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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jan 1964, p. 13

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az OFFICERS FOR THE en- suing year were elected at ' the Wednesday night meet- ing of the Oshawa Shrine Club, Members of the execu- tive, from left in the upper picture, are Noble Percy Cole, treasurer; Noble Kenneth Jackson; vice - president; Noble Cecil Eliott, president; Noble Ken Grope, chief rabban Noble Douglas Ives, secre- tary; Noble Miles Stoughton, immediate past president and Noble, N. W. Purdy, install- ing officer, One of the high- lights of the meeting was the | |Albert Street United Church) The magistrate 'jelected officers for the ensuing/do think the drivers of these | |year, Noble Thomas Russell for a United States flag, Union Jack and 'another banner, Noble Harry Gay, a _ past president of the chib, is seen at right. hawa Times Photos At Organization Meeting, | 15 Female Workers Fired BOWMANVILLE (Staff!) -- Fifteen female workers, who at- tended a union organization meeting Monday, found they no aes" jobs at the Special- ty r Products plant here when they rted for work the 45 plant employees have now joined Local 466 of the Printing Specialties and Paper Products Union. Certification of the unit has been applied for, but so far no date for the Labor 'Department hearing has been set. basis ranging from 27 cents an hour up, It is reported that the girls who were earning the top rate were offered $1.05 an hour with i three month probation period. The offer was rejected in favor of union certificaiton, Be said Company Questioned about the work) One employee dismissed Mon- oat Harold McGee told ail stoppage, company presidentiday described working condi- who had been absent that they were fired. Among those dismissed were several women who claim they were " gick on the day of the meeting. No explanations for the dis- » missals was given by the com-jemployees are said to range _ pany. 22 QUIT JOBS Since Tuesday 22 more female * employees have walked off their jobs. It is reported that only eight are still at work in the CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations. and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating their birthdays today: Kim Horner, 3354 Rosedale @rive, Whitby, and Jackie MacDonald, 273 Trent street, | Oshawa. Phone 723-3474, GET TOGETHER CLUB AIDS TB ASSOCIATION Teen-age dances at a local high school have benefitted the Ontario County TB Asso- ciation to the tune df $150 +Rev. H. A. Mellow, minister jot Neorthminster United 'no comment". All he knew he said, was working'. QUOTA REQUIRED Pay scales for Specialty plant "the girls are not from 80 to 90 cents an hour. One union member claimed the girls are required to fill a quota. Should. they fail to keep up, they are paid on a piece work! Tila Sichees Peck, pete Fell Asleep of the group at the Monday meeting, said that 37 of | Driver Admits Francis Clyde Duval, 319 {Centre street north, Whitby, fell asleep at the wheel of his car, jhe told Oshawa Magistrate's Court, Wednesday. | He said: "Last thing I re- member I was looking at the/ white line, then I heard grave! under the wheels and I was in ithe ditch," Duval was pleaded guilty to driving care- ¥. Church and chairman of the association's rehabilita- tion committee, is shown above. as he receives the cheque from Brendan Calder, president of the Get Together. . Monday,|McGee said he would makejtions as "deplorable". Another grievance mentioned jis that the female employees are expected to load trucks with jbundies weighing up to 100! jpounds each, Damage Is $675 | In Collision Two vehicles collided at the jjunction of Bond and Mary Streets, Wednesday, causing a total of $675 damage Clarence McLean, RR 4, Osh- awa, the driver of one car ended up with $4530 damage to : his vehicle and the other dri-(when he pleaded guilty to driv-/Taunton roads, Larkin's ear col./S1Ve"_ out ver, Gordon Simpson, 30 LaSalle crescent, Oshawa, suffered $225/'02¢. jdamage to his car, There were no pers injuri M IT EASY jeil authorized construction of|Christmas spirit giving the trees srumental, | Whsclchairjaway but there & nothing more!" oY... 179 Caatietield ' ramps in front of the new Mani-idangerous on a highway than! ' y. asteneld) yw, " idrov | fined $5 andtoba Rehabilitation Hospital.obstacles falling off trucks." | Weenen".t © fesnaie eadienoes dalérove sound, & Dead ca High./werk. ordered to pay costs when he/The ramps, costi itwo experimental $100 each, jwill enable wheel-chair patients ito cross with ease and safety.istreet north, Oshawa, was tined sufficient evidence against him. Club. The presentation was witnessed by, left, Linda Shine, secretary; Dan Hilts, organizer; Boh Crowthers, chairman of the record com- mittee and Mrs. E.-A. Collins, ef the a> AKES | WINNIPEG (CP)--City coun- _| Hit Tanker 1 Fined S00 She Oshawa Times Two thousand gallons of gas poured into a ditch when two S igiant transport vehicles collid-/SECOND y jed, Oshawa Magistrate's Court|----------- was told Wednesday, Thomas G. Lynn, 1414 Pem- broke drive, Oakville, was found guilty of careless driving and fined 3100 and costs. OPP Constable R. Bibeau said that Lynn was driving a car transport vehicle on to Highway 401, near Stevenson road overpass, when he ran into the back of the gasoline tanker. The tanker was pushed into a ditch and its 2000 gallon load spilled. Lynn told the court he was about 1,000 feet behind the tank- er when he first saw it, He could not judge how fast the tanker was travelling and kept up a speed of about 50 miles per hour. Lynn said that a car pulled along side him so that he could not move out to pass the tanker nor could he slow down in time when he saw how fast he was approaching the tanker which was travelling at about 15 miles per hour, J Church Choir N Offi ig cree -- as 8 e could not acce ames Icers Loans story that he could m2 Following a recent practice|slow down when he had seen} the members of the choir of|the tanker for 1,000 feet. added: OSHAWA ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1964 PAGE THIRTEEN SECTION 1 THE SCHOOL TEACHERS of Oshawa had an opportunity to learn more about mental health in education' Wednes- day, when the Oshawa-Ontario County Branch of the Cana- Elliott, superintendent of Pub- ers' Associations; E. J, Finan, lic Schools; Dr, C, G, Stogdil, i tor of Separate Schools chiet of Child Adjustment Ser- and EB. G, McNeely, presidsat Oshawa-Ontario branch of the vice, Toronto; Miss Bileen ha 0 County Mental Health Associa- Ewart, president, Oshawa Federation of Women Teach- tion, Oshawa Times Photo trailers are high class they make Oshawa Fire Fighters answer- three routine ambulance calls, Wednesday, but were no fire alarms, THREE AMBULANCE ewe |and J. H. Valleau, dian Mental Health Associa- : : tn." a Mrs;. Mona Morrison was re-jdrivers but even shop. me ae Lg elected as president, He r)mistakes,"' = took Fe = assistant as vice-president is} ------------------- --) 8 . inv ight: Dc "tf Mrs, Annie Lee, The other | oracle are, jo right: Dr. C, M. officers are: secretary, Mrs, Homemakers: | ; Eileen Bryant; treasurer, sen- . jor choir, Mrs. Gladys Clark; B kl t O h W T h St dy treasurer, junior choir, Mrs, R . Y 00 e Ss a a eac ers u 'dogs Wiltshire; gown Bags eview @ar tee, Mrs, Betty Grandy an i the ee Am eas rin On C Aspects Of Mental Health Misses Beverly Scott, Linda/celved from the Ontario Red n ancer ) Cc ) en a Adams and Genie Yorkevich;/Cross Homemaker Services Ad- | sick committee, Genie Yourke-/ministrative Committee, wa 8 e Three hundred Oshawa school/fee! about everything now -- atjusually advisable to refer such vich and Gerald Beecroft; so-/reviewed at the January. meet:| I P ed teachers were told by an educa-/present, and last of all, wejchildren to a psychologist to cial committee, Bob Bent, Gor-jing of the Oshawa Branch, | S Tals tion expert, Wednesday, there/should be particularly concern-|cover what is at the root of his don ene and Mrs, Shirley) The Oshawa Branch super-| jis no moe ing as Page sea 9 pe hg pyar et | we eat trouble, Wallis; reporter, -- Stan./visor, $, ;, s dee » D, Urquhart, district consul-|going to concer abou Gardner, |her Phe Boon tor 1063. A lontatie Comte wan of yo tant, Toronto, 'Board of Educa-|positive mental health in the|PANEL DISCUSSION Rey, A. E) Larke commend-| substantial increase in corvinsaiifan Cancer Society, President|tion, said: "If there is mental/classroom. ed the choir for its faithfullto senior citizens was noted, |Kenneth Smyth in praising the|health in a classroom it ra+) Miss A, E. Ewart, a teacher , service during the past year and) my souch 3 * new illustrated booklet 'Smok-|ates from the teacher." at Duke of Edinburgh School,/H. Jackson as moderator, deal- also pointed out that the minis- rough the co-operation of in and Cancer" which is now| He was addressing the teach- was conference chairman and ing with ideas and queries aris- try of music is an essential|the Oshawa Board of Educa-| available tree to ail schools said,lers at a workshop co-sponsored welcomed the gathering of more|ing out of speakers - presenta- part of the worship service. tion, the Homemaker Services|'nis booklet presents graphic-/by Oshawa Board of Education|{han 300 teachers, and asked tions and group discussions, The minister and choir en-|/¢ itt a " lt ie gs their co-operation in evatuating| Panel members were .A, Hen : é ommittee arranged a specialjally for every adolescent thejand the Oshawa-Ontario County) joyed a tasty lunch arranged) niente for h kers|facts they should know now. If/branch of the Canadian Mental|the conference by completing ajwood, teacher of the opportunity by the social committee. | SRS COREE SRE RN " : ny {questionnaire and depositing it/class at E. A. Lovell School, wy me. soca: Comm at the McLaughlin Collegiate|they are to avoid the heavy bur-/Health Association to give teach- on thelr way "out Mrs. D. K Ralph ' den of lung cancer én their later/ers an opportunity to learn more y Y Howlett. Mi ' ae . ® and Vocational Institute, The " Dr. C. M. Elliott, superinten-|Howlett, Miss Elizabeth Schae- i years, Anyone placing this book-/about mental health in educa- > fi by Yup Icate | course patterned after a rec-|jet in' the h ant Iti dent of Oshawa's Publicifer, Senior Public Health Nurse, ' Los Hoh aia cemaaedlba te Bt ccnadinnlsd bey wpoei.|Schools, reminded the gathering|Miss Phyllis Kratz, primary iB . d S jommended university course, | will do them a singular serv-| Mr, Urquhart spoke on 'Posi- of the tremendous amount of|teacher and Dr, G, A, Rundle, riage cores jembraced ten two-hour lectures|!ce". tive Mental Health in the Class-|% 106, Soma gone into the|paediatrician, The winners and high scores|4uring the fall of 1963, and was) Walter C. Famme, campaign -- planning of the Conference and| Following Dr. Stopdil's talk, of the games played by thelopen to all interested, Thirteen|chairman for District 3 and for|"UNHOLY TRINITY" commended the local Canadian' od conference was divided inte members of the Whitby Dupli-!Oshawa Red Cross -- home-|the unit, reported that to meet) He spoke of the "unholy trin-/Mental Health' Association for oa groups, with Don Sin- cate Bridge Club were: the increasing demands for/ity" -- punishment, reward and|their leadership, the Oshawa/clair of Toronto and Dr. C, H, North and South -- Mr, anq|™mekers attended, as well as a) competition, and emphasized|Board of Education for the use|Jackson of Oshawa Mrs. H. Baker. 90; Mr. and Mrs,|2wmber from the Pickering/funds for the explosive research!i.at there. is no such thing aslof the school and the in- after H. Winter, 8614; Mrs. Bowman|#tea branch, eanegens 08 hein egg lary child. Also, a child/dividuals who served. land Mrs, Irwin. 73: Mrs, P,| With the increase in training Pendin re Sih pected rebgyr Ai should not need a reward -- the|planning it, wh eee resumed with Spratt and Mrs, D, Wilson, 68,\given to the homemakers|))., rid drive for funds in April task itself should be worthwhile, SOMETHING ACHIEVED ; Gakens childs director of the | East and West -- Mrs. Chubb/through various special courses,!wint be as good or better than| Every youngster possesses 8) Guest speaker, Dr. C. G. Stog- og and Mrs, Maundrell, 83; Mrs,/the supervisor is receiving &/i..¢ vear's campaign, when over|Potential in development, This!) ya, MD, chief of Child Ad-/n trouhart. BA MEd Bovay and Miss Bovay, 72%4;|growing number of excellent! es) 999 was raised in the county,| Will inevitably take place if wel iuciment Service, Toronto, was|consul nm of the te ane Mrs. McCutcheon and Mrs,/reports with respect to the) Ms a a sos dp "Isupply @ suitable environment. |{\iroqueed by Gerald Harper, Soend or inadniih eronto Pirie, 72; Mr, and Mrs, Good-| service, © coincide with budget timeiwe don't believe that every f Vincent. Masse' ts : in industry, generally, a letter| principal ince Mi win, © Fotlowing the meeting, a s0- has been sent to bus ness firms child is capable of developing) School, 'ig cial hour was held to honor solicit their continuing inter- in a positive way, but as teach- Dr. Stogdil spoke on "The a valued, st - search work of the/e's We can provide an environ- Identification of Mental Health and long standing member of{'Sciety by including it in their|ment, that will guarantee &/ problems in the Classroom's jthe committee, whose resigna- saree { at this ine in prepara: chance for positive develop-/ie said that we are more famil- there|tion has been regretfully) p jment, iar with mental ill health when tion for the April appeal, accepted. Mrs. ©. D. Friend, reporting} Al8, each individual is unique|we think of the psychiatric side -- Ser "lar Site We Bear tet -- no two environments will be/of mental health, service chairman, staved that ik/tve seme even within a family.) «We all have some Gegree of is planned to introduce films|/S® & teacher has perhaps 36 in-/mental health, also some de- dividuals in a classroom. We/eree of mental ill health, Men-/ WASHINGTON (AP Police Foll 'Police 0. OW and short talks on cancer have found over the years to is not something wejident Johnson | topics to afternoon audiences Otlexpect that we will have sitlare horn with < itis something|dent. Antonio, Seg . lic awareness of cancer facts|*terent reading levels in anive achieve through patterns afidays of talks with a cali Wed- lar Trees and of the progress "which is/verage grade seven. So we di-/health and ie being made in diagnosis and) "Wea a tg | Dr Stogdil : | Police followed a trail of, ts w jtreatment, Mrs. Friend also re- y concerned) reachers that they can influence . lpdtatinnd treet tet tea Ger ars aie page ge ported that a gift was made at/With the way children think and/ine chila's mental health by set-| In a joint communique they nett Johnston into Oshawa Ma-'sten sign, = * Mogg oye i bagye Lent ting high sentaras < o -- scene and ae ae igistrate's Court on Wednesday. | > , ent in the awa Gene . jour, The speaker sal rejon establishing an Atlantic alli- [*'Tehnston, 2 Greenwood av-|said Lacion tees red capes Hospital and to those at home, Failed To Allow {arcusually two, three or fourjance nuclear missile fleet 'ate lenue, Toronto, was fined at the junction of Harmony 2 2A Also that yg Bh H If Of Th R d children in a classroom who/proceeding satisfactorily. a sporta ing a truck with an insecureliided with another vehicle at|"@S Provided for one patient, a aly a a the junction, His car rolled into! Executive secretary, Mrs, F.| Alma Raffalovich, 279 Queen| OPP Constable Alan Summers/a field and caught fire said the| Lloyd reported that a bequest of;street, Port Perry, was fined|children by keeping a said that mS en were -- constable. $750 had been os ay from on ha ta ordered to pay costs at/of stot in eels behaviour, jone after the other from the! estate of a former Cannington/Oshawa Magistrate's Court,|to notice if a c' provoked, jing means of | jback of Johnston's truck, | Terrence Smith, 305 Admiral resident, |Wednesday, when she pleaded|tired or irritable, tions with the Soviet 'Union Magistrate Harry Jermyn) ong cosis when he pleaded guil-| Ajax-Pickering Branch Presi guilty to failing to allow an-| He urged that they listen with) Segni also emphasized the ja "third ear", Some youngsters/need for an Atlantic partnership ; = jeht dent, W. H, G, Thompson re-/other driver half of the road. A $e Salling te 7telt Ce gt ead the eucpunttal showing of OPP Constable E. Collinwood reveal nothing but violent feel-land a politically united Europe jtold the court Mrs. Raffalovich|ings in compositions or artlin an address to.a joint session the film "Time and avenue, Toronto, had a charge! 4 of Congrese, | 2 4 jthat area, whilst Whitby Branch) way 47, north of Uxbridge, on) Such youngste: ae Nor Sv Iwhesnolice could aot provid. (President, W. Davidson indi-(the Jefl hand side of te tonne h aoel Ser at Coctiang |iey aah tolegete seine Raymond Larkin, 1467 Simcoe/¥ ce pro cated that several "In Memon |and collided head-on with an/Dr, Steglil spoke of the hyper- ad iam" contributions had been re-/ oncoming vehicle. active youngster and the brain- |ADMITS OVERLOAD ceived ' No one was injured, damaged child and said that it is Paul Crough, Lot 6, Con, 5 . i GBI TANS ATE EA lTanesmore Township pleaded) Ff guilty to overloading a truck and not having a chauffer's li-| cence, He was fined $50 on the first charge and $10 on the sec jond. | | Hendrick DeHann, 153 Mark-/ jham street, Hamilton, was fined) $10 when he pleaded guilty to jdriving at 68 miles per hour ir! la 60 mph limit area. | A charge of careless drivin | against Gordon Matthews, RR |Uxbridge, was dismissed, | Harriet Williams, 613° Wych-) jwood street, Oshawa, had a leareless driving charge dismiss- ed. isaid: "This fellow really had a $8 AND COSTS Kenneth Ashmore, 557 Gar. rard road, Oshawa, was fined $10 and costs when he pleaded) guilty to owning an unsafe vehicle, Ashmore told the court another man was driving the} vehicle for him and had not re- yorted the mechanical defects.) Magistrate' Jermyn said he could not accept this excuse as ja defence | Patrick Gaul, 32 Port Dover road, West Hill, was fined $10 and costs when he pleaded guilty to having liquor in a coach. CHEQUE TO FURTHER SPEECH THERAPY PROGRAM The necessary help and esters, Court Chariene Lodge Mrs, Blair convened a bazaar made. The ati - aining which is given at No. 1750. Harold McNeill, di- which was held to raise the ed to tater ee wane ncoe Hall for handicapped rector of Simcoe Hall Settle. money. Mrs, Zelda MacMil- training at the crippled chil- rea was furthered by the ment House, is shown above lan, right, president, and Mrs. dren school and treatment of $400 by the members as he receives the cheque Bernice Vice, co-convener, center. of the Canadian Order of For. drom Mire. Bisie Blair. right. leok en as the aresentation te --Oshawa Times Phate \ 1. sociation. The GET Club or-| Eric Davis, 127 Mande street ganizes teen dances at O'Neill |Peterborough: Ronald Sheehey Collegiate and Vocational In- [Lot 13, Con, 6, Burnt -- River,/ stitute each week and chan- /Ont., and Angus Nicholson, RF) S: nels the profits to worthwhile 3, Peterborough, were all fined) c causes $10 and costs when they pleaded ~Oshawa Times Photo iguilty to re J } if

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