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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Dec 1963, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, December 6,1963 15) i | Banks, Steels | nor 2 negotiations -- scheduled to be- Fewer Spoiled Ballots jo cthisn Sir Alec Sets ine: ging and may be discussed at the Ottawa meeting. Problems | Stock Market eee ota In Last Federal Vote | TORONTO (CP)--Banks and Canada Visit HOWARD'S | D : : 'steels led a general rise on the OTTAWA (CP) -- In the days,ing example of the effect of edu-jthe 1962 election, 612,618 were|stock market Thursday in ac- when extending voting rights to|cation on the voter was given marked and 8,946 were spoiled tive trading. LONDON (CP) -- Prime Min-|Commonwealth relations secre- everyone was a big political is-/to the Commons elections com-|In 1958, there" were 597.7 The 77 - stock industrial index S ) ltary -- attended the 1958 Com- sue, a favorite arbument in sup-| mittee by Chief Electoral Offi-/marked and 8,524 spoiled. rose .78 to 134.30, while the 108- hei' hed Alec Poe RETO peal Economic " Confer- port of a restricted franchise|cer Nelson Castonguay. SHARP DROP stock exchange index, boosted| Will visit Ottawa Feb. 10-12--| once in Montreal, which laid 926 SIMCOE N. 725-3144 was that the masses lacked the} The committee didn't go into" Thus, after his education|also by improved gold shares|giving Canadians a chance to plans for the globe-girdling ca-| knowledge and intelligence tojthe question of whether the! mt aign, spoiled ballots Prices, gained .69 to 125.57. lstudy Britain's most interesting! ble of which the Pacific section vevithout conceding there eis Geto matting. his balla. [repped sharply even though' Among ingustris! issue s,|political star. is the second part any truth in this, advocates of/TRIED CAMPAIGN : eu wal ae el dae poe ien peas An announcement Thursday HAVE MANY PROBLEMS oe ig suffrage to at least But it did receive evidence ofi * se ane a ads 1% to 58% and Du Pont gained said Dougias-Home, the 60-y a Apart from Commonwealth ge 21 argued education was|Mr. Castonguay's campaign to, MT guay ! tone Goint ie. old peer - turned - premier, will/family (considerations,) Canada being extended to the massesjeducate about 800,000 voters in|this result as proof that his ed I sis |hold talks with Prime Minister|,,q 'Britain share problems to such a degree that they coutdithe simple matter of correctly|ucation campaign reduced) In the banks list, Montreal,)pearson before going on to ranging from their cate trade exercise the right to vote marking. a ballot to prevent the|SPoiled ballots. As one commit-|Nova Scotia and Imperial Bank) washington for his scheduled|1, conditions in Southeast Asia In recent weeks, an interest-|ballot being spoiled tee member, Maurice J. Mor-jof Commerce were up ¥% each.|}Fop, 12-13 meeting with Presi LGanada fae ans tanive is ; at : Betore. last April's election,,eau_ (L---Yor rborough) re-|Dominion Steel and Coal rose|qent Johnson. bar of the: tateminin AP en Mr. Caston uay mé 2 marked, there may have been|4, Algoma % and Dominion 'i ac salts HOE. snbernauonal Truce DRAPERY , stonguay mailed to about)! ' ' we a Staal 1 It will be the first face-to-|\Commission in Laos, set up by BROAD M DEATHS 800,000 voters, most of them in|fewer spoiled ballots in 1963 be- Foundries and Steel %4. face working session between'an East - West conference of| OADLOO urban areas, copies of the in-|Cause the voters, participating' Other industrial gainers iM-)ihe two premiers since Doug-| which Britain is co : chairman SLIP COVERS By THE CANADIAN PRESS (structions on how to mark alin two elections within 18 cluded Bell Telephone and B-C-ljas - Home succeeded Harold with the Soviet Union BAMBOO N Sphis Ru Pnage: " |ballot that are posted in every Months, had more practice Phone, up 14 each, and CIL, uP! yacmillan in October although Negotiations leading to the so- UPHOLSTERING i Pi H. Leh- polling place on election day Nevertheless, the committee) %s. they chatted attending ¢alled Rannedy round of tariff shag i awe iggy wie Nba Then he compared the num- was sufficiently impressed by, Losers were led by papers,|President Kennedy's funeral in : and qo rabpal a da cit ber of spoiled ballots in the con-/Mr. Castonguay educational with Bathurst off 144 to 16.|Washington. York of paved EMO Ott stituencies involved in the 1958 experiment to back him in con-|Consolidated Paper declined %%|. phey also chatted, by tele- ' d and 1962 elections with the num- tinuing it, especially after he) while Price Brothers rose % phone Monday--in light" vein--| Beirut, Lebanon -- = Huseyn ber spoiled last Apri! said it would cost only $5,000 é . : : a F pri g ) , Base metals were the only,when they joined with Prime 4 3 id "4 ' Shaheed Suhrawardy, 70, for- In these ridings, 631,528 bal- to extend the educational ma-jiower section on the market,|Ministers ia Robert Menzies of A | YOu know t e NeW electric heating mer Pakistani prime minister; lots were marked in 1963 and terial 'to all 263 electoral divi- yiith Hudson Bay Mining off %,|Australia and Keith Holyoake: of < heart attack 6,484 of them were spoiled, Injsions in Canada Rio Algom % and Falconbridge of New Zealand in ceremonies y , in here was simple and inexpensive Montreal -- Dr. C. Paul Ga- 14: International Nickel rose %.' marking the opening of the first boury, 61, assistant chief of BRIEF PRESENTED Gold issues were higher, with telephone cable across the Pa ne to install, economical to operate medical services for the CPR Dome, Giant Yellowknife and cific after a long illness Hollinger each up }% The British premier -- he was ; j / and its the cleanest, safest, London, Croinor was the most active then the 14th Earl of 'Home England -- Robert ( W t Hi h : : : l Yay r 52 ' i rec- e speculative issue, dropping 3% . h . a Asay eda ich ; his ie roup an ) 1g I cents to Ms Des apie 4 quietest eating System . -ent v4 soldatec % pees ane. Cheon . « Roc 2 "oe $2.54, 'Tribag DIVIDENDS ---- ever deviged oO Dublin, Ireland -- William Ch t E t lost 37 cents to $1.38 ; ' g- -ader 7p y THE CANADIAN PRESS Norton, 63, long wane leader of arl y xemp 10n On index, industrials rose .78 By THE CA th> Republic of Ire!and's Laber to 134.30; golds gained 1.02 to. Dominion - Scottish Invest- pity al roemcn Caney anime OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana-;nate something to an institution, 123.40, base metals dec lined Ad cong | serena cents, ' dian Museums Association get a cheque from that institu- to 957 84; western oils were up)Dec. 31, record Dec, Ii . Mussel bur gh. Scotland asked today that individual tax-'tion for the value of the gift, 51 to 80.54 and the exchange in-- Economic Investment Trust Charles Stewart Wood, 87, in- payers be allowed to donate up and hen make a cash gift equal dex rose .69 to 125.57. Volume Ltd,, common 14 cents, Dec. 31, ventor of 33 dances, including!;, "99 per cent of their annual to the value of the cheque. in was 3,423 000 shares comparedjrecord Dec, 17 the Pride of Eric waltz and the jnoome to charity as a deduc- return with 3,367,000 Wednesday Hahn Brass Ltd., common 15 waverley two step tible item It seems to us undesirable icents, pfd. 224 cents, Jan 1,} Buffalo, N.Y. -- Edward L.| phe present limit is 10 per and unnecessary that a prospec 1964. record Dec. 11 U ° Schulefand, 62, father of comed-) .en} jtive donor and donee be forced Bathurst Power Youve been bn Ishi ian Dick Shawn; of a heart at- : This limit, the association' to indulge in 'swapping' cheques certainly ing up tack sit aie oie svar com vaer oo snare + é) Plans New Mill | FQR RENT \ on the subject! Moscow -- Georgi A. Usha- mission on taxation is unnec 1 kov, 63, a 'leading Soviet polar essarily restrictive While it rhe association also sought 4 MONTREAL (CP) -- R. A ; eyplorer was difficult to determine how change in the Estate Tax Act Irwin, president of Bathurst | modern typewriters and adding Toronto -- Harold Rich, 73,,many persons are willing to do to make it easier' for a donor| Power and Paper Co. Ltd., an- | mechines of oii mokes; Under- pianist and an original band/nate more than 10 per cent of to leave works of art to an in- nounced Thursday the company wood, Smith Corona, Royal, member of the Dumbell players|their income to charity 'a num- stitution without depriving sur-|wi}! build. a $37,300,000 kraft] beth standord and portable coring the First World War ber of individual cases are viving members of the family.|inerboard mill at New Rich- |: models. Special student rates. Toronto -- Albert James,known to the writers of this Now, when a work of es 1Simond, Que weer O'Donnell, 63. . general traffic! brief."' bequeathed to members of a Plans for the mill were an- . chief of Canadian Pacific Com-| The deductible limit in the family for the rie of his nounced last February at the Walmsley & Magill munications United States is 20 per cent,!or her life and then to an in-\company's annual meeting but ' : the brief said stitution, the length of time it) were suspended when the: fed- Office Equipment Ltd. ; Another request by the asso- remains with the survivor is/eral government imposed an 11- 9 KING ST. EAST Two-Storey Fire ciation was that gifts, other,valued and included in the tax- per-cent tax on building mater- 725-3506 than cash, be recognized by the able estate . a ] M4 revenue department 'for tax This rule has requently" de- Hits London Block purposes. A recognized valua- prived institutions of works of tion procedure should be estab- art said the association - 2 LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Fire! lished so that gifts made to such) "When it is explained to a Cote chilly bathroom? Adding 4 new bathroom? Cates a a ranged through. a_ two-storey institutions as museum and. art testator that, even though he SHOW HIM AN : y g ; ? : " give you complete information on the block of stores and overhead galleries would be appraised bequeaths a work to a gallery you care enough to ' You can make any room warm. and livable with type of unit best suited to your room, installed cost, 'ly Thuorsda nd p ng wy y ' f ) ' 3 i a i : 5 : 5 f jinta owe. see linen ing nlomrgorgep ie a gs is shag ae oy Tato ithe i Sian han i electric heating. You can add electric heating with- operating costs, and help in arranging installation, juring two pers causing ye s eduction on the do : ' Yj - : : : i extensive damage. achedyegh een allows his widow the enjoyment BLACK'S && out disturbing your present heating system. And it Call now. Damage was expected to of it for the remainder of her | ff will pet vou les to thats a reach $50,000 for one of the three INVOLVED PROCEDURE \life, the choice is usually not ' -- Y t you less to install than it would to extend stores. Three overhead apart-- Under existing legislation,|to make the donation rather r ti || your present system. ments were also destroyed. said the brief, many people do-'than to deprive the widow." At N Plan Mammoth Probe Electric Heating Information Centre. The spe- cialist at your Hydro's Electric Heating Information ~~ Hand Crafted by Into Nursing Shortage §) wwssos VY °° \@ Oshawa Public Utilities Commission, Phone 723-4624 OTTAWA (CP). -- An inter-Jof such importance to the mod- cover the basic elements in pro-) ¥ national study of ways to alle-'ern world that it would hold)per preparation of nurses -- In Co-operation With coe viate the world-wide shortage of|such a_ scientific meeting on The committee recognized nurses has been recommended] the subject." that nurses have.a unique role| @ "The House of Style For | WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PHONE 668-5878 by the first United Nations-| in world' health services, said me a ree sponsored advisory committee wo gag foi gap nl Dr. Mussalem. In the adminis-| / 74 SIMCOE NORTH | AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC SYSTEM PHONE 942-0500 on nursing research. and tration of health services, they! rses P Jigeriz India 1 N whe ommiites called 16: nurses from. NIBEM AA ") should be given both responsi- ¥ 723-3611 gether by the World Health Or coe ge phuenen a the b i and bade V : oe | | PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PHONE 942-2930 ganization, recommended that meeting, along with a number she ay de i eg just handed = = = -- "baseline data" from all coun-|o¢ international observers. ed tries be collected to determine! phe meeting recommended| the number of nursing person-|inat medical complexes--gruops| nel needed to fill ideal require-!o¢ hospitals and' hospital serv-| ments ices--be set up on an experi- Dr. Helen Mussalem, execu- mental basis to determine the tive director of the Canadian|pest- way of using all health Nurses' Association, was among services personnel - and _facili- six international experts On| ties nursing research who attended These complexes, said the| the committee meeting in Ge- ¢gommittee, should be designed neva in late November. The na- on such an economical scale tive of Vancouver was the only that they could. be reproduced representative from the West- anywhere in the world. ern hemisphere The fact that in many. coun-) She said in an_ interview tries suitable candidates for the| Thursday that recommenda- nursing profession are not av ail- tions of the group were "highly able was deplored by the com- significant' for the nursing pro- mittee, which suggested that| fession around the world. scientific studies be carried out "I have been most impressed to find out why this is so. | that theWorld Health Organiz-, Increased research in nursing ation felt nursing research was.education was proposed to dis- she said | | | If it's electrical, come to us for expert workmanship &y Expert Repairs to All iy Household Appliances 1 ii \ | u @ Ranges © Dryers © Washers © Refrigerators etc. © All Repairs done in the Home Where Possible @ Same Day Service @Radio Dispatched for fast Reliable Service! © We can't afford to keep ° you waiting! tr Electric Appliance installations! © Dryer Venting! : " ; < Watch Hocke © Automatic Washer Water Taps! It's THE BIG ALE because more people ask for it, open it, serve it, enjoy it, than any 'Seah Ni 7 ti ie _ - 'we - : ight in a other ale in Canada, Open a Molson Export Ale and drink it, We think you'll find the reason for WA R N E R WI LL i AMS sae opening your second bottle:inside the first bottle, If you don't agree, no hard feelings, SERVICE CENTRE 17B BOND ST. E. OSHAWA 2. Lines to Serve You 725-3531-2 ay | ie MOLSON'S-INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786

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