ooh trata , - |SLAUGHTER MARKET Surname For Thomson) *harp Losses Shown Has Britain Guessing | Stee Cow Demand mand for slaughter cattle was|stockers 22-24 with sales' LONDON (CP)--Lord Thom-jhe was not at all sure thatjernments have tended to frown|only fair with steers and cows/25,50;. common and pion Bed son of North Bay, Toronto fa ger would be | a of thelupon Canadian citizens receiv-|showing rather sharp losses and stockers and nee calves 17-21 North Bridge? be ap-ling tng titles and decorations, _, jheifers- and yearlings easing|with good light steer stock These which mi were among. the oreved "ag Britain's. College of pat at the Ontark public cal ip to 26. 8 eraids. REFERS TO SON ards this week.' Calves: Choice vealers 34-36 esses Thursday as specula- .* rr) = wirled about the newly.| 'In. an) event, 1 feel I have| "His motives are dynastic, "pol prices. Seok firm bleu allele MERE Seen ot derensied head of publisher Ro: Res y|to consult my son Ken about the punching, home, geo Bp higher and replacement cattle|medium 25-29; common 21-24; mson, t add: 4 title, After all, he's to 'were in good demand, particu-|boners 15-20. yg T Beles hg son's tendency to bringjlarly for good quality light-| Hogs: Grade A 26.25 - 29.15; Britain's have to live with it for a Weicetet sincoait' sulted catieena." ME lnig son into all considerations|weights, heavy sows 1919.60 with light(l @ hint that his surname might| The 69-year-old publisher, who|#"ising from the barony. Veal calf eo were strong|sows gaining a $2 premium; not in the title at all , {has said with customary frank- The meaning and pines of the/to higher. we prices were|stags 13.50 on a dressed weight Another Canadian-born pressiness that he has had eyes|Word baron are ag by De-jlower and lamb prices were|basis. jord, Lord Beaverbrook, pickedion the ermine for a long time,|brett's peerage to be shrouded|steady 'at the close, Sheep and lambs: Lambs 16- up his handle from New|seems keenly aware of dynastic|iN Obscurity, It has been sup-| Cattle receipts were 6,749/23 per hundredweight with good Brunswick community of Bea-|matters as he talks of his new|posed to have meant a hired/head, about 2,500 head more|lambs closing at 23; bucks dis- Sor Brook. The former Mexihouor. soldier, a free man or a manithan last week and about 200/Counted at $1 per hundred- phos wal to any other man. head more than the same week|Weight; sheep 3-10 according to ad was created a baron in| A standard reply to questions/°4 quality with some feeder lambs is that "I'll have to talk to} A baron's coronation robes|!m 1963. Western cattle receipts 'Thomson was elevated to the|Ken about that." This applies|have only two nows of ermine.|numbered 365 head as com-|at 19 per hundredweight. in the New Year"s|particularly: to questions about|Barons wore merely a_plain|pared to only 98 head last week. iets Ghana rage ors list, He told @ roporter'his citizenship, Canadian gov-lcircle of gold until granted a|Western stock calf receipts repo hip. gov: h Ry rel > King|were 196 head less than last) Algiers' swacniing Cosheh dis- Charles Il, The yoronet is week at 36 head. There were nojtrict has changed little since it a BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT formed. of six sliver. balls set|Shipments to Eastern Canadian|was built in the 16th century. : equal distances apart on a sil- slaughterers. However, 53 veal]; For a Fresh "Start" i | n '64 Choose eee ¥ calves were shipped off the|i ver-gilt circlet bordered with market for slaughter in the , i L : access! -- i erm H ] Pp United States. .@) d rice Ine MS ng es not aimnited to ls by eee, ca ' Ba ge C- UO EC O p FE Sent steers. sold at 22.50 wit! male, but is: vested: in heirs-gen-|. 14 fancy feedlot steers to ' : ! Success Secret Ticino Sas, eiron dy acliaen Coast: medium 188, 0. D. i. \y quired a coat of arms and his/heifers 21.50-22; good 20-21.50; If you are planning to paint your home now .. . try these durable "TECO" interior finishes, VANCOUVER (CP)--Whether|belt nip out discolored areas,|country home at Gerrard': - 19; ; X Clown te a "yn _-- ial "pon terete bora lOttor oe colonel sheaa ie pang in. Wiectlachemenive 5 agel ia fewes a "4 LATEX BASE AND SEMI-GLOSS -- In matching colours for walls and rk, ware + pooled potatoes, cus-|fries, crinkled potatoes, frozeniboaste a stt of silver from}25; good 21-23; good cows 15-16 ; tonal ona bap eon tomer allegiance sho make/|packages and even foil-wrapped|Czarist Russia. ith odd sales to 17; medi : the decisions for you, believes|whole potatoes for baking, Possible titles 'might involve 14-15; connate, and cattars '0. THURSDAY! ; n> pec rd si tc ine "om EATON. Pri ice qt. 1 53, Gal. 5 .20 Earl Mackay, The basics of the trade came/Toronto, his Canadian head-|13.50; good heavy bologna bulls WATCH WED. AD me een wig it a es ' He's especially emphaticiio Mr, Mackay during seven quarters; North Bay, Ont.,/19-20; common and medium 15- ie © Sandstone ° Bape shout peeled potatoes, because/vears as employee and nine|where he got his start as a/18.50. that's his product. He keeps his!years as manager of the B,C.|radio sales man; and North * FLOOR ENAMEL -- For interior and exterior floors, cellar steps, etc. customers satisfied with a hold-ic 9 a 5 t¢ Vegetable Marketing Bridge, the Edinburgh address ae er ee, ha Baan of te Seotman, the part WN eH AWA DISCOUNT HOUSE @| 2 crear: te x. EATON Price, qt. 155, Gal. 5.20 He left the board to establish|Which he began his British in- When his Fresh-Pak Limited Fresh-Pak after thinking over|Vasion. 3 cone = Bhereansg a ae i. festaurnnt evevaiur'e 'aoe: Speculation about name and HIGH-GLOSS ENAMEL -- Fast-drying, for furniture and woodwork. institutions in 1951 the price omg sponte pele of get. citizenship may be settled in' a ° White ° Seen o i vegetables of uniform qua e © Bri T was eight cents a pound. It still pov Herat igge sg arm ® Bermudo blue © Light blue EA ON Price, at. 1.16, Gal. 3.90 ity peeled and prepared at min-|make shortly after arriving in is despite increases in wages, ly after arriving potatoes and plant costs. imum cost. Toronto Saturday, © Oar ee eee pk useage cd wm eusobe' lied be a oe "I know that in one : os A in two month "jest jus ® « 9 ® 66 99 tier'ye stwied becuse "te| Latin American Trade Group ih ee oe pai oe er r. Mackay, 62. "It wiped out a all the gains we made in the ani Sel 1", Each a 12" Each En! wm fetore that re the May Alter C ada s ling Wien Oy Each 1.85 2", Each 1 95 td : 2.85 price trend followed in almost OTTAWA (CP) -- Financial)this is likely to create disadvan- e sae : ail other lines? Gammaas inrge markets ila by to compete wil god OUT OF BUSINESS Rate toe collete 85 3.35 4.19 4.95 . e i) "I would hate to think welsouth America create poor pros-(produced within' LA yg oe h pewsees .. a 3", Each Ua 31%", Each 4", Each were foolish," he said. : er pects for future export growth.lever, opportunities for the sale z DEPT. PHONE 725-7373 ee, he gy That is the main conclusion|of industr'al raw materials, spe- ON. w TUES we WED ee ee Posts " in reports by Canadian trade/cialized capital goods and "engi a . round price of eight cents a pound. We established the busi- a in South Amer-jneering services are likely to in- GE JANUARY 6th--7th--8th =a ness on that basis, a published in the current is-|crease. Sats we ane Ghia So Cts pet mrt e-Pasted Semi-Trimme Ipape magazine Foreign Trade. South enezue! coe tomer loyal T innk customer Mavoohage Print een of ron is not paper a the rat Wi A T i Much Below Usual Price! Soyalty Goes More for & Dési-l oy Latin American Free Trade|trade group. A nig oi 8 from ness than any amount Of adver ee ae ae ETA ne Trade Commissioner W. D. Wal- Personal Shopping Only (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) ag Bo hay ig of cus- nie Ay og --. os tinue this year, with increased FOR able for almost every room, in the home! A wide variety of patterns and tomers: 52 hospitals and rest! Eight South American coun-|0pportunities for Canadian | ex- from which to choose . . . shop early for best selection! homes; 39 hotels; 13 catérers; |tries, with Mexico, are mem-|Porters. i EATON Special Price, single roll eames ho daa: aadhia ie 487 restaurants and drive-ins: bers of LAFTA, which fs de-| But reports from Arecatns, Spectacular Bargains ' EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 274 13 wholesalers and canners; 57/signed to remove all barriers to|Brazil and Chile tell of contin: ae % stores and ship chand-|trade among member countries|ing critical shortages of fervlal FOR THURSDAY 10:00 A.M. OPENING rs; 12 delicatessens. 'by 1973. 'change and stringent control: ; f : "ihe department's report eaysion importa. " Floor Clearance of Floor Clearance of Sofas, Love Seats, 2-Pce. Occasional Chairs SE ccin| Wehcttae deiohat aril Chesterfield Suites | sean ini aby employs about 100 at peak h H riods. Last week they hand- ere in the sunroom! fed 11,400,000 pounds at pota- Save 50.00 to 60.00! Posenel Shopping Only Machines rip the skins off : Personal Shopping Only (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) vegetables with jets of water : , (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) : An interesting selection of chairs in a good range and workers along a conveyor : : s : Be Teeth sofo ond choir in a wide ronge of cover of cover fabrics and decor-wise shades. An pind > & ' fobries ond decorewise colours. 3- ond 4-seater sofas; also lent assortment of stylings! Buy for the living . a few love seats all in modern styling. Floor sampies'. . . room, den, bedroom! Ends-of-lines. 3 - ig ' : reduced for quick clearance! Shop early for best selection! Stock Market AS The drinks are EATON Special Price, each EATON Special Price, each TradeHeaviest| a "e. 120-0 tw 239-50 | 39-95 t 89.50 TORONTO (CP) -- The stock EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 470 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 470 the " heaviest "reding ~ atx] : / | EXCEPTIONAL SAVINGS ON | Mismatched Golf Clubs months. w sve aang, ted , Winchester Gums | 22.2251 105 5 'olume 'J 4,579,000. shares. | Here's an excellent opportunity to complete or Tae es Ta stack s Mode! 100 Hi-Power Auto-Load Rifle stort a set! Good quality woods are Wea. ere gistered the biggest gain of f regis ges we ott Rea. 189.75 . . . Save 30.00! br oe ot oem tt aie Seni A gained two points, B.C. For- ' Specially made for the popular .308 (NATO) cart- . EATON Special Price, each Bday Match each 1%4 10 34 ridge. This powerful gun is suitable for most North ly . American game hunting, Features: built-in mech- 30 >.63 - anism for recoil reduction, End-of-line' te and Canada Cement at 39%. pip yams 'and. Texace-Conada = Price, 5-BX Exercise Timer Gote chilly sunroom? Addinganewroom? Youcan _ Electric Heating Informati and 54% respectively. Interna- ing ion Centre. The special- tienal Minerals and Chemicals make any room warm and livable with electric heat- ist at your Hydro's Electric Heating Information iall Priced! Pe declined 4 to O84. | ing. It's simple and inexpensive to install and oper- Centre can give you complete information on the Model 88 Lever Action Hi-Power Rifle Spee ne tew 'the Peg wp 1% to 4900 tetarns. ate. You can add electric heating without disturbing _type of unit best suited to your room, installed cost, Rea. 169.50 . . . Save 34.50! rer eng Aw sired to, somlenat rcise Mi ede aaurd's Gest ica veteoal nt Sunil to aoe on oa a ee throw | tion for dependable and weight control plan. The bell rings 4 system. Funes dents Stacey is Aactreme sume ee esha or psi "dananes shots. 'Available --o end of Bays! set o Risa ey oes ay safest, cleanest heating system ever devised. ELECTRIC HEATING INFORMATION CENTRE | Eniatine SOE Oe eee . ete your hydro | =~ 435.00 i : Popular Model 94 Lever-Action Garbines | rag: = ey geste "Scorelite" by 'Helenix' s epage 2 28 These are among the best selling rifles for hunt- Specially Low sae : Oshawa Public Utilities Commission, Phone 123-4624) fo a UP csi eeteg! | Ths heny "Seo iyo kp rea, tising. sing." changing the type of product for or in Caracas says economic WEDNESD. AY'S ADVERTISEMENT All are plastic-coated and washable . . .in the lot you will find attractive Soy sult. 49 colours conveniently -- with just .30 or .32 special calibres. Smart compact styl ing--brushed chi Fo Stage on SMART wou... pe Deeperetion ih mye sabe ar ig 719 50 EY ine la ne i Spec ice, 2x 2% mee toy Sen ie Sak ae WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PHONE 668-5878 each mas & EATON Special Price, each sioy bead 2.85 : DURACLEAN | AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC SYSTEM PHONE 942-0500 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 261 PHONE 725.7373 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 261 PHONE 725.7373 } PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PH - : 7288518 || ONE 942-2930 |] EATON Budget Charge Terms, NO GOWN PAYMENT