sev- aciieeeaaabeiaaninans jwith the four horses exhibited. One year-old horse has won /14 firsts at 15 fairs. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Osh- awa. GRILLS, Mary (Minnie) Officers installed were as fol- lows: NG Sister Hilda Hunter; VG Sister Reta Delong; record- of teen-agers were fined in court here Wednesday after high-jinx at Guy Fawkes Day celebra- Entered into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday, November 10, 1963, Mary (Minnie) Nichols, beloved wife of, James Grills and mother of Mrs. Harold Risebrough (Helen), Mrs, Harland Wil- liams (Doris) of Oshawa, in her 79th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Oshawa, jory the at 10 a.m. Interment St. Gregory's Cemetery, Oshawa. HILDITCH, Jessie At Oshawa General Hospital on Satur-| day, Nov. 9, 1963, Jessie Hilditch, age 73 years, wife of the late Thomas Hil- ditch, dear mother of Robert, Bow- manville; Leonard, Oshawa; and Bett (Mrs, H. Rowe), England. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, until Monday morning, then at) A, Roy Miller Funeral Chapel, 1695! %. Clair Ave. W., Toronto, for service on Tuesday at 3 o'clock. tmtermeht Prospect Cemetery. (in lieu of fiowers donations to Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated.) | ROBERTS, Helena Mae Suddenly, at the family residence, 229 Perry Street, Whitby, on Saturday, No vember 9, 1963, Helena Mae Boe, be- loved wife of Garnet E. Roberts, dear mother of Lynn, Mrs. E. Young, (Lois), both of Whitby; in her S3rd year. Rest- ing at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the chapel Tues- day, November 12, at 2 p.m. Interment! Mount Lawn. Cemetery. Minister, J. Smith, SMITH, Lula Mae At the Kingston General Hospital, on Sunday, November 10, 1963, Lula Mae Smith, 131 Robert Street, Napanee, wife of the late Albert George Smith and dear mother of Mrs. Leo Howard (Laura), Oshawa; Mrs. Clarence» McCormick (Mildred), Napanee; Mrs. Ed. Calver (Edna), Napanee, in her 77th year. Resting at Wartman Funeral Home, Napanee. Funeral service in the chapel on Wednesday, November 13 at 1.30 p.m, Reverend W. B. Thorneloe officiat- ing. Interment Riverview Cemetery. Rev. LOCKE'S FLORISTS | Funeral arrangements and | floral requirements for all | Occasions, | OSHAWA SHOPPING | CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 jairborne. FERGUSON -- In loving memory of a dear brother-in-law and uncle, Flying |Officer, William George Ferguson, who passed away February 8, 1962. Not just today, but every day, BAZAAR The Kedron United Church Women. are holding a bazaar in the lower hall of the church, on November 14, at 7.30 p.m. There will be . booths _ selling aprons, candy, knitted. goods, home baking, and Christmas and touch and take items. Crashed Jet In silence we remember. Chery! and Shawns HARTNETT -- in loving memory of Flying Officer, Fredrick Hartnett. As angels keep their watch up there, Please God, [ust let him know That we down here do not forget, We loved and miss him so. --Lovingly remembered by Mother, Dad, Marie and Nina, 1945. --Lovingly remembered by Harry, Lynn, | McCANN -- In loving tribute to sul HATCH --A_ remembrance Vda tl | A A |L-Cpl. Wesley Hatch, who gave his life imemory of Pte. William Daniel McCann} - the service of his country, In: World Queen's Own Rifle Regiment, killed in ac-\War Two, November 24, 1944, O} tion in France, in his 25th year, July 29,'Zoom, Holland. | For my son and all Canadian lads Who served and came home Or died for the land they loved, ip. Bergen- Only those who have lost can tell The pain in the heart, without a They knew the meaning of sacrifice ing Jackson; Sister Jane Carson; |Sister Nora Maynard; warden, Sister . Lorna Cooke; tor, Sister Kathleen Rodd; chap- secretary, Sister Annie financial secretary, treasurer, tions Tuesday night led to the arrest of more than 180 persons. The arrests were made after the youngsters exploded fireworks and tossed one another into fountains in Trafalgar Square. conduc- | Through depression years of growing up. So when it came to duty's call, They never shirked at all; Just faced what was ahead 'for them, Wearing a courageous smile, | To make this old Canada a place worth) while. 1 join with all Canadian mothers, That one day there will be; Oh! Canada, our Anthem | farewell; | Thy loving smile so sweet we treasure | still, A beautiful memory we have to keep | And always will. | We have in our hearts a love sincere | For one we held so dear. | --Ever remembered by his wife, sons, brothers, sisters and families. | Not Overloaded TCA Claims MONTREAL (CP)--A spokes- man for Trans-Canada Air Lines said Friday the DC-8 jet which crashed on takeoff in London Wednesday "was definitely not overloaded." "Tt has been ascertained that the centre of gravity was in the correct position, and that there was definitely no overloading," he said, He was replying to remarks by Kostas Trikeriotis of Vic- toria, a passenger aboard the plane. Trikeriotis said the plane} They shall grow not old, As we ore left to grow old; Age shall not weary them, Nor the years condemn; At the going down of the Sun; And in the Morning We Will Remember Them The Remembrance Association Silver Cross Women of Canada Oshawa and District Chapter As it ought to be. 1 may not live to see it, But somehow |! know It will be. A Canadian Flag to call our own, As our lads would want It to be, And prove our Canadians Did not die in vain. --Mother, Vera |. A. Hatch, Army Pension Worker, Oshawa Sitting Bureau. Canadian Baby RAE -- In loving memory of # dear father, L-Cpl. George Rag who died of wounds received in action October 17, 1944, Too dearly loved to ever be fi --Lovingly remembered Edith and Jack. | SALMERS -- In toving m of forgotten. |} by daughter | | OW FUMING GREATEST GANGWAY FOR OF THEM ALL! THIS YEAR'S The New BIG Spectacular ADVENTURE! TARZAN JOHN The Magnificent" WAYNE "DONOVAN'S in Breath-Toking REEF" with GORDON SCOTT in TECHNICOLOR BILTMORE 59 23%. DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M. 4 4 emory 'ot! Flight Sergeant Eugene Salmers, killed! in action June 18, 1943. | His charming ways and smiling fece Are a@ pleasure to recall; He had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all. ~--Ever remembered by Mother, Father, and brother Orest. had 18,000 gallons of fuel, seven tons of freight and "was too heavy." He also said the pilot: tried OBITUARIES three times to get the plane| HAROLD PERCY V. BOX "The pilot made only one at-|_ The death of Harold Percy V. tempt to takeoff," the spokes-|Box, 133 Agnes street, occurred man said, "'but changed the run-|Saturday, Nov. 9, at the Oshawa way to get one with better visi-/General Hospital, after an ill- bility." ness of one week. He was 62. Born in Catford, England, he IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM | CROWELLS -- In loving memory of a dear father, John Crowells, who passed away November 11, 1958. We often think of days gone by When we were all together. A shadow o'er our lives has cast, Our loved ones gone forever. --Ever remembered by son Lorne, daugh- fer-in-law Jessie and grandchildren. CROWELLS -- In loving memory of a dear father, John G. Crowells, who pass- @d away November 11, 1958. Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent is the voice we loved to hear, Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thought to reach. Sweet to remember him who once was here, And who, tho' absent, is just as dear. ~Ever remembered by Lillian, James, Gordon and Bruce : CROWELLS -- In ever loving memory of a dear husband, John G. Crowells, who passed away November 11, 1958, five years ago today We walked together, you and |, In sorrow and in joy; We shared our pains and happiness With love without alloy And death shall never end our love, For through the mist | see Our glad reunion in the skies For ail eternity. |--Ever remembered by wife Eva, daugh- was a son of the late Leonard jand Gertrude Box, later of Fredricton, N.B. ' ' Mr. Box lived in Oshawa for PIERSON -- in | emory of , dear husband ma father, "pred Pierson|the past 38 years and was em- who passed. away November 11, 1957. iployed for .appnoximately 35 jyears at General Motors. He at- tended St. Andrew's United PIERSON -- in loving memory of a Church, and was' a member of dear father and grandfather, Frederick| UAW, Tocal 222, He also _be- Arthur Pierson, who passed away Novem-|longed to Corinthian Lodge, ber 11, 1957. \IOOF --Lovingly remembered . : Rilla, son-in-law Jack. He is survived by three bro- ; thers, Dennis R., of Saskatoon STILLMAN -- In lov' emor : ' ' dear mother, Mrs. Rebecca Stings une Sask., and Selwyn C. and Doug- gy se petite shallard N tig' sve las S., both of Fredericton, N.B. i ver, | Time cannot change thom: iva eee, |A fourth brother, Vernon E., Years that may come cannot sever | was lost overseas in the Second My loving remembrance of you. | World War. | A funeral service will be held --Son George and family. ~ MEMORIALS |in the McIntosh-Anderson Fu- MEMORIALS |neral Chapel, Tuesday, Nov. 12, ter Hazel, son Frank Archie, and = son-in-law by FUNERAL OF GEORGE F. GRANT in St. Gregory's Roman Catho-| lic Cemetery. | | memorial service for HELENA MAE ROBERTS | George Francis (Frank) Grant, The death of Mrs. Garnet E.|who died at the Oshawa Gen- Roberts occurred suddenly at eral Hospital Thursday, Nov. 7, her residence, 229 Perry street,/was held at the Armstrong Whitby, Saturday, Nov. 9. Mrs.|Funeral Home Saturday, Nov, Roberts was in her 52nd year. 19, at 2 p.m. The former Helena Mae Boe,|_, The service was conducted by the deceased was a daughter of|Rev. A. Waolcock, rector of St. Mrs. Maud Boe and the late|Mark's Anglican Church and dre of Branch 43, Royal Mr. Alec Boe and was born at ae i i Seagrave, Ontario. In 1936 she Conedian . Lome.' Interment married Garnet E. Roberts inloshawa, Velen : Sonemey, Bowmanville and from then until! 'The pallbearers were Jack The HELD OVER 2nd WEEK! YEAR'S TOP COMEDY DON'T MISS... © RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT © ADDED FEATURE! ACTION AND ADVENTURE IN "HMS DEFIANT" coor ALEC GUINESS e DIRK BOGARDE % FREE ELECTRIC IN-CAR HEATERS BOX OFFICE OPEN EACH EVENING AT 7:00 P.M. (inc. Sun.) S\- PAULNEWMAN- JOANNE WOODWARD THE PICTURE THAT TAKES A NEW ATTITUGE : ON LOVE! ADULT ENTERTAINMENT /--SMRLMARITIEIEW GAR CHEVALIER... TECHMICOLOR "© TODAY FEATURE DAILY AT: 2:25--4:40--6:55--9:10 @ FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE BEER BELONGS! "Beer belongs," the brewers tell us. Beer belongs? Yes, let us see All that flaunted belongs to: Beer belongs to tragedy, Beer belongs to drunken driving, . Beer belongs to highway wrecks, Bodies bruised and maimed and bleeding, Broken arms and legs and necks. Beer belongs to family quarrels, Hatred, infidelity. Beer belongs to childhood blighted, D d to i ity. her death lived in Whitby. Mrs Pendergast, Benny Forshee and Roberts was a member of St.|Harold Wood, fellow employees Mark's United Church, Whitby.|of the deceased with the She is survived by her hus-|Oshawa Public Utilities Com- band, her mother and two|mission; Donald Iverson, Harry daughters, Lynn and Mrs. E./Brown and A. E. Burgess, repre- Young (Lois), both of Whitby; |Sentatives of the Royal Cana- three brothers, Wilson of Bea-| dian Legion. verton; Orville of Seagrave and : Donald of Bowmanville. There se FUNERAL OF ai four grandchildren. EDWARD O'HARE She is resting at the W. C.| A High Requiem Mass for Ed. Town Funeral Home, Whitby,|Ward O'Hare, who died at the MARBLE and GRANITE Designing, carving, Lettering at 2 agg igh J. Leng, DD, Installation, Repairs minister A t. Andrew's Open Evenings Until 9 a oe Paging Me ont: ° vice. Interment wi in Osh- Oshawa mocument Co. awa Union Cemetery. n ore 7283111 ser A Corinthian Lodge, IO0OF service will be held Monday RIMAR evening, at 7.30 p.m., at the funeral home. |for the funeral service in the Oshawa General Hospital, Wed- jchapel Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 2/nesday, Nov. 6, was sung at the |p.m. Rev. J. Smith will offi-/Roman Catholic Church of St. jciate. Interment will be in|Gregory the Great Friday, Nov, Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa.'8, at 10 a.m, ss The pallbearers were: Ken- GEOKGS N. WILLIAMS _neth Foster, Bill Pawson, Frank TORONTO -- George Norman Chislom, Frank Hickey, Jerry |Williams, 72, retired deputy|O'Connor and Jerry Stabler. HELD OVER- 2nd WEEK! BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! WINNER OF ACADEMY AWARDS! Beer makes dad act queer and foolish, Beer makes mother silly too. Children ask: Why should folks drink it? Beer belongs, that's why they do. Beer belongs to rape and murder -- Bestial crimes of every sort, Beer belongs to jail and prison, Beer belongs to crowded court. Beer belongs to cheapened morals, Stolen virtue, loath disease; Heartache, tears remorse and sorrow, Beer belongs to all of these! Beer belongs to wealthy brewers, Caring not for God nor man, MEMORIALS MONUMENTS MARKERS « MANNS -- In loving memory of a dear! | sister, Pearl Manns, who passed away Sonar tt wae Designed for any need. ae would | give to clasp your 152 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Your dear kind face to see, Your loving smile, your weicome voi That meant so much to me. No one knows the silent heartache, Only those who have lost can tell Of the grief that is borne in silence For the one we loved so well. ~~Sadly missed but always r by sister, Miss Flossie Spencer. MANNS -- In loving memory of a dear MRS. JAMES G | minister of public works and) The mass was sung by Con- Tie desth at be iRILLS chief architect for Ontario, died |signor Paul Dwyer. Rev. M. J. oe leat Be ts. Jame Sin his sleep Sunday at his home/Darby of Ajax acted as deacon Grills occurred after a long ill-|on Hillhurst Blvd. land Rev, A. G. Quesnelle as oa am ae Oshawa General He had spent 44 years in. the|sub-deacon. Present in the sanc- ospital Sunday, Nov. 10. The/Ontario Government service, re-/tuary were Monsignor B. T |deceased, who resided at 369\tiring because of illhealth 10| Kyte f St. Michael's Cathedral. |Pine avenue, was in her 79th! years ago fpaver 02: Bh ASICHAel € hedral, lyear. : f ; Toronto, and Rev. L. T. Me- An expert on heating, light-| Gough of Oshawa She was the former Maryjing and ventilation systems, |. : (Minnie) Nichols an was bornjand a designer of mental al . - | 'Do-It-Yourself at Columbus, Ont., daughter of|pitals, Mr. Williams was inter- = soba . and Mrs. Samuel|nationally known. He was ichols. In 1907 she married|volved in the design of the On-| : ' James Grills in Oshawa, Mrs. tario Hospital at Whitby, Kit Aids Doctors ri ived in Oshawa and dis-|Guelph Reformatory, the Boys' "ih x trict all her life. She was alSchool at Bowmanville and the Peg nc er We uae member. of St. Gregory the | Ginis' School at Gait, and other|way to provide early detection Great Roman Catholic Church. |institutions at North Bay, King- of cancer of the cervix a ma- The deceased is survived by|ston, Cobourg and Brockville. jor killer of women ker husband and two daughters,| Born and educated in Toron- The technique is simple and Mrs. Harold Risebroughit Mr. Williams served a four- inexpensive. 'The cost is about (Helen) and Mrs. Harland Wil-|year apprenticeship as an archi- $2 a person--less than . visit to liams (Doris), both of Oshawa. |tectural student in Buffalo, then a doctor's office. She also leaves three grand-|for four years was with the John A do-it-yourself kit is mailed children and three great-grand-|M. I yle firm in Toronto. ito women between the ages of children. During his government ser-|39 and 45, an age category with Mrs. Grills was predeceased|vice he served wu er 15 minis- the highest incidence of the dis- by a sister, Mrs, P hillip/ters. ease. The patient follows the Harper (Annie) and two broth-| He was a member of the On-|enclosed instructions. and col- ers, John and Samuel Nichols, |tario Association of Architects|iects her own cell samples at The remains are at the Arm-jand an honorary member of the home. : strong. Funeral Home for High|Royal Architectural Institute of! These are mailed to a Johns R quiem Mass at the Church of|/Canada. Hopkins laboratory for examin- St. Gregory the Great Wednes-| He leaves his wife, the former ation Suspicious findings ar- Esvneapohe godE ath Sh in hess.iday, Nov. 13, at 10 a.m. The|Mabel Florence DeFoe, and two reported to the women's doctor } |reward auch' Che an F cane. |mass will be sung by Rt. Rev./brothers, Charles R. nd Arthur|who arranges for further tests, | --Stelle Russel!' Paul Dwyer, Interment will be' Williams, both of Toronto, land treatment if necessary. | CROWLE -- In loving memory of Lenore Crowle who passed away Novem-| her 11, 1942. +Sadly missed by Cousin Bess. Beer belongs to filthy taverns Breaking every legal ban. Beer belongs to gross corruption, Beer belongs to bribe and threat; Beer belongs to all that's sordid! Truly "beer belongs", and yet, If our land to beer surrenders Nor forsakes the flowing bow! Nor condemns it's power to ruin Human heart and mind and soul, Never shall we come to greatness, Ne'er our destiny fulfill, Beer destroys the strongest nation; Help us, Lord, to do thy will, AUTHOR UNKNOWN. VOTE "NO" ON NOVEMBER 23, 1963 Christian Business Mens' Committee, Oshawe and District Box 133, Oshawa through C.B.M.C."' Write us for free bookle---"Christ found me Office f Evenings ce, 723-1002 728-6627 CARD OF THANKS READER -- | wish to express my sin- cere thanks to Dr. Gardiner, Dr. Kimmer- grandmother, Pear! Manns, who passediiey and Dr. Rowsell all the nurses and away November 11, 1959, ward aides on 4F, Oshawa General Hos- We lost a dear grandmother with 8 pital, for their care and kindness to me heart of gold, during my stay in the hospital. | also Who was more to us than wealth untold; |thank relatives, friends and neighbors for) Without farewell she fell asleep, cards, gifts and flowers received. A With only memories for us to keep; | special thanks to Rev. Winters for his We have lost but God has gained visits. Thank you one and all, of the best grandmothers the world) ~--Mrs. Agnes contained. ~-Sadly missed by grandchildren awe ALEC GUINNESS ANTHONY QUINN JACK HAWKINS JOSE FERRER ANTHONY QUAYLE - CLAUDE RAINS -ARTHUR KENNEDY sm OMAR SHARIF « "aur we wrrecme fowee sre _ secmuee er emceme er t PETER OTOOLE « LAWRENCE'. ROBERT BOUT-SAM SPIEGEL: DAVID LEAR | TECHNICOLOR® SUPER La © P PLAYING . THEATRE MATINEE 2 P.M.-- NIGHT 8 P.M, PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT ONLY! H Reader. and) RUSSELL -- Would like to say a big great-grandchildren. thank you to my kind neighbors; with much appreciation for their thoughtful- MANNS -- In loving memory of .our|ness during my lengthy iliness at OGH. dear mother, Pearl. Manns, who passed|The beautiful floral arrangements and eway November 1}, 1959. imany get well cerds | received thrilled me We were always welcome |Deyond words. May the Lord Bless each No matter when we came, one. --Stelia Russell Our mother in the doorway + Always smiled the same. icome RUSSELL -- | would like to express my appreciation and sincere thanks to Oshawa General Hospital, 4F, and 2A, for the good care and attention | receiv- led, many cerds from nursing staff and jother friends. Special thanks to Dr. King) and Dr. Rowsell, two of the best tors janyone could have, for their care and consideration during my recent ilifess, MATINEE : NIGHT ADULTS \ 1.25} ADULTS ._ $1.50 CHILDREN 75¢c | CHILDREN 75¢ ~~ $ORRY --NO PASSES § NO RESERVED SEATS DOORS OPEN 1 - 7 P.M. And since she's-gone, it's not the same, The world is and bare; | like to think when life is done, Wherever Heaven may be, That she'll be standing at the door Up there to welcome us home. --Sadly missed by family.