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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Dec 1963, p. 4

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_|members : '}eommittee in charge received -lwarm praise for arranging the "114944; Mr. and Mrs. R. Morris, 114014; -|Miller, 14.49; 'land R. White, 12614; Miss M. *\in play during the evening. The jand D. Mackinnon, 8144. Holds Dinner The General Motors Duplicate Bridge Club held a turkey din- ner last Thursday with about 55 in attendance, The event. Twelve tables of bridge were high scores were: North and South: Mrs. E. Wadsworth and »S. Sheridan, M. Clarke and J. A. Vaillancourt Mrs. Black and P. McGowan, 125. East and West -- Mr, and Mrs. K, Marden, 13144; Mr. and Mrs. P. Sullivan, 124; Mrs. J. Patterson and Mrs, Hankinson, 117%; Mr. and Mrs. C. Nelson, 117; F. Birze and J. Wild, 117. The next games will be play- ed Jan. 2 at 7.30 p.m. OSHAWA GOLF CLUB The winners and high scores of the games played last week by the members of the Oshawa Golf Duplicate Bridge Club were: North and South -- Mrs, H. Hart and Mrs. F. J. Rundle, 9314; Dr. and Mrs. E. Culp, 8814; Mrs. H. Lapp and Mrs. J. Jamieson, 86; Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Rundle, 84; R. Vickery East and West -- Mr. and Mrs, Bert White, 99; E. TRADITIONAL CEREMONY OBSERVED AT ALBERT COLLEGE Boar's Head Carol. This cen mony is enacted in many Armstrong, daughter of Mr. turies old custom dates back parts of Britain today. It is and Mrs. A. W. Armstrong, to the days of the Horse os part of the Christmas Ban- 350 King street east, and Miss es hart ores arr quet festivities at Oxford Uni- Donna Black, daughter of Mrs. f versity, England, just as it is , the God of Prosperity and j Peace. The traditional cere- at Albert College. Miss Sally This picture shows the carrying-in of the boar's head at the Christmas Ban- quet at Albert College, Belle- ville, by the 'chefs', who are in fact members of the Col- lege Glee Club, singing the West Berliners Pour Through Berlin Wall 2s" eS BERLIN--A great and joyful|munist newspaper Neues Deut-| a, applicants bis permits) morning following a two-car col- 7 ' lechis 590i jav E yer- t e separate days, Later,!);. f . i vas in fulljschland said today East Ger-|for three separa ys 'ilision at the junction of Ross- piste cigar e nee rliners|™an refugees living in Westlafter the first crush is over, land and Thickson roads. After ering woney as Nem Fe |Berlin can also apply for passesjthey cana pply again. -- jcolliding both cars rolled into a streamed through the Commu-|jr they had'crossed to the West; About 40 West Berlinens|19.to0¢ deep ditch knocking down nist wall to meet relatives in|before the Berlin wall went up. jumped the gun and saw their two mail boxes East Berlin'for the first time in| This was providing they "have| loved ones behind the wall for a) Thomas Ainsworth, 29, of 316 28 months not otherwise violated the laws|few hours OS ene High street, Whitby, the driver a ,|of the German Democratic Re-|today was the official starting/of a small truck and his pas- Nearty 3,000 persons and 307 public," the newspaper said. a. eo early birds put bea il senger, John Haywood, 37, of tos had passed through the ie |day's date on their applications) Farewell street, Oshawa, are vg ' ' } ..}) CRIMINAL OFFENCE for permits, and the East Ger-jpoth j : Hfatw! aanditio five crossing points in the wall : I both in "'fair" condition with aii ieee GRO It had been assumed by West/man postal officials apparently |head injuries in the hospital some five hours after East Ger- perlin authorities that no refu- didn't notice the date in the con- The aviver oF theother Wee man border guards lifted thejgees would be permitted to/fusion of handling so many ap-jnicle. Alex Alves, 21,. RR 1 steel, candy-striped barriers anjcross since it is a criminal of-/plications. . Brooklin, was' treated for a hour ahead of schedule. |fence to flee from East Ger-| Officials on both sides of the! cyt on his head but not detained ' jmany. wall were surprised. when the at the hospital. 'There. was no big crush nor; The West Berliners must re-|first visitors walked or drove) Ainsworth was driving east on any queues. But heavier move-|turn by midnight except on New/|through the control points in the| Ro tet 3 t xpected later toda inf ' Foi ie ¢ points |Rossland road and Alves was vee ee eer re ee ¥/Year's Eve. Then the time limit/wall. But the Communists let'travelling south on Thickson's when factories and offices close. they can apply again. \them through lead Sen the bolle ton More than 80,000 West Berlin-| loccurred. ~~ gre engage gr es CAPSULE NEWS | This was the second accident are attending Albert College. Three Hurt In Crash -- that as many as 800,000 may) |days. A week ago a stop sign J. Bennett, 1442 Bala drive, |g at the intersection within four) Armstrong and VY. Saunders, 9014; Mr. and Mrs. E. Bastedo, Mr. and Mrs. F. Burrows, 76144; Mrs. 0. Mills and Mrs. . Bull, 70%. _The next games will be Jan. Bridge Club | FAMILY KNEELS IN PRAYER fy bg which made the tive who was assassinated a ll-fate ay of Pigs invasion / in 1961. Mrs. Shriver is a sis- moe ge ey Dee --(AP Wirephoto) of John F. Kennedy in' nearby Arlington National Cemetery. The wreath in foreground is a tribute from veterans of the Mrs. Robert Kennedy, left, wife of the attorney general, and Mrs. Eunice Shriver kneel in prayer Sunday at the grave at 7.45 p.m. israeli tates ter of the former Chief Execu- CITY AND 2 Men Survive | . so 33 Lose Lives | Claremont Man Faces Charge | NAPANEE -- Provincial po- lice from the Napanee detach- ment released the name of the driver of a transport charged in connection with the Napanee area's second fatality last week The driver, who was stopped \in Belleville a half-hour after the accident, is identified as William Edward Guest, 28, of Claremont. He has been charged with leaving the scene: of 'an acci- dent and careless driving, the Napanee detachment revealed. A transport was proceeding} on Highway 401 Wednesday af-|dies second, Velette McVéty; rooming house fire and one in alto when it was in' colli- eastbound ternoon sion with an lof Woller. The 55-year-old dri- in Kingston General Hospital, was killed instantly when his car careened into the south |ditch after impact. miles west of and one-half Napanee. high scores of the games play-| ed Duplicate Bridge Club: Mrs. E. Wadsworth and Mrs. W. Heron,| 71 points; R. Davis and J. Coles,| 65 points; Dr. and Mrs. Kandel,; 64 points; J, Wilde, 5914 points; Mrs. Hunter| hunting R. Heron and J. Miller, 55%4/dian Press from 6 p.m. Friday | Woodstock. IB points. | played last week at the Wood-| ways. view Park euchre party were:| car nd cage Me Piller; men'ajimnling secilen tat BEACrord. s 8h heavy snow and discharged driven by Howard Ernest Arthur Lloyd Grago: door pri Narplibebsnaetiscr sdf at 94 ver, on his way to visit his wife|code tario Gazette carries the infor- | The mishap occurred near the| mation that John Montague Chi- Switzerville overpass, about two/sholm been named a notary public for the Province of Ontario. | . Crash Of "oma, In Accident valley a are yeep and) n CCl en S M h itt By THE CANADIAN PRESS ; James Baker, 14, Sarnia) CSSEISC. mi Thirty-three persons died in|Township, when he was struck} Ss , J jaccidents across Canada during/from behind by a car as Niassa Frecuencia the pre-Christmas weekend. walked along Highway 7, fivelGanuthers, both f Ipswi . Thirty died in highway acci-|miles east of Sarnia. lengland ames Bs sistere There were one fire, one| Earl Humphrey, 67, Ingersoll,|when their "single-engine leas and one unclassified)in a two - car collision near|orash-landed on Monday Island nd J. Winters, 59 points; Mgs.|death, a survey by The Cana-/Beachville, five miles east of!135. miles north east of Goose : \Bay, Labrador, late Sunday. Walter G. Meredith, 67, struck} The plane, a Messerschmitt, by a car in St. Thomas. -- -- |crash-landed on harbor ice. The Leo E. Brown, 42, Orillia,/two flyers were cared for by struck by a. car on Highway 11\Eskimos in a nearby village un- tario had 15 deaths, 13 on| nis false teeth lt lev agnor up by a ski la-|the highways, one in a Toronto! p41). i en siete en ~plntaleiseguikig Richard Leaman, 14, Brad-RCAF station at Goose Bay. rd, when a companion tripped) Another Messerschmitt landed men's second,|miles north of Toronto. Quebec]. '99-calibre' rifle, |safely at the Goose Bay air sta- ve. Clarejhad 11 traffic deaths i |tion. Rita| Prince Edward Island, New| Harvey Reid, 50, Halloway,! The planes were making a |Brunswick, Manitoba and Al-|When struck by a car on High-|trip from Narsuak, Greenland, berta were fatality free. way 401 near Belleville. to Goose Bay when they appat- The survey does not include Friday . jently ran short of fuel. The slayings, known suicides or in-| Frank Allair, about 55, of Ka-|flight was one leg of a trip from dustrial accidents. trine Township, his wife Mabel,|Ipswich, England, to New York. ONTARIO DEAD about 50, Karen Smith, 20, of| Earlier in the afternoon the Burks Falls and Chris Tilson, 19,)plane askea for an interception Sunday of Mantowaning, in a two-ve-jor escort by the United States Mary Kelday, 13, Hamilton, last week by the Brookin| Patterson. and J.|dents. to midnight Sunday shows. Four |provinces were fatality free. Last weekend, 46 persons died) the high- EUCHRE WINNERS The winners in the gamesiin accidents, 31 on adies first, Muriel Grago; monthly _ prize, NAMED NOTARY PUBLIC The current issue of The On- Greer, of Oshawa, has visit relatives in the East be-| fore midnight Jan. 5, when the Christmas crossings end. East German guards, who still have orders to shoot to kill if any East Berliner tries to es- cape to the West, were ex- tremely courteous and West) Berliners passed through the controls rapidly. CLUTCH PERMITS | Chutching the precious one- day permits issued by the Com- munists after long negotiations with the West Berlin city gov- ernment, men, women and chil- dren passed through to. the East There were smiles and some} tears of anticipation as hun-) dreds trudged over the Ober-| baumbruecke, a bridge over the border River Spree. A long row of braziers,. glowing red with coals, lined the approach to warm the crowds in. case of de-} lays. Two giant, gaily lit Christ+| mas trees flanked the western end of the bridge | TORONTO (CP)--Thirty Es-)Dec, 26 to attend the celebra-| Ai T B kimo patients from Movonto| tons Jan. 2 marking the fifth! 1m 0 eat jwas erected at the junction on | Rossland road; The road was covered with snow and slush. U.S. Affirms Water Is Measure LINDSAY -- Christmas trees }with their butts immersed in jwater are less of a fire haz- jard. than dry butt trees, says \lands and forests district for- jester A. E. Walroth, Mr (AP) -- The|ment undertook recently an ex- Eskimo Patients Taste Christmas ospital for Tuberculosis gotjanniversary of the regime of| th first taste of a southern|Premier Fidel Castro. | Vi C eir fi aste a southe r | 1et ong | Ontario Christmas Saturday as} - 5 é guests of Rt. Rev. Donald} WARNS SPAIN (AP);-- The) WASHINGTON Marsh, Anglican bishop of the| WASHINGTON Arctic. The 22 men and eight/United States has told Spain|Johnson administration has af- women ate turkey on a bun andjthat its expanding trade andj|firmed its determination to sup-|ly sang carols in their tongue. LOSE WEIGHT conifers dry 'when brought ceiving from the U.S. In a cau-|guerrillas and see them through|moisture content on flammabil- jtiously-worded .statement, the|to a victorious conclusion. ity and the degree of protection atist leader Marcel Chaput has|night that "'the problem" is un-} o Thinhaliia Saneeaie water. lost 30 pounds following 33 dave dee discussion with Madrid. [pes mee Le . pon Secretary] of fasting, the Quebec Republi- |McNamara at the White House|seT ALIGHT can Party said Saturday. The| QUINTS GO HOME |Salurday after a 75-minute con-| Scotch pine, balsam fir. and statement said accountant| ABERDEEN, S.D. (AP)--The| nce With President Johnson.|white spruce trees of uniform Jacques Laberge and student/Fischer quintuplets are all] McNamara returned early Sa-|size were placed in the same Andre Gagnon plan to join Mr.|home for Christmas. The last|turday from a flying two-day|room for 21 days, half with the Chaput in his fast Monday untilitwo of the famous quintet fi-|Visit to the war-ravaged south-/butts in water, the other half 000 is contributed to the|nally left hospital Saturday andj/@ast Asian land where the|dry. Twice a week samples of content. When a tree showed} signs of sustaining combustion,|in a Toronto rooming house. it was set afire using a wooden) match. i weeks that the trees with wet)p Walroth'says the depart-| putts match was applied, but as soon} periment to discover how quick-las it was taken away, the fire! ; : | " ; i s u {went out. The dry native|transport ties with Cuba may/|port South Vietnamese military|indoors, whether species differ/pecame flammable to matches! Ankara Sunday ; jendanger the assistance it is re-joperations against Communist|in flammability, the effect of| within three to eight 'days. Se ee ian Once Hest 168 Z : : a | | 1 a Christmas tree be left out-| military ae Skeny ¢ MONTREAL (CP) -- Separ-|state department said Saturday; The ney avowal of purpose|2fforded by immersing the butt/doors in the shade until mel ee abroad. His tour at least two inches of the butt,| |the water is replenished regu- | NEW HO larly, needles weeks, | j ads hicle collision on Highway 11/Air Force at Goose Bay and a roped aia pga near Mc-|near South River. |C-54 aircraft was dispatched. Master University - Ria Klein, 18, Hamilton, when a car in which she was a pas- senger went out of control and collided with a bus near Brant- ford. Henry Brongers, 30, Lively, |Ont., in a two-car collision at | Sudbury, Michael Safety For Tree There are 29 great whiskies ; in Jichin, 68, in a fire Saturday : ae -| Allan Gray Lackey, 19, Tor- It was observed after three | onto, in a twOmar collision nEae would burn' when the)-- TARTS .TOUR I ANKARA, Turkey (AP)-- butt trees|Comedian Bob Hope arrived in i. lof his a y hrist- Mr. Walroth recommends that} mas Sout ts Sele tea h \ ' Greece, Crete and by , for use. When putting it UD,|Libya will last until Dec. 30. make a horizontal cut, removing} sae | s Adams Private Stock CAN AN RYE WHISKY and stand the tree in water, If} and twigs will! remain flexible for at least three SPECIALISTS | L hd THE.OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 23,1963 3 ig The main East German Com- nh PLETE TEE rty. HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. "KINDNESS BEYOND PRICE, YET WITHIN REACH OF ALL" y SS |were carried into the five-crib, Sai preg has about 16,000 hie wha decals from Heed DRY NEEDLES MENACE | re : | pe a A \lavender nursery at the Andrew|#flcers and men assisting the|'rees to determine thé moisture ; a M il ' Wit | RED TRADERS ARE HERE | fischer family home here. The South: Vietnamese: military op-| a beet sera ie ie hes | WINNIPEG (CP)--A Commu-| i vere bi Se erations, ' ment showe at where trees} F al er s 1 e Inist Chinese trade Aeotont oe McNamara said that he and TUE ToT Pee DUDGET jar Gecosnied with, lenis, ny i 2 = jleft here Sunday by plane tol ADLAI WOULD RUN lother officials reviewed hoes TOKYO (AP)--Prime Minis./pockets of dry stab SEveNORs Wins Divorce [drum up business in Eastern] NEW YORK (AP)--UN Am-jfor operations in South Viet|(C!, Havato Ikeda's governmentied where the lights were in Canada, Two. members were to|bassador Adlai Stevenson said|Nam in 1964. Saturday outlined a record $9,-/contact with foliage. This Pine | Reol Estate Ltd. NEW YORK (AP) --'A New| contact Canadian businessmen,|Sunday he would run for vice-| «we pave every rez 074,000,000 budget for the 1964/tion will burn if ignited, but the| TRADES ACCEPTED York lawyer said Sunday that|Particularly importers, in Tor-jpresident if President Johnson} ji, rari sshfae A neat to be- fiscal year. The budget is 14.6)/flame will not advance into the|| 99 goe¢ 393 Ki; St. W. Lady Jeanne Campbell di-\0nto and the main body was tojasked him and "it was both | yy us badd se be successful,"'/per cent higher than the 1963)rest of the crown. ing St. W. Yorced novelist Normal Matler|8° 01 to Montreal. |compatible with my health and|MCcNamara told reporters. "We budget for the fiscal year end-| Mr. Walroth warned that the| ie Yeaear Atesich, inst Monde? Z __._lany other considerations." Stev-|276, determined that they shalljing March 31, 1964. The budget|bottom of the tree should be) pe grounds of incompatibility. DIED FROM DROWNING _|enson, asked during a television| "© jcalls for the expenditure 'of|kept clear of combustible ob-| g ATHENS (AP)--A police med-jinterview on NBC's Meet the| The secretary stopped short |$757,400,000 for defence, jects, as tests indicated that a} _Mailer did not contest the ac-jical examiner said Saturday|Press what his position was on|Of saying that victory could be U.S. AIRMEN KI fire here will spread, even if] tion, said the lawyer, Whitman'that a. man identified as albecoming a vice - presidential|achieved in the next year and ise r LLED Knapp. |Canadian, whese body wasjcandidate, said Jchnson hasjin fact, there is no expectation Knapp, representing Lady found bie a hg ag So died| 'never mentioned it to me." --_{here that it can be. Jeanne, said that an agreement|from drowning. Dr. Dimitrios| re : McNamara said following his between the two gave her cus-|said an autopsy showed: water) ©XPECT KHRUSHCHEV jreturn to Washington that tody of their only child,|in the lungs of the dead man,|) WARSAW (AP)--Soviet Pre-|"within the last week or 10 daughter Kate, about one yearjidentified by police as Alex-jmier Khrushchev is expected toldays" the rate of Communist at- old. ander Shaiko, 55, Russian-born|visit Poland the weekend of|tacks "has declined dramatic- Lady Jeanne, granddaughter Canadian citizen. |Dec. 28-29, informed sourcesjally."'He declared that he was of Canadian-born Lord Beaver- WILL CARRY MESSAGE said Sahirday. He would appear joptimistic about the prospects brook. did not go to Mexico, al-| -wamrpany cimy at ceremonies opening Poland's/for next year, saying that oper- though she ar ite plaintiff in| pa ATICAN CITY (AP)--Pope|new' petrochemical complex atiations against the Communists a. said, butlhe broadcast by. radio stations|"friendship pipeline'. carrying! will be effective." auer Cid £0. _ jin 13 countries, including Can-| Soviet oil through : the} -------- Lady Jeanne, a columnist injada and the United States. t | through Poland to the) uady Je >, - Mada and the United States, to-loutskirts of Communis st} RS e New York for the London Eve-|day. The message will originate| Berlin. mmunist East BIG INVESTMENT ning Standard; a newspaperjin the studio'in the 'Apostolic Investment in Sweden's indus- owned by her grandfather, is a Palace in Vatican. City at 8 ALBANIAN RED DIES itry and public utilities com- daughter of the Duke of Argyle.!p.m. Rome time (2 p.m. EST).| VIENNA (AP) -- Medar Snt-| panics ag aia $1,110,- She and Mailer did not make i Saar in jylla, 56, chairman of Commu-)900,000 In 1¥b0, their marriage known until pec DEAN ON ROAD \nist. Albania's National Assem-| May, 1962, and both declined tol : a DON (Reuters)--Dr.|bly, died Friday in Tirana of a! say when of where it took|Hewlett Johnson, 89, known 4S/hear} attack, the Albanian radio place. She said then that they| Britain soae che ae because lreported. . veral s| S$ iong-standing champion-} were married several months ahip 6! Communit iaenie : earlier, soon after Mailer's tu- » ha onl . i sp |accepted an invitation to go to] multuous prior a had) cuba. He will be leaving by air| ened in a Mexican, divorce, (con Mailer, author of The Naked| aul's Christmas *message will|/Plock, on the newly' completed|f-om here on will be many and| SAIGON (AP)--Two Ameri- can airmen were killed Friday in the fifth fatal crash of U.S. the tree is immersed in water. | taken the risk of a Christmas NOTICE 'Tf the proper precautions are planes in South Viet Nam in tree fire is very slight," he said.| two weeks, An American spokesman said a light spotter plane apparently got 100 feet in the air and then fell into paddy- fields, exploding on impact. Fif- teen other Americans have died in air crashes here in the last two weeks, } BOXING DAY BUS SERVICE! in order to accommodate employees of industry who will be working on Thursday, December 26th., the A. E. JOHNSON 0.D. OPTOMETRIST @ EYES EXAMINED @ PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED 14% King St. E. 723-2721 | LOWREY 5 FREE L EASY TERMS FREE 3-DAY HOME TRIAL DEMONSTRATIONS AT STORE and the Dead and other novels, | For was arrested in 1960 on a charge) of stabbing his first wife, Adele, | during a drinking party at their) home in New York. She refused | to sign a complaint, but Mai'er nevertheless drew 4 suspended gentence for simple assault, ALTO Musi PREFERRED ATTENTION 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 King W 728-6226 PAUL - ISTOW 728-9474 R: ALTOR 453 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 725-1501 PERE : | regular weekly bus schedule including the usual extra buses (Except noon hour extra from General Motors north plant to King Street West) will be effective on all routes between the hours of 6.00 and 8 a.m. and 3.30 to 6:30 p.m. The regular Holiday schedule will be effective at all other times. : ORGANS ESSONS THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA c Supplies

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