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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jan 1964, p. 9

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PERSONALS Mrs, L. V. Walker is the convener of the annual bridge sponsored by the Golden Jubilee Chapter of the IODE, to be held next week in the UAW hall, yi committee consists of " R, Munday, tickets; Mrs, EB. x Snow, decorations; Mrs, 8. A Willson, 'tables, Mrs. C. J, Higgs and Mrs, H. C, , prizes; , R,, 8. Irwin, candy; Mrs, Heagle and Mrs, W. a Gipble, catering, The go toward the educational and * \charities work of the order, The Oshawa and District Old|ait 'icountry Club has been allowed] bu' the privilege of using the Simcoe 1a Boys Club swimming pool on Monday evenings from 9,00 p.m, to 10.00 p.m, Members attend\ng _\|this week's session were Mr, and DRAGON SLAYER OR HOCKEY PLAYER? - his young knight is Ricky Mrs. Robert Kraushar, Win- Dwayne Robert, nine-month: nipeg, Manitoga, and Mr, and Old son of Mr, and Mrs, Eric Mrs, Delbert Olmstead, Osh- Olmstead, Park road south, awa. His grandparents are Mr, and --Aldsworth Photography THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA the first week of May, the last half of June, September and Oc- tober, Aspecta governing ro- a LF ge ep between early May an t and FOR TOMORROW, both travel and social life should This day's planetary influ-/be unusually stimulating for the ences suggest that you keep/balance of this month; also your nose to the proverbial/through the middle of the cur- ae vageren Fp a frivolous at-jrent year, ude could cause you to lose) Late this month, out on some good opportunities.| rare detailed ge dy = During thé p.m. hours, be cau- tious if dealing with strangers,|™ ting yourself to any partiou- and be extremely careful about/lar line of action in a financial signing documents of any kind./matter, Be sure, too, that any FOR THE BIRTHDAY agreements yeu mee are ter oughly understood by all con- If tomorrow is your birthday, M your 'horoscope indicates that,|°° i. Many monetery 0d AS of tWo Weeks ago, you should] Y@nces are presaged in the 12 have noted an upward trend inj/months ahead, but you must use your job and personal affairs,|g00d judgment. Creative work: Where occupational and-or busi-/¢rs should find inspimation at a ness matters are concerned, this|high peak during the next three good cycle will last for another;/months; also in June, pr pe gag hhorgee A ge A chila born on this day will sag uring rst half ofbe amiable, hi cept February, mid-March, mid-Apriliand Wrostechdn ee "\Mrs, George Day, Mr, and Mrs, _ | James Williams, Mr, and Mrs, 3 Alfred Allen, '/Boakes, Mi, Brian Whitmarsh, Mrs, David Mrs, B, A, Tunnicliffe, Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Gossman, Mr, Phil- ip Rogers, Miss Joan Batcheler, and others, The chairman of the club, Mr, Leonard Riley, was also present, Mr, and Mrs, E, F, Cuthber- ston, Mary, street north, spent New Year's week with their daughter, Mrs, K, E, Sproule, Mr, Sproule and family, Point Glaire, Quebec. Mrs, BE. J, Pinto le week-end for an extend to her famil yin Bombay, Ind Mr, Hugh Revell of the Sim- coe Street North Branch of the Royal Bank of Canada has per appointed to the inspection eta of the bank. Mrs, Richard Branton, Brock street west, and her sister, Miss Mamie Kellow, Elgin 'street west, were in London, eg on Sunday on account of sudden death of their samen Mr. Roy Kellow, formerly of Oshawa, Miss Kellow attended the funeral in Leamington on Monday. Other relatives who went to London on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Branton, Mr. Glen K. Branton and Mr. W. Brace Branton, all of Oshawa, last By and Mr. and Mrs, John Clair mont, Raglan, ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: Someja Sifriends of ours have a retarded son, The boy is e ars old, but his mental is at the four- or five-year-old level. He is usu- ao Savant and wellnenaret, it is apparent that the chil is re Sener em. is the boy's 16- BF, sister, She is ashamed of her brother and fearful that if her friends see him it will hurt ed socially, She insists that the boy be in his room when she comes home from school--in case she brings a friend, When she has a date the regarded ~~ must be kept out of sight. The fier e want to be fair to the girl, but ety, Eg to be fair to the boy, too, They don't know what to do, Can you help? NEWARK Dear Newark: The attitude of the 16-year-old girl is a sorry reflection of ignorant parents. The daughter should have been taught years ago that her brother needs love and kind- ness, To treat the little fellow as something to be hidden is shameful, Write for literature to the Na- tional Association for Mentally .| Retarded Children, 386 Park Av- enue, So,, New York 16, New York, The parents, as well as the daughter, need educating, Dear Ann Landers; I have tibeen married 12 years and we have four lovely children, My husband causes me more aggra- vation than all the kids put to- gether. My biggest complaint with him is that I never know when he will be home 'for sup- e| per. I used to phone him every day at 4:15 but the fellows at the plant needled him about the calls and nicknamed him 'Mr. Hen-Pecked," so he ordered me to cut it out, He refuses to call ~ for fear someone will hear im, He could be home easily by six o'clock if he wanted to, but more often than not he stops at IF YOU WANT. Quality Merchandise... EXCELLENT SERVICE .. . with LOWER PRICES ROGER ANNAERT COME AND SEE THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN TOWN ROGER APPLIANCES!! NO DOWN PAYMENTS--NO PAYMENTS TILL poh KELVINATOR Wringer WASHER < ProoF WITH 12 wash service, OF GUARANTEES 2 year Parte and Lebor Guarantee puus caaitienel 10-year guerentee ef main operating mechanism, tn ay J way this washer fe built to give cellent reqults end Chrome top YEARS ea PEP ware ee traction keeps water Finished gamete Pee Alu. ihn a Uaeaies, i 'not longer, ONLY 129= OTHER WRINGER WASHERS from. . 94.50 AUTOMATIC WASHERS and DRYERS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Jenuery 9, 1964 Of Girl's Callousness Reflects On Parents tavern and has 8 drink-or' three or four--with the boys, dad so d)me in the kitchen un The kids like to eat with their we wait as L) nl alo ate e are & tlh «10 age. I have my own city apart: ment and country place, a car and everything money can buy, But money can't buy the things ly want, 14 Ue to to meet him\SICK Dear 8 O 8: Sorry, I can't check out the friend angle for TO-NIGHT 8 P.M. Simcoe St. United Church WEEK OF PRAYER DR. £, CROSSLEY HUNTER Theme:-- "HE OPENED THE BOOK" To-morrow night -- o'clock, Is there a solution?---@4-HOUR HEF Dear Chef: Reach a simple understanding with your man, Tf he's not home by 6:30 have dinner without him, Any man who'd rather booze it up in a tavern than have din- ner with his family has no right to complain about a cold dinner --alone, Dear Ann Landers; The letter from "Concerned Family" made me furlous, So they don't want thelr well-heeled, socially prom: inent mother, age 54 to marry a department store clerk because it might damage her in the eyes of her friends? If she listens to them she is out of her mind, I'm a widow, just about her BACKACHE Yea en inane fail ve excess 4 cee ey Se disturbed follow, ney ile atimulas : Ee eel @ i" Ny. ian fet ~ 0 ter, "What all the world Is seeking---LIFE" Sculptured Grandeur - Sophistication In Glassware Charcoal or Amber Colored Glass V-1618, Graceful five light beautiful ornamental castings In ent. ique brass finish, Vertical optic charcoal color glass with white Inner cylinder, Spread 26", Another master-crafted fixture by VIRDEN, Now on Display in Our Showroom at 222 BOND ST. WEST 725-3539 opi CONSUMER DIVISION RUDDY permet dain Wholesale Limited Repeated By Popular Demand! Canadas Leading Bedding Sleep For Sale! Choice of Smooth-Tops . . . Quilt-Tops ... Foam Tops At One Low Clearance Price Without @ doubt, this bs the greatest bedding sale of this or any year, Because ef cur very apecial foctory clearcut purchase on these 3 quality mettresses, we brought the price down so that yeu save over $20.00 on every piece. Remember, this volue connet be wepeated , . . 20 shop early while selections are greatest... Every metre ond box wring Ry paren by BoeryBedng ives... All sizes eveil Regular Values Up ToS59: 95 is By ae "ij mS fi Dm "SN Your Choice Manulacturer Model CW-501 Automatic Model CDE-521V Automatic x Matiress or Box Spring ~~ OLE LTS ® Phone la... © Write In... Phone 728-1641 Mail This Hondy Order Form wut SLEREO gare 1799 ROGER APPLIANCES 185 SIMCOE SOUTH 728-2151 eee ee aeescs a , C~herney's FURNTFURE WOR LI? es et ah y

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