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Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Nov 1963, p. 8

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> ANN LANDERS Wemen Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor, Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 1191963 7 | Duke Of Edinburgh H&S Hears 'Oshawa Lawyer Donald Dodds ten, Mrs. O. Arsenault; kinder- garten, Mrs. . W.. Smith; Grade 1, Mrs. Paul Kift and |Mrs, Daniel Tureski; Grade 1, |/Mrs, Britt Russell; Grade 1 and [2, Mrs. S. Olin; Grade 2, Mrs. James Hurvin; Grade 2, Mrs. Howard Knapp; Grade 2 and 3, Mrs. W. H. Badgley; Grade 3, Mrs. W. E. Mounce; Grade 3 and 4, Mrs. H. R. Bradburn; Grade 4, Mrs, R. E. Bligdon; Grade 5, Mrs. R. Smith; Grade 5, Mrs. George Gilroy; Grade 6, Mrs. Stanley Shine; Grade 6, The law defines an "'infant" as any person under the age of 21 years, With this opening inemark, Mr. Donald Dodds, a |well-known- Oshawa lawyer, be- {gan an address to the Duke of Edinburgh Home and School As- sociation meeting held recently. Technically this means that at \the age of 19, a young man can {be married, be in business, pay , income tax, and own his own) ee home, but at the same time he is not allowed to sell his home, SIGNING THE REGISTER |vote or cannot be bound to any jcontracts he has signed. Mrs. Donald Brunt. Mrs, Witliam M. Millar, Osh- | He went on to explain a par-| Refreshments were served by awa, and the bridegroom is The Reverend John Porter ent's legal obligation to a child.|the mothers of Miss Sandra the son of Mr. and Mrs. | officiated at the manriage in Westminster United Church of Carrolle Diane Millar and Thomas Yates, Burlington, Ontario, recently. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Some of the parental obliga-|Gaskell's and Miss Margaret ff \tions he mentioned wére as fol-|Patterson's classes assisted by| George Yates, formerly Of |jows: a parent is obliged to/Mrs. William Taylor' and her Oshawa. | support a child up to the age|committee. --lIvreland Studio jof 16 years; parents are not | m2 ld antes t's proven) LODGES AND t > parents in some way) SOCIETIES THE GIRLS WILL ENVY HIM This blonde curly head be- longs to Lyle Emerson Tay- lor, fifteen months old when | this picture was taken. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. | Allan Taylor, Pontiac avenue, and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Taylor, RR 3, Stouffville, near Goodwood, and of Mrs. Walter Davis, Al- tona. Mr. And Mrs. Robert Hunter helped the child perform said} I0DE act; a parent is responsible) for any accidents caused when| child is driving a family car;} parents are-not legally respon-| _ (Prince Philip Chapter) sible for contracts entered into| The regular meeting of 'the by a child under 21 unless they|/Prince. Philip Chapter, IODE,| ' Each Night She Has To Live In New Zealand All Saint's Anglican Church, |Whitby, was the setting recent-|matching jacket, UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES of the AuxfMlary. Plans Hallowe'en party for the were made and the mem also agreed to take a subscrip- ! | KING STREET UCW (Unit: 7) | The October meeting of the! Cheerful Givers (Unit 7) of King Street United Church Women, was held in the lady's parlor. Mrs. Clarence Scott, the lead- er, opened with Hymn 16 and gave "A Prayer for a Busy Woman". Mrs. Clifford Quan- trill read the minutes; Mrs. Al- mond Brintnell gave the trea- surer's report. Mrs. Meredith Moffat played an instrumental. Mrs. Arthur Brown reported for the bazaar committee, the date for the bazaar is Novem- ber 20. Mrs. Howard Brown discuss- ed India from a chapter of the new study book, telling us what India is like today, She was assisted by Mrs. Clarence Scott, | Mrs. Ross Glover and Mrs Lawrence Allen taking the parts of a teacher, nurse and a doc- --Cadieux Studio, Stouffville ing a mink brocade sheath with beige acces- tor. | | Mrs. Allen led the devotional |period, speaking on the bond of | peace. | Mrs, Harry "Palmer and her \group served refreshments. | 26TH SCOUT GROUP AUX. | The regular meeting of the} 26th Scout Group Ladies Auxil-) jiary was held at the home of! tion to the new Scout magazine, |"Canedian Boy", The next meeting will be Wednesday, November 13, at St. Peter's Church Hall and in the future all meetings will be held the second Wednesday of . each month. Mrs. Alan C, Smith, followed by a pot-luck supper. The minutes were read by) Mrs, Frank McDermott and the treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Elgin Knopp, Nominations were held for a new slate of officers, with Mrs. George Peters elected president, Mrs. Knopp was returned as trea- surer and Mrs. McDermott as secretary. Mrs. F. W. Cross is the vice - president, Mrs. V. Varga, social convener; Mrs, Murray Blake and Mrs. Sytnyk, phone conveners. Mrs. Peters thanked the out- & going president, Mrs, Keith Al-/ " derton for her efforts on behalf | DRAPES READY - MADE anion esac NO AITING e Immediate Delivery How's the Time to Beautify Your Home with CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES) M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 DRY GOODS SIMCOE ST. $. AT ATHOL st. WOOLWORTH'S | Super Bakery Specials ly, for the marriage of Barbara|sories and a corsage of orange > BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN KITCHEN! 1 have personally guaranteed the|was held at the home' of Mrs. \child's obligations, parents are|Leo Glover, with the Regent, not responsible for criminal|Mrs. K. R. Wagg presiding. acts of children unless they have| After the reading of the sec- contributed to their delinquen-jretary's report the correspon- cy by parental neglect. _ |dence and the treasurer's re- Mr. Dodds mentioned some ports, Mrs. Frank McCallum of the laws governing marriage|-- the educational secretary -- : is/of children' under 21 years of|reported on the awards which |brother. If this happens, he willlage and explained the property|will be given at the collegiate's be the fifth boy in the familyjact for married women. He/commencements. These will be with exactly the same name. ljended his talk by describing the presented by Mrs, Angus Mite want to give the baby a name/jaws regarding children and|chel) and Mrs. J. L, Beaton } which will be distinctive. What/education. Every child has the) Mrs McCallum also read let. her|return they will stay in Whitby can you suggest--TOO MANY |right to be educated and is en-iters from the pupils at the|father, the bride wore a tull-/prior to leaving for New Zea- Dear Too Many: How's "'Izzy" titled to a free educaton from! adopted school at Eau Claire|!ength peau de soie gown with|land for an indefinite period. and if he's a she, you'll have the ages of six to 16 and up to|- Tibi ja bell skirt; three quarter] Out-of-town guests wer H | 3 peti wep and stated that 145 books and| ; guests were pres a double exclusive. age 21. Mr. Dodds then answer-|" ioe hat oh t to|Sleeves and a scoop neckline. A Dear Ann: This family next|-de several questions presented | Pron ties ne "i siguias visti °| chapel train was attached at door has three children, but the/by the association members. Hé Ce ee the back waist, Her crystal |Ellen Blizabeth Roe, Whitby, to} delight roses, The bridegroom's Robert Herbert Hunter, Brook-|mother assisted, wearing a teal lin, The bride is the daughter|blue and white brocade sheath of Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.|with matching jacket, teal Roe, Whitby, and the bride-|blue accessories and a pale yel- groom is the son of Mr. and|low rose corsage. Mrs. Gordon A. Hunter, Brook-| For a honeymoon in New lin. |York State and Montreal, the The Reverend S. J. Armstrong) bride chose a blue silk shantung, officiated and the wedding music| three-piece suit, with bone ac- was played by Mrs. C. E.jcessories and a bone orchid cor- Broughton, jSage, for travelling, On_ their Given in marriage by - A Different Target yelled "Swede" at a family pic- nic, eleven guys would stand up. I am expecting a baby in January. My husband wants to jname the baby after his Woolworth's Famous ORANGE New Delicious GERMAN Chocolate CAKE || TWIST DO-NUTS 57 ¢ || vw FS SPECIAL PRICES ALL THIS WEEK ! ! PHONE BAKERY ORDERS -- 725-3421 Dear Ann Landers: My wife and I recently bought a lovely new home near an Air Force base. This was a big mistake. Our 17-year-old daughter thinks it's her patriotic duty to go out with every crummy young squirt in a uniform. It's impossible to tell who these fellows: are or what. kind of homes they come from. Polly has a date every Friday, Satur- day and Sunday night with somebody or other. The Lord alone knows who they are. I told my daughter from now| Special This Week! Special This Week! ent from Woodstock, Toronto, olle Oshawa, Napanee, Brook lin, On Armistice Day Mrs. Leo = ; ry Oe ee ee ee ar Pane tee NETCRSE SEE SEED OR ; on she can't. go out with any-| body until I know what his| father does, and something of|for 20 any day. his. family's _ reputation. Fur-| The sorrow of my life is that 14-year-old girl is. the one I'm/was thanked on behalf. of the ' writing about, She could pass|association by Mrs. Frank Jar-|Glover will carry the standard ela: : and Mrs. K. R, Wagg will place The conveners for the even- the Prince Philin _ Chapter's thermore, I want to see some|we never had any children. My|ing's program were Mrs. L. A.|Teath at the Cenotaph, pictures of his home. husband has sort of adopted this|Dalton and Mrs. J. H.. Hobbs.| AS secretary of Services At Polly says I am unreasonable. girl. He says her own father| The businses meeting was\#ome and Abroad, Mrs. H. J. Am I? How else can a father,never paid any attention to her|conducted by Mrs. Walter Kuch, Butler read a letter of appre- keep tab on his daughter's com-|and she needs guidance, The|president. Mrs. Donald Lownie|Ciation for the many books sent panions when they pop up out of|girl has grown.very fond of my|read the minutes and Mrs.|t0 the soldiers in Germany and nowhere and they all look alike?/husband--even brings her re-|Stanley Lockey presented the/SOlicitied volunteers for Hills- --CHOOSY AND PROUD OF IT|port card here before she takes' treasurer's report. The budget/sale Manor on November 15. Dear 'Choosy and Proud: Why|it home. lfor the coming year was ex-|They will be Mrs, Alfred Aus- don't you just tell your daughter Yesterday she carried ever @/plained to the members and|tin, Mrs. J. F. Halliday and she can't go out with a fellow|birthday cake which she baked! was accepted. Mrs. J, W. Girard, unless he brings over his old/herself and gave him a big} The December meeting will] Mrs. J. L. Beaton then read man's financial statement? This| birthday" kiss right in front of|pe held at McLaughlin Public|the regular monthly letter from is what your demands add up|¢veryone. I told him a girl with|iprary in the children's story|Mr. MacIntyre Hood on the to. gg gg ges and that| room |Commonwealth and World Af- The Air Force has all sorts of} My homact Hecah mr age pet Mr. Kelvin James, principal,|fairs, which dealt, this month on young men--which should be no . cay er | lactive with th Scouts, 1)2Mnounced that the report the Political situation in Brit- surprise to anyone who has) cay he wine Bhi 8 Fonts. cards will be issued on the first /ain. lived in the world for awhile. ; \Friday in December. After roll call the meeting You can tell a great deal ae gee ee ised The association voted to closed and a social half hour about a person by listening to)" Rivka' as ... |award bars to outstanding pu-|Was enjoyed him speak for 15 minutes than| ath 'ge T say ae disap-| ils for the coming year. Mr.|~ = by looking at a picture Of his yet aen has made aon ecen|E. K. James described the var-| _ HOUSEHOLD HINT house. ii gid bateoks che A "lin jious categories to be awarded| To keep a dust line from Dear Ann Landers: Boy, do}, void in vour thishand's lhe as follows: Scholarship, Public|forming on the wall at the bot- I have a problem. If you ¢ab) He sounds like a mighty fine| Speaking, Safety Patrol and/tom of pictures, put a thumb help me you are a genius. |eyy and the relationship with|Ztack and Field. jtack in each lower corner of My maiden: name is a very|the girl next door appears to gis Pegi ts | et the -- of Lg frame. = common Scandinavi ee a' vel grade mothers for the year:|provides enough air space be-| m ndinavian one-not}be epen, wholesome and use ful. | norning kindergarten, Mrs. K.|hind the frame to prevent the Anderson, but in the same cate-|Knock off the criticism. : : a gory. I married a great big, -- = Os ~|C, Bissett; afternoon kindergar-'line. health. | Mount Forest and Guelph. tiara held a triple bouffant, shoulder length veil of net. She carried a bouquet of orange de-| light roses. | The matron of honor was Mrs. Wayne Ross and the brides- |maids were Miss Cheryle and Miss Karen Yates. They were dressed alike in cocktail length tangerine crystalette gowns featuring bell skirts, round neck- lines and three-quarter sleeves. The flower girl, Miss Laurie |Yates, wore a tangerine crys- talette dress with puffed sleeves, | and a full short skirt. Their! headdresses were self wedding| rings and they carried nosegays| of bronze and yellow chrysan- themums. | The best man was Donald Alves and the ushers were Rob-| ert Duff and Gordon Hunter. For the reception held at the Christian Education Building, Brooklin United Church, the bride's mother received, wear the federal department of adorable Swede whose last . AMBITIOUS ADULTS! name is the same .as my mai-| den name. My husband has two} You can prepare for a career in brothers and I have four broth-|} -business by attending EVENING CLASSES at the ers. Two of our brothers and| OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE two of our uncles have exactly} the same name. If 'someone oe Classes are held Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Tuition $12.00 per month Stort any week. Individual instrue- tion----PRACTICAL TRAINING, Choice of Subjects: Gregg or Pitman Shorthand, Electrie 2 Manuel Typing--Bookkeeping-- Payroll -- Dictaphone, Comptometer |) Colculetor--other Associated Sub- if jects. 3 Do not Register for these Clasges unless you intend to be punctual ond regular in attendance and pre- pared to do some homework as- signments. FREE LITERATURE 10 Simcoe Street N. Dial 725-3375 STOP AT Ansus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 King W 728-9581 BROADLOOM SOMETHING TOs SHOUT ABOUT We ore proud to present the Circe, the oe. io latest, smartest and most flattering frame you will find anywhere. Superb styling coupled with a. Luma-glow, Jewel-like en- graved browpiece, it makes a shimmering contrast to the crystal lower rim. Extremely light in weight, delightfully comfortable, in a wide selection of colors and complete with ses. It is @ truly wonderful buy at only $11.95 65 OTHER STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM AT THE ONE LOW PRICE OF $11.95, No Appointment Needed LECOFF' SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH U.S. Trade-Mark Registered Opticians -- Over 3,000,000 OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10.00 P.M. 17 BOND STREET EAST, 2nd Floor PHONE: 728-1261 Branches in Mony Principal Cities of Canada ond U.S. WE FILL ALL ocu- LISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT SAME LOW PRICES. HOURS: 9 A.M. to 5 P.M, DAILY CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY SOUND AT THIS SINGLE VISION 11.95 Complete with Fromes Lenses and Cose BIFOCALS 17.95 Complete with Frames, Lenses and Case Repairs at Lowest Prices Psi, ZELLER'S RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS Use Our Convenient Budget Account in Zeller's New Home Furnishings Department for Truly Great Savings EAT EGGS Eggs can a a serving of meat and should be eaten at} least three times a week, says) * e @ J Complete Albums with this MAGNIFICENT Radio-STERED Console ENJOY TRUE STEREO AMAZING LOW PRICE! CHECK THESE FINE FEATURES! e Solid Wood Cabinet 30 in. wide with GENUINE WALNUT VENEER, @ 4 Speaker Sound System plus exira connections for additional speakers ® 7 WATTS.UNDISTORTED OUTPUT, © Fully Automatic 4 speed changer with Sapphire Needles. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 723-2209 RATIONAL BRANDS) -- Founded 1904 © Storage for 30 records ACT FAST! ... THIS INTRODUCTORY OFFER IS GOOD FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY ! "KNOWN FOR VAL PLUS SAVE 20.00 129.00 $20 WORTH OF HI-FI AND STEREO ALBUMS. NO DOWN PAYMENT -- DOWNTOWN OSHAWA PHONE 723-2294 U cid

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