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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Dec 1963, p. 11

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B| Tur STARS SAY 4ids Wa deste Wese ANN LANDERS * Husband Shuns Sex Since Friend's Death By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Excellent Moon-Aquarious in- fluences make this a fine period) for personal relationships. Most} persons will be co-operative and| congenial and, with such a spirit) 7 Dear Ann Landers: There will,ing and sulking they. co-operate be no name or address on this|with one another and strive for one, Ann, because my husbandjour approval. Anyone who is opens all the mail. Please repty|grumpy and cross is ignerea in the paper if you can chang|The cheerful, pleasant child gets the words around and make my/to do interesting things and is letter printable. r arded with smiles and hugs My husband's closest friénd,@nd complimnts. dead of a heart attack; This is no fairy tale, Ann, it six months ago at the age of 44.Jis a method that actually works, This man had always been in|I hope other mothers will try it. excellent health, played a great|--Ex-Yeller game of tennis and was a leader Dear Ex-Yeller: Of course it in all sorts of civic activities.)works, but it takes patience and He had been a bachelor until/understanding, and many moth- eight months before his death |ers are too immature and short- His wife was 18 years his junior tempered to try it. - : My husband told me the day Children respond to approval, after the funeral that. he is surejaffection and suggestion far his friend's coronary was more readily than they respond brought on by his marriage. He/to yelling and commands. Thank claims that sex after a certain!you for saying it so well. I hope age is damaging to the heart. the shriekers will follow your ex- To come to the point, Ann, cellent suggestion. my husband hasn't touched me) ,,, ie fia fle feta ss «4 ang AFRAID OF DRIVER since his friend was buried and esr Abn Lanberes 1 am 2 granting favors. Social functions should prove highly énjoyable. ° FOR THE BIRTHDAY your horoscope indicates that/ the coming year will be a splen-| did period for forging ahead to- ward worthwhile goals. In fact, the period between now and) February 1 seems "'made to or-| der" where your progress is con-| cerned. Both job and financial) achievements won during these weeks will have enduring worth; could spark still higher gains in May, August, October and No- vember. But of course you'll have to "'keep your eye on the ball" in the intervening months. No letting down in effort! Personal relationships should be pleasant for most of the year ahead, with emphasis on ro- jmance in February, April, June and August; on travel and social of altruism prevalent, it will be)" a good day for receiving and)" If tomorrow is your birthday, | 4 UNITS, GROUPS | AUXILIARIES SIMCOE ST. UCW NO. 3 The members of Unit 3, of] the UCW of Simcoe Street! "% |United Church, held a luncheon _|meeting recently at the home of 4|Mrs. W.°A. Dewland, Mary jed in and cards were sold byjthe Scout and Cub Christmas |Mrs. Leonard Rogers, the card|party on December 20. IME USNAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 18, 1963 a2 I Be convener. Mrs. Claude Flew-| Mrs. G. N, Varnum, presi-| welling and Mrs. Wilfred Badg-|dent of the District Committee ley will have charge of thejof Scout Group Auxiliaries, pre- Tuck Shop at Hillsdale Manor|sented the past president, Mrs on Sunday, December 29. Robert Fraser, with a gold pin The nominating committee re-- Mrs. G. N. Varnum, Mrs.) ported officers were all return-/George Fitches and Mrs. Frank| ed by acclamation for 1964.|Gravelle entertained the group) NO! Don't Wait Till the Last Minute For Your Gift To the Loved One. By Using Our Easy Terms / street, The next regular meeting will) with The various reports were given) _\and it was noted that there)... ¢ 'lwere still 1964 calendars for ~ -- '\at the home of Mrs. Uriah 'The 2ist Oshawa Scout Group 4\Jones, Simcoe street north, on Auxiliary held its annual Christ. | \the afternoon of Friday, Janu-|mas. meeting in Kedron lower! 'lary 10, hall recently. CENTRE STREET UCW NO. 2) The meeting took the form of| '| 'The December meeting ofa Pot luck supper followed by| Unit 2 was held in the chapel/exchange of Christmas gifts |following a pot luck supper and| Arrangements were made for) exchange of gifts among the samme Seeemeoer nro ' |members. Mrs. Fred Graham had charge of the devotional pcriod, her theme being "Christmas."' Mrs. James Moore presided at |be held in the chapel on Janu-! ing,' an amusing skit on "Camp-| New Gift. Service The next meeting wil bal You eliminate all the incon- rf * : ! sale. The next meeting will be 21ST SCOUT GROUP Aux. jheld on January 22. sg card, and choosing the right Mrs. Earl James read the scrip- ture, Luke 2nd, 4-20 verses. Mrs. Fred Graham read _ the Christmas stories, "The Birth of Christ' and '"'Moment of Regret." : Mrs. Ace Abbott, vice-presi- dent, presided for the business, part of the meeting in the ab-! WE LOVE om OUR CUSTOMERS. © / , OPEN AN ACCOUNT . TO-DAY. OVER g3 4,000 WOMEN ~\ "CAN'T BE the piano for Christmas hymns, £ - NO WAITING e 8 Immediate wy f Delivery DRAPES READY - MADE ws COME IN i> Select your ready- made drapes to- *day--for delivery me tomorrow -- Hun- dreds to choose 4} from. or PHONE 725-1151 i ve tC) ig, getting | gift. It takes just a phone call. We'll deliver the wrapped gift |] ond cord right to your house. lf unsatisfactory, we will ex- } change. NO DEPOSIT NECESSARY | Charge Account Available JUST CALL US -- WE'LL LOOK AFTER THE REST. Nesbitt LADIES' WEAR ra : don't knowy what to do. There 5 ten te loses he just|Woman in my 70's and have been activities between now and mid-| THE JUNIOR EXECUTIVE J fide cxtunes to stay up later! ee ee 30 years) January; also in April and mid-) sence of the president, Mrs. than I do every night. Mv hus- with my next door neighbor!1964. If careful to avoid friction' This keen little fellow is was taken, is the grandson of Aubrey Weeks, due to illness Oe a ae we Pisaue Mrs. X says she is 79 but people in close circles during February Philip Marc, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Lesley and Mr. |Mrs. Ace Abbott gave the help me.--Out ofy my Mind. sh palpi adage to know and ae you ag have Mrs fia Lesley, Gibbons rit apie Howard Gimbletf, |treasurer's report also the-year- LADIES' WEAR DRY GOODS es ts a jSay & Close. sage smooth sailing on the domestic) street. Marc. who was only 15. all of Oshawa ly report 33 Ki Dear Out: Your . husband's Mrs. X does ade well and seas months old when this picture --Ireland Studio Copper collections were turn- 33 King >t. 5. 725-053 SIMCOE ST. S, AT ATHOL ST. theory is invalid. Some bache- 4, i, as deaf as¢a. doornail. -- lors who marry in their 40'S\cye insists on dr ving her car See these and many more at the I.D.A. Drug Store nearest you. | WARD'S 33 KING ST. EAST Service Dept. 725-0532 have far less strenous sex life everywhere and is forever of- as soas-sacten than they ever had fering me a ride as bachelors. ' i I , I'm afraid to rid with her The death of your husband's: , nigreny : close friend has obviously had and my children nave begged a traumatic effect.on him, He|™e "¢ to. Strangely enough she should discuss the problem with i ke Fag fia poder a doctor at once. Refusal could wae a ie a racle a shattered marriage Please tell me what to do.-- see eau D.D.E. USE PRAISE INSTEAD Dear D.D.E.: The kind of Dear Ann Landers: I was ajdriver you. describe may not mother who yelled herself hoarse| HAVE accidents but she can trying to get my children to do|CAUSE them. Arrange for other things. One day I woke up to the/transportation whenever -- she realization that yelling at chil-| calls to offer you a ride dren only produces resentment -_-- 3 and makes them more hostil % than ever. My husband occasionally would step in and resort to drill & sergeant methods. He got sur- face obedience, but he lost thir affection. Finally together we hit . on a totally different technique Quality --and it works! When punishment is in order This seal is the hallmark our children get it promptly--a) of quality, in the Rug swayt on the bottom, or the loss Cleaning Field. As oa of a privilege. We have cut out member of NIRC, Nu- scolding and nagging and have Way Rug Co, Ltd. have substituted praise instead. We the knowledge and equip- took the emphasis off the things ment to do a thorough, they did wrong and placed it professiona| rug cleaning on the things they. did RIGHT. job , plieve they are gr nee Ges ound af oe NU-WAY R ' ' Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. | | sie al ry CHIROPRACTOR 728-4681 @ Workmen's Compensation a Injuries 'All wet fos eg Oshewa e fDi; Conditions Citiate 'echniciens" 100 King St. 728.5156 ywwwve Laure! Electric Blanket a ; nannies Desert Flower Gift Set Kedak Fiesta Outfit Sleep .in temperoture-conditioxed com- Top comera in the low price ronge. fort . . . constant warmth. Double-bed Always a hit with lodies regordiess Takes first-rate pictures ond easy to from size im attroctive colors. Single control of age. Includes Hond and Body Lo- operote. Includes slip-on flashhoider, WARD'S Come in early and enjoy leisurely, convenient shopping for exciting gifts ... for everyone on your list. "Classics in Fragrance" by Lentherie The gift choice of men who core, for women whe cherish fine frogrance. Three 4 ounce vials of cologne -- Tweed, Mirache and Shanghai... et- trectively pockaged in gift box. $1.75 a cegeael with nine heot odjustments tion ond Sproy Cologne bulbs, botteries, film. Special $16.75 Special $3.29 Special $9,95 Lady Sunbeam Electric Shaver Fer sleek, smooth feminine dointiness. a Special moet $44.95 The after shove lotion s0 populor with so mony men. Special $1.19 Gillette Always Pleases A man. who shoves with a sofety rozor will welcome this set . . Slim Ad- justoble Razor, 6 Super Lectric Shave 7-tight $2.19 12-1ight $3.59 on roe oo er te condition beards fr G-E Christmas Lights Indoor lights wired so thot the others stay on if one bulb forts. Special! Many Styles in DUSTERS .. . $1.39 Choose one that will please her from this large collec- tion. Fashioned from cotton corduroy or twill; sheer or | i quilted nylons and arnels; in plain pastel shades or gay floral potterns and stripes . . . Sizes.S, M, L and XL Prices from ' 4,98 as 8.98 PYJAMAS of Snuggledown Always a favorite for gift giving . cosy. rayon brushed on one side for downy warmth .. . pastel colors of pink, aqua, powder ond Nile... 3 attractive styles to choose from Sizes S,; M, L. Prices from BLOUSES A gift that is sure to please choose from our large display of the season's most popular blouses in tailored or dressy tyles plain white or pastels and outstand- nn ae oe GLOVES The famous "Austin"" Canadian made glove of hand sewn sheepskin pull-on style thot con be worn with warmth and pride when driving or curling. Fine closely curled and clipped self-lining ond finished in light tan. Sizes S, M, L. PAIR 9.50 (Other Leather Gloves trom' 4.98 and Up) UMBRELLA See this tiny 'Chic' world traveller; @ mere 12' when closed in its lovely zippered leotherette case press the button and it opens si] umbrella oo the button and prest close Plain | design' cover val, navy or browr Other Umbrellas for Ladie ot 2.98 and Up Speed-Flex will get real smoking pleasure from St just os face-fitting and close The big switch is to pipes and a mon Flashbulbs Sleeves of 12 bulbs AG-1 or M2 .. Special$] 29 PH/5 size ..........$2, 04 Paper-Mate Lady Capri Dainty stylish boll point pen for superb ski i ; Ideo! fe oy noes Rae ""Holidoy" Pen : . Special $1.79 one of these shoving but with new hond fit, new pushbutton cleaning, more shaving DR. PLUMB speed Special $29.95 y r Sigs d I By Here's Lava \ : e e) f. JAMIESON'S LAW'S MeCordick's KARN'S MITCHELL'S POWELL'S 241 KING ST. EAST 1204 WECKER DRIVE 360 WILSON RD.S, 28 KING ST. EAST 9 SIMCOE ST. N. © 3512 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-1169 725-3525 725-8711 723-4621 723-3431 725-4734 t MELE 9:0 hg {LOG NRO INT; ¥ OWE FACTOR EKG OE 7 BENS Rr OLE Open.'til 9 p.m. Each Nite -- Close Sat. 6 p.m. WARD'S 31 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 725-1151 \

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