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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Jan 1964, p. 19

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ite elena sso ORE POA Ottawa To Ban 'Stench Bombs PP oboe Pg si EXPORTS INCREASE LONDON under an amendment to the/Minister of Ottawa's anti » noise such as a theatre, Stench bs are available in joke shops. peer in the form of When, the top of moved the bombs emit a cloud of foul-smelling smoke, starting with + @ academic year. The GAY PARTY HELD AT CLUB LORELEY | Gaeek 'mala Proteer'8,"C Norating the graveyard One of the gayest spots. in to celebrate in the traditional Scharlach, Miss Ruth .Best- Mrs. Ganz and 'Mr, Walter " crating g i ne hy hing bi --" Pg ae mp -- * Foie "-- Ba yg vo Ganz and = =~ areas vel coontries, Tt will be two| KILLED BY BOILING TAR was the reley where above : ; i Othaws Tieies ebay members and friends gathered cludes Mr, and Mrs, Gunter Mr, and Mrs, Alex Hillebrand, ae those -- . be yot To gpd magsomenig wt (AP) a dua ith . ; writer pe ee SR lat highway deoerament work LODGING FOR WEE FOLK is United Counties Forests CITY AND = axcreo, pmssimenr leon. pretus tok t ni .@) TORONTO (CP) -- William/°Verturned and siid into the tar) Dogeatcher James Ryan of youngsters wito must undergo It's part. of his program of for DISTRICT lyenoves, 77, was elecetd by ac-| V8" Thursday. Maple, Ont,, has built'aJepre- the unhappy experience of tak. Making children think better e Changing Face Of Area : aera aceatN's)oynan nama anvusa._| her eastok eee ne ae" 6 ts ae _ SSE RE g . : CUSTOMS COLLECTIONS year as president of the Tor) wanrRip (AP)--Spanish offi coBo being Collections of customs for thejonto and District Labor Coun-icial sources say Jose Mania ead JURG -- They are grow-| There is a high place in the, acres developed, under) port of Oshawa during Decem-|Cll. He has been business agent/y, 38. counseiler. of the Ca- » Pa : ing a new land along the Great/Durham County Forert called| Darlington and Cramahe Town-))0 cotalied $1,903,829.99, Theifor Local 2 of the Bricklayers oeay By ch age 6 oMadnid, od istmas ervl ce ew aces. | Oak Ridge of the United Coun:|Tower Hill, If you have enough/ships, Tobacco farmers Wh0ltota) was made up as follows:|Masons and Plasterers Interna- requested political asylum in ties. They are growing a new/athlotic prowess, or =m a grow tobacco on the flat lands|innort duty, $1, 283,444.44; sales|tional Union (CLC) for almost!gnain , face on earth and it is in the|more than average determina-jare beginning to plant their hills tax, $48,801.20; excise tax, /49 years, He is also a goneral : A | -- of a carpet of pine/tion, you can climb that hill andjin timber trees, Dairy and beef/s) 319 G0." sundry. collections,|vice-president of the Canadian| TOURS AFRICAN NATIONS s e tten t un ies, still thin as yet, but/get an idea of the extent of that/farmers are acutely aware of a $1'505.75, Labor Council. HOLLYWOOD (AP) --Enter- ' Gickee' ny aaihmyro ated irri ae ay Bt ede inden deere JOHNSON tainer Gene Kelly left Thursday er year by year because @) If you stand in the fire tower, |in thelr lots and the depart-| TEACHERS AT MEETING ay. Lert NSON [for a three-week tour of African uns. OLGA URE shi: 'deta: Ben estan tno Gd number of different people of/you are higher than any other) ment of lands and forests » Among the teachers from a , & 4 ph enti nations under the auspices of] BLACKSTOCK -- There was/Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs, Leith/and six new deputy vores Ot different. generations decided/ place in the two counties, and|$ponds to increasing peaeee Oshawa district who attended|/Charies A aulle sf , _ Hee eae arnartereat' Hola scan aleoniomncak tae Citar [aVeTG] BEN. ond' Men' Wepialtand ies taseeered aaieen I quietly to do something great./below that are the 8,200. acres/tequests a0 Mae 9 There is no/the annual assembly of the On-day he wil B% ex re NEXT! Wil entertain at French-speak-|mas Day service in St, John's|Swain, Don and Ralph, with/the counties counell hore during And pc is the only way onelof the Ganaraska Region Au-|Way to estimate ~ be oa tario Secondary school Teach- March a eft open ang # ina tng nations; tnctuding Senemal.(Church. "The 'servide wes. can-|me Matias: 'pers. ie cowntins coped hate could describe the reforestation) thority forest off to the ast,/uader various forms of reforest-iers' Federation in Toronto 'astjalbllity of a meeting with Preu) tory Coast, Upper Volta, ducted by Canon Ashmore, who! Bob Smith, Toronto, with Mr.| The new reeves ar: J, G A Goan oF alate Bonet cocesiag bebe ans thik 1 wo 1d FE ar ceed knees IRE ceuirtenl 'peorive Ghana and the Belgian Congo. also administered the Sacramentiand Mrs, Chas, Smith and Ol- Honey, Cramaho;.L, McGill, ge, It is great because of its|County Forest spreading below |Haas thinks it would be consid:ison High School, Whithy; Mrs/Gaulle confirmed previous ru. of Holy Communion, iver, ' Manvers and A. U. Wartman siap = ot, estimated. Ub ibina| From Gite West, oh: sitnaat par [SOS L, Bloom, Henry Street Highimore that he will make an off KENNEDYS IN SKI'RACE ("°C itv uo. aie! Mr. 'and Mie, Ralph Latmer|Percy Township," Both Ae af nce barren Wil country. And] n° Nos. south, roan anes (CHRISTMAS TREES age Mtr die She meg - ue 10 Moxios, and cekd be ASPEN, Colo, (AP) -- Theiqiun, of approximately 35 volces|@"@ family with Mr. and Mrs,/Honey and Mr, Wartman served. there is great ees in the value] ip to #0 mall "rea Ye can 20°] "The millioncdollar United |twy, "Ci "tinardh, Dunbarton falas tea Be Bat Mrrenen{Kennedy 'brothers, "Robert -- serenaded the homes of the wi-/Euer Snowdon, Courtice, 'las deputy reeves in the 2063 re is great in 15 to 20 miles. oungman, dusiore & . 5 Edward, had a ski race andj) 3 Ss oS Mar. oad bake, ols Mites puty roay 3 of those trees to the lives of thelwho sometimes mans the tower| Counties Christmas tree indus-/High School; Miss I. Moote,|isles in The Caribbean, on the a4 andiiage by singing carols, After. ; pe : people who ive in their shadow.{in the tire season, says that per, ! getting into the act @8/Uxbridge High School; Dr, A. E,|way back. Robert, won by, 1-10th of a sec'iwards, they were invited to thejand family with Mire, A. J. COOK) 'he deputy reeves am: Re , haps wlca pear, when, iDelNas 90 acres. at Christmas|. Nel t, We guemuer ofthe BRS SURVIVE * | 'teamed with Tom| tome of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon) Mtr and Chatten, Brighton Township;. Re BLOWING AWAY ir is crystal glasses, has 450 acres of | Christmasiredoration; R, Sheffield, Dr, F MINERS SUR ee. Son We ma|Paisley. Lunch and hot Mrs, Lloyd WrightiLocke, Campheliford; A, Andere The are there-- some)" te Os. " Pq 7S miles away,| trees at Pontypool! and has been} nonevan Collegiate Institute|, AACHEN, West Germany Corcoran, a former OlyM0'Ciate wore served. and family, Mr, Roy F nue hoon 7 b he inten anted in 1924 but most since!" Me ©.s. Side, "lin the business 15 years, says heling Mrs. E.'P, Rogers, Picker, eaters) = Six miners trapped)skier, in the doubles competi- Miss Linda Brown and Cecn|ioimed the Noel ew Mt se slitton: It erage 5 947 -- because men saw the) And, if go to the North+/now has about 150 acres under! ine District High School 11,700 feet below ground by altion on Colorado's Aspen Moun- Bho a Cocllawa and the Grant Fergusons| 0%, 8. Porter, ne 'and hill land blowing away in drifts)umberiand County Forest an-| reforestration with various tim-|'"® ct High 5 > oot fall ccrawled to. safetyitain, Edward, U.S, Senator/Ham eave, a al agidlat 'Toronto at the George Dun % ne, Crema 4 of sand or eroded away by/other 90 miles east, you am 40) her varieties, intends to plant) AT YOUTH CONFERENCE [Thursday night. They ¢scaped|from Massachusetts, had An-/Sone ih itt | Trom Pertipars, Scarboro, on Wednesday, | une By se Rinks. Reg 8) flash floods because the/the same thing gg bh tower! the hills with'timber, harvesting] Six Oshawa teenagers were unharmed through a tiny pas-/drea Mead Lawrence, winner of Mr, and Mrs, Bill Ferguson » of the cll. vious. oo Genated Of rene ea eee nd took at 350] Scotch pine from the flats, He/among 400 delegates who re-/sage under a coal conveyor belt, /two O'vmp'c gold medals, fot WOLIDAY VISITORS were with Mrs. Harry McKee ; es ; ia The were cut te provide/sights a litte and a farjSays many area farmers are/cently attended the Seventh An: his partner in the giant slalom./ "yar and Mis, Lorne Duff, Mr,/2"d other friends at Norwich, an e -- lor oe wardenship farm land which proved unsuit./acres of trees, reaching as doing the same, nual Provincial Youth Confer. MAKE CHANGES The brothers have been vact-lang Mrs. Lloyd Short and tam-| Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Tho P continues a pear te, able and was abandoned and)s you can see, "The Christmas tree farmer," {tnce on the Alcohol Problem, LONDON ee as oe : Uoning in Aspen since Dec, 26./ny port Perry; Mr, and Mrs,/82@ Miss Ethel Twembuen Vit: wal ea. wi x from. , North tee forest was, butcheted ee scl ey ter aee" that (S072 Bul Bunting." superinien- (sponsored by the Ontario Tmo Ns" hesamar wore] 1,800 DIR IN FIRES |Tom Dutt, Toronto; Me. endjed 8M, Cobbiedick, rane ag rey, of Clarks. Durham, ¢ those who forgot that the horn/ places, it is easy to see that 8/40: of the Orono forest station, |perence Federation in Toronto,|Gulana and the Bahamas wore Fr Mrs. Oscar Graham and Miss|, Mr, and Mrs, Vincent' Archer,| Waren, H, E, Walkey, af plenty is closed at ono end, start has been made, and It is]ha9 made itso that no one in tho|They wore Richard Magee,|mnwourced by the colonial of-| BOSTON (AF) = Hive MileSliasa Engh, with Mr, andjBowmanville; Mr. and Mrs, ijzownship, came from Bert Hass, timber manage-jeasy to understand about the)... nesds into the woods|Anne Butler, Maria Weiss, Bit ice today, Sir Ralph Grey, gov-/appro: v iy Mrs, Ross Duft and family, [mer Archer and family, Whit- County, lernor of British Guiana since/the United States in 1963, the ment forester working out of}greatness. timbe ) : by; Mr. and Mrs, W. Grace the Orono Forest Station, can) Bosides assisting in control of So = t,_tree,|Suwele, Randy Walters and 1980, has been appointed gover-|Nat'onal Fire Protection Asso-| Mr. and Mrs, Roy Morrow.!mewverton, visited Mr .and Mrs |denship Include: te have a Christmas/Esther Bellingham. 2 ~profit educational/Hiiton; Mr, and Mrs. Stanford). : dunes, some ind erosion, .theee o nor of The Bahamas in succes-/ciation, a non-profit educationa ; Mr, Wilbert Archer and Mr, Dever,/Thomas, Cobourg; Reeve i ar tee 8 AMBULANCE CALLS __|sion to Sir Robert Stapledon,jorganization, reported Friday./Vancamp with Mr. and. MINS) Me, and Mrs. Allan. Balley, McMaster, Murray Te & : Oshawa firefighters had. alwho is 'retiring: Richard Ei, /It said another 1,800,000 persons/Richard Vancamp and children.isharon Lee and' Laur'e Ann,|Reeve Gordon R. Gartutheray ing life. Farmers still talk ©f/Submarginal land has quiet day, Thursday, There suffered severe burns in fires.) Mr. and. Mrs, Bob BrinkmaiiOshawa; Mr, and Mrs. Frank|Hamilton; Reeve Robert Carlaw. the serious beam Maps ope oficlaimed and restored to u are were'no fire slareas. Municipal , has ap-/Value of property destroyed by/and Gina, Brockville; Miss Jean/Bailey and Mrs. A. Leighton|Brighton =m; Reeve 8 before, when the water] productivity in the form of ixed s-(ambulances made eight routine|pointed governor of British Gul-/fire during the year reached an/Wilson, Mr, Clem Wilson andivisited Mr. and Mrs, Heotor/George Dean, M out of the hills to Lake/yable timber crops which can runs during the day. 3 all-time high of $1,760,000,000. [Miss Dianne Worrell, Toronto; /Sho: and Bin, and Deputy Reeve M Ontario took the land with it ' : : Wi : , with litte of the Tun-off retained.|shenaca "hee in' "encthor with Me. and Mrs, Chas, Wilsut] | Mrs Murphy, Mr, and|Wright, Seymour Township, --* ana, a : and Glen, Mrs Walter and family; Now these eroded cuts are sus-|vears, when the oldest trees wi ° ° ussel Mount-|Mr, and Mrs, Harold Murphy * aap ll --- and the flash/haye reached maturity, the tim- ouse g ec jy with the Fereunen, Neweas we p oypae hed Women Contest Seeds : it tle. Ts, and family GENTLE STREAMS ducted, and based \ Mr. and Mrs, Oamond Wraght/and Mr. Albert = e Instead of the rushing pulpwood, li Heli with Mr, Goldwin|fam3y, Bowmanville, visited qn tee tml E By Police copter Ruy ta e Ray Meang there are gentle streams-- ain ude: . ae Mr. Set ive. , till, but streams which and Roy with Dr, and Mrs, J: Norman Edger- pone wet ment. Amidst Puerte Rice's eco jwall, a cluster of men concen- cause beng wanted to keep On! wenry ca Anne, Bowmanville, ton, Mr, and Mrs, Grant Edger. But even this is only pa nomic boom, pockets ef ex+ jtrate on a game of dominoes.|living with the neighbors they! Russel Spinks, Oshawa, with/ton, Cadmus, visited Mr, and little deeper, the picture. In addition treme poverty remain, Ca- | Hordes of children, most of/knew best. Mrs. BE. Darcy and Mrs, 1,/Mrs. Harold Crawford, Janice "Most of the reforestation has/ dig forests of the counties nadian Press reporter |them in shorts or cotton dresses| «They have to be educated to/ Argue, and y been in the last 15 years," Bert|the Ganaraska Authority, smal- Carman Cumming deseribes [but some completely naked, /jive in better houses," says Sis-/ Mr, and Mrs, Melville Samells| Mr. and Mrs, Ron Drinkwater says, "and 15 years is too early|!¢t, sub-marginal crop ene such area in the follow- [play in the streets with woodeniter Maria del Rosario, one ofjand gins, Bowmanville; Miss|@d family, Ottawa; Miss Mable to get real results. deing deweloped. There is ing story. swords, a spool on a piece Of/two Sisters of Mercy who work/Anna Samells, Orono; Mr, and|Vancamp, Toronto; Miss Hoe! srs in the flatlands stil!/@eres under develpment by the/live on the flatiands below and : an deck of cards. jin the stum along with a nursing|Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy, Hamp-| Veancamp, Mr, and Mrs, oe | geet : i iP eM compl: evels.|Central Lake Ontarie Conserva-jhave a perpetually full well. CARMAN CUMMING , the people of Lal cictor. ith Mr. and . Ken-/Saywell, Ma' and \ But = wou Shae eal tion Authority and another 400° It is a great picture. ' - are squatters On gOVvErM) comet) a in the -- bends og Riding Sr. a, Rev, andiwere a : SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (CP)| nent land. But the government times we rea oe eis Mrs. Fred Se eee ae __ | sthegebatapenns aay ane ae retuiat te clot ute fe done for them bat Aeverfand Crile, 'bury Me, ual abé Mr Blake Ganter aod Ye /counel uta Us. e chops its way over \ . Reith 3 > 'wet terme'! State Of Siege ne ju oak way sles te ee Te POE oane to avon As, Sfmt, ant analy, and Mc, gy, Yenc former tof he. Dany fore you get a ear : homes are being built, Some have already been! Sister Maria, her spotless Peart, Detews: Y Mey Mr, and Mrs, Dale G om. irvine, Dengiaa, Wek A . By Law meant, that after This is not as easy as itimoved to public housing and/white habit contrasting with the|Dorrell, with Mr, and 'Laura Jo and Scott, with|2en me Position, He will be op» trees have grown for that time, ; dingy background, greeted a/A, Johnston. posed by Marshail Noganosh. the tops have spread sufficiently Hit N Zz eal | sounds, As soon as the helicop- use Visiter with gentle disapproval, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Mott, Sud-|Mrs, Chas. Venning, Wayne and - a9 that the forest floor begins to ter passes, a house m : nd L 'nda, Current chief Emelius Bensow be in continuous s Cw an finished ; ; Mrs.|. Mrs. more shade and be- started quickly -- and rents, becai "You shouldn't have come is not running this year, gins to retain the ultimate before the copter comes back/keep their chickens <a down here alone, you Know, a hom amount of moisture without loss even parelysing|in a day or two, the house, she --_ oS ne gag Often wind and extra evapor-/Canadian Press Sometimes a house in La ou re whe, onan re are) W Will be, 80. 'years betore|Zttin America and i ---- In daytime? is any real effect in terms) Fast, Where coupe The slum __ section, "Oh yes... the police come of raising the water tables in » TMS The Pearl" with hea down, but it's too late... . the surrounding co' . irony "That's the worst part over' But one can't say that no there," she addéd, pointing to start has been made. ' : a cluster of tottering two-storey g ; by : - Hl is BS Hi ia 287 iH 5g is sk Z iF E g 5 i d Z F cs j 3 5 z ef 522 i 2 z i 4 shacks at the the ocean. ners "Many of them living there are cP Air lin Some of-the shacks . prostitutes, Nice young girls. . . es . en wit att the wanes. erica p gio k -- nothing a for "The men here | BE 5 i * - i 4 Z g i i at id FF sf . A £252 #77 r | i i i a wl : "Go out that way, now," said, "And don't come back here by yourself." 5 - 5 A A 2 5525 ge tal Fal 2k a sey ~| 3,000 SEE EXECUTIONS .jwill take at least a decade .| DOUALA, Cameroon (AP) -- Four terrorists were executed 5 5254 pu H ut i z i é,, td 5 5 BER s syid E i de 2 5 i | z 2? z, S #5 i | i i H ; if :

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