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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jan 1964, p. 8

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ew Zealand's Natural Splendor tured in Color Travelogue beauty of New|tures. Mrs. Linstead accompan- di ent . Herbert C. 'Linstead, re- their travels in the while Mr. Linstead was g pulpits with a min- of Auckland. Now serving United Church, , Mr. Linstead gave a tinning commentary on his pic- . |New Zealand possessed distinc- ied him to the meeting. Both are well known in the Courtice area which he formerly served, FLORA AND FAUNA Due to its isolated position tive bird, animal and plant life, the speaker explained showing pictures of the stately tree fern, palm trees and the flowering Christmas tree and the unusual Kiwi bird. 'Of British back- ground and origin, the cities have an English air about them with the traffic keeping to the left of the wide streets and the Whitby Brass Band Forms Auxiliary "The Whitby Brass Band La- dies' Auxiliary held its first , so far of shopping plazas," he said. "Hot springs abound 'in the northern jsland and one city has harnessed the underground steam to generate electricity. Lakes and trout streams afford a fisherman's paradise and the surf beaches are natural play- CHHLEH, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 WP OIE ae. 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 15, 1964 LODGES AND SOCIETIES CONVENER The Adelaide McLaughlin Home and School has com- pleted all arrangements for their annual night of cards to be held in the school audi- REBEKAH LODGE No, 3 Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No. 3, held its regular meeting January. 8 , with N, G. Sister Anne Cook presiding, assisted by Vv. G. Sister Vera Wirsching. After the flag of our country was presented, lodge was de- clared open for business, V. G. Sister Vera Wirsching read a lengthy report on the sick. Several Sisters are report- Smith, and_ treasurer, Molly Hartshorn. District Council meeting by Sis- ter Lily Barker and it was de- cided Court Charlene would Start the travelling gavel. January 22, will officially take the gavel to Court Venture ville who will in turn take it to another court. Sister A report was given on the On 1964, the Court in Bowman- Oa e. CHAIRMAN Mrs. L. V. Walker, above, is the chairman of the com- mittee arranging the Annual '}mentary and the SO ET ERGIRER Colored slides of Egypt and the Holy Land were shown at the oan, by pry f§ ved St. Gregory the Grea ni: 0! Catholic in the parish auditorium re- cently, Miss Grace Trull, an ex- change teacher in Europe two years ago, took the slides while on holidays, Miss Trull is an award winner in amateur photo- graphy and her many beautiful slides were made particularly interesting by me crisp. com- 'act that many of the places shown were those visited by Pope Paul VI on his recent visit to the Holy Land. Miss Trull was introduced by Miss Loretta Gates and thank- jed by Mrs. H. J. Duquette, The 'president, Mrs. William ty aad presided at the meet- ing. ' The corresponderice, read by Women's League} Catholic Women's League Views Slides Of Holy Land. members signified their inten- tion of attending, "4 The treasurer, Mrs. E. ©. Eg- erer, presented a gratifying fi- nancial report. It was decided that St, Greg- ory's Council would not. sponsor the participation of any stu- dents in the annual Diocesan CWL Public Speaking Contest this year, It was felt that the subjects designated were beyond the scope of students who would normally be found in the grades and age bracket involved, Miss Theresa Coyne, spiritua! convener, reported the reception of Corporate Holy Communion by the Council twice, prayers recited at the funeral parlors four times, and six Masses o*- fered for deceased members. -- Mrs, Bolssoin thanked Mrs, J. P. Mangan for the, excellent programs she has arranged dur- ing the past several months, and. also the social committee, headed. by Mrs, Anthony Cebul- ski and Mrs. Andrew Moffat, for their contribution to the en- joyment of the meetings. Refreshments were sérved by the social committee. COOK SLOWLY _ Low temperature in cooking meat results in less shrinkage and yields ten to 30 per cent more meat than high tempera- ture. Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C, CHIROPRACTOR Mii Raves 100 King St. E. 728-5156 | ' Bridge being held by the Golden Jubilee Chapter of the IODE tonight in the UAW Hall. Play will start at 8.00 o'clock. » --Oshawa Times Photo meeting in the band's social fall, Whitby, on Monday even- "The Whitby Brass Band has become very active in recent/New Zealanders also raise prize aot _ has pevecreed to the/cattle and dairy-farming is of int where it has taken a num-| creat importance to the coun- r of prizes in competition and}:yy, ' 1s a result receives invitations 0 tg cg gy _ affairs eo ogg earned sg fgg and parades. It is also in the) "The Southern island with A position where it has to be host/Zhristchurch as its main. city -- ~~ eR y oe fo other bands from around the|is a land of impressive moun-|I tore of thanks from! students|Corinthian Lodge on January 23. province. tains and lush forests. Christ- whe hea ahéited: the. olub's It was announced that therc It has a junior section of|2hurch itself is a beautiful city, scholarship prizes "jwould be a degree practice Younger members which are|® bit of transplanted England) Mrs M H M : |January 19, at 2.00 p.m. for al now also in demand and the be-|with roses blooming all year], | chy Beas cy offatt read the) members. on the degree. The find the scenes work load has|a%d Thododendrons and azaleas|/ist of social by for the|qegres will be conferred or become heavy. The wives and|»ooming in profusion in their] crane Aina -- gh B. January 22. 'out in the many tasks that have} "'New Zealanders are very lery of Toronto urgi sete Luella Smith and her committee to be attended to with a band|proud of their gardens, parks|ners to view the aplectiba served sandwiches and cookies of this size. and memorials which include Mrs, B. C. Hart Jury Sehwund with tea and a social time was = me ggg meeting of gy oe tear a hee ed that Dennis Sweeting, thea.|SPe"*- folowing wefe lected f(arsen, ll of whom connie manager, acloh Ahdcrt) COURT CUARLENE 17a . ted to their y? relop- l ebru- e regular meeting of Cour fice: president, Mrs, Harold Wy- pt et ary meeting. Charlene L1750 was held re torium, Tuesday, January 21, at 8.00 p.m, Mrs, Robert Booth, the convener, above, has anfounced that there will be all types of card games, prizes and refreshments. Mrs. Bruce' Laforce, included numerous "thank you" cards and a letter from. the. University Wonten's Club of Oshawa, invit- ing members of St. Gregory's CWL to a panel discussion on a resolution by the University Women's Club of New Westmin- ster, B.C., to amend Canadian law on abortions. A number of The degree team did a splen- did job on initiating six new members into the court. A round of applause was given to the new Sisters, Vivian Ambrose, Mary Brash, Winni- fred Glassford, Sandra Wilson, Linda Klein and Gladys Scott 'or being such good sports, The court has decided to *harter a. bus to Toronto, Janu- ary 30 for supper and enter- ainment. The bus will leave he Shopping Centre at 6.30 ».m, Anyone interested in go- ng can call Sister Bernice Vice at 728-5269. Sister Molly Hartshorn won he monthly mystery prize rhere will be a penny fair held at the next meeting and it is oped there will be a good attendance. Refreshments were served by some of the members. The next regular meeting will be Febru- ary 13, 1964. ed in the hospital. She also reported on the Christmas gifts and. visits to the shut-ings at Christmas. The secretary read the corre- pondence and "Thank you" notes. The roll call was taken and 12 PNG were present, Sister Margaret Lockie. gave the re- port of the CPT committee. It was decided to cater for rounds, "The plains provide vast graz- ing grounds for sheep and shéep- ranching is a major industry. SHOULD GIVE MORE TORONTO (CP) -- Mayor Philip Givens said Monday Ca- nadian millionaires are not as generous as their American counterparts and he suggested the city's St. Lawrence Centre for the-Arts project would be a good place for them to start. He told a business club luncheon he was impressed how rich men in American cities have been giving gifts to those cities where they -made their money. "It's about time some of our people started thinking in those terms," he said, tended thanks. Mrs, Lucas Pea- cock read the minutes in place of the secretary, Mrs. Avern CARPET COMPANY 282 King W., Oshawa ®@ Tel, 728-9581 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum professional SMART WOMEN ... have their carpets and uphol- stery cleaned 'The Safe Way' BLOOD CIRCULATION att; secretary, Mrs, W. E. Maun- der; and treasurer, Mrs. Morley Smith, all of Whitby. The next meeting will be Monday, Febru- REPORTS AND ACTIVITIES Mr. Linstead 'was introduced by Mrs. K. R. Wagg and Mrs. ary 10. Miss Hazel Barrie and Miss Agnes Strickland assisted Mrs Jones in receiving members and guests and during the tea hour cently in the Orange Templc with the president, Sister Zeld- MacMillan, presiding. Reports were given by the financia' Uriah Jones who presided ex- Miss E. M. Holmes poured tea vecretary, Sister Margaret HOUSEHOLD HINT Fruit and tomatoes can be sliced evenly if you use a saw-jis about 30 per cent more than toothed bread knife. By the 36th week of preg- nancy, the total amount of blood in the heart and blood vessels by DURACLEAN 728-8518 Rug Cleaning normal. Hioldon Bros mip-winteR Furniture Sale SAVE MONEY ON BETTER QUALITY BEDROOM -LIVING ROOM - AND DINING ROOM SUITES , BEDROOM SUITES DINING ROOM FURNITURE CHESTERFIELD SUITES Brushed white and Gold Triple Dresser, Chest Danish Walnut, Buffet, Hutch, Extension ; i and Bed, REGULAR 499.00 Table and 4 Chairs. REGULAR 379.00 339.00 KROSHLER, = *Nigaara Style: 4 Cation, Mite eae Night Table Danish Walnut, Master Buffet, Hutch, Exten- ; Te cla Choir, * Sebaiea he aan on Modern, 3 Cushion, Brown Tweed, 2 Piece. Antique white and gold, Quadruple Dresser, sion Table and 4 Chairs. REGULAR 449,00 REGULAR 329.00 Chest and Bed. REGULAR 719.00 French Provincial, Fruitwood, Buffet, Hutch, Finest a, ne Design, Cherry, hand Table and 4 Chairs. REGULAR 443.00 Dark Green Boucle, 2 Piece. REGULAR 349.00 padded finish, Triple 'Dresser, Chest and Bed French Provincial, Buffet, lar ; ; f , large China Cabinet, REGULAR 739.00 Table and 6 Chairs. 9 Piece Suite. Italian Provincial, Butternut, Triple Dresser, REGULAR 753.00 Ct and Bey ond 2 Night Toums. © pies French Provincial, Buffet, Hutch, Table and 6 REGULAR 782.00 A : French Provincial Fruitwood, Double Dresser, Cee FP: ace Nea d French Provinciai, large. size Buffet, Hutch, Chest and Bed. REGULAR 419.00 Table and 6 Chairs. 9 Pieces REGULAR 778.00 "Chantilly series', Cherry Triple Dresser, Chest and Bed. REGULAR 689.00 Italian Provincial, Brown Mahogany, Buffet, Hutch, Table and 4 Chairs, REGULAR 659.00 METAL DINETTE SUITES Bed. REGULAR 714.00 LIBERTY ANDREW KAUFMAN MALCOLM 429.00 54.50 579.00 KAUFMAN 379.00 KROEHLER 379.00 ANDREW MALCOLM ANDREW MALCOLM KNECHTEL KROEHLER KNECHTEL 597.00 KROEHLER Club Style, Semi Pillow port Tast, 2 Piece. 639.00 EGULAR 439.00 539.00 649.00 579.00 ANDREW MALCOLM ANDREW MALCOLM ANDREW MALCOLM DIELCRAFT Exquisite Styling, Light Green, 2 Piece. REGULAR 469.00 Charming French Provincial Style, Soft Green Shade. 2 Piece. REGULAR 479.00 French Provincial, 3 Cushion Model, 2 Piece. REGULAR 329.00 French Provincial, 4 Cushion Model. 2 Piece. REGULAR 349.00 599.00 KROEHLER 339.00 597.00 599.00 549.00 429.00 399.00 449.00 299.00 279.00 249.00 299.00 ANDREW MALCOLM GIBBARD KROEHLER GIBBARD BRAEMORE GIBBARD Modern Walnut, Triple Dresser, Chest and Bed and 2 Night Tables. REGULAR 706.00 Italian Provincial, Brown Mahogany, Master Dresser, Chest and Bed. REGULAR 499.00 Italian Provincial, Brown Mahogany, Triple Dresser, Chest and Bed. REGULAR 449.00 Modern Walnut, Triple Dresser, Chest, Bed and 2 Night Tables, 5 piece. REGULAR 548.00 French Provincial Fruitwood, Triple Dresser, Chest and Bed. REGULAR 349.00 French Provincial Fruitwood. Double Dresser, Chest and Bed. REGULAR 329.00 Modern Walnut, Triple Dresser, Chest and Bookcase Bed. REGULAR 379.00 Danish Modern Walnut, Triple Dresser, Chest and Bed. REGULAR 349.00 Early American, antique finish, Double Dress- er, Chest, Bed and Night Table. 4 piece. REGULAR 363.50 Modern Walnut Suite, Triple Dresser, Chest and Bed. REGULAR 249.00 Double Dresser, Chest and Bed. REGULAR 229.00 Modern Walnut, Double Dresser, Chest and Twin Beds, REGULAR 249.00 Walnut, Italian Provincial Triple Dresser, Chest, Bed and Night Tables. 4 pieces. REBGULAR 441.00 Modern Satin Walnut, Triple Dresser, Chest: and Bed. REGULAR 279.00 Modern Oiled Walnut, Triple Dresser, Chest and Bed. REGULAR 299.00 Night Table REGULAR 36.50 - Double Dresser, chest and Bed. REGULAR 269.00 BRAEMORE KNECHTEL French Provincial, Toast, 2 Piece. BRAEMORE REGULAR 379.00 Walnut grained top with handsomely styled chairs, larger size:table, 5 piece suite. REGULAR 99,50 Woodgrain top in grey with heavy duty chairs, chrome legs, 5 piece suite. REGULAR 99.50 Excellent styling, woodgrain walnut set, larger size extension table. 5 piece suite. REGULAR 119.50 Marble top Table, wrought iron frame Chairs, antique finish. 5 piece suite. REGULAR 149.50 BUNK BED OUTFITS Sturdy wagonwheel model, better quality mattress and springs, choice of maple or antique finish. REGULAR 109.00 Early American model, heavier built with turned posts, better quality smooth top mattresses and posture boards, complete with ladder and guard rail. REGULAR 139.00 KNECHTEL 69.50 69.50 BRAEMORE French Provincial, 2 Piece. REGULAR 399.00 KNECHTEL LIBERTY Modern, 4 Cushion, Avacado Green, May be ordered in choice of colors, 2 Piece, REGULAR 339.00 Modern, May be ordered in choice of colors. Piece. REGULAR 329.00 KNECHTEL BRAEMORE LIBERTY KNECHTEL 99.50 \ BRAEMORE LIBERTY 1 19.00 ; 2 KNECHTEL 'KAUFMAN CHAIRS Hi Style, French Provincial. Matching Pair. KAUFMAN 279.00 199.00 179.00 179.00 126.50 209.00 96.50 149.50 119.50 199.00 79.50 89.50 49.50 EACH 2 FOR EACH 2 FOR EACH 2 FOR REGULAR 99.50 89.50 BRAEMORE BRAEMORE French Provincial, 119.00 Matching Pair, BRAEMORE Italian Provincial, VIC ART Simmons Deep Quiltop mattress and matching box spring, one of the best made by this famous bedding manufacturer, construc- tion features in the mattress include 452 autolock coil construc- tion, high quality ticking and quiltop. Box spring is built to give best support. MATTRESS OR BOX SPRING, EACH ...... REGULAR 79.50 Serta Posture -- Mattress, smooth top, multi-coil construction, heavy duty ticking, durable edge wire support, matching box spring, same low price. 39.50 Yblbbn Buy 4 SHOWROOM FLOORS: FURNITURE COMPANY = 329.00 Matching Pair, 239.00 259.00 33.50 229.00 ee KROEHLER --_Lounge Chairs. 59.50 KROEHLER REGULAR 109.50 KROEHLER MONTMAGNY Relaxers. Rockers, Choice of Covers and colors. VALUES TO 69.50 63 KING STREET EAST | PHONE 725-3514

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