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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Dec 1963, p. 9

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The Kingsway College Choir| will present its annual Christ-| mas Concert this coming Fii-| day, Dec. 13, at 8 p.m. Tiie work to be featured this year is "Gloria" by Antonio Vivaldi, | The 45-voice College Choir will) be assisted by members of the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra. Soloists are: Miss Gail Perry and Miss Diane Bell, sopranos and Miss Patricia Brown, con-| tralto, Also assisting, will Mrs. E. Lange, pianist, Mrs. M. Melashanko, organist, both members of the Music Department of the College.| Ralph M. Coupland, director of| music at the college, will con-) duct. The concert will be given| in the College Park Seventh-day Adventist Church on King street east. The public are cordially invited to attend. || TREASURE OF MUSIC Today, Vivaldi is best known 'for his instrumental. works, which include 447 concertos and E'some 150 other instrument! |works. His large output | vocal music, however, is almost unknown and_ unper- formed in our time. Certainly the "Gloria" which will be 'presented in this concert is a tantalizing introduction to. the buried treasure of vocal music which may yet be revealed. Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) made two known settings of "Gloria in Excelsis' for solo voices, chdrus and. orchestra The one presented here ceived its first modern Stamp Club To Hold Show The 'members of the Boys and Girls Stamp Club at Sim coe Hall will be the - annual show being held this Wednes- day Robert Singleton will be pres ent to and give a short talk. on United Nations Stamp Collection. This but one of the. special attractions that the boys and girls of the stamp club enjoy. Mr. Single- ton no stranger to many of the children at Simcoe Hall as he is an active worker, in the Westmount Kiwanis sponsored Biddy Basketball League The stamp club, at the Sim- coe Hall, Simcoe street, is under the capable direction of Kraglin who meets with a CHEQUE AIDS CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S WORK behalf of its new -readers to be used by the league in its work among the crippled chil- dren of Oshawa and district --Oshawa Times Photo McGibbon, chairman of the volunteer workers committee the Oshawa Women's Wel- fare League. The cheque was donated by the newspaper on Junior Garden Club olds Christmas Show A very successful show was| JUNIOR CLASSES SENIOR CLAS held Saturday at the Oshawa Christmas. Arrangement for Christmas g Table Ar- Children's Arena by the Oshawa|Dining Table -- Marylin Cross, rangement--BHileen Cross, Leah Junior Garden Club. The show|Margaret Ihnat, Peggy McGib-|Lowry, Janice Branton, Gail attracted 235 entries, many of/bon William -- Siksay, Lana! Jackson, Peter Boswell, Karen them of a Christmas nature.|Turner, Paul Osborne Branton Entries. were received and) Christmas Door Decoration --| Christmas Door Eileen | Arlene Owen judged during the afternoon. InjLana Turner, Kathy. Bowman,|--John Lander, to the parents and guests of the'Karen Branton, Sharon McGhee.| Andrea Rundle, Leah Lowry Young, circulation C of The presenting Robert manager Times cheque for $408.50 to Mrs Oshawa 9 0 is seen a re- per- Arrangement Cross show Arrange- his Andrea Colleen David is cutouts Andrea | Pot- Karen is 1 tness the A wom rescued from @ small fire in her downtown Osh. awa 'apartment Sunday -- night, died in Toronto General Hospi- tal early today Mrs. Ann Mullen, 43, was of her smoke-filled apartment found unconscious on the floor at 39 Simcoe north, by a pdlice- man and a passerby. who broke down the door after seeing ouring from the build- is down to high" R f i) cost ies de give Ald. Brady reminded the proj- sold to the people with understanding there would cost to the taxpayer your committee hope when the loan fund even heard McLaughlin we would have to we never knew how could borrow," Mr said We could the longe thing now. However,|in recent don't think it's what you weeks We feel we should go for But for most oan." thoughts of joy tolaway from schoo by exams t t all along ed the to constri orium no at aud did Long Break "" For Students W borrow mucl M knew but $25,000 wint and will elementary school students Christmas years Oshawa ondary Se get vacation two whole A short but interesting. pro-; ment Marylin Cross, Cathy Arle Onan gram was presented by three|MclIntyre Stephen Barrett, | Eaeh Lawes? Club who have' brought awards Tommy Owen 3 ; as Houghton and honor to Oshawa.with their, A Winter Scene, using cutouts 5 i A Winter Scene, using Yurkowski gave a baton twirl \Camp Garry Beatty, Lana| ing solo and Miss Karen Bran- Turner, Ronnie Harrison, Mary] Rundle, Lea Lowry, ( ter, Kathy Gilmore baton when she performed the Peggy. McGibbon tied "Flash Baton" and Miss Dianne! JUNIOR CLASSES A Christmas Gift Box wrapped - John Lander, Karen Branton, act. As a climax the girls join-jped and judged on originality Jane ed forces when they presented! and -- Garry Beatty,|Andrea Rundle, Arlene Owen ge for Mother gether more, Lana Turner, Susan'-- Sharon Beatty in the library at Simcoe Hall Miss Patsy Boswell favored/Branton, Ginette Blouin Karen Branton, Andrea Rundle,/The group would like* to invite Ann: Lancaster. she played on her small electric Mother -- Cathy McIntyre, Gin-| A Christmas Favor for Dining| stamp collecting to attend this organ. lette Blouin, Peter Frost, Paul;Table -- Patsy Boswell, Peter! special meeting on Wednesday. winners by their leader, Mrs./Ihnatt. )Branton, Karen Paton, Gail Pot- Earle Sandfod and her assis A Christmas Favor for. the|ter and Eileen Cross (tie). Burns Fatal Russell Boswell. John Thnat Susan Branton, original arrangement using nat-| The rseults of judging| Marylin Cross, Ronnie Harrison,|ural materials was won by Ar- * W 12 TO 1 VOTE Yule Spirit )Oshawa clubs in August ,"Just For New Arena res 32.cee: mas spirit pervaded even in On a 12 to 1 recorded. vote; "With the outstanding pledge magistrate's court Council moved to borrow $850,--have to change your mind. If,was given a two-year suspend- smoke f 000 from the federal municipal|it had been borderline, I never'ed sentence on two convictions, |'"8 ditorium statted right away. KEEP PRICES DOWN noted that Christmas is close,|51 in the Oshawa General Ald. John Dyer was opposed Ald. John. Brady promised to nd that the accused haq been| Hospital recovering from a rons from the Department $1.100.000 if they are. In addition, the court was his wife's death this morning of. Municipal Affairs, the city)«pio told, Manning had given him-| Since 1959, Mrs. Mullen had E over four years to pay interest »4) the Civic' Auditorium|and had offered to make full|member. of the housekeep- itt ' irestitutior mounting a g ste spokesman de- the city's contribution of $81,000 4), COMES) fay On $15 m amounting to about ing staff. A spokesma 2 -apital { the! «; : A 7 q fy toward the capital of th Cha can be made to cut. Another . youth who had' ac-/natured,"' and "A jolly person price,' said Mr. Mc-;companied Manning when the Her death brings to two the ALD. DYER QPPOSED Said Ald. Dyer Approving for three different earlier given a suspended sen- awa this year. The last occur- us some. lee- tence also red in. April fancied financial commitm hy sis city, We are eile place Bt the Oshawa Tennis heen made on the -possibility of Club and Club Loreley, on an inquest been against (Ald. Dyer oppos y held in the Armstrong Funeral the $1,300,000 Chapel, Thursday, Dec, 12 tario Municipal Bo M $ Mount Lawn Cemetery. Friends city's capital works are asked not to call at. the still pending.) works subsidy from | Vice the evening the show was open|Susan Branton, Garry Beatty,|Patsy Boswell > ars Chri as e >| range-| ' member iristmas Mante Arangé Christmas Mantel Junior Gardne| Kathy Bowm< Peter S xin, | " members of the Ju i e| Kathy Bowman ete impkin Pesbles: Karen Branton, baton twirling acts. Miss Dianne|from Christmas Cards -- Allison f E from Christmas Cards ton did another solo act with her) Gilmore Tommy 'Owen and 3ranton, Patsy Boswell. Shaw performed a double baton A Christmas Gift Box wrap-) Powell, Kathy Gilmore a difficult and interesting act to-'Kathy. Lancaster, Mary Gil-| Christmas Co Kathy Lewis, the group with selections which} A. Christmas Corsage for, Patsy Boswell, any boys and girls interested in Awards were presented to the/Osborne, Garry Beatty, John/ Boswell, Sharon McGhee, Janice -- ants, Mrs. Reg. Owen and Mrs.|Dining Table -- Margaret Ihnat,| A special award for the most were: Garry Beatty lene Owen Cit T B A youth, who broke into two jfound Monday that the Christ- Monday night, Oshawa City|response from the public, you; David Leonard Manning, 19 loan fund to get the Civic Au-| would have gone for it."' after Magistrate F. S. Ebbs Her husband, William Mullen Provided loan approval comes fight to get the tender -prices married only five weeks major operation, He was told of 5 9 t : $146 : , will have to levy for $149,000 S. McLaughlin, chair-self up -to police voluntarily;worked at the hospital as costs on the loan ($68,000) and ayooytive two-hour meeting scribed her today as Good project "In sonie areas, we Offences were committed, was number of fire fatalities in Osh this request implies a real The break-ins in question took No announcement has yet indicating a green Kitchener avenue The memorial service will: be authorizing the ci 2 p.m, Interment will bein to add this dollar funeral home until. Wednesday Subtractir f ed tender the { si expe of $00,000 ] amoun Si leaves $1,2 on which ness bonus That by ect before March would not have this $212,000. te Then ($197,000 in pledges 1 and $147000 Ize rec able) and the $81.00 city tribution, some $638,000 needed ACTUAL LOAN $850,000 The actual loan would $850,000 but amount repaid would just ($850,000 minus the The total in outstand dges just covers this $638,000 loan when-a 25 per cent allowance is included Mr. Markson these figures Assuming a ance on the pledges would rise to $228,000. Alon with the $68,000 intere the cost to the taxpayer be $296,000 over three year "T'm willing to go out on a limb," said Mayor Lyman Gif appear again for ford last night. He urged unani-/ neing in Oshawa Magis- mous: council backing but, he 'Tate's Court, Jan. 27 also called for the r Other cases. set over at Mon- vote. ay court those This Joseph Mary said he fil 1] treet Harris economize '"'but who afe we to Olive stop this project for $150,000? (street. build we the forgive of of is them the two weeks being tem- and report is £ 1966 to Dafoe wanted collect av back $1.963.000 * alae moré|pered in cards The holiday 1 1 Jeff in On-\ sible regulation of the loan fundidown in the Schools Act would he thrown) states must close the city could lose! Dec reopen chance to borrow than Jan. 3 : ee But since Dec. 22 is a Sun- day, schools will close at 4 p.m on Dec. 20, and since Jan. 3. is Defer Sentence 2%. ave since fan." On Toronto Meg ee Sentence Impaired Driver Jailed 14 Days A Whitby man w year d ght money aving put council Mr Markson subtractin the longest po laid which by no earlier in € under hare May and schools 22 and be be $638,000 000).} the to be s was deferred Mon- day in the case of two Toronto also introduced men. convicted last month at for compar Whitby of attempting to deceive 45 percent t public son allow- the | he Fiore and Irvi had been uld then junk Timpano, Etobicoke, Schwartz, Toronto, |14 d arrested. for selling} the . Pickering as jailed for ays by Oshawa Magistrate's Court Monday, after pleading guilty to impaired driving and leaving the scene of an accident. | A further charge. of drunk driving, laid against Mark Al- bert Quesnelle, 38, of Cochrane street, Whitby; was withdrawn.! Quesnelle was arrested Nov 1 by Whitby Police shortly after he left: the rear-end traffic accident at King and (Gibbon streets in Oshawa. goods in a area They 'will sentencing recorded 5 Seen here is one of the new ession were lighting fixtures being erected er Stafford Di Bolan Mi David morning H Wor hi downtown business sec- tion by the Public ' Utilities Commission. The new S ¢ a scene of a in the s'reet Oshawa and 4 College Choir To Give Concert of distinguished from still] (Glori: Patris) used at the end | chine group each Wednesday at 7 p.m | PUC INSTALLS NEW LIGHTNING She Oshawa ines - PAGE NINE formance in Siena on Septem- ber 20, 1939, in an edition pre-|. pared by the composer Alfredo | 2ECOND SECTION shen 8, andthe Work'hat) Ss QSHAWH ROTARIANS HOSTS TO CRIPPLED CHILDREN OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1963 lished in 1941, and the work 'has since become one of the most popular Baroque works for chorus and orchestra NEW REVISED VERSION Casella's edition lays no claim to accuracy of any sort--it is in fact described as an "elabor- Many details in the work are changed and this ver- sion was followed in all modern performances before May, 1957, when the work was performed with the original orchestration and restoration of cuts at the closing concert of the First Festival of Baroque Choral Music at. Brooklyn College, under the direction of Robert Hickok, This new revised ver- sion was published in 1961 with Mason Martens as Editor of the uMsic and English Text. "Gloria.in Excelsis" is known the Greater Doxology, as the Lesser ac of Psalms. The hymn sung by the angels to announce Christ's birth (Luke 2:14) is the basis of its strength, especially in' this festive setting by Vivaldi The orchestra of strings, obe, trumpet, bassoon, organ and basso continuo, accompany a mixed chorus and. women solo- ists. The total. effect is one of brilliant sunlight, of pomp and glitter -- the epitome of baro que splendor Post Oftice Yule Rush Under Way Osh this Bar Blitz Nears End The chocolate bar blitz spon- sored by the Central Council of Neighborhood Associations and the sports committee of the cen- ral council will terminate Fri- day, Dec. 13. It is hoped that the objective of $2,500 will be reached by then Pat McGowan of the Oshawa Recreation Committee and sec- retary of the chocolate bar blitz committee, reports that returns indicate that further hard work by team captains and assistants and inceased support by the j|citizens of Oshawa will be re- quired if the objective is' to be attained | The money will be used to) | | Figures released by the awa Post Office show that year's Christmas mail is ting off to a food - start volume of mail.for Dec. 5, 6 anc 7 is comparable to that for the} same period last year, and about double that of a normal R Based Mann meet the recreation commit-| week, Postmaster W i ' | gays ments of Central Council and) the Sports Committee Jail Driver Seven Days | A 61-year-old man was jailed seven days by Oshawa Magis- trate's Court Monday, on a con- viction of having been drunk in |charge of a motor vehicle. | Clive Wendell Abbott, Glad- 173 EXTRA WORKERS stone avenue, pleaded that a All out-of-town mail should be faulty exhaust system and two |posted by the end of this week,| drinks he had consumed, caused Friday, Dec. 13, both to ensure|him to appear intoxicated when its delivery in time for Christ-/he was arrested Nov. 24, mas, and also to help the Post) A police officer testified that Office workers who are very when he first saw Abbott driv- busy at present. Mr .Mamn|ing north on Simcoe street, he} said that about 173 extra work-|thought he was trying to fix ers. who will be both sorting something under the dashboard. | and delivering the mail, have On closer inspection, he realized signed up for the Christmas| the accused was "hanging over) Between 60 an d70 children, injmakers rush the wheel jaddition to their parents, were Mr. Mann emphasized that all He followed Abbott's car for guests of the Rotary Club of cards, letters . and . parcels nearly a mile, being forced off|Oshawa, Monday night at Hotel should be correctly and legibly the road each time he tried to}Genosha, when the service club addressed, with the strect direc- Pull him over. Frequently, the/held its annual.Christmas Party is BE mailed totalled the ma- letters 5 to Cards -- and Thursday Dec 530, according Friday, Dec. 6, they 27,898; and Saturday, 7, 19,478. As was expected figure dropped consider- ably' Sunday to 6,787 The number of parcels mail-; ed rose from. 565 Thursday, to} 597 Friday and 654 Saturday Most of the mail going through the Post Office is going out of | town, although there is also con- |siderable local mail. MORE THAN 60 crippled children were guests of the Rotary Club of Oshawa at its annual Christmas Party Mon- day night in Hotel Genosha. In the upper picture Ann Kosub, | 3, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | George Kosub, 530 Dunkirk avenue, looks in wonder at totalled George Charlton, chairman of the club's crippled children's committee; Don Jackson, for- mer world singles skating champion; Miss Lynne Avery, physiotherapist at the Simcoe Hall Crippled Children's School and Murray Macleod, president of the service club... --Oshawa Times Photos 60 Children Guests At Christmas Party the doll she is receiving from Santa Claus. She is held by Past President A. W. Arm- strong. In the lower picture Kathy Mitchell, 7, winner of the: attendance prize, is pre- sented with a budgie bird and cage. Gathered around her, from left, are Rotarian Seated in a sleigh he distributed gifts to each of the children WATCH. PROGRESS Following grace by Rotarian Accompanied on the trip by his father, George Jackson, he wul skate in Czechoslovakia where he won the word singles skat- ing championship two years ago, Addressing the gathering 9 post a women Friday to t Indian singer 39- of Victorian he lectors' 'ture, tion and rural route number 2¢cused man's car -veered/for the children who receive Rev, J. G. Pereyma, President : where appropriate. All parcels &CTOSS the centre line causing)assistance from the club Murray Macleod extended alte po9 unk Ris should be wrapped. securely, |ONComing traffic to pull off the) Rotarian George Charlton and Welcome to the children. Heldone by a service aon Bis Withs «bindy paper: not. fst road the members of his' crippled|¢ommented that the members! Other guests included Mie Christmas wrapping paper, and Both the arresting officer and)children's committee annanged a of the club watch the progress! Hannah of Peterborough die. strong twine. "If the presents the duty sergeant at the city|sparkling program. The hotel!/made during year by each trict nurse for the Ontario Sos ; worth anything," said Mr, Police station said that in their staff served a delicious turkey|Child. It was with a feeling of|cjety for Crippled Children: Mann. "they are worth extra Pinion, Abbot was. drunk dinner with all the traditiona]/Statification that their improve-|\icg Gertrude Tucker. sipet: precaution in packing, or they. Abbott's brother-in-law testi- side dishes and the colorful) ment was noted visor of public health nursing will end up in the undeliver- fied that he fixed the exhaust|@ecorations added to the enjoy-| A special guest was Don Jack-|for Oshawa; Dr. C. C. Stewart able mail office." ystem on his car the day after/ment of the event by all who son, who returned to Oshawa/Oshawa medical health officer: the arrest attended from New Haven, Conn., to be/His Worship Mayor Lyman The climax of the evening|with his: parents for a shortiG 'OOD ' cout - p s $ § |Gifford, Miss Cooper, director - HOSPITAL REPORT ; is came when Santa Claus was time before going overseas to/of the Simcoe Hall School for ee hee a ie he sak irl Placed welcomed by cheers and noise- fill a skating engagement./Crippled Children and Miss sral ¢ 0 s ak a . pacisaccituas fe = Pease poe ag sigs reel yee nie Avery, physiotherapist at ' g S: & s-| e Simcoe Hall Sc sions 325; 'births male 26,| - '4 bd , ll School. female 26; discharges, 299; On Probation 1C ac TO e \FINE PROGRAM newborn discharges :-- male 18, Following a period of carol female 18; major surgery 109; f \Singing, Jack Bateman of To- minor surgery 91; eye, ear,! Observing that "This . girl bd jronto mystified and delighted nose and throat 56; treatments/needs quite a bit of coun- OO Ol incl {his youthful audience with his and examinations 201; casts/selling,"" Magistrate F. S.'Ebbs Sleight of hand display. 23; physietherapy treatments Monday, placed 17-year-old ' | One of the highlights ee ea ai C T "Dj Wil-lbe ' 4 : s of the 806, visits 561; occupational Betty Selleck, Hogart strect, on yj ne Nem rie ntti been, cutoff from supplying evening was the draw for a iiereniy 194 foo: yours! "sisnenied 'sentence liams, chairman of the Ontario some retail stores for refusal to puq ie bird. As the y foe hick A Food Council, said Monday ex-|contribute to sales - promotion 8 igs Echt cae youngsters or brake with theft. Besides) aoutiyes of retail food 'chains! schemes held their breath im anticipa- robat > was § yiven 3 " ' C s i . > drew in proba sus she was also given a \ilt be questioned about alleged Se e tion, Miss Avery drew the tick- 10 p.m. curfew ldenbacks @ ae ao Some suppliers were forcedjet held by Kathy Mitchell, one Evidence heard earlier, re- nie then or feea frulte 04 to make payments to individ-lof the young guests : me : eee pie 2 I , S 4 als to sell to companies 5 ; pee vealed that neatly $290 in cash,| yegetables a cdotedae! Seated at a special _ table cigarets and food was taken Mr Williams said at the an- 3. Smaller, independent fruit were the students from Kings- during the break-in at the Qual-inual meeting of the Ontario Dera. oe for pd alee _who drive the Set si Store, Celina street, in'F 09d Processors Association deal paeiibation pon wind mee ie ek er september here that he has heard com- 3 ? ie en he fy was indinaled at the earl:| plaints thet means of purchasing sel children's school at ier hearing, that at least' two| 1. Growers and suppliers have aoe Labs Hail other people were involved in ie food council was set up in sea te the burglary. Monday, the etl pipe ad teas Minister} bd Wan told Hak We cake ia aul K ] 'és ewal armers, processors, | a tl under investigation and further ee er ase distributors and consumers are arrests are likely . represented Noting Miss Selleck had| F ll E d Some independent fruit pro- : already been in custody for al Ind n s fue Pein aie be Ma Ine week and that she had assisted] LONDON (AP) -- The Chris.|MCtable to take-over by relat police investigators, His Wor-|tine Keeler case "' chains because the chains may} cp. | ae Saei ship said/he would impose the hong ni te : B My ound up at not be getting what they want od A thorney. Bruce Affleck ~ behane pos c : ne me He Bailey : criminal jn the quantities "heeded, sald requested a "minimum penalty uspended sentence. count 2} ay the rt , y pene ay, W » Gilli ' Rs (ance os astenas ge oe his , four h Mr, Williams. Processors mightlooe nie Jose ph McGilli- yelieve you were possibly ant pleading guilty. He consider co-operating to meet| "2": Bh Sie, Was CONVICTs undet the influence of other,}was put on probation for three! chain store needs me ed of having a still in his older persons at th be years and ordered ¢t f : possession concluded gua neue of £5 (S15). : J. D.' Baxter of Bloomfield, | He was fined $100 < . Bivisine ahd iwe Ont., association president, said) ine ined $100 and costs | 2 re cued to co-operate with the Ontario) oe, ee ee & COUrL, | London Shrouded conspiring to frame We government if they are not per- It might nof have heen 'a B : ferace oie wie ne Bagi mitted to keep draft legislation maging but Aa ge looked ues 7 i got €\restricting. their activities me e,"' said Magistrate F. y Freezing Fog | months her apartment mate Sioa Le us __ |S. Ebbs. He was commenting on LONDON (Reuters)-tFreezine Paula Hamilton - Marshal! got (ae ja defence contention' that the hie ~ oN ON an i i Sigg st. six months and their. house- STTING VALUABLE jaccused's apparutus was not a saivounaine scare lg sete Aan keeper, Olive Brooker, got a MONTREAL (CP) -- Now is/Still because it employed rubber. Ano Medina Saal oa 1 i dla Wis sentence of 12 the time to look for Victoriana,|tubing instead of the convention- fixtures will ensure the area is i: 'traff ee igelagle says Gerald Stevens, Montreal/al copper coil. ast lone the. : adie a oy iy ae oki ie Galea The fourth defendant, .a authority and collector of Cana-| In registering the convyiction, Shit en eke G eh is we " at E 4a par i le co de . year-old West Indian named Ru- dian antiques. He_ predicts fur-| His Worship noted that in the ut r ght was s ted he winter he temperature|dolph Fenton, originally nit the early and mid-jopinion of the two- RCMP as it has been highly recom- dropped 19 de at. Gat-|pleaded not to conspirin : ] Peaigs | ioe ni wrended he aichun é ; a ' a ; : " . irin veriods will be. col-!offieers who. laid the char the : uphting experts ick airport,. some 30 mules with the onday items. in the near fu-,apparutus definitely was capé ae re . oe : ) ms. i é appa \ pase Oshawa Times Photo jsouth of London. (changed his' plea to guilty, ible of distilling liquor. to grees 1 women

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