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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1963, p. 6

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| WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West a Say mo Manager: John Gault Tel. 668-3703 By CLIFF GORDAN Whitby Dunlops will be gun- ning for their second win in a COUNCILLOR, TANNY EXECUTIVE DISCUSS SPA Coath at Lions Club Charter Night Saturday to d:scuss the possibility of a Health Spa in The Canadian Executive of Vie Tanny Enterprises met with mayoralty candidate Paul row over the Georgetown Raid- ers tonight as they host the / Georgetown team at the local '\arena with game time called ? \for 8.30 p.m. The Dunnies racked up a very convincing 8-0 victory over the Tribute To IFK, Don Summerville Paid By Mayor Whitby Mayor Stan Martin, in a trembling voice, paid tribute to President John F, Kennedy and Toronto Mayor Don Sum- met'ville at the Lions Club Char- ter Night banquet Saturday. "They were both felled in the prime of their lives." His Wor- ship said. "Mr. Summerville, Dunnies Riding High Play Raiders Tonight ; THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 25, 1963 5 ». CLUB CALENDAR Raiders in their first- meeting of the season. This did not sit lightly with the brass of. the Georgetown team and word has it out of Georgetown that they have planned some new strate- gy to halt the high-flying Dun- nies, In the meantime the Dunnies, under their new coach Bob Wright have picked up three points out of a possible four, pn a win and a tie in two starts. Coach Wright had his team playing very well here on Fri- day night as they picked up a 9-4 win over the Schomberg Bears. The Dunlops record for the season now stands at 3 wins, two losses and two ties for 8 points, jut two less than front- running Neil McNeil Maroon. The Dunlops have been get- ting a lot of mileage out of some of their defencemen. Wayne Mayhew is one of the whom I knew, was on the threshold of a great political future. exists in the world, by their people. Both died show-) urer; Mr. Coath; and Johnny |ing the love they felt for their Sanelli, Vice-president. | people. re| --Oshawa Times Photo | 'We may never sce their like Whitby. (J. to r.) John Valen- fine, President; Sylvia (Mrs.) Valentine, Secretary - treas- COATH PROMOTES Vic Tanny Seeking Spa Site In Whitby Vic Tanny, America's most,Canadians visit the Tanny famous bodybuilder and health' spas in the United States every magnate would l'ke to locate aj year. : | 50-acre "health spa' in Whitby.) "It would mean an increased John Valentine, President of| revenue for the Town of Whitby. Vic Tanny Gyms in Canada,|All of the foods, drugs, cloth- revealed Saturday that his boss|1n8 blankets, i Py a was '"'keenly interested in Hs fs nN gai from local ting up a resort-type spa here) . . oe cumpatabie to one at Grand| 'But most of all," he con- | rn | i i fami|Cluded, 'it would place at the oe ae yg oe {disposal of the youth of Whitby He pcinted to Councillor Paul|ie adv fs Pincus Kirmeb oon Coath as the man who encour'; "Mr. Coath, in his nomination- aged the Tanny Company (0/r.mayor address last Thurs- coneliss Wealthy, lday, stressed the need for a "We considered Guelph for|youth program in the town, He| some time before turning t0 pointed out that there were no Whitby," Mr. Valentine sa:d./facilities for the training 0!| "Mr. Coath visited me at thelyoung people here, and be-| Toronto headquarters and moaned the fact of so many 0: pointed out the advantages Of/them showing up in Juvenile Whitby as a site." Court. | "I want it here for a pumber' Mr, Valentine assured the of reasons,"" Mr. Coath explain-/Couneillor that the Tanny staff - ed. "It would give the town ajwould be at the disposal of any) higher degree of commercialjyouth centre contemplated) ere, remove some burden from the|Mr. Universe and a graduate of| individual taxpayer." New York University, and John- He continued: 'It would putiny Sanelli, a former middle-) Whitby on the map. People|weight boxer and presently a from political, theatrical, legal,/minor league hockey coach in and business fields visit these/Toronto." spas regularly, | Mr. Valentine confessed 'that "It would encourage and aid|the spa itself was a private our Federal Government'sjresort geared to putting the "Buy Canadian " campaign be-|"middle-agers .and up' back cause as it now stands many|into proper physical condition. WHITBY PERSONALS St. John's Anglican Church) WA. annual bazaar will be held Wednesday, Nov, 27 in the Sun- day school hall. Those in charge of homebaking are: Mrs. Tenny- ; son Thorndyke: Mrs, Arthur|2%d son-in-law, Mr. Gower; Mrs. Emest Northam,|! @n Dutton. Aprons, fancy goods and miscel- Mr. and Mns. Doug Allan en-! Jancous: | Mrs. Martin Gould-/tertained at their home on the burn; Miss Olive Goldring.| occasion of Mr. Allan's birth-| Mystery packages: Mrs. Harry| gay. Approximately 15 couples Watson; Mrs. Seymour Whitney.| enjoyed dancing. 'The hostess Tea tables: Mins. Dan Birbeck; |-erveq a buffet lunch ' Mrs. Sheldon Watson. Kitchen: Meee | Mrs, Edwin Larsen, | Mr. amd Mrs. D. I. Trumbley ; and family, formerly of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Euing of/Goderich, have established resi- Port Perry celebrated their 23rd dence at 429 Palace street wedding anniversary Sunday, Their friends wish them happi- Nov. 24. For the occasion they| pecs in their new surroundings. | will be dinner guests s.| | Euing's mother Mrs. Edith Har-| Friends of George Donnithorne ris, Palmerston avenue. jare extending him their belated' happy birthday wishes, Mrs. Alex Towns n, 121 Byron} |street north, is now home after| |spending a week in Don Mills, where she visited her daughter, and Mrs. Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doug!as Reynolds is celebrating Roger, son of Mr. and Mrs.) his 13th birthday today, Nov. 25.|J..E. Pugh is celebrating h's His companions of nA Hutchi-/first birthday today. Dinner son School and friends wish him) gus sts for the occasion are} a happy birthday. grandparents Mr, and = Mrs! Mrs. G. Kent, 205 St. Peter/George Hulcoop, Toronto and) street, is opening her home to-|Mt. and Mrs. S. Pugh, Rose- day, Nov. 25, to the St, John's|9@nk and local friends. -- cop Ruth WA mem-| Gail, daughter of Mr. and ens for their meeting. |Mrs, Gerald Ravary under. Mr. Kelsey Thompson, 211;Went a tonse'ectomy operation} Euclid street, celebrated his|@t the Oshawa General Hospit- "birthday Sunday, Nov. 24. His)! her friends wish her a friends wish him many happy|SPeedy recovery. | returns of the day. Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Volker, 1104 Green|Mrs. Carman Lucas. is cele- street, is opening her home)brating her fourth birthday to- Tuesday, Nov. 26 to the mem-/day, friends of the family wish bers of St. Mark's United|Louise many happy returns Church Women. Unit No. 9. of the day. HELD OVER -- HELD OVER | BROCK NOW PLAYING -- One Complete WHITBY Show Starting at 7:30 P.M. ERE TRUE...TURBULENT... TREMENDOUS! 23> MUTINY ON THE §:« aml BOUNTY FILMEO IN ULTRA PANAVISION 70°- TECHNICOLOR® Pd | ~ AN ARCOLA PICTURE | essment, This would uce|here. ". . . and that includes/speak," Mr, Valenti - the ratio as it now mahds "and fellows like Tommy Sansone, |eq. sak wad jagain. It has been a sad week and to get back into good physi-/for alll of us." : cal shape. | The Lions and their guests ob: "They are allotted private|served a damp-eyed minute of rooms and their diets are rigid-|Silent respect. ly controlled over a_ period of two or more weeks. | MEC r "They are assigned exercises | US@ ee hig designed to tone muscles and| sc ' reduce waistlines, Sunbathing) BRUISES | @.. INFECTIONS rooms and pools are available Mecca, a favourite family ntn to them, feature massage and) ointment for over 60 years "We steam rooms and provide our) quickly heals minor wounds : recognized experts in massage) {thins sntises: "But we are vitally interest-\and muscle tone." | tic. Sold at all ed in the youth of today, and) "Before anyone enters the! 'ue counters. especially in Mr. Coath'sigpa he receives a thorough! guy mecca ideas." He described his owN)medical examination from aj /n tin or tube teenage years "on the | fringe igcal (we prefer) MD. After he} of street bane. both in England'i, admitted he enjoys all of the| ~~ a pel sor oe, Al facilities I have already men-| Aside from Mr. Coath's over-|,; hi ; tures: wh did the. Van tioned, plus whirlpool and min- bed y ¥leral baths. There are always organization choose Whitby? Vanes | viene 4 a doctor and a dietician on the) It is a small town near a premises," I big city,'"' he replied. 'People can come here and get away NOT MUSCLEBOUNDERS One-Stop completely from the big city), National magazines have! atmosphere, It is accessible by|given the impression that Vic) DECORATING land, water, rail and air. It is a)Tanny is a builder of muscle- growing town and we were in-/bound men, Is this operation | formed that there was a good you propose for Whitby going deal of suitable land here." to produce big muscles? | PROMOTE WHITBY "No, this is an operation en-| Aside from the reasons Mr.|tirely apart from the Vie Tan-| Coath has given, how do you|"Y Gyms. Mr. Tanny is much propose to help Whitby? jmore interested in health of the| "We advertise in every|average guy than the physiques } e major paper in the United/f a few. : | States and Canada, and even in|__When do you propose to begin Europe. We would put Whitby|°O"Struction? | on the map, Promote it, so to|..\ We would like.to start in| the early part of the spring,| providing we can get the land He added: 'We expected to em.|qestion straightened out." ploy. a number of local people| in this venture. Of course we} will provide our own experts in| some fields but we will need a fulltime doctor, barber and hairdresser just to name a few, There are also a great many semi- and unskilled jobs avail-| able in maintenance, cafeterias. and so on. "We expect to cater to any-2 where from 50 to 200 persons living at the spa each week." | What are some of the fea- tures of a spa? | ADMISSION: ADULTS $1.00 -- STUDENTS (with eards 50¢). 'It is a place where both! MINOR HOCKEY: CHILDREN 25¢. men and women come to rest Qu a SHOP @ Wallpaper and Murols @ Custom Draperies © Broodloom and Rugs Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Phone 668-5862 Decor Centre 107 Byron St, S., Whitby © WHITBY ARENA ° WHITBY DUNLOPS JUNIOR "BY" Councillor PAUL COATH for MAYOR Four consecutive years of experience in civic affairs. Finance, "Mr, Kennedy had already at-|when he takes the notion, He tained the highest office that|has a hard shot and is very "They were great men, loved| blue line. @ C.I.L. Paints and Varnishes |) Monday, November 25th -- 8:30 P.M. $i GEORGETOWN RAIDERS ; more robust lads on the local Whitby Baptist Women's Society; FRIDAY, Nov. 29 3 MONDAY, Nov. 25 for Christian Service Red Cross Senior Citizens' Social St. Andrew's Presbyterian in bgt of Canada Whitby; Club rict Association i FD ge eon ogy SATURDAY, Nov. 30 Salvation Army Bi ies WEDNESDAY, Nov, 27 Salvation Army Timbral Brig-- Whitby Baptist Church Ex-|St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chil-| ade plorers dren of the Church Salvation Army Young People' Vimy Ridge LOBA No. 639 Women's Institute Band 3rd Scouts and Cubs All Saints' St. Andrew's Presbyterian Anglican Church THURSDAY, Noy. 28 Church Jr. Choir Castle Chapter Sr. Group Whitby Baptist Church Cub : St. John's Anglican Church Ruth Packs WA Salvation Army Women's Home SCUGOG St. Andrew's _ Presbyterian League CLE ANERS Church Young Women's Group}. Whitby Chapter Order of the & Shirt Launderers TUESDAY, Nov. 26 Eastern Star No. 248 FREE Pick-up & wirtg Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club Christian R e formed Church PHONE 668 { Faith Baptist Church Jr. Young| Ladies Society Work and Pray 4 People - a aS Red Cross work room Salvation Army Cubs 2nd Ajax, Pickering, Whitby Asso- ciation for Retarded Children Royal Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary ee take United Church Unit 0. With A Vast Experience ln Municipal Government And Matters Pertaining to Si, Mark's United Chureh Unt the Economy of this Municipality 0, jdefence core. He is a big strap- |ping fellow that can really move dangerous from just inside the FOR MAYOR OF WHITBY | | CAST YOUR BALLOT | MONDAY DEC. 2nd © Efficient Management © Progressive Leadership VOTE DESMOND NEWMAN 1 Again offer my services ST. JOHN'S W.A. in Council BAZAAR & TEA Cor. Brock & Victoria Sts. WED. NOV. 27th | 2:30 - 5:00 P.M. 1 ASSURE THE ELECTORS OF WHITBY OF FIRM & CONSIDERED SUPPORT IN THE DELIBERATIONS, GUARDING THE RIGHTS OF CITIZENS b | Ask For A Vote Of Confidence At The Polls By Electing Me To Council Miscellaneous Articles, Mystery Packages, WM. DAVI DSON Fish Pond, Grab Bag, ¥ Home Baking, Aprons, Fancy Goods, HIGH an DRY ON: SIDEWALK SLABS - Brookin Concrete Products Li: \ immediate Delivery PHONE | HiT | WO eee W. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Ample Parking Planni Labour Rel By-Laws, Annexetion negotia- tions, PROPOSALS FOR 1964-65 COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT for a-better tax balance and to lighten the load on Whitby Home Owners. STIMULATION OF HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT Make full use of Whitby's greatest natural asset, PAY-AS-WE-GO WITHOUT STINTING Realistic use of the tax dollar, CONCRETE PROPOSALS FOR THE BEAUTIFICATION OF OUR TOWN Tree-lined streets with concrete sidewalks. A 3-year pro- gramme for street paving. WELFARE OF THE PEOPLE | "Parks where the people are", for ALL boys and girls. MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1963 VOTE & ELECT | COATH, a A counselled programme TOWN OF WHITBY POLICE DEPARTMENT Invites TENDERS FOR SALE of 1955 Harley-Davidson SERVI CAR MOTOR CYCLE Sealed Tenders will be received up to 5 P.M. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6th For Sale Price of above unit as is, Available for inspection ot the TOWN OF WHITBY Police Department Any or highest tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders must be addressed -- MOTOR CYCLE C/O G. R. RANKIN CHIEF CONSTABLE, TOWN OF WHITBY, POLICE DEPARTMENT ; 405 DUNDAS STREET WEST, WHITBY, ONTARIO. Facilities You don't have to play a sport to be @ good sport 110 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-3410 GOOD SPORTS Support home town sports, HOME TOWN SPORTS SUPPORT THE LOCAL SUPPLIERS OF FUELS and BUILDING SUPPLIES SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 BROCK ST. S$, DIAI. 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT WANT ADS HOLD THE KEY TO EXTRA CHRISTMAS CASH GEORGE'S FINA. SERVICE Tune-ups. Licensed Mechanic Free Check-Up Enjoy Carefree Holiday Driving PICK-UP & DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY CALENDAR -- of -- Weekly Events! SPORT This Programme Presented By The Local Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! THIS WEEK'S HARLEYS Service Centre T % FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY HOCKEY Licensed Mechanic Majo rand Minor Repairs Metropolitan Jr. "'B' League Monday, Nov. 25, at 8:30 p.m. Georgetown Flyers vs Whitby Dunlops Rambler, Trailer, Sales and Rentals FINA CENTRE MERCHANDISE 668-8211 1101 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY WHITE'S B.P. 616 Brock St. N. at the Whitby Arena. Whitby Meson ges Thursday, Nov. 28, Away Game, Whitby Dunlops After Noes ORY: at Brampton Flyers. Game at Brampton Arena. GENERAL REPAIRS Whitby Mercantile Hockey League--Sunday, Dec. 24 HOUR TOWING 1, at 12 noon Durno's Garage vs Flemming's Shell LICENSED MECHANIC Station at the Whitby Arena, At 2 p.m. Arena Sun- oco vs Ottenbrite's Men's Wear. FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY OPEN 7:30 A.M, -- 10 P.M. SKATING AT WHITBY ARENA Wednesday, Nov. 27, 8 to 10 p.m., Adults only. Friday, Nov. 29, 8:30 to 10:30 Adults and Children. Saturday, Nov. 30, 2 to 4 p.m. Children 14 years and under, For Home Delivery of Ontario County's Only Daily © Newspaper PH. 668-3703 FIGURE SKATING AT WHITBY ARENA Saturday, Nov. 30, 10:30 A.M. to 12:30 p.m. Chil- dren's Skating Classes at Whitby Arena. Blair Park Plaza Barbershop WHITBY NOW HOOKER & SONS LTD. No. 7 Highway, 3 miles West of Brooklin General Motors Dealer For .CHEVROLET--OLDSMOBILE : CHEVROLET TRUCKS 2 BARBERS CORVAIR i oe Pg ov re BROOKLIN 655-4811 'yeorieter M. THERAULT Wins niaRRSRRIRENERER CRS IONE

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