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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jan 1964, p. 3

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A new executive presided over the first 1064 meeting of the Oshawa Motor Sport Club, Tuesday evening. Green Devils On Top Biddy League Games Simcoe Hall Boys' Club Biddy|ing the other two points for the/rano, R. Ratca, Brent Ruth-| Basketball League for boys eight years to 12 years of age, resumed league play Saturday, Jan. 4 after a week's lay off. The. Red Trotters coached by Bud Moore, beat the Gold King's coached by. Fred Densham, 13 to 9 Accounting for the Gold King's 9 points were Ian Pat- @rson 6, Larry Manna 3 and Dave Tullock 1 point, while Tom Morruzey's 7 points and Dave Mariows 6 points accounted for the Trotters victory. Final ecore Red Trotters 13 points, Gold Kings 9 points. TED TORTTERS Brian Cherry, L, Mitchell, Bob Krawec, Larry Horruzey, Tom Horruzey, Steve Mitchell, 7 -- Rich Corebett, Dave 6; Rich Rimar, Gene | Gaver, Rich Rosmak. KINGS -- Wyck Ae Tan Paterson, points; | wa ielinski, Robin McLaren, john ~Sapsiw, Larry Hanna, 2 conte: Alex Krawec, Dale Ir- win, Doug Lean, David Tullock, 1 point; McGregor, Larry Wiggins. League Ragas Green Devils Doug Gower ed The "Paste Hawks coached by Mr. Bill Pascoe 13 to 11 in a very evenly fought match; for the Green Devils } Frank Jenkinson sunk 7 points \and Brian McCartney four | points, with Kirk Gillespie add: Nearly -- 30 in the league, they beat 3rd members attended the meet- ing held in the Simcoe Hall Boys' Club, Fisher street, The OMSC 1004 executive, left to s a PS MRE OSHAWA ; MOTOR SPORT CLUB EXECUTIVE TAKES ¢ OFFICE right, are: Lois Bushell, sec- retary; Don Jeyes, treasurer; Harry Cade, president; Barry Bushell, vice-president and Al Reading, events chairman. --Oshawa Times Photo Soviets Spurn US. Plan For Reading Rooms MOSCOW (AP)--T'wo Ameri- can proposals to increase infor- mation among the Russians about western affairs. ran into Soviet opposition Tuesday at the outset of talks on extension of the U.S,-Soviet cultural ex- change program, U.S. officials said they will do their best to get permissiun for establishment of a chain of American - sponsored reading rooms in the Soviet Union, The U.S. also wants to in- crease to at least 100,000 the copies of the state department picture: magazine America sold on Soviet news stands, The Russiang limit sales to 60,000. Chief Soviet Delegate Sersei Romanovsky took note of both in an aside to a prepared speech, He said there will be no discussion about the estab- lishment of American /reading tpoms. He also declared there will be no talk about increasing the circulation of U.S. publica- tions in the Soviet Union, The session wag limited to handshaking and -speechmak- ing. to extend through 1964-65 the ex- changes signed in, 1958. opened last November. were delayed by the Russians' arrest of Professor Frederick c sity on spy charges. Purple Hawks, Tom Tullock five points, Ken Zimmerman 2 points, plus 2 points which Kirk Gillespie of the Green Devils shot into his own. basket. Final score Green Devils 13 points. Hawks 11 points. GREEN DEVILS -- Danny Kewley, Robbie Cooper, Dean Irvin, Frank Jenkinson, 7 points; Joey Simiana, Danny Obrian, Kirk Gillespie, 2 points; Rick Morgan, Rene Picard, John Campkin, Jim Brooks, Frank Lingo, Chyb Henry, Brian Mc- |Cartney, 4 points. PURPLE HAWKS B. Wright, Bob Lipa, Paul Luke, Garry Irvin, Peter Hopmans, Paul Pryant, Greg Kit, John Gilbert, Don Crawford, Tom Tullock, 5 points; Ken Zimmer- aoa dt, points; 1 Lylle Henderson. moves them from the last place Raker Blue Bombers with Jim akemishyn netting 8 points. TTY/Mike Kasha 4 points and Mike Black 2 points. Bill. Walker replied for the Blue Bombers with two points and Ron Payn- ter 1 point. Final score Blue Bombers $3 points White Aces 14 points. BLUE BOMBERS -- R. Payn- ter, 1 point; P. Depratta, G. vic:|Jenkinson, "38 tory for eR Aces jeoached by Mr. Bill Jeffs re- er, A. Grotenhuis, P. Jebb, T. Fonero, P. Timleck, B, Walker, 2 points; Aldertow, D. Timleck, B. McFeeters. WHITE ACEs'-- M. Kasha, 4 points; W. Sudsbury, C. Wil- son, D. Turton, B, Rutherford, F. Davis, R. Malars, S. Ride- out, Mark Adams, D, McLaren, P, Smegal, P. Kavia, M. Black, 2 points; J. Yakemishyn, 8 points. LEAGUE STANDINGS WLTFA 30 0473 2 1,0 37 20 111718 Pts. 9 7 6 5 Green Devils Red Trotters Purple Hawks 1 White Aces 1 2 0 32 29 CAPSULE NEWS Atlantic OTTAWA (CP) About 2,000,000 tiny British Columbia pink salmon have gone to sea in the Atlantic Ocean, successfully the first stage of a project to bring a new fishery to Newfoundland. If it's success- ful all the way, the fish will be back in the spring of 1965 as spawning adults weighing four or five pounds ANOTHER LEWIS BOY SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) Comedian Jerry Lewis' wife, Patti, gave birth Tuesday to theif sixth son, "I'm still going to call it Gloria," quipped Lewis, who had been hoping for | | Blue Bombers 1 2 0 2448 5 Gold Kings © 2 11537 4 Simcoe Hall Boys' Club fop Scores: Frank points; Richard Rimar, 15 points; Jim Yakemi- shym, 14 points; Tom Hurruzey, 18 points. There are still a few openings in the league for boys eight years to 12 years of age, boys|® interested should contact Mr. Bernard Muzeen, Supervisor, Simcoe Hall Boys Club, Eulalie at Central Park. Simcoe Hall Boys Club Biddy Basketball schedule for day, Jan. 11: White Aces vs Purple Hawks; Gold Kings vs Blue Bombers, Green Devils vs Marano, D, Woodward, M, Mo- Today's Stock Market TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS 8 'anadian Press iy The © ; | Stock hind an. GL Paper $00 82" BM Soon Wy Sewalvicend sagebse Be GL Pwwwsst4 WM Latte, xw---Ex-warrants, Net change Is) GN Cap WO $124 124 14+ previous board-lot closing sale)! gr Wee 6 2S sis 15M 15M Hahn mm oN INDUSTRIALS Hardee 00200200200 Vi Wet! Herd Carp 5 37 ME + Stock = ~~ Ch'ge| Hawker-9 WS «68M OO OS Soren we mia ie 13th + 9] oe ee ee ' aie Dit a4 Home A 407 S12 12% 12% Alte Dis vt io ne ms =5 | Home 8 S13 $1 We 1% Alte Gas 7 su * 4+ % Horne Pt 10S 250 250 250 Alt GB pr 108108. 108 108 -- 'e) HBC 225 $15a we mw Alte Gas w as wes 785 5 +20, Hur Erie SO $67 Aig Cen w 310 625 625 625 --25 | Husky 0 $6 fh in Algoma 4S $6) 6} 6} + imp OW 400 $450 45S + Alumini 79S $2% 2M WM-- Ye) Imp Tod 733 YW +h Alum 44 pr 100 Sala aie 41M } imp Tob pr 100 = P Pag Arg 8 pr VS S52 Ste SM Inland G w 0 -! Arg cP SD $9 9 9M } we 100 sas 'sve ron +1 Atl Sugar 150 S18¥e 18% 18+ Ye) int Nickel 420 $75\2 7S 752 -- Va) Auto El mos a5 MS +5 int Uti 500 SPM Va 2 Bank 72 36 654 + Me). int UNI oa nm so 68 ~~ Beatty N WOO S13 19% 13 -- VW) Inter PL™ SO $82 82 hd Beav C pr 2S Sie 2B 2 + Ve) Int SHOP 30 370 370 370 Bell Phone 885 53% 53% + Ve) Inv Syn A S ss SM SIM Lal 25 $534 SM SA + A) IBM zissay Sa? Sa? Bramaies S% SM + M) Jockey C 0 30 HO Ho Brazit 166) 26S 260 260 2 oe a ue x BA OW S24 Ve WY ws we 8 BC Forest 125 Site Mme Mm-- ia) Kelly DA 250 $5Vb rs BC Pow RS 3a 2 2 | Kelvinator oo Hh WM M--V BCPh épr z5sioe 108 108 | Labatt mse we BCPh a SE xs S97 97 FT |} Lafarge A riteo 37% Me Build Prod 25 S25 Bie Be + Ve) Lakeland yoo 470 470 «47 «6+10 Burns 0 8a MA MA -- Me! Leu Fin WS Slave Jee lain + Me Cabol yoo a 6D Of +8 | Lav Fin Gwt @O WO MO OM +S | Cal Pow PAS S2Ve Nia Be | Leland 200 275 270 275 Can Cem pr © SM 2M WU + A) Leavy 330 32004 2 MM Sug 3 MOM Lobce A 4) 37% MOM Cl Frdry YOO $24 4% DH-- %) LodCo B 200 $8% Bt B+ Cen Malt n 10 $20 1% | Maclaren A 200 $2? n+ Cc Peck A La i | | MB PR 875 $272 27% 27%-- % cSt 3) 6} OG} +) Magne E 20 MS MS MS +S Cen Wire B 0 $1% 1 Lh | M Leet MI too $17 v v+* CAE MO $9) MA Mal Maser 528 $)7% 17% 17M Cc Brew B71S S10 Oye We) Mass-F Sve 2 $105%4 105% 1054 -- C Brew Ap MO $4 De DW | Moore RS $53) | D+ COrw bens s 38 | Norande wse ne +i ¢c --e. 100 2S TS 2S +20) Nor Phone 100 Si Me e+ Ve c ~ CHS ss ss GS } NW UN pr SD S88 BIRR BIN + M4) c Gas WO Si He } Ont Steet 2 $2 2 2M cn 2S S18. Ble We Oshawa A 25 $442 44¥b 44h Cc Merce oo 40 @S 40 ---S | Pac Pete 08 sive 12 12 CPR SRS $3 37h Page-Hers 200 $2) 208 2+ Gan Pet pr 127.82 124 14+ he) PC Jewel i) aH ra A --™% Cap Bidg 200 18 =D 18D Premium m0 1 180 Clairtone 0 SA HA OA-- WW) Price Bros 360 839% Suse Chemee!! 625 $13% We 1% | QN Gas 2 3 BH Con Bitg $3 St0% Wi Wie-- Ms) Reicnhold 100 S17 17%-- 17% Con Bidg pr 1S Be Bh Be Revelstoke mss 6} OW Con Bicg w 1 7 70 7, pate pr ba MB 7% Con Mw. S ss 3 3M + YS) R-Nod '900 39: BS +10) Gon Peper 63 @' H+ 3) Rothman -- 1225 om at om + Mal Con Gas mn 10@ SIM 12% 1+ We} Revel Berk 147 $75 73 TS + Corby vi 200 Siem Wu 18% | Yk or 23 $3 SM SM-- Coronation ro Sh OF | Shot Can «199) S17 17 m+ Coarmes wan oH | Shei | ws 2000 610 610 610 «+10 Crain RL mw MOM Simpsons BS 337% uM TM Crush' int we Sie Wee 16% Slater Steel OS? 2 RW -h Dist Seas ess SF SS oO MM) Steel Can 7 S20 De Be OD Bridge SOS S192 1M 19% | Stein' A © 325, S25% 25% 25% + D Coal pr Wo 1S -18 1S +3 | Tor-Dom Bk 125 $65 65 65 -- Ma) Dem Elect? 0 814 1 1 | T PIR A wes sv? ea +h WS See 6 66 + MA) Tr Con PL G84 S354 3518 356 Deseo xd 420 316% 1A. 1A -- Va) Transit - 1085 S1Sv2 1 Ie + Dom Stores 425 Si7% 17% 7u-- a) Trans PPL 800 99 mm ° Bom Ter 100 $1 7 «1 = Un Ac Bl pried 882 St OS? Du Pont 7S 340% 00% @-- Ve Un Gas S33 6B OD Eédy Mich = § SO OY Oit+ Vt] Un Steel 0 4 48 40 +5 Emp Life ae mm M0 +5 | Wainwr » » +1 Exquisite pr 100 S106 1 10m Wek GW 60% & G+ Falcon . Ss Be Me +) Westeoast 210 $i? 17m 1s Fem Ply we sr " v Westtair 2? 3% Bh Bh Feet Mp 82] 2 2 R W. Pacific - 325 $19 18% 19 Ford Cea = 209977177177 | Weston A 21) S16% 16% 164 + pO pas 25 $24 254 "24 ; Weston 8 10 S17 WW Wi i meas 8 = | Wet A we 2 8@ 80 8@ +10/ Net Sales High Low a.m. 'tres * Red Trotters. Net Stock Sales High Low es chee Satur-|) his first daughter. The baby weighed eight pounds, one ounce, RE-ELECTED BY NFU SKATOON < -- A. P, ve of Biggar, former president of the Saskatchewan Farmers' Union, was re-elected president of the National Farm- ers' Union here Tuesday. Herb Andresen, president of the Man- itobha Farmers' Union, was elected vice - president, while Paul Babey, Mel Tebbutt and Frank Warde, presidents of the Alberta, Ontario and British Co- lumbia Farmers' Unions, re- spective,y were elected as exe-|A cutive members, FIRE LOSS HIGH JUNIPER, N.B. (CP) -- A fire of undetermined origin de- stroyed the Flemming and Gib- son Limited lumber mill here Tuesday, causing a loss esti- mated by company officials at $250,000 and putting 100 men out OILS | Ang U Dev 2000 25 Balley § pr 300 $20¥8 tv ie + "" 200 q | | | Bantt 205 205 --10 | Cal €d no He 19% 19+ % Camerina 400 215 215 215 +5 CS Pete 1200 485 480 480 --10 Cc Ex Gas 390 WS 1S. 1S ~3 Cent Del z= 7: = ™ C Dragon 28 Dev-Pal . 1s Ws 125 Dome Pete 100 a" ue add %s] Gridol! =| HBO!O 70 sis iste ise Medal 126 490 «490 «6430 | N Davies «4 62% 2M +, "| | Numac 00 172 «172 «172 Okalte oo 98 OM OOM 'al Pamoil ooo 1 1 Petrol ws Ss "el, Quonto 7000 MM OD WM -- Sarcee $00 130 1390 130 =" 3 1M NY Nay Stanwell woo 75 «(7S - Teck Corp 40 #5 «5 as =f Tried OF 3300 210 «(208 Union Ol 0 $12 2 Asigkes As Un Olls 1000 184 153 MINES | Acad Uran 4000 Sve § Sve + Va} Agnico S000 GOSS Am Larder 2000 1S idle YY -- vi} Amal Rate 1000 9 ° Anacon SROCH.. 29%... 21 n -1 Ansi nM 68M 8 8% rary Arion msm WY as A Arcadia S08 3% 1% | Alin-Ruf 4300 6h OM me Aunor 300 360 300 Bibis 200 COS DS We Bidcop woo 8 8 hOU8 UHM Braorne 250 420 4% «470 +10 Brou Reet » Brunswk 1100 725 720 72 --S } Camp Chib 2300370 365 370 | ¢ Tung 200 8S ASS | C Avustre 4000 14 1 He 17800 31Vz 30Ve WVa + Ve | Can-Erin yoo «OCC 5 Captain woo 8 8 8 Cassiar 300 S10Ve 10Ve 10Ve | | Cent Pat 3200 ne ue ve. a = lon Cent Porc mm Chimo bed es & Ss +4 och | Wi 40395 WS WS --S Com>d Met @8' MM DY BV-- ve} Con-Key won uN C Discov. = 00 00-100 100 +0 | ¢ Mai wo 2 1 OM Cc Marben yoo S454 SAH | Cc B000 S10 SO SO € Morrison 8000 64 64 64 | | © Mosher 700 18S ISS SS +5 | C Ramber 3500 153 M5 MS --6 | C Red Pop S200 16% ie 14> | C Sannorm 20000 12 We 2 Craigmt 900 S17 17 1 Croinor wR 4b BY 20 Cusco So 1% WY WY Daering 0 CU n Ro D'Aragon oo 8 VW Ht] Deeg Horn 8000 3 SF OD Denison 465 $)0% 1014 Ba e ") Dicknsn 200 S80 S80 |} © Amphi 0 Sve SY. or }. Bast Ma YOO. 19S 19S 195 | Geer 4p 8 68 OS } © S 00 6% 6% «6 +} | Faraday oo 93° 9% «93 +S | | Geco Mines SOO 33) NOH Gient YK poo sta TM 14 + ma Granduc 1700 460 450 «455 +10 Gut Lead 400 MM 9 94+ Ve Monger BIBS $72 Wa We Hud Bay 50 350% 59 Sle + Hydra Ex OO BD Whe De-- Ve} ish Cop BO 2 B BB -2 | " jist state, Prime Minister Milton |Premier Khrushchev returned }te Moscow Tuesday night from ,|Bertrand Russell] announced jthe East German Peace Coun- jeil, of work: There were no injur- ies reoprted, WANT ONE PARTY KAMPALA, Uganda (Reut-- ers) -- Uganda will restrict the growth of political parties and develop as a one-party social- Obote said in a statement is- isued Tuesday from Lango, {northern Uganda. Obote 'said op- position leaders in Uganda had still to. win the respect of the lpublic, and opposition leaders joutside Parliament had been "irresponsible, opportunist and subversive in their conduct." KHRUSHCHEV IS HOME LONDON (Reuters) -- Soviet secret talks in Poland with Po- lish Communist Party Leader \Gomulka and other party lead- ers, the Soviet news agency 'Tass reported. j RETURNS MEDAL | LONDON (AP) -- Philosopher | Tuesday he is returning a medal lawarded to him last year by In a statement issued in London he said he could not lkeep 'the medal while Heinz Brandt, a sociaiist and a demo- crat, remains a political pris- oner in East Germany. 56300 285 266 280 +22 4 Waite 100 4 6M +H Jonsmith Soo. 12a 12 12 Joute yooo 126 126 126 Kerr Add 920 68S "6s --2 Kirk Tewn 1000 20% DY Wh-- Kopan yoo 1s 61S OS +h Lab Min 7s 6 6UDlCUD \ Dufaut 3400 840 825 840 +15 L Shore 1S 190 19 190 --10 Lorado 2100 190 «190 190 Lyndnst yoo 69 . ° Macdon uno Vv WV OV ft} Madsen $0 22) 22) 22) Magnet ynoo ~ © © Man Bar woo 60 v v Marboy mse is Bb ws +H Marcon 139000 1 1M YB Mariime 7200 © BS il ending} - Salmon Head For Ocean broken by Burgess's death in Moscow last September. SETS WHIPPING DATE WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) -- Judge Stewart Lynch Tuesday |;; set Jan, 28 for the public whip- ping of Talmadge R. Balsar, 40, but reduced the sentence from 20 lashes to 10, The State Su- preme Court, in November, or- dered Lynch to re-sentence Bal- sar. The High Court ruled that the original sentence for rob- bery was not valid because Lynch did not set a specific date for the whipping to take place. WRONG CALL TAIPEI, Formosa (AP)--The Control Yuan, top watchdog body in gg mage 4 ine, has impeached the 'the bureau for dereliction of. duty.) inaccurate information about typhoon Gloria, which struck Formosa Sept. 13, leaving 239 persons dead and ..80. missing. The Control Yuan said Cheng predicted wrongly the typhoon ual bypass Formosa. RUE KENNEDY a ae Tunisia (AP)-- crowd of Tunisians cheered Tuesday when a street of this ancient town was named after the late president Kennedy. The Rue Eshmoun, the punic god of help and rescue, became Rue Kennedy. POLARIS 6UCCESS CAPE KENNEDY, Fila. (AP) The Polaris A-3 missile, de- signed to bring all land areas within its range, has scored an- other successful launching, its 16th in 18 firings. The land-pad firing Tuesday night achieved all objectives, according to pre- liminary data; the navy said. The missile is to have a range of 2,876 miles. It is expected to be mated with nuclear subma- rines in six months. BAKERIES CLOSE NEW YORK (AP)--Cushman closes the doors to its 103 retail stores in the New York-New Jersey area Saturday, throwing some 1,000 employees out of work. D. H. O'Connell, presi- dent and board chairman of American Bakeries, of which Cushman's is a division, Tues- day announced the decision to close. He cited "the trend to one-stop shopping and frozen products in supermarkets" as the key factor in heavy losses felt by Cushman stores. INDIAN FIGHTER DEAD ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) -- Thomas Pender, 104, one of the last of the Indian fighters, died of natural causes in hospital Monday. RETURN PAY BOOST WASHINGTON (AP) -- Irked at receiving only a $100-a-year pay increase, some teachers in United States schools overseas are returning the raise in little instalments to Defence Secre- tary Robert McNamara, The protests were revealed Tuesday by E. L. Katzenbach Jr., deputy assistant secretary of defence. U.S. overseas teachers received an average of $4,720 this year, against a national average of $5,963. "KINDNESS SEATS AVAILABLE ON JET TO AMSTERDAM LEAVING IN JULY FOR 3 WKS. ADULT CHILD UNDER 12 *386.90 193.50 Under 2 yrs. $24.70 PHONE 668-3161 *Subject to Govt. Approval BEYOND PRICE, YET WITHIN REACH OF ALL" GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 King W. 728-622 | Negotiating will begin today on the new agreement, intended bgun under a pact The negotiations were to have They . Barghoorn of Yale Univer- seg Sada eaear, ay Be Bakeries, founded in 1855,| Gerry Gelette, deputy direc- tor of recreation, chaired the organizational meeting of young people who have left school to organize programs and dances for the new group. The first program night wi'l be held Friday, Jan. 17, at the ORC Hall, on Gibb street. Over 20 young people attend-- RECREATION PROGRAM FOR YOUNG PEOPLE ORGANIZED ed the meeting Tuesday night at the ORC Hall to draw up a program that will be of in- terest to the Oshawa youth who have just left school. Shown left to right are Rodger» Hettell, Carol Muray, Connie Heill and Mr, Gelette, --Oshawa Times Photos Brings Deluge Of Responses GLASGOW, Scotland (CP)--A Scottish widower with three young children has been flooded with replies to his advertise- ment for a nannie to go with! his family to Canada. | Derek Murray, 33, has ac- cepted a job as research chem- ist at the University of Mani- Ad For Nannie. BOWMANVILLE -- Last Sat- toba and says he is prepared to "pay the fare to Canada for| whoever gets the position and give her £30 a month when we) get there." "I'm not sure yet whether I would prefer a young girl--she might need looking after herself --or someone much older who might be out of touch with the children, But I'm prepared to interview anyone between the ages of 18 and 50," Ye got 20 letters the first day after the ad appeared and the flood from all over Scotland is is continuing. , In the two years since his wife died, Seenreg has been nursery each morning and picks him up in the evening and also does all the family cooking, 'washing and mending. A clean- ing lady comes in twice a week. "IT manage most of the time myself but kids of their ages can be a real handful at times," he said recently as he prepared the family dinner. GMC Sets Record In Auto Sales DETROIT (AP) -- General Motors Corp. said Tuesday its retail sales of passenger cars and commercial vehicles set new high in 1963, shattering a mark which had stood since 1955. General Motors sold 4473, 021 passenger cars. and commercial vehicles in the 12-months end- ing last Dec. 31, It compared with the previous high of 4,202,- 552 set in 1955 and the 4,153,383 mark attained in 1962. During 1963, GM passenger car sales totaled 3,939,002, up alistrate and Judge J. C. Ander- urday brought to a close the} WLT Pts regular season for all minor| Rangers | Make Wa eee hockey teams with the excep-| Atoms 41210 tions of the juvenile league. The! Wings 2 13 round robin playoff schedule will Canedlans $228 start Saturday, Jan. 11, |Leafs ee ee he f Bear. 230727 |ATOM LEAGUE Bruins 250 4 WL T Pts,/Hawks 0700 Bombers 61012 Ross 52 9:10 |BANTAM LEAGUE ree: Barons 4308 |Fiyers 6 0 012) Bisons 3 4 0 6 lee Wees $1 01 Indians 3 4 0 6 Irions 420 Royals , 3 4 0 6 [Cubs $306 Giants 2 41 5 lHuskies 2404 Hornets 2 41 5 |pirates 150 gine "| Braves 0690 Trenton Seeks LIONS MIDGET LEAGUE WLT Pts.) |Orphans 5 0 O1 Resignation = 3s": tis Ma 320 a Generals" PS Of j BBbaay cocoa . vi jComets ia aN o TRENTON, Ont. (CP) -- The JUVENILE LEAGUE ; council in this town 12 miles WET Ps) east of Relleville asked Attor- = Royals ; : : j ney - General Frederick Cass Caniske 1224 Tuesday to féscind the appoint- ment of M trate W. R. Philp of Peterborough to the Trenton police commission. Council asked that a Trenton resident replace the magistrate. Magistrate Philp was ap- pointed in December to replace) Magistrate T. Y. Wills of Belle- ville, who was named to the Pe- terborough police commission. The Trenton commission is composed of the mayor, a mag- son of Belleville. MARKET PRICES | PEE WEE LEAGUE Canada Packers Ex-GM Dies At Peterborough onel Browne, 59, former general manager of the Canada Pack- ers plant in Peterborough died in hospital here Monday after a lengthy illness. Mr. Brown was finance com- mittee chairman on the board of governors at Peterborough Civic Hospital and the board's public relations committee chairman. TORONTO (CP) -- Churning cream and butter print prices were unchanged today. Butter prices; Canada first grade: Ontario tenderable 51- 52; non-tenderable 51% - 52 off from the previous 1955 high of 3,767,342. FRESH PORK SPARE RIBS truck, in light trading; western 514% (nominal). ! eer ee os PETERBOROUGH (CP)--Li-| Minor Hockey Play-off Starts Next Saturday ° \SCHEDULE SAT., JAN. 11 Bantam League ~~ 7.00 a.m, 'Flyers vs. Lions; 7.45 a.m; Cubs vs, Braves; 8.35 a.my Huskies vs. Pirates, . Pee Wee League -- 9.20 a.m., |Hawks vs, Wings; 10.15 am., |Rangers vs. Bruins; 11,00 a.m , |Leafs vs, Canadians. Atom League -- 11.50 am, Rangers vs. Bruins; 11,00 a.m,, Leafs vs. Canadians, Atom League -- 11.50 a.m. Barons vs, Bombers; 12.35 p.m\ |Homets vs, Giants. Midget League -- 1.30 ams |Generals vs. Maroons; 2.15 p.m, |Orphans vs. Comets, Juvenile League -- 3.00 p.m., |Mt, Royals vs, Canucks, |SCHEDULE MONDAY, JAN, 13 Atom League -- 5.00 p.m, Bisons vs. Barons; 5.46 am Hornets vs, Rams. : ATOM LEAGU erly, Murray Ormiston and Paul Martin accounted for -- the oe winning = is. pe n the second Atom game, the Indians defeated pS Giants 4-2, Morris Meadows (2), Glenn Rice and John Mastere jaccounted for the Indians' and lgoals, Robbie Simpson an |Garry Murphy were the goa |scorers for the Giants. 4 AMBULANCE CALLS Oshawa firemen answered four routine atibulance calls Tuesday, in the city. EYE EXAMINATIONS PHONE 723-4191 by appointment F. R. BLACK, O.D. | 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH e HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS AS FIRM RIPE seo LEAN MEATY ECONOMY 6-7 RIB PRIME RIB SHORT CUT Ist 4 Prime Rib LEAN MEATY Short Rib 09: 09 7 69: PRESH PORK {BUTT 4 CANADA'S FINEST RED BRAND BEEF CUT & WRAPPED < --FREEZER SPECIAL-- 39 eo GRADE "A so 33 @ EXTRA FEATURE @ TOMATOES FIRST GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER BROOKSIDE IN YOUR CONTAINER EXTRA FEATURE FRESH KILLED OVEN READY 2%-3 LB. AV. CELLO 19: 55: 2-4l. Sse"

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