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Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Dec 1963, p. 29

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28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, December 11, 1963 OSHAWA 4 , I NOTICE, COMMANDE: AVE i . is TICE, CO R, YOU Hi if NOT MUCH, VERY LEARNED AND A BIT ODD. CHINESE WIFE, ONLY SON AWAY " BOWLING NEWS : V ala | Ph UMOTIN Src 2 voOk Ow [ AT SCHOOL, HIS"JUNGLE GARDENS" ARE FAMOUS FOR EXOTIC PLANTS, E I S I O N i O POISONOUS PLANTS ALWAYS IN DEBT, ,. AT LEAST UNTIL A FEW MONTHS AGOsee WELL, 2 SEE | OF THE TROPICS, /~ YES, IVE BEEN WERE ABOUT TO LD Wr Bonlaoee ---------- ' le > BE Ae ; CHCH-TV l--H CBLT-TV 6--T | sg rie pi fal" come ee : WGR-TV Channel 2--Buflalo WBEN-IV Channel 4--Buffalo gal : WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel &--Rochester CFTU-TV Channel $--Toronto CKVR-TV Charnel 3--Barrie All Stars took three points from Hoot enannies; Hot Shots took two points from Pin Hitters; Bell Ringers took two -points Hillbillies and Jokers took two points from Hi Lo's. Standing -- Bell Ringers 29, Jokers 27, Hot Shots 21, Hi Lo's 21, All Stars 19, lsat 13, Hootenannies 13 and Pin b 9:00 A.M. 4:00 P.M. pisces aig '\Raneoe Rags Blt eget a iced Hitters 1 $ - '= &--The Match Game --| kers Health Nbamily Theatre 9. a pla vs ' Z SHERIFF'S TAILORING LEAGUE 8-2 Superman 4-Popeye's Playhouse ; o . ; nd 2 ~ Astrapouts took three points from Hille' 7--The Early Show 2--Mike Douglas Show 2---Captain Bob ss " 4 " , billies leaving them 1. Rascals dict he Razzie Dazzle i :30 P.M. SF . . same for the Globetrotters and the Hoot# + 9:15 AM. 4:30 PL ! 4--Five O'clock Show Mi Heten enannies and Jetsons took two each. soem [tM Soyucer ae Sa? : [asa ei ee if e i str is 7, i 9--Sea Hunt 9:30 A.M. 4--Leave It To Beaver 5 Di es 7, Hooteannies. &3--Woody Woodpecker | %---Playtime With Bobby) I~ emer ; "This week saw some scores that ded 2--Sania -Program T--Jack LaLenne Show, THURSDAY ave. i oe / serve honorable mention. B. Allen rolled 100 PLM 10:00 A.M. - @ beautiful 765 (267, 285, 213), then J, Sele i ake N--Eadie Allen Show | !!--Family 'Theatre WE'VE HAD REPORTS THAT loa = lack came through with 668. (261, 223, 204), é3_Live ahd Learn 7---Girl Talk 9--Kiddo 4 id VIET CONG TROOPS HAVE BA ih > BACK THE D. Sheehey 641 (263) and last but not least 2--Today, 1963 63--National Schools 8--Superman L 8 COME INTO THE AREA ( 4 } =~) 3 |was Ev Snow with 625 which Included @ AS P.M. 4--Calendar 7--The ayes vol 19) RECENTLY, BUT WE'RE NOT Y HH} 2 303 game, Nice bowling girls. Fe phos ows 82--Say When Pagphaginke ge AN , ly SURE / AT LEAST WE HAVEN'T | res -- R. Canfield 224, J. Fulling 7 200 Scot y c be 84 / i jj f = 2 219, J. Hurst 218, H. Brown 216, T. Hare +-Quir 10:30 A.M. 2--Huckleberry Hound a : < BEEN ABLE TO FIND THEM/TI... | , Yi\ ¥ 5 flock 211, M. Tureski 211, M. Gilkes 206. 1190 PM. ner Were Per word 5:30 P.M. / by, Taper tones = A Cae a tk 1-9-8-3-2-- " 3 7--General Hospital W--Yogi Ber league deserve honorable mention too, and rg 's show 6--Chez Helene 6--Music Hop But you guess who they are, D. Bure ie 4-1 Love Lucy 2--Santa Program roughs 99, M. Werosky 98, N. Winters 9% MF , R. : 6:45 PM. 11:00 A.M, 6:00 PLM. Lah rovsen Me squshingham 75, 68, Family Theatre 9--Morning Magazine 9--Bliko 8-2--Huntley Brinkley kyr HE le 6--The Observer NEIGHBORHOOD LADIES 7:00 P.M. sclaais vane 3--Tombstone Territory We have a tie for high triple this week of Groucho 4--The McCoys 2--Today, 1963 with Nancy Vickers 682 (243, 232, 207). 9--Best of Grovcl and Ev Campbell with 682 (243, 222, 217)» 8--Pete Gunn 19:30 A.M. 6:15 P.M. Julie Roesch was close with 679 (24% 4--Headline News 236, 201), next was Yvonne DuGuay wh 7-6--News, Weather, 1)--Albert J. Steed Show 6:30 PLM. ES om 247 (248, 220) and Edna Ward 611 (244), Sports | ¢-2--Missin be 9 Links ' = ' 11-9-8-4-3-2--News; Weather | us F >> , '200 Scores' -- P, Mullen 254, J. Ogden SSeam valley Days | goin Tak and Sports ROSSWORD as ; SY ; aes 2 -- 252, M. Waite 221, D. Armstrong 220, E, seen eisai! 4-Pete and Gladys 7--Jungle Jay Show ou Rane a i vel eg ae in 230 P.M. : "MDAC IEC RE TSAI anila , J. Taylor ) 8. anning + bi Va ore 12:00 NOON eo haniy thents 212, P. Mounce 212, B. Pearse 211, B #-2--The Virginian 9--Noonday Report 8-2--Huntley Brinkley . irk fh eral epg M. Walker 206 7--Oitie and Harrie 8-2---Your First '7:00 ©.M 7 s mu ee ieee i | 3 -M. CRO = a 's Taken -- Roesch's 4, Reading's trie terler' Yemneer 1 HL Atbrengtig Ernie Ford! aria ie reel 1 ice 3 pg rt ate Tc x] 0, Bracey's 4, Burrus' 0 Ward's 4 be H hy | 7~ d | 7 jews, Weather - . : le 4 4 = eee " ~, AT Pratto's 0 Campbell's 4, DuGuay's 0, Mane 3-Phil Silvers Show 6~Elwood Glover gers 6A lochs 5. Pigpen x ICIAT Ceres oY ay NVR FA) eA i Pearse's 1. 1:43 PLM. | 4-NFL Football | 4~Bat Masterson \ TINS 2. BUZ SAWYER J--Traiimaster SS at, Se ane» JANE ARDEN Me Ip | | 6.To com- eee . Ey " ae "dam \_-- y Total points -- Roesch's 16, Campbell's t-Mi, Fix-lt 12:15 P.M. 3--Dr, Kildzre ue re lain: st UIT TIE IRR He I NEVE SO I LET MY VUNK Sey [SX Y 14, Bracey's 11, DePratto's 9, Ward's % 100 P.M. ker of the House | 2 ~e/shop Sheen 11, Path o} ae Sd - = / TREE Se FRIENDS Live : iy \-- a js i DuGuay's 8, Manila's 8, Pearse's 4, Bure 1- sdichoal Shayne anetaty 1:30 P.M. planet 7, Splits ton +: "THE ig rus' and Reading's 1. 9--My Favorite Martian cyan eens 9--The Outer Limits 12, An early 8. Mother of : 7--Patty Duke bactruih o 7--The Flintstones travel-way Abel ne sp eAiesgstenhed Consequences 6--Candid Camere 13. Burning 9. Flexed eee Pee | 7--Father Knows Best | 4--PassWord 14. Baking 10. Scottish- 4:30 PLM. | 6--Movie Matinee 2--87th Precinct chambers Gaelic j 4--Search for Tomorrow 6:00 PLM. 15. Porch 16. Father: : Yesterday's Answer ry Mason - 12:45 P.M. N--OHA Junior "A" 16. Owing affect. Fr. +-Giynis, Comedy 'Serles| 4--Guiding Light Monee 17. Tellurium: 19. Card Norse god 40. Genus of ORANGE LEAGUE RANE SFY We had lust one 700, Joan Ellis with YOUR 2 1B H Z 725 (244, 276, 205) this was just what the FRIENDS? a Wf ij {4 | SOE Flintstones needed. 3. 600 games--Steve Artym 633 (257, 231), Bea McGillivray 622 (261, 213) and Sam Piume 619 (263, 209). 200 games : Gord Holbrook 280, Lisa Feldberg 258, Bill Talbot 246, Sadie Was- sell 238, Judy Holbrook 233, Jack Good+ man 232, Lewis Coe 221, Alex Chambers G Movie 8--Harry's Girls ducks 9:00 P.M. 7--Conna Reed sym, game . Harmonize rele Te NEKee ey bhai ee The. Liky shee 18. Chic: sl. 20, Dog's Festive $2: Ser 217, Sandy Ferguson 206 and Garth Mo 8-2--Espionage |11--Medic 4--Rawhide 21, Introduc- cry . Was ine 43, Avenue: . Ny : Gillivary 200. fara roan Hillbiities| une dens 8:30 P.M. tory per- 21, For debted abbr. } <= ) + i em, standings es Blow Hoarty 10, --Th | " Set 4 = pene : 5 , Strike Ou 0:30 P.M. | 7--Afternoon Show "--Desilu Playhouse formance 22. Pole . Ceremony 44, Titmouse e = V ey yee. try gare ? fie Ped es te 4--Meet the Millers 9--To Tell The Truth 24. Metallic 3 Flintsh 3 So-Feslival ye | 2_Divoree Court 8-2-Dr Kildare ae : 7 le 19 Tho 'and Flintstones show | 1:30 PM. aerial oka 7.R WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH League 7--My Three Sons 27, Roam 1 s 10:00 P.M; 1i--Mid-day. Matinee Team standing -- Zingers 12, Sting 11--The P.M. Show MICKEY MOUSE 9--Our House 9:00 P.M. ogi seneng Rays 11, Wonders 8p Squirts & Go Getters 4-As The World Turns | 9_ . Poem 7, Odd Balls 7, Beatniks 7 and Smilers 4, ae ee ee } Fim been 30. Disclose High Triples -- Gord Wherry 651. (218; Sohe Dany. Kaye Show! seri | 63--Grindle 33. One who E ; ; 231, 202), Les Barony 645 (235, 217), More . -. == -- = ace 1 = f y ' 4 4 rry Benn 0B en ca, | 4--Perry. Mason reviles == CANONS, PROVISIONS, TOUT CE Que LA COLONIE| WV Mf ; i 420.00, 258) god Ken cobo SF (Sut 1) sad &--Home Cooking } 9:30 PLM, A BESOIN REMPLISSENT A DEGORDER LES WW, . ; KS pete | 601 (225, 221). Ste Twiley 28 | sbay in Court | P woe CALES DES VA é t 200 Games -- Ron Flewell 260, Betty 63--The Most at, 9--Jack Paar I = ROQUEMONT. = t FA ' --_ Ron . Fle 0, Bett ie Sites | Saveck | 37. Fuel ES DES VAISSEAUX DEROQ : : 20, Beth Love 253, Joan Slater 247, B 11:00 P.M. 2--People Will Talk 63--Parade 38. Periods of Stan Pollard 211, nnabelle Cobb 11-9-8-7-6-4-3:2--Ni time Edna Wilson 202 and Betty Clark ' lpgribd desgieuidesd 2:30 P.M. 19:00 P.M. és Sesto Points Taken -- Squirts 3, Zingers 3, ve | @-2--Kratt Theatre : Smilers 2, Odd Balls 2, Go-Getters 2, Sting oe ~~ raion cone, | 7--Sid "Caesar Show 44. Augusta is Rays 2, Beatnicks 1 and Wonders 1 pa rtll Ai ad 7--Day In Court Alfred Hitchcock . Hour the capital 63--Scarlett' Hill 4--the Nurses 45. River em- 11:20 PLM. 4--House Party is bankment N--TV Open Line 2--The Doctors | 3-Thrilier 46. O11 of rose 7-4--Late Show 3:00 P.M. | 10:30 P.M. petals 11:30 P.M. 2--Here's Looking At You 1i--Have Gun Will Travel) oo ro tone : Y 9--Pierre Berton Hour 8-2--Loretta Young He - i) ' "<% H ™ Steel "A" 9, 2 Ton fas | 7--Buffalo: Bill away: Law z a. thy f ope S ulniop ss igctene erty le ° 11:00 PM. 48, Wetxfooted "CAPITAINE if SS) yor" "ari q LES PONTS ES QUATRE NAVIRES DE GUERRE "neo Tam Ne. 16 2 Pe 4-Sam Benedict | 4-NCAA Football 10-0468 Ne birds yy KIRKE, JE COMPTE PLUS DE VINGT TRANSPORTS a NG 6 \] [SONT BONDES D'HOMMES, DE FEMMES DENFANTS! | pathe 'and McLellan 3, Kinlock's 1, THURSDAY | 3:30 P.M. Sports DOWN ET QUATRE NAVIRES D'ESCORTE FRANCAIS," 1. \ eae \ | LDESOLDATS ET DE PERES JESUITES, connate fp DD rao Soro tals 7:30 AM. N--Randy Dandy laid sy 1. Couch SAIS NOANOD NOD ONY SLIOSNVDL mr y * S152 ING ONYSIIIWS 'MIBOWNI NRO | High Triples -- G. Gwilllams 870. (344 PoRockes ll] 9--People in Conflict Sorawecint oe 2 Ireland: | WONTIY ALIN VELL TIOW LTO? I'IHDOH IVA, 5 {HB HLA G3OVO1 ABV SAUNSIVMA 204 BL AO S730 IML | 260, 266), B, Skelton 776 (285, 302), B. 4--Big Mac Show 8-2--You Don't Say Gardian 718 (223, 255, 240), Alf Brisebois :00 A.M. 7--Who. Do You Trust 11:20 PM. Poet, 705 (278, 251), Ed Brisebois 701 (215, 242, N--Captain Andy ¢3--Friendly Giant 1--TV Open Line 244), A. Haffner 691 (205, 296), Al Hut- 4--Captain Kangaroe 4--Edge -of Night 7-4--Late Show chins 689 (220, 200, 269), F. Hogarth 688 1» R. Brown 672 (249, 202, 221) ind H. Sarnovsky 661 (253, 255) ORDER YOUR NEW PONTIAC-BUICK OR ACADIAN... A GENUINE | tisi't. cuss atte 22 NOW GMC AUTO ACCESSORIES NOW FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING! STAND COLLAPSES IS THE a AT RAUFOSS, Norway (AP) -- TIME About 40 persons were injured, ) The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. [brine ssousis whens + WH g e spectators' bie collapsed dur- es : v es ids ane PHONE: 723-4634 Jean, Olvmlc, sk jumping LES CANADIENS WEDS. NITE INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Team standings -- Kinlock's 41, Legion "A" 3%, Albany Rest 31, Ont. Stee! .""B" "4 Sie , leseacse o: GO Si i / 4 29, Legion "B' 28, Team. No. 10 24 [IX OY y f j > , 4 Ks a 4 eS yf Mao Macko's 23, Bathe and McLellan 21, Trio besa, aNie bee : ; 1 cae at : if, mI NG 4 / TV 15, Navy Club 11, Hill Cornish 11, Ont. RACLE ) P THERE He 60257 , YO] ho j SALLY'S SALLIES ITs AMI ig REMEMBER THE MASKED MAN ESCAPED bau i} zoose/ Ji) & az AFTER MERELY 2 HOURS, HE ' OUT THE WINDOWS DON'T . rly! y ; ACTUALLY GOT A LONG-DISTANCE. STAND THERE GAPING/ E NUMBER, USIN' TH' NEW DIRECT IALIN' SYSTEM f2 LI'L ABNER pe AX A) oa |: emia "y | WL ea Vea ee TWN THE LONE RANGER ee TO HAS IT REALLY BEEN IN THE FAMILY FORA HUNDRED YEARS? YEP! MY FATHER PERSONALLY REUPHOLSTERED : Yt WELL, SEE! THis] 't need a lawyer, ; ! JUNIOR! COME HERE, OR WELL, Y'SEE! THIS HE NEVER FAILS: "T really don't n A FABRICS GETTING al © re vee ed WATCH DON'T COME HERE, JUST- WELL? / TIME It PLEASED WHEN T GIVE HIM Your Honor. I've decided to A BIT THIN. WHY OON'T... Fi ! OBEYS You? AS You PLEASE! iC HIM NOT TO COME ! tell the truth." rm" Is RESULTS COUNT! Mal: GULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Consult @ Member of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board i HE" THEN HE'LL RUN-- ui ty Aor UNTIL HE COMES TO p ) RELAX, PATSY. i , A DEAD END, aah + s r ) WHEN HE'LL DO g { BILLY'S PROBABLY JUST Ce , ABOUT-FACE-- IN LOVE YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED GONE OUT FOR ALONG JOTHINK. IFYOU Py ,: - "Rl (ge) { 165 Simcoe St. S. DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER KB !! ON YOUR BALL! YiPPEE!! YOU Qurt 7! AFTER YOU KNOCKED ALL THE PINS DOWN WITH "THE FIRST BALL YOU EVER ROLLED 2! WHEN YOU'RE S © Kies Features Syedwcata, Ines 1763 RIDE --TO THINK. DID--ROMANCE WOULD BECOME EXTINCT=LIKi © tt td Ww Oshawa THE DINOSAURS. i = RS JULIET JONES CRENSHAW Pid Zell YDLIKE TOBUY "IF Howasour THIS : = att AGIFT rev l SHEER, FILMY, LACY | [HAPPENED TO : gpa vecsreeenmstoseermregn sic kine GORnLE MY WIFE NEGLIGEE? YOUR : CAKE WILL BE BAKED 'EM UP/ fl | CUSTOMER? WHY THOSE THINGS r v4 reser PROVED WITHOUT NUTS IN IT/ 8 ALWAYS SCARE ME LIKE THAT! Ni Stavice CLEANERS ond LAUNDERERS OSHAWA - PORT HOPE WHITBY . COBOURG BOWMANVILLE =. scARBORO Curtains, Drapes, Blankets, Rugt OSHAWA"S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 SO MILL GH King Featores Svwdicate, ine, 1968. Werk rés* GRANDMA

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