TUE ARMAWA TIMBS. Saturday. January 4, 1964 2 ee 1 Bg Beg Captain Bob 6-2--Truth or 4:30 PAM. ' 9--Kiddo' ' 6~Father Knows Beat 4-Leave it fo Beaver MONDAY EVENING $100 P.M, \le-Famiy Theatre 9---Theatre TELEVISION LOG ecm) CHCH-TV Channel Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel ¢~Toronto| vido Loh! WGRTV Channel 2--Battalo WBEN-TV Channel ¢--Bulfalo| | tae rm WEKBW.-TV Channel 7~--Buftalo WROC-TV Channe! 8--Rochester Bride CFTO-TV Channel $~Toronto CKVR-TV Charne! 3--Barrie x 7~Atternoon Show 4--Meet The Millers SATURDAY GVE. 'oN VeKen Train oo Fo arly rx Se Fime Hunt om PM. | Schoo! aol 6:43 PLM, t-h+3--News; Weather) Sports 1100 P.M. #3--Beveriy Hillbillies 4-UB Round Table Pane! 2~Dragnet ne PM. i--Potks Party Gunsmoke 7---Hootenanny é-The Saint 4--Jackie Gleason One Zero 2--The Lieutenant 00 P.M. Club Eleven Dance Party 0:38 PLM, Wrestling jerry Lewis Show 4~New Phil Slivers Show 10:00 P.M. Jerry Lester 4--Gunsmoke 1e:18 P.M. ¢3--Jullette 10:30 P.M, Vie Blockbuster 11:00 P.M. W9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) Weather; Sports 1s PLM. wering Service turday Night at The Movies Night Metre Movie 11:20 PLM, 6--Sports 4--Show 1:80 PLM, N--Biockbuster Movie 6--Hast Side--Wes! 1a:de AM, 6--Tight Rope o:00 Bo 4 Popeye's Playhous ® Your Chureh Invitetion| 9:30 A.M. V--En France 4-Lamp Unto My Feet This te The Life 10:30 A.M, fe 1218 PM, %--Around The World 1:30 P.M. betsy 2 Talk With 'ather Meehan %--Douglas Fairbanks pac iryy | French 4--Bowling Championships 2--Family Playhouse 1:00 P.M. Vi--Rev. Oral Roberts %--All Star Theatre 7~--Bowling 6--Keynotes 1:38 PLM, 1i--Spottight 9 TBA $--Panorama Roilotfs 7~ Issues and Answers -- Mack Amateur ir 63--Country Calendar 2:00 PLM, li--Movie Showcase 9---Theatre 6--Playhouse 63--Time of Your Life 4--NPL 2:30 P.M. 9--Theatre 7~AFL Football 2--What's Up 3:00 P.M, @-2---Theatr? 6--Heritage 4:00 P.M, Vien, France 7--Bowling 4:30 P.M. Ni--Tiny Talent ducated 63--The Twentieth Century 4--Fiim 5:08 P.M. N--Famiy rheatre lepoll o--Tel 7--Wrestling Side) 43The Sixt 4--Alumnl Fun 2--Wild Kingdern $130 PM. | Donna Reed 6-2--GE College Bow! 6--Some of Those 4--Benavioral Report 3--Take a Chance Runner-Up Bow! 0PM. i c moe #-2--Disney's World of Color J-- Jaimie McPheeters 63 4--My Favorite Martian 0:00 PLM. 643-Ed Sullivan 8% PM. #7---Arrest and Trial 6-2--Grindle 23 9:00 PLM. 8-6-3-2--Bonanza 4--Judy Garland Show , 9:30 PLM. 1--The Bill Dana Show 10:00 PLM. 1--Richard woene 9--The Hourgiass @-2--Dupont Show of the week 7~Laughs For Sale 'Mor' 63--Horizon 4--Candid Camera 10:30 PLM. d--Battie Line + tion Mark 4~What's My Line 11:00 PLM, +] VP B-2-bed- 2 News? rt) PLM, 1i--Traveller's Preview Fina: T-demLate Show 2--award Theatre 11:38 PLM. %Pierre Berton 6--No Hiding Place MONDAY 7:30 AM, 7--Rocket Ship 7 8:00 A.M, 4--Captain Kangaroo 9:00 A.M. 1i--Captain Andy %Cartoon Friends 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2Mike Douglas Show *:18 A.M, %--Miss Helen *:30 AM. Meta 7--Jack LaLanne Show 10:00 AM. Ti~Bddle Allen Show %--Piaytime With Bobby hen 4--Calendar 10:30 BOR Ni--Super Bingo 4 @2--Werd For Word 7--General Hospital 6--Chez Helene 4!" Love Lucy 11:08 A.M, | 9--Morning Magazine | &-2--Concentration 7--Price is Right é--Loretta Young Theatre 4The Real McCoys | 8-2--Missing Links 7--The Object |s 6--Girl Talk 4--Pete and Giedys 12:09 NOON 9--Noonday Report @2--Your First ion %-Divorce Court sue a 9---Our 4-As The World Turns '200. P.M. o--The Millionaire 6-4-3---Password 2--Lets Make A Deal 2130 PM, o--All Star Theatre #2----The Doctors 7--Day tn Court €3--Scariett Hill 4---House Party 2:00 PLM, vt %---Here's Looking A? You Poem tte &3-.Take Thirty 4~--To Teli The Truth 7---Queen For A Day 63--Friendly Giant 4--Gdge of Night .. 4:00 PLM. %--Mickey Mouse Club @--The Match Game ?--Tralimaster 63---This Living World 6100 PMA, 6--Generation Today 1963 13 PM. 4--Headline News 4:30 PLM oiien James 4:45 PLM, li--Family Theatre -2--Hun' tiey Brinkley 7:00 PLA, 7190 PM, 9--Burke's Law 9--Farmer's Daughter T-+--News, Weather, Sports 4-The Honeymooners 3--My Favorite Martian 2--Bachelor Father 5:30 FM. é~Time Out For Music 3--Cheyenne ~The Rifleman 119-8-3-----News; Weether ind Sports . 63--Inqui ry 4--Pope Paul Vi Visit 130 PLM. &--Joey Bishop Show 6--Explorations 3-Andy Griftith "1100 P.M. 11-9-0-Pobeded-2---Newss Weather and Sports 6-The Fugitive CROSSWOK: ACROSS 1, Burst of anger 5. Device to fasten rope: naut. 10. Wading bird 12, Steep 13. Stage in . develop- ment 14, Shrub used by tanners 18, Exhausted 17. London hazard 20. And so forth: abbr. 21. Make choice 24. Semblance al. DOWN 1, Informed: * 2. Exclama- tion 3. Friar'a title 4, Band across escutcheon 5. Oppor- tunity 6. Lively, cheerful song 7. Old times 8. Festival 9. Son of Odin: Norse 11, Indian's shelter 16, And: L Neb, 17. Primary 18. City: 19. Presi- CP RBAIRI Um ATL VIEMSIANIATL BaNaNs a EIVRIRMNC MIaIAl dent's 23, Fashion 25. Excla- mation 27. Cuckoo $1. Tricks or---- 32. Divinity 35, Pronoun 37. Melodies 38. Mother of gods mallet MmCALY : 21, Pointed j-F ana BIVIG) he [EISISIALY/ SIM || fo [ATT OI IL. IAI ] ISIE MIOINMEAININIATS awe isu Yesterday's Answer 39. A small loop 40, Sick 41, Notion 43, River through Bern 44, Doctrine 45, Pigpen 26. Anxious ! 28. Storm 2 Tr YZ 5 7.78 9 29. Seaport He 8sE YZ 12, France 1S 30. Piece of bedding 32. Couch 33, Dancers' cymbals \@ "4 34, Regret 36. Conclud 37. God of Teutoni pantheon 38. Leg bone 42. A Massenet opera 46, On one's toes 47, Bread- makers re+ quirement 48, Consecrate 49, Armed force in4 Weroski w. TM, Cart ay Ve 0), L. Tabb él Dove 410, and ed in the Lemon League Boyend we WIRING AND HARNESS udrey end Pat Leddy 60} (219). Over 200 -- Les McLeod ARO YON Jay anova EI Sed IW HIPS 90 STALS srvverunew) 3 Ae PHO; Hn. 20 wm onivety OL CRON BM STOO WH ATD SRR TN OOH FOR IN HAPPY MOTORING a : PONTIAC -- K DRIVE * ACADIAN * VAUXHALL CLIFF MILLS MOTORS 266 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA TH' TELLY-GRAM SAYS FO' ME ??-SEEMS TO ME. AH ONCE HEERD 'BOUT A HOUSEWIFE. WHO HAD A CONFERENCE. WIF SOMEONE: WHO SOUNDED LIKE THET=*"" so ; THE LONE RANCER THE WITNESS RR) AT THE SCENE OF THE CRUE WAG BITNER MISTAKEN 2vIN@/ NOW TONTO AND.4 MUST TRY FOSAVE TURNER BEFORE Hé: MUGGS AND SKEETER NO, KEVIN-- ' NOW LET MAMA] |NO--OH, DEAR, » MEINSISTS ™ I COME UPSTAIRS AND SEE THE GOTTAGET S \ THAT LOCK