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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jan 1964, p. 17

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Bi oe - : celedincacnen name elite pane oa aa ae oes ; Sean a: get Shoo. pith 29--Automobiles For Sale Yso VALIANT convertible, big motor, automatic, white walls, wheel covers, washers, dash, power top, ane belts, hgh duty suspension demons! for, low m over four. years, Fac: tory warren Real low price, Smith rt 359 King Street West, Oshawa. se SGNVAE feulaeer Mater EY eae. b Day Telephone 725-5101. wala Be or aes aa 'feiephone aie me Tm Iae a 'offer, Telephone oT one 27---Real Estate For Sale. |27---Real bac ne| For Sale |27---Real Estate For Sele 2--Automsbie For Sale | bungalow, hor and = ari earee ONE ACRE of land INCOME Gthree Ted Shvey sation wegen, immed-|well and smati Ts twee bu! ot eee ning water, furnace, ioe mileage 'economical transporte eigh' . Glecott, EXECUTIVE type home In lovely resl-| "8% has ed, ied) Tame tof past o ut lac Sa ye fen pie. Aba $550. or nearest offer, Dia anew Good return pply dential area, near OCVI, consisting ot od and poy to sell at $19,800 asking $6 Park R south, 728-929) ig CHEVRO _jdown. Phone Henry Stinson Peng Cc Hid RoLeT neueaye. two-door, Olsen Realtor. radio, four new whi » ie condition seabed Waoes JOHN F. DeWiTH ix « PRIVATE. He? Volkswagen, Good tre REALTOR Orchard View Blvd. ! oe ee Can'be financed, T: Bowmanville, 14 Frank St. |i AUSTIN, isde AUSTIN, coal good buys @ HO. Fels. Phone 623-3950 ae mall Garege, 815.500, Dial] HOW pet Hs FOUR bedroom, new bungalow, fireplace, FOR UE: au » fully a aaa Shera 50 Acres with 8 R a hon ita eed Raitton' Phone heat, walk-out basement, re} 3 bedroom bungolow with ~ brick ne it ae i 500. Tem Gain Feige 83, meter, Mises tain, $300 or best otter, After] ain secant SS ae cae pian | living ond ae in toon nto Fa ne rdtop, cfr be living fart aaa ston] fl Jenapaces | lot, and all this for only, saree, modbrate down . For ai to_ see call Mr, Skinner, or 728-7377, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. WhiTey snag ak Taanarhie 1s x 200, BUILDING LOTS HILLSDALE TERRACE -- te residential, fully serviced lots ilable in the North East shed room with very centra! ie os i, par! 4 prone 728-6697. 7" ATTRACTIVELY two beds lemen, ly. Tele section, School end bus serv- ice within the subdivision. List price $60.00 per foot. bo ap hoo esta eos _ pa building, We offer a choice of lots on the Ravine ond ap- proved for V.L.A, minimum 90 ft. oo prices start Easy Terms Available - Call WILSON Realtor 725-6588 or your own Recitor Oshawo's Lorgest Firm BOLAHOOD FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Coll between 5 and 7 p.m. 82: PARK RD. N 728-8671 27--Real Estate tor Sale IN, $85. monthly, nearly new, bri alu fum storms and screens, northend. Tele- phone 728-6605. evenings, low, 3 bedrooms, jollywood kitchen, | recres . Lovely condition. Wilson Realtor, 72565981 evenings . 728-8423. HOUR site apartment Be centre of Bow- peyments en balance. P.O. Box 720, Oshawa. KEITH PETERS Realtor --- 728-7328 -- 103 King Street East "NORTH WEST DISTRICT i ¢ x METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITID 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 CENTRAL LOCATION $9,500 with $2,500 er for your retirement complete with storms, screens ond broadicom in. living room Forced air oll heot. DUPLEX $4,000 down. Very good rent- ol crea and must be sold. One do room apartment ond one 3 room eportment. This is only 1% yeors cg and in excel- hent SPLIT LEVELS AND NGALOWS OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial nose 4 Joe Mage," Dick Otek Bontene | ws 2 w 5 f sptsag Ere aptis 3 3 g t a 4 more informotion contact Joe Crawford. 623-3672. 4 BEDROOMS--SUBURBAN * Let size 124° x 120', large style home with at- teched gorage, hardwood and tile fama, be beautiful Norden cupboerds, vonity in both- room, storms and screens ail oround. Call Robert John son 728-2548. $12, FOP 8000 VALUE. 6 SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 NORTH WEST IMMEDIATE POSSESSION vanity. List price $17,400. with $3600. down. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION NEW - 7 ROOM BRICK SPLIT-LEVEL bungalow with gerage. LR. 20 x 14 L. shopes in to D. area 12 x 9. Family size kitchen with a @ gy size bedrooms. Huge 4 bathroom complete with fin bosins in the from vanity, hos entry master 12. List price $20,595.00 B.R., with $5700.00 down. Trodes accepted. Immediate poss- ession, NORTH EAST AREA 6 YR. OLD BRICK 2 STOR. EY COLONIAL four B. R. DWG, (1600 sq. ft.) 54% BROTHERS John A, J, Bolehood br Fu po $15,000.00 with $1,- 988.00 dawn Hess $500 win Lloyd A. P. Bolahood F.R.I, List With Us Then Coll Your Mover VACANT Room remodelled family rans on Chorles St. in Brook- lin, Must be sold at once to clear up mortgage, only $1,- 000.00 down with full price of only $8,400.00. Call now Mr, Appleby 728-5123 or 723-3398 Do As Others Call The Brothers BOLAHOOD BROS. LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening KEY VALUES BRAEMORE RE-SALE with Colonie! kitchen', living room, dining room, three bethroom -- vanity ATTACHED GARAGE A large lot, fenced ond priv- ote. large bedrooms and oversize living room, Just va- cated ond offering immedicte eccupancy ot $14,000 with terms $1,500 DOWN Immeculate, ¢ompect and just right for youngsters or oldsters requiring two bed- * rooms, A brick veneer storey ond « half with forced hot air of heoting Offered ot -- $8,500. PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 728-9474 Financial Trade Bidg 187 King St. E. finish For further information, call Sid Goodfellow 723-7335 Loreen Kellett 723-3770 Phyis Jubb 723-3240 Chorles Smith 728-8254 HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 9 BAGOT STREET 728-1679 S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street Weet 728-6286 $750. Full down payment on these five room bungalows pre- sently under construction, loaded with extras end only one mortgage, eal! Tom Tor- font $6400 Yes, this is the full price tor this 414 room bungalow located on the outskirts of the city, low down payment asked. Call Les Hall. GUIDE REALTY yag-t1an RAVINE LOTS Six new homes under con- struction in the north end, all featuring built. in stoves and ovens and walkout base- ments. Call Glen MecKin- non. SPLIT-LEVEL Seven room oS level with attached ga' pra ronaed in Maple Oa asking $4,000. down with one mortgage, coll Bob Stevenson $13,950 New five room brick bunge- low presentiy under construc- tion, asking ---- down with one mortgage, for more details cali Doug Gower. FOUR ACRES on Ritson Road north within city limits zon- ed for \ il ice mo TRADE? TP? Y ill " Mare BaD lige gel te on @ new one, | teday for more information. OSHAWA'S LARGEST FIRM BOLAHOOD BROTHERS JOHN A, J, BOLAHOOD LIST WITH US THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $13,500 WHITBY LLOYD A, P. BOLAHOOD F.R.!. 160 Acres with bam, lorge ad ~~ a ee with Excellent Bulge. sg ang price $27,- 9 Acres with house and born, Commuting distance to Osh- awe, Price $11,000. Terms. 40 Acres with house ond bom, on oe road. Asking $11,000, Terms. 50 Acres with good house, modern conveniences. Bom. Pond. Asking $12,000. Terms. 20 Acres, house, modern con und = complete 171 Acre form with excellent bul s. Large stream. Price only $ , 000. Terms 10 Acres with house, bern, drive shed etc, Locoted at Hampton. Asking $17,000. Terms. 100 Acre form with excelient set of bulidings, Only $5,- 000 down 230 Acres without buildings, stream, Price, $6,500, Terms After hours cal! Donald Mountioy 623-3614 Guy LeBlanc 623-3715 idso Wiersme Orono 1649 John M, Sendy = 725.8010 DEPENDABLE "KELLY DISNEY USED CARS ie USED: CARS 1963 DODGE SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 728-092) Two door, V-8 automatic, Gh lock fintsh: be) 1962 CHEVROLET "Whitby 668-4666 | NORTHGATE MOTORS 512 Brock St. North pofA CHEVROLET W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 177 CHURCH STREET, Bowmanviile 623-3393 Bowmanville -- ve Listed, Ranch style brick Mag "He with ottoched ga;rage. Furn- ished Ree. fuer, "319.800 income possibilities, Asking $17,000---$3,000 down Newcostie Twe bedroom §00--~$1,800 door with toes | piece bath, oil 1io-uaa 1B8 acre form near Bow- settle Estate. Only --terms. sold $55,000 198 acre fairy torm | mile fram Oshawa City limits, 1 mite paved rood frontoge Good stone ond brick house Large painted born. Stream settle estote, Asking $145,- 000.00 ---- $35,000 down. Open for offers Co 623-3393 After 9 p.m. Jack Ricard Pat Yee Jee Barnoski 623-3154 623-3077 * 2202 Clarke |, 4 door excellent oor, $795. Air, ry cylinder 1957 MONARCH 8 cylinder, eutomatic 2 door hardtop, two tone paint. A real beauty in every woy, $795. | 1954 DODGE } | Whitby 668-4666 | eee 723-4494 | | | 4 door sedon. Wort to ace something mice? See this one! $345. | We hove @ asiection of good sound trongportation in older models. Priced From $49 to $199 >) oF seven to choose from $10 DOWN Terma to suit your budget Open Daily to 9 P.M. Soturdeys to 6 p.m. NORTHGATE MOTORS 512 Brock St. North K.0. USED CARS '63 Gene MONZA| Big motor, spp speed tronamis- sion, radio, whitewoll tires, 1963 CHEVY tI SEDAN Stondord, 6 cylinder, imme- throughout, the: 1961 CHEVROLET. (SEDANS) 5 from which to choose These ore all fine cutome- biles, in vorious models ond transmissions, is) PONTIAC deluxe, Gaylinder matic, radio, new. paint ley new, at separately res. sharp car, $480, rook | Osh 35m, Mike BA, Raglan, ine MERCURY MW top, automatic, radio. oS" a Se condition throughout. } | 728-0558, 1959 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE, 6 cylinder, 4 door sedan, Smort two tone Rust and Beige | 950 VOLKSWAGEN, radio, In excellent condition, $795, Apply Zolton and Nick's Fina Garage, a Simeoe Sou th, 728-0081, i088 PONTIAC, ddoor, 6 4 standard, 3 dard, Rone blue, new ot excellent After 6 p.m, . Whitby Bens TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Mokes end Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND pe to 1958 PLYMOUTH V-8 four door sedan, stick shift, Red ond White. GIBSON fiat Te goter eee Site, electric guitar, Teleph Whitby bid wy sell end exchange as SS edad Be = : ith. 7RDE7, 1958 PLYMOUTH V-8 four door sedan, eutome: Ne transmission, "Rode. Green ond White two tone ia tri Corner, Sia Waa te Eom aa sy oaes All Fore ment, 137 Breck South, NE ig RA B~A. SERVICE eter nd Ritson Road and es | 723-4733 and 723-7712 parte SPOT CASH PAID FOR pace EB clean cars, Trade up id_ off. 'DODD MO 1956 PLYMOUTH 6 cylinder, 2 door hardtop, outomatic.. New two tone Green ond White sport-tone. 1954 PLYMOUTH 6 cylinder, 2 door, stondora = | __. Pranamission Free |Drushes, hoses, Cell anytime n. Soo es Large selection, all sizes. Atso @ good selection of NEW 1964 PLYMOUTH [DODGE and VALIANT| PALMER MOTOR SALES 20 KING EAST BOWMANVILLE 623-5487 SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723.9421 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA Gust Eost of Wilson Rood) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 |30--Automobiles, Wanted | caRNENORS Auto Wreckers wan? =. s Wentworth, Wash etter 63 | TOO.CARS WANTED Buying @ New Car? Sell your used car > "Ted" Talk "Cash" to New Cor Dealer ond MSAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS Res. 725.5574 | This Week Only | te°eor seme mete deal up or down, Liens peld NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royo! Hote! Whitby 668-3331 \31---Automobile Repair HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION TEXACO PRODUCTS | 67 KING ST. W, 723-7822 |32--Articles for Sale TV TOWERS special, @ Wi. tower struc ture with all channel antenna, fens "heanaiaes $50. Oshawe TV Supply Lid. 341 Gibbons) Street, 728-8180, | TELEVISION, Sparton, 17 _ Inch: ne beeen and < ee ae vecuu: cleaner, dryer leeper | Full Price $795 jtreiter, raa7ata." " SKATES 50% OFF on ofl used dhotes. SALE The following Cars Must be Sold. All in Good Condition 1957 PONTIAC 2 to choose from, one. euto | matic, one stondord. | Full Price $495 each 1958 OLDSMOBILE 98 HARDTOP Six-way power seat, cutomatic roadie, outo- matic oerigl, automatic trone- mission, power windows, pow- er agen power steering, new @ mork on this an McCLARY RANGE oP | CHESTERFIELD Ja5-1336 What's My Line? om = ae your needs phone, _Walley Creek Furniture | 1957 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON, uto- matic, @ sound cor through. out, Full Price $495 [DRAYTON CYCLE 204 BOND EAST lf You Want Quality Merchondiae Excellent Services 1961 AUSTIN pe | 1957 DODGE 4 cylinder, o shorp litte cor in block with red leather i. Immeculete condition, ston- | terior trim dord a end radio, | I Price $450 1960 CHEVROLET was | Stondord, yo Inder with ro. | 1957 CHEVROLET dio, low mileage, ceptian. oily clean. r 1960 DODGE | 4-DOOR STATION WAGON 28--Real Estate Wanted FOUR-BEDROOM how, recre at oy prooral or facilities for ye north west districts. Pr 723-250. vate deal. Telephone 728-440) or call at the store 16% Bond W. READY TO BUY PROSPECTS Read -- Times Want Ads 'Round the Clock. '32--Articles for Sale N.H.A. mortgage $88.00 Principal, Interest ond Taxes, situoted on landscoped 150) in North lot (75 x just pena bat city Open et 728-5123. STORE AND APARTMENT eh eg hn yacont. ony bus res hi ; Oshawa jo stone F.P 29--Automobiles For Sale 1957 PONTIAC twodoor hardtop, Wa, automatic. Ch Tolepnane ean, 'ges tires, ressonabie, 12 PONTIAC ta door hardion, 327 Va, standard, whitewall re asia. gd wheel discs. 12 to | Today's TWO Specials 1963: FALCON FOUR 2g Big six cvlinder, radio, So 1406 trim pockoge, miles, new worronty. ' Sold for $2998. j NOW $2295 | 1957 CHEVROLET Two door hardtop. Six cylind- er, automatic. Ri shore. ONLY $895. cal i j CHRYSLER, DODGE, VALIANT | 723-2894 coal ot 728. . 723-7996 S123 or PaS938S, | SALES AND SERVICE { | '728-2233 DO AS OTHERS | SMITH SPORTS. vive 72301358 : 728-5868 CALL THE BROTHERS | BOLAHGOD BROTHERS LiMiTED | 353 KING STREET WEST 725-3867 725-0239 101 SIMCOE STREET NORTH | OPEN EVERY EVENING Low Prices New lances Used Frode ine Come ond See ROGER APPLIANCES 155. Simcoe South Teleph 728-215) 'Warehouse: Sale | GENERAL ELECTRIC Starts Friday, January 10th. HOME LAUNDRY RANGES REFRIGERATORS Big Savings and Give Aways WAYNE APPLIANCES -_78 SWMCOE STREET N., OSHAWA 723-1411 (Continued en Page 18) opartments, situated on lot 180 x 210 ft. Coil, 728-7328 : SUBURBAN LOTS -- $1500 ith $500 down, 99 x 165 WHITBY CLASSIFIED Deity women general) in West End of whiten wages. Telephone sae. = abonEEreR, tilly © experienced, | manufacturing firm in Ajax. 790 Ajax. Ontario, bungalow close to public end Full Price $495 = schools in the north | 1957 BUICK Cem be ve be yours -for only $2,- A. 6% - 5123 or 728 1066 "INVESTMENT PROPERTY" Neorly new 6 plex opert- ment building showing o and . Here is o tiful wogon in silver with blue trim. 1958 DODGE SEDAN - 8 cylinder, cuterotc, « good clean Price. ed to sell ot $750, 1957 VAUXHALL SEDAN Meke an offer We hove o wide selection of Good Used Cars thot must be cleared out AVE. BEDROOM CREST A BRICK Full Price $395 for Write 1956 CHEVROLET HARDTOP Six cylinder, euro matic tronsmiesion, Full Price $395 poyment. Coll Mr. Johnston ot 728-5123 or 728-1066. ROSSLAND MANOR se uplbone gage with attech- carport, Asking $16,- S00. 00. All landscaped, port- ly decoroted, storms ond screens. Hu rooms, kitchen Seiaroore facilities. Children wees. 'arking. 668-8414, septic TANKS cleaned. Prompt service Street on calis. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut (668-2563. » West, Whitby, ING -- Sulls, coats, dresses 1956 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Reo! good condition. Full Price $195 | | VAN HEUSEN ROY W. NICHOLS! MOTORS LTD. Courtice - 728-6206 156 King St. West Bowmanville - 623-3671 Telephone 725-3557 For full particuairs call 723-2265 Open daily 9 o.m. to 9 p.m. Allan oe 728-2870 Maorgoret_Lee 725-0201 Open Evenings TELEPHONE 728-734! GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe Se &

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