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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Dec 1963, p. 5

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Patan \ iC LM IE a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tueedey, December. 10,1963--5 ULILN Vv A d D I S TRIC Be Z \ iecweiie Several of the Leach -7.17,. Hadfield 11.42 I l . . . . fellows appeared tired from the Peters. 14.04 Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West | Dunnies, -- Tie Pe big game. on Sunday, others THIRD' PERIOD | u did hot seem to be giving) Scoring None Tel. 668-3703 t their all coach Wright'. Penalties -- Stirling, major Manager: John Gault * 8 e and manager' Davie may be Kielman major Dionne 1g t ars Ir er1o jcracking the whip in the next\major, Sandford, major 04 yractice before the big one on Cheesman, major, 11.00. O'Shea * Church Histor : . ; Thursday night Next home major, misconduct and game : By CLIFF GORDON lhe Dunnies applied some mid game for the Dunnies is one misconduct Anderson minor 1 rp » > | ae 'Whitby Dunlops huag on des- Period pressure when they held Wook from last night when the and major, Keough major, 11.00 T ld 1 UCW verately inthe waning moments 4 man advantage due to a penal: jiohicoke Indians will be the 11.00 0 0 if last Might's game to preserve ty. They were unable to tally. visitors, . . they are undefeatec 1 22 tie with the Dixie Bee- The visitors took advantage so far, TO HEAR CASES The regular meeting of Sf. hives of a penalty to Jim. Peters to SUMMARY MADRID (AP)--The- Spanish Mark's United church Women 'The single point moves' Dun- knot' the contest at '2-3 in. the First Period parliament has passed a_ bill was held in the Sunday School ii. tg within three of the idie, second period. Hickox and Ire Whitby: Hampson etting up a tribunal of p bli auditorium with Mrs. H. T. Faleg place Neil .MeNei! land fed the passes that enabled Lastic. J. Peters «.. { shih eg The 'ribuna i Went tales praeiine Maroons. The Dunnies wil) get Sicinski to. score Dixie: Huff " 'many cases. previously handled] cha ihated 2 few : eM of anothet : wisn lo otek iP The third 'period was a junior Hadfedd-Kielman .«.. by military and special courts.| welcome lo ose prese *. ground hursday when they vars Te o-Chicago} ' ' | Phliee ached Wis. Riss Halliiake og the Lakeshore Goodl te gf ine aruedes mien, Wntoy: Marben, t q g e "I i 1 rac aN eae vi rT to lead in the singing "4 pe " ears at Lakeshore Kight major penalties, one mis | os h ° 4 a - nay Want a mas carols as a prelude to the Ra Hen and Weve condact iets Anaiing sched 6) . rl amps é y conduct and a game miscon : be Christmas program : | Cheesman 5.45, Stanfield 12.59 Perfect Fit? Mavhew. a pair of hard-working duct resulting from two sepa! Hipoh : CANADIAN SHERRY The program for the meellng defencemen shared the Dunnies' ate skirmishes were meted out SECOND PERIOD That's what you will get if was in charge of Unit No. ® goals' Terry Huff and Bob Si- in the final 20 minutes 4. Dixie: Sicinski you have your next suit or coat and Mrs. A. S. McLean, Uni! cinsk; tallied for the Beehives The majors went to Leach, Hickox, Lreland 5.58 | made to measure by : Leader, assisted by Mrs. Neil) Hampson gave the Dunnies;Dionne, O'Shea and Chessman Penalties -- Dionne 3.32,] @ TIP TOP TAILORS shasuere at Murkar and Mrs. J. K. Bowes first blood as he whistled a hot of the Dunnies and to Stirling . _ e HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN (QO) ares | CHATEAU-GAl WINES LIMITED conducted the worship service one from the blueline that com- Keilman, Anderson and goalie CE Os PALLO-@ AR ADS : lueu é Keil s a ¢ WM, N. LEISHMAN Ro mae based on the Christmas Story piciely fooled goalie Keough Keough of the visitors. O'Shea SCUGOG : (Ye Nae ¢ 30) as related in St. Luke's Gospel. iure tied it seconds later when picked up the misconduct and CLEANERS - Mrs. Bowes introduced the combined with linemates Had- game misconduct Russ Reeves guest speaker, Miss Ila Newton, ficid and Kielman JUST TALKING We & Shirt Launderers MEN'S SHOP CANADA'S WINES OF DIST INC 129 BROCK $ PH. 668.2091 5 or Deaconess of St. Mark's who Mavhew regained the ead hought the Dunnies were lucky TION y i \ L a spoke on The Church with a blistering drive from the gel out with a tie, despite Through the Ages'. Using a se ight point in the "l the edge they held at time WED AT BROOKLIN ies of lustrations which she had:prepared, Miss Newton said Pictured following their re Mrs. Albert Cooper, RR No. she hoped her talk would make cent wedding held at Brook 1, Whitby and the bridegroom Christmas more meaningful : ; _ is the son of Mr. and Mrs Starting with the Cross lin United Church are Mr and yo cig Bray of Raglan, M: Bas ee Py Bina Mrs. Kenneth Bray. The bride and Mrs. Bray established and also the Resurrectior is the daughter of Mr. and residence al RR 1, Brooklin traced the progress of Ch tianity down through the cent ies of martyrdom of the ear SUPREME COURT Chistians to the time of Lat and Huss John and Chagles Ursley and to the present Mrs. N; Gartshore exp d war e the thanks of the group ' pleasing piano solo was i by Barbara Breckenridge Man Clears Mrs. F Ollen Bile, chairmor of the nominating committee presented the slate of officers 'T-see no excuse for shouting In a counter claim, Uhrin ask- oy 1964. Rey 1, M. Smith con nterrupted His Lordship, Mr. ed for $450°to cover the loss of ducted the service of dedicatior lustice Stewart ou've been rent from June to October, and and installation of office EASTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST SELECTION -- OVER.400 MACHINES IN. STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM watching too many American other costs in urred in "clean My Wailaise the 'incom CneveOn BOW ing and painting the house [0! president asked for the cont . . His Lordship's comment quel: future tenants after Martell lef! yeq co-operation for the new ADDING MACHINES -- CASH REGISTERS ---DUPLICATORS -- CHEQUE WRITERS, ETC, ed a loud verbal exchange be- It tween plaintiff Emile Martell Myr. Justice Stewart awardec and Mrs. John Uhrin during @ Martell the $1,000 offer to pur property suit at Supreme Cotirt ohase, but ordered him to pa sittings here Monda Uhrin his counter claim of $450 : Martell 1314. King street, as well as court costs Marte PERSONALS Oshawa, informed the court|cleared $450 that he had signed an offe : 1 es oa wie lune to purchase a house be Galea Clay Weld on execu longing to John Uhrin, Her Township Fires meeting a the Ladies Lounee t OShawa > \ street resident Mr Donald Wilso speed He te alse at on, sire 1 va the chair Reports tron short after moving' in ¢ H ] d I 63 "onve 1 t t t conveners ndicated that a discovered the furance to b a ve n : defective and in the opinion of his repairman, inreplacable = Plans for the De 4 bor Martell, appearing in. court Council Told spiel were completed. Dates fo LOWEST PRICES IN THE AREA -- WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD without legal aid, was award schedule were announced A ed the return of his $1000 offer) BROOKLIN (Staff) The Club Day was arranged. fo te purchase. He was also seek-'nsymber of fires in Whitby Town- Dec. 16. Final arrangements ing 'the cost of repairs which'ship have decreased by almost were made for a. 'Business , he had made on Uhrin's house" half over 1962 Township Council! Girl's League' which will star during his residence there was informed Monday night. Sunday, Dec. 15 ' 1 offered to share with M ; "hi an ' Uhrin half of the cost of re Fire Chief George . Mr. and M Haroid Andru ' . : 4 Garrard road fire area, in his ,, idr Aan ; placing the furnace hut 'he and children Craig and Heather 1 alk t .'S annual report, praised a bylaw of Belleville were Sunday r would not even tal om by Council prohibiting good seasor was underwa 1 passed ner guests of his parents the plaintiff added open fives in the spring {6r and Mrs. Ceci! Andrus. 992 Kine Maftell said he felt the own- 'more than halving' the work ctreet er of the house had been at done by his department fault and that he terminated He said the fire bmgade United Church' Women Un the offer to purchase before the anaberea 30 alarms duriaa\NO 6 is holding its Christma final agreement was completed 1963. 23 I could see | wasn't getting .. A Total fire Joss in the area Christmas auction will be anywhere, so I moved oy was $11,825 or $3.25 per capita. held with Mrs. Charles Lantne 137 BROCK ST $ SERVICE DEPT, the house and bought -anothe: the Chi' eaded hig ce Vanes: ; WHITBY : a : : : ON THE PREMISES he explained Chief James Watson, Fir: 668.5849 Where Service Reigns' OPEN SATURDAY Uhrin. affirmed that he had rea No.2 reported fire losses Marie -Hi 17 Thorncroft been willing to do anything i amounting to $3,500 and said crescent. Ajax presider h powe to rectify the ma had been called of Ajax Kinettes-is oy - home this evenin tive meeting less than in 1962 meeting today Dec. 10 as a is department out 19 times duting the yea examine the furnace. he had tie said the men had attend n preven ed by a bunch ofj.q. 11 grass fires: three dwel e ee > huskies which, -he alleged}, one commercial blaze ..? ati : ia artel st in the basemer tak fades bisa "es : : aH daughter-in-law M ep z of an ighters in uniform made yaryin Appleton awa oi| company. testifying [¢ ser ¢ ca during tt but when. he had attempted alarm ; and and the programs of and prevention. i the good conditior was proceeding we Counce expressed the HEAVY DAM AGES appreciation for the work dor is} n compa b the brigades d th i more. thar 9.900000 injvear and commended the chie and their men for their tim given to the service of the compensation fo caused b " 962-63 wint ' 'ommunity Township Assessment Up $15 Million In '63 BROOKLIN. (Sta Buiid- counted for by 'six pe ing permits ied in Whitby,sued for the building of con Township during 1963 indicate mercial enterprises an assessment of more tt The 'green light giver $2,300,000. nearly $1,500 000, allow four new ndustries more than the total amount in commence building w ne t 1962 relieve the individual lax The ' building reporters to the tune of $790,000 t IPS <4 To ; assessment value "D wa ead to Wh tbs ' 3 Additions; gavage 0 n Oat ane pail were the only phase ated with great | permits tae to show a de wi neconn Sf. irs eae arte oe The difference betweerhoping | ...and having is a. " . re Council was informed tha Private dwe gs of a 8 with permits expected to be alue of $686,000 accounted for| syed before the end of the vea 51 of the permits issued dur-'the total could rise to. more ing the yea : than 500.000 over the 1962 -- A further $787,300 was ac- total of just under $1,000,000 : - AN BROCK Evening Shows at 6:55 and 8:30 Last Complete Show at 8:30 ' froy (} WHITBY GIVE YOURSELF A 4 and : Den oes see CANADIAN IMPERIAL ny "pig does : c | BANK OF COMMERCE Uisuit san LaTMuitH nday, \ ou ean buy almos ythi JUSTICE PHILLIPS BAXTER HARRISON : 2 la ee her you can buy sige anything vou means of financing your purchase. When you'd like to enjoy the practical, economical want 'on time, you may not have thought of these "7 | i ; : 3. WITH A PERSONAL ' difference between hoping and having, always make - s Dp PATTERSON advantages of our Personal Loan Plan. ' oe your nrg : co . e ch . ar 5 aE ad PROTECTION .. . each loan is life-insured. YOUE tne atop the Bank of Commerce, wateurte SCREENPLAY BY JACK DAVIES wo mmevmone : 1. WITH A PERSONAL LOAN YOU HAVE CASH ON HAND eNTURY Pox OIRECTED BY KEN ANNAKIN . : y 'of C y * SaNTUny rox OOMETED BREN AN | ELECTRONICS . ++ you have the freedom 'to shop and 'bargain' With a Bank-of Commerce Personal Loan you can ' obtain your money quickly. Repayments are arranged rease in asse sment I e oe . heer von wish Also --- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION 107 COLBORNE ST. W al el Haake to fit vour own budget. Best of all. vou'll And vou oe : ds panda | THE] id o j 2 F : THE MANIAC | 2. WITH A PERSONAL LOAN YOU PAY LOW INTEREST oval branch manager helpful, understanding and it he [BANK | Ce oe PHONE 668-2711 +++ You use the most practical and economical terested in having you fo: stome 260 JTHAT|BUILDS| Recommended As ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ~ ng you fora customer. _ Over 1260 branches to gerne you HAT|BUILDS

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