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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Dec 1963, p. 5

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\CORONER'S INQUEST | 800 Children WHITBY And DISTRICT ithy Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West . e+ See Santa At Manager: John a Tel. 668-3703 Boy S Death Suicide | Dunlop Party More than 800 persons attend- a : | e oa I i jed the Annual Dunlcp of Canada |Company-Union Children's party : held in Ajax Saturday afternoon. | BEAVERTON (Staff) -- A 15-|joffer no. reasons why his son| This statement was ogg The long-awaited' party was a year-old boy, described by his should kill himself. ; : ated by Dr. H. ey Z es happy contusion of childish lparents as "happy, levelheaded| "There was some discussion |Beaverton, and Dr. J. "5 -, i9,| voices and exclamations of awe land obedient", hanged himselfjearlier in the evening when Erleja pathologist at the Oshawa'when presents presented by 'with his own belt in his own/had asked to go into town to a|General Hospital. _ Santa Claus were opened. lbedroom, a Coroner's Jury|movie. At first I said 'no', be- Dr. Martin told the nee ats The party commenced in the learned here last night. cause he 'was just getting over|that the boy had die mtn eatly afternoon and the guests Th ; iu decided that Erle bronchitis. But later on I relent- strangulation compatible WI were treated to a talent show Ist. Hf Jj rb ith, RR 2 Beaver-|ed and told him he could go."' having been hanged . ,_ staged by the children of com- on ae en 'tarily taken his| 'Was there any argument?!' He agreed with a suggesticninany employees. ton had ips sadenp tly hand-|Mr. Affleck asked. |by Mr. Affleck that the death) 'The Christmas message to the own life, an pei pipet fry py, 'No sir. I just told him that|could well have been self-inflict-\employees was delivered by d down a ere Oh ee 7 if he went out that night he ed. : |Harry Wogden, vice-President suicide. ; , |would not be allowed out the fol-| Dr. Ames said he arrived at/of Dunlop, of Canada Limited. Mrs. ee wo boy's lowing week," Mr. Smith said.|the Smith home at 11.49 p.m.,| Greetings of the season were mother testifi at she fos after being summoned by police. |extended to those present b found him hanging from the wk eethaabile Dave Fenton of "There was no life, and rigor|Carl Fitzgerald, National Rew LOOKING FOR SANTA jagainst the inside ae bed:| opp Brechin, told the inquiry,mortis had set in. resentative for the Rubber! pert Sandra Gayle Hottot mond Hottot, 211 Reedaire jroom door at about 11.20 p. 'Ithat evidence pointed to self-in-/ He fixed the time of death at Workers Union. who was one year old on Nov. Court, Her grandparents are on Dec. 7. \flicted death, "about 8.30 p.m.". George Brooks acted as Mas-| 1) annears to be searching ' pi § | "I saw the belt looped around) "The belt had a special hole! 'There was some speculation ter of ceremonies at the party) out the window for a sleigh Mr. and Mrs, John Horack, lhis neck," she continued. "I! ut into it, which was slung over|that the boy's death somehow|Which was organized by Robert| and eight reindeer, She is the nd Mr. and Mrs, P. A. Hottot screamed, and then I took him), aij on the outside of theltieq in with the hanging of a|Banks, treasurer of the local! qauphter of Mr. and Mrs, Ray- of Whitby. down and laid him on his bed." door," he described. |dog on the Smith farm eight|Union. Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck, 'The boy was hanging about qays previous. The dog was) asked if the boy had shown any six inches from the floor against|found on the morning of Nov . . WHITBY BOWLING NEWS signs of life. jthe inside of gi aor Pe dis-/39 hanging from a tree limbs by Pickering Beach | "N ne,' was the reply. "Ijturbances on the bottom runglits chain. The chain had been . -- . on eens it. He waslof his bed would indicate that!lgoped twice around the limb. Church Holds __ MIXED LEAGUE |Joyce Denyer, 212; Don Denyer, oh a ha py boy," she added, |he may have stepped off of it Evidence 'from Mr. and Mrs. Triples had 600: Isobel Mo-|204; Tom Tobbins, 208; Richard po eed ao asks seq, |after fastening the belt around s ith b tantiated no such re- A l C t thersill, 797; Harvey Roberts, Sandford, 211; Bill Newstead, ines The father :. the se ee i his neck." tee a nnual Voncer \Chuck Gill, 759; Clare Holter,/206; Mac Jefferson 200; Keith okt / Russell Smith corroborated "7. onstable indicated that) 2U0°S™P- : ao '748: Vi Jordan, 723; Marty Jor-|Laundry, 213; Hazel.Moore, 202; : Pe , fag his wife's testimony. He could aia ee had caede nD 'atlempt to. The fivesman jury deliberated By MRS. W. SEYMOUR dan, 723; Tom Pascoe, 718;|Harlon Moore, 242; Bill Bonk, % a , ' ee Heb ROHR Afi Gus" RAREIOA 15 minutes before returning PICKERING BEACH _ The Chuck Sawdon, 712; Wayne|211; Jean Hanscombe, 200; Thel- eg MAKE CHRISTMAS MERRIER | He stated further, that, in his|their verdict to Coroner, Dr. K. pany Piper ytiegct sie Stuart; G. Childs, 682; C. Gar-|ma Bemis, 250; Stan Rice, 277, SANTA HELPS ROTAR | WHITBY opinion, the deceased could have G. ecw hie as sane net pions yo yokes rett, 681; Doug Rowden, 6HG ce Pascoe, 217; Clem Hewitt, . ve kan trent 'key w Olive Matheson, 86, whispers changed his mind by grabbing) 'We find that Erle stanicy eS *'Ron Adair, ; Merv Bemis,|213 . ; Foot-kore and acconipanied been treated to turkey with - a Santas vo a secret wish PERSONALS the top of the door Smith did take his own life by ar ce inl Sa Ray 646; Clara Rowden, 643; Beryl Lucky winners -- Isobel Mo- by a team of weary reindeer the trimmings. The arena, known only to her and the "There was no indication of hanging," it read. 'Death was Charl 4 "Wel V-\Watkins, 641; Bruce Hands-|thersill, Vi Jordon, Clare Hol- Santa came in the back door being minus a chimney of good old man The spirit of rs. P. Kais and Mrs. R. foul play," he stated. due to strangulation." sie se ie enki shi icombe, 639; Betty Pascoe, 630; | Stuart, Ruth Frank, Cyril Gar- : 4 os BOM oe Pion s t Mrs aiser nd Mrs. | AN i -\was given by lip. Manning. Clarence 'Moore, 628; Ruthirett, Betty Pascoe, Jenny Gow- spreading cheer at the annual sufficient size to accommo- Ohristmas prevailed at the (Mackey, co-conveners of the re- The nursery and primary de-\frank, 625; Tom Byron, 613;\ler; Bev Childs, Bill Bonk, John Whitby Rotary Club's Senior. date Santa's great girth, open- banquet and ail present had cently-held Christmas Bazaar, E'S COURT cartinbate. Undee' Hie dieactinn A Hee ae ald, Bieta ol ore Be i= Citizen's Party held in Whitby eda welcoming back door and . the opportunity of renewing 'held under the auspices of St MAGISTRAT of Miss Donna Manning, sang alc," at te ee Bie a Pied Arena Tuesday. The beard the laughing fellow pranced in past friendships and making John the' Evangelist CWL, wish number of songs. Sagas eg ' 35, 54 a 3 , ® visitor from the north arriv and answered the Christmas new ones to thank the conveners, their |; Judy Montgomery recited , after guests of the club had requests of all present. Mrs. (Oshawa Times Photo) helpers and all the parishioners | | 200 singles: Joe Wainwright, e ege |;, } ya : who were so generous in their Pair [ Inqualified ear wee re Junior| 206: Jenny Fowler, 200; Helen| TOTAL ENROLMENT " jdonations to make the Bazaar boys' department under the|/Manns, 277; Gerry Hewson, 202;) More than 4,578,000 Canadian 'CONTINUING FIGHT = MRS. STURGESS ie success it was. | direction of Mr, Rankil | me and|Charlie Mau, 296; Mickey Mc-|students were enrolled full-time v ; SEE Slr ea |Mrs, M. Manning. Master, 219; Wendy Wother-|in Canadian elementary and sec- | The tomOWing she Faheres l O Re alr Autos | Verlene Parker, Jennifer Long|spoon, 205; Connie Denyer, 204;londary schools during 1962-63. e ners: Mrs. H. Forbes, Theresa and Way Somme of he: Orkin St | see ee : |Jordon, Mrs, L. Watters, Mrs department recited 'Wee O uor©rl e ecoun [van . gin) vege wave | Are you mechanically-inclin-|to a man" at the plant, and then Ladies.' Mrs.. Mann's Junior |Mrs. K. Daigle, 3 Ace ye R. Ted Unless you are mechanic-|led him into a field where they/girls recited '"'Like Candles," WHITBY Mrs, BE. Finan, rs. i picked up the bags. | : "' J rs |ally-qualified don't take on the : ._, followed by a solo, "I Know," |Hughes, Mrs. R. iif aeingbe rear of anyone else's automo-| He. added that he and Cole|py Kelly Russell. 106 BROCK ST. S. PHONE 668-5331 ed '@ | te OO ad eC Pen Se Py Poids i eet bile for monetary reward. It's|had become separated and tat Janet Rodgers recited "We've Mts. Lee Hart, Mary 'raynor, |i) oal this was the reason the police|\Never Known the Half." Mrs. ey BEI legal. : ' | Mrs, A, Jacobs and Mary King. ' Two "mechanics" found this|had found him alone with the/Rantil's class recited, 'I Real- e OPENING SPECIALS e St. Bernard's school held open{out in Magistrate's Court here sa) eerie ou ios ia ly Do."' The Junior Department FOR 2 WEEKS ONLY ay ber .16. Tuesday. Under a contravention) Mr. Coie, who has a dog *\sang: "'There Must be a Rea- ° the affidavit house Monday, December 16 of the Apprenticeship Act they|accused did not) testified that he son for Christmas," and "On a FLOORING TILE: that decided fluoride , should Mrs. Sturgess claims she is,WaS Presented on the last pos- 4+ 39 p.m. this evening pat-|were fined a total of $75 andjhad not seen the accused after Christmas Eve." Vinyl! 0.80 siay in the public water supply. backed by the Citizens' Rights sible day ents and friends are invite! to costs for practicing their trade 9.30 in the evening of Sept. ne "A Missionary Speaks" was SAGH css. But last night the affidavit,|4ssociation. Toronto. Jack Frost, town clerk said St. Theresa's school for alwithout being "duly-licesed"'. A third witness, hates recited by Mrs, W. Manning's ey ee ' taken out (by Mrs. Beulah) cn. ging alleges sie has. an\ ote Wes, not eure what 8S Christmas play by'Grades 5 and Kenneth F. Rutledge, an In- Heard, said he saw the pair t- class, followed by "My Gift to] Amtico "Care-Free Vinyl Tile. Sturgess, 107 Euclid street, waS sieroy which causes her to -- about the or § pupils, followed by carol sing- spector with the ining of ee seus ee ope Him" by Richard Long. Reg. 27c. Special Only ~ 5. 2 said: ' argi s 5 2 C q . sfenc ! y 7 | A wise ds "A-legall out atter drinking water con: voles fa net sen expat mg. a " seageave Bovohin asked for a dismissal| ;, "Gmcaded Rect, Pig Mrs. Sturgess said: gal', sj ; ' ; i _ iley. § : 2, Seag af : | x : st-|- Tass HE OTD. Py taining sodium fluoride Her once it if narrow enough to ask A Christmas 'party is being)and Charles Empringham, RR 2\on Heard's evidence. Imas Story:" "Three Candiles"| technicality has beaten m doctor will not confinm that the | ; qr) | concerned the time element in| wp onical is the cause of the for a recount he'd Thursday, Dec. 19-at Aldon|Blackwater had been undertak-| Magistrate Harry JerMyN\ya. done by Virginia Parker, | registering the affidavit for the att Sr aa sai : "If a recount had been' de- school, Ajax sponsored byjing repairs at Empringham $BEroed: |Nancy Harvey and Jean Ander- recount apes fs cided upon it would have taken Ajax, Pickering and Whitby Re-| Highway 12 service station with. . ¥ . ~ |son Mrs. Sturgess does not use plac f ge tar i ' niati e chanics' or HOME FOR CHRISTMAS : "It has been suggested that'I »,, iép water in her home for ae =. a dudes tarded Children's Association. |out holding either mec "Magistrate Jermyn asked £4:| Stephen Long closed the pro-| tL A Whitby housewife went to|fluoridation issue. Fluoride walthis one. It has to be in by a court. Tuesday, with an applica-jretained by a margin of 49 certain date tion for a recount on the vote votes "In my opinion = v 3 : apprentices' papers. | " * ram with recitation, 'Our) Fis oa eee) eee drinking. All drinking water is! himself. lt would have taken) Ontario Ladies College Jr. an had warned them: previous\ward George "Eddy" Fulton ite ma ' . Program." i1.?* brought from's'tresh water wel/about two days." Alumnae held its Christmas);, Noy, 29, when I laid the ae ay Hi 7 pir Attendance prizes were. wer dded: "I mining to her home. The cost of a recount could party with a dinner held at Osh-\charge, the Inspector said.|©)Tistmas. Me reply was: "NO, She a : "I am continuing, . "i wap He shai? awarded and candy bags dis- dia uth Wo have Muotde xe-|, UUM. O'Cotmel, 8 Whitby have-been beavy: Mrs. Sturgess awa Golf Club. |"When I did attempt to lay it,/yYour Worship'. e fig' 0 Vv e \- tributed to each child present. for your support in electing me to th D fidavit|Said the Citizens' Rights Associ- Re : I was ordered off the proper-; Fulton was sentenced to 10) desc sah shel aus ome bd ved fir the public water|!awyer, presented the affidavit A short business meeting fol-|> ) pen idie move eowhithy, p don't know to Judge Alex Hall, for consider- ation would have helmed with oe Mise Doris Batty tY:" sity (22Y3, in_ Jail on a charge off EACHER TRAINING 'Council of the Municipality of the OF or wat : A wit oe ation. on Mrs. Sturgess' behalf,|the bill and some of her Whitby, ° ety : "| Both men. pleaded guilty.|being drunk in a public place EACHE! AT! 7 co -.. donations. changed gifts. Miss Audrey | costs or five days. Empring-|pleased with the sentence, training in 1962-63, 35.7 per cent Townsh p lof Whitby, About 2,300 property owners steps you must vised vid in ------ Hesdalget bine Lager nga ham, because he owned the ser-'which would put him in jail/Were enrolled in degree-granting voted, December 2, on. the'presenting an affidavit such as |Mrs. Robert Gray who Js, vice station, was fined $50 and yntil Dec. 27. institutions. : | dence in Ottawa. "This is the first time I havelsion at the County Jail too!) SCUGOG 3 John Batty 1 Gi i A joint meeting of Senior and ever heard of-a case like this = : ie | Given At Sessions Junior Alumnae will be held at around a -- At PROMISES FIGHT CLEANERS . The following divorces were the home of Miss Audrey Law- torney Bruce # | PITTSBURGH (CP) -- -Pro- & Shirt Launderers Boo es ian * d 10S 0 decreed nisi in the winter ses-ler, 461 King street, Whitby CHARGE DISMISSED moter Archie Litman said Tues- FREE Pick-up & Delivery Dally ' ' sions of the Supreme Court of Jan. 15: Members are asked (0, A conflict of evidence led to day middleweight champion PHONE 668-434/ Ontario, presided over by his bring' a gift. the dismissal of a 'possession Joey Giardello has promised to Lordship Mr. Justice Stewart: srerecciee vs ' 2 \Elm street, Ajax. Griffith-Rubn (Hurricane) Car-| Hood; K. W. Baker ys G. M_/her daughter and peng boyd = Whitby PD. Constable Jimiter fight. Carter, the No. 2) One-Sto ELECTORS OF WHITBY TOWNSHIP At the Supreme Court of On-,they are a specially-finished Baker; J. R. Town vs J. E and Mrs. R. E. Burn, : OCN-\ Wilson told the Court that he|ranked middleweight, and Grif- Pp 5 ; observed a man, whom he iden-/fith, the world welterweight| DECORATING during the month of Octoher a'quires no. painting and a daily|Brockman; S. M. Malish vs §. tHe holidays with them. tified as the accused, carrying ajchampion, meet in a round-| sixeman Grand Jury; after in-| scrubbing usually maintains a!Malish; A: W. Stogryn vs M. E Mr. and Mrs. John Bruechie, bag west on Dundas street at/round fight at Pittsburgh Friday | SHOP specting the County Jail, made'clean, desirable appearance. /Strogryn; S. A, Evenden vs while. in Europe visited Mr,|12.10 a.m.. on Sept, 27. night. , several recommendations "Information received indi- J..P. Evenden. Bruechle's brother and sisters The Court was shown a 50- ms report that the prisoners be pro-|is in operation in the Jail, but Fergusin; Souch vs Souch:\Rruechle's relatives in Austria Chow hier 9 Ce ee | Family Monuments © Custom Draperies for your confidence in re-electing me to the Town- vided with radios, a library, and there is no reaeon why a library Hobbs vs Hobbs; Campbell ys They also visited in Switzerland, ay neon hi a spa in Sale © Broadioom and Rugs ship Council for 1964. more recreational facilties could not be operated With the'Campbell; Roy vs Rov; McLean|{taly and Holland, as they spent {ied as one whic h hi bel |} @ C.LL. Paints end Varnishes They also suggested that, C0-operation of the local library ; have come from the itby ' supporters might have made|Presiding. The members €X-\~ 0 .aon was fined $25 and| Mr. Fulton did not seem dis-| Of 32,602 Canadian teachers in making plans." He said later: "There are | Decrees Nisi has family, estabilehing re#- costs or 15 days. | (Christmas is a festive occa-| eee | il : P k Mrs. G. R. Somerville of|f Stolen goods" charge againstidefend his title next April 3|7 ------ TO THE V. G. Cousings vs W. Cous- rs. Ute : oy yard Knight, 27, of 19) against. the winner of the Emi H In Jai cas ueen NY ar ngs; W. H Hood 5 'E Acton is a guest at the home of|E/don Howard Knight, 27 ins ner tario sittings held in Whitby,;concrete 'surface which re-/Town; D. Brockman ys C, J./"an et and will be spending! The Jury suggested in theirjcates that no permanent library, Other. divorces: Fergusin vs of WeWst Germany and Mrs. pound, $5 bag of Purina Dog © Wallpaper end Murols 2ivs McLean; Hamilton vs Ham- five months on the Continent. & Fledless Colestess Bolats although the building was clean @ 800d selection of books could ijton: Bayda vs Bayda; Smith Plant." | I will do my best on your behalf, and 8 inmates seemed to be D€ made ayailable to the in-¥< Smith: Estok vs | Estok:| Salvation Army Sunday school; He indicated that no produce arta Te DODD & SOUTER Y y welltreated, that some im- Mates. Nottie vs Nottie, Harris vs held its Christmas party, Satur-|was sold at or about midnight, Individual provement such as tile in the "This system is in operation Harris: Challice vs Challice: day, Dec. 14 at the Citadel with and that one bag had been aa Requirements Phone 668-5862 Fred Sturch oder coum He made, n many other jails, and in some|and Larsh vs Larsh. Captain Edward Reed in charge he he ne : Polat checks STAFFORD BROS Decor Centre At the Tuesday meeting of the C2S¢s the local library supplies - Christmas carols were sung and)'Nr, fovowing G0y. ot that hell ; 107 Byron St. S., Whitby County Council a leiter of reply CorreMt editions, as well as dis-| = cunKE YDINNER ennied. vere: pave 'had gone to the plant with Wil- LTD. | HI to the suggestions. made by the "The Jury recommended that. For a large family Christmas| Santa Claus made his annual liam Cole, 614 Dundas street MONUMENTS | conn coereicmeER no, sala 4 f Tn ha radios be installed, Past experi- dinner, a 16 to 24-pound turkey;visit and distributed gifts to all east, Whitby, and that the yhad 318 DUNDAS EAST epartmem. of Refor nstitu- tions in Toronto ence has shown that radios in iS recommended, giving 21 to 32/present. Festive refreshments each taken a bag of the chow. 668-3552 -- 115 BROCK r JUST NORTH cio : the jail setting are conductive to Servings were served, He said that Cole had 'talked | ST. NORTH OF THE The letter informed counctl) ijega) Botivity by. mane dc am a . . "| : that an inspection of the County' mates, such as lock-tampering WHITBY 4 CORNERS Jal, loctaed in Whitby, had ie y . ! "Recreat vith a jail is S G t g la par | been made by the chief inspec- cuitaned io 6 goon ee He eason $ ree in $ There are OPEN THURS 'TIL 8 P.M --FRI 'TIL 9 P M tor of the Department of Re- various types of inmates incar- : i pnpahgd 'a eee pgp cle aaneealgda follow- corated, 'The stay of an inmate The Perfect Gift for | © Ee es oe ee ee ares Ege te toi ay | FRESH TURKEYS, GEESE and CAPONS "With the Jail in Whitby be- long period of time. Subsequent MOTHER & FRIENDS | | ' an ing comparatively new, very/to his trial he is either acquit- : @ FROM LOCAL POULTRY FARMS @ little maintenance is reqitired./ed, - recieves probation, or -is j i k However, on previous visits the t Fill Their Freezer ransferred to a Provincial or the . if | ORDER NOW SO WE MAY SELECT THE BEST nspectors have recommended Federal Institut yhes i ; | iar eral alterat ons and require does have sarki Acne With The Best $ ae - | great FOR You WHEN THEY ARRIVE ments which have been complied. 'The installation of tiles in Zi SIRLOIN OR WING with the showers was previously 2 fF } bed = 5 | throughout the cell siti the 1964 Budget." . FRESH KILLED ; af whiskies a \ COOKED c STEAKS Cc BROCK Evening Shows at 6:55 and 8:25 TURKEYS ( In | eR A M Ib lb "Regarding the floors recommended and is included in WHITBY Last Complete Show at 8:25 : é ' He' bach! " PRIME RIBS of BEEF 20-Ib. aver- a | a 7? || ------ee------ RUMP ROAST BEEF Ib. 69° 4 ° age. Cut & wrapped 1" ; : ib 2 | PRIME RIB CHUCK OR : hin'! | AARD al | \ «ae =. Adams od ROAST ° he ¢ | SHOULDER ROAST Ib. 39° BYRNES "appa ee I ¢ Private Stock. ||| BEEF ib] LEAN STEWING BEEF Ib. 59¢ Me 'i damien wiltice 4 " \ ADIAN RYE WHISK : ------ Fresh BUTT PORK CHOPS Ib. 59¢ ss... ; FRESH HALF OR WHOLE a WARNER BROS. prerune TECHNICOLOR® 4 ) ; : : | B E E F 25: HAMBURG STEAK 3 lbs. ALSO -- Second Feature Attraction TROUGHTON Meat Market ; | Bologna lb FRESH WIENERS 1.00 "RIFFI IN TOKYO" in Dri -- : Ae . ADULY ENTERTAINOENT 106 bupin NIITBY -- PHONE 668-4633 °° 0 on ee ak : Braising Short Ribs Starring -- KARL BOEHM--BARBARA LASS

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