'se Sse, snow irs fo 7 Coin HY ne Tire fo rcp tok endl door st Je stalled gu with washers, back-up lights, étc» A-l dl. pl By in Doron § second Telepnone Tee > Loe gobi tied! oprgegstee Fa gaeehaeeagi =BEeegyes 225 : & $3 e Cres a> a } £2 tg < 3 35 #* ed 8 = tion. $600. or best 33. Ff ngateel esters -2eBes titer. titust sell) Telephone 7287913 I . ie, 725-5555 evenings. ANY sora uo Seace Oppo By >>> $95. Be 23 dz. z gz gedgisa. B8eef 2 3 gee 4+ 3 ts separ ley 37 ese = 358 oT Hl = s »>* i Eyg8 Tt $e 7 = 3 2 -- eum. Works Bonus Wig 1 Left $12,658 ie Wh Mel & RODA\ BUNGALOW sieoandiniethenl MEME PCR NY 290° Down $ 6 ROOM BUNGALOW with garage 3 eft 13,540 ; 2 to 1a n $540 L white mln, ae 18, each EXTRA LARGE Se a ma 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST parte, ter gale, motor, trang: ofe detached ond Cors bought and sold Telephone Tues ait Ve &, Fe) EFEEEE rf] aad 4454 fl oes ta, BBE eo BS = ' i + Seg83* +44 é é aeeiet ge ig | zB > 2 ' gityit pitgtt Sg hence geese sens € : z rig? + SEehgiieghBeeats teacin seis 2 2 ct + 4) a ES FS Fs c es eee "sie8 feces i sstdbes lig' easecpEapGaetDyotegtye gE "3S EMRE STI. pi 5g5 alt te good condition | 4 Ee ze otgg® Ee ly >3" SERRE 8 8333 é #35 2s e <? 2 pBsesss ha sii 3 sole | = ? 4 & & full length, ie Iban. Price S175, Telephone 7254599, Can and SRAUTY salah emslorngete 2) acon. °°) | Chameotl fixtures, _ twin VOLVO Sian Talakamen ane Chemeg!! 175 elay brick, fon, electric clocks, SALES AND SERVICE tay coms sewers sidewalks ond paved JAKE ond BILL'S ta tecorder layer ae, seni ee ycices! | GENERAL WORM cements] OC NTS ly + Principal GENERAL REPAIR ond | eset, Samer far Ricaro, 15 vo ond toxes. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVI uf chards, 1 ve aoa ee Losated in Whitby end shown - 449 Ritson Rd, S. ean Tionon rin Ta33. EUCHRE North come, sna oT. ne oo by appointment only call Oshawa 728-0921 REFRIGERATOR, Friglnirs! Peary cnn ma Jens ig ' yi " 7-9712 T | L D E N ; 1f You Wont CLUB 199 Vag i A E AND TRUCK | Quality Sociol Gvenieg for Sieur ond Jockson sve) MANDERHILL +"ReNTALS | olson ve over 30's, | Cian og Jase se EVERY FRIDAY EVEN! Stay be doubled or tripled. REAL ESTATE LIMITED (All Makes and Models) Services BOT GRIERSON STREET CALL 725-6553 at the Y.W.C.A. $190 IN. JACKPOTS Low Income home, range | of 2 14 Albert St. Prices 199 CENTRE ST. Door prize $15 gies shut to choo, $3500 eee hae Ml New Apmeee B [ N ras 0 ' . . . ond See asiiy dane it ha wath bec SOMERVILLE STREET Wear ta. st ise ROGER B | NC C7 ORANGE TEMPLE Wherever you may be il ' ins q if you sell your home through aa} Miwly, decorated Mhroughouts | ing anda or Yeon APPLIANCES Holy Cross Hall SATURDAY, JAN. 4th And use our good luck key. landscoped lot, close to $ ALL CASH $ 155 Simece South 7:30 p M schools, $2,500.00 down, | For clean cors or trucks we Telephone 726-2151 : ay ge immediate posession. deal up or down: Liens ald FRIDAY, JAN. 3 20 cae PAUL RISTOW LAKEMOUNT STREET ot nna k LORS L490. 55--Mereet Sema? Sone i URE rode os Wiel ce ee ce ee 146 BROCK ST. NORTH tS 'eacn detlvares. "Telephone 4-- $403 t EALTOR low, with large kitchen end * ' co ackpot to go REAL Across from oh 3 asf ! TM. 5 Jackpots $40 each 1 <6 $180 Jackpot to'en 728-9474 Oe ace pues 'ded Whitby 66: si --Leet 0nd Veand ' pines Hela oP : pn naples 100 CARS WANTED LOST = mala Redbone ail red, Chikdran Under 16 Not Admi' Porendet, Trad Site. ful price $13,900.00 Buying a New Car? Answers, fo. NEO SUNNYSIDE PARK salbeioeta srawore canoens, | EL! SIN (er --ar-aree-eeee | DANCING MONSTER BINGO OSHAWA'S LARGEST FIRM Blt pint Cor Dealer and "SAVE", rae Name "eet Viagne , Coneees home our 'OOMNS, School. a lephone ¢ ' | TED CAMPIN MOTORS |723-192. BOLAHOOD 2 ser. woawcam 140) | TTaasaabe, hex 725.0074 |csir Baa Sa pee rama] Every Saturday ve LAMELAE |; 0 ond underground, price $17. 137-_Automobile Repale _|"andie. Ritson Road Sauth. Pet of tour 8 P.M. FRIDAY. JAN. 3rd 93.31 Principal and ; y eo ' F . BROTHERS | 1222! Prvceotend inert. "| HOUSTON'S GARAGE -- liar, Thal wicinity ob Ganear ies Mor TRIPLE C $4500 wn ties For further information call: and SERVICE STATION say, ween leather » te fag. Charles Smith 728-8254 . $250 Jackpots Nos. 51-50 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD oe oon 535-5356 Twin Merk Vellay Boys Orchestra | oe eee 7.45 poms LLOYD A, P. BOLAHOOO F.R.!. Pris Jub 723-3240 ' TEXACO 36-----Legal 1% Miles ay ys Door Prizes Admission 50¢ PRODUCTS NOTICE TO Heo ao a Potion Spor Boe tare HARRY MLN | cerseeesaee, | NOES | 5 "ere tor 9 Bagot St. 728-1679 | SE Boas OTHERS M 0 N ST E R B | N G 0 "8 |L. S. SNELGROVE}at Sir a eo] Sanit tae Oe TAD COLD. = eso re sais | -- SATURDAY, JANUARY 4th 723-9810 -- 725-8761 _|kioo Wes. Thora re bis AT 4:00 8M, Guy, Sell and exchange used . ' ture thing The 43 PARK RD. S.----_Hfteaas, fer Sore a ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM whe ACRE FARM | RERTE-- Gan a7 pai rat SIMCOE STREET NORTH land | early oll" Workable, |Oe back weet of Fer Crna i ADMISSION 50 CENTS good brick home, extra mo. | TVPEWRITERS, tashiers, dupit : dern kitchen, built in elece |<alors, | chequew?l Cea yn Atl prizes. doubled on admission ticket stove ond oven, 4 piece bath, | sell, rent, service. Hamilton Offies hot ond cold woter, forced |ment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. oir 'by oil furnace, 4 bed- |REPRIGERATOR, Solicitor, ond. water, it shed, [erent condition." Sal Woe Adte Teleehonal 17 King St. Bost, OBITU hert house, 725-1726. BE OE 58292 MOHOAM: sassy + sss # 3*8 "- te ++ or # es geyost-20gaedesgstnave._,siNoiedy, i+ ce Se P) zeaged 3 tt aime & 233 + al tf Tabby Egqrdegee é 33 = ie Re 4 it. : i 'Fyne i t bd = $ if : aie | i : ait : ; Fe if i i s i +3 i i i i i; <3 a sone #23 i i i fi if if & i i G j i 5 ! i< a 7 : : t Ps 3 2 tEs if? sail ng alr le A g He i 3 ay S E i : 3 zi H I i i i : i a8 i ; oad OSHAWA, Ontario. ter price $10,900. with | Rc: ON tetrigereters, "tele: JOHN GEORGE CORMACK{Brown, Emerson Chant $2,000. down. ison. Thrifty Plan. 725-4543, a! Lucas Peacock, -- NOTICE WHITBY--The death of John|Lucas P a) sy 20,ACRE FARM Ses col' ein Haran Aa | TORS crores Cormac Sass' tof Alex awards, Dr. Ralph bungelow with furnace, hot |MOTOROLA television, 21% fey ead TO CRED reaidenee @f bie Vee" ber | nd and ¢old water, 3 piece bath, |gondition. Apply 442 Millér Ayana er an ee qing|Tom Tristram, good borns and impl : "sp ESTATE OF J Whitby. He was in his : 4 ' shed with hydro, price reduc- |YACUUM leaner repairs, a makes PATTERSON REID year. : BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED] ed fo $10,500. with $3,000 _Iprsne, nan Guarmees ftw me A som of the late Mi fr. 101 SIMCOE STREET.NORTH | Sow, located north call coin a | All parton . Cormack be used furniture and OPEN EVERY EVENING » Pa om, 2 me Fore a Menturer 44 siencoe tout, Tanaan" | C hp .kitehe ith |SKATES, new ond used. Sold and He resided and worked as a KEIT Ml PETERS Reais. ton ond Gold alge changed, Uereee sues & fm. Som stationary engineer at the On- v ing: ayion Cycle, , 4 piece bath, forced air by. ry and ; itario. Ladies' College, Whitby,| REALTORS -- 728-7328 oil heating, some small out n's Feed 54 years. He was @ mem- 103 King Street buildings ond apple trees, lo- | Whitby, one, blo x ber of the Whitby Baptist 1 Y cated west of Myrtle, osk- roe Church and a life long member ing $10,500. with $2,000 ; lof the Whitby Brass Band and nie Ay gt down. Telephone 728-4197. ia keen supporter of all local ee Call L, S. Sneigrove Co. Ltd, | TELEVISION, di-inch Saree ond Con, privete +25.98i0 08 iss ét a ri ara warrenty, say Teaphone 28---Real Estate Wanted ; : [eee tt, What's My Line? gill Mi i sie a g i i ; 'i f 33 Zz. Hl Fil is [ F cet | a = He i sre rts 3 i i : A i aT ae ihe FT i ie zi i ? i i F : iH 33° F : Pi ag ie a! E i if i i Ht : Hi! is is i 2 3 z HY *3 g a ST TES oh lls ay i Ht i I i ie : --_ three-bedroom homme, garage Buyi: self used. furs Hi ne ce ne pera bd jonces. For Hi = @ land oF home én| Your needé phone, , 36% King Street East Yanege, within City of Oshawa, Telesnone! § Wolley Creek Furniture - Ontario FH6 WONT aroniy Tealret,ngey| 728-4401.0r call at the store | Scars 1p, the Rgemniaatin, publle or Catholic school, 28 i Ye acs, 6 Lienlb: 16¥% Bond W, ae =r 31--Automebile Repair |31--Automobile Repair 29. Automobiles Al AT ALL MAKES OF CARS trae | VOLKSWAGEN ese wssatetatn, | PICKERING CAR CENTRE | pn oZiRB3 - SPOT CASH Station Read Off Highway 2 lary rier go PAID FOR ot Moodies Réstourent Oshawa Gi Hospital, MOR i Good tleon cars, Trade up Watch for our sign on Highway, {heat 1963, was hel aie . kieng paid off. Monday, vs SALES Brond'hew, modétm shop, Fully trained ond experienced steft, |Chapel, Thursday, Jan. 2, 1964,/'0" 0° ome Th at the F it i] sal, Suit yes ee le ie Fad 3 $$.3¢ 314 PARK RD. SOUTH Genuine Volkswagen Parts and Accessories ; at 2 p.m. Boge All Work Guoronteed. Free Estimates vi TED CAMPIN Open 8 A.M. until 9 P.M. ; : MOTORS cee 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA ~ G. Davi 'Ithat we lack. i ms , George Shreve, Hawker, D. Gust Eost of Wilson Road) | TELEPHONE AJAX 942-1401 ! Lamble, George ne Eevee s a i 3 i he, Pu 58 Hf Hf p= g