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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Dec 1963, p. 13

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|| GM Offices '| Are Moved Operation Exit is already under way for some of the Gen- eral Motors offices due to move 'lin the near future The entire Engineering De- partment, with the exception of the experimental station, moves from the main administration building to the new second floor of the south main office. The experimental section stays be- hind as its laboratories are situ- ated behind the north buildi Cost Accounting will move to occupy the space on the fourth floor of the main administration building previously occupied by 'the engineering department. The || Auditorium Building on Mary street temporarily houses . the cost accounting department. The Purchasing Department, which previously took up only part of the first floor of the main administration building,|. can now expand operations on |the entire floor. Customs, Pay- |roll and Quality Control depart- ments move to the second floor of the same building "The main reason for these shifts is the demand for more space for the various depart- ments involved The Oshawa Times PAGE THIRTEEN OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1963 SECOND SECTION LPR psy REAL ESTATE SALESMEN ELECTED NEW EXECUTIVE man; Ken Hann Allen, councillors --Oshawa Times Photo year From left are Council- and Earle lors Jerry Coady and Charles Rankine, Steve Zurba, chair Association, at a elected their the ensuing Salesmén's recent meeting, executive for The members of the Osh awa and District Real Estate tendent of the CNR; Fred Stephenson, committee mem- ber and Jack Mann, chamber secretary. --Oshawa Times Photo centre, answered questions of members, including, left to right, Dr. 0. G. Mills, chair- man; James Smyth, superin- MEMBERS OF THE trans- portation committee of the Oshawa Chamber cf Com- merce were brought up to date Tuesday on the park- ing situation in Oshawa by Robert Richardson, city traf- fic engineer. Mr. Richardson, Christmas 1,759 more par was fac safe The piano was been chairman of rectors senior choirs some the junior choir with the senior choir singing: '"'Jacob's Vision,"| "The Journey of The Wise} Men" and 'The Little Drum-| mer Boy." In any -way with ning cent per per presently the per service of song) of which|by Oshawa were: "Silent Night," '"Angels|There were no injuries We have Heard," presented by) 4 Accidents 'Do $1200 In Damage | Police A collision at Park road south and M arland avenue caused $150 damage to nearly-new car owned by a cal automotive dealership and|sure a better picture on the X-| teresting The finale of this worship in|resulted in $200 damage to the ray, proved fatal in a recent second car involved. Drivers were George Irwin Bright, car jockey from Seagrave, and and| Harvey Babona, 340 Marland, al sidered it safe enough laborer. Both vehicles were re- portedly northbound at the time of the accident. Property damage amounted! [to little more than $1,200 inj four traffic accidents reported | Tuesday. King street. | "Parking in this lot is linstalled this week," he said. FIRST LOT RECALLED Mr. Richardson took free lat the time, but meters will be the} year, The cost of such things a maintaining meters, jmoney, paving and moval amounts to $36,500 an-|revenue. revenue at|would be put into developing off- $42,000 to develop new parking|street parking so that, instead of jnually. This sets s| By increasing the rate from collecting|five to 10° cents an hour,. the snow re-\city aims at doubling parking "The extra revenue members back to the year 1963/spaces: at a cost of between 12)developing 32 spaces per year, : | when the first parking lot de-iand 15 hundred dollars each." |93 spaces might be developed." 'Tannic Acid Not Used Here Oshawa General Hospita |monthly meeting Tuesday nigh Layman Delivers Yule Address {Board of Directors heard at its! t/ Members of the Oshaw ajmas message," @ layman's In- jthat tannic acid has never been/Kiwanis Club held their tradi-/terpretation, delivered with sin- The use of the acid, to en case in Hamilton. W. A: Holland, board secre 8l tary, said doctors at Oshawa |General Hospital had never con to use }man, said this was something|also program was ajused in X-rays at the hospital.|tional "Christmas Meet ing" |cerity and inspirational impact |Tuesday when an extremely in- by | pre- Oshawa, sented, with the seasonal atmos- Bransby ._P. ° Cook, of "I do not suggest that we do phere being achieved with spe-/away with the parcels, the pres- }cial music and guest speaker. | Following custom of recen jyears, members each donated a "Merry suitable gift, to be distributed) with our friends and neighbors, jents, the parties, but when w tlexchange the traditiona Christmas" greeting 'lat Christmas to patients. at the in their home or in our own, oF to former patients, | Edward G. Storie, vice-chair-| Ontario Hospital, Whitby, and)when we voice the greeting to now/an: acquaintance we meet on the hospital could be proudiconvalescing following mental/the street, we should keep in A total of $50 damage result-|about. He said: 'We have aijiliness. mind the true meaning of those jed from a collision at Adelaide|right to blow our own trumpet] Under the direction of Kiwa-|words -- 'Merry Christmas,'," arerne ae and rage street,!on these occasions." nians Ted Wildgoose and Matt! stated the speaker. uesday afternoon. Drivers in-) -------------- ----------------=|Gouldburn, club's song leader; Relatin A | : 3 1, S sd g the story of "The volved were Ernest Underwood, and pianist, respecitvely, the | Other Wise Man," the story of | : }RR 1, Colborne and Teeman| "Tr D B k S k members and guests parti-/the 'Fourth Wise Man rta- |Zinck, 542 Finucane street. | oo an toc cipated in singing a group Of) ban," the speaker anntoled' with past rage facilities The average number of days' Howe, 295 e \ "The responsibilities of the Vol Of Christmas 'we Party to errs us '@) ume said a' General Motors spokes- | E s man, "Greater facilities for 1 Ss Enjoye ' J along, and more space is re- al Teaks aurea occa a, | | the south main office, will take| ou emove " The 'city's mail In addition on. his first day place on weekends, and will be m n ' completed soon after the begin I l- Tee ar Ing 'oe | deadline for Dec. 25 local de date ae ee ven readily a Over 100 Oshawa Little The-|ning of January. Nothing can be} livery passed Tuesday in industrial jobs are also a).4 sr i y s de- 7 0 F ] 2 p atre members and their friends|\done during the week, as d ax n uve | . problems and ever growing master W. E. Mann the keeping suitable employees.'colmbus Hall Saturday night' tied up mountains: of mail, Postmaster neak day for the Christmas Said Mr. Mann for what they hope will be their) - ss For Buses V ems 5 efore the dead : roe sec you find who'll trudge through a ti : LJ bod : items sent be " the d adline| cessed nearly a quarter of a mil- YOu" i ; ay and Dance. President Ray l 1 | would reach. their destinations!}ion pieces of mail during the Winter. weather for $1.25 an wear, acted as master of cere e | I |Oshawa Chamber of Commerce) moved to allow an ever-increas-\Simcoe and Richmond streets,/amount would only allow the Last day for out-of-town de- Each job applicant who came) Arrangements for the party . Tuesday endorsed the policy of/ing amount of traffic to flow) providing space for 20 cars. By|city to increase the number of livery was. Friday. Dec. 13, and|STAFF PROBLEMS to him, he added, has to be\vere under' the convenership of| Service Held: Ontario chamber whichifreely through downtown Osh-|the end of 1962, the city hadjoff-street spaces by 32 per year. day ployees also harasses. the Osh-|partment as a security measure). oi) Known to theatregoers for F |fuel tax for buses son, city traffic engineer, at alstrect spaces. In addition to the|417 SHORT. TERM SPACES LETTERS UP 175,000 awa postmaster. Seven of thejto ard the mail her splendid acting in many.of The Christmas Carol and) The policy approved by the|meeting Tuesday of the Oshawa|new Centre street lot, he point- He stressed the need for park- half pieces of letter-type mailjthe extra mail have. already Altogether. 173 casual employ A bountiful turkey dinner-wasied last Sunday at: King Streetithe transit industry from pay-|tation committee. ing for 93 cars. on the west of| ers." The Damas and Smith have passed through the twojquit for permanent jobs ees have been hired to augment tiqwed by carol singing ably|United Church by the choirs|ment of gasoline or diese! fuel Queen street Traffic Study showed 'an over- Christmas rush began. This fig-/ going too tough, the weather too101, They will pickup, sort and).4 yy, piano. The guests re-| Williams within the confines of urban mu-|# nore = feat eeu the surface lots developed by the|term parking. ure is 175,000, more than dur-jcold and the mountains 'of mail/deliver around 'the clock untill <.onded with enthusiasm and.a Prior to the presentation of|nicipalities and, or in what is|/MB Space remove city with present lots which are) In this regard, city council simancnitied | rovV - re: arkin . | A short program of entertain jrial piano presented for use in|) composed of one or more adja- keg pests oe rhe vay B age. "All have proper barriers|from five hours to two hours ® ment included three numbers/the sanctuary by W S. Pogson|cent municipalities TThe apeuker: cae Hrinpine and markings for stalls and "and this will come into effect AS eSl ents sung by Janet Stevenson withlin loving memory of his late) Alderman Thomas Rundle re-| ioe members up to date/now We are using the "p"|shortly with _ the expectation Joan Hill and Joyce Overton.) was dedicated. This dedication|endorsed stating that he was in high-standard lots," he said. ed over the next month." The e To Remember 4. T. Elliott, accompanying|of a musical instrument to belfayor of saving the Oshawa notary Oe nt Mr. Richardson outlined the| traffic study showed that, in : himself on the guitar, entertain-|yseq for worship could not have|Public Utilities Commission this Ae aa said Mr. Richard-|reasons for recommending that|the next 20 years, 2,500 spaces ospital Lower Hocnital chive, stent auiene wit Sen "Tacied ra" hore mmey. "the comic. appre Tard ee Me Riad | elr ospita mela : ',{structure for parking. ee ee MB means we : " : ; Charleston routine Joy De i ® f sic rerag. f ters | Shou e developing 125 spaces he. t f tors of the. Whit , nas at service. of music . s average income from meters pa The hoard of air eiore ot Me re ne teem am. Wi and. further|lian Heath and Evelyn Richards dedicated by Centre street, just south of their Tuesday night meeting. | Whitby Township 18. from Ajax appeal has issued by T. I j ony : ate 1 é é A ie for the dancing which followed.| received on behalf of the ses- learned there were 1550 admis-jand 26 from Pickering Town: Wilson Oshawa' Dance music was recorded coh by Browse : compared with 1662 in October; Admissions from other On ' a aise clk ree . u hospital supporters, |son jserv the White Gifts of the and brought admissions this) tay : nd ner ae _|service, the s z tario County townships totall | Mrs, Earl Bailey was the for congregation and Sunday the same period of last year!Reach Township and three from/that the new 220 bed hospital! two tickets to The Crest's b saxenied at dhe alae. by was 15,639, Uxbridge... Ninety-seven patients;wing planned for 1963 has beenicurrent production, 'Mr.| la Spaaaor ay Painter etna The report stated there were|came from other counties in On-|completed apie Be "4 5,93 tient s i e|tari 5 > 15,956 patient days during the|tario. Of these 57 were from staff had been procured to en panko gigi yeas | ta hving waenith aad cheer ' nae Ae zg ; October; while the daily aver-|from other Durham County mu-/°U'® the people of Oshawa and to those in need at this Christ- age of patients 531.9 compared! nicipalities urrounding area complete care general sense of merriment and ™ : good fellowship that prevailed Hiei pou age Out-patient: admissions during to private wards, 642 to semi-| The board of directors wish 3 saaratecsnd ee a6 November totalled 1,936 com-|private wards and 471 to public at this time to express appre B d T S d pared with 201 in October. Thi ciation to all those who acsist' DOATA LO otudy ear rere | , = Oe _ y " y aan! "saMienione Eight hundred and four of the eq the olen with 19,193 in the same period! sixty-eight had laboratory tests| of 1962 and 1064 received emergency 0 this modern addition BED OCCUPANCY F N facilities and equipment for the or urses during November was : care of those unfortunate enough) The accommodation in the.song was a combination of the per This compares with cad Pail eet ration nie. be Oms s perations iMever hefore the board of di-\General Hospital. is not suit-jing 'Christmas Bells' hy Mc average bed occupancy th1s)1964 operations and treatments and additional facilities able for 50 students but might|Cormick accompanied by Mr vear has been 84.6 cent], rgency det : , n the emergency department | While we appreciate there have)classes of 15,.a committee has|Miss Hazel Rundle on during. the 11 months of last| in-|heen many campaigns for funds| suggested to the board of direc--newly dedicated piano ag jpatients were handled. by the/in Oshawa and district within , One/the few years, 'many, The board was told by WA : i : i 'hed thousand three hundred of medical and surgical beds injeleyen treatments were given|ward to our annual Christmas| lov: 4 ; 6 jent, at the monthly meeting November was 96.2 per. cent Appeal and we hope that when! qtyecday night, that the joint BIRTHDAYS The average for other categor-| while there were 1104 in-patient;making out your Christmas Do page tes was: obstetrical beds, 72.3\visits. The department also nation List, you will think kindly Nursiie fall it micht be bette: Congratulations and best seal 57 ' to utilize the present per cent, bassinettes, 97.8 per ceived 1708 treatments and had Il 4 dent of Oshawa and dis- ; pene ; fail cent and chronic beds, 97.4 per'gg7 visits ne a nas ee and feccinta neoidd arch oho ik celebrating we A rear-end collision at Simcoe Christmas carols, with an im-|vivid clarity. the message of q Kooniained Bnd Pte peal He said that a committee S jand Adelaide, shortly atte: Tt ll 2): P ® promptu selection of a club| Christmas, thie scenes OF alar> d which may be used for in-room might be given to the! Mia Kevan jnoon, caused an estimated $200) a S 2 oin jchoir' supplying the leader-|jty and compassion for our Da oe Navi an 9 Ah Ee The Po et ee . We would be happy to an- extra instructors employed Viola avenue. driven by Ron Godridge, 200) ng. ; y story of Artaban's lifelong quest ihe eat 4 swer any of your questions and The committee did not recom. Bond street west. About $25) UI} toc ar, et This year, the Kiwanis Club/for 'The Christ Child.' a es Two Rooms ed to hear from. our former|time but plan to meet again) MILDER TEMPERATURES |@ Cat driven by Mrs. Leona] TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto-\Unique in the form of a "'Christ-/as being like Artabans, ready as 13.3 days; ical, esas oe agit ce it ia oily Jan. 16 Temperatures in the Oshawa|Cochrane, RR 3, Bowmanville. |Dominion Bank held the atten- jto help the sick, the hungry, ' 4 suc "ontac a we ory, 6.6 de BEAVERTON -- j ; ; : : ; ' 4 eS 4 4 * nursery, days : : 0 : fi im-'tor of nursing, said that shejfallen to 15 degrees above zero|a mishap on King street west|day after announcing it will| Committee with these acts of service, we The board learned that on ratepayers. can expect an in-|prove the quality of our service. found the prospect of having 60|during the night. A temperature/involving cars driven by Cora|form a new institution associa-| jwill live and truly know, the real meaning, when we say and clay y 33 ee dota near future of the season." couraging icorded to 7 a.m. today. Schmid, of Newcastle. |wealth banks. A ointed At e F 2 new born children in ho : ------_---- = , as', C ate ae ney: DOr Cie ; Faced with a hike in public The stock fell 244 to 64% on pp Paks get on « intr dren and adults were ' dis- school a" é : ithe stock market after register-| me ny Ria charged. In addition eight may have to add at least two ' , ; : - [ing a sharp gain Monday. en Port Perr wian Don Moore and at the 4 ; i jbank issues were mixed, Mont-| conclusion of the splendid talk m % aria > , ed as well as 197 infants At present 180 pupils attend the , ' ; "% jreal down % and Imperial Bank| 4 é . : : * é . the sincere appreciation of the [rose one point to 73% and Noval PORT PERRY -- The regular large 'attendance. with the increase in operations," handling things are coming B ( Moving, already under way in wnt nen wos BY GFOUP shattered all records as the ceje have been processed to ed out Although beset by personne! Tuesday, according to. Post stumbling block to hiring and)--athered at the Knights of! partment operations would be W. E. Mann was confident that) mail rush. The post-office pro What calibre of man Cani¢ect Annual Christmas Dinner The traffic committee of the, On-street parking must be re-,veloped by the city opened at] He pointed out that this by Christmas day hour' he asked monies during the evening for local mail yesterday, Tues- Lack of suitable casual em- checked out with the police de-y-< Janet Stevenson, who is! would remove gasoline or diesel|awa, stressed Robert Richard-| increased this number to 391 off-| - 1 fa Pa | ' li i Pl More than a million-and-a./18 men hired to help deliver/173 CASUAL WORKERS OLT's productions White Gift Service was present-|Ontario chamber would "relieve|Chamber of Commerce transpor-|ed out that there is free park-/!"& Space for "short term park- Oshawa Post Office since the) At least one man found thethe regular post-office staff Of}i.q hy Mrs. George K. Drynan|under the direction of Rhyddid/tax for all buses. when operated| 'City. council recently passed) * 7 compared the first gravel-|@l! need for 417 spaces for short ing the same period last year, |too high. He worked three hours.the Christmas rush is past sreat deal of harmony the choral service, the memo-\now called metropolitan areas|downtown. streets, the city wil paved and have adequate drain-|has reduced off-street parking Admissi At m1sslons assistance from Barbara Lloyd,| wife, Mrs. E. Luella Pogson,/solved that the policy should be on the parking situation in Osh-|Si8ns to direct. people to our|that new meters will be install- | } city council change the rate|should be developed for short Z vit t , i y two folk songs, and with a short|anpropriate time than at thisjed the resolution unanimously | space parking lot Tuesday on y ; 1 | 7 z 5 o nN appreciation and lots is. $78,000 to $79,000 per| per year,'"' he stressed. Oshawa General Hospital, at)/Township, 79 patients from put the crowd in the right mood|the Rey, L. Wesley Herbert and sions during November. This/ship General Hospital Board of Di-/and was supplied by Bill Robin-|" Foyogwing the dedication 020. Th e for Mr, Wilson says in the appeal ; year to 18, le figur lea 30 of whom 27 were from |tunate winner of the door prize/cingo! were received, and on | 4 " | and that sufficient|/Scrooge". Other prizes for spot) <-t49) - dedicated by Mr. Her- month compared with 18,564 in|Darlington Township and four ning, all of which added to the as time with 534.3 in October Thirty of the admissions went,2"d_ treatment and carols, pared with 2031 in October. This! wards compared! i a . outpatients were given x- 5 utp en -t9¥5 ning. consiruction and financing ACCOMMOGAtION treatment during November "The provision of adequate The average bed occupancy |9119 OPERATIONS 37 1 SLE pee operatin confined to hospital is|School. of Nursing at Oshawajjunior and senior choirs sing- 87.4 cent in October. Thelthe main operating toom BAA luantare lare being considered. be al} right for 60, in four Williams on the organ compared with 82.8 cent! Ons hundred and fifty 2 tors a , physiotherapy department The average bed occupancy andl friends of the hospital 100k f00| fotng nant es CELEBRATING in-patients by the department committee on The School of per cent, paediatric. beds, 80.4), nailed 216 outpatients who re of your hospital | wishes to the following resi- donations will be ac- rather than expand cent = birthday today: c M B ld come tax purposes school as a classroom and two! damage to the front of a car ship for an enthusiastic sing-|fellow-men, as unfolded in the so ay ul Phone 723-3474 tients was 90.3. The average for in any event we would be pleas-/mend any action at the present |damage was done to the back of members heard something) "We can think of Kiwanians days; paediatric, 5.4 days and : ' Pay ; poles i ' Pes yer B ~ Mrs. George Telford, direc-\area were reported to have| Damage was reported slight in|tion of the financial world Tues- the needy, along life's path and eaverton|are able to maintain and Oct. 31 there were 455 adults crease in education costs in the "Wishing you the compliments nurses at the school very. dis-lof 22 degrees above was re-|Wearn, Enniskillen and Hansjtion with three other common-) those words 'Merry Christ- pital. During October 1346 chil attendance, Beaverton duced to the meeting by Kiwa- chronic patients were discharg- rooms to its present building. @ F ; ; . = | | 5 totiouaa Pant or a1, By MRS. C. H. REESOR Kiwanian Bill Marchand voiced abe Sigroamn Schaal". of SehIER one }of Commerce %% while Royal| ; , Scotia \%. meeting of the Senior Citizen's} -- ADMISS(i?NS classroom is located in_ the Premium Trust jumped 35|Club was held in the club rooms) STREETS SLUSHY and Giant Yellowknife 44 each in senior golds. The exchange index slipped 16 to 125.99, industrials .20 to 134.80, western oils .54 to 80.02, golds rose 1.58 to 126.47 and |base metals .30 to 57.62. Volume jfor the day was 4,456,000 shares compared with 5,687,000 Mon- da | | HEAVY DEMAND LONDON (CP)--British manu- facturers of musical instruments lshould call 985-7959 or 985-2598, Icliffe and Mrs. L. Sargantson A Christmas dinner has been arranged for Dec 18 at 6.30 p.m. All the members are asked to keep this date in mind. Those wishing further. information The Saturday night euchre was well attended. There were 15 tables. The prize winners were: Miss M. McLaren, Mrs. D. Howsam, Mrs. D. Nott, Mrs. L. Bright, Miss A, McLaren and Orval Watson. Mary street, was robbed of be- tween $60 and $75 Tuesday af- ternoon, Whitby police reported today. Three men are 'reported to have entered the store. Two of them engaged Mrs. Marcella Polson in conversation on the pretext of purchasing a gift for one of their wives. While they were talking the third man ri- fled the till, | Mrs. Polson told police the jmen drove away in a 1959 or model Oldsmobile. 'The tion 1 49 patients came froM/taught at the Beaverton school : When a new Central school was rose 31% to 9914. B.C. Sugar 1% The financial statement was Hospital Stay to 44 and Trans-Canada Pipe|Presented by Herbert Buckland. thought that this would allevi- ate crowded conditions, It did tional Nickel both gained % in|jick, Mrs. G. Steele, Mrs, R. Sut-|ROusseau's --_ Heritage House, the Tuesday meeting of the : ests Pe | board of directors was told, ('kes the place of all its one- days in 1962 If the additions are approv- He explained the increase isto their cost is not expected oa as a central place to send their most serious. cases cannot keep pace with the de- : |1950 mand for guitars sparked by pop] FIGHTS DISEASES _..- {body of the car was white with for |groups like the Beatles of Liver-| and|@ black top. CLUBS COMBINE FOR CHRISTMAS PARTY As a result of the overnight fall of snow, Oshawa streets) 'The Oshawa Y's Men's Club. tended the dinner and for the dent Oshawa Y's Men's Club; regional youth director The. Canadian Arthritis During Noventber 910 patients phasement t enemies and 19 chronic patients from 4; : a i i Until recently, some-Thorah # points to 450 although the turn- recently with the president, | . over was only 10 shares. |Mrs. Jessie Robertson in ore | constructed just outside the vil- lage between Beaverton and hae : Y |Argyle, these pupils left the Lines and Page-Hersey 5 each. le testi pa - Is Robbed : Papers were generally lower. : a Is Increasing PF 8 y follows: Mrs. M. Chapman,} ' # : ... not, according to village clerk oe number "4 Ciald Fred McMillan, and the. base-| patients: are staying in Oshawa) nent classroom is still in use. W. A. Holland, board secre-/'00M buildings throughout the | tary, said medical and surgical township, except River view patients had an average stay of School which is still in opera- likely to continue because small- h ffect the 1964 mill . rate} er hospitals in the surrounding however, but would be added to districts were beginning to look 2 Mr. Holland said cages were usually in-patients unwary drivers incurred tail-| their annual Christmas party for' long periods and 'boosted spins but otherwise driving con-| Tuesday night at the Srndal- Oshawa were admittd. In addi- township children also were Among industrials, Chrysler|°h@tse- {Beaverton school and it was Falconbridge and _Interna- Mrs, G. Holmes, Mrs. E. Fra-|_ WHITBY (Staff) -- The till at General Hospital is increasing The. Thoreh Central. Scholl 13.3 days compared with 12,5 709: It has no bus service on the Oshawa General: Hospital the average staying - period \ditions were good wood Restaurant. Over 30 at- that these|were slushy this morning. Some| and the. Y's Menettes held -- first time the:men's meeting was conducted by the women's club. Shown, left to right are Gil Graham, preési- Rev. John Porter, the guest speaker; Mrs. Graham Nel- son, president of the Y's Menettes Club; Don Brunt, Ontario and John Matthews, |pool. lieutenant eastern district One firm ordered 1,000 --Oshawa Times Photo |delivery Rheumatism Society, formed in in Canada. Whitby police have asked res- governor for the |from a Dutch factory and laid)1948, has pioneered in establish-jidents of the district to be on jon, special flights for Christmas|ing mobile physiotherapy units|the lookout for the car and the |men,

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