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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Nov 1963, p. 18

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Tj ee November 27, 1963 ONE OF THESE DOLLS WILL BE CROWNED 'MISS GREY CUP' Somebody has, to choose Miss Grey Cup from this group of eight lovelies, seyen of whom arrived in Vancou- ver by eir for the week-long Grey Cup activities. From left: Penny McKloski, B.C.; Carol Erb, Saskatchewan; Carolyn Press, Montreal; Josephine Kerr, Winnipeg; Dalene Hen- derson, Edmonton; Kari Jon- assen, Calgary; Tanya Borden, Toronto, 'and Cheira Crepin, Ottawa. Pamela Paxton, Miss Hamilton Tiger-Cats, flew in later, --(CP Wirephoto) Lions And Ti-Cats Are Even Choice In Grey Cup Wagering VANCOUVER (CP) -- In the East oddsmakers have made British Columbia Lions slight 'favorites to win the Grey Cup) football classic Saturday. In the West they lean slightly toward Hamilton Tiger-Cats. Hamilton coach Ralph Sazio declined Tuesday to make a prediction, other than to say it Will be a close, wide-open game --if the field is in good condi- tion. Hamilton president Jake Gau- @aur said he figures the odds et about 5 te 65--take your choice. B.C. Lions coach Dave Skrien| gays B.C. must be considered the underdogs. "Smokescreen," Bazio. "Psychological warfare, " paid Gaudaur. Everybody seems to be commented closely matched the game which starts at Empire Stadium at 4 p.m. EST Saturday--and is tele- vised by Canada's two major inetworks--will be close. ISN'T IMPRESSED Sazie arrived with his team by air Tuesday. When told of Skrien's underdog remark he said in an interview he regards this as a "smokescreen." "He could say something like that, considering that Hamilton has come into the Lions' den. "Tf he (Skrien) wants to make Lions the underdogs, that's all right with me." He said he figures the game to be chose, if the field condi- tions are good, If conditions are bad, anything could happen. "The game will depend. on which team is more aggressive and which team gets the breaks." Said Skrien: agreed that with two teams so "I don't feel we can't beat them. But on the basis of what ms happened we'll be under- 5." hat happened was a 38-21 vietory by Ticats over Liens in their interlocking game Sept, 21. No one can ignore than 17- point spread in predictions about Saturday's Grey Cup final, says Skrien, Defensive coach Jim Cham- pion, however, has pointed out that Lions fumbled to a three- touchdown disadvantage in the first 22 minutes. "And when that happens," Champion said, "you might as well load the chairs in the wagon, mama, because ehurch is gut." "They're a team we seem to have. difficulty with," Skrien said Tuesday. "They play mighty tough foot ball, They. were always strong this year when they had to be. "But so were we." U.S. TV Interested Canada Football VANCOUVER (CP) -- Jake Gaudaur, president of Hamil- ton Tiger-Cats, said Tuesday there is a 50-50 chance that Americans will be watching Ca- madian Football League games mext season. Gaudaur, here for the Hamil- ton-B.C, Lions Grey Cup game Gaturday, said in an interview two networks and two compan- tes who produce sports shows for TV are interested. Gaudaur and Herb Capozzi, general manager of B.C. Lions, are a Canadian Football League committee charged with inves- tigating the possible, sale of Ca- Rn football to American Gaudaur said some decision on the matter will likely be taken in the first quarter of next year. He said American telecasting would help the Canadian Foot- ball League in two ways--pro- vide revenue and help in re- cruiting, The matter of scheduling was being given some thought. The American Football League had benefited by tele- casting games immediately after National Football League telecasts. It was thought Cana- Americans showed some hesi- tation about Canadian Football because it uses three downs compared to four, Gaudaur said. But he analysed the 14 east- erm conference and NFL games of 1962 and said that on offence the Canadian game was gsupe- rior, The Canadian teams had more first downs, more touch- idowns, more yards gained and more yards rushing. The NFL completed more passes but the Canadians attempted more. Gaudaur said that at first there would not be much rev- enue for the league from Ameri- ean telecasting, Exposure of the game to American viewers was important at first. Recruiting' would be helped because when Canadian teams attempted to hire some Ameri- can college players the latter sometimes fear they would lose their identity here. With TV ex- posure this objection could be overcome. OLD COUNTRY SOCCER SCORES dian football would receive sim- ilar benefit by telecasting im- mediately after U.S. college games on Saturdays. USE TIME LOG Under this plan use would be made of the three-hour time dif- ference between east and west. A 2 p.m. game in British Co- lumbia would be telecast at 5 p.m. in the east while an 8 p.m. game in the east would be shown at 5 p.m. in the west. Gaudaur said the ABC net- work, which will carry the Grey Cup game, "doesn't have to be gold." The sports director of! NBC also was interested. LONDON (Reuters)--Results Windsor Team Signs Book Of Condolence PRAGUE (CP) -- Windsor Bulldogs went to the United States Embassy here Monday and signed the book of econdol- ence in tribute te President John F, Kennedy, slain Friday in Dallas, Tex. The team flew here from Mos- cow Monday and had its first workout in Czechoslovakia the next day. "There is a difference be- tween night and day compared with Russia," playing-coach Joe Klukay said in an interview. "There's a new spirit among the players. I saw it immedi- ately after our arrival. "The workout was the best since we were in Canada," The Canadians play Brno to night, Bratislava on Thursday and Prague on Friday. On Sat- urday they fly to Dresden, East Germany, for @ game and re- turn here Monday. Bu s played the first six games of their tour which he- gan Nov. 12 in Russia and lost all six games. They are up to full strength except for centre and team-cap- Comparison Of Grey Cuppers In Statistics TORONTO (CP)--Here is a statistical comparison of Ham- ilton Tiger-Cats in'the Eastern Conference and British Colum- bia Lions in the Western Con- ference based on official statis-|! tics of regular season play. Averages per game are brack- eted, Hamilton played 14 games, won 10, lest four. B.C. played 16 games, won 12, lost four. WAM css BRy ccons Pts seared 312 (22) 387 (24) Against 214 (15) 232 (15) Rush yds 2,043 (146).2,877 (180) Rushes 488 (31) ise (GH Average 47 Pas'g yds um im: 3,100 yn Attempts 356 (22) Complete a (ia) 190 (12) Per cent 61.4 53.3 Average 16.9 16.2 Int by opp 2 15 First downs 237 (17) 305 (20) Rushing 91 (7) 146 (9) Passing 126 =6(8) 140 (9) 20 Ong 119 (8) (7) 4,721 (337) 4, oe (303) 41.8 Average 41.8 THANKSGIVING DAY lpr ee Green Facing Lions Again DETROIT (AP)--Green Bay Packers are quitting the tradi- tional series of U.S. Thanksgiv- ing Day games at Detroit--but Detroit Lions have one more chance Thursday to spoil a holi- day for Green Bay fans. The Lions banished Green Ba: 5 holidey cheer last Thanks- ~td by dumping the National Fe. 'oatball League's Western Divi- sion leaders 26-14. The Packers still finished first but the Lions 'on in embarrassing style, con- pouall throwing quarterback tarr for losses. gs een is in a better position to ruin the Packers this Season, since a loss would all but knock Green Bay out of the title run- ning. the Pockers, with a 9-2 rec: Phil Esposito Leads Scorers DETROIT (CP)--Phil Espo- sito, stylish left winger of St, Louis Braves, squeezed into top t in the Central Professional Hockey League scoring during the weekend. Esposito holds a one - point lead over Bob Cunningham of St. Paul Rangers with 28 points on nine goals and 19 assists, Cunningham has seven goals and 20 assists. Gerry Quellette of Minneapo- li Bruins is in third spot with 26 points, one better than team- mate Jeannot Gilbert and Al Caron of St. Louis. Caron is the top goal scorer with 15, Marcel Pelletier of league- leading St. Paul is the only goalie in the league who. has Feoorded a shutout and he has three, SHOOT AT DUCKS TO SAVE THEM EDMONTON (CP) -- The Alberta government has modified iis hunting regula- tions in an attempt to save ducks and geese from freeg- ing or starving to death. Norman Willmore, minis- ter of lands and forests, announced Tuesday that re- strictions on shooting game birds within 100 yards of the shores of rivers have been rescinded until the end of the hunting season Dec, 14. It is hoped that gunfire will frighten the birds into continuing their southward journey to warmer climate. Bay Packers ord, are on the heels of the di- vision - leading Chicago Bears,|La who have a 9%-l-l mark. The need three victories and a Chi- fam aan?) nthe and Yale out (Mp Fy but Poyhy eago loss to win the division title. Thursday's battle pits the/to NFL's toughest pass 'defence against one of the most rapidly improving passers in the league. |da Detnoit's Earl Morrall, who completed just 34 per cent of his passes in his first five games this season, ha com pleted §7 per cent 'tn the last six games, NEARS RECORDS And Morrall is closing in on two team records. He needs six touchdown passes break Bobby Layne's mark of 26 in a season and he needs less than 400 yards to break Layne's sea: son record yardage total of 2,403. Both records were set in a 12-game schedule in 1061. The Packers, in latest NFL statistics, are the best at break, ing up pass plays. They have allowed opponents to complete just. 47.1 per cent of thelr passes, fockey League defeated Fort Detroit's pass defence has Wayne Komets of the Interna- been hurt in recent games by|tional League 7-1, in an exhibi- ful starters, ay Apne Vince Lam- Green bardi says pda te w me missed most of last Sun- 4) ame one a finger was in his Claiming tha db Par A Day pF hme at otra doar a Ay time men poo Bi ee rl 'eed has been gg for years to get out of ie hie convinced NFL commis:| woste: sioner Pete elle that A pd toumme shbuld tab borne ploy ams shou e ng at Detroit on Thanet Bay. Day, The Thanksgiving Day me is the only reawer season NFL game which always has pares lo ges crowds and a tionwide twlevision audience." CANADIENS WIN : FORT WAYNE (AP)--Mont- frei Canadiens of the National F.P.S. = FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRACTICAL SANTAS FAMOUS PRODUCTS SOLD FOR PARTICULAR SHOPPERS FUN--PREMIUMS--SAVINGS FOR PRICE SAKE FOR POWERFUL SPECIALS FOR PERFECT SELECTIONS FANTASTIC PRICE SLASHING FINE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE | WATCH THURSDAY'S PAPER NO WHERE ELSE 3t > > 3b Ot ot 3b Ot oF IM knee ligaments, tain Lou Bendo who has torn + of soccer games played in Brit- ain Tuesday night: English League Cup Fourth Round Workington 2 Colchester 1 Scottish League Division I E Stirling 1 Airdrieonians 2 ; Friendly Match Coventry City 8 Kaiserlauten,| West Germany 0 POSTPONE GAME WASHINGTON (AP) -- The |Army-Navy football game at| Philadelphia has been postponed! 'for one week to Dec. 7. FEMALE DEER HUNTER SHOOTS RECORD BEAR DANBURY, Wis. (AP)--A 635-pound bear, shot on a deer bunt by a 16-year-old school girl who admitted she was scared to death, way be the biggest ever bagged in Wis- consin, conservation euthori- ties said Tuesday, "I walked right up on him," said Linda Lunsman, a high school junior, "'de was half in his den and half out, He was looking right at me. I got scared. I backed up a little ways. Then I shot him." The bear, on a lumber company's scales, weighed 635 pounds--some 25 pounds more | than the unoffieial state rec- | ord -- and measured seven | feet, % inch from end of the | nose to the tip of the tail. Linda was deer hunting with her father and brother about three miles from their home. Linda had shot her deer the previous day and was assigned to drive deer so that other members of the party could get a shot, Suddenly, she came upon sig bmg bear and killed with a single shot to head: " vs THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR IMPERIAL Impressively Light! Impressively Right! PERIAL NIHLAYWIAa NO SAVATY SLNNAODSI Just Anything Can Happen In NEW YORK .(AP)--Commis- sioner Pete Rozelle announced 11 different. playoff ibilities in the National F wens le six different clubs. Chicago Bears, 9-1-1, and dna Bb ee Packer, wind oben play at 1 uf poss: Slee 2 ao resins of ¥ tions of le woway" ties. Cleveland, St, Louis, New York ld be in- Pp game, now set for ished I pect week to a Ln 5, in the home city of the western winner, Each team has three to play. ae aS remote it was not considered @t this time. Cleveland, New York and St. Louis are tied for first in the east with 8-8 reoords. Pittsburgh -- is a a some back with a 63-2 r Orioles Trade Jim Gentile To Athletics BALTIMORE (AP) -- Jim Gentile, the moody slugger yi the Baltimore Orioles, was traded to the Kansas City Ath- letics Tuesday. for Norm Sie. bern, The Orioles also mgs | oyer an undisclosed amount of cash to the Athletics in the swap of first basemen, The trade was the second big one for the Athletics this month. They swapped second baseman Jerry Lumpe and pitehers Dave Wickersham and Ed Rakew to the Detroit Tigers fer heavy hitting Rocky Colavite and Nov, bility of 8 four-way "ah y e east is so gad Bob Anderson on OODsVEAR SERVICE injuries to defensive backs Dick tion. game Tuesday y night, GOODFYEAR THE ONLY TIRES WITH LIFETIME ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE = ee semen ov on vn ALBUM THREE ROBERT GOULET|€)|LEONARD BERNSTEIN MORMON TAB ANDREWS NORMAN hepa ISAAC STERN PERCY FAITH ify] YOU'LL ENJOY DEALING WITH SPECIALISTS! STORES CHOI ENE 0) STY MINSTR ¢ Columbia LP, 12" Hi-Fi © 20 favourites by 11 great artists © Limited Edition, Get yours now! SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER ONLY COMPARABLE T0 4.20 VALUE SPECIAL! CANADIAN WHISKY by HIRAM WALKER REAL EYE-OPENERS NOW ONLY WITH NEW G.W. DOWN $100 1955 BUICK 2-door hardtop with automatic transmission and radio... smart Turquoise finish. 1-YEAR USED CAR WARRANTY PAYMENTS AS LOW AS 5.43 w PER EEK Ontario Motor Sales ii. THESE 2 SENSATIONAL | OFFERS EFFECTIVE § 295 <Thu:. Only > NOV. 28th, 1963 9 A.M, till 9 P.M. FIRST COME-- FIRST SERVED 1957 PONTIAC 'With powerful V-8 engine and radio, Smart two- tone yellow and ivory finish, Clean as @ pin. ony $695 ONLY WITH NEW G.W; 1-YEAR USED CAR WARRANTY DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $100 | 10.26 week EEK 140 BOND ST. WEST 725-6507 Hot-Shot Anti-Freeze cacon 2.39 USE OUR CONVENIENT LAW-AWAY PLAN FOR XMAS GIFTS ZENITH RADIOS TONKA TOYS DUNELT CYCLES PEDDLE CARS WERLUCH TRIKES .. APPLIANCES, ETC. 'SERVICE 162 KING 725-5512 -seee from 13.95 ... from 29.95. / ...e. from 2.98 from 42.95 from 15.49 STORES ST. EAST 725-9351

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