mccain harem Ria cena oa ~Women's : (From Supplement) Activities 'Westminster UCW Looks Back On Active And Rewarding Year "With a total of 10 regular' trieetings during the past year Westminster United Church Women had a very prosperous @nd rewarding year. The meet- ings are held the first Monday of each month with the excep- fion of July and August. *The Turkey supper in the fall @d the Smorgasbord in the early spring are only two of the many dinners and gather- Ings arranged by the ladies. The Valentines Day Tea and Bake Sale was a new adventure this year and it proved very successful. A number of other banquets and luncheons prepar-|gccypied since the first of Sep- ed for during the past year were The Beta Sigma Phi Tea, Cyril Campbell wed- ding reception, Firemen's Ban- quet, Richard Schad wedding ception, Northminster United 'hurch Women, Geoge Lofthouse tas follows: family and employees, Gamma Epsilon of Beta Sigma Phi Founders Day Banquet, duck Supper held at Christmas for the United Church Women " friends of the church, The unn Family reunion, Guide d Brownie Mother and ughters Banquet. and the Northminster United Church Men's Group. Several wedding showers were conducted in the church basement to friends in the community and coffee and doughnuts were sold at an auc- fion sale at the former Lick residence on King street west. The United Church calendars Were distributed to any wish- ing them. The Christmas pot luck supper and gitf exchange was livened by the. appearance of a very special guest being the Reverend John Porter, min- ister of the church dressed as| Santa Claus for the group. There were a number of guest} speakers during the year from different parts, of the world. Miss Josephine" Isaacs, a nurse and native of India spoke on her country in India. Miss Pam- ela Van Renen, a nurse from South Africa enlightened us about her country and Mr. B. E. Lewis, Director of the Chil- dren's Aid Society for the Coun- ty of Ontario described the work he and his helpers are dving here and across the coun- try. Mrs. Howard Brown from King Street United Church as- sisted several of Westminster United Church ladies in a one- act play entitled "Bow Before the Wind". The Hit-Lites, a Sweet Adeline Quartét consist- sg of Rita Boneham, Anna- dane Sharrard, Marilyn Scott and Nancy Fleming were our, anty guest performers during the vear. Small aprons were: to the members and these are to De returned in December with each lady's contribution in tne pockets. The Thornton's Corners La- dies' Group donated dishes and cutlery to our organization as their group broke uo after many years of helpful work around the community. Different functions of the church received donations dur- ing the year. The Sunday School and Choir recived a sum. of money to use as they wish The Bursery Fund fequested a small sum for the Presbytery and the Isaacs were forwarded a small donation for use in Evening Branch St. George's WA The Evening Branch of the Woman's Auxiliary of : St. George's Memorial Church, Oshawa, met on the first and third Thursdays of each month, at eight o'clock in the evening under the leadership of. the president, Mrs. David Hutcheon. The group projects are worship and missionary en- deavor, Pot Knox Church, Oshawa, in the a ieee alae 'jclude a combined Bake Sale, their community in New Delhi, India, Mrs. Kenneth Young, the ceived a little gift as token of appreciation for her time and work she performed while in office as president, Mrs. Ross Lofthouse attend- ed the planning meeting for the World Day 0' Prayer but no duties were requested of our ladies. A number of furnishings were bought for the new church manse situated at 935 King street west which the Reverend John. Porter and family have tember, Representatives to the offi- cial church board are Mrs. Thomas Moorcroft and Mrs. Leonard Carrington, Mrs, Ar- thur Joynt was appointed to the Christian Education Committee and Mrs, Gordon Clark to the Board of Stewards. The presi- dent is automatically appointed as a representative also, The minster United Church Women are as follows: Honorary presi- dent, Mrs. John Porter; past president, Mrs. Kenneth Young; president, Mrs. John Redko; vice-president, Mrs. Leonard Carrington; 2nd vice-pres., 'Mrs. George Lofthouse; treasurer, Mrs. Jack Westlake. Secretaries -- Correspond-| ing, Mrs. Kenneth Brown; re-| cording, Mrs, Gordon Clark; literature, Mrs, Arthur Joynt. Community Friendship and Visiting--Mrs, Nicholas Pascal Cradle Roll Superintendent -- Mrs, Thomas Patterson Program -- Mrs. Clarence \Scott; Social Functions, Mrs Everett Coedy, Supply and Social Assist- ance -- Mrs. Richard Schad. Flowers -- Mrs. Cyril Camp- bell, Mrs. Hugh Scott. Press and Publicity -- Mrs. Ray Hatter. Many thanks are extended to all the members of the church and friends in the community and the Reverend. and Mrs John Porter for their guidance the betterment of West- minster United Church Women. May we as God's children do| our best in the years to come. ST. PAUL'S GUILD St, Paul's Presbyterian Church is located at the corner of Wil- son road and Rogers street in the east end of Oshawa, and was started as a mission Sunday School under the direction of On February 20, 1951, an or- anization of Church Schoo! 'eachers and Parents was form- ed, which was later named the St. Paul's Ladies Guild. This first meeting took the form of a banquet to which the mothers of all pupils enrolled in the Church School were invited. A Cent-a-meal Campaign was organized at this time, and has continued to represent a source of revenue for the ladies' work. The Ladies Guild has a pres- ent membership of 20, and, along with the other groups in the Church, has been working to aid the building fund. Its ac- tivities during the past year in- Dessert Tea and Salon Demon- stration, a social evening, and catering to dinners and to a wedding reception. The present officers are: President, Mrs. T. 8S. Davidson; vice-presidents, Mrs. W. C Mac- present executive of the West.) : past president of the group, re-| 3% Making their home in Osh- awa are Mr. and Mrs Donald Rex Culmore, whose marriage was solemnized recently in College Park Seventh-Day Ad- ventist Church. The bride, the former Dianne Marlene George NEWFOUNDLANDERS WED HERE is the daughter of Mrs, Ruby George of Sarnia, formerly St. John's, and the bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Culmore, St. John's Newfoundland. --Ireland Studio Veronica M. Fisher Jerry St. John Wed Veronica Marguette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Allan Fisher, and Gerald Charles (Jerry) St. John, son of Mr, and Mrs. Jack St. John, all of Oshawa, were united in holy matrimony recently by the Rev- erend N. T. Holmes. ~- The ceremony took place in Northminster United Church. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a white bal- lerina gown with a pale blue, shoulder-length veil of lace se- cured by a satin headdress. She carried a bouquet of red roses. Her bridesmaid was Miss Verna Armstrong of Smithfield, Ontario, dressed in green silk with a small matching hat and carrying red and white gladio- las. Mr. George Fisher, Taunton, the bride's uncle was best man. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Her mother received in a dress of cranberry red lace with black accessories. The bridegroom's mother wore blue with black flowers weré yellow chrysanthe- mums. The honeymoon was spent in Montreal where the McGill University. Mir. and Mrs. St. John are residing at 299 King street west, Oshawa. PERSONALS Miscellaneous showers for Miss Cheryl Hoskin, now Mrs. Richard Lewis, were given by Mrs. Arthur Moore, Whitby, as- sisted--by her daughter, Miss Carolyn Moore; Mrs. Kenneth Lewis, Ajax, assisted by Miss Ween Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 Marion Lewis and Mrs. Rich- ard Lewis; Mrs. Earl McMas- ter, Oshawa, assisted by her daughter, Miss Donna-Rae Mc- Master and Mrs. Donald S. Lewis. Linen showers were given by Mrs, Ralph Fice, as- sisted by Miss Patricia Lingen and Mrs. John Rae, Whitby, assisted by Mrs. Fred Resa. and white accessories, Th-ir|% bride-| / groom's brother is teaching at| 3m This contented mother and child symbolize India's goal to improve the well-being of her citizens through expanding health and development plans. Medical care for mothers and children of every village in India is one of the goals of the government's community development program to revo- lutionize rural living condi- tions through the self-help and community ef'ort of villagers themselves. UNICEF, in one of its most extensive assis- HELP THEM tance programs, has sent sup- plies and equipment to nearly Reverend N. J. nil é z Eat e5F oa e i sent get well and baby con- cards to members Auxiliary Oshawa General Hospital was in the window display downtown. The members will help the French Club for their Night of Cards to be held on Nov. 24, The president asked anyone who would like to get some French reading to contact Mrs. Jean Charles Guay at 194 King street west. 7,000 clinics (1961); and the Children's Fund and the World Health Organization (WHO) continue to work in close co- operation with the government to solve India's gigantic health |¥' problems. In this way, UNI- CEF Christmas cards bring HOUSEHOLD HINT Since the right hand is usual- ly larger than the left, this is the one to try gloves on when ou're purchasing them. If the fit is too tight, gloves will wear quickly, double joy, to the receiver and to the comforted. --UNICEF Photo by Jack Ling Mrs. George Curtis, Mrs. Earl McMaster and Mrs. Bruce Clark were hostesses at a cup LODGES AND SOCIETIES A. E. JOHNSON 0.D. OPTOMETRIST @ EYES EXAMINED @ PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED 14% King St. £. 723-2721 and saucer shower and Mr. and THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 19,1963 7 Mrs. Lorne Hoskin held a fam- ily party at their home in Mrs. Walter elected president. at the an- Branch of St. Mark's Woman's Auxiliary, ers elected were: honorary president, Mrs. Alfred Wool- cock; president, Mrs. Walter Meens; vice-president, Mrs. Al- fredWoolcock; recording secr« tary, Mrs. Ernest Pope; corre6- sponding secretary, Mrs. H. M. Beamish; educational secretary, Mrs. C. A. Keith; social ser- vice, Mrs. J. J. Pugh; living message and bulletin, Mrs. K. R. Kerslake; Dorcas secretary, 'rs, Colin Parks; extra cent a day and united thank offering, Mrs. D. I. Nicholson; press re- porter, Mrs. Colin Parks. Reports were read and also cards of thanks from W., A. House, Toronto, for parcels re- ceived. sheers : z The Junior Auxiliary attended the White Gift service at St. James Cathedral and the Girls Auxiliary attended ser- vice at St. Saviour's Church, Toronto, recently. Mrs. P. S. Lawrence and Mrs, H. M. Beamish will collect and sort the labels for the Golden Book for charity and the Can- ada -Packers labels. A box has been placed at the rear of the hall for these labels. wana and Mrs. Richard Copi-|~* lorne; secretary, Mrs C. M.imrs, FE. Small; Friendship and Hollingsworth; treasurer, Mrs Visiting, Mrs, Frank Owed, I. K, Chalmers; Cent-a-meal treasurer, Mrs. D, J. Munroe; Tea Fund Treasurer, Mrs G. M. Mrs. Earl Landon, Mrs. Burkhart; Press reporter, Mrs | committee, Mrs. R. E Cum.| mings and Mrs. John MacLean, |Co™™unication, The Study Book, ducted by Mrs, Gertrude Penman, titled, "The Church in the Sixties" lead up to the Anglican Con- gress. The Dorcas work under the leadership of Mrs. Robert Clay- ton has packed bales which were sent to the Diocesan cen- tre for further distribution. At our- December Christmas party we had a '"'Money Tree."' The money being used to purchase Christmas gifts for the Rev. Davies and family in Saskatche- wan, Volunteers helped to deco- rate the church for Christmas. Every six weeks four of our members take turns helping in the Tuck Shop at Hillsdale Manor. Our funds are raised by catering to weddings and lunch-| eons. A special project with the} Afternoon Branch is the May Day Sale and Tea. Contributions within the year have been made to Anglican Women's Training College, St. George's Divinity Fund, Church Workers, St. George's Christ- mas Cheer Fund, Mrs. Scott for freight for bales, Downtown Church Workers, Humewood House, Ingles House, Strachan House. Slate of officers for the year:|€TS and a film at our Honorary president, Mrs. Fred Ongley; presiderit, Mrs. David Hutcheon; recording secretary, Mrs. Eric Sorri; treasurer, Mrs. William Jackson; Dorcas secre- tary, Mrs. Robert Clayton, as- sisted by Mrs. R, A, Kenny; literature secretary, Mrs, Ger- trude Penman;: card convener, Miss Dulcie Miller; press sec- cial convener, Mrs. George | MacGregor. Mrs. J. B. Jackson; president, Mrs, Kenneth Markle; 2nd vice- president, Mrs. Carl Morgan; treasurer, Mrs. Gordon Brown; rec, secretary, Neal; cor. secretary, Mrs. retary, Mrs. Chas. Fleming; so-;pert Harrison. Unit 2, Mrs. F. Ward; Unit 3, Three Units Form sey; Mrs. E. Clarke: Bennett;' finance, Mrs. Mrs. A. Fur- manse, B. Boviill, Membership, Mrs. Ralph W t Boneham; nominations, Mrs. E. MacDonald; _ periddicals, es mount UCW Mrs, B. Owen; press and Westmount United Church Women are nearing the end of another year. Under the leader- ship of Mrs. Kenneth Markle we have had three executive publicity, Mrs. program, Mrs. F, Ward; stew- ardship and recuriting, Mrs. G. G. Holbrook; Wherry; ~pianist, Mrs, 'Frank Ward, Mrs, Carl Morgan. and six general meetings, We| have three units meeting once a month Each Unit in turn was responsibie for our worship Service for the general meet- ing. Our studies were taken from "The Rod and the Way," and on 'South East Asia." One of our members was honored with a Life Member- ship and pin, a gift of her daughter, | In May we packed a bale for overseas. Also clothing went to Simcoe Hall and Keene, On- tario. We catered to eight banquets and four weddings, and a hot roast beef dinner in our own me WIFE PRESERVER A simple way to keep grease tex from clogging your drain is to cover drain with a few pieces o* newspaper before pouring church, grease out. This. catches the At present we are working on|gtease, allowing water to drain through. our big project of the year, "A| Fall Bazaar," to be held No-| vember 27. We have' enjoyed four speak- general meetings. | Officers for 1963 are as foi-| lows: Hon. president, Mis | Frank Ward; past president, | Mrs, Percy} Ru-| Mrs. Unit 1, H.' Bennett; 282 King W professional RUG CLEANING , Meens was re- nual meeting held at the Novem- ber meeting of the Afternoon recemly. Other offic- Christian education, Mrs, H.| G.! William Legge: *|Bréwn; flowers, Mrs. J. Harris, | age; Teleohon ing Mrs. G, Wherry; literature and St. Mark's WA Re-elects Mrs. Walter Meens, President Plans for the bazaar were fi nalized. The members will mee be packed for sale at the ba bazaar also, 'ohle at the baz-ar sts. Woolec "The Church in the Sixties". was approved. Mrs. T. A. Boughton and Mrs Colin Parks, the morning of the work meet- ing and make mince meat to zaar. The JA, and GA groups are working at items for the The Mary and Martha groups will also have a esided for the election of officers which followed. Mrs. P. S. Lawrence took.the study book period with the chapter on the composition of the church, from the book The Evening Branch asked for table space at the bazaar for clothes for tiny tots. This Refreshments were served by Blackstock where the w gifts were received. Fellow workers of the bride and bride- groom presented them with wall plaques, Mrs. Gordon Sloan, Lake- Shore road, is flying to Anne- iheim, California, to spend the tiwinter with her son and his family, She will also visit her two brothers and a sister who "llive in Reno, Nevada, and in California, Mrs. Sloan will at- tend the wedding of her grand- son, Gregory Gordon Sloan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Sloan, who are former residents of Oshawa -- Mrs. Sloan being the former Blanche Cooper. Mrs. Gordon Sloan will return to Oshawa in the spring. Mrs. Derek Allen of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church will open the King Street UCW bazaar. All Units of the King Street UCW are combining their efforts in this one large bazaar. Hostesses at the St. Gregory's CPTA Christmas Bazaar Tea Room will be: convener, Mrs. } a ;jentertained the personnel 4|travel agenci Milo Pultz; Mrs. Edward Mc- Neely, Mrs. J. C. Howson, Mrs. Joseph Fournier, Mrs, A. J. Knox, Mrs. M. Byrne, Mrs. Bruce England, Mrs. Charles Roache, Mrs. J. T. Dalby, Mrs. Harold Duquette, Mrs. Spalter, Mrs. James Fudge and others. Pouring tea at the "Festival of Gifts" this week, will be Mrs. Roy Rowsell, Mrs. D. J. McLean, Mrs. T. L. Wil- son and Mrs. B. G, Doherty. The Festival of Gifts is spon- sored by the Oshawa General Hospital Women's Auxiliary, The Jamaica Tourist Board of eth >t CONVENER Mrs. C. D. Russell, a past president of the Women's Auxiliary, Oshawa General Hospital, is convening the an- nual Festival of Gifts at the hospital next Friday. after- noon. Mrs. Russeil's assistant convener is Mrs. Fred Malloy. MAIN INTERESTS dian industry, home economics, This seal is the hallmark of quality in the Rug Cleaning Field. As a member of NIRC, Nu- Way Rug Co, Ltd. have the knowledge and equip- ment to do a thorough, oo tug cleaning o NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. 728-4681 "AN work done in Oshawa by Qualified Oshawa Technicions" Edward Hotel, Toronto, recent- The Federated Women's In- stitutes of Canada is concerned mainly with agriculture, Cana- citizenship and cultural activi- ties. , in the King ly. Mr. John Pringle, Director of Tourism from Jamaica, wel- comed over two hundred guests nd brought warm greetings rom Prime Minister Sir Alex- ander Bustamonte, with an in- vitation to all to visit the island. He mentioned the people of Jamaica were proud to be mem- bers of the Commonwealth of Nations and felt close to Cana- dians. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Collins, from the Jamaican Con- ence Greene. . be held on Tuesday, November; DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND (Lodge 26) The regular meeting of The Daughters of England, "Empress of India", Lodge 26, was held in the Orange Temple, recently, Worthy president, Sister Edna Huband presided, with vice- president, Sister Kay Glover as- sisting. The devotional period was led by Sister Kay Large. Sister Sarah Van-De-Walker gave the report on sick members. Com- mittee erports were given by the secretary, Sister Doris McDon- ald, Initiation ceremonies were conducted for new candidate. The draw prizes were won by Sisters Sarah Van De Walker, Doris McDonald and Ann Coul- son, Refreshments were served by Sisters Sarah Murray, and Flor- The next regular meeting will 19, REBEKAH LODGE tions were received from Ajax Rebekah Lodge for November 12, and = Stouffville Rebekah Lodge for November 19. The report on the sick members was read by VG Sister Frances Cornelius, several sisters were reported ill, and Sister Vi Ben- nett and Sister Margaret Henderson are in the Oshawa General Hospital, A special invitation was ex- tended to Brooklin Rebekah Lodge to attend our next lodge meeting, and a cordial invita- tion is given to all Rebekah members to attend our next meeting on November 11, and spend a social hour with us. The treasurer's report was! given by Sister Louella Pine and Sister Marie Elliot. The various committee reports were given. Officers were reminded to be in attendance by 7.30 p.m. at nd next meeting on November Some interesting suggestions and lively discussions took place Greeting Cards Christmas Come in soon and select --ENLARGING Color or Black & White with tentative plans made for the fall and winter season. Sunshine Rebekah Lodge No. 222 held its regular meeting recently with Noble Grand Sis- ter Elsie McPhee presiding, assisted by Vice Grand Sister Frances Cornelius. NG. Sister 30 DAYS OVERSEAS (OCT. Ist -- MAR. Ist) $312.00 ROUND TRIP AT FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) Elsie McGhee expressed her pleasure at the good attend- ance. Lodge was conducted in the usual manner, The secretary's report and the correspondence were read by Sister Tory McGee. Invita- duced as guests. Mrs. Walter Branch and Mrs. Clifford Henry of Oshawa, with Mrs. John Mitchell of Whitby were pres- em at the reception. Mr. Stewart Sharpe was the com- mentator during the showing of a film of the island. He told his audience, Jamaica now has its own airline connecting Mon- uniformly. During the recep- tion, guests were entertained by a bare-foot calypso singer from Jamaica, with the unusual sul Office in Ottawa, were intro- name of Lord Jellicoe. Sauternes MEDIUM DRY peoovces 6F CHATEAU-GAI WINES LIMITED qeneaea PALLerCAmAOh PHONE 728-6201 PHOTO SERVICE 728-1619 251 KING ST. B. call ROSS MILLS (local "Free Pick-Up "Over 75 Years' Experience" Your local Agent ... ROSS E. Co. LTD. SIMCOE NORTH Those nice men from Ross Mills came.back again this year to see that our rugs get their annual pre-Christmas cleaning. They'll do the job just right too! | remember last year... they brought our rugs back looking so fresh, clean and room-brightening right | was abso- lutely amazed! You should try BAKER'S... fastest, most completely satisfactory rug- cleaning job you've even seen! "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL". agents) to-day for the & Delivery" BAKER Cleaning Co. MILLS (@FEUROPE'S FQMB SEASONS. An adventurous tour in the sunny lands 6% Southern Eure 4@: MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE. An Live the gay life of SOUTHERN EUROPE on CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESS TOURS 21 carefree days as little as '211 See Portugal, Spain, Italy -- sunlands of Southern Europe-- on Canadian Pacific Empress Tours. There's one just right for you! Right places. Right price, Save up to $162 before you start with Canadian Pacific's 21-day economy fares, Look at these sample tours. 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