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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Dec 1963, p. 8

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Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Fditor Dial 723-3474 | UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES LADIES' GUILD {chicken dinner. The table was| The Ladies' Guild of St. Paul'e| centered with a Christmas cake, | o Mary Steet HES. mane erty. mune amemet 7 7 jton and Mrs. Keys room with|« " i Enjoys Christina ie Meo tae |on ae pear saa Carol Program |and Mrs. Paul Rristick assisting ships in Vancouver harbor. It prt and tant Moot and rs Jobo Bic eight el gee. and: friends, heralded the. fes- tive season, At the Mary Street Home and School Association's December meeting. The school choir, under the able: direction of Mr. L. Gauer, accompanied' by' Mrs. Harry Keys at the piano, rendered two selections, "The Echo Car- ol" and "The Drummer Boy" with Tony Taraskavokos on. the drum. Mrs. Angus MacMaster thanked Mr. Gauer, Mrs. Keys : and the children on behalf of bers and guests, Sister Ann|those present. Cook, Noble Grand, and Sister} g TH OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 9, 1963 LATE NOVEMBER WEDDINGS ARE A POPULAR CHOICE Need holiday money? , Get an HFC ' Shopper's Loan Shop now for the best buys on seasonal needs. Pay cash. Repay sensibly. Borrow confidently from the company backed by Presbyteridn Church held its!candles and holiday favors. regular meeting. recently at the} The president, Sister Evelyn church. Mrs. W, C MacDonald, Sanders, welcomed the mem- Eivice-president, presided and opened the meeting with a Mrs. Bruce Sonley, religious Vera Wirshing, vice grand of) Rebekah No. 3. | After the dinner an exchange of gifts from the unknown sis- ters was given out, the presi- scripture reading by Mrs. R. D. Luke followed with a prayer by Mrs. MacDonald. '| Mrs. D. J. Munroe reported Flion the cent-a-meal fund. Mrs. education chairman introduced Miss Betty Leask, who showed 85 years' experience. : slides of her recent trip to the Holy Land. Of particular inter- est were those in connection MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN 30 months dent, Sister Evelyn Sanders pre- sented the sisters with a Christ- mas card and personal gift. The business session was held| Chalmers. and Mrs. Russell Cummings advised they had made several visits to hospital and visited some shut-ins at ~|home during November. jafter the dinner. The report on The executive for 1964 is as/the sick was given by Sister follows: president, Mrs. T. S./Ann Holt, and the treasurer's Davidson; vice-presidents, Mrs./report was given by Sister W. ©. MacDonald, Mrs. Richard|/Evelyn Fickes also the annual Copithorne; secretary, Mrs. C.|financial report. M. Hollingsworth; treasurer,} Sister Pearl Peacock CPT re- Mrs. I. K. Chalmers; cent-a-! nresentative gave the annual meal fund, Mrs..D, J. Munroe; | report. tea fund, Mrs. Russell Cum-| 'The elections for the club of- mings phoning committee, ficers took place with the fol-| Mrs. R. D. Luke, and Mrs John | jowing elected: past president, MacLean; press reporter, MTs.) <cicjer Evelyn Sanders; _presi- W. E. Legge dent, Sister Ann Holt; treasurer, | The December meeting will be|sicter Evelyn Fickes; _ secre-| a pot luck supper at 6.30 p.m., tary, Sister Amelia Weeks | December 17 Refreshments were served by \Mrs. Legge and Mrs. Hollings- worth with events in the time of |Christ. Room count was taken with Mrs, Henry Keys and Miss S. Laird being tied for the June} ; ior Grades, and Mr. Lawrence Gauer winning for the Senior. The president, Mrs: William Broadbent thanked all who helped at the rummage sale, also those who helped in the jrecent survey, Mr. J. Wagg, principal, also expressed his} appreciation. The guest. speaker at the anuary 13 meeting will be Dr.} H. Vipond. | It was announced that the} Annual Skating Carnival will be} sh : held sometime in January,} The meeting closed with the/weather and ice permitting. | |mispah benediction followed by| ---- -- ~ - bingo. | | ee 23.73 31.65 41.45 68.81 94.62 107.52 Above payments include principal and interest, and are based on prompt repayment, but do not include the cost of We insurance. Telephone 725-6526 Telephone 725-1139 Ufe insurance at low group rate THE MARRIAGE of Ann Iso- bel Gertrude Stark, Oshawa, and Roy Thomas Coker of Au- as his bride Linda Dorothea Farrell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farrell of Toronto. --Piper Studio Toronto A WEDDING of Oshawa in- ter was solemnized in Our is . ._ | Lady of Fatima' Church, To- nN ee ee eee } ronto, recently when William erend F. G. Ongley | Katocs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ireland Studio | Albert Katocs of Oshawa, took Venerable G. H. Sadler of Smiths Falls, officiating, as- 64 King StreetEast. . 2.53535 - Oshawa Shopping Centre. . . . : OSHAWA : let' ake music together! Every day is lady's day at OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE The ladies, bless 'em are our specialty, at this jolly time of year. If you'd care to put new sparkle into your choices for gentlemen, come work in close harmony with our handsome, broad-shouldered, considerate staff! program. Mr. Laurence Savery, princi- the} Tuesday and Wednesday rora was solemnized in St. George's Memorial (Angli- Dr. S. J. Phillips H&S | | . Eniovs Nicht Of Carols SOCIETIES - (Rites Held Recently g | J Y LTB NO. 55 ' | 5 pit . KING STREET UCW the Dr. S. J. Phillips Home and|Donald, Linda McQuade, Louisa|55 opened in thé usual manner) St, Gregory's. Roman Catho- TOPS CLUB (Friendship Unit) | School Association, Christmas|Garrett, Robert Baker and John|with Worshipful Master Brother : : Dr.. G. R. Gillen addressed : f b d cently for the marriage of the TOPS : |\Street. UCW, Friendship Unit greatly enjoyed. Mr. Swain Van-| Mr, Savery informed the par-| The devotional exercises were/Gwen May, daughter of Mr.|regular meeting at the ORC re-|.4. held recently in the church Smith, Grade 7 teacher, who led/yiews would take place during] Alice Shortt awa, to Geradus Johannes|said it was a national problem--|" «Alive with his Life' was the| Marat of the hale are Gayle the week of December 9 to De-| mye next regular meeting/Sprankels, son of Mr. and Mrs.|the largest health, hazard iN theme of the devotional service, | Members > ¢ are Gayie Cooke, Vera Jariga, Janet Rich-) airs MA, Hoggard, Ist vice-|of officers for 1964 the Reverend L. T. McGough/cases the cause of high blood)yrs, R. H. Davis took part. man. Ian Rich!, Barbara Law jpresident, heid a brief business} pe arrangements are being officiating. pressure, heart disease an A special guest was Mrs. rence, Arlene Adam, Davidinirs J" p. R. Galbraith, treas-|o7 December 20 at the Orangelfather, the bride was wearing|most cases overeating and|«phis is my Task", accompan- David S Marilynn Hogeard |UTet,, expressed the . thanks oflremple. Anyone wishing to go,{a floor-length satin gown with/faulty eating habits are thelieg on the piano by Miss Hazel avid Segal, Marilynn Hogcare,|the Home and School Executive ; ge | avi > Christine Pren-} TEED a 32 . ile. aa he eas 'nalare specie ase. | ; ' | 239 David Powers, Christine eto the parénts and teachers for |hompson or Brother Leo frilled en The Fede bodice a ag cal The unit leader, Mrs. H. L.| ton, Tim Murdoch, Bob Warren,|4.\., The sum of $312.66 ha |Keeler. A pot luck supper will) WaS embe ded with pearls and|weigat easily : e S-|Bell, presided for the meeting, , ioadets ip eecls sla aoleneataia a Ns 9 Uf e-s of $312. as Gord. Crawford, F red Sty Mrs. R. : of pearls held an elbow-length|eater must reduce the caloric)cseeretary, Mrs. E. C. Wilson, Andrews, Robert Sinclair, Brian); Goyer, health and safety) It was reported Sister White,| vai) and she carricd a bouquet|intake in order to lose weight.|the. treasurer, Mrs. LeRoy Kel- Smith, Alan Morrow, Farley : mentioned several|sister Lorna Bailey, | ' 8. Magec, Margaret Garrett, Jane! caroty tips t ing! Iti ts gr therapy aiding th Shi S$ . i "~~ |safety tips to be applied durin tions its group therapy in aiding the/Mrs, M. R. Elliott Fitches, Faith Colbourne, Joan|the Christmas season. pad vee Paging coe Bat overweight to reduce. Mrs. Ron-| Jt. was decided that there will fj 2 Fe cchag. | man ete = | ; i ; . 'i Peas" Wea Peter Me. Mts Amy Trotter's Grade 8| The draws were won by Sister/Sharon Miller, wearing a street gg recs giver singel members of the Frindship Unit , y ads ; here were 29 ladies sent! will be guests of the Alice Jack- arta bo hraloe ; _|Shortt, Sister Susan Spencer. [with a blue satin waistband/at this meeting. Nelda Phannen-|son Unit in December, and will Cryderman, Beth Broadbent, Mrs. Malcolm Adam, imme-| controlling the full skirt. Her|hour was the best loser of the/also be attending the UCW Marjorie Robson, Cheryl Mc-!diate past president, presented} | 8 Sait Kathleen Stevenson, who| il apt.) | sented with a corsage. General/19 ders, Colleen Donohue, Bette -otireq from the teaching staff ae a esa sia *) |box with a white over the face/discussion followed -and the Lynn Osborne, Linda War- 8 Mrs. Harold Ball, president,} 4ynt , ! : |@ : ch jing, there was a social hour, and White, Sally MacDonald, Pat-|Home and School Association.|meeting of the Ontario Gamma|White carnations. The flower|Tea and Lai were served. 'lrefreshments were served by ricia 'Moore, Peggy Cornish,/When presenting the gift, Mrs.|Epsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma|girl was Miss Judy Loahuizen,| Kay | Putfer December : seting. Ritual was held -and| Greg Maidlow, Mike Lancaster,| 4 been choseh with thought of Mrs. Murray Fraser, Dur-/flowered dress with a ful ee ee SOCIAL NOTICE : | jha se Bill Goulding. ham street. ja headband of blue flowers and/one turtle, and one KOP. For| the following selections: "The | her years of teaching our chil-jman of the ways and means) ations. INelda 'Phannenbour "won the ENGAGEMENT March of the Three Kings" by|@™en- Mrs. Stevenson expressed committee, presented a cheque! y7. winiam Sprankels was|honor of being the highest loser i Mavic An Reker Voronia | rai ony wey.' |had missed association with the|! Simcoe Hall. Mr. McNeilly oonuizen, Peterborough, was/secretary's report was read by| aughter of Mrs. Charles} "What Child Is This?', 'Pray school and parents, but most of 2ave a brief talk about the work/tne ring bearer Florence .Russell. as well as al God Bless'. Interspersed with|all with the boys and girls. | ; Lovin the Pisa Mr. Roberts, to| The annual mixed roger the bridegroom's parents,|Supervisor, accepting an invita-| 7! gi "-- -- son} parents and teachers sang many meeting will be under Mrs. L.|Party will be held December 14, | bs MAES ' ate Me favorite carols. Miss M noagnl 8 Skelton, Jr., parent educa-|at a home of Mr, and Mrs.| mother received, wearing a} Mrs. Puffer read poems com-|ctonehouse. The wedding will the piano, Mrs. Hayden Mac.|'/o chairman. January meeting John Beaupre light brown two-piece ensémble,|posed by Betty Harris, especial ltake place early in the New : See Shatg? ce siiaryee wil "Fathers' Nig! wi ke donald thanked Miss Smith and}, ehanged between members for corsage of white roses andjthese are to be submitted to|- hen st aid how very meeting. the coming year and each mem-|carnations. The bridegroom'|TOPS News for publication. one when she sé w very x ance ak ay Se Refreshments were served to " : much the program was ba | sg bene' Beta Buddy was ee two-piece dress With! cach person will weigh-in when The only triple track and ligious. education chairman,|Were 'looked after by Grade a matching accessories and al-atied by the weight recorder |'ield winner of either sex at the nade geme ,|Mothers from Mr. A. Hubert's sant i i made the arrangements for the} dh for the img Mga As the couple left on a honey-|now be for a two month period |Rudolph of the United States. |% Thaler, and from Mrs: Faye cultural program ow 2S Your'moon to, Niagara Falls The installation of officers' is | p_--_uu--~ee--eeeeeeeemeemme 7 ory'. 1 : pal. announced that he had re-|Montgomery's class, Mrs Lee | Hannan said that to be a good|with white fur trimming on the|ang tea were served fi cently attended the Commence- ___________|conversationalist, one must first)sleeves, black accessories and| : if " LEND-A-HAND CLUB ate and that three former | The next meeting will be the|chryanthemums. On their re Lend a Hand Club held| jents of this school, Howard Christmas meeting at the home|turn they will live at 168 Hill-|their regular business meeting} nik were honored = | Home and_ Sciool can) Church recently with the t | Sprankels-Strutt LODGES AND SP | At St. Gregory's At the December meeting of,ett, Margaret Smith, Jane Mac-| The regular meeting of LTB) ; hs |lic Church was the setting re- ~| The regular meeti ing | music and carol singing were!Robertson. |Leo Keeler presiding. 8 sshibere at. dels e regular meeting of King| Camp introduced Miss Dorothy|ents that parent-teacher inter-|performed by chaplain, SisteT/and Mrs. Gordon Strutt, Osh-|cently. He talked on obesity and| janiouns. the Senior Choir of the school cember 13. night, December 17, is election/John Sprankels, Whitby, with|modern disease, and in some|in which Mrs. Arthur Clark and| ardson, Bob Dove, Janet Loge- meeting prior to the program.| oqo for the Christmas party] Given in marriage by her strokes. He stressed that in| James Bell, who sang a solo, Swinson, Lillian Hayward, |please contact Brother Fred|a" overskirt of three layers of basic problems, however, there/ Rundle. tice, Kathy Tresise, Leza Nor-|, response tothe dollar hone | : start at 6.30 p.m |had long lace sleeves. Her crown|He stated that the compulsive| ang reports were given by the been received to date. 'ley | chairman, : Sister] of red roses and white carna-|Dr. Gillen commended TOPS on|iar and. the flower convener, g|Pearl Irwin, Sister Cora Gard- Lewis, Barbera Fees; Margaret) The room count was won by| 1 eee ot Honey yen ee ald Puffer thanked Dr. Gillen}pe no December meeting, The m ' \Ma Thompson, Sister Alice|length blue nylon chiffon dress, Laughlin, Judy Fekete, Glen|t00™ fary mpson, BETA SIGMA PHI ek with 5 lbs..and was pre-!Chris j | Cune, Dianne Taylor, Bob Saun-| yrs. jheaddress was a matching pill- bao ee : hristmas dinner on ore veil. Sh rried osegay of|meeting was closed with songs.| Following the business meet-| burton, Janice Graham, Diane|/@st year wth a gift from the|presided for the semi-monthly ST slats elo tage hind Winks pects lent aan se ad welcomed all/Mrs. Charles Baxter's group. Tom Mcintyre, Gord Lewis,| adam told Mrs. Stevenson it|Phi, held recently at the home|Peterborough, wearing a blue members .at the 1 skirt,/there were 20 losers, four pigs, | Mr. John Lander: announced |2"d affection in appreciation of] Mrs. Kenneth Young, chair-|carried a bouquet of pink car-ithe second time consecutivly,| The engagement is announced) ' ; i il, di George Bizet, "Silent Night", her thanks and said how. she|'® Mr. Harold McNeil, director the best man and Mr. Robert/of the week with eight lbs. Th Roberts, Melbourne, Australia,} j } | S pies f hoir the done Bt Simcoe Hau. For the reception at the home/letter from Jean Flatt, Area} the selections of the choir the} The program for. the January ; ta-| Stonniouse Kent street, Whitby, the bride's tion to be our guest in January |Whitby, and the trill accompanied the singing at}, as : ; ion chairman. January meeting | Beta Buddy Sheets were ex- matching accessories and a y for KOPS during ritual, and) yea ths chibis end apoke for every the fathers taking charge of-'the s short 's 0 eg g E EN' ber composed a short verse to|/mother assisted wearing.a gold Two motions were passed -- WON THREE EVENTS Mrs.. Merwin Cryderma re-|the choir and parents. These Mrs. Earl Hannan was speak-|similiar corsage and the Queen's Trophy wi! |!969 Rome Olympics was Wilma iclass, Mrs. Drake and Mrs. IAancarection??! ig Pare Q | Conversation?" In her talk Mrs.\bride donned a blue sheath to take place next week: Coffee and Mrs. Ostrom exercises at the O'Neill ee Tors} Pe_2 good listener a corsage of white roses and The James Minett and ' lof Mrs. Ron McEachern. 'eroft street, and Christmas party, with a| r. Savery pointed out ding girl and the g at the Com- ent exercises were also former Dr. S. J. Phillips stu- dents; namely, Susan ald and David ¢ ! thirty out of the sixty-three award: winners were from the Dr. § Phillips School--Lynda Thompson, Margaret Rice, Nancv Gibbie, Carolyn. Cooper, |sauteed onions will kill the odor. Bill Gordon, Howard McGahey,|Do it while pan is still hot. a Broadbent, Howard|This also kills fish odor effec-) Brian Keys, James Min- tively | Special From Our RECORD BAR An Additional 10% Off Any Record from Our Vast Selection £.G. -- Stereo Reg. 4.98 rice be PRICE LESS 10% STOCKING STUFFERS TUESDAY ONLY 15 Assorted COMIC BOOKS Compare at 1.50 pkg. FOR PRICE SAKE 09° While They Last Big 16" Size TRICYCLE Sturdy construction for hours and hours of fun. Compare at 14.95. Wed. Only. FOR PRICE SAKE For the Young Chemist or Biologist MICROSCOPE SETS FROM 5 5 5 Men's Quilted Nylon SKI JACKETS Assorted sizes and colors Compore ot 14.95 FOR PRICE SAKE 9.88 By Louis Marx CAVALRY CARBINE Shoots soft polythyne bullets. Compore at 1.98 FOR PRICE SAKE WIFE PRESERVER | A little vinegar poured into) he pan in which you have J at ODH Each Evening From 6:00 P.M. Bar Gough, 'Use Our Lay-Away Plan AS LITTLE AS 10% WILL HOLD YOUR SELECTION FOR CHRISTMAS saoeeasaponnaccteceieht commas OPEN DAILY 10 a.m.- 10 p.m. including SATURDAY : coal AND COL __ 65 STYLES, SH eens NO OTHER CHARGES HOODED THERMAL LINED PULLOVER By Monarch Knit Ideal gift for the sportsman; skiing, hunting, skating or boating. Reg. value 5.95. FOR PRICE SAKE 4.88 by Hasbro -- Child's PLAY CHEST For hours of fun. Compare at 1.49. allowed SPECIALS SINGLE VISION $11.95 Complete with Frames, Lenses and Case. Give your eyes a lift! Re place your worn out, old- fashioned, out-moded glasses with KING'S LATEST STYLES. Choose from the most modern aluminum, gold color combination and highly, styled Zyl frames. REPAIRS Broken lenses Frames repaired; placed while you wait prices! NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED LECOFF'S SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH WE FILL ALL PSi, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRES- CRIPTIONS AT THE SAME LOW PRICES. duplicated. frames re- Lowest BIFOCALS 1.95 Complete with Frames, Lenses and Case. & Select your tree from E the fargest stock of > eut trees in North America. FOR PRICE SAKE e : 88 LIMITED QUANTITY | e | 3 OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSI On Purebred French POODLE Registered with Can- edion Kennel Club BECOME ELIGIBLE SIMPLY BY PURCHA~ SING YOUR CHRIST. MAS TREE AT 0.0.H, 1038 KING ST. WEST | AT GARRARD RD. Opticians Over 3.000,000 ' Customers HOURS: MON. TO SAT; 9 AM. - 5 P.M. Closed All Day Wednesday BRANCHES IN MANY PRINCIPAL CITIES OF CANADA AND U.S. OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10.00 P.M. 17 Bond St. £. 2nd Floor Phone 728-1261 Oshowe

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