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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jan 1964, p. 16

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ss ec he Ranaaannuel Sh ih fa, Di, $5. SOA eee eget LI OT ara RNY RAE AR ETT ETS Ee TE Seni ieeen eines tana . sat YS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Theredey, Jonvery 9, 1964 Call The Direct Classified Number. 723-3492 cnet SERV shee 4 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 16--Female Help Wanted (17---Male Help Wanted |20--Room and Board ie ie na Po 'experience nec: om (AND BARD tr ee fo {0 Oclober nt era room a eae, wanted Te osu ers =e J ol with wih ely or erivate only. yeaa Nag oh Tocality in Se ean SCOTT'S SCRAP BOO Bok? puzcy coves eo Ge PRENA WORD BoUN;LATE MEANING, Me | board for two rT, CE ial TV--Radio Repairs |GUARANTEED REPAIRS to @ii makes » radio, car radios. Ag og Elec. |tronics, 187 Elliott, 723-9792, Fred. BE. AND R. RADIO AND TELEVISION repairs, First tine tubes used. Expert AND Be a vane foertonaee. Sale) mond Het and id, Hen) n Serristers. n King} Moriidios Money Available Low Interest Valuotions Arranged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND Members Ontario Mortgage Broker's Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simeoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 sii a "For turner "information| eae oars pk aul mea tra ws, Sie Seok Bera "tule as aw rn kin |inethe exeing wre Fi es i Good oot: sary, We Hein ii poe "TN te) or or write PO Box 512, Oshews 17--Mate Help, Wantee GRAPHIC ARTS Due to further expansion, Ve concies exist for High echeot Graduates to leern printing on opprenticaship basis, Pleaser working conditions Techni cal training All compony benetite end prom ing future PHOME 723-2233 for appolvimert | ere neon nent estat nasa | Service Station Salesman Excellent opportunity for er ergetic young mon. Good working conditions. Apply Imperial Oil re ances, Call T.V. SERVICE Day or Evening 728-5286 Oshawa Electronics Well Drilling--Digging fete gp KROONTJE, well digging, Long essor work, cleanout and deepening. hy 3 Park Road South, 728-3664, Wwe LL Bren ero ha Seal 'es G le OF 660-3809." 1--Women's Column -- PERMANENTS on special. Kis Halr- Gressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone! 725-5363, "WATER SOFT SALT ring tie Common Fine Solt | COOPER SMITH co. 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312 Instruction Ter RAD Bal Bale! r Reaiier now. Oshawa Shopping Pont 725-6122. TL MILRIAN MARSH, D.B.A,, Dancing) School, Ballet, Tap Acrobatic, Character, ng Ld Kinderdance, Frideys, Satur days. Masonic Temple, 723-7253. Money To Loan INO! NO! NO! NO! Shumenrey. » QC) W. H, Hillman, LLB: 725-1177. Res! NEVER borrow ee BOOKKEEPER Copable ef hondiing-« com- plete set of books for locel transport, typing helptul, ond willing to learn of phoses of transport operation. Chestnut 668-2563 16--Female Help Wanted MIDDLE-AGED woman to act os © ter & fer porary housekeeper, for elderly coupe. Apply 675 yg sk ll Rood Ridges. Gal MH Bu 099-2 South, 1634, RELIABLE Young wornan of 'pond Me acter for general housework. Live in, Pri- vate room and television. Good wages. Saturday afternoons, begin dh and all evenings fr free Telephone Wri thy n-a76), CADIES Work your own hours. Have you sold cosmetics, etc.? We are interest ed in ladies who would like te operste lowelery parties, We have # tine of hand crafted unusual jewelry, We pey 25 per lcent commission, supply sa tree 'and show you how to demonstrate. Our |iadies average $100 gross in soles per | party. we '* have ay for #8 |gupervisor in hawa a" Ld 7 for party arrangers. ron 766-5196 collect. Ask for Srris. We will arrange to show you the samples and) give you full Information on how you cen make money in your spare time. OPPORTUNITY for pmniddio-aped | couple iaowee| to share twostorey home wi in exchange for Branco yp ee wiaower trally located. Apply Box 199, Oshewe| 'imes. 13--Business Opportunities| THURSTON'S GENERAL STORE FOR SALE 100 Freezer Lockers, Grocer- jes, Drugs, Hordwore, etc, 2 Gos Pumps. Oil furnace. $14,500 or best cash offer JANETVILLE 324-2943 LINDSAY EXCHANGE 14--Employment Wanted HANDYMAN experienced in painting, etc, would like work, Central location preferred. Telephone 723-240 days. LADY WANTS "dey work, "Monday, Wed- nesday, Friday. Good references. Willing fo wash and iron, Please phane 725-1497, PETER PAN DAY NURSERY q 'qualified dey care, 7 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. S81 Simcoe North, 728-2604, FULL TIME position wanted as assistant) 7; dookkeeper. Experienced in accounts pay able and receivable. Telephone 723-2870. RELIABLE young women will do house-| work Wednesday or Friday, 10 a.m. till Z P.m. 725-4258. 7 APPLY BOX 749 OSHAWA TIMES East, ee = Money to loan. Office, 142 King 728-8232. D RONA! |Musical Services COWREY ORGANS, five tree lessons with each purchase. Alto Music Sup piles, 453 Simcoe South, 725-1501. PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic organ tuning end repair, instruments ap praised. J. Hiddink, Aljex 942-1664, Painting and Decorating GENERAL marek. paperhanging and repairs, Furniture fi manne old and new, Sign cee, ell om |. Brown 92 Wil kinson Ave. 728-0225. DODD and SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Poperhanging, Gyptex, Full et Murole Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS 368-8862 NIGHTS 725-7426 Plumbing and Heating ALU PLUMBING and heating supplies. elephone Crescenle Rea ert » Heating and Engineer! 2s Simcoe South. " FINANCE ALL apd od Of repairs and ee CORPORATION LIMITED Small, Heoted, upstei atiee Excellent downewn lecatien To inspect call Mr. Gutsell, Oshowe 723-4523 Mr, Parcels, Toronto 481-3443 Eastern and Chartered Trust Company 23---Wanted To Rent be liens --s three-room furnish oth two children, Central 'coe. emer feesonable rent. Telephone 728-9535. ONE-BEDROOM furnished Wented by February 1, phone 725-7133, ONE- OR 2--Personal TRANSPORTATION WANTED to Toron- to, Bloor - Spadine area, arriving prior to 8 a.m. Telephone 728-9687. IF YOU have 4 drink! Box 333, Whitby, or cal! R 1 of superfluous heir, Marie Murduff will be in a ye Jon. 20th, 21st, 22nd. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dotes for oppoint- ment, ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist in garment aitera- tions, etc. Invisible mending, dress alterations. 10 PRINCE ST. 728-5311 3--Pets & Livestock ~~ Experienced Only SHIPPERS FORK LIFT OPERATORS Truck Drivers Should Know City i Reply in writing | to Post Office Box 100 Oshawa, Ont. FURNITURE SALESMAN For Progressive Furniture Store Experience Preferred Good Hours. WILSON FURNITURE 20 Church St. problem, write (668-3034. fociiities 668-276), HA Mortgage funds avaliable. borrow from a friend! '2 little short till see us, We'll at you $5 Boel two weeks ond all it will cost you is 47 cents. Fast, adhoc confiden- = a Rag! lose ¢ friend. o Mini-Loon ot 're * come ee Phones: J. 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, te ec... BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Soll efter, Notery Public. Mortgage available, 3464 King Street East, 723-1107, Res, 728-1285. HW. GREER, GA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notery, Suite 303, The Times Building, 06 K ~~ Sasa Fa Bartgnse. tons "avellebie. edits. Tele PHONE 728-731! 10 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH WOMAN TO CARE for wet children > the week, while mother » Telephone Brooklin 655-4515. RELIABLE person tor core @ children.| tye and weekends free, no cleen- 723-1066 after 5. WOUSEREEPER ~ required "immediately modern home. Two school-age chil-| le and father. Ample free time, live tn. Box 550, Oshawa Times. APPRENTICE To learn HAIRDRESSING | Age 17 to 19 Grade X or Better For on interview appointment PHONE 728-5444 OFFICE SECRETARY Experienced Only Apply in writing BOX | materials. jORRMAN SHEPHERD pups, purebred, rai, *"Estimetes free. bial eons ie. and $15. Teleph Hamer tes a STARK ANS SON, LTO. hig ~ and Heating, Courtice, wish fo tell| TERRIER, male, nine months tomers ond friends ot a new. tele-[ 0K, black, pl oar dg Pe aby number, 728-1713, pet. will one to good home. 728-4250. ag 116--Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED waitress wanted Town 'end Country, 15 Bond Street East. WAITRESS WANTED. Apply _Cryste! one POR SALE or rent, one ecre of land, small barn. Dial 725-6038. SS eee Seen eee yp treacioom, | near Shopping Aduits only, month. Sher 6 pane Alex $2579 25--Apartments THIRD couple. Ln oy reece ras THREE-ROOM unfurnished ate entrance and bath. ite only. 728-9945. THREE-ROOM furnished tment, ey central, well heated, adults only. a | ees only. ave prone YORK PLUMBING AND HEATING Specializing in repairs. 328 SIMCOE SOUTH 728-1731 After Hours Pickering 839-1556. Rug-Upholstery Service pit chy ogre redullt, recovered like new, Why pay more? Our song are re®soneble. Satigtection gueranteed, tresses re-bullt. Oshawa Upholstery a YO Bond West. Die! 725-0311. CHESTERFIELDS and old wal ee = coe SL cent. Witt or oe on 201000. 'property. PEKINGESE puppies, English breeding. Reueanabte ed. Dial Whitby 668-3923. REGISTERED Dachshund pu; lephone ae ore SS mortgages: agreemen! oi sale lange ong oye and Murdoch (See Need A Mortgage Loan Private porty to ievest in let Grill, 29 King Street East. BABYSITTER for two boys. Live In, out. od sale 7 a.m, it 5S p.m. Whitby Service Centre Highwey 401 at Waverly Rd Bowmanville 623-5109 tha BRE nm Tek << 54301, after § p.m. caren "eon gare red female, old. Telephone | | | | TEMPORARY housekeeper for reg-| month, care for house and one pre school child. Telephone Whitby 668-0764. WANTED -- Middie- e-sged women 88 Paby | GERMAN shepherd female pup, 4. months/ sitter to do light sewor' ] old. Phone 723-7195. 5.3-apply et S79 Albert Street. j tens oi poeey, "tabrassr. re Drew Chemical Ltd. months old puppy, L Good with children, Phone 728-634) Requires immediately an BEAUTIFUL baby budg! training, talking strain. '| experienced typist with switchboard and General Broad, 114 Elgin East COCKER SPANIEL puppies, parti office experience Excellent salary and 4 months, permanent shots, regis' alae Excellent temperament. company benefits Telephone MR. ROBINSON | Ajax 942-0150 RECEPTIONIST PART - TIME Hours 12 to 5 Between the ages of 25-30 Small amount of bookkeeping ond able to meet the public CALL 728-0004 AJAX Factory office needs typist, fast and accurote on elec. tromatic, some bookkeeping Must be experienced, "Above average salary. Apply im- mediately to MR. CONNOR ATLAS TAG COMPANY BAYLY STREET AJAX, ONTARIO |18--Male or Female Help Wanted [aistrioutets oF marten bee Products. Full| Twos or part time. earnings. Write Richelieu] Large Rawleigh, Dept. A-310-4, 4005 | Street, Montreal, rs and Board ROOM for willing Posed share 3 single beds, oes, Nene noel ed meals,.lunches packed, close to South Generel Motors. 726-9523. Building Trades PiAsTeRine, eo agg = and remodel- ahd old work. Telephone 723-4871 call 723-9258. MANAGEMENT TRAINING We are looking for 6 moture young mon to train for oe posi Branch in our Sales Finance Division. The man we require will be 23 to 28 ond hove a mini- mum of 4 years High School. The condidate should have « pleasant personality rsonality ond en- meeting people. We offer e fee ap starting salary ond libero! employee benefits. CANADIAN ACCEPTANCE CORP. LTD. Phone Mr. Bennett at 728-1691 for on appointment. All inquiries confidentic! iSIMPSONS-SEARS Have Openings for Sales Repersentatives in Oshawa Excellent opportunities for ambitious, energetic sales- men in several lines of mer chandise. including Applien. heen Furniture, Floor Cover- , Heating, etc. R IREMENTS: ie inge, refrigerator, frog onary fecllttios, "children pen CCR aor cy - coe Street, darian 2 peel MONTHLY -- Heated cosy twe-bed- apartment st Maple Grove, six Fafa, oo" ua Dial Sa NEAR modern heated, Bie ely poely 574 Cartier Avenue or fd lodly die- mortgage p ems g cussed, No fees, no waiting. Immediete service for quick results. 725-2539, MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest ot 7% Open Mortgages No bonus No charge for voluctions Mortgages ond Agreements Maron for second mortgages. Fost service M. F. SWARTZ 26¥% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 les, ready Apply Mrp. 544 OSHAWA TIMES SALES LADY 'FOR JEWELLERY & GIFTWARE Experience preferred. Reply in writing, stating age and qualifications to rr NE Penmer's Column FARMERS! Need Tires? Call "Bill" your Dominion Tire representative. 725-6511 or evenings after 6 725-7263. CASH on the spot. Highest? prices angle gs reupholstered end ~ styled. Free estimate. See our ma- terial for recovering. Dalton Uphoister- lng, 73 Charles Street 723-7212. CUSTOMCRAFT'S > gd Depert- ment. Experts In re-styi Chrome chairs ea specialty. " Bree eat: mates. Ole! 728-7271. Sales and Service GUARANTEED repairs fo el! wringer washers end ranges, free estimates. Call 728-1742, Surveyors . FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Onterlo Land Surveyors, 11) Elgin Street East. Phone 725-688) DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, Ontario Lend Surveyor. igre gg bive|> prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725- TV--Readio Repairs CITY TV Towers, ye 51) Deen) Avenue. Telephone 725-0500. id VISTA TV Towers and serial ser sa! viee. 40 Phillip Murray Avenue, hed phone 728-6879 SA Service Calls $2.50 . 9 am--9 p.m. Daily New 2!" Picture Tubes As Low As $19.66 All Work Guaranteed | Dominion » iglevision 20 BON Call Now -- » FB. 5154 TV TOWERS Open Saturday all day. , -- | 725-2311---89 BLOOR E. Antenna Repair \16--Female Help Wanted TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA 728-678) TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen, lunches packed If desired. Single beds, Telephone 728-0159, ROOM AND BOARD for respectable! Ee men, clean home and good ee re | 51 Colborne Street Bast or rated. 725-0971. couple only, $75. monthly. are REE-ROOM = unfurn' bath and entrance. Newly deco "Shove Tan OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS . | HOME : IMPROVEMENTS Carpentry work of all kinds, tile flooring and pointing, electrice! and plumbing, re- modelling stores, offices, and recreation rooms, waterproofed. All work 5 No too big or smail. I! us onytime 728-2061 will's Fur Farm, Licence 245-C-63, WATER FOR SALE -- 1000 gallons, $8 delivered. Telephone Roland Ball, } | } ' { | WUNTERS -- get your own hunting is» Haliburton or North el oe ie 4 lakeshore lots to biocks of Phone Bowmanvite 32716 or roe' Box 112, Bancroft. 11-- Articles For Rent |CHAIRS, card end banquet tables, church aisle runners. soe Fox Rentals, 412 Simcoe Street N Dishes - | aa Glasses Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra RGEANT'S RENTALS 725-3338 | 12--Articles Wanted WANTED -- Reconditioned plano. Cen pay cas. Telephone 728-0950. WANTED TO BUY -- an eightinch elec- tric table saw, complete with motor and stand. After 6 p.m., telephone 723-9583. "SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wonts Cors for Wrecking Parts for sale, also -- iron and metals, etc. boug | i § | | Box 547 Oshawa Times PRINTED PATTERN EXPERT TYPIST For General Insurance Office Dictaphone Experience preferred Phone for appointment to Schofield-Aker Limited 723-2265 Ist Time In Canada 15 Year 2nd Mortgages CORONATION Investment Co. Ltd. The foremost Conodian Pub- lic Co. in the field 7 to the World with WANT ADS | SELL-RENT BUY-HIRE introduces long-term YEAR . OPEN - Second mortgages: Borrow whet you need on the security of your home ~ Repay in small mon- thly payments over 10 to 15 years For full details, call H 723. 2265, (after hours 728-3376) Schofield-Aker Limited 360 King St. West Classified Advertising Rates 25 WORD MINIMUM Serer describeo otters get taster results Cash & consecutive dove 3.75 4.1 > comse-utive dove 2.28 2.48 Count each word, initicl, figure er abbrevietion os one ----s vvoe ' While every endeavour will be made to forword replies to box numbers to*the odvertisers es soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or dornage alleged to arise through either failure or delcy in forwarding such replies, however coused whether by negligence or otherwise. » 1? nor pad within Township School Area of East Whitby The T.S.A, Board of East Whitby. would like to heor from qualified public school teochers who would be avail- | | | | ----Neat Appearance --Pleasant Personality --Urge To Succeed --Sense of Responsibility COMPANY AVON PRODUCTS of Canada Ltd | POSITION --Profit Sharing, Retirement Security and other employee benefits. --Good Sclary while training, followed by generous com- mission on sales. Apply in writing giving full details of experience, age and morital status, MR. R. J. BUCHANAN 43-45 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA, ONT. Township contact J. H. Pascoe, Secretary-Treasurer Oshawa, R. R. No. 2 Phone 728-0458 17--Male Help Wanted schools Cho CRISP MAGIC By ALICE BROOKS Accssories galore -- they are se crisp, cheery in den, dinette, Sales er TO MANAGE A District In The Province Of Ontario FIRST CHOICE - By ANNE ADAMS @oys chorge rate applies. Protessionol only, 3 Each lines per month vee additions! line per month (Not applicable for merchandise Ae REIS, si "SoS CLASSIFIED nd este CANC 8:30 A.M, Day CELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS p.m. Dey Previous . 8:30 @.m. Doy of Publication 8:30 a. - Duy of Publication p.m. Previous Dey of Publication REGULATIONS error cccurs. The Oshowa Tirnes reserves the right to clossity advertising 3 to Its proper clossificotion display advertisements, The Times wil! not te more spoce than that in which the ectual endesviar to reproduce ol! odver- essume no liability of advertisement form e@re contained therein. OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 GEORGE WILSON; T.V. SPECIAL Towers . .» $42.50 up Roof Antennas .. 22.50 up Rotor Leod installed .. $10. Leod Wire Installed . 8.50 New oll channel lead 12.50 Guy wires installed For Fast Service Call | Oshawa 728-3334 Whitby 668-8344 | WE REQUIRE: Leadership Ability Age 25 to 40 Own cor or able to rent some Able to re-locate, if necessary WE OFFER: Starting Selery $5,000 minimum ive soles troining Full company benefits Cor expenses and other allowances. Unlimited future growth. Interesting and challenging work : Td interested applicants should forword « complete resume to: N. A. GRAY, POSTOFFICE BOX 8,000 MONTREAL, 3, QUEBEC All replies confidenria! BAK Experienced in Volume Production. ER this pattern (no stamps, please) PIES, CAKE, PASTRIES, ROLLS AND SWEET DOUGHS POPULAR DESSERTS, FANCY COOKIES Required for Bake Shop In Industrial Cafeteria Compony is offering: Regular Hours on Day Shift Mondays through Fridays Group Insurance Plan Two Weeks Vacation Paid Pension Plan Salary Commensurote with experience Further inquiries may be directed to MRS. RETA BOTHWELL VENDOMATIC SERVICES TELEPHONE 725-7311, LOCAL 2363 town Pattern 7081: chart; color, chart; directions. Our top designer favors the shirtwaist Thirty-4ive cents (coins) for)j), Oshawa Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. jtax. Print plainly Pattern Num- ber, Name, Address. craft Catalog, out now! looms, gifts, everything to crochet, knit, sew, |weave, embroider, quilt, smock. Send 25 cents right now. 206 HANDICRAFT HITS in our big, big, new 1964 ribs 0 toys, fashions, crewelwork, heir- bazaar hits -- to Alice Brooks, care of The Times, trwagaa Ty 1%, tatio residents add 1 cents sie sage roe Want-Ads Dont' | Cost-They Pay chic, uncluttered on- tore pet See how = ats express fread to softness. og Printed Pattern me 7 2, ae FIFTY CENTS (3c) in'coins (no stamps, please) for this pat- tern. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly size NAME, ADDRESS, STY L E NUMBER, Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario..+ DO YOU KNOW HOW GET A PATTERN ABSO) LY FREE? It's simple -- order our Spring-Summer Catalog in- cluding FREE COUPON (Send to of 250 st deen dete

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