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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Nov 1963, p. 11

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UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES EUCHRE RESULTS At a euchre party held re-| cently at North Oshawa Park! leadership training day to be clubhouse the door prize was THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 20, 1963.1] ING HAIR AGES "long hair adds age to any TORO (f'P)--Gus Caruso,|face." He adds that backcomb-, it it n ots is out--gently' won by Mr. Thomas Martin. 2 aye Soo ap ae pe Rebel & (BR is the Other prize winners were;|wear their hair short becausslmode. ladies' first, Mrs, Betty Janes; ladies' second, Mrs. Ruby Fish- er; men's first, Mr, Bert Gren- non; men's second, Mr. Edwin Janes; ladies' low score, Mrs. Florence Green; and men's low score, Mr. Fred Goodman. MARGARET HAMILTON GRP.| The UCW Sunday is Novem- The regular meeting of the/ber 24, It was decided to have Margaret Hamilton group of'St.|a pot luck supper for the Christ- Paul's Presbyterian Church was|mas meeting on December 10 at held recently at the church with|6.00 p.m, Members were asked 12 members and one guest pres-|to bring a gift marked ladies or ent. gents for the Mental Health As- The secretary's report was/sociation. read by Mrs. Johh Gulenchyn| The merry-go-round bazaar s jand the treasurer's report by|is November 20 at 2.30 p.m, in Mrs, Fred Malloy. Centennial Hall, Mrs, Alex Brodie gave the) 4 very successful white ele: 7 \Bible Study, Psalm 37 verses|nhant sale was held after the 1-20, meeting. Mrs. Harold Buckler During the business meeting,/and group served refreshments, plans were made for a rum- mage sale to be held Novem-| ALBERT STREET UCW ber 20. The regular nome & age Street UCW was held in the ee ee pnp ipa todd friendship room recently, Mrs, Donald McDonald. James Scott, president, opened The next meeting will be-held|the mecting with a poem, "I at the home of Mrs. H, W. Sheri-|Shut the Door on Yesterday. dan in the form of a pot luck|Unit 1 was in charge of the luncheon. devotional period and Mrs. Her- man Laxton read a paper en- KING STREET titled "Little Things." | (Unit 2) y | Mrs, Clayton Lee read the The November meeting O!/minutes and Mrs. Percy Bov- Unit (2) was opened by Mrs./elle gave the treasurer's report. Wellington Trainer with a read-/Mrs, William Downs read the ing consecration. |correspondence, Mrs, Arthur The devotion was in charge Allman reported on the old of Mrs, Harold Buckler. The|fashioned tea, Mrs, Sam Gibbs 25th chapter of St. Mathews 30th|reported on catering and Mrs. to 40th verse was read by Mrs.|Harry Longbottom on cards Wellington Trainer, Mrs, Wil-|that had been sent to the sick) 1; Mitchell read a verse "Oldjand bereaved, Mrs, James) | Friends". , Scott gav3 the literature re-| HOUSEHOLD HINT ® T C | @) Gold A 1 |" The secretary, Mrs, George|port. Mrs, George Sanders and) A little borax added to the 0 oup e N en nniversary Twiddy, read the minutes and|/Mrs. Gordon Shemiit, gave a wash water will give glassware the treasurer, Mrs, William Mit-|report on tie Presbyterial meet-|an extra sparkle. Mr and Mrs, Altred Bickell,/th, opposition and Mrs. Die-- Mr. Dan Bickel! and Mrs.|chell, reported on finance, Mrs. ing held recently at NeWlON- | aes Martin road, Bowmanville, cele-fenbaker; Russell C. Honey|Bickell flew from Winnipeg for|Norman Legge reported she had ville. brated their -- Pigg wee aa te Mrs. the occasion to give his grand-|made 23 hospital calls and 15) Three delegates were Gorge sid niversary on Saturday, Nov. 9|Honey; W. R. Strike QC andiparents a c ee , | ; Bert atrect at the at toay hie where they re-|Mrs. Strike; | Leonard Relig complete surprise. home calls. to represent Albert Street ceived many relatives, neigh-/MPP for Eglinton, Toronto; | bors and friends. Mr. and Mrs.|Mr,. Albert Taylor, Local 222 Let Lander-Stark Bickell were married in Black-|Oshawa, Mayor Ivan Hobbs and and enjoy all these benefits: held in Northminster Church. Names were drawn for chang- ing of the units to take effect in January, Unit 3 will be in charge of the December meeting. Unit 4, hospital visits; Unit 5, Hillsdale Manor; Units 3 and 1 shut-ins. Refreshments were served by /Unit 1. KING STREET UCW | Unit 10 of King Street United Church held: its regular meet- ing recently. The president, Mrs. Roy Lee, opened the meeting with a min- ute of silence in remembrance of those who gave their lives for our country, followed by prayer. The UCW church service will be on November 24, with the Reverend Floyd Honey as guest speaker, also a ladies' choir. | Members were reminded of the Ohristmas Merry-Go-Round bazaar on November 20, in the Centennial Hall at 2,30 p.m, | | Miss Mary MacLean led in) N the devotional period. | U- ay A social half hour brought) R Cc ug WO. the evening to a close, with Mrs, J Oy, ans : Roy Lee serving refreshments, ) (deat Wang Limited 174 MARY ST. ry OM 728-4681 | q FOCCR' BIG SAVINGS -- UNIFORMS FOR THE LADY WHO DRESSES IN WHITE . sold te.us by the UNIFORMS REGISTERED IT'S A | FACT! Yes, Nu-Way hes pers. over 50 rolls of car- sn a pos pet on display. No ioned bottles. matter what type of "AT THE carpet you want, you svone . AT will be able to see it YOUR GpoR", ot... DIAL 728-6241 4+ + + Women r the non- keble easy- UCW * MR. AND MRS. ALFRED BICKELL --Courtesy Canadian Statesman Family Presents 50 Gold Sovereigns stock. Mrs, Hobbs. The bride is the former Nancy, Among the many guests were Dean, daughter of the late Mr, |Alec Carruthers MPP and Mrs.| and Mrs. Seth Dean and the|Carruthers, W. R. Strike QC bridegroom is the son of the|aMd Mrs. ~..ae; Mayor Ivan late Mr. and Mrs, George|Hobbs and Mrs, Hobbs, Mr. and Bickell. Mrs. eee aa Law- Re eee ign: _|rence ason x on Mrs The bride of 50 year Oe» re |Mason, Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott, ceived in a black' sik dress,/Mr and Mrs. Ted Morris and with green flowers and wore 4!Donald, Mr. George Vanbridge, corsage of yellow roses manager of PUC Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Bickei) havejand Mr. John James five children, Mrs. Richard Wil-| In the evening the family and liamson (Dorothy) Toronto; friends gathered for a mock Mrs. Isobel Johns and Dean|wedding and dance at the home Bickell, Oshawa, Jean andjof their daughter, Mrs. I. Johns, Lorne at home. They have|Oshawa. Master of ceremonies eight grandchildren and nine!'or the occasion was their great-grandchildren. grandson, Fred Johns who read Open house. was held in the|telegrams and congratulations. afternoon from 2 to 5 p.m. The|Old time music was played by guests were received by the|Scotty Smith and Willie Fuller- family. ton who play for the Old Coun. The tea table was decorated|TY Club, Oshawa with. gold and yellow chrysan-| Guests were present from To- themums centered with gold/Tonto, Grimsby, Lindsay, Kin- candelalbra and a three-tier) mount, Newtonville, Port Hope, | cake decorated in yellow and|Peterborough, . Hamilton, Osh- gold. : awa, Whitby and Hespele Tea was served from two} \ 424 SIMCOE ST. S. Savings of over ¥2 Price:on some uniforms . . Factory, makers of one of Canada's finest Uniform lines . . . we are offering obout 100 ONLY at this low, low price, so please shop early for the best choice. . . big price reductions ere due to slight imperfections in @ few of the gorments, while the majority ere display sdiled and discontinued models. EACH @ Automatic Fuel Deliveries MATERIALS:--WASH & DRY COTTONS SIZES:--6 to 42 (some 12 sizes) REGULAR PRICES:--8.98 to 11.98 SALE PRICED .ccccosecceeeneen WIN UP TO $100.00... ASK FOR FREE DRAW TICKET WHEN YOU'RE IN OUR STORE WARD'S Free 'round-the-clock' Emergency Service Free Annual Furnace Cleanout li and courtesy Expert work hip, cl Furnace Parts Replacement Plan for only 13.95. PHONE 725-1151 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 31 SIMCOE ST. S. Ross Westlake, oldest niec» of Mrs. Bickell and Mrs. Mabel , a long time friend of| the family. They wore corsages of pink and white carnations, Serving was by Mrs. George! Vanbridger, Mrs. Lorne Chap- man, Miss Vera Hance, Miss! Rose Palmer, Mrs. Daniel Bick- ell, Mrs. Fred Johns and Mrs Dean Bickell. Many beautiful gifts and flow- ers were received; among them fifty dollars in gold sover- eigns from the family. and a beautiful bouquet 'from the Town of Bowmanville, Messages of congratulations were received from Governor) General and Mme. Storewide . . - Family-Wide : Covistinas PARTY This is your opportunity to let BARONS' play 'Santa'. to EVERY member of the family . . . Mom and Dad 9 buy new fur- nishings for the home for Christmas... and get FABULOUS FREE GIFTS for the Younger Members of the Baomily!! SPEND $50.00... $100... or more . . and with each purchase get YOUR CHOICE of WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS from BARONS' JOIN BARONS' CHRISTMAS PARTY -- NOV. 21st to DEC. 14th PARTY SMASHER...SATURDAY ONLY FOAM PADDED SEATS STACKING STOOLS Assorted colors. 2.98 Value Limit 2 Per Customer FIRST COME FIRST SERVED ADULTS ONLY 1 ia ea bs eben Acai ace EA, LIMITED QUANTITIES. YOUR CHOICE = and Mrs: Carruthers; Michael| Starr MPP and Mrs, Starr; Mr. John Diefenbaker, Leader of PARTY SMASHER... FRIDAY ONLY FLOOR TO CEILING POLE LAMPS 14.95 volue . . . Limit 1 Per Customer FIRST COME FIRST SERVED 4 TI ADULTS ONLY--LIMITED QUANTITIES. .... EA. "We FREE! | FREE! YOUR CHOICE YOUR CHOICE @ Electric Road Racer Set @ Chatty Cofhy @ Deluxe Trike PARTY SMASHER... THURS. ONLY FOAM DECORATOR CUSHIONS 1.69 Value... Limit 2 Per Customer FIRST COME FIRST SERVED, 19° ADULTS ONLY--LIMITED QUANTITIES. EA. FREE! YOUR CHOICE @ Turkey (ay. 15 tb.) @ Barbie Doll with extra set of clothes ©: Silver Plated Coke or @ Dell Prem Relish Dish : @ CCM or oe % Bauer Skates @ Tiny Cathy B vd EQUIPPING LAB GUELPH, Ont. (CP) -- Dr Marion Packham, former Uni- versity of Toronto lecturer, is| equipping a research laboratory | at the Ontario Veterinary Col- | lege here to study the protein aspects of hemophilia, a blood cisorder characterized by ex- cessive bleeding. IN TOWN @ C.C.M. Bike (boy's or girl's) @ Electric Train Set with purchase of OR MORE at BARONS' : Select fine Furniture by Nationally Known manufacturers in- cluding: Kroehler, Sklar, Gibbard, Andrew Mal- colm, Liberty, Simmons, Marshall, Knechtel, Deil- a with purchase of with purchese of craft, Cooey, Heirloom, Lane and many others for OR @ BEDROOM @ HOSTESS CHAIRS | fe MORE $ -00 OR SUITES @ LAMPS OF ALL ' MORE CHESTERFIELDS KINDS with purchase of DRUGS 28. KING STREET EAST 723-4621 OPENING EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. KITCHEN SUITES END TABLES RECLINER CHAIRS @ CEDAR CHESTS And a Vast Selection of Other Fine Christmas Gift Ideas ' DINING ROOM = @_- MATTRESSES SUITES @ COFFEE AND 424 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH. vats panunie PHONE 725-8551

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