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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jan 1964, p. 5

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i eS SOL -- "WHITBY And D Wecnee . a om Manager: John Gault : ISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office 11% Dundas St. West Tel, 668-3708 "Two Bulls Had 'Animal Cruelty Cause; = "It Courts do not do some- thing about things like thir jexamined the beast and had found it to be suffering from To Die received assurances that the ailment would be "seen to," | By CLIFF GORDON ETOBICOKE (Special) -- Whitby Dunlops succumbed to sacred burial rites in this mute sub-section of Toronto last ight, Etobicoke Indians, a fainly re- spectable tribal unit in Metro Junior B circles, had little trouble in a 5-0 disposal of the Dr, Webster said he h 4 Druz of the bull's condition and|puniops before 300 even-temper- ed partisans who battled bore. he and the referee had a falling out near the midway mark of the game. Fletcher drew 10 min- utes for his breech of conduct, General ma r Ivan Davie, who held the reins in last eve- ning's match, plang to sweat his charges out of their lethargy in a Thursday night practice, JUST TALKING -- It appears from checking the foregoing enl- Dunnies Whitewashed Injuns Scalp Em 5-0 taph that I have said enough, R is my desire, deep down in a seedy heart, that the local col- lection takes the mild hint to ats bosom ,.. Hockey patrons in this gathering had spent one great pile of hard cash in mak- ing the arena habitable ... More dollars have been passed in an effort to obtain classy help ea ee to bolster what could have been & poor club. FIRST PERIOD 1, Btobleoke: MeGwin Goma, O'Pianeriy) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 8, 1964 ee a z Riobiess: Role cOreeked .. 1046) Qptarlo Young Progressive Conservatives CO'PlanOrYY ees eee WANG) (SOUTH) pod Rick oe, eming N27. Layton 12. . Penalavon V4.0, Fleming 1832, 'Mayhew ANNU AL MEETI NG : SECOND PERIOD Scoring -- none, Penalties -- Leach 3.86, Hodge 3.86, 'Twerce 9.53, Layton 15.25, Donaldson 15,25, jo aa Cheesman 10.02, Fletcher 1) 10,48, Hodge 13.40, @ ELECTION OF OFFICERS @ Municipal Building -- Port Perry, Ont, 8:15 P.M, JANUARY 9th seeeew deeeees iS PERPTEL IT Guest Speaker: HON. MICHAEL STARR ves Wall Penalties -- Donaldson (double ) Chessman 404 Fleming. S08, Goss 18.08 'Shumanity at large must hang ow its head," "St trate commented Magis: Harry W. Jermyn after' Shearing 'one of thy, worst" sab cases of cruelty to animals, '= Phillip Druz, 70, 750 Ritson © road south, Oshawa, appeared in SS Whitby Magistrate's po Court Tuesday charged wilh what an Se Oshawa Veterinarian called one = of the worst cases of mistreat "ment of animals he had ever = seen, ~ -- were laid by Inspector J, a '= MeArthy of the Ontario Hu- * * ines totalling $400, His alter: native was 60 days in jail. Constable Dwight Smith, . of The charges against Druz paeane Society and resulted in) oh * ae pneumonia, dowaer sores on its body, a broken leg, and cut: and bruises about its head, legs and shoulders. The pneumonia and downer sores develop after "at least three days of lying on the earth," the doctor added, "This could be classified as one of the worst cases I have ever seen, When asked about the condi- tion of the rest of the stock own- e¢ by Druz the veterinarian re- plied; "Generally Mr, Drug doesn't look after his animals jwell,"" | After examining the animal \Dr, Webster said he felt it was & Oshawa PD, told the court that/ necessary to destroy it, a) & ae a ig at while on cruiser patrol on Rit «a bull lying ina field, "The bull had bruises on it Giving evidence for the sec- re > son road south, Oct, 17, he wasiond charge of wilful neglect te stopped and asked to examine/an animal, he stated that on/ /Oct, 24, he hoticed Inspecto: Stanley Mitchell examining a © shoulders and was covered with) bull in one of Druz' fields, * ao sores and appeared not able te get up. "T asked Druz if he was go- ing to do anything about the ani- ". mal and he said he would call r me a a be oe © the scene," 'vet'. "When I returned = severa' hours later the animal was still 'ying in the field and Inspector Staniey M, Mitchell of the Humane Society was called te the officer con- cluded. "The animal appeared = to |have a large swollen abdomen," jhe stated, Mitchell said he informed Maritime, Robson, dom throughout the two-hour at- tempt. Dunlops Gcscrved little better than loud guffaws from the lim- stomach appeared to be muchiited local contingent that follow- worse, he noted, ed them Into the Etobicoke ice- "The bull was suffering and) pack, could hardly walk," The defeat was Dunlops' Dr, Webster said after heifourth in succession, Their per: was called he. observed arirormance of late has been, in a Ayrshire bull "standing off by|word, bush. himself in a field," Monday's 206-minute infrac- He had about the largestition of hockey etiquette offered swelling I have ever seen On arlidie breakfast conversation to animal, It was just like the bull/go9 zealots. who warmed under was carrying & barrel causing/new heating installations in the the skin on its stomach to AP+| coliseum, pear almost at the breaking! ast night's tiasco should be point, no more than a disgruntled "To reach the stage of the/pelch on top of burned toast. It disease the bull would have had| was no more than that -- better jta have been suffering from !'|than a successful attempt at 'n- |for at ledst.96 hours, efficiency, | "The animal was in severe} The blatant brawl caused three-game suspensions for both bench bosses, Bob Wright and mild-mannered Frank Bonello, Maroon patriarch, were sus- pended because they failed to curb the actions of their stu- On the next day after return: 'ing to inspect the bull, the con- dition of the beast's swollen jpain and I ordered it destroy- led," Dr. Mitchell concluded In defence on both cases |Druz' attorney stated that he jfelt there was 'not sufficient jevidence to prove wilfu jneglect, dents, | He said Druz "might not} Bob McGwin led the Etobicoke have been a good farmer' but/war party with two first-period }that Druz who was "not capable) goals. John Ritchie split the ef- jof diagnosing cattle diseases/fort when his shot eluded the |thought the two beasts were al!/Dunlop netminder, right," Neither team scbred in the Druz said, in the case of the/second period. jbull with the swollen stomach,; Bob Gresko's drive in the jthat he had observed the bu!'/opening minutes of the final "running with the cows' and period pushed the Tribe's lead Northside Win Industrial Tilts SAVE 27¢ A PINT OF ICE CASTLE FREES CREAM WITH THE PURCHASE OF A 4 a ¢ FRESH STEINBERG : PIE BOTH FOR ONLY APPLE FREE i ea) F SPREAD ror A 12 oz. btle of GATTUSO | SAVE aa STEINBERG) TOMATO SOUP 10: 10 oz, fin 10 oz, J 0: York Brand in Tomato Sauce BEANS WITH POR Mitchell said the bull "looked|. Maine Maritime defeated Ace|had thought 'the beast was in\to 4-0, ~ like it had a broken leg an: {Electronic 5-1. Maritime scorers you could lift th leg straight|Were: Frank Howarth, three * up in the air," goals and two assists; Rick . "There were about 15 other; ZOWwerh, one goal and two as- bulls in the field and Tt appear-| Si8ts; Tim Harrison, one goal : ; and one assist; Bob Smith, two lg ~ ae assists, For Aces it was Bill Me- bull, |Bride from Butch Kadwell and Joe K : "T thought the animal was ir oe Kepackinski. severe pain and was in need of medical assistance and Dr,| Whitby Hotel 43. Scorers for D, H. Webster was called in," | Robson were: Rick Craggs with jtwo goals; Terry Williams with one goal and one assist; and WHITBY PERSONALS January hostesses for " John the Evangelist jley, two goals and one assist; travelling Bridge and Euchre!» } are as follows for Bridge: Mrs,| Se" Montgomery, one goal and */ Oe assist; John Edis, one goal : i H, sy Re ge OY and three assists; Rocky Smith, jOne assist, | Northside Chrysier-Dodge de-/ jfeated Hoo-Dye 83. Northside jscorers were: Don Tran, with jone goal and two assists; Keit crm | Hawk, with one goal; Al Craw. a ~ Robion Leather defeated | | Steve Harduk, with one goal and/| j} good shape, | Fines of $200 and costs were levied against the accused on both charges when Magistrate Jermyn found him guilty as pee it Adair finished scor- ling with 12 seconds left In the igame, Officials handed out 19 sen- /tences for a total of 46 minutes, \Only Wayne Fletcher drew the iwrath of the head jurist when VEGETABL e 1) ey THE PURCHASE Both OF A 2402. bottle O ty ed ...1Q PEAS AND CARROTS 15 PAGODA BROCK Evening WHITBY f JOANNE Vt Be i LYNUEY RD AS Al Last Complete Show at 8:30 Shows Stert at 6:55-8:30 FREE, * <2 59: FIESTA SMALL WHOLE WHITE LQ f A Pkg. of 60 BAGS © WMPORTED- BOTH FOR ONLY ENGLISH ovo: BISCUITS Varieties & Weights CRUE POR ULT ENTERTAINMENT 9 Sdn, Mra, Gert Lynde, Mrs.| Mantel ane ros cen ee Sd ae cs Seley ed : ey, » Lorne Mes gice. j ' Frank sist; Dave we . Mrs. getie Fron Canzo, a | For Hoo-Dye, ~ Finan, Mrs. James Ledden, Ben Brown, two goals; Murry' Soorers weee IP 'ie = ees 'i re TEE" . tr 7) aaah @ RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT © Graham, one goal, one assist; | Tania Reemees, Gr., ond BE. Trousse, two assists. | Mrs, Allan Harbottle, Euchre: | | Mrs, Robert: McCabe, Mrs. C,| The League standings are as) Lucas, Mrs, Paul Keiser, Mrs,| follows: Robson, won five, ost / Peter Baluk. High scores re-| me, tied one, for a total of 11) ceived to-date for December] Points; Hotel, won four, lost one, for Euchre: §8, Mrs. Tew Wil-| ed one, nine points; Northside, WHY PAY MORE! Buy the Best cA Assorted > | Fresh x Values ! Produce of U.S.A. No. 1 Grade Salad POTATOES LORO Ham. Bridge, a tie, 3,100, Mrs. Jack Ha in, Mrs. Greg Car. ter, Mrs. Louis Rousseau, Sr., and Mrs. P. T. Finnegan ; won three, lost four, tied none, | FOR LESS FOR YOUR FREEZER six points; Aces, won three, lost | four, tied none, six points; Hoo- | Dye, wor two, lost four, tied lone, five points; Maritime, won CUT, WRAPPED AND MARKED TOMATOES 19 A :10: FROZEN PIZZA ><. ® TOP QUALITY - FRESH a SALE! TENDERLOIN END PS "fi ' ONLY ONLY 1B. Unity Club Past Noble Grand| two, lost four, tied' one, five (Rebekah) is holding its annual| Ponts. dinner Wednesday, Jan, 8 at! = -- SCUGOG 6.30 p.m, in the committee room, IOOF Hall, Al members | CLEANERS are urged '%o attend. An ex- . change of gifts will be held. & Shirt Lounderers Kathieen Rowe Home and PHONE 668-4841 School Association is holding ~ its meeting Wednesday, Jan 8) at 8 p.m. Guest speaker will be Family Monuments FRONTS of BEEF, Ib. .. BEEF LIVER, tb, ss iar: WIENE BOLOGNA 3 w.. 1.00 > Dr. W. F. Koeber, organirer) and first principal of Variety Village, a vocational for handi- | i MOGS Cw end 39° capped teenaged boys. Mr, Wrepped tb. : ~ Koeber is a lecturer in Psy- PEAMEAL BACON Created To AG5S/ HINDS of BEEF, Ib, .... 99° 8Y RS, chology, Department of Educa- tion's summer courses and Aux- Individual ggg oe 89° R rerrent " itiary Education. S equi % Mrs. Lena Dochuk has re. TAFFORD BROS. tured ther home in Treas LTD. TROUGHTON Meat Market Falls after spending the Fes- MONUMENTS tive Season visiting her son and 328 DUNDAS EAST 104 Lupin Drive = Blair Park Pleze daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, WHITBY -- PHONE 668-4633 rd Dochuk, 129 Raglan 668-3552 street, ------ a -- Faith Baptist Church WMS is holding its first meeting of 1964 Thursday, Jan. 9 Mrs, 5s JUST NORTH = Ken Kirkland and her group j OF THE i Will be in charge of the meot BROCK FOUR 1 ing. NORTH CORNERS Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs » Nelson Woodrow, 1513 Dufferin » street, celebrated his fourth! ~ birthday Tuesday, Jan. 7. His " g friends wish him many ~ happy returns of the day = Al Dockrell has retrrned to ~ Queen's University, Kingston, «alter spending the holiday sea- son with his parents, Mr. and "= Mrs. Albert Dockrell, 1002 Me-| SLICED coo HAM | 2 2? | | | PRIME RIB ROAST BEEF One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wollpaper end Moreh @ Custom Draperies @ Broedioem end Rugs @ CALL. Pointe end Vornishes @ Fle-Gleze Colorizer Point: DODD & SOUTER 'Phone 668.5862 Decor Centre VO? Byron Se. S.. Whithy FRESH MADE BY THE PI Fhe PERG Ry 585 09 TES --_-- 59: -- Bologna 20" . aa FRESH CUT GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS -- SIRLOIN OR WING STEAKS 69: RUMP ROAST BEEF DRY SALT SIDE PORK .... Ib. 38 ee FRESH HAMBURG STEAK 5 pounds FRESH WIENERS $1.00 ECE LEAN BUTT PORK CHOPS ...... Ib. 58 MELD CURED BONELESS Se CHUCK OR SHOULDER ROAST BEEF cello + SLICED No.? QUALITY SIDE""" PKG Produce of U.S.A. No. 1 Grade Snow White CAULIFLOWER 59, 1- 'T BACON ":.: FRESH - TASTY LBs, ONLY FOR 29: Ontario Grown Fancy Grade Courtland APPLES tb. cello EATING OR COOKING bag FRESH . NUTRITIOUS 495¢ ONLY LB. ae SEM POTATOES" " 10°49¢ bag GEM POTATOES FRESH TASTY D CHUCK ONLY LB. 5% B.C. EXTRA Fancy iD cilia oi ted Chains 5 ro STEINBERG'S OWN .- DELICATELY SEASONED ONLY U8. 49 65° LIMIT QUANTITIES, OPEN THURS. AND FRI, TO 9 P.M. Tw, WHITBY "usa AJAX Sao ROUGE HILL

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