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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jan 1964, p. 2

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PSone anager INTERPRETING THE NEWS Sale To Cuba Prompts Furor By JOSEPH MacSWEEN Canadian Preas Staff Writer Unusual indignation has been ignited in Aritain by the United States criticiam of a British company's bus sale to Cuba | Britith press comment shows that the U.S, attempt to prevent the sale is regarded as anything from trade blackmail to just Liberal MP Hearings May Delay ide Provincial Medicare TORONTO (CP) = A delay in implementing Ontario's med- ical insurance scheme was fore- cast Thursday by Premier Ro- barts, Discussing a myNad of pro- vincial matters at a press con- ference Premier Robarts also predicted a complete revision in the province's liquor laws would be forthcoming, Although the government's original intent was to introduce the medical insurance plan in 1965, the premier said the time factor would probably be ¢x- tended in view of the progress of a lSman committee holding public hearings, The committee has met twice since December -- in Windsor and Toronto -- and received whieh criticize the draft plan|Arts, if plans for the project! Own Party and recommend, in many cases,/are approved, The money, he} broad changes, 'said, would not come: from fed-| TORONTO (CP) The Tor The hearings will resume Jan,|eral grants, jonto and District Liberal Asso a1, , Fe ae = Gara bey A me-'clation Wednesday night criti HAS LIQUOR PLANS a etn ed the. pre,(cied Toronto Liberal Ralph Plans for updating the Liquor! miep, : Cowan for his attacks on) French-Canadians, | Control Act ~ Liquor sarees dee naa sire Act are already in progress, the WILL BE J OIN >} 1 Turning to the Ontario Police) Nothing destroys the good premier said, However, he did) | vt elaborate On what fevisions|Commission, he said permanent|"ame of Liberalism In Toronto were planned, lreplacements for two commisy/as effectively as extrem. He was unsure whether any sioners who resigned recently jist statements such aa. those legislation to amend the two will be: announced. shortly, made by Ralph Cowan concern acts would be enacted dury) 'Tho commission chaitman,| GORD " . ing the Legislature session Judg e Bruce Macdonald, and| Nee Caakeeh Bg starting Wednesday, |Commissioner Maj.-Gen, H, Aly atatoment after an executive The premier did say that al pariing will # -- On the | meeting start had been made to rewrite/three-man commission, | : the two acts, The commission was entab| Mr aren, meee ~~ Ot the province's plans for the lished in 1962. with responsibil) ean critieal inside and out 1967 centennial year, he saldjity for he provincial police, Tis Parilament on the CRC's. plan the centennial committee was) powers were curtailed last Yearly tien radio station GIBC In already studying plans for a/when control of the provinclallnononte into a fulltime Frendh:- language station, The etation dogens of briefs and reports multimillion dollar '"memorial) police was brought under the at to confederation," torney-general's department, thas a parttime French-lang: McNamara Hits | He said tho province would) Premier Roburty sald i was) iy Fak : ge service, Imatoh the 2,900,000 which the never the government's inten a P | Goldwater On | toderal government has .said/tion to give the commission di-) ™ a Dy gp nage Be Mi ile Vie }would be made available to each par yoot control of the OPP, Re./4 ; 'province for centennial cultural) moving contral of the police) please Quebec and to hell with) The British government re- queer way of tackling political centres, WASHINGTON (AP) -- De- site of the memorial Ifence Secretary 'Robert McN@ would probably be In 'Toronto tral of Toronto" attitude and charged|gards the transaction between oppenents." T venice Lot i ta land (nat at least four Quebec mem-|Leyland Motors and Cuba as a Cartoonists found a fertile ne ' mara has accused Arizona Sens) heeause it is the provinelal ap ator Barry Goldwater of dams! iia) |buses, the Yanks won't have to worry about {solating Cubase it'll paralyse it,"' CALLED BLACKMAIL The Manchester Guardian te lates the Cuban controversy to a more serious British domestic matter ---- the recent case in yhich Lord Maneroft, a Jew, lost his job with an: Insurance lain silliness In the context Of company because of Nis conned: ashington's own policies, tion with firms doing business ann British ace no logic iniwith Israel, i © Americans protesting a $12.) "Every would-be Arab 000,000 sale of civilian vehicles cotter of firms which do puch to Cuba while they themselves|noss with Israe) will have fresh contemplate a vaatly greater heart put into him by the sue: sale of wheat to the Soviet Un- cessful blackmail by the United ion, [states of yy Rpm on Ped " panies over the Leyland ®uses NOT STRATEGIC ordered for Cuba" says ra Can any : od Y claim that! Guardian nen. are strategie | goode?") cin, tf aske The Dully Mirror. "Or that Pigg Sok ty ney coring Cay Are more strategic than' hritish buses; it can and does wheat' refuse trading facilities at U.S, A modern army ix unlikely ports to ships which have car: to go to war by busbut it still ried cargoes to or fram Cuba, marches on its belly." Hurting one's friends is a FIRE LEAVES 25 HOMELESS Firemen in Welland battle for 20 minutes before firemen adults and 1? a blaze at a five-apartment degan to get it under control, left homeless house Thorsday, Fire raged Four families, including eight PARLIAMENTARY NOTEBOOK Mobs Replaced By News Conferences OTTAWA (CP)--A new sys-| Richard O'Hagan tem af prime ministerial contact newspaper man and advertising @ith reporters is being tested executive who is Mr, Pearson's bere. press secretary, said this fear Into discard has gone the was understood and appreciated mod scene in which upwards of by the prime minister and his § reporters fired qiestions at' staff. the prime minister as he waiked He said the present practice $5 feet down a second-floor cor- is an interim arrangement, The ridor in the east block from the hope is to make a firmer one cabinet chamber to his office. which will be satisfactory to re- Substituted, temporarily at porters and the prime minister least, has been a sit-down meet-. Mr, Pearson felt he ought to ing at which reporters question be in a position to answer ques- Prime Minister Pearson in an/tions and to do so in a dignified aide's. office fear the cabinet atmosphere. to TWO PROBLEMS The chatige involved two problems for reporters, One was in posing questions to cabinet ministers, as well as to the children were <P Wirepheto 3 Men Nabbed | Ottawa Changes | After Metro P : roposed Pension Bank Robbery OTTAWA po The eal tion of a study by an interde- . ea : ee met Thursday to put final partmental committee of pos. TORONTO (CP)--Three MN \tquches on a letter to the pro: sible changes in the plan pret -- campaigning in Repub ination) Whose legs the a former) minister's job makes it Impos- sible for all questions to be handled by him personally," He rejects the idea that the new system will make it easier for Mr, Pearson to duck a diffi- cult question, 'Nobody can be- lieve we are not, in principle, making it easier for the PM to be pressed on questions," Anyway there never was an iron-clad guarantee that a re- porter would get eithar a chance to sandwich his question in dur- He said the commission would bers of Parliament delay Par-|straight trade matter, It abides field in the Anglo-American ar- heaven about privileges and/of strategic and military mater-;"hown explaining to Prime cal police boards, police depart: daw #8 é : ym r a rim points of order, jals to Cuba but will not inter. M , . 4 State purity i s/ me » police college and : Minister Douglas-Home why It aging United States security, qty also sald the prayvinee css ge at pe the, 'The Liberal Association atate- tere with non strategic trade a all rae te Gall pr : , : As atter side mn Pike eel range missiles are not depend: onto grant towards construction) poli e departments and govern: ment sald; r of incidental in+) Russia Khrushchev is differ: * '@ is a iiik 'e r) jable. . of the St. Lawrence Centre of! ment support for speeches which pan ee to produce snarls among! democracy," liad eeaplesey ee et det to the prejudices we all ne London public at present.) The matter is seen as a deli- thoally icrespossiie gory, ATED have just under our civilized tll vice has jong been pain: cate one for Douglas-Home, who MeNamara's retort Thurs skins. People love to hear sup-) ¥Y inadequate due to manage:ifaces a rednened Parliament was MeNamara's retor ' hee dang TDRY ORDEAL tesserae ea ap cr ok cd themselves have." tre gots our service, with our Washington next month, Goldwater, ate ry. F Manitoba, he said Hie Y mn were amputated gry." From Mani r ald, jlte "ug feb oat tay - aleation | below knee afler they he rode an open gravel car of he patel vb 'lwere frove v lay four westbound freight for three ltold a press conference at Ports. were frowen said Thursday ria dent Johnson's) days in & locked railway days | propos defence : ) : ee ry reduction of the! under a pile of pipe on Kid- gen,' Mr, Morimoto said, "be- Imanned bomber fleet monton's south side were ins cause when I got to Edmon- | Asserting this would put too cluded in the chain of events ton I had to crawl on my ial j ending with the operation, hands and knees over the sile forces, Goldwater sald in- ' sti A McMurray, Alta, was ade 4 .-¥ coulen't tercontinental ballistic missiles ; : gee : After a while, couldn't) N : uct are not reliable mitted {0 ey Oct sh al crawl any more, so T got a eh tei er Mery ep ee vinelal- governments advising the provincial comments on it He said short-range missiles ~ ae IN piece of cardboard and made (onion Bank was them of changes proposed inthe He said there has been no Oe ee myself into a parcel under the innuncday of almost $20,000, The Canada Pension Plan, discussion by cabinet of includ: intercontinental missiles are MOU wy" Journal, he said he by Y } gg Minister Pearson said//n@ all employees in unemploy- dependable." eight 'ort Me: He said he spent three days ithat collided with a police/as he entered the session that MENTIONS SECURITY say am ph age like that before police hauled ate ' he hopes the cabinet can con ae recommendations by the Goldwater, a major-general In Edmonton, heading to Cal. him out Albert J. Solomon, 24, of Port see ee Seah Heo 'rt carrent GAeeeehraa -- Railway companies were |Arthur, Douglas Logan, 25, of ter F @ week, and get a lance aieneer \ ih. a long-time congressional cham-| cook and was locked in the Bl : ; ; plon "or the manned-bomber's| car until.it stopped 75 miles could cast light on the sub: lot Windsor were charged with -- Premier Lesage of Que his trip to France next ty role in detonce strategy, did not) east of Winnipeg, Before he ject the robbery, He said Mr, Lesage is being Re and Gen, do Gaulle will make oS ae gl tenner Bry ly et dak ak ee yj ani oar id Sat. Miller ----- . Pe kept abreast of the proposals to & tour d@'horizon in thelr con: isted the | nge missiles, tract attention by banging on iy three police officers in eine other premiers, although Vversations, He had heard noth: sisted the long-ra siles t i 'c ing the corridor conference or, are undependable, the door with a piece of wood, have been exaggerated spotted about a half-mile from eve re pit " : ' i to | wl can' tel you that and I'N| "I didn't get scared," he -- Mr, Morimoto is to try out 'he bank. OO bese te bare a Uk fe ie wf aanent taeda' an * [probably catch bell for saying! ead, "wntll we wind day He said the police car pulled the next session of Parliament," meetings between the two cours \, lalongside and when the driveriygy Pearson said tries verve ax a "watchdog" aver !0 liament by "sereaming to high)by the U.S, embargo on export gament, President Johnson is lwith a statement that U.S, long would matoh any Clty of Tor ' "It is not hand to get public} (erest, any mention of buses is ent--he's nota threat to Western ing to the national security," posedly rseponsible people ex. |Mentlabor disputes, Comments next week while making plans iNew Hampshire for the BDMONTON (CP )eeA man 1 was getting weak and hun | Presi Fe hy gy spending! freight car and three days "My feet must have fro much reliance » US, mis- . jauaek rollance on Us Frank Morimoto of Fort track are reliable weapons but "'our In a first-person story in pile of pipe." '_ bm pipe. » was vere ear) ' ae aes fs ment insurance, This was one the U.S. Air Force reserve and) gary to look for work as a oe c Oran te Gn wens unable to locate anybody who |Welland-and Joseph Irving, 25. Man. Pearson. anid: shes. Gh a security matter, But he in- jammed and he tried to at- ns nadian said the story "could [oryiser, said a suspect car WAS! Quebec has said it would not ing avant a Paris report that room, So far, Mr. Pearson seems be just as accessible under the new setup. This is not his only face-to- face meeting with reporters," : Like previous prime ministers, prime minister. The other was he calls formal press confer. finding a way to ask the ences in his office on occasion, prime: minister a question if he Aides say he intends to continue | #4 not invite reporters into Mr. this practice, O'Hagan's office for a post-cab- inet briefing. FOLLOW PATTERN Mr. O'Hagan feels the first Three post-cabinet press con- difficulty is being met by hav- ferences under the new system ing Mr. Pearson appear before have been held since Parlia- reporters five or 10 minutes ment prorogued Dec. 21. They after the cabinet meeting breaks follow a pattern up, instead of immediately. Mr. Pearson, seated at adesk, That gives reporters time to make: a statement about any- catch a particular minister leav thing he has on bis mind--about ing the cabinet chambe: the cabinet meeting or ®"Y The short delay also provides ether subject Mr. Pearson time for a quick Reporters then question him briefing from Mr. O'Hagan on jdidn't heed his warning to pull! The federal government) "It they wish to discuss some- over, a police revolver WAS) wanted the provinces to see/thing like that, T am aure we jaime at the other car, what changes it proposed in the Would be glad to talk it over , | The car pulled into a sideinian in the light of the federal. with' them, street and when the police/provincial conference's discus: . cruiser moved in beside it, the/sions of it last November and vehicle suddenly moved ahead, ithe provincial government's re- forcing the police car % ONC ception of the 'plan, side, |WASN'T RELATED SHOT FIRED le said the meeting Thurs-|0af tea to supplement their lean The two cars locked bumpers. /day was unrelated to criticiems|rations while lost 10 days in \rcNamara, a Republican in Ho spital Probes Neglect Charges a Democratic cabinet, said in a TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario|her mother, Mrs, Marjorie Pin- LOST 1¢ DAYS FORT ST. JAMBS, B.C. (CP) Trappers Paul Antoine, 20, and . Frank Dennis, 43, drank swamp > 2 os Being Studied jour long-range missiles cannot Growers' Marketing Board, told jngicated by the strong supportiognize her serious head, pel cover her pelvic fracture, 'Thit several parked cars before) mation about the plan, promised FUE ° if he did, get a reply to it. statement issued at the Penta. To Japan eon , "There is no information, classified or otherwise, to sup- port the false implication that \be depended upon te accom: TILLSONBURG, Ont, (CP)--|plish their AB ona -- ,of a ag --_ pe "The importance of the long-|Hospital Services Commission|ney, campaign manager in the ntario's crops : : saa wer . | : range missiles to the defence of/said Thursday it is investiga: last provincial election for Don- ' ' are under negotiation, Remie tals country and the evaluation ing charges by Mrs.'Julie Rudy,/ald C, MacDonald, A warning shot fired by Sgt. Elsiny Premoir Robarts of Ontario/{reering ig a north ot here, soe ar ete ir ig the! or their effectiveness by ourlig, of Toronto, that Toronto) Mrs, Rudy also said it took lott, -- _ Pad (ire Wednesday night weg the fed-|They were by searchers. tario Flue - Cure acco ilitary nities is! We " ree |g Fa eng ag pt :. steering whee! eo sleral government had not yet : eading military authorities is) Western Hospital failed to rec-/gy a ring a "@ g m ' . serie 4 days for the hospital to dis-|gian't deter it and the two C&rS/supplied him with cortain infor] NEED , . . a meeting of directors Thurs- given by the joint chiefs of staffivic and rib injuries and mis day ; to the missile program," treated her after a car accident HAD LETTER Stopping at the November conference Mr, Miggens said no definite: "ygonamara's statement was'last August he commission said it re-| Three men tumbled out of the) Mr, Pearson said that right Coll contract for the Sales has been read to reporters by Assistant) Mrs, Rudy was involved in alceived a letter from Kennedyjcar but were grabbed by the po after the conference, the gov PERRY signed yet but , Tobacco Board Defence Secretary Arthur Syl/two-car collision in Toronto and/Brydon, New Democratic mem-/licemen The money was found erament had been tied up with odetaintye y mere a. -- vester received three brok®m ribs, ajber of the Ontario legislature |in a paper bag inside the auto.'the closing of Parliament, and 723.9443 negotiations ar practically | tor Toronto Woodbine, Police said erally shout thet or other sub- the questions which he might be completed." Goldwater, who has qualified|pelvic fracture and concussion two! ;weeks ago, only one gunman had been waiting for comple- Dey or Nigh jerts asked bated on queries to the Regerter: m prime minister's office while erally shout thet or other sub abinet was in session or on Mr jects for shout 1 minules. The O'agan's knowledge of the prommeaings att recerted 47's ews developments --ae wae eae HAVE OLD METHOD quits, overloaded by the sai Mr. O'Hagan says reporters mands of television lights, Diow iy have the day-to-day ma @ fuse. And this has happened cpinery for placing a question nag through Mr. Pearson's staff, the cations they will enter the cur a at . ' Load Mr. Pearson's staif figure he's way they would when cabinet 04+ market for the 1943 crop The vice + chairman had meeting. Tuesday with officials of the Japanese tobacco monop which controls Japan's en tebacce industry He said the Japanise are in the process of contracting pur chases {rom the 23,000,000 pound surplus from the 1962 On tario crop and there were indi " then que bs oi GAM + oly tape tire 4¢ Cross § 5 -10 "1 "1S "18 i] ) "25 -0 -20 -20 Observed Temperatures Lows overnight, highs Thursday Dawson uM 5 Victoria Rdmonton . css Regina Winnipeg «.. »" P 10 18 5 one 1" 0 a a aa 15 7 10 33 3 Gee ft 'Sault Ste, Marie... Kapuskasing ... _North Ray Sudbury Rariton ss. Muskoka .... Windsor ., London ... Teronto 2? " 28 35 8 ; 40 4 43 43 n " * sheeeeees s) Forest..i. @ jot more accessible than most isn't meeting and there is virtu i Prime Ministers. Neither the ally no pe md € " a face-to-face = . trial basis, He did not re British prime minister nor the meeting with the prime minis veel Say amounts is waylaid by reporters outside "Of course, there's really no Squinting, or eyes, in cabinet mectings substitute for direct contact, but children should be treated early CONCERN EXPRESSED the very nature of the prime lo remedy the impairment Wheat it was first suggested : last spring by Mr. Pearvon' WEATHER FORECAST ence be replaced, concern was expressed among the 100 avd reporters that their contact with the prime minister would be re duced or cut off. _ g . = Giving Children Little Milder Forecasts issued by the Tor- Peterborough ...... T CAS Ruled onto weather office al 5:30 a.m Trenton c.cccceees 0 Synopsis: The strong north: Killaloe ....... erly winds following Thursday's Muskoka .....+.+. 'Not Neglect' storm has spread cold air inio North Bay. Saturday are for variable cloud- Eariton SUDBURY (CP) -- A family iness across most e@f Ontario Sault Ste. Marie... court judge ruled Thursday that with some moderation in tem- Kapuskasing ..... Marie Hamernyk did not neglect peratures in southern regions. White River... them up to the Children's Aldjagara, Lake Ontario, Halibur- Timmins Society when the city welfarejton, Windsor, Hamilton, Tor department declined to provide onto; Saturday variable cloud- her with cash in place of food/iness and not quite so crld rs The society, forced by law 10 Lake Huron, southern institute proceedings within 10 sian Bay, London: Saturday days after Mrs. Hamernyk's 8¢-)variabie. cloudiness and not tion, withdrew its action to havelauite so cold. Winds light on and made wards of the court Northern Georgian Bay, A} The children were returned to goma, Timagami, White River, the mother five days after she) (ocnrane, North Ray, Sudbury ve them up--a week before Ferecast Temperatures real estate broker collected '4 more than $130 to purchase Windsor adeedens a » kitchen appliances and other St Thomas..... 0 30 furnishings for the family London .. ®. 3% Kitchener declined to give Mrs. Hamer nyk cath beoause she used pre Wir si vious welfare funds to purchase Hamilte Mace 4 a refrigerator She ix still re. St. Catharines... eetving American or French president ter TREAT BARLY last spring by Mr. Pearson's Variable Cloud all of Ontario. Prospects for Sudbury her four children by giving Lake St, Clair, Lake Erie, Ni-/ Moosonee . Winds light the children declared neglected! Saturday i as -- when a Sudbury risten Loews tonight, highs Satirday The city welfare department Mount 0 but no money.(Toronte .......0005 10 seeeneneee as a jet pilot, subscribes to the contention of Gen, Curtis FE may, air force chief of staff, that the intercantinental missile is an untried weapon as far as actual combat goes She said that she was not X- Le-|rayed for 18 hours and that she Rudy's. complaints was not washed for 19 hours after she was admitted to Tor onto Western Hospital The charges are reiterated by Agency May End Smoking j | persons close to the cigaretic health evidence are convinced "\ehat the Saturday report by a) special federal panel will indict taeawy cigarette smoking as dan }gerous, Even source son the fringe of the tobacce industyy have con: jceded that while there may be igaps in information, there is certainly a weight to the evi dence against heavy smoking, The real question that the U.S. surgeon-general's advisory committee on smoking and health has had to face in its unprecedented report is this: How deep does the indictment go? Into how many health areas? Many personal physicians have told their patients who cough to stop smoking, SEEKS EXEMPTION TORONTO (CP)--The subur- ban Etobicoke historical society will attempt for the third suc: cessive year, to have the 135. year-old Montgomery tavern ex empted from municipal taxa- tion. The society purchased the tavern two years age to prevent it being relocated at the Black Creek pioneer village by the Metropolitan Toronte and 'Re gion Conservation Authority. NEXT SUMMER IN * AIR FARES DOWN! CONTACT FOUR SSASONS TRAVEL 728.4201 ae Te Government Approval WASHINGTON (AP) -- Most Puzzle Many doctors recommend against smoking by patients with such ailments as respira tery distress, heart trouble or impairment of the lungs and the bronchial system, There is hope, however, that the federal repert may end same of the gathering confusion aver how damaging cigarettes are ta otherwise healthy per sons, How far will they feel the statistical evidence ts valid? Many health authorities agree that the more one smokes, the more the potential health haz: ards, MAY BE GUIDE | What the surgeon - general's report hopefully will do is offer a better, more carefully weighed measure of the health risks to the average smoker. How much' ..noking is too much? Seme doctors say that any smoking is too much, Other doctors are not so sure Whatever comes of the sur. g fcommittee's job, te weigh that evidence SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES industrial and Commercial The established, retiedle Ges Dealer in your eres. 3! CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) eon-geseral's report, it is only} jas good as the scientific evi-) jdence to date--for this was the) 728-9441 outlining Mrs.jhad entered the bank, A cus tomer, Bruce Marshall, 29, saw Commission Chairman Dr,|te gun and ran fram the bank John B, Neilson, said that "we/to call police, always act on such complaints! The robber fired one shot into by requesting the hospital in-jthe ceiling and herded 10 cus volved for a report of the cirjtomers into a corner, He or cumstances, upon which we thenidered four tellers to stuff) base our decisions," money into a paper bag he car "We have not received the ried hospital's report yet," he said.) As he lett, the gunman saidt | Mrs. Rudy's conyplaints were|"Don't move or ri blow your }brought to light Thursday in alheads off." front-page column in The Star) potice said that Irving and by Ronald Haggart Lagan also were charged with Max RB. Wallace, hospital sup-the Jan, @ armed holdup of & erintendent, said the Rudy case! liquor Control Board of Ontario had been reviewed "step by/store In which robbers netted step" by senior hospital sur./ $584, geons and 'they all agreed they would have handled the case in the same magner as the junior doctor whe treated the woman," Three days after the accident, the gitl was taken to a private hospital where she underwent treatment for the injuries, She is back at her job as a sten: ographer with the NDP's Queen's Park offices but is still under observation for head in- juries THE KEY LIST WITH PAUL RISTOW REALTO R 720-9474 '#7 SINS AST Angus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 King W., Oshawa @ Tel, 728-9581 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum professional Rug Cleaning all across Canada... 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