2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 6, 1963 | DIEF'S SCHEME GOOD EVENING UABR-Isreal Feud By JACK GEARIN WITH DR. VIPOND ON THE BANQUET CIRCUIT Dr. Claude Vipond of. Oshawa was speaking oul again this week on a subject with which he is deeply familiar -- Canada's foreign aid pro gram in Southeast Asia (which he "sparse, haphazard plan- ned."' termed, and poorly He two in Malaya spent years as a member of a Canadian medical team un- der the Colombo Pian. Speaking to a Toronto wo- men's club, he said that fish refrigeration units from Can- ada were 'still not unpacked after they arrived in Malay- sia because no one knew how to re-assemble them. He said Canada planned: a_ televised sVstem Malaysia nsuf- of there vere tte, i bine DR, VIPOND schools and a dical equipment spoke at the Holstein ib banquet st Wednesd; LOCAL, 222 DELEGATION President IN WINDSOR f loca 299 UAW-CILA heads to Windsor this for veekend AW Harding a of the Canadian ( Others Hugh rmstror Beverley gon, 1 Vaillancourt are Nim Gibson, Bil Steve fford d Phe Pilkey, Louis Rosseau, Jack am Duffie liam Rutherford Tom nd Howard was Powe ocal's top negot ating com mittee confer In Bur I f, the of with other delegates the mee er-Corporation Council AW and he UAW George Leonard Woodcock U.S sion in the THIS #8 WAY Ww H He knows fi vand feels to witne joothall clas 2 field T\ TO SEI De of A GREY CUP R70 R GAME ilham son road*nortt nstead of a spectator's seal or De Van the as a field cd s one of six paid officials in ouver last Saturday when Hamilton Ti-Cats clobbered on before 36.465 There's Rig tng game anda regular ers, on GM Pur Wasing areer wnfined Depar h whom tt 4, can be SUPPORT LAGS FOR. NEIGHBORHOOD GROUP J Neighborhood home Another meet If NONA n lisband GEORGETOWN MAYOR SERVES WITHOUT PAY iibbo d mayor of Georgetown won't accept the $2,500 wipe out the lors 10 give up 4 unique unparalleled for + f me ' Mal of Loca formet District to officially olm Smith presi jent will attend the quarterly AW he Council meet of the Canadian | this week re- doing union organization week he industrial of t! ily 3rampton next by the to of much expansion said *'Mal back that arez t has to t een be believed ° founders Tacal 222 away in 104% 137 Safety Laws Need Review -- Doctor OTTAWA sponsibility should fall upon politica (CP) for Major re- adequate accident contro] certain hand, whether of and satisfactory but there way was knowing, whole regulations is state not." "no off hody in of indus- this trial and social leaders the individual, says heal. nu department Dr. Craig M. Mooney department's mental vision says 'publicity of an informati nal tory nature al m ke the ety-minded He suggests ardicle the current Oc tional Health Review, a terly published by the health de partment, that a ram sponsored scientific of the nly decrease ountry's safety deaths ted not -on federa laws a a psychologist of the health di programs and admon Or PUBLIC IS APETHIC In an interview Thursday, Dr Mooney said publicity programs had failed down the ac identa on the high ays. by signific amount because to cut not eno death toll any argely ant ihe yapulation more public tain now tolerates a cer of deaths ortain pe ir in T upa spread riod yumbe er a of juar a af death vhen dent 1 | gove jenta oll stud tne ri to suc should be conduc eurrer This, a ley de revea the failures in Existing safety ws might I 0 opvion egal proy their preakthrough CHATHAM tion Leader on Canada the United Israel the ing their ada to try ences He would be Canada-- solution sary to Mr the sugges a 'to be Liberal (CP) Diefenbaker "explore" Arab possibility epresentatives to Can- differ to to settle ted step bring of a proble solved Diefenbaker gove such a Opposi calle Republic anc of bring their move forward about -- the so neces sug nment take Socred Leader Claims Party Behind Liberals OTTAWA (CP) Leade that nothing to Liberal - g¢ erais re their full p other ¢ Mr Commons ilege that wants ¢ and doe ally ecto Thom n't ment to acc annir meas He Wedne Pearson ha { d wha nent nment t intend Og n SON 1 qil anadie am Social Cre party will de minorit f the I to th b before an Court Awards Claim To Mistress TORONTO Mrs tion Kirkb eoallec on fore her anoque ted $5,000 as bene a policy husband left nt 1 ri aken out be Gar for sted enact -isuch an exploratory move. Ended By Canadaf 1 His address to an audience of\# 1 informal visit to the Conserva tive-held ridings of Lambton Kent and Kent by Mr, and Mrs Diefenbaker Mr » visited Israel that time sug > ment of an international along the Arab-Israeli line "4 brought this up in Partia- ment in 1956 and they (the Lib- 'erals) said there was nothing it Today, he said, there are Ca- in 1954, and zested to nadian soldiers serving on the] United Nations force in the Mid- die East, but he noted there still has .been no communica: tion between the ULAR. and ael He nations and the at odds Israel and the met their Arab with gained said Egypt have been ae eV tatehood tagani er since 1948 have ne settle In pro in at differ- tempt to ence He not wound up the on optimism tour At of a nee in d thin Pr nearby im were up looking ogressive Conserve The across that 1958 spirit "in the the country which | Conservative and similar the to re ide asked to expand ona Wednesday that Ca more income next SS ion vay i the on Parliament B government ause. th spendir spree," he Die aid by Mintst¢ Wednesday c that tion is didn't fenbaker. also a Prime aiming will bring action b make thing AY the much ole ition ake miich the the zovern if it Jecsn Pearson an opple anyway and Ministe the opposition Ni as ex with about 300 here ended a two-day Diefenbaker said he first at establish- force "i BOBCAT SCRAPPED | Defence Minister Paul Hell | yer has announced that. the Canadian Bo®ecat armored pet sonnel carrier now in Army, is (above) use by the Canadian TCA Language Policy ~«" Still Irks Creditistes OTTAWA (CP) mon allways airline committee Air 1 appro shipping Trans-Canada 16S annua r anothe bilingualism. an Gilles Gre Real ¢ Creditiste 2oire of aouctte des no real icy that all read and speak eq only hired fluent lish M 1962 in both opposition ag 2 Boys Describe Shotgun CP) and 12 told ir were about how they or suth with a the their ives brothers bodies aid pellets 1 st -of Da n thet id F eming, 15 of United Georgetown a tria 16 pleaded at the 0 James. McClean of He charge bodily harm has to of caus ous with Jamie .said they beside. a creek when McClean boys stepped the opposite McClean fired into d va Georgetown other bush on reek blast brother are two om: the the. water you irving lo ked the youth Jamie avid a he and began AWAY ance of about 60 fee he Jooked back and being levelled at He shouted and just. before Mc Jamie the gun her turned brot D KNOCKED DOWN d said 'the m to his knees knocked He felt @ sting the left side of his blood in' his Day blast ng pain over body and tasted mouth Pellets through his went WEATHER FORECAST Chance Of Rain Saturday Night Forecasts onto weather Synopsis pected to Ontar weather vst mi 0 Satur ACTOSS snow t nea Superior late Lake Krie Lake Huron tario, Windso Toronto Saturday Ch Saturday ever west ton Geo I Algc Ma Saturd mnagami Sudbury milder Cochrane, w Saturda Wi 3a \ tle cooler Forecast Low tonight, Windsor St. Thom London Kitchener Mount Win Forest am tor ith issued ffi offic Cooler We day em in Lake Nia ance Ving Ha yma nly ouds nd zara, | London Cloudy Winds stern sout the Tor 30 a.m now Rockies ma\ orth the day St. Clair ake On Hami and milder of Winds 1owe south burton, Ti North Bay and south ouds James and a west femperatures high Saturday 38 32 32 30 32 Sault Ste. Marie... 25 Kapuskasing 2 White River Moosonee Timmins Observed Temperatures Low overnight, high Thursday Dawson 21 Victoria 47 Edmonton 37 Regina 43 Lakehead 33 White River 29 Kapuskasing 29 Farliton th Sudbury ines ye Muskoka' Airport Windsor No ondon lo Trenton Ottaw Montrea CALL OR SEE DIXON'S FOR * OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 Two)] Attack acket sr the h more body kne Jar hand hand also to has Dr. James ywobab in their inlike!s tivitie David and Jamie of Rey. lan Flemmi St. John's Georgetown fi are to ture ac m at ted Chu Aa mites Milt west on is about 20 mile of Toronto LONDON ister (CR) Heath to save x | said ade Mir Kdward Th day he f trading stamps own executive Heath's jocu as the first the Commons trading stamps which the same time fascinating repugnant to the: British d commercial interests Heath, who heads the big 1 onistry ¢ industry regional opment asked for hopes aft emark came fired war ait shots were n n the ove at and public seem rf trade deve ation to pr shoppers from. the war started when Canadian indus trialist Garfield Weston, the big gest supermarket 4ritain, introduced can-type stamp in Labor member Mrs 3utler said housewives had undoubtedly we trading bingo-like humdrum But spread 0 stamp operator in an Ameri October Joyce some o med lamps a excitement lives bring into ng 4 thei there would resentment if be wide they covered the government did protect them against some the less happy features 'American-style gimmick dis not of this 13 'GIGANTIC SWINDLE' Stamp trading amounts gigantic swindle which only put up the of said Edward Gardner servative Heath whether he is studying views of the consume; an ll-member body set loa can cost living a Con asked the council up by was Trading Stamp to be scrapped in favor of the American $8,000,000 de been the ha yelopment 10 of he Ja vears COMPLA Grego RECALL GODE DETROIT AP) Nar s 2 Mi a 1a RR {OC eason D eon Was 'recalled the Pittsburgh Detroit injur Godfrey Thurs to sce a on aid fence rainst Boston Lit Mor M113 carrier About on n 500 spent Bobcat About also INTS REY Defence Ifrey,. who De s for 1inors fast Thursday farm club vy - riddled played and week and day min 'real here U.K. Commons Hit By War tl vernment protect ons whict atior iny dealing Hez cour ked fo with inte of said the ous Ways problem Last mended that the star Dear t } tomer wer heir cash a h Wish s know antage & any from eal they ier this umers 'nd lidance 1 had not discuss ed with oly val new it recom should s id cus ble instead of that the what ad nps h value should be deem them for cas ods if thes customers Whi if stamp-issuing The stamp idea we Sritain in, 1880 but tt to re 0 receive merchants born in 1e practice AS never reached anything like the North American « ¢ Weston's move wh sales devic for duced the ermarkets alhi or stores) W to fight the imps ton's We Other Sainsbury etitor jumped on the stam --_-- "KINDNESS BEYOND PRICE YET WITHIN REACH OF ALL" GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 King W. 728-6226 economy you'll enjoy BRANVIN SHERRY AND PORT WINE the first main stores and al until ich intro e ifito sup- time, An formed Lord as ry com chains p bandwa Ontar HE, of the M-113s will be required in cost for the brigade wil! Canadian Kurope: and they about $14,000,000 (CP from National Whi M. > questionin iregoire read editoria with it Mitchell whether a flighi. could (L, stop from have loronto to fly Sudbury at passengers would not lo west, Mr Gregor . said could handle ly and T¢ chs de A eloping traffi pe Some Dairies Bribing Buyers Teamsters Say Tor apartment prohibit TORONTO | (CP) bribe some onto dairies owners ta have Gi by any Ontar m committee Ww 0 K as lreamstef about 1,300 milk advocated ame 0 Milk Indust hibiting dairies from dments -am and other neconomi freezers rates, to secure wholesale and eaways the inion also asked that t be amended to prevent retail stores from selling milk at ess than cost Welland Canal Tolls Studied OTTAWA (CP) Minister' Mcliraith that the land Canl government Mellraith a Toronto that tolls would mposed the al canal between Take and Lake Erie He declined ision said matter under da\ We tive Mr ing on eport "whole tolls is was be on whether Welland The suspended year to SAa\ le had tive toll on the been -made government charges last A government proposal to ad Law ex the ap vance 180,000,000 to the St rence Séaway Authority to pand the lock facilities of Welland Canal has _ been proved by the Commons and under 'Senate study now I a consideration comment newspaper re 1-Canadian. Ontario tol Conserva the Defence) a_--~ Presse and then said he did Sudbury) transeontinen Sudbury his commu go first Mc Airport such flights physi would continue to st other industry told cabinets equipment at the business of large out produce) which middiemen the smal Transport Thurs ¢ srr) INTERPRETING THE NEWS EEC Tactics i Baffle U.S. By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staff Writer The European Common Mat ket has pursued such an unpre dictable and vacillating in its fight with the States over European tariffs that many North can officials may wonder just what concrete so-called "Kennedy" tar- sults they can really expect iff round is to start next May. when world tariff bargaining But so much foot-dragging and gets under way in.1964 red tape appears to be develop- When the Common Market ing that no concrete negotia- boosted its tariffs' on frozen.tuns are likely before 1965. chicken thereby curbing the Even then, it is a matter of European market for American argument whether John F. Ken- poultry, the U.S. threatened to nedy's dream of promoting huge respond by increasing tariffs on'. ade' increases' by vast tariff $46.000.000 worth of imports that reduction will ever see the light come main's of day nually Finally when Market -- protested agreed to place i panel the nera ment Tariffs nd which concluded that the annual Os resulting higher chicken tariffs was $46.000.000 but $26,000,000 The U.S. accepted this ind announced highe t number ¢ udir brandy and truck effective in ec Januz ith th ntent Viet reduc $26.000.000. Thursday ntend France She arrived. aboard fram Rome j by her 11-vear-old r-old Yet so and much much has heen said time taken up with settlement of this relatively minor issue that the question course arises whether any fast action United Can be expected from the bolder chicken tariff-cutting on whole categor- Ameri of goods to be considered begin. to next year ies re- The om Europe ar the Common ch'ysoe, Madame Nhu ' Will Reside ~" Tn France not PARIS (AP) Dinh Nhu, widow thrown ret South Nam and to ¢ of or finding riff Mme of the over police chief in arrived here announced she stablish a home in Ngo s on yroduct 0 U.S. LOSSES Then along « mon Market issued in ing the Ameri arguing that the not $26,000,000 $6,000,000 still sell Europe This state publicity ir some White flare There and confus negotiators. They understand the seemed to be That Commor ment we following ket ame 1¢ with a Washington Com t a pe accompanied son, Quynh, daughter, Le daughter, Le son, Trac, 15, last month to schools Nhu said because French: peopie their chixf of have shown how civilized act in gnominous Viet Nam." asa. veiled nt de Gaulle. who has American. policy n Nam. In a cabin last summer de ondemned 'foreign. in- in South Viet Nam also-was making h Americans are not statement halleng- /mer nd fo other and worth r aris nch Mme France because the ing $20.000.000 ment the | House t ye 1 Va 5 he hose to F ziement ejthe tarif rance and the through othe ambiguity hou'd on amon S state or rwise yuldn't Europ without onle face of the tragedy the South) 4 : ae 5 is Ww reference spokesm git statement was should not indicated would tions n riticized uth. Viet statement Gaulle , fluences" Mrs; Nhu oint have been the . $26,00,000 accepted with the the imp ligher I ari The. Commons Market offer a ductior be but S. reopened {a spread the pro posed | S that ato withdrawe rales latter from one or c) RESAL SPECIALISTS ' Bolahood Brothers Limited 101. Simeoe N. y luct products t 1 the HUGE TRADE In terms the between these two blocs, this di chicken tariffs deen OVer-emphasized tion. to total volved of trade transatlantic rerine huge rt) have rela in appears to in shipments 728-5123 AT BURNS CLEARING English Bone China yf NO WAITING e Immediate Delivery DRAPES READY - MADE a4 COME IN elect tomorrow dreds eee Hun to choose PHONE 725-1151 WARD'S DRY GOODS SIMCOE ST. S, AT ATHOL ST. REG. 144.35 NOW 96.20 93.34 Piece "SONATA' 5] R Onh "CELESTE"... 49 Piece 8. One set on "ROSELLE" io a 40.00 56-Piace sett One set if JORDAN BRANVIN Sherry 147.50 123.50 iy © 183.00 A? Pie 58.90 S 'sats on "FINLANDIA setting ~8 Open Every Nite 'Til 9 'Til Christmas Saturday 'Til 6 BURNS | CREDIT JEWELLERS 32 KING STREET WEST PHONE 723-7022