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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jan 1964, p. 11

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16 Bills 2 | QUEBEC (CP) -- The' Lib- ral government of Premier Sage has given every indica- ion it won't waste any time get- down to work in the ses- ion which opened Tuesday. A total of 16 government bills Ppeared on the order paper at e first day of the new ses- fion. . Premier Lesage told the as- ly that Bill 60, the meas- re creating an education minis- 'y which was first introduced en. shelved--last sessien, will the first legislation taken up, ably Monday. ' There were indications the hrone speech debate will be! ief. It could end Thursday af- r Mr. Lesage replies to Oppo- ition Leader Johnson's opening Ivo. Today, Liberal back- benchers Ernest Godbout and) Georges Kennedy will move and) second the reply to the throne speech. against certain groups. A Fair Employment practices lous or racial discrimination against job seekers, was pro- posed, It also said that married Act, designed to prohibit relig- ion nationale had advocated a these were election, a ETRE APIS Hess teh se But he shia the speech con- tained no surprises and that it e On Fir st Da lignored urgent problems. ws | It contained 'no hope for the although Prime | unemployed," |Minister Pearson had said un- ' ; ] ; i dat Face Quebec's Lesage !'ic iim a provincial problem. jemployment, ------. i i A dg Man Swings ' At Detective After Sentence TORONTO (CP) -- William McNiven, 37, of Toronto, sen- various kinds of discrimination! Mr. Johnson, speaking to re-, He was pleased at bills to fight | 1 rm \porters, expressed pleasure at job discrimination and improve pared Ai bag Mpeg rushed out of a pris- the announcement saying the un-|the Jegal status of women, butjoner's box in a city hall court- "less urgent, less|room Tuesday night and swung pensions plan in the 1962 general | critical' than taxation and un-|wildly at a detective whose ev- idence helped convict him. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Jonuary 16,1964 ]] MeNiven took several swings| Simko received 10 years in| at Det. Forbes Ewing before he|penitentiary while Dynes and was subdued by seven other de-; Harvey were sentenced to three tectives and uniformed police|years each. ' constables. : During the trial Dynes one eur came ae 30,|changed his plea to guilty, then no fixed address, imar iti Tink, 95, of Dean' Lake and testified that the other three ac- Murray Harvey, 40. of Toronto|"USed were not guilty as were all sentenced by county|charged. He admitted giving court Judge Farquhar R. Mac-|/Harvey $800 after the robbery Rae for their part in the $11,000}but insisted Harvey did not robbery of a branch of the Tor-|know it was part of the bank onto-Dominion Bank last Feb, 1./ loot. ; women, will be given "'full legal capacity." Under Quebec's Civil Code, most married women may not take legal action without appro- val of their husbands, It also confirmed the govern-| ment's intention of creating a special committee to study col. lective bargaining and arbitra- tion of disputes for civil serv- ants, and employees of hospi- tals, school boards and munici- palities. The speech said the House would be asked "to carry on study of a draft labor code," an amalgar ation of seven labor re-| lations laws first \itroduced last session, then redrafted following . The speech, read to a packed audience in the floodlit, legisla- five council chambers, outlined a broad range of measures, sev- eral of them aimed at ending | public hearings. It predicted legislation on a portable, state - operated and compulsory pensions plan. BRITISH BRIEFS ' Trained Lured By Offers ,. By M. McINTYRE HOOD 'Special to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- Over 3,000 train- @d nurses. left Britain in the last 12 months to work in hospitals in other countries. Of these 150 from Scotland migrated to Can- ada, induced to go west by the much better pay and working conditions that Canadian hospi- tals offer. According to a Scot- tish matron, Scotland is losing many of its best nurses to Can- ada. LINE REPRIEVED ST. ALBANS, Herts -- The branch railway line between St. Albans and Watford, scheduled for closure under the Beeching plan, has been reprieved. It is "to remain in operation, atthough with a restricted service. SCOUTS BUY CHURCH BROMLEY -- Scouts of the 15th Bromiley group have bought a disused church for $10,800 to be turned into a scout feadquar- ters. The church, St. Michael's of Bromley, has not been used Nurses expected to be the first of sev-} eral big trade deals being ar-| ranged between Russia and| Britain. | QUESTIONS FOR PULPIT BANSTEAD, Surrey -- So that. young people can raise their own points about religion, Rev. F. Schofield, vicar of Ban- stead, dropped his evening ser- mons during December. In its place, answers were given from the pulpit to questions they submitted, COLLEGE COSTS SHOCK LONDON -- The bill for build- ing work at the London County Council training college was more than the original estimate. Blame is placed on the fact that the planning was donein a hurry. | MARGATE TO MARGATE MARGATE, Kent -- Margate | Councillor John Barnett will be going to South Africa early in 1964. With him will go a plaque which he will present to the mayor of Margate, Natal, along for services since the war. FOR SAFER DRIVING. NORFOLK - To make night Fah, Rowe Norfolk Highways mittee-has agreed toa plan|ed- for white road surfaces in fu-|cepted ture instead of biack, though the scheme may double road costs. WANT 16 SCHOOL AGE LONDON -- A plea for an early government announcement to increase the school-leav- ing age to 16 has been made by the London County Council. The council supported § the recommendation of the Newcom report that the school-leaving age should go up. eveniwoman to share her compart- with a resolution of goodwill from the council. FOR LADIES ONLY WOKINGHAM -- In a crowd- train, a male passenger ac- an invitation from a ment. But it was marked "For Ladies Only", so he was hauled into court at Wokingham and fined $3. | CENTRE ON STILTS WOKING, Surrey -- A new town centre built on stilts to provide a vast free car park underneath has been proposd for Woking by a councillor, He criticized a council. scheme for a central shopping area - free APPLE THROWER FINED CHESTERFIELD, Derbyshire --A 17 - year- old youth, who) LONDON -- Folk music is be-| threw an apple at the Tranmere Rovers' goalkeeper during a football match at Chesterfieldjover 200 clubs for folk music| was fined $9 and costs when he appeared in court after the inci-jtry. The majority of the fans| dent. BASE FOR YACHTS POOLE, Dorset -- Work will begin in the spring on a $1,800,- 000 yacht marina --, the largest in Europe -- at Poole harbor, Dorset. There wil! be berths for nearly 1,000 yachts, plus a 150- bedroom hotel and 200 flat. SERMON TIMER lv = SWANSCOMBE, Kent -- meldaife Terms Swans-| vicar of Galley Hill, combe, Kent, Rey. Montague Cox, has installed an electri: timer which gives a discreet ring in his pulpit to remind him when to end his sermons. SHIPS FOR RUSSIA GLASGOW, Scotland -- Rus sia is to place an order worth $9,000,000 for three dredgers with the Glasgow shipyard of Simons-Lobnitz. This order is) Bushed Mayor Halts Metro -- Meeting | TORONTO (CP) -- Metropol- itan Toronto council Tuesday halted discussion on a resolution for amalgamation of the metro- politan area after Mayor Philip Givens complained of exhaus- tion. Council referred the conten- tious issue to the executive committee for further study. | '*We have had one death (Mayor Donald Summerville) from exhaustion this year--wh) be foolhardy about -another?' the mayor said Amalgamation would merg semi-autonomous suburbs. the city of Toronto with Its 1 S DANGEROUS FINDS jpleading guilty to a 'reduced| }charge of non-capital murder in| from vehicular traffic. FOLK MUSIC POPULAR coming more popular every| jyear in Britain. There are now) fans spread all over the coun: | jlike the old music as it is, with- jout modern taint. Holdup Slaying | } Costs 3 Men BRANTFORD (CP) -- Three |Brantford men were sentenced, today to life imprisonment after | the holdup slaying of a store- keeper here Oct, 17, James Smale, 20, Marvin Dzi- kowicz, 20, and Ronald Newell, 26, had been on trial for cap- ital murder. Preston Graham, 56, was shot and killed during an attempt to rob his variety store. Two Crown witnesses gave ev- idence Tuesday. Mrs. Barbara McColeman, 23, keeper of a rooming house where two of the three men lived, said she heard them plan- ning the robbery. ; T'S A @ FACT! Yes, Nu-Way has ' over 50 rolls of car-- @ pet on display. No 4 matter what type of carpet you wont, you 4 will be able to see it Nu-Way OVERSTRAND, England (CP) > Rug Co. Children playing on a Norfolk beach found some wartime in- cendiary bombs under a fallen cliffface. The army now is 728-4681 searching thousands of tons "p> rock for any others. 174 MARY ST, € 4 tn tn hh Jack Fraser stores JANUARY CLEARANCE All Outerwear Prices Are Reduced Prices are reduced prior to stocktaking--Save on 1963-64 styles (exactly as shown), Save 6.99... Top Canadian Make Stadium Coat The Number One Favour- ite in 36" length coats! It's quality Agilon NYLON backed by foam lamination and an exclusive quilt lin- ing which is most hand- some. All wool knitted col- lar is perfectly matched to coat. Popular black or rich brown, sizes 36 to 46. REGULAR 29.95 24.95 Save 7.58... Detachable. Lining 40" COAT This wonder tabric 65% Terylene with 35% cotton is treated with "Scotch- gard" for rain and stain re- pellency . . zip-in check lining is warmly backed with "lam- inated" foam. Moss green and beige, sizes 36 to 44. ORIGINALLY All Wool Exceptional illustrated, . Detachable neat traditional REGULAR 49,95 S and $65 SS iad Save up te 16.15... The OVERCOAT $40! Elegantly tailored, as all wool velour, Big selec- tion including overchecks, Houndstooths, © and Sizes 36 to 46, WORTH $45 er more Packed with Value -- Styl- ish Suits are well tailored in regular models and Young Men's models. Choose 2 or 3 buttons. ALL WOOL WORSTED SUITS include small neat patterns and plains . . . also 65% WOOL with 35% TERYLENE SUITS in heavier weight. Plain shades. Sizes 36 to 46. WORTH $48 Value under from quality plain shades. MEN'S SHIRTS 6.95 Value... Plaids and Tartans Rich in colour! Beautifully soft and luxurious shirts . . . long sleeves, breast pockets. Fully washable, shrink-proof. Sizes S-M-L-XL. 387 "SLIM LINE" SLACKS The popu!ar Continental style younger men. Sizes 29 to 38 include neat check patterns, dignified herring- bones, and plain shades. Generally dark- er tones including plain black. REGULAR 10.95 876 MEN'S SHIRTS Ends of Ranges Te Clear! for | Massive Selection of Brand Makes! Buy several quality brand sport shirts and make a real saving! Plenty of pat- terns and colours including fancy pat- terns and plains . . . big size-range. S-M-L-XL. PREVIOUSLY $5 and $6 357 Two for $7 ALL MEN'S & BOYS' OUTERWEAR IS BOYS ... DOUBLE KNEE protection LINED CHINO SLACKS Sturdy cotton drill fabric with double stitched seams. Snug elastic waist at back. Slacks are completely lined with soft napped cotton, fully Sanforized and washable. Several colours in sizes 6 to 12. 343 ORIGINALLY 3.89 WARMLY LINED SLACKS Sanforized cotton slacks are fully lined with soft napped flannelette . . . slim- line slacks, belt loops. Loden green, black, charcoal. Sizes 8 to 18. REGULAR 4.98 399 Save 3.18 on Boys' deep pile lined ' DUFFLE COATS 65% cotton with 35% nylon is water- repellent. Coat and detachable hood is fully lined. Concealed zipper front. Loden green, brown, char grey. Sizes 6 to 18. 1177 ORIGINALLY 14.95 NO DOWN PAYMENT Easy Credit Terms +++ many months to pay" SAVE ALMOST $3! BOYS' FAVOURITES made hy UTEX OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PRICE-REDUCED SAVE 99 Cents on BOYS' KNITTED SHIRTS Quality Canadian make. Long sleeves. Choose stripes, plains, fancies, sizes 8 to 18. 199 REGULAR 2.98 BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS SAVE on quality cotton broadcloth shirts. Neat patterns are colourfast . . . long sleeves, unusually neat collars. Sizes 6 to 18. 2 for #3 157 1. Quality-made in nylon tricot backed by foam lamination. Big, bold collar is wool knitted. 2. DUFFLE COAT has warmly lined hood which is zipper detachable. Also nylon tricot with lamination. Sizes 6 to 18. REGULAR 13.95 41(0)99 Shop TIIl 9 P.M. Friday Evening 4 FURISALE REDUCTIONS 30% TO 50% ALL FINEST QUALITY FURS FRESH STOCK --- 1964 STYLED i. eyaly Sure meena fothioned in the lat- manner, Entire st stalse Included selec ee Reg. Sale $400 199, fine quolity, natural Grey Persian Lamb Jacket fine quality, Mink trimmed (dyed) Black Persian Lamb Jackets fine quolity, Mink trimmed Brown Persian Lamb Coat fine quolity, notural Grey Persian Lamb Coats fine quality, Hollander (dyed) Black Persian Lamb Coats $495 295, $750 495, $750 495, $750 495, REG. SALE $495 295, fine quality, fully let out Natural Wild Mink Stoles fine quolity, natural Pastel Mink Stoles fine quality, netural Emba--"let-out" Autumn Haze Mink Stoles fine quality, notural EMBA Pastel Mink Jacket $650 395, $750 495. $800 575, other quality furs REG. SALE $250 118, fine quality, naturol White Arctic Fox Stoles fine quality, fully let-out Dyed Kolinsky Jackets fine quolity, dyed China Mink Coats fine quality, notural Beaver Coats and many other wonderful buys Budget Terms Easily Arranged MARTEN'S FURS TS KING STREET EAS fom - $495 2965. $750 495,. $750. 495, Opposite Hotel Genosha | | | |

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