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Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Jan 1964, p. 12

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12_ THU DOHAWA TIMES, stendy, Jey 4, 1904 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 aM oe 17--Meale Help crate Bhar Female BUSINESS SERV CE Siero : ) = i" ) jj : : jw, Oshawa Separate SALESMAN Plumbing ond Heating --_--|S-----Farmer's Column ; yr" ee Age 18-24, Good epportun Requires A ey ALL INO and the § ' f edit] for advancement. Apply WILD BIRD Sees, Reo WU ot St i Yetta idea oe 4 Music' Supervisor FEE i ee for tage tees tuteioh, "Recent ee % "Melee encmaet || SPORTING GOODS | ute te begin immediately Wild Biro Mixture " "Estimates tree. Dial 1) gates % : ft g yet pe Wild Bird Feedere Pane meiner as Sunflower Seed Ing ind Heating, Courtice, wish, to ; ' ; Ce Applicants apply in writing te ; Business Administrater With tiv dint ee Soak ES Te cel | : ) APS) LICENSED room, |S Sesroore 'and. FRANK E, SHINE Cut Groine YORK PLUMBING xy + wo POST OFFICE | study, For ministers farms WATER SOFT | AND HEATING laumtermertecaa| sa 1 pNetawdrgen, BOX 396 _| liv. with 9 year eld chil Specializing in repairs. gisle runnere, Clove Telephone Mr, Andringa 328 SIMCOE SOUTH vt 728-173) "Dishes - Cutlery « Glasses ' wrt OSHAWA ; |_| After Hours Plekering 839.1556 Coffee Urns ree en Bs AGaR SEAWAY | COOPER SMITH lisgumemenserin_.| She: esis CO. eaenonoa ata SARGEANTS, RENTALS Peres) Geeta) | MOTORS LTD. | FOOD FREEZER TS CELINA ST... roses rebuilt. Onhaws Upholstery Co. 725-3338 ry 200 DUNDAS WEST 723-2312 ERESTERRIECDEreiauived Ta 12--~Articles Wanted -- WHITBY SALESMAN 5 _ | |[Pestvied. Free estimate, See our mate ral Ie erecoerng. Balen. Upon SHAW. - 16--Female Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITY | OR SALESLADY ! CHESTERFIELOS and old chairs fe AUTO WRECKING CO, Riven tered ite Gry cleaning ' NEVER KNOW in choice protected territory IR ae hhaar ee' Ne] a Sata" Gent te Gt] Pare for sl, ae verep ion |e eo ie eg ha heigl rapping Centre, 725412 South Cal 7246. Pree eatimates. and metals, ete. bought, Ari in person son to" Acadian Cleaners 299 TILL YOU TRY THIS ow can on Norea of: FULL OR PART TIME LILLIAN MAG MARSH, BER Bas wave our ¢ hesterton sulte factory Open Soturday all day. Phone | Bloor $t. West. If there is any doubt in your fices, garages, industries, Sehvol, Bale Tap Sverige asst. Kemneet Uphatterng]725-2311--89 BLOOR E, |OMAN TO, CARE, Gr ee Og ey tt ett Yr aoling | Scheme, hospitals tae imited. 5 655-4515. ) jae position . . . you can find | light Car ne- | Men or women over 30 E.Z.E. METHOD gelet.cad Service RECA Won Serpe Ste OS ee] roe ecw ecrwen "| uo, Se o Mine | years of age to train for ohne bee GUARANTEED tepaira to all .wringer| one house or office cleaning, anit bonus. * Pela halide Koo"e car. Don't worry ebout your past r omen hota J new sales opening in est- DRIVING SCHOOL [Fang ° [Oe [e" estimates, cal ene ee comaltt Rilsiges Part Hood ov Rison, Your eramten One | Os eae weak peor ablished company. Must fereter tne w Oe noe tre RELIANCE WOR "aang rr in ce ce | ae 138i | be neat appearance og- 'uaahed dee iglines ip sedhgamanet pan NE RR pln» ETS | FR Srove area, 'suwmanvite] @ soelemon, We con prove is our 1 A.» in in Gonads gressive and able to meet Bee. Cohawe. EW nomen, Lusi] PHONE 728-088) ne vans Seren na Belmont: exnertonend' ie" acceume poveste|mmmae otter & this with earings from $8,- | ond will be our the public. Experience not Ottice. Msn 728-4306 Prints, WY Ontario Street, 7as-s6i2, |r fecelvable. Telephone 720-2070, |WOMAN, wanted live in and care fer) 000 to $12,000 ino yeor | complete details wri eH Tee necessary. Training Bae | it 77. 725-4604 y nile th C tion, 2 Wy Se galled, Money Te Loan ¥. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Lond! 7@----Fomole Help Wanted Weta, cell ater tne raat ' bold to our man in %6 eter |. Commer: 408 Kin King pa nil 1 Bigin Street East. Phone LOUIS 5. WYMAN, OC, Barrister, Sore iS STEADY SNPLOYRENT for_practil| yn ts) waite, Pertine) previous experience in Tl wn Ww ? Hiary us, State' | ~~ LOANSOME | t¥--Radio Repai me ure ba shat Tee AS "cha! ea wak| ls FURNITURE you have proven Clients' funds avaliable for i a ; a a cl -- GECASIONAL OPPORTUNITY for reich | GANGUET sralireses Tequired. Anely L) Thig lob offers top eomings, bes ability. Good come jt: GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soci Serer monee % pga Rag) Tins siveet East, Dial GEORGE Avenue. Telephone 725-0500, : "Sait ing arreet "east =| he pane ean S ALESMAN missions, bonuses, ete. Fe snes ey Kali: BA. BCL TARW VISTA TV Towers and serial sar red a: canedian| NEW YEAR. -- New crepe au, : Only those sincerely in- | tereeted, write vice. 480 Philip Murray Avenue. Tele Fach Li. wie ' the exciting business of gh 'alg and free life insu: terested in a Sales cereer Saves v. TAREE, WA, Carrier, Sa i got few bills OUARANTEED a REPAIRS Wo ll rake WOMAN WHS EAN" ORIVE: 1" yau)neceesery oe air Tlshene low, Pres. Souwanem Tet wer ~ iy ive and willing te work raed [ee few woes TV, fi car Thompson Id entoy working 3 write roleum Corp Main urniture Store opp 10 ' required by an ae aralase es King arrest ast, 723-1107. How dons it tronics, 157 Elliott, 723-9792, Pred. ce re SOORK SEVER Welt ree required by an Rng « Forth Worth 1, Texes Experience Preferred Interviews Tuesday, Fe | emcapt is Crescent meneger--| TsW. SERVICE [ithe st Sew servic tein ss S|MPSONS. SEARS tag See ee ee with Day or Evenin » Dest. EDA, Ie 'cuchonge ter hevsehale autien, 'Cem: oe ee ee y 9 real Sh tally leentee. Apply ax 19, Guhewe| Have Openings for WILSON 728-5286 La A WHRRLY GA © FY Us Soles | FURNITURE PEOPLES CRESCENT Oshawa Electronics [f° We have re ea er enry. oe 20 Church $t. FOOD FREEZER FINANCE Service Calls [em "cammusin. ied vive Maia $2.50 ee hove Se Se wLiciToN ie wie | ATTRACTIVE | 11 ONTARIO STREET for PHONE 9 am--9 p.m. Daily in Oshawe apliences. Will train it necessary, cago New 21" rite 7 Tubes T : gy ay et rom | ces, Furniture, Floor Cover POSITION OSHAWA ete 10 SIMC . SOUTH Telephone i Pe As Low As $19.66 a Ll sa! von REQUIREMENTS: More people are interest a All Work Guaranteed --_ | !0_ your spare time, (ee) ---Selling Experience : pte 'S6--Keam Beard Sone feats. ies ae Se eS Dominion Television Lumber Company |B IKKEEP ER ~--hieet Aenearanan mre sve ROOM AND man fer tae egutioron |e, = eons ov : -- Hen- 20 BOND ST. W. < . Fully experienced --Pleosont Persona Greet Gest, To TaN2, mai kre Call Now -- 728-5154 pequwes manufecturing firm In Ajex a ' Byte tan io SRIVATE and cocperalica sauna To Retail Sales Clerk Write BOX 790 nase pi tar. [Regu ong Sal MS [gots and 'sorcementa ef etevpurehens | TV TOWERS Youre women age 21 to wignion, Drymen end 35, must have nect eonear. AJAX, ONTARIO Antenna. Repair | puoic, sai toner St dey |i7---Mele Help Wented benefits arenes Sn eemediote lagen. ya" Er mo eee SATE Seah res) lore' ty 3 nae Se ma 5 Sas RE] ATTRACTIVELY Available lwolter, 'Must be clean-cut, honest issi MR. DEAN SARENA 1 668-8290. FURNISHED ROOMS 'OSHAWA TIMES severcdauie. "Experienced men 'referred. in writing giving ful! 321 Bloor Street East TELEVISION Apply Hotel Lencester, king Weet,| _,APptY na @ loor Stree' Avail Low Interest 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA eaux Tawa accouiitanti er cere ana < cece, Oe bd Room 809 22--Ottices, Stores, Storage Call perm Ye | POR RENT . oftice. four N_ Vicia bose 728-6781 TE Sah She eee) MR RJ BUCHANAN | Torenfo 5, Onterlo: "|S 0) Soa Senay 'pest RESIDENTIAL ond ; ime 'tnd ang 'we, voor | 43-45 SIMCOE ST. N.| Telephone Collect, HOME IMPROVEMENTS CITY AND DISTRICT TV TOWERS Ks Gone. boats ' iS tire Street ast, Canewe, Terepnene) = OSHAWA, ONT Toronto 924-742) ly Roofing, eavestroughing, SUMMER PROPERTIES AG pang 'Si "iva SALE S MAN TWO MEN OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS flocr VACANT LAND ; Il. At vor ranteed. | Mortgage Broker's Association Deluxe " end vinyi floor ing smo gue es Wheiessie distributors of corpet cover e omting bank rates. Call . Priced to sult your budget ATLAS quire experienced salesmen 25 years or older to cover established =f | REQUIRED P. s. SUMMERLAND TERMS ARRANGED TAG COMPANY territory. Selary end commission. All usuel comipeny benefits. Telephone: 728-2061 |" SECURITIES OSHAWA TV ET ch & come canuiny © comment te |. WRITE LIMITED AJAX, ONTARIO 112 Simeoe St. North SUPPLY LIMITED EXPERIENCED rT For cleaning, polishing Oshewe, Ontorio--725-3568 728 8] SECRETARY APPLY WITH FULL DETAILS TO and general recondition- "8180 Typing, filing, bookkeeping, ing of used cars. Must be Well Dril Drilling--Digging etc., Generel insuronce ex: BOX 540, OSHAWA TIMES experienced RN AEG] Seid oe as Glecironie Park Read South. 7apaet 728.5123 One READY TO BUY [es Se mage ae | MPLL BRING or cock ogTETG MAPLE LEAF TOOL & DIE CO. Cre experienced _mathervie ae Cina eosin IRENE. Sinker asad] BOLAHOOD OSHAWA, ONT. re neeaary ut imate ECT: a and Decorating =~ wing BOM § work Poa PROSPECTS [gtiran sang sonnets sall Women's Column LIMITED _REALTOR Die designer for progressive and draw dies | Sw" nilencerse tenihe y reer Portnere Kuching Oe end seen a athena a re Sign painting all kinds. H. Brown 92 Wil-/PERMANENTS on special. Hair Apply in person only to Read relate grasing, an Pina avense. Yersrerel §=ASSFAABL ERS FIRST CLASS TOOL AND DIE MAKERS han: eons cable Th Bes ete Sa See [2 --Poreonal Rote up to $2:80 Per Hour CLIFF MILLS j ~~ BODD and SOUT TF VOU Rave a drinking. problem, write RIONTAL BORING OPERATORS WITH TURCHAN shia painting AND DECORATING BANE ete rere neg] 3:30 p.m. to 12 midnight, HORIONTAL FOLLOWER EXPERIENCE MOTORS LTD. CONTRACTORS aby Want Ads Pointing, popsrhonging, _|sane nara wort. np MESH] 008! comeerybenatie, 40 Hr. Week -- 1¥4 Overtime 266 KING STREET, WEST ae . spany ere Murda beet Aectetidl Make taah, & Paid Holidays -- Y2 P.S.1. -- Ya OHA. Spray. Painti 107 BYRON sT_S, wHiTBy | for Round the Clock. "DATs Sub Se wa, Jon. 6th, 7th, Bh Ajex 942-1840 Shift Premium 10¢ and 20¢ HTS dates' for appointment. FOR APPOINTMENT Classified Advertising Rates ELECTROLYSIS CENTRALAB PHONE 725-5333 bind! ent ee a 723-4641 CANADA LIMITED | - Better described offers get toster quale Cay CEN BULLAN MR. ROY BUNKER ¢ ccnescutive eye oo a ENGLISH TAILOR ee : ; : Count och word hel, Rave er cbbrvction 'ce one. von. irate inate menses. | GRADUATE | Attention High School Students While every endeovour wil be mede to forward replies te cn "ir "BRINGE ST. the G8 s00n os ible we accept no r THE ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY EACH YEAR | aha fore ar ayn Towering ch eb, howe oun NURSE MAKES AVAILABLE A LIMITED NUMBER SUPPLY negligence or otherw: 3--Pets : Tick seul 20% ere within, ? day, charge rate opplie, REGRTERGD Becgiont masz | *O amet laboratory staff | OF NAVAL OFFICER CADETSHIPS TO CAN- TEACHERS Each edditlonal ine oar god adbgueeiaen » jae li in procuring blood speci. | ADIAN HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Saar or she atthe $o"Twerers| mens for bio - chemicals "Applications are being accepted now from senior looong egy Es 5 te years "elt: and other determinations, | and junior matriculation students desiring to enter Telephone Hampton 240-2790. on a port time basis, Pre- the Navy es officer cadets under the terms of the 8:30 om. Spm ot Gublicetion: fwating, tobien Coren magne ane : (Tri-Service) Regular Officer Training Plan or the 8:30 a a Day of Publi or 14 Elgin Gast, vious experience in intra- | sport Service Officers Plan. TiGHS AND CORRECTIONS Day |eeeet Se aiterent Bese' Male bun] Venious work preferable FOR FULL INFORMATION ON COMMISSIONS 230 -- ~ ten i u ia Tsar but not essential since | 'N THE ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY, WRITE, PHONE OR VISIT: =) futher woiing wil b© |THE RCN RECRUITING OFFICE given. Should have good | command of English. 27 ST. CLAIR EAST, TORONTO 7, ONT. Pleas pty Tomorrow's Naval Officer Sing along with the happy Director of Personne! ' | tolks who have discovered Oshewe General Hospital Could Be You! | what @ Want Ad can do, F to share large room, Three Telephone PUBLIC SCHOOLS ht ' f brad rE bead IF | 4 pe rs ise b 28 j ; a5 i a5 me

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