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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Dec 1963, p. 27

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N # memnnnen==="--| Today's Stock Market BIRTHS IN MEMORIAM TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS 11:00 Net By The Canadian Press Stock Sales High Los Cie oes Stock ne alr ater Ch'ge : : Toronto Stock Exchange--Dec. 18 Greyhnd 100 $12. 12¥e 12% GS Wares 9 SARE Cen ee hes pede , {Quotations in cents uniess marked $.| Hawker-S 165 $618 Oe 6 GL Peper 100 $220" 22Ve 2210 + Ve December 13, 1963, @ sister, Nancy 4 RIMAR | 2-Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-| Hawker pr 220 $97 97 GN Cap 300 $11% Nl Nie -- % for Kara, Janice and John, weighing 7 Gr Weg @ 224 $15%4 15¥4 15% rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change is} Home A 225 $124 12% ta ond pany tian are Seed Broad from previous board-iot closing saie.)| Home B 4 ot . th Burns ak 9 a nta a TTY 0 parents are Mr. and Mrs, John W. Carr. MEMORIALS ogee ' Hq 9% 7% iP , INDUSTRIALS C Br B pr $532,532 53Va Co Te, ad MONUMENTS 1H Net | CBr Aim A 215 he ni s 400 M md Cdn Can A 250 $12) Stock fales High Lowa.m.Ch'ge) C Chem w 100 560 560 560 "+10 13% DEATHS. : MARKERS 5 45 c 251 $174 WM 17% $M Abacon 766 45 «(45 Hydro. 23% Abitibi n 420 $12% 12% 12% 'C Imp Bk C 64] $63% 63% 63% + "4 es 2 ,, 3 ¥ us BROOME, David T. Designed for any:need, Alta Dist 600 275 375 275 Marc 100 370 370 370 ie a Ai A e . I + 152 Simcoe St. S$. Oshawa Dis vt 420: 250 250 250 CPR 950 $362 36% 36Va Int Nickel a 14 ¢ Le : f x At Rest Haven Hospital, Hamilton, on Dis w St 7 i ,| int UNI 24\/ Me Rr C Tire A 25 $29 29% Wu-- % Weare ay: eer eee Hecniteny T | Office Evenings Gas 1425 $2679, 26% 26% CWN Gas 275 $18 1734 18 inter PL his 90th year, Beloved husband of the) 723-1002 728-6627 ie oe or aus ie Chemcell 74 $12% 12% 12% late Susan Broome, dear father of Mrs. oUF ee MR OR ay pape diay : Jefferson 5 7% ™--Ve C, Redman (Violet) (with whom he Ot aah Ge aah 4 ; LOnt Cem. 200 230 230 | 230 . ; Tesided)s Ross of Toronto; John of Bow- Hub paisa tee ' ae Lavra 100 $16% 16% 16% Wy "i bd 4 e bd gE oti Chol at Harper cate CARD OF THANKS 25 $11%4 11% 1 350 $2994 29% 29%4-- % vy ia oe LY 20 A aie is el | Suntived by 27 grandchildren and 11 $52 a ee Con Gas n° 525 $1138 1138 1130 -- Ye 350 Piha x r : t grandchildren. Resting at the ; 0 Con Sav 100 $10%-- 10% 10%+ Ye B 50 $30V2 301 i 4 'std 4. grea' Smith Funeral. Home, BOw- McConnell -- | would like to express} Atian Acc 1 Crown Zell 143 la bi Ma Va 20% : Rortncut = rib rere clock Thursday|™Y sincere thanks fo my relatives! Atl Sugar ' 1 Crush Int 2115 1035 $25\4 25Ve 25% manville, after seven O'CIOCK ck Friliriends and neighbors, for the lovely fiow-| Ati Sug A 220 S23\m 238 23 Dist Seag 235 $51¥a 5l'a $1 15% 15% 15% even. cent Hartoten Coneter ers, gift and cards, sent to me during] ati Sug pr 0$1 } D Bridge 450 $18 18 18 2 $16% 16% 16% a eae Y -- Imy' recent stay in Oshawa General Hos-| Bank Mont 12 6412 + %| Dom Elect 100 $12% 12% 12% 25 20 0 ital. A special thanks to Or. J. A.| Bank NS 3 | Dofasco 63 63% -- % 258 $1414 114i 14 mone we iw : COLLINS, Edward P. 4 ; 1 | eee 3529 $50 60° 50 At the Oshawa General Hospital, Wed- Patterson and Dr. R, K. Patterson.) Bath P A 530 SG -- 2} Dosco 1% 16 + % 315 $38% 38% 38% $ EE # ( Mm) ° Int St P 160 Inv Syn A 200 $51% 51] SIa-- % nurses and staff of 3rd floor, 38. Also! Bell Phone 635 $5394 53' 53% + Ye, Dom Stores 1150 $i7%@ 17 17 -- Ve rane peer oman aren We thanks to Rev. G. W. C. Brett for) Bath rts 40 i) 11 cli +1 | Dom Tar 1345 $16% 16% 16% + % 100 $17% 17% 17% Whitby, beloved husband of Louisa E.|h!s meny visits. i 2160 230 230 230 Emco xd 250 $15 15 15 . bed ear ge 4 Mackinnon, dear father of Mrs. C. Davies --Mrs. J. McConnell 145 $272 272 27\4 Falcon 135 $56%4 56% 56%-- Va x ete fh ve a (Mil Wellandport; Mrs. R. Brown F 250 $23'%4 23% 234+ Ye! Ford US 27$175 175 «175 +2 age-Hers ar 810% Pg 10% ', (MOtey Raglan? Mrs. G. Wiimen (Hazel), 100 $9% 9% 958+ Yel Freiamn 275 $54 5% 5M eon CoP ae tee | j Belleville; John, Dearborn, Michigan? . . - mn Poe & Syne BE a, Price Bros 1275 $38 38 38 4 " Sarnia; Archie of Los Angeles, Ro lin Fi hts QN Gas 25 88 4 . e Ss a a im ii | Homer of Hamilton? Bil of Revelstoke 710 $10% 10% i . f "Maa et Nes St R-Nodwell 200 360 360 360 x year. Resting at the W. C. Town Fu- Rothman 600 $10% 10 Wie + ¥ : A ' meral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the Royal Bank 85 $73 734 7314 ' ee 'Chapel on Friday, December 20 at 2 p.m Roel a $104 10% 1014 + be q 'Temporary entombment Union Cemetery.| Salado $105 10% 10% -- | ; Oshawa. Interment later in St. oe EDWARD P. COLLINS [ed was also a member of St.| Sayyelle A ea Bee Cemetery, Port Whitby. Minister the aa | i ) s $. Armstrong. Visitors commencing ver au ase |. Following a short illness the|George's Ukrainian Greek Ca-| Selkirk A 500 465 465 +10 as Ld ida da aed | |death occurred this morning at|tholic Church. del can ee . ; it HANNIGAN, Gordon | By ROBERT RICE the Osh ral a ospital jf| He is survived by one daugh-| Siverwa B 255 $13% 13% 13% At Bowmanville on Tuesday morning,| : Fg . 18 91 Victorialter, Mrs. J. 'Nic hols (Mary) of] Simpsons 290 $36% 36l4 36% December 17, 1963, Gordon Hannigan off OTTAWA (CP) -- Trans-Can-| Edw LE WAisa MTRMIAL A nl # Pav 200 $944 9% 944 54 King Street East, in his 64th year. lada Air Lines came under sting-|Street v , Wh itby. ig deceas-| Ne wport News, Virginia and two aaa can '85 Prcind ou 2% Resting at the Northcult-Smith Funerai|: . cae sons, Elmer and Benny, of Osh-| Steinbo a 125 $24 2A¥'s 24 fiome, Bowmanville. Notice of funeral'ing attack Tuesday when a pow-|ed was in n his 86th year awa. The deceased 'also lnaves| Tencerd 15 495. 495 495 errangements later. erful Manitoba delegation ac-|_ A son of the late John ee two gre andchildren "l 'Texaco 16 $55. 5555 se. , airli Letitia Collins the deceasec Tor-Dom Bk 510 $65 64 65 cused the Crown-owned airlin born in Lambton County,| .The remains are at the Arm $75 $14 1 1 : Sei M4 1 > PL Ald $54te and was married at/strong BS uneral Home for Mass! Thais P 4 is Ont in 196 in St. George's Ukrainian Greek] un Gas 20 22\~ 2 farmer™ all: his life, Mr,|Catholic Church Friday, Dec.| VU Corp ® 75 $26\% 26% 26 s : 5 x an « on ss will Vendomat 0 325 320 . } te ; thy 20, at 9.30 a.m. The mass wi Walk GW 175 $6146 619 Belleville, in her 75th year. Resting at In a new. move aimed at not Col sigg Papel Hes at ee be said by Rev. J. C. Pereyma Westcoast 45500 6% 1s 4he Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa./only keep: ng Winnipeg' s present area 40 years ago, Me retired! nd interment will be in St.| Weston. A, 1100 Sis Is on Tuesday and Wednesday. Then at the TCA overhaul base but also at 12 years ago al nte ni : Wstn 44 pr 100 98 98 John R. Bush Funeral Home, Belleville,| i t also a Mr Collins was a member of Gregory's Cemetery Weit A wis 174 790 775 Thursday with service in the Chapel Fri-lexpanding it to handle TC Of tees ; a Rok: day, December 20, at 2 pm. Interment! neg jetliners after 1966, the|St. John's Anglican Church! MORLEY E, NANCEKIVELL OILS e Cemeter ) } J onc | ed |Manitoba delegation demanded ce he ae tea of beget ore The death of Morley -F. ; ele Wee oe paral] oul. pubwe inauiry into . as: -y is Orar G oF rder of: 60 Nancekivell of 46 Queen street,| Air Vedue 1000 4'4 avs } ay, December 17, 1963,|tory of TCA's withdrawal froin ars ho Bats ter of /Brooklin, occurred suddenly at) Anchor 39400 15 Na' Beloved Nsreid © the] Winnipeg hy re bees a N ielts nqite Oshawa General Hospital on} Pantt ee A ther of a re. NO ata SO 4 4 eee ee Newport News,| Appealing for a federal order| beg sis ¢ bee ah Few. Rova! Black >#turday, Dec. 14. The deceased} Cal Ed 100 $18V 18% er and Benny ina to TCA to expand its Winnipeg P feelare No 7G WHI thy. as in his 69th year. Calvert 1000 17 7 r n n } rece ry NO ) 1 - . § Pet ( nt 2 Sard year. "Resting mover haul facilities. Manitobaj" \,_ Meare Hes 'vad hi He was the son of the tate) So fae A Greek Catholic ci Pr remier Duff Roblin said r fe. th pe it ae toulex . Samuel and Fanny. Nancekivell] c ex Gas 200 100 100 oval of the TCA base would minhen: (re da vanee jand was' born at Enfield. In rey Sd ae pee 158 nnor I 4 aug TS "7 ri yh rip.the heart out of the pool aX , t ; ad 1917 he married the former fa . ers in the funeral home Thurs- I ; V C. Davies (Milly) . i \ Dev-Pal 4000 131 130 jof skills" on which Manitoba re-})) Iport; Mrs R -|Blanche May White at Brooklin.| Duvan 000 8 Ae lied for its futiire industrial) ies ce) fas ae and : . She predeceased him in 1950. | Sr oPiains je J a gian e a ' ' sanstuny, Seral a rt wosnia on| growth. Wilman (Hazel), Bé ax Mr. Nancekivell 'was a life-| medai 5500 16, , Sarah|- Prime Minister Pearson Said fs t sohe at Heat has eve "\long resident of Brooklin and plcon ed y 1 n c r oy ; FY irph Dick Sol wpeloved, maine me the federal government has al- Ghacine of Sarnia, Archie of Lotte Surrounding area. He farm- ty Batiaw 11000 at the Joseph P. Thompson| ready promised to keep the TC A| ve see: H se ay ms Hamilton ed in the Brooklin district for] NC Oiis 100 ., Home, Pitot Anterment at hase in Winnipeg at least until William of Whitby na Alex of|Some_years and was employed Numac ce 160 pda castles |1973. He also agreed to consider). yy) : 34 erandchildren and/25 @ fireman with the Ajax Fire} okaita i SNOWDEN, Winnie Elizabeth the possibility of opening 4 pub- 14 Beis andonil ban. . e Department. At the time of his Bamoll At Oshawa General Hospital on Wednes-ilic inquiry into the matter--if "the ss hight apes ro ay pomcaber In, ieee Wianie Elizabeth e funeral service will bedeath he was an orderly at} scum u FOWLER FORESTRIES| for men... Natural- | GOODS on Elna Sewing Machine, or Dec e ' " ¥ 1) ne th i tal SC eae Wil S.'sged 79 years, beloved wife of|there was a chance it would pro- held at the W. C, Town Funeral Fairview Lodge. Stanwell 306 King W. Phone 725-1685 | izers for women... a Filter Queen Sonitizer, H. Snowden, 216 Roxborough Ave-iduce a solution to the problem. | (1... 4 ba The deceased was a member| [ried oll Bae. a Gift Certificates From your deoler. hawa, and dear mother of Neilié! The promise to maintain the : gee Bl Las oy of Brooklin United Church. W Decalta * 400 11S. HIS ; ,000' sand 1, 1000's } oi Sere Oshawa Sewing Centre A Te Mans S. Armstrong,|" "He is survived by three sons: Nursery Grown | LLOYD ELLIS SHOES D Y F T 7 ' S 329 Simcoe S. r ronto. Resti t the Morris|TCA base for at least the next) --" a 1): alate? ear pe NV | Puneral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in| 19 yeabenGempite TCA's sugges-|Tector, Of All Saints' Anglican sone of Welland and Allan and MINES Fruned scotch Pines: | 4? Sing W., Bowmatwilis rch, will conduct the ser. 5 5/-6 # 97c | 623-5941 728-2391 pecial 5'-6 ft ae | FIRESIDE CORNER the chapel on Friday at 2.0 pm. inter ition that it would cost $19,000,-|~.°°» a -- = proesiin. Me. Nance- pee eo flowers donations to Fred Victor Mission, /000 to do so--was as far for- ' i' st kivell also leaves three sisters: weed : | Torontor would be appreciated |ward as planning could be re- | Temporary ss ombment willl wtrs) Maude Dehart, Mrs. Ruby| Avmac'" 120 Larger sizes $1.94 "HOME REPAIR KIT 205 BOND ST. WEST MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS | ' > id. be in the Oshawa Union Ceme- Sonley and Mrs. Morley Ross,| Belcher 1000 and $2.42 | 9.99 COMPLETE Use Our C COMPLETE WITH A LOCKE'S FLORISTS |sponsibly made, he salc tery Mausoleum. 'Interment will!' Brookli 'two brothers, | Belleterre 3000 We Spray Your Tree In Be $9. | Se fou onvenient HAIRSTYLE FROM | Members of the delegation|,. 'st a later date in St. John's|2, IL of Brooklin and two brothers,| pethim 250 Vour Chosen Color. with Tool Box and Basic Tools be Be Bhi is BERNADE E'S c OSHAWA OSHAWA T T Funeral rrangements and |told the prime minister that his a |Thearn of Brooklin and Ollie of] Bivis 5500 flora! requirements for al = P Cemetery, Port Whitby \Toronto, Four grandchildren Bralorne 1000 ees UNE UG RNA ME A CE A aS A | a ta EU fi, MAM , | Trees and Trim Gifts for Children. Gifts for the Family Gifts for the Home a ' C1 UGE ULM EEA AEA LAME, MEER OLS EINE EE NE, CHRISTMAS TREES. theau POODLES, "é craam, ol weeks SOMETHING THE H ines and spruce. Fre Freal sig an santahiil hold ¢ "PAMILY LY WiLL Hi OME SOLVE . . . your Christmas delivery. Apply 144 An tre i i i A] : Y fone 0 \ problems with ifts from abide hetltaadehe ; ' edi Just BABY BUDGIES our large cman of CHRISTMAS rane $5 mich pine Brit «for iriasl Que h ee V/onderful assortment. of furniture and appliances $1. Pia We 8 Gite. oleonane. OFUND wi. _ breading rare species and colors will hold any item till Ring 4 akeetnaonl joes ; MRS. T. BROAD Christmas EASY TERMS. PRUNED Scotch Pine Christmas ty ; ; 114 Elgin East 723-9767 M. COLLIS We and up 416 Oe WL OR LU ALY Y i re - ce | Le SOUND 78 KING ST. W. 725-0332 SSS SS eS IRWIN, Peart e Entered into rest in the PSstiale acy of hindering regional! industrial] 4s pital on Tuesday, December me ' Kellar, widow of Thomas|Srowth, frustratir ng federal eco Charles Irwin and mother of Mrs. Rob- nomic policies and destroying a ert Bedford (Knighta), Clifford Irwin of) ; ; Dchawa; Gordon' and' Willard Irwin -of| MAJOr Prairie industry CHRISTMAS TREES sold .by chure : Plea ne nS d splay a ¢ a" vie vie a A 4 3 ER | OF MUSIC Call 668-5772 iu igo : 'i . gear Jc ul AT CHRISTMAS - |Gifts for Her TREES (standing), ( Get tne "ole trom 9? cern. "MILLWORK and | Lowrey Organs CHRISTMAS Chinn, 723-7088. Delivery | 2 j « Free Three Di H » Trial FIRST QUALITY RODIN art nstrotions at the store. PERMANENTS Soret al ¢ an mone PME CCN PURINES 2S PEPSI SIT 7 cia hd Cer CHRISTMAS TREES "Uae Our Lavawey Pion Ce ee rare BONAT and REALISTIC Btue Scotch Pine : if Reg. $15 Value FOX NURSERY. | fOR, DAD, "SON: or BOY | ALTO oe Soy Brock Se honk Whitby eres Music Supplies Regal Hairstyling 668-4162 or 668-8132 Cee 453 SIMCOE $1. SOUTH Managed by Lillion Howard pn --| : 725-1501 2412 SIMCOE N. CHRISTMAS TREES | WDOC'S" as i eee above Sabot's SCOTCH PINE PHONE 728-2002 ALL SIZES--BEST PRICES |_24 PRINCE ST. 728-7781 SPORTING Direct from Growers gee Christmas Offer. Only FREE Wholesale and Retail Give... McHale Shoes Turkey with the purchese of PENCE IS PLUS ILNS SORE lassurances did not allay their! ~ friends are asked not to ca : Brunswk 1100 $00 | : | WOOD PRODUCTS LTD BEAUTY SALON besiaasiolee fears and anxieties for future|.+ the funeral home before 2/2/80. survive. Camfio 500 a5 GARDEN CENTRE}. 'Main oftice, Siwicwn BEAT SANTA 263 Nossau Street ot Gibb OSHAWA SHOPPING _ |jobs at the base or the future! m. 'Thursda He was predeceased by a son,| © Astoria si00 | 713 1259 SIMCOE N Cues CENTRE lof Manitoba's aircraft overhaul)" "The members of Vimy Lodge| Gordon, in 1942. "halert 30 723-3222 al 728-1611 At His Own Game! 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE industry. It was the third trip] yj) u hold a servic : at the chape d AS wala ibe pare ne "fi val le i EVENING cs | ©shawo Sh asin Centre '| FOR THE FAMILY 728-6555 |to Ottawa in the last year on|at 7 p.m, Thursday. pect ag cle nad a ete CEEOL 728-1617 | GIVE FOOTWEAR A GIFT OF BEAUTY . Brooklin, for the funeral service he: a8 1 ee | THIS CHRISTMAS _.. FROM SANTA | | PHONE: 723-9471 [the mater for many in - the in the Chapel at.2 p.m. Mon GIFT CERTIFICATES roup. |MRS. MARY JANE GAMBLE ; RIM UUM RLU | that day. The service was conducted ROGDLER, wo Gresilenk black pure| "FOR THE MOTORIST From $4.98 up The works--strim, shampoo, lovely gift, $100, Phone Bowmanville IN MEMORIAM | | The ~~ of Mrs. Mary Jane ~ Rev. G. A. Mundy of Brook-| con Negus bred, trained and shots included. A Give a- gift wrapped ' 1 curl by specialists, A solution | Gambi e, 300 Arthur street, 0c-l1jn, United: Church. Interment] ¢ Rambler pale ee Ontario Motor League DAVIDSON S for every type of hair. Com- ' P C Red Pop i 2 Yai 23-2885. mory | W t hin Fires he ida today at the Oshawalwas in Groveside Cemetery,| ¢ 'Sanorm 1 a plete permanents from $10 Ec edelaiay iMod, Fiabe Bad ofa m seer a Cc g | Hospital. The deceased) Brooklin. : Conwest 10 4 se arlayh ae and stand: Membership 31 SIMCOE NORTH up. She will love you for o Cop Corp ' PhinakceAiiaabaae ks AESL AS INS asts all year. 725-3312 gfit certificate from away one year ago today, Pelinlllecg Wl iT Of L fa en in failing health for HL SNOWDEN] Conan M | Oe suet din aan 00 Uiten Lead +o sears ___|MRS, CHARLES H. 81 N} croinor 2 RELIGIOUS BOL Jas da BEAUTY CLINI We knew not your pain | She was born in Durham] The death of a former Maple| Cusco | CHRISTMAS | 'OR DER EARLY ! Cc Ne KOS ee ve, ee ne idl es aheael roar cack : : Delhi Pac 2000 - HAIR STYLISTS You fought: to 9 well |County and was the daughter/Grove resident, Mrs. Charles H.} penison 500 ' | GIFTS GIFTS FOR THE vies "God called you. hone To Arrest of the late Samuel and Mary)Snowden, occurred suddenly at] Dicknsn xd : : HOBBYIST CHRISTMAS TREE OSHAWA -- 728-4623 To His garden of rest, Jane Hicks, She married Ern-|the Oshawa General Hospital to-) Boric eee: ; Nativity Sets 25¢ to $20 ; : ' AND TRAIN PLATFORMS| WHITBY -- 668-3061 HS odie og ool | ST. THOMAS (CP)--A. West\est Gamble in. Oshawa where'day..She resided at 246 Rox-| £ Amphi 1000 Small, Medium, Large | Model Automobile, Airplane, 2' TRAIN BOARD TOPS) e takes only East Sull 200 St. Joseph's Missals Boat _ Kits. The Biggest THRILL HER WITH $1.25 to $12 Selection in town, PING PONG TABLES LOVELY FRAGRANCES Rosaries 65c to $18.50 FROM $7.95 UP Pearl and Crystal | POLLARD ' ATTRACTIVELY Statues, Pictures, Wall Plaque Radio & Television Service B R O W N 5 GIFT PACKAGED --Sadiy missed by the grandchildren andy orne citizen said in court here she resided for many years borough avenue and was in her pe ae lg le ac cts al Tuesday that he took 23-year-old) Mrs. Gamble is survived by a 80th year. ae Winn} Goldale 500 MANNS -- tn | memory of a dearj|Kenneth Edward Witherow into br other, George and a sister She was the former innie} GF Mining. 540 father, Waller Manns, who passed away) | custody at the scene of a fire in Mrs. Murty Evans (Iva), both|Elizabeth Axford the deceased| Grandroy gi $1.25 to $18 1-753 one 26 23-9512 : cause Witherow had been seen| The remains-are resting at) ship She mee poring od : _ A als) 26% 2 PARKVIEW |_153 Simcoe S 723-9512 _ ME an Wen pany | eae $l. i lat three previous fires which hit| the McIntosh-Anderson al|late John and Polly Axford. In) js, 3000 203 , | : A SON N i' "sea we saw you-sieeping the village of West Lorne within |Home for the funeral service inj1906 she married Charles. H| J Waite 2000. 15 oa ; Variety Store F R F F | SKATES sal gy coeharaaieg ye ee 20. Rev,|Snowden at Maple Grove. Mr,| Jacobus 50) 18 = ¥a] 98 Olive Avenue ® NEW ond USED ag * 2 SUSE SS EE Re SPS SPRITE NPIS ; G parla ed geil 1962, |which an elderly man died b »- of Oshawa was born in Darlington Town-| Har-ntin 0 tUNiy, Sees treme Patty, 24 hours last month. the chapel Friday, Dec r Joliet ay a8 76 net Sanins = Fred Kirschener said he saw I. W. Herbert, m cies Rs King/and Mrs, Snowden lived there] Kenvitie . 10000 84 f a a nl 1030" pam | SOLD and Agha Sealy missed by the family. |Witherow at the apartment Strect United' Church, will con-|until they moved to Oshawa ee 'ad n sie a @, 85h f Open daily 'ti p.m. | Als r; 'building fire Nov. 3 in which 63-/ duct the service. Ir nenensht will/two years ago. Lab Min AN IDEAL GIFT BICYCLES ed Sura, de Ie cee away conan" year-old Frank Welch died.\be in Union Cemetery,| The deceased was a member) t osu McB L | OR hier italia : lWitherow attempted. to climb a|Oshawa |of Maple Grove United Chanch| bore 30. a). mo me) McBrine Luggage DRAYTON "CYCLE DRUG STORE re still, with love sidcere ltadder to help a woman from) Time of the funeral service and was a life member of the! Leitch wth, From 9.98 Up CAR COAT 204 Bond St. E. 35% Simcoe N. ed by his wife, children and|the burning building, he said,)will be announced in Thurs- Maple Grove United Church) Lencourt pagent at Va) All Canadian made 725-4734 FOR.A CHRISTMAS SPIRIT Lakehead ; pi hildren: t ragy . rom thelday's issue of The Oshaw ai Women Lorado Men and women's casual with the purchase of any Gifts for the Home but he dragged him from ¢ | She is. survived by her hus-} Macleod Flite, Gladstone bags, train . T | 7 | Ld ORMISTON loving memory of our|ladder and told a bystander to Times |hand and. two daughters, Mar-| Madsen | cases, etc. GIFT CERTIFICATES | Ormiston, whol hold him. his ty Magnet 4 Ma dat lip = | This Christmas .. . Give Neh a see noWitherow is charged with| | MRS, ANNIE GETZ 'Be of Toronto and Be. A, ance a BURNS SHOES Se mi » Gifts for the' home. rf mans! aughter in the death of! Mrs. Annie Getz, $4, died Wed-) PTOW" 'NS iat nh. lita oa Va} ING AND SIMCOE STS. | PRICED F A small deposit will hold how much we miss them, : Ick nesda Dec. 11. in a Pem- also leaves two grandchildren Melhire » 51M nad % USE OUR LAY AWAY | $49 50 any item until Christmas. WEAR A GAY CORSAGE adi ' : and a sister, Ethel Axford, of} m 27 Se | . HONEST CALS Hang @ wreath on the door their memory fade. . 4 A he Ghali Gees aeaalak tioned by Defence Coun- proke Hosp tal after a 5'4 weck z aay McMar 2 8 8 ' Gifts for Hi | Rehig ; moti % Bowmanville. M 5 ifts for Him or Her | where they are laid Ise) Mt y Hennessey on why| illness fol'owing a fall at Pem- he remains are peating at MUM | mucumrernigiaia eu USE YOUR CREDIT 424 KING WEST 728-9191 Colorful outdoor wreaths Wither Y | OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT formerly Avalon Dance Christmas Door Knockers nateu loving memory of my|Kirschener said "I kind of. sus-/She had made her home in Osh- manville. for the funeral ser- New Hoa op me, LL " GOLF CLUB SETS | , oe wee FROM $35 up | ETT i ea obered by sllbe Lil ana cause he was seen. at the other; The former Annie Bloedow 9. at 2.30 p.m. Rev. P. Ro- N Mylame ,) 0 0 10 + %\ 3 complete sets. Fibre glass | B Be le ae 10% King Street West rein-law Jim. fires she was born in Golden Lake.|),o1j1 minister of Courtice Unit-| Nickel MS joo 17 07) 7) + zl shafts. Bags, © Carts, Golf D U N N : S ie te eee ; | gine Ounawe Times ere|Witherow started the {res andiGrace Evangelical United ment will be Unon emetery,| Nerherl, ™E# .@ @ 41 | Sunny Brae Golf Course | ca Ue sla pu facbadea sustedu 2 Port_ Perry Bee a as SUPPLY LTD Kit jOowntown. * | | SSIS Lts --Always rememb t! ly. prtne: iy ; | Always remembered by the family. he grabbed Witherow, Mr.jproke where she was visiting the Morrie Panekal Chanel: BOW:| Nowe CW oe & 5 Ff el EAMEBELL ss 6 4 - | NO DOWN PAYMENT Pavilion, ho. pass nected hi 1 the start be-| awe , who passed away De/noected him from the start be- awa vice in the Chapel Fridav, Dec.| N° Kelore ne ee | AT R. B. REED and SONS ADVERTISERS please note! "In Memor-| He sai d he had no proof that Or She was a member Of/oq Church. will officiate. Inter-| Normetal 100 295 25 295 +2 Balls. Less than wholesale. T.V. Towers $50. up for : . Int < noon Saturdays|that' his ideas wer ye ere hurch, Killaloe, Ont. Qchawa Opemiska 215 765 760 765 «+5 | ae HELE ELAIRUE AUREL RICE IRIE | 361 GIBBON 728-8180 Hons, OVE Oa wus siclons Her husband, William Getz of!" In jj 1 donations to] Ormsb 2500 42 40 42 +1 ssist you in writing an on ene : Dh and, William Getz of! Jn lieu of flowers donations to y ; in 'selecting. appro-|_ He handed Witherow over to/Kiialoe, died in 1924. She was|the Fred Victor Mission, Toron-| paramaa = 308 tke es for these notices, Come in'West Lorne Constable Jamesithe Jast surviving member of jto, would be appreciated Pax Int 1000 18 18 18 : : Peerless 7500 132 13% 13% and reuerceccisomemamnmemem| OSIAWA SHOPPING CENTRE BILL LEASK ONLY CAPONS, dressed, ready for the oven, from 5¥a Ibs. up. $2.50. Call 725-83 'the Clas fied Counter, or telephone M = hall after he : - i Munro at the town hall after her family 492. If it is more convenient, write : h far ' : 1 'In Memoriam and mail it to Thejhad searched Witherow and, Surviving are her four sons. FUNERAL OF Aa ae 2s, #25 25, d Advertising Department, Osh-/found three books of matches fred of Oshawa, William of FRANK HAMILTON Raglan 500 47 47 47 Fowl F F bee ----_--__--_--_-----| and two skeleton keys Pembroke. Rev. Henry of Kit-| A serviec for Frank Hamilton,| Rayrock 1000 82 82 82 +2 | ron The hearing continues Thurs-/chener and Alex of Kapuskas-\97 Richmond street west, who Ris Alors a UL es Lea LITZ Hp asia SUBSCRIPTION : SHOPPING | N M E M O R Y jday, ng: one daughter. Mrs. Erna/died at the Oshawa General Hos- Rockin 500 30¥2 30M 30¥2 5 ; Ea | sity = : $s] Salem 7 44 4) 42 --2 ecial rates for Banquets, Berger of Arnstein, Ont., 15|Pital on Saturday, Dec. 14, was , 4 Pi quets, | | sranacalaehe and four great-|held at the Armstrong Funeral] Sherrut' "as00 275° 74 m8 41 Bowling Alleys. TO THE DAYS orandonitdran Home Tuesday, Dec. 17, at 2) Sigma 100 soo sp soo +15 | _ 117 Bloor St. E. 723-4722 | grande ren, it Mi of loved ones | Funeral service was conduct- p.m Sarratt 500 / CHRISTMAS "FOWL OSHAWA TIMES UNTIL READY TO BUY |e, Saturday at Grace Evangel Pe it eked plane be oy a4 -- ¥ CAPONS AND TURKEYS : eal United Brethren Church, Kil-|'*°Y sas F Sturgeon y / / DRESSED AND DELIVERED id f S alae be Rev Wor Columbus United Church, Inter- a alte sa year-round gift and a daily reminder of good- at Christmas elie, BY Ray N.S aioe, Bue Ur AsD ns ns FRANK HOAG will for your friends and relatives who are away CHRISTMAS lial was in Killaloe EUB Ceme-| a wer Wales Come eee 535 ROSSLAND ROAD WEST from home. | ery, f PROSPECTS vey | The pallbearers were Ronald Be iy DIAL. 725- dnt Now i . : ' REE - - : is the time to JULIUS LESENKO jand John Hamilton, Gary! W pave if ; : SUBSCRIPTION RATES:-- select gifts tc please dering a helpful service to jHayes, Tal Kirkwood, Stanley] \; era uae we y | li istri Wilir 00 148148148 | MEigierermumermineice tee Carrier Delivered, Oshawa and District : those who with to'pay tbute | | The death: of Julius Lesenko,! Webber and John Knox, Wiltsey 16Va 162 16V2 + Val ee calahay . : : everyone on your Christ- Winch ion 10% 10¥2 10v2-+-\q The Safe Way To Ce 1 yr. $23. -- 6 Months $12.00 mas Gift List. The Gift 1534 Drew street, occurred'at the 4 A to a loyed one who has poss- | Read * |Oshawa General Hospital Tues-| FUNERAL OF LEAL gen wh ye "fpr MS pe With MAIL-- ,| Selector makes your d beyond . . . the Oshawa |day, Dec. 17. The deceased had| MRS. JOHN MUIR Zulapa 12000 24 2314" 24¥% h s : : i Gable oO Wpaciol |been in. poor health for more BP agg Mable FOP MTS ot aan ies - MERCURY TAXI Ontario Province: . $12--6 months $ 6.50 ar ets bed aa einai AAA palit : : \than two years. and was in his|John Muir, 620 Richmond street baad er ; . poge of Memorial. Tributes Times \63rd year east, who died at the Oshawa FOREIGN TRADING . gpl Other Provinces: - $15--6 months $ 8.00 to buy, for whom the "tuaudov: Ducember 24th He" was born at Lubience,/General Hospital on Sunday,| Borer to 900 9 * IE -osawa's Most M Ft eee . $24--6 months $12.00 | gifts are suitable, and ee a é icia, and was the son of the|15, was held at the Armstrong] Lorado 500 191 41 Most Modern Taxi where to buy. llate Mr, and Mrs. John Lesenko.|Funeral H Tuesday, Dec.| Macass = -- The classified ad-writers ore Want Ads lin 1922 he trae ed. he order 17. at 3.5 on. saan " Provo. 120 im i ae Re SURIGH RIDING | THE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT WATCH THE TIMES ; | | KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA GIFT SELECTOR DAILY | Order Your "Christmas With the sincere hope of ren- j |Elizabeth Mascenik in Czecho-| Fred VanHorn of the' Je-| Permo 1000 A ot your service to assist you | u cennie ss Waites ay ters . "ae t vat A ik ia wording: To -esnure |sl lovakia, Mr Lesenko prede- hovah's Witnesses conducted the ssyaliae - Dee: ra | pureieeS Pic Will be pleased to act upon your instructions, FOR ADDITIONAL : TELEPHONE 723-3474 UNTIL CHRISTAS S UNTIL CHRISTMAS ceas her husban d in 1952. service. Interment was in Mount) Yk Bear Joo 107 107 107 publication of your tributes TReuad ihe Clock. Mr. Lesenko had been a resi-/Lawn Cemetery. ee xs . iy Teleph 725-2) 37 inthis S iol Edition: tel dent of Oshav nd-Canada for) The pallbearers were W W.. MOST BAKERIES 5 lad in this Speci Hon, tele: | : 32 years. For 23 years he was|Bagnell, G. Bagnell, W. Patter-| The number of bakery estab- ? 2 "| phone 723-3492 today. a lan employee of Ontario Malle-|son, S. Hodgson, J, Luke and/lishments reached its peak inj' cs Za % ble Iron Co. Ltd. The deceas- D. Muir. |1938 when they totalled 3,231, LA ZA

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