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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Nov 1963, p. 8

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| fon on Saturday, January 25,\tients and the hospital etaff.|various ways when the new club ST. DAVID'S AUX. which is to be held in the CRA | ROUPS Al J XILIARIES 1964. A committee was formed|Mrs. Lunn showed an arm strip|is formed. | The monthly meeting of the/December 9. at 7.00 p.m. A | F '" to make arrangements for this|which will be presented to the) The knitting convener, Mrs.|Ladies' Auxiliary of St. David's\penny sale was held which jevent,.Mrs. Paul Nolan and Mrs,|candy stripers when 'they 'have|Earl Matthews reported receiv-|Welsh Society was held the everyone enjoyed. ANN LANDERS | OGH AUX |Learmonth, read her report. A\Bruce Affleck will be in charge|completed fifty volunteer hours|ing two baby sets from Mrs./| of Mrs. Fred W is,| The next meeting is to he held 2 of arrangements for the Decem-|service. A dinner to honor these/John Hunsdale who had kn eadow crescent. The presi-jat the home of Mrs. Pattrick ning Chapter lreport from Mrs. Douglas Cle-| , } m-|service. A. no ag hewn 3 tig chair-|mens, convener of the recent ber meeting at which there will/girls is being planned for Janu-jthem for the auxiliary. Mrs./dent, Mrs, Jack Russell, pre-|Ohappel!, 809 Rowena strect, on . ' | A paaee " ; 'ash-| be an exchange of gifts between|ary. Andrew Chrisomalis, sewing|sided. Th. inutes wer oad) 2 Sc A \man, presided at the regular|fashion show, "Flight into Fash-| z : | , &|sided. The minutes were' read) January 14, 1964. Dad Dr inks, Mom olds , pelt of the Evening Chap-/ion', was read by Mrs. Heney, rem i oe Mrs. Eric Sutherland reported |convener.. announced» that she/by Mis. Robert Andrews; the) Refreshments were served by lter of the Hospital Auxiliary.|who commented on the out-) . a Yithat new toys are to be pur-|ine an stad Gennes vs pet gy _ eek the esl! ads ce ==seeural -|Mrs, Grove Sutton. The report|---- mie j j will make arrangements for the Mi eae terae \Mrs. Heney showed a large red|standing success of this project. |W! : : , the to: rts | r 2 7 |Annual Meeting Installation Din-|Chased for use on the toy ca |tact her, jon the sick was given by Mrs. | HOUSEHOLD HINT ; i ich had been won by; Mrs. Eric Sutherland, vice- 1 t : é Daughter Is Desolate gg: oe 'a Hospital Auxiliary| president of the Evening Chap-|ner which will be held in Janu-|for the pediatric wing. Mre.| A report on the afternoon|Pattrick Chappell. Mrs. Tom! When cleaning closets, shelves i \for first prize for their display|ter, gave a report on the con-| ary. James Hepburn, corresponding|meeting was given by Mrs. A.|Roche reported the annual do-|and drawers, the dusting brush Dear Ann 'Landers: Do youjslosh around on the floor, twitch|at the convention held at the| vention, which she had attended! Mrs. C. R. Lunn reported on|secretary, reported sending two|W. Armstrong, president of the nation of the Welsh doll 'Cun-\and crevice tool of the vacuum know what it's like to have your|a hip or lift a finger, make a|Royal York in October. as a delegate. : jthe teenage volunteers, the|cards to members during the Women's Hospital Auxiliary. win' to the hospital on thejcleaner are especially useful for own mother tell you she hates/move like a duck or a monkey; Minutes were read by the) Mrs. Colin Ashton will con-/Candy Stripers, and said that|past month. A letter was read Mrs. Heney adjourned the occasion o° their bazaar. emoving dust accumulations the sight of you, that you makelor a horse. This they call danc-/secretary, Mrs. G. H. Jackson.|vene the annual dance which they are very capable and arejirom Simcoe Hall's Boys Club| meeting after which coffee was Plans were competed for the|from surfaces, corners and 'ee tick toher stomach and sheling, | The treasurer, Mrs. Russell'will be held at the Jubilee Pavil-'certainly appreciated by the pa-lrequesting volunteers to help in'served by the committee. |children's Christmas ' part y,'crevices. wishes you were never born?} Do you have any observations - Well, I do because I hear it al-jon the subject? If so I'd like most every day. At night when'to hear them.--CLASS OF '47 | I go to sleep my pillow is soak-| Dear Class: You're a little ing wet out of date, dad. The trance like My grades used to be good, dances--the Monkey, the Horse but this: year they have slipped and the Duck--are out. The lat-| badly because I can't concen-jest is the Tennessee U.--and it trate on anything. Can it be looks like the fertility rites of! that my unhappiness is driving an African bush-tribe. | me crazy? When I get up to| What does it all mean? Beats recite in school I shake like a me. leaf, and I forget everything. Dear Ann Landers: My hus- Don't tell me to talk to my|band was converted to my re-| father. He has been an alcoholic jigion six years ago when we} for as long as I can remember were married. After going to} and he makes no sense at all. church with me regularly for} In two years I will be of legal two years he suddenly quit. He age and can leave. home. But now insists religion is a lot of| what should I do in the mean-/hooey, a crutch for ignorant time? Please help me.--MARY people who find it easier to be- Dear Mary: Your mother lieve in black magic than to p \ ~ 4 j z R / sounds like an emotional wreck reason things out. , \ - i y 4 --whith is probably the result of I've gone from one doctor to -_ ; eth , ; your father's drinking (or another trying to find out why maybe he drinks because she's | can't get pregnant. (My hus- so difficult), At any rate it's a hand has been checked and he * ; ' aed vicious maze and you are js all right.) The doctors all say , é tr d. it's probably my nerves. F . fei to your favorite teacher) yj 4.t month, in sheer despair, we about being placed in a foster y went to an adoption agency ° " home And in the meantime, connected with my church ND SAVE write to Al-Ateen. (You'll find a They requested that I return Reg. Price 37c--SAVE Ile number in the yellow pages un- with my husband so he could * = v This is a club for teen-agers fi s R 4 s + When they asked him about Sy i Raisin Pj who must live with an alcoholic. |! Resch 2 sl pct NOH te at ito Best! Brimmi i ; Dear Ann Landers: Have you his church attendance he told 28-FL- p 2 % Raisins, Try Sta coat vl sun-rich had an opportunity to observe them he has not been inside a 0Z TINS JAN on America's teenagers dance church in four years. Then he E PARKER lately? My wife and I chaper- said some things about religion & . RAISIN pyr der Alcoholics Anonymous.) ye¢ interviewed. : A&P CHOICE QUALITY, HALVES which are not printable. They oned @ church, dance for teen-| 14 nim to return in six months CASE OF 24 TINS $8.00 -- SAVE 88c agers last weel. I was knocked on my ear by the sight of these if he changes his mind OL a Ce nel "e on oy dance eugene oF ED gn ot acta chen! A&P Choice Quality, Red' Pitted Reg. 2 tins 49e--SAVE 9e Fancy Quality SPECIALI LARGE n¢ exactly a muse " 5 pee cig me RIES 4stcm89% A&P PEAS 2etom35e 14-01 sim ¢ but watching these kids made Never give us a child so long me feel as if I belonged to a/aS he shoots off his big mouth CASE OF 24 TINS $5.34 -- SAVE S4ec CASE OF 24 TINS $4.20 Herent _ The bored look, this way. What shall I do? --) Aalesesiensaaiioes badaat Ok gg viveacdamn" ex. MARRIED TO AN ATHEIST | A&P Fancy Quality SPECIAL! Bole Coloured Reg. Price 4-Ibe 990---SAVE We 4ELLY Sec ames eee pression on their faces, the re-- Dear Married: Contact adop- TOMATO JUICE 7 20-f-0r tins 9 Je MARGARINE 4 1b pkos BO c LEMON ROLLS Ree, PANE PARKER __ 29 each ¢ fusal to exert themselves mustition agencies which. are not Jede ee. Price 900 be symptomatic of something. |church-connected. You'll get no- Duncan Hines, 11 Varieties Reg. Price pkg 47e--SAVE Be CINNAMON ROLLS se ea We ) KE Reg. Price 44 gee Sat lg Mom's aatteh Tete AE" ter end tists ont || LOTION: FOR DISHES s.r. 89¢ CAKE MIXES 2 sis: 9c BREAD 5x ree, oar te mB Se Dancing' was exercise. It re- views, and he doesn't sound as Instant Chocolate Drink Reg. Price tin 63e--SAVE 4e Kraft Miracle Whip Reg. Price jar 480--8AVE 4e Reg. Price loaf jelly de 2 24-02 | 37. e joaves € a eon aT CADBURY CHOCO ss ttin59 SALAD DRESSING t6f-czie 3 Qc Ouivs YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT Aap | | Ss Seared th areal "ee BETA SIGMA PHI |many members as possible will - : att, 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE SALE! MAC. & SPAGHETTI 'tan iti (Phi Phi ChaPier) come out and give a_ helping = Recently Phi Phi Chapter held hand 5 MILD AND MELLOW -- CUSTOM GROUND TOMATO JUICE ,,*» 3 the Ritual of the Badge and the) At the next meeting the court laney Quality 48-fortinn 1.00 Reg. Price 490 -- save 100 and Miss' Sally James, Miss|changed and there will be prizes Marilyn Larmer, Miss Erna for games played. = Litz, Miss Margaret Me-| Sister Helen Twining paid a : ' REG. PRICE 61e -- SAVE Ge REG. PRICE $1.77 -- SAVE 18¢ Diarmid, Miss Gail MclIsaac,'tribute to the late Sister Flor- - Miss Ann Northcott, Miss Linda ence Tippett. The court charter] Mer ete sy tom etna st memetce°° || Aap HANDLES ONLY MEATS PURCHASED FROM FEDERALLY INSPECTED PACKING HOUSES | FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES Elliott, opened the meeting fol- jain Sister Una Dart and con-| CALIFORNIA, NEW CROP, NAVELS, FANCY GRADE lowing the ritual ceremonies. ductor Sister Dorothy King, | It was announced that @0) The monthly mystery prize "CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF" award will be received from In-\was won by Sister Marie Man- ternational for rushing nine neW ning Refreshments were served members, by some of the members. The Christmas party this year) | , will be held with Delta Sigma} VICTORY LOBA | Chapter. The date and place will (NO, 583) | . be announced at a later ig i Victory Lodge No, 583 LOBA The Blue and Silver Ball will met in the Orange Temple re- ee 5-LB CELLO BAG again be held at St. Gregory's! cently with the Worthy Mistress, Auditorium, January 31, 1964. Sister Mildred Carnochan in the : 4 : Arrangements are being made chair, assisted by Sister Somer- , is for an orchestra ville in the deputy's chair. Tests] E ] : Miss Marilyn Black reported/ were taken by Sister Wellman one ess i to the group on the trips to the|and Sister Warne Flags were Ontario Hospital, Whitby, and presented, the national anthem| : the satisfaction the members was sung and the chaplain open-| , : ) nave been getting from visiting ed with prayer. The minutes! a K AST : the patients were read. Busines was the ) 2 The next meeting is to-be held qeait with and Hnal Apel i eet a > at the home of -Mrs. Daniel! ments were made for the Christ- POINT SIRLOIN ROAST ' : Ral: cares q thelis d P cat ¢ CHT! CRAC Mec i tat yee SWCA. Mes. Hat-lChristmas set ae ---- Lo cK 1-LB 3-LB KLEi er Plain pri onl Hb pkg 3 5c vey Hicks and Miss 6 rtd oa as is held api Pa oe Cor EE BAG ¢ BAG . ENEX ree vee 2 pk (400 5 5 received the Ritual of the Ba ti) e evening, .Gifts wi e@ ex L ¥ MAZOLA ue gs 0) c OlL Salad Oi! from Corn 32-fl-oz bt! # o Fernane, the past president, In mas party which is to be held Toronto ~comber Metin Candinan 4 December 4, Sister Gardiner re- Imported, Tasty, Easy to Peel, Size 176's, No. 1 Grade quests that all sisters and (Delta Sigma Chapter) f : The regular bimonthly meet seve them beek' in the Lon WING STEAK or ROAST " ing was called to order' by the lave them back in the Lodge ? P doz € by next meeting night which president, Miss Betty Baxter re- will be N Hs the home of. Mrs, "!! De November 27, pee HALO emia re 3S : ree ee ee : i 2 Cape Cod, Late Howe Variety, No. 1 Grade read i ies te Stylish Stiletto Is | Super-Right, All Meat, Pure Skinless Burns, Hot Dog CRANBERRIES 1b cello bag 29: ecutive meeti held November Veredcsteea™™™"™"*°"S Murder To Floors | || PORK SAUSAGE . »49. WIENERS sox tector Qe SPY APPLES aibcatobes BQ 1 ¢ 4 « § | Miss Joan will ams is to Ob- -- titettg heels may be good to Freshly Chopped Maple Leaf, Vac Pac tain the name of a needy fam ' ; look at and pleasing to wear H G i i shildren a e Chapt- ; y 5 ee Ont 6 , Curly Leaf, Washed and Trimmed, No. 1 Grad oe id h children and the Chapt- they're the number one iy ' SMOKED HAM STEAK 6-07 pkg 5 3: SP] NACH : : 2 A059 : 10-oz cello bags 29: ill provide a Christmas "of toad and lieve tae the enemy to the long-su fering peo Pure Pork : : Allgood -- Smoked, Sliced, Rindless : Wk ie ait ple who build and maintai . id ra wipe m aah 's " : tp aie Agee acca. herent ry S US GE ME A T 47 CALIFORNIA FIRM HEADS. NUMBER ONE GRADE ' z ems or 1e DaSKe 0 , 5" A A When a girl goes dancing . SIDE BACON tb pts 5 E R Ol i : C Head 2 9. meeting until Christmas and i Ch Qual Sliced d is wear ainty stile ty, aring dainty stiletto OS RUBIN: SUEe Cooked and Breaded decided to accept an t 4 i 1 ' invitation from Phi Phi Chapt-/heels, she's handing out pile- 4A T T h er to have our Christmes Party (Uving punishment of over one BEE LIVER » SKINLESS fb 5. HALIBU S$ EAKS b 63. Decorative Tropical, Pandana, Dracaena Cane, Finger Leaf with their group. "and a half tons per square inch M s Pp N 4 S é The president extended the 0" the dance floor with every eee nee Sea Seald ' a . Chapter's appreciation to Miss Step she makes. PORK SPARE RIB i T T Linda Wilson who made and Don't tell her now, but an ele. ' ¢ HADDOCK in BA ER woroks A 5c donated a Ritual Cloth to the Phant's foot has a load of a Lean, Meaty, Boneless CARROT re ee Oe 3-lb cello bag | Je , No. Chapter. After the closing of oa 50 to 100 pounds. as the Business Meeting, the floor laid in 1759 in Guns- PORK BUTT ROAST 59 Py Ontario Grown, Yellow Cooking, «_ pledge ritual was conferred on ton Hail, Washington, D.C , With- . . LAMB i in BASKET (IMPORTED) ONION pruies © Poe eee ails " 29% i Mrs. Warren Wills. Mrs, Larry Stood the ravages of the Ameri- Schneider's, Vae Pac ' TURNIPS Ontario. Grown; Yellow, Washed Ib 7: Saas a Mrs. David Perkin can Revolution and» British ROAST, CHOPS, and Waxed, 'No. 1 Grade received the Ritual of Jewells bombardment during the War COOKED HAM 6-02 pk 53 Imported, Kiln Dried, degree. of 1812 only to be destroyed in " ' STEW CUTS tb ¢ SWEET POTATOES "sag a 2s 25¢ One afternoon with the spike j she's worn by a few 110-pound ----y COURT CHARLENE 11750 The regular monthly meeting of Court Charlene 11750 was sievore ; - PICKLES YUM YUM 16-fl-oz jar 31e held recently at the Orange! eget int lop prng ag Wait FROZEN FOOD FEATURES SAVE CASH AT A«&P -- mple with the president, 'Sis- at the Montreal laboratories 'of Sea Seald, Haddock Reg. Price pkg 49c>--SAVE 9e Chocolate or Butterscotch Reg. Price pkg 33e--SAVE 4c MARGARINE Monarch Coloured 4itb pkgs 99% er Zelda McMillan, presiding 7 vant a a os priRbataery Monsanto Canada Limited, a FISH & CHIPS 2 16-07 pkgs 89: VAN KIRK CHIPITS 6-oz pkg 29 CHOC. WAFERS Manning Windsor pkg 39 Sister Emma Balsom. The min.'°P®Tt published in Engkand| : ; Bp utes were read by the recording shows that the stylish stiletto] Green Giant Reg. Price 2 bags 45e--SAVE 6c Shirriff's Reg. Price bt! 388e--SAVE 4e - " THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY TD, secretary, Str Dori Your the, oonng, mantactrers| Ht |" CORN NIBLETS | 2:22: ern 39 CRANBERRY SAUCE 90:6 2% ) FOOD STORES A ballot was taken on new mem. "ber one enemy. i sega ait ah xt "The report shows that 'a we Swanson T.V. Rey. Price pkg 66c--SAVE 6¢ Planter's _ Reg. Price jar @00--SAVE 4c There will be an initiation at a|P0und girl wearing stiletto heels y i ed ) Per yun gn wearing tlt ees TURKEY DINNER 0: 5% PEANUTS ow rosstio scorer 5c jj) tee oe Sister Bisle Bisir gnve ber te: her weight to one foot and she's| A&P Frozen SPECIAL! Purex, White or Coloured Port on the fall bazaar coming |°X*T4ns 3,500 pounds per} i hag el lense | Peng Mapa voli ORANGE JUICE = 3s hoxiin B9e TOILET TISSUE pkg of 2 rolls 2 Se Many articles have been turned Dr Waid oe sada irene Nutter is in SOCIAL SERVICES ( 1arge of the tea room this) Public authorities spend | year raha, on at ee nearly £3,944,000,000 annually consenyd to open the bazaar ation social services in the United eight Celok. It i@ hoped as'Kingdom, | | aimeaecnnal anemone

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